tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC February 13, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST
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h care provider about novolog® flexpen today ya. alright, another one just like that. right in the old bucket. good toss! see that's much better! that was good. you had your shoulder pointed, you kept your eyes on your target. let's do it again -- watch me. just like that one... [ male announcer ] the durability of the volkswagen passat. pass down something he will be grateful for. good arm. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ back to you. you know, i thought louis was bad. >> what was his bad? >> i thought he was pathetic, actually, and kind of slobbering. >> schactman couldn't even complete sentences when he sees kate upton. >> oh, my god. it's -- >> you know what?
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i never even heard of her before today. >> i don't even know what to say. i can't defend myself. we should bring her in and see how she reacts. >> jeff greenfield, let's get serious. what have you learn today, my man. >> the mayor of l.a. told us crime has plummeted in los angeles despite the economy. >> chicago needs to get their act together. new york gun vie lance olence a lows. l.a. down 40%. the scourge in chicago can be fixed. mike? >> on ash wednesday i learned once again that tom coburn, despite where you are in the ideological spectrum, deserves to be your favorite united states senator. >> i love tom coburn. >> i was sad calvin coolidge lost his 16-year-old son to a tennis blister. >> incredible story. >> why is phil here? >> he was looking in the mirror.
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i don't know. phil, kate upton's not here. we were just talking about her. >> we're just discussing the cover. >> kate upton's gone. she's not here. >> she's not here. >> kate upton's not here. you can go back to your office. it's way too early for "morning joe." please stick around. i don't even know who she is. why do guys act this way? here's the great chuck todd. three for the price of one. president obama's state of the union feels more like three speeches at once. a short-term rallying cry, a long-term laundry list and an unusually emotional plea for action to change gun laws. while senator marco rubio's watershed moment for the party came up dry in one way, his punchy primetime pitch did rev up the base. and it stirred up more 2016 talk. also this morning, an exclusive first interview. exit interview of sorts. with now former indiana senator dick lugar since he left the
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senate on what's wrong with congress, politics and the republican party, and how he thinks it can be fixed. good morning from washington. it's wednesday, february 13, 2013. this is the daily rundown. i'm chuck todd. reminder, folks, it's february 13th. husbands, boyfriends, you've got one more day to get your act together. let's go to my first reads of the morning. the president's state of the union address ended up arguably as three speeches in one. it started out with a focus on the looming economic and budget crises that washington's about to face. moved on to a laundry list of familiar sounding domestic proposals. and it closed with an emotional appeal on gun violence. unusually passionate for a state of the union speech. and it's the part of the night that's going to end up probably leaving the most lasting impression. it began as an odd night. without the usual washington buildup. and though the president didn't actually have to share a split screen with the man hunt in southern california as bill clinton most famously did with the o.j. simpson verdict back in
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1997 in his state of the union address, that burning cabin and the rogue cop believed to be inside dominated the country's attention right up to the start of the president's address. in the moments before the president entered the house chamber, forensic tests were officially trying to identify human remains found in the burned debris of the cabin where police say christopher dorner had barricaded himself. then we got the speech. the president's mostly run of the mill speech. for most of it. it touched on familiar themes. making the case that government has a vital role to play in promoting a thriving economy. >> it is not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad based growth. >> a new play on the famous bill clinton line. president tackled his biggest challenge, the economy, by invoking a phrase he used a lot during the 2012 campaign. the middle class. >> the true engine of america's
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economic growth a rising, thriving middle class. middle class. prosperity. broad shared, built on a thriving middle class. a growing economy that creates good middle class jobs. >> and taking a page from the last democratic president, bill clinton, president obama offered what seemed like a laundry list of poll tested ideas on the economy, education and energy. >> raise the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour. to make high quality preschool available to every single child in america. i'm announcing the launch of three more of these manufacturing hopes. a new college scorecard that parents and students can use. i propose we use some of our oil and gas revenues to form an energy security trust. >> here's why we're using that phrase poll test. it's not meant to be derogatory toward the white house or the president. it's the fact is these are the
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pocketbook quality of life issues that average voters tell pollsters all the time that they care about. issues like education. they always show up bigger in polls than they do among polls with washington pundits. you can tell the white house is full of folks who know what sells on a campaign trail. the president will hit the road for the rest of the week traveling today to asheville, north carolina. he's going to highlight his plans to, quote, make america a magnet for manufacturing. atlanta tomorrow. chicago on friday. last night on a phone call with supporters the president rolled out a new hashtag. jobs now. to underline his economic message. the president also, though, ended upta taking a tough tone with congressional republicans. >> the greatest nation on earth cannot keep conducting its business by drifting from one manufactured crisis to the next. let's agree right here, right now to keep the people's
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government open. and pay our bills on time. and always uphold the full faith and credit of the united states of america. >> it wasn't just then. the president lectured congress throughout the speech. sprinkling it with direct threats, even, including this one on climate change. >> we can choose to believe that superstorm sandy and the most severe drought in decades and the worst wildfires some states have ever seen were all just a freak coincidence. or we can choose to believe in the overwhelming judgment of science. i urge this congress to get together, pursue a bipartisan market based solution to climate change. like the one john mccain and joe lieberman worked on together a few years ago. but if congress won't act soon to protect future generations, i will. >> that barely veiled message to republicans in congress, if you really hate the epa now, just watch how i empower them through executive action.
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overall, the president's message to congress was hardly conciliatory. the most praise he lavished on members was about efforts on immigration reform. >> as we speak, bipartisan groups in both chambers are working diligently to draft a bill, and i applaud their efforts. let's get this done. send me a comprehensive immigration reform bill in the next few months, and i will sign it right away and america will be better for it. >> by the way, buried in the speech is something that the president didn't want to advertise, but was there as a hint to republicans on where he's ready to compromise on the deficit and sequester. he called for cuts to medicaid equal to what bowles/simpson proposed. never said the number. close to $300 billion. but he stated it as a goal. folks, this is where the compromise in march will happen in some form. but it was the way the president ended his speech that will -- that gave it -- will give the staying power of the address. raw emotion is something you don't often see in a state of the union.
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but talking about his proposals to curb gun violence, the president rode the applause lines almost as if he was at a rally or speaking before a congregation. invoking the memory of gun victims, like hadiah pendleton who performed at the inauguration and later was shot and killed not far from the president's home in chicago. >> her parents are in the chamber tonight. along with more than two dozen americans whose lives have been torn apart by gun violence. they deserve a vote. [ applause ] gabby giffords deserves a vote. the families of newtown deserve a vote. the families of aurora deserve a vote. the families of oak creek and tucson and blacksburg and the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence,
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they deserve a simple vote. >> powerful stuff. despite the emotion, let's remember what the president was asking for. not passage. simply a vote on gun proposals in congress. it's an acknowledgment that many of the proposals may be headed for defeat. finally, last night was florida senator marco rubio's moment in the sun. he delivered a surprisingly combative response to the president for rubio and pleasing the base. but did he broaden the republican party's reach? this was the reason why he was picked. rubio leaning on his own biography to soften what was a message with an edge. more government isn't going to help get you ahead. it's going to hold you back. more government isn't going to create more opportunities. it's going to limit them. mr. president, i don't oppose your plans because i want to protect the rich. i oppose your plans because i want to protect my neighbors. >> in a 2,500 word address rubio mentioned the middle class 16 times. actually twice as many times as
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the president did in his speech. which was more than twice as long. and rubio made an effort to paint himself as the anti-romney buy gr biographically. playing up his humble roots and even the fact that he was still in debt as of a few months ago. >> this ideal is personal. my parents immigrated here in pursuit of the opportunity to improve their life. they made it to the middle class. my dad working as a bartender and my mother as a cashier and a maid. i didn't inherit any money from them. mr. president, i still live in the same working class neighborhood i grew up in. my neighbors aren't millionaires. when i finished school, i owed over $100,000 in student loans. a debt i paid off just a few months ago. >> rubio's speech was almost arguably, though, a rehash of what we heard from romney and the gop in 2012. he accused the president of believing the free enterprise system is the source of america's problem. he said that the president wants to grow the size of government. and he attacked the health care law.
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all of those messages had hundreds of millions of dollars behind them in 2012. and that presidential election, we know what it got romney. rubio's speech and the water lunge, though, which has gone viral, was also a reminder of why the state of the union response is a trap door politically. an assignment that's always fraught with peril. after the moment took off on social media last night, rubio tried to make light of it, tweeting a water bottle. and he was self-deprecating again today when he did a round of morning show interviews. in each one of them gulping water. >> you know, when you talk a lot, it happens. unfortunately when you're giving a speech you have a podium and the water is there. when you're standing up in front of a camera you don't have that option. i had been a long day at work. i'd already taped an 18 minute speech in spanish. i'm just glad the water was nearby. i don't know what i would have done without it. >> would you like to have a swig before we get started? >> sure, absolutely. >> the republican party was hoping to present a unified message with a new messenger,
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having nonwhite male deliver its response. the republicans didn't already know the party was divided, it was clear last night. if you're a republican you had to pick and choose your own republican response. >> both parties have been guilty of spending too much. of protecting their sacred cows. of back room deals in which everyone up here wins, but every taxpayer loses. it's time republicans, myself included, realize that military spending is not immune to waste and fraud. >> by the way, got to give rand paul credit. he knew where the camera was. here's what seems pretty clear after the president's speech. he has a long way to go to change any minds in congress. it wasn't a persuasion speech. the responses were along typical partisan lines. house speaker john boehner, the president had an opportunity to offer a solution tonight and he let it slip by. the president instead appears to have chosen a go it alone approach to pursue his liberal agenda. republican leader mcmcconnell said in a statement kentuckians aren't interested in false
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promises. he led with that because he's running for re-election. i think the president missed an opportunity tonight to lay out a serious economic plan kentuckians could really relate to and to reach out across the aisle to get it done. congressman paul ryan responded with this. i'm concerned the president doesn't fully appreciate the challenge of our national debt and its threat to our economy. tonight he outlined many new programs in detail. but when it came to spending restraint, he was remarkably brief. this is the trap, though, that did the white house set for republicans. republicans today in washington talking about the debt. talking about the deficit. talking about the budget. the president's going to go out there talking about those pocketbook issues that poll very well. this was the trap republicans fell into the '90s with bill clinton. and it's one that the white house thinks politically they may have set for the republicans going forward. all right. up next, second term. second chances. we're going to hear from a guy who knows firsthand just how short the shelf life can be in the second term when working with congress. president clinton's chief of
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staff, john padesta, joining us for a reality check. how much of that laundry list from last night can really get done. again a look ahead at today's politics planner. confer mags hearing for jack lew is today in the senate finance committee. that could be probably not as fire worky as hagel. but still will come with some tough questions for him on his days at citi bank. of course, the president hits the road. you're watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify.
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ambitious state of the union speech. it was loaded with a lot of policy prescriptions that appeal to the middle class. but how much will the president be able to achieve in his second term? joining me now is john podesta. welcome. here to give a little bit of a reality check. i want to put up here, we did a nice little graphic here of all the policy prescription the president laid out last night. tax reform, immigration, gun control, climate change, universal pre-k, college afford ability, minimum wage, manufacturing, insfra structure, cyber security. clinton, balanced budget, welfare reform, national education testinging with head start, health care, climate change, entitlement reform, campaign finance reform, space exploration, gun control, diversity/inclusion. i put it up there because --
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>> i think what he's trying to do is lay out a road map, lay out a vision for how the middle class can succeed in this country. i think he put a bunch of specific things on the table. some of which i think he can get legislatively. immigration reform probably tops that list. some of those he's going to have to do using the authorities he has as president of the united states. he was specific about that respect to clean energy and moving -- attacking the problem of climate change. but i think when it comes to raising the minimum wage, universal preschool, the other issues that are really bread and butter issues, kitchen table issues for people, he's building support, he's building momentum. i think he'll put the pressure on the republicans to try to get some of that done. >> and is that sort of the advice you've been giving -- i know you were a big advocate of the executive action front. you said that's what -- obama
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didn't do that a lot in the first term. >> i think he got locked down too much in washington. he got -- i think people watching from the outside, all they saw was him being prime minister sort of too locked into the battles with the congress. and i think he understood that. and i think the campaign kind of reinvigorated him. he came out of it with tremendous confidence. i think he understands that his job as president of the united states is bigger than just dealing with congress. he's talking to the people about the future of the country. he's doing it, i think, with -- as i said, with specificity. what's going to make a difference in people's lives? and he's making the case that if you follow that path, you know, people -- the middle class experience is going to improve. wages can go up. jobs can be created. businesses can be developed and invested in. and so i think it's quite a specific platform, but i think it's one that he'll feel good selling. he's out today in north carolina. >> all the sales pitch is going
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to be on two-thirds of the speech we heard last night. the different things. i know you and i were talking abo about, yes, they poll tested. it's relevant to people's lives. >> what's going to help people. >> but this speech is not going to be known for any of those proposals. this speech is going to be known for what was at the end and this emotional plea for guns. is that something the white house is oddly going to regret in a couple weeks if they feel like they stepped on their own economic message? >> i don't think so. i do think it was the highlight of the speech. it's the thing that was emotional. it's the thing people are going to remember. really, i think, it choked you up when that repetition, that line, they deserve a vote, it was really -- >> explain why it was so striking to have that happen in that hall. >> it's kind of the big cynical bunch of people. they're not used to emotion. you know, you have the bobbing
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heads, applauding for different things. >> usually they're not paying attention. >> they're mostly now tweeting. and to bring that crowd together, and you saw that emotion build, and the looks on the members' faces as they were looking in the eyes of the families of the victims, i thought it was very, very powerful. but to your point about is it going to step on it, look, this is my experience with bill clinton. the state of the union was the road map for -- and it took a long time to develop. he thought over every word. but it was the road map for the white house and the whole administration. every cabinet secretary, every person. >> the sales job after. >> it was this is our -- this is our strategic plan. this is our road map. we're going to go sell it and we're going to try to get it done. and i think he accomplished that last night. >> so we'll find out, what, in six months, nine months whether this was a success? >> the success will be whether the middle class is doing better and i think they will be. >> john podesta, former clinton
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white house chief of staff. up next, heat on the hill over hagel. plus, wait till you hear what former senator dick lugar has to say about chuck hagel's experiences, the state of the gop and a whole lot more. he's going to be here in a few questions. first today's trivia question. as many of you know by tradition at least one cabinet secretary skips the state of the union as a security precaution. the chosen member spends the speech at an undisclosed location with presidential security. last night it was steven chu. in the '80s the white house began publishing the identity of the designated survivor. since 1984 since this was made public how many cabinet officials have been asked to skip the state of the union more than once? tweet me the answer@chucktodd and @dailyrundown. the answer coming up. we'll be right back. time for the your business
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entrepreneur of the week. jo anne brewer and christy sterileling of dallas created cute homemade decorations for their kids' lockers. when others said they wanted them too, the partners created locker looks. their products hang on retail racks around the country. for more watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc. ♪ alright, let's go. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪
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on our radar this morning, a veteran senator joins the ranks of former lawmakers blasting partisanship in congress. and yearning for the good ole days on capitol hill. first, republican opposition wasn't enough to keep a senate panel from approving chuck hagel's nomination as defense secretary. but we saw some sharp accusations during the committee debate including suggestions that hagel is too cozy with iran. >> we saw with his nomination something truly extraordinary, which is the government of iran formally and publicly praising the nomination of a defense secretary. i would suggest to you that to my knowledge, that is unprecedented. >> i want to put on the record that this senator feels like that senator cruz has gone over the line. >> he's endorsed by them. you can't get any cozier than that. >> mr. chairman -- >> i've been endorsed by people i disagree with totally.
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i don't want people who hate me to ruin my career by endorsing me. >> senate majority leader harry reid says he'll try to force a floor vote as early as this week. some republicans say he'll try to delay hagel's confirmation until after next week's break. but they aren't expected to fully block it. one of hagel's former republican colleagues, indiana's dick lugar, said tuesday it's hagel's politics, not his policy, that got him into trouble. >> senator hagel's main transgression is that he is a republican. who has questioned policies that are sacred among most conservative senators. the intensity of opposition that senator hagel is encountering is grounded in the resentments of some conservatives inside and outside the senate who regard his independent thinking as political blasphemy for which he should not be rewarded. >> that wasn't all lugar had to say. in his first major speech since leaving the u.s. senate the long-time senator said conservatives and the media have combined to bring any hope for
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legislating to a grinding halt. >> a no compromise vision of conservatism may score points with cob servetive talk show hosts and campaign givers. but in a democracy leadership requires an office holder to compromise, to prioritize, and sometimes to reverse one's self. perhaps the most potent force driving partisanship is the rise of a massive industry that makes money off of political discord. president obama is perfectly situated for leading a campaign to reduce partisanship. i would tell him that he must give attention to uniting the country. not just as a means to pass his priorities, but as an end to itself. >> former senator dick lugar joining us live next. you're watching "the daily rundown," only on msnbc. ♪ just one bite opens a world of delight... ♪ savor and explore, the great indoors ♪
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♪ friskies indoor delights. ♪ feed the senses. ya. alright, another one just like that. right in the old bucket. good toss! see that's much better! that was good. you had your shoulder pointed, you kept your eyes on your target. let's do it again -- watch me. just like that one... [ male announcer ] the durability of the volkswagen passat. pass down something he will be grateful for. good arm. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ back to you.
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time for the deep dive into the republican rift. and some insight from one of the party's longest serving senators. for 36 years indiana's dick lugar carried and defined what a republican was in the state of indiana. and carried that banner in congress until his bid for a seventh term enlded in a primary defeat as the hands of a tea party conservative named murdoch. >> we do our country a disservice if we mistake the act of taking positions for governance. they are not the same thing. governance requires adaptation to shifting circumstances. it often requires finding common ground with americans who have a different vision than your own. >> a rhoades scholar in his youth, lugar served in the navy. he was re-elected five times.
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wasn't even close most of the time. first senator in indiana to accomplish that. then became the state's longest serving senator in the process. while on the hill, lugar had his share of milestones. he led the foreign relations committee, spearheaded nuclear reduction efforts with the soviet union. there were plenty of votes that got him in trouble with some conservatives. he broke ranks with his party on iraq strategy, earmarks, immigration. he also backed the wall street and auto industry bailouts. back in 2006 he even joined forces with his up and coming democratic senator named barack obama to create the luga/obama initiative designed to secure loose nukes. follows his loss last may lugar wished his opponent well and released a 14,000 word manifesto blasting murdoch's mindset and the party that encouraged it. outside of that in his farewell speech in december he's remained fairly quiet. that changed last night at duke university. when he made his first public speech since leaving office.
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joining me now is former senator from indiana, republican senator dick lugar. senator lugar, good morning to you. thanks for coming on. >> good morning. >> i want to start with something you said about chuck hagel's conconfirmation. you were somebody that was always rumored as a potential republican that president obama could tap and ask to serve in various positions. secretary of state. do you believe if you had been nominated, would you have gotten the same treatment that chuck hagel got by your former republican colleagues? >> probably not. i think perhaps we would have more support. but the fact is that i indicated many times i did not want to serve in the obama administration. did not want to be an appointed official. i appreciated being an elected official. and the independence that came with that status. >> it seems that you believe that chuck hagel was treated differently simply because he was a republican who didn't -- who switched sides.
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>> in this particular context, unfortunately, very early on, people seized upon various positions of chuck hagel. i think there were legitimately held by chuck. he sat next to me in the foreign relations committee. we had very good debate and discussion. very active committee during those days. to selectively pull out of context all of what chuck hagel had to say in those years seems to me to be unfortunate and unfair. >> you were pretty tough on the media last night. i assume you meant in some cases conservative media. but basically maybe it's ideological media that you said makes money. and these groups that make money off of gridlock. so how would you stop this? >> i'm not certain that it can be stopped. i think it's public disapproval that will lead to being less -- in other words, what i was saying is that not only are members of congress or people in
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public life at each other, but some people make money when you monetize this anger. and are able through super pacs, nontransparent -- i think that's the nature, perhaps, of the social media emphasis. the blogs that everybody has. the fact that almost anybody can get in the media game and make money on it. >> what would you -- do you believe that president obama's done enough to try to repair the rift? one of the things that made him so popular early on before he even ran for president, what gave him his standing was that speech he gave in 2004. there are some supporters of him that wish that he would have come to washington and concentrated on repairing this rift. is it something that any president can do? is it something this president can do? >> well, i think that's the
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major question. and in the speech i gave at duke university last night, i suggested very strongly that the president has a remarkable opportunity to provide national unity and national strength by inviting republicans around the table and spending a lot of time with them. maybe some democrats likewise. in other words, it's not just schmoozing of these people. it's substantive conversation again and again. this is a very different nature than the president has exercised thus far. but i think tremendously important. because i believe the president did offer some avenues last night. h ta he talked about potential reforms in medicare, for example. sort of touched that touchy subject. very important point. it could be crucial in terms of the budget situation. he likewise touched upon the bowles/simpson plan which has been ignored altogether. and which has great promise in
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terms of the budget. tax reform and so forth. i hope the president will seize upon those particular avenues to initiate substantial conversations and discussions. because i think it could lead not just to bipartisan support, but actually to public support. this is a president who really does have a unifying spirit. and is looking for a history of recovery. we have high unemployment. the president's talking about jobs, jobs, and we all talk about this. there has to be a sense in the investment community, in the business community, that there is change occurring. change in the whole budget structure. change in the entitlement programs. to work on the president's thoughts on medicare and simpson/bowles seems to me to be critical. >> so you believe in the first term he just didn't do it enough. were you surprised, prince, you didn't get more phone calls and
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invitations to the white house to say, hey, we're going to bring in four or five of you to discuss x, y and z. >> i did receive a few inveighations. i appreciated those opportunities. and was quite outspoken at those opportunities. in these private conversations. nevertheless, there was very little of it. very little. this was not the president's style. now, i'm hoping the president adopts a new style. he has a great opportunity at the outset. the speech last night was comprehensive. but it offers, i say, some specific points. in the past when we discussed medicare, for instance, senator harry reid in the senate defied republicans to vote for the so-called ryan plan and for paul ryan. well, last night at least the ryan plan began to sort of seep into the picture. it would be great if paul ryan were visiting with the president frequently as well as others who happen to support that plan, because republicans did vote for that in the house. and they probably would vote for it again. >> any regrets about running for re-election? you knew this was coming, that
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conservative challenge. you knew you were going to have to -- you saw orrin hatch went one way. you and orrin hatch came in together. both were fearing the same issues going into this most recent re-election. orrin hatch courted the tea party. you chose another path. any regrets? >> no. i have no regrets. i wanted to be a senator again. that's why i ran for re-election. i'm not condemning senate service or all that happens there. to the contrary, i think it's exciting, a great opportunity for any american. i suspect looking back on my campaign, perhaps we could have done a better job certainly in turnout. turnout in indiana in that primary was very, very low. boone county just northwest of indianapolis, there was a big turnout because of a school referendum, and we won that county. that was my problem. we needed to get our votes out. >> did the -- what did you think of the general election result?
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did the right person win in indiana? >> oh, i'm not going to comment on that. i would simply say that history is history. my opponent in the primary made some mistakes. i think some very egregious errors. and his campaign ran out of steam. i'm not certain how much support there was there to begin with. but in any event, the campaign tilted much toward the democrats toward the end. governor mike pence who seemed to be a landslide victor all the way through only won by a few percentage points. and the superintendent of public instruction, tony bennett, a good man, lost. so there were consequences. at least in the senate situation. >> do you think some of your former colleagues, republican colleagues are quietly glad that the tea party at no tididn't ha success in general elections? that maybe the balance will tip a bit in another direction? >> i believe that this is generally the consensus of state
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committees, the national committee. of republicans who really want to see a majority in the senate know that in order to do that, they really have to be able candidates, able to go the route. who have a sense, at least, of independent thought that appeals not only to core republicans, but likewise to many independent voters. and even brings some democratic crossovers. we're going to have a majority when we have really a large majority of the public behind us. >> former indiana senator dick lugar who had some choice words last night at duke university. thanks for coming on this morning and sharing your views with us. hope to see you again soon. all right. our post-state of the union gaggle joins me to assess the lasting impact of the president's speech. what happens next? plus, a new front in the gop. former mississippi governor hayley barbour goes toe to toe with one of those groups dick
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lugar was talking about. the club for growth. first, the white house soup of the day? chicken noodle. he's on the road. he's not going to be eating it today. we'll be right back. a big deal, our first full team gathering! i wanted to call on a few people. ashley, ashley marshall... here. since we're often all on the move, ashley suggested we use fedex office to hold packages for us. great job. [ applause ] thank you. and on a protocol note, i'd like to talk to tim hill about his tendency to use all caps in emails. [ shouting ] oh i'm sorry guys. ah sometimes the caps lock gets stuck on my keyboard. hey do you wanna get a drink later? [ male announcer ] hold packages at any fedex office location. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea
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[ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. you're looking inin ining pictures from capitol hill where p senate will hold its hearing on comprehensive immigration reform. homeland security secretary janet napolitano will be testifying as well as undocumented immigrant jose antonio vargas. let's bring in our gaggle. bill burton, former obama white house spokesman and cofounder of obama superpac parties usa action find. beth ryanhart. and communications director for american crossroads, jonathan caligio. beth, i want to start with you
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in the state of the union. you guys did this fabulous word cloud at national journal. word cloud of rubio's speech. word cloud of obama's speech. the big word that jumps out in obama's speech is jobs. exactly what the white house said they were going to do. here with rubio's speech, government. all that makes sense when you read the speeches. when i'm looking at this word cloud, this is where a word cloud totally deceiving on what the impact of the president's state of the union is. because the word gun doesn't even appear in it. >> right. in a speech that was really, you know, sort of your typical state of the union laundry list of goals i'd like to meet in my second term, that was really the one sort of emotional climax of the speech that i think, like you said, people will remember. and, you know, even his tone of voice changed. it sounded almost more like he was talking at a campaign rally. >> he was riding the wave of audience. and, bill, i mean, the -- i'm sure they were glad of the emotional appeal, the successful
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appeal that they got a cynical crew of members of congress to stand on the refrain. it did stand on the big message. jobs. >> you can look at these words and look at the policies and pull them all out. the president is much closer to where the american people are than the republicans are on any one of those things. overall what the american people appreciate is a president who leads. that was a leadership speech. >> jonathan, it goes to a point, he brought up these individual issues. you will know this when you do your own survey. of the individual things he said they all are going to poll test very well. they all do. 65% ideas. everybody wants universal pre-k. the republican message, marco rubio pushing, hey, government doesn't have all the answers. can't do this. we've got a debt problem. how do you balance this? it isn't popular necessarily what your message is sort of on the pocketbook front. >> on the pocketbook front, remember, gallup two days ago had the president's approval rating on the economy -- the 2004 election was about the war.
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basically voters gave president bush the benefit of the doubt on the war. in 2012 vote rs gave president obama the benefit of the doubt on the economy. if he doesn't get results now, i think this is where the rubber really hits the road. i think that the public support might sour. i thought we saw a kind of flat speech on jobs. if the record continues that way, i think the public mood -- >> isn't that a fair analysis? that is what -- he's got to deliver now. >> the big difference in 2005 president bush thought he had a mandate to go and radically change social security. what president obama is doing is a bunch of things the american people actually really want. sorry about that. but what's important is that, you know, he kept saying let's have a vote on a vote on these things. he knows if there's a vote, republicans have to support it. >> were you surprised at marco rubio's speech that it was more combative? >> i don't know that i agree that it was combative. he went out of his way to say we all love america. he started off making nice with
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the president. but certainly the bulk of his speech was boilerplate, republican agenda he made it personal talking about his parents and his hometown. that was what gave it a little bit of punch. >> when we come back, we'll talk about the republican riff that your group keeps causing. and some former members of your board, or maybe haley is a current member of the the board. trivia, since 1984 how many cabinet officials have been asked to skip the state of the union? the answer is just one, don evans. the only cabinet secretary to serve as the designated survivor twice in 2004 and 2005. [ kendra ] i grew up with a pool in my backyard, but i did not put on a swimsuit because of my size. i like weight watchers because of the flexibility. i don't have to be perfect. it fits my life.
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haley barbour is the latest republican to take on the club for growth telling donors not to give money to the group that often opposes strong republican candidates in primaries. . let's bring back our gaggle. jonathan, this is what cross roads one of your board founders is pushing. you guys are opening some wounds and making it public. is this healthy? >> the message that gets lost here is we have had sub standard candidates on both sides. we want better candidates everywhere. >> you want better primaries? >> we need better candidates that raise money and don't have skeletons in the closet and are disciplined. the problem is that the tea party examples are the more spectacular ones. they went down in a public way. we need better candidates across the board. >> there are a lot of republicans that were quietly upset and now they are public.
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>> the reaction has been almost energizing. >> the club is probably raising more money off of this. >> i'm sure both sides are. the grass roots activists, they resent being told us smart people know what's best. >> this feel like howard dean, 2004? >> i feel like a lot of credit should go to the dccc to recruit candidates who can do all the things. there's been a republican side. >> shameless plugs. >> jen socky, one of the great members of the obama administration. >> gps will be launching a mystery science theater of the state of the version speech. >> something that would have been funny last night. >> we read a lot about senator rubio. definitive take on friday. >> back when he was just a mere state speaker. that's it for this edition of
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"the daily rundown." tomorrow tom dash el. coming up next, "jansing and co." we will have some wet weather. rainy conditions in the southeast. that will be exiting during the day. rain late in the day moving into washington, d.c. and baltimore. light snow for new york city and philadelphia. no more than an inch or two. areas west are looking damp with showers. have a great day. ♪
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