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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  February 23, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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and i had to get the real costume. the car. and what to do with it all, well, it was about going to childrens hospitals and making a difference. >> batman is on his way to the hospital when he's pulled over by officer borgea. >> i did not know immediately why he was going to pull me over, but i figured he was going to pull me over to find out who this person is with a batman costume on driving a lamborghini bat mobile. what's going on? it's not something you see every day. >> lenny notices even the officer can't contain his enjoyment. >> he was humming the bat theme as i was getting my license and the registration, i can hear him in the background humming the batman theme. ♪ batman >> the registration checks out, and batman is free to go, but not before some other officers show up and ask him for some
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photos. >> do you mind if we take a picture with you? >> lenny is more than happy to oblige. >> i believe this police jobs a little bit easier. >> officer borgea considers this chance meeting with batman a unique experience. >> this traffic stop will probably stick out for the rest of my career, you know. and i'm quite sure i'll probably hear it when i do retire. i'll be known as the batman stopper. >> and as lenny pulls away, officer borgea has a moment to share a laugh with his dispatcher. >> good night. good night, alice. every now and then we come across exceptional moments, when
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the normal routine becomes anything but. >> the only thing i could think of was get the fire out. >> when the day leaves us battered, tossed around, and falling flat on our face. moments when we can't believe what we're seeing or who we're seeing, and moments we never see coming. >> when i came to, i tried to get up, but i couldn't. they all share one thing in common. >> i didn't expect that. >> it was totally unexpected. completely unexpected. "caught on camera: when you least expect it." a full blown riot breaks out
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after a national hockey league championship game. it's a mob scene. smashed windows, cars on fire, stores looted, and a man stealing -- a kiss? june 15th, 2011, vancouver british columbia. it's the nhl stanley cup finals where the hometown canucks face the visiting boston bruins in a critical game seven winner-take-all battle. richard lamb is a vancouver-based photographer who has shot the canuck's games for past decades. >> the canucks are huge. >> when the bruins win the game 4-0 and claim lord stanley's cup in the canuck's own backyard, the fans don't take the loss well. "vancouver sun" editor deen broughten witnesses the riot firsthand.
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>> i walked downtown and there were pillars of smoke coming out. you just knew it was a bad situation. they were throwing rocks at police officers and kicking in windows and it was a frightening experience. >> guys were coming out of the store like clowns in a mini car. just one after another. it looked like a mad black friday setup. as early evening turns to night, tensions escalate and there's no end in sight to the looting and vandalism. riot police take a stand, forming human walls and marching towards the rioters. local photography student emily edger also finds herself amongst the mass it is. she flees up a few flights of stairs at a nearby parking garage, recording the action from above, when something catches her attention. >> i was shooting the video of people running through the streets, and i focused in to
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sort of see what was going on. >> back on the street, rich notices the same thing. >> my initial thought was that someone was hurt, and another person was helping her. >> he quickly rattles off a few frames. >> that was the picture i thought was my picture of the night from the riot. just the way i saw it in the frame, i knew it was a good picture. >> by midnight, police take back control of the streets, but not before nearly 150 people are hurt, 100 people are arrested, and $4 million in damage is done. after a long night, rich returns to the arena, dropping off his photos to his editor. he's halfway out the door when someone stops him. >> another photographer who was in the editing room came back and said, hey, nice picture of the couple kissing. and i'm thinking, well, i never shot anyone kissing. i shot someone helping another person who i thought was hurt. so she's like, well, they're right in there kissing.
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and i looked up at it, and they were kissing. and at that point, i didn't know what to make of it. >> the following morning, rich's photo spreads like wildfire. and the image of the vancouver riot kiss takes on a life of its own. the two lovebirds in the midst of the mayhem are compared to that famous scene in "from here to eternity." and other iconic kissing photos. >> you have mayhem all around and the juxtaposition of this couple kissing, this tender kiss that really kind of sparks something in a lot of people. >> so just who are the two people caught kissing in the chaos? it's aussie native scott jones and his girlfriend, canadian alexandra thomas. as it turns out, they get caught in the police surge and alex falls to the ground with scott immediately rushing to her side. >> i was just trying to calm her down, you know.
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it was pretty scary for her and it seemed like the best thing to do. >> jones and thomas are stunned by the attention they receive from the photo, as they explain in an interview with the "today" show. >> it's kind of amazing that there was someone there to take a photo of that and capture that, you know? i would always know those feelings and emotions from that, but that there was a photograph that show clearly shows it is just pretty incredible. >> i guess it was just such a good shot, people couldn't believe that that would happen. it was just like the perfect lighting, perfect focus. >> rich is also amazed at how his single snapshot has been called the most compelling sports image of the year. >> it was quite interesting to see that, you know, a picture i took was that popular. to have one photo, all of a sudden, going everywhere, to all corners of the market. it was quite surreal. >> rich's photo will no doubt live on as a special moment
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captured in time. however, it's part of a moment most vancouverites would rather forget. a whole bunch of people went out the next way and i went to go clean up, and that's a representation of the vancouver that i know. >> it's a shameful moment. but i don't think it's going to tar the city's image. >> it was senseless violence over hockey. it wasn't a wrongful death or a wrongful shooting by the police. it wasn't, you know, a rally against poverty. it was a hockey game. and we lost. >> coming up, a car plows into a supermarket, mowing down everyone in its path. and what's gumby doing on a late-night run? when "caught on camera: when you least expect it" continues. d i , but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose.
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food shoppers get the
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surprise of their lives when a car comes can barreling into a supermarket. >> a car just came through the publix. >> is anybody hurt? >> i don't know. >> when i came to, i tried to get up, but i couldn't. >> it's saturday, april 14th, 2012. a typical afternoon for lashonda hampton of palm coast, florida, and two of her five children, 3-month-old tyshon and 15-year-old. >> we come out, go for a walk, and go to a store, and that happens to us and it's heartbreaking. >> they finish their food shopping at the publix grocery store on belle terre parkway. they pause near the exit door to put some groceries underneath
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the baby's stroller. >> she sat down and i was standing up by the newsstand. >> after i finished putting stuff on the carriage, i shot up and as soon as i stood up, i heard a loud boom. >> that's when, out of nowhere, a car comes plowing through the glass doors, mowing down everything and everyone in its path. >> it came in so fast, to the point that it swept us away like there wasn't no tomorrow. >> i was just laying there, with blood all over me, and i'm like, what just happened? what just happened? and the lady was like, a car just hit you. >> the car's impact, caught on the store security camera, is like an explosion, sending glass, metal, shoppers, and tyshon's detachable car seat, flying through the air. >> i went over to the storm to look for my baby. i was going through everything, lacking for debris, and i didn't see him. i screamed out, whatere's my ba, where's my baby, where's my
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baby? where's my daughter? i was thinking the worse. because i didn't hear her. everyone else i heard. the car bowls through the checkout lanes and comes to a stop 60 feet from the store's entrance. an 83-year-old man is pinned underneath the vehicle. a store manager and other bystanders react quickly and lift the car off of the victim. rescuers are immediately called to the scene. >> 911, what's the emergency? >> a car just came through the publix -- >> yeah. is anybody hurt? >> i don't know. it came all the way through. >> in all, ten shoppers are injured, but to everyone's amazement, tyshon remains strapped into his car seat, suffering only a bump on the head after being flung nearly 50 feet from the point of impact. >> i just kept looking at his body, just feeling his body, just feeling his arm, his neck, and i was just like, is he okay? do we have a scratch anywhere on
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him, because i know a lot of glass was everywhere. >> on august 16th, 2012, thelma wagonhoffer of palm coast is found guilty of careless driving. her license is suspended for three months and she is required to take the examine to get it back. >> i had 32 stitches, altogether, and i have lumps on my body. >> i'm still pulling glass out of my leg. >> the florida highway patrol doesn't find any mechanical problems with wagonhoffer's car, a 2004 toyota camry. as for lashonda and her children, they're recovering from this harrowing ordeal the best they can. >> i thank the lord that i'm still alive right now. >> a lot of people said that they're surprised that nobody, you know, actually passed away in the accident, so i really feel lucky that i didn't.
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for a far less impactful, yet oddly curious entrance, you wouldn't expect to see america's most beloved green latex character in a 7-eleven late at night, but this time gum bee is caught on the store's security camera, and he's up to no good. it's monday morning of labor day weekend, 2011, when detective gary hassin of the san diego police department gets briefed on a strange incident that occurred the night before. >> a person in a gumby costume walks in the door, throws his hands up in the air, and says, this is a robbery. the clerk really didn't know if it was serious or not. when his manager came in at 6:00 in the morning and they reviewed the tape and the manager said, no, that was an attempted robbery, then they called the police. >> after viewing the store footage, san diego police draw some conclusions about gumby's
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scheme. >> when gumby came in, he had an accomplice with him who came in behind him. the plan here was that gumby would distract, the accomplice would shoplift, it wasn't going the way they thought it should, the partner left, got in the van, pulled up to the front door, gumby turned around and walked out the door. >> wasting little time, the stpd releases the video. >> and gumby has taken himself to the pokey. >> we wanted that video out to the public as soon as we could possibly get it. and literally by friday night, the phones were ringing off the hook about not gumby, but the chap who came in behind him. >> longtime pals 19-year-old jacob kiss and 20-year-old jason have a history of goofing around together. it's two days after the incident when they find out that police are looking for gumby. >> my face was just showing up on the camera, and it said, san
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diego police department, and i'm like, oh, man, that can't be good, man, they're looking for us. and you can see my face clearly, so we were thinking, we were definitely done. >> it's jacob donning the gumby costume and jason is his sidekick, his pokey, if you will. jason explains his version of that late-night run. >> he walks in the store and, you know, you see me waving or whatever. stupid me, i take something sfrm the back and that's what really got us in trouble. >> after seeing the video, the boys turn themselves and the bum gee garb in. they're released on their own e recognizance and before they left, the police make an unusual request. >> gumby was asked to put the costume on to make sure it fit and it did. >> they plead guilty and are given three years probation. but still, the detective wants
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the guys to realize how lucky they are. >> there are other markets out there if they may have tried this stunt, it's very likely that gumby could have been shot and/or killed. >> anyone could have been in the store, had a gun, and wanted to be the hero, of course. >> after his 15 minutes in the spotlight, jason says he intends to grow from this lesson. >> we're not bad kids, we just made a stupid decision. and of course, we're staking full respondesibility for it no we're paying for it. >> all you high school students, just think twice. you never know when you're going to get caught on camera. coming up, she's racing for the big 10 title and then takes a big-time tumble. >> it was like the wind got taken out of the whole crowd. >> when "caught on camera: when you least expect it" continues. that can make your life easier? who do you think i am, quicken loans?
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talk about an unexpected ending, falling flat on your face in the middle of a race, then coming back with a chance to win it, the very next minute.
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>> i think that was actually the first thing i said, was, i didn't expect that. >> march 2nd, 2008, at the university of minnesota in the twin cities, it's the last day of the tightly contested big 10 championship of women's indoor track. >> unless you win the national title, nobody really cares, if you're 10th or 12th or whatever. but if you win a big 10 title, that's a big deal. >> senior heather is in lane four of the second heat for the 600 meter finals. >> i think my coaches were kind of expecting me to really put it forward and try and win that race and, sure, my parents thought the same thing. >> throughout her college career, heather set several school records for the track team. a win here will help propel minnesota to the top of the big 10 standings.
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the home crowd can barely contain its enthusiasm as the gun sounds for this three-lap race. one lap down, and all is going well for the nine-time all-american. >> my plan for the race was to just hang out behind whoever was leading it and then take it at the end. >> but as the pack finishes lap number two, something happens. >> i was cutting in to try to get to the inside lane before the first curve. i was kind of running and then felt something on, like, my right foot, and then when i tried to correct that, somebody must have stepped on my left foot, so i kind of felt like i was hog-tied and just went down. >> heather does a face plant in the middle of the track. >> stfts like the wind got taken out of the whole crowd. it was just like, ahh! >> i didn't really know what happened for the first step and the second step is when i really
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just went down. and i think i actually got the words "oh, no" out as i was falling. >> friend and former teammate, elizabeth yetzer, can barely watch. >> the whole stadium just like, oh, my gosh! you know. and, of course, you're thinking, there's -- she's done. >> the rest of the pack bolts past heather, leaving her several yards behind, entering the final lap. but with the heart of a champion, heather gets up. >> it took a while for everybody to catch their breath and then go, oh, my lord, something very, very special is happening here. >> i knew that i needed to continue to run and just earn some points for the team. >> she starts to make her move. >> to me, they're all bodies and they're targets out there. i had my first target in sights and i started catching her, and after i had passed my first person, then i saw that the
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other two weren't that far away. and then as i was coming around the final curve of the race, i heard the announcer say, and watch out for heather dorniden. >> the crowd can't believe what it's witnessing. >> oh, my word, she's going to do this! she can do this! people were just jumping up and down, going crazy, and just in awe. >> the decibel level went way through the roof. >> and that was what was so electrifying. it was just a crescendo kind of thing. it just got louder and louder and louder and louder. we had more energy and electricity in that meet than the hoover dam. >> heather runs her heart out, catching her competitors, one at a time. he inches her way to the lead runner, the race is neck and neck, and in the very last moment, she completes her unbelievable finish, edging out
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teammate jamie ditmar by 4/100 of a second. her parents are in the stand, just awe struck of their daughter's accomplishment. >> just to see someone fall down and put that effort in at the end, it's just amazing to watch. >> i never felt anything like that before. it was just amazing. people crying, laughing, screaming, jumping. >> people were going crazy. nobody could believe it. officials were coming over, but everybody, just was so energized after that, that there was no way we were going to lose that meet. >> heather herself can't believe how she did it. >> i don't know really where it came from. it's funny, because everyone says how gutsy i was and how hard it must have been to finish that race like that, but honestly, i think it's the most effortless i've ever felt in a race. it was truly like i was lifted up on angel's wings. >> with the crowd still in a tizzy over her outrageous feat,
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heather prepares to take her spot atop the ceremony podium. that's when audrey smoot of indi indiana university brings her back down to earth. audrey won the first heat just before heather's, besting heather's time by slightly more than 1/10 of a second, but she didn't fall down. >> she's like, i actually won. i was like, oh, sorry, i'll just scoot on over to take second there. it was just one of those funny things, that i was just on cloud nine and thought i'd won everything, and it took someone to say, hey, move over! >> heather's second place overall finish in the 600 meters adds a crucial eight points to minnesota's team total. >> eight points was exactly the margin of our victory for the team that day. so it's kind of a happy coincidence that if i hadn't gotten up and finished the race, we would have lost or tied. >> heather graduates from the university of minnesota in december 2009, but coach wilson
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will never forget heather's golden moment. >> she's got the heart of a lion. we may never see that again, ever, in our lives, something of that nature. coming up, speedboaters make a hard left, and then exit stage right. and, there's nothing routine about this fill-up. when "caught on camera: when you least expect it," continues. mom? who's mom? i'm the giants mascot. the giants don't have a mascot! ohhh! eat up! new jammin jerk chicken soup has tasty pieces of chicken with rice and beans. hmmm. for giant hunger! thanks mom! see ya! whoaa...oops! mom? i'm ok. grandma? hi sweetie! she operates the head. [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right.
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overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than we knoweth what to do with. now that's progressive.
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i'm milissa rehberger. here's what's happening. about three dozen nascar fans were injured after a last lap crash at the daytona international speedway today. half of those injured were treated at the track. others were sent to area hospitals. one fan is said to be in critical condition. one driver is also in the hospital. officials say tomorrow's daytona 500 will continue as scheduled. and right now, preparations are underway at the vatican for the pope's final sunday
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blessing. that happens tomorrow. back to caught on carper. imagine the thrill of bolting along at high speeds on the high seas, burning around the buoys, when all of a sudden, watch out! you go flying into the water. >> ahhh! >> it looks like i'm doing a backwards choreographed dive. >> terry davidson and clay out of panama city beach, florida, have been together for nearly two decades and they're both at home on the water. >> probably in my life, i've owned 10 or 12 or 13 boats. >> i've driven pleasure boats plenty of times. >> in the mid-1990s, clay has an idea for two of them to try their hand at offshore power boat racing. he'll steer the boat and she'll make sure they don't get loss.
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>> so basically all i have to do is hold on, and he said, yes, and i said, i can do that. >> the pair purchased their first power boat and name it "pure energy." >> the "pure energy" boat was the fastest, it would run at 90 miles an hour. >> they race "pure energy" for three years, finishing at or near the top at several events. in 2000, they decide to up the anteby getting an even bigger vote. >> the "lady hustler" was a 38 footer with twin engines and it would just top out about 85 to 88. >> clay figures since they have a new boat, why not try a new driver to boot. he asks terry to get behind the wheel of "the lady hustler," and she agrees. it's april 9th, 2000, at the florida spring fling in east lake in st. cloud. >> it was an opportunity for everybody to kind of get some of the bugs to worked out. we were a new team as far as
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terry driving and our first time racing the "lady hustler." >> it was kind of nerve-racking, but clay had said he wanted us to stay in the back and let everybody go so i could get comfortable with handling the boat. >> the race begins and as scene from a camera mounted on the front of the boat, things are going smoothly for team "lady hustler." so smooth that clay encourages terry to pass a couple of boats ahead of them. >> forget that plan where you're going to stay back and be conservative. he's like, okay, let's take 'em. >> jump over his wake. >> i either wanted to go in between the two of them and handle the two wakes or i wanted to go on the outside of them. and he said, no, go on the inside. so i did. and i listened to what he said. >> when i tell you to turn, turn. >> all right. >> and when clay gets excited about something, he repeats the same words over and over and
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over. so he kept saying, turn, and he kept repeating it. >> turn, turn. >> and i kept turning it and turning it. >> straight now! >> simultaneously, at the same time, one of the wakes from the boats in front of us hit right at the bow. >> jump over his wake! >> and it does it so fast that anything that's loose inside the boat comes out. >> including them! without warning, terri and clay are launched from "the lady hustler" into the lake. >> it was totally unexpected that we'd ever be thrown out of the boat. >> the first time i hit the water, my arms and legs were going in every direction. i skipped, just like a stone. >> going 80 miles an hour, the couple is ejected from their racer. >> if you listen to it real close, you hear this uggh! and then you hear me scream. it was the impact of that wake hitting, and i just remember my head hitting.
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and then i went in. >> the whole scene just slowed right down for me. i didn't know what had happened. >> the kill switch goes off as they're slung out to sea, shutting down the engine and giving terri and clay a chance to gather their bearings, swim back to the boat, and complete the race. they finish dead last. >> there was only one other girl that was racing and she did earn the respect for getting back in the boat and finishing the race. >> they come out of the boating accident unscathed. the couple goes on to race the "lady hustler" for two more years before drifting away from the racing scene in 2002. >> it's not a sport where you really make any money at it. it's really self-funded. it's a hobby. >> with offshore power boat racing now in their wake, these days terri and clay have switched gears entirely, focusing their attention on land, in fact, you can say that they've gone to the dogs. >> it's been ten years now,
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worked with different shelters and rescue groups and currently am the president of the humane society here in bay county. >> they're also parlaying yet another passion of theirs into helping man's best friend. they own a wine shop called the wine dog. looking back, terri and clay have cherished memories of the ups and downs and ins and outs of their racing days. but this video caught on camera was surely not their finest hour. >> and you have to remember as to, you know, how fortunate we really were. we were very, very lucky. in canada's north bay, ontario, 212 miles north of toronto, a routine fill-up unexpectedly blows up. threatening everyone in a half-mile radius. october 16th, 2008. it's a crisp fall night at the
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mr. gas fuel station. it's conveniently located in the middle of a residential neighborhood. cory jamison is the only employee on duty that evening. >> it was your typical clear, quiet october evening. not too much going on. >> at about 9:00 that night, grainy security camera number four captures a young man in a red cap topping off his sedan. one of his passengers steps out, laughing with the driver and two others who remain in the backseat. no one is prepared for what happens next. as the passenger reaches down near the pump nozzle, this mundane task goes bad in a flash. the situation quickly worsens when the driver panics, pulling the gas nozzle from the car, spraying gas across the vehicle and pavement. >> i was dealing with one customer and the next thing i know, i see a flash out of the
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corner of my eye. i look out, sure enough, there's a car on fire. >> cory hits the emergency pump shutoff button. this prevents thousands of gallons of gas beneath the station from adding more fuel to the fire. the driver and all of his passengers flee from the blaze. >> the fireball was pretty big. when it hit the top of the canopy, it spread about halfway across. >> in all the excitement, cory relies on his instincts and takes matters into his own hands. >> i ran around the counter, ran outside to that fire extinguisher out there, got it off the pillar there, pulled the jacket off of it, pulled the pin. >> in less than ten seconds, cory single handedly snuffs the fire, saving the gas station, the surrounding homes, and everyone nearby. >> i don't like to think about what could have happened had i not gotten that fire out when i did.
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i mean, it could have been catastrophic. >> with disaster averted, one question remains. what caused the fire? reviewing the security tape, investigators believe it's caused by gas vapors that had built up near the nozzle. >> when the one kid leans in where the gas is being pumped, sticks his hand in there, and the next thing you know, there's a fire outside of the car. so it could have been a static shock, it could have been a lighter, who knows. >> however it started, it's clear from the video why the fire spread. >> the pumps have a lock on the nozzle that keeps it pumping without you having to hold your hand on it. so when he went to grab that hose out of the car, the pump was still going. it was still pumping fuel. that's why there was that initial fireball when he pulled it out. without the safety shutoff switches that we have in place, i mean, that gas nozzle was pretty much a giant flame thrower. >> to help prevent gas station fires like this, many states and
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provinces have required the lock on the pump nozzle removed. that way, gas stops flowing when a customer releases the handle. when fire personnel show up later, they have only praise for cory, who saves the day. coming up, is the caped crusader joking around or could he be in serious trouble? >> batman! >> i was really not expecting him to get physical. >> when "caught on camera: when you least expect it" returns. to♪ ♪ tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty ♪ ♪ tryin' to -- [ woman ] hi there. why do we always have to take your mom's car? [ male announcer ] the security of an iihs top safety pick, the 2013 volkswagen tiguan. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease a 2013 tiguan for $219 a month.
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las vegas, nevada, sin city, a town known for hosting the great fights.
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hagler versus herns. tyson versus holyfield, and batman versus a tourist? >> that was completely unexpected. >> it's early may, 2011, and marcus pace of huntsville, texas, is visiting fight town for the first time. he's walking on the strip with some family members when something catches his eye. >> all of a sudden, i seen like two guys arguing. and it went from like a playful little, hey, hmm, and then it got serious. >> marcus can't believe what he's seeing. it's a scene right off the comic book pages. only, this is no joker. >> that's what turned my head toward the whole thing, batman getting loud. >> i'm going to kick your head! >> maxwell allen, aka, batmax, has been making a living by
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dressing up as the caped crusader for more than a decade. first on hollywood boulevard in los angeles, and in 2010, he moves to the las vegas strip. >> here we go, folks. >> i like being my own boss. i like working with the kids. and i kind of like being out there. >> like virtually all of the characters on the strip, batmax works solely for tips, posing for photos and relying on the generosity of batman's adoring fans for his income. >> everybody thinks you're making great, you know, money, every, every day, which is not true. i mean, one day you can do really well, you know, up to a hundred bucks a day sometimes, and other days you could be out there two, three hours, and hardly make anything. you know, not even bus fare. >> we do work on -- now, do you want all of us?
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>> of course, an unsteady income is just one of the many factors batmax and other street characters take into consideration when dressing their parts. >> you get a lot of drinkers, and of course, a lot of comments, a lot of insults. >> whoo! >> a lot of people like to come back and just slap you for no reason, because they think it's funny. as i go out there, i try to do the best persona of batman that i can be, but when there are times, you know, where you run into it, that it's really hard to keep in character. >> which brings us back to the battle between batmax and the tourist he calls polo boy. max tells his version of how the confrontation plays out. he's posing for a picture with two women when -- >> he snuck up and punched me as hard as he could in the chest, and more or less knocked me off the box i was standing on. at the time, i wasn't going to
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do anything about it, but then these two old ladies say, batman, you're not going to let minimum get away with that, are you? >> batmax then dashes down the strip and catches up to polo boy. >> i was a little pissed off, because i just didn't understand, you know, how you hit a perfect stranger. doesn't matter how he's dressed, and then think it was funny. >> max admits he has issues dealing with his temper, as is depicted in the 2007 documentary, "confessions of a superhero." >> i let a lot of people walk away, but some i don't. because they need it. they need to be beaten down to open their eyes. and all i'm doing is volunteering for the job. >> but this time, max may have bitten off more than he can chew. the confrontation quickly escalates as batmax whips back his cape and prepares for battle. polo boy taunts him with his
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impersonation of spider-man. >> is he serious? >> max is not amused. >> and before you know it, holy fisticuffs, it's on! >> i didn't expect it at all. i knew it was going to get verbal, but i was really not expecting him to get physical. >> smack, bang, pow! it's a mano y mano two-man melee. bat max gets polo boy in a head locke, but the tides quickly turn as polo boy lifts him into the air, slams him on to the pavement, and follows up with a series of fists to the head. >> when he slammed me, he slammed me on to the water bottle, so the impact on me wasn't that bad. it looks like it's really brutal, but it tnt hudidn't hur. it hardly affected me at all. the rubber took a lot of impact on it. >> shop owners call the police, who quickly close in on the scene and stop both men for
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questioning. no charges are filed and they're told to go their separate ways. marcus, who's filming everything, sees polo boy afterwards, shows him the video, and gets a post-fight interview. >> he might have had a chance. >> he posts the video online, and over the next few months, marcus' video, batman beat down on the vegas strip, gets more than a million views. with polo boy having left vegas, a frustrated batmax hopes to get vengeance and one day have another shot at him. in fact, in september 2011, he posted his own video online, calling out his new arch nemesis. >> i put it into a kind of rocky montage, kind of thing and it shows me working out, doing my martial arts, and showing that i do know how to fight and i'm not as big of a sissy
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sissy as everyone is taking me for because of the original video. caught on camera reached out to adrian, aka polo boy, but he declined to participate in this story. back on the strip, things have changed for several street characters since the bat max-polo boy smackdown. >> i work with five guys besides myself. and we call ourselves the avenger league now. so a lot of us are working in teams now. a lot of characters also carry pepper spray and tasers and other weapons that are legal to carry. >> and what if polo boy ever answers his callout? >> if we see each other again, i'm going to ask him, are you sorry for it or not? if he is, i will forgive him, but if he's not, then, let's set it up, buddy. seriously.
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coming up -- holiday shoppers scared stunned. who is making a scene at this new jersey mall? ♪ i want to sit on you >> when "caught on camera: when you least expect it" continues. ] [ bop ] [ bop ] you can do that all you want, i don't like v8 juice. [ male announcer ] how about v8 v-fusion. a full serving of vegetables, a full serving of fruit. but what you taste is the fruit. so even you... could've had a v8. but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth!
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when it comes to holiday shopping at the mall, we pretty much know what to expect. the crowds, the long lines and santa listening to christmas witches. but on november 12th, 2011, the guard state plaza becomes a caught-on-camera location for a celebration. ♪ hey santa, santa ♪ i want to sit on you
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>> shoppers are about to witness a whole different kind of christmas carol. as hidden cameras are set up throughout the mall's atrium. ♪ you're never too old to sit on santa ♪ >> once the stage is set, people step out of the crowd once at a time and sing a verse in this jingle. >> you can keep your holly and your christmas tree, i want to put my butt on santa's knee ♪ ♪ you're never too old to sit on santa ♪ >> that is right. >> as soon as the second person comes on doing the same thing, then it becomes really something that you have to pay attention to. >> mall santa musical is the most recent gorilla musical from improv everywhere. a new york city based prank collective that's been bringing the absurd into every day life for more than ten years. >> everybody has to have their holiday special.
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i felt like this was our chance for a holiday special. >> the idea of people standing in line for santa is a fun thing to play with. and there's sort of a built-in audience already passing by and waving. >> it goes from like confusion to like, questioning, to just getting on board and being really elated about it. >> 9-year-old sebastian thomas is the youngest person ever to participate in an improv everywhere mission. ♪ i think santa's stupid ♪ i'm almost 10 years old now ♪ he turned nine in july ♪ . ♪ last year i asked for robots, santa gave me an army guy ♪ >> that was your father's call. >> fourth graders singing about santa, it's pretty funny. ♪ you're never too old to sit on santa ♪ >> onlookers aren't sure who to trust.
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take this woman, for instance. >> she went up and said, what is this? they were commiserating on why this guy was singing. ♪ you're never too old to sit on santa ♪ >> the same woman maybe a minute later is talking to the actor, and then he starts singing, too. ♪ i would like to sit on santa >> you should. ♪ but i'm worried i'm too fat ♪ you're not fat you're just a little husky ♪ thanks so much for saying that. >> internet musical comedians leapt at the chance to move the scene forward. >> we had been fans for a long time. so we were very familiar with the concept, and it took very little explaining. we were on board from minute one. >> hey! hey! ♪ hey look up ♪ i am high above you, i've got a box and i love to sing ♪


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