tv MSNBC Live MSNBC March 4, 2013 8:00am-9:00am PST
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the 100% natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. morning, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. from sequester to showdown. neither side showing signs of budging with the budget battle looming in just weeks. in the next hour, president obama tapped a new budget director. his choice, walmart foundation head and clinton white house veteran sylvia matthews-burwell. >> one of the things you learn very quickly is it's not enough just to talk about the gains. but the real test is whether your priorities are reflected in a budget. and that's where the rubber hits the road. sylvia knows her way around the budget. >> the white house saying the president spent the weekend on the phone with members of congress calling for compromise to avoid a possible government shutdown poised to happen for
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march 27th. >> our hope is that as more republicans start to see this pain in their own districts, that they will choose bipartisan compromise. just yesterday, the president is on the phone calling both democrat and republican senators. >> so today on capitol hill, president obama introduced a bill that would keep the government running until the end of the year, even as republicans take a wait and blame approach to the cuts that are already happening. >> this is going to hurt the economy. it will hurt economic recovery. >> i don't know whether it's going to hurt the economy or not. i don't think anyone quite understands how the sequester is really going to work. >> so with no end in sight, members of the president and his cabinet are warning ripple effects from the sequester are starting. >> we are already seeing the effects, some of the ports eventually, the big airports, for example, some of them had very long lines this weekend. >> joining me right now is
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democratic congressman david ciccillinni of rhode island. let's talk about rhode island specifically. what the sequester means, the impact civilian defense employees facing furloughs, 5,000. children losing head start services, 200. teacher aid jobs at risk, 30. how do you explain what the sequest we shall now that we're living through it, really means? >> thank you, thomas. i mean, i think people understand that this is not a way to make cuts and is this is not a way to do deficit reduction. these are across the board cuts and they're cuts in things that necessary not only to protect vulnerable populations, but really to invest in our future. cuts in education, cuts in small business. so these are cuts that will have an impact. the congressional budget office says if these sequestered cuts go into effect, by the end of this year, we're lose 750,000 jobs in this country. so i think everyone understands this is not the way to do deficit reduction. we have an alternative.
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there's a house version that i've cosponsored. my senator, senator white house has sponsored a version in the senate. we ought to have a real debate about how to surplus sequester with responsible cuts, closing tax loopholes, passing the buffett rule, a combination of generation of revenues with cuts in spending. but protecting the things that are necessary to grow our economy. so i think it's going to be -- you know, the sequester has begun. i think we're not going to begin to see the real impact of it for a in or two months. >> and we want to know for sure how this really feels, because that's the deadline when we truly run out of cash and everybody that's watching this and knowing how congress has been dealing so far to get us to this point expects there could be the possibility of a government shutdown. why do you think there can't be a compromise made and as you point out, there are cuts on the table. the president talked about entitlement cuts. but the big sticking point is revenue. how come there can't be a balance that's found if the
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president is willing to negotiate? >> yeah. there absolutely can be a deal and i think you're absolutely right. march 27th is the day and is we have an opportunity to come up with a big deal before that. but the republicans have so far said we're done with revenues. we will not close the loophole. we will not end the subsidy. we will not reform the tax code. and for the president saying, and he's right, it's a balanced way for revenues, closing some of these loopholes, ending the subsidies to big oil, doing things that will reform our tax code and at the same time generate ref knews, coupled with cuts and real cuts in the right things and i think so far the republican house lip has reviewed to ebb gauge in ta conversation. and i'm hoping we can work together, democrats and republicans to come up with the right solution, the big deal for our country. >> when you talk about a big deal, does that mean resurrecting the grand bargain?
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>> absolutely. we've had the cuts in spending. we now are in a place where we ought to be able to reach the grand bargain. the american people are tired of this every two months. we need to come together and everyone needs to be willing to meet in the middle and is find common ground. you can't take the position that they're still giving $4 billion a year in subsidy toes bill big oil. we have to protect the economic growth and the fragile economic recovery we're in the middle of. >> congressman, thank you for your time, david cicilline. he appreciate it. >> thank you.
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we have major yj omera, david nocamura for the washington post joining, as well. we have a lot to talk about as we kick off a new workweek. we're in it to win it sequester style. david, i want to start with you because john boehner gave great sound over the weekend with david gregory talking about his take on the sequester. take a listen. >> there is no one in this town who has tried harder to come to an agreement with the president and to deal with our long-term spending problem. no one. >> david, no one in washington, d.c., other than the house speaker. is that a fact? because right now it seems as if the president has put out the -- against democratic priorities that entitlement cuts are on the table. but speaker boehner has not gone anywhere with revenue. >> he's not. and i think his point is, hey, we did revenue two months ago with this fiscal cliff deal. maybe not as much as the president wanted, but we gave on that. it's time with the president to go with the spending cuts and do
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it in a more so fest indicated way. if you listen to ta interview in full, boehner kept coming back to the idea that spend sg a problem. he's making it appeal to those conservatives around the country who believe that. and there's large portion of people who do. even the president acknowledged that you have to do something to get the fed under control. the question is going forward in that march 27th deadline, the president has not been threatening, they thought, against it for another potential government shutdown which would be very damaging. but i think there is some sense, maybe, that they could find some temporary solution. i think that could be part of it. >> margie, explain the political strategy, though. we are now racing toward a potential government shutdown. there is the continuing resolution that will most likely make its way through the house to keep defense funding going. meanwhile, if republicans do want to choke off any forward motion for the president, isn't shutting down the government at the end of the month the best way to do it?
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>> well, it's certainly not going to help their position. remember, this is a congress that continues to have record low approval rating. voters continue to blame republicans more than the president for each new crisis that we have. and it's costing at the ballot box, it cost them at the polls and in the polls. it's not a good political strategy and it's a terrible strategy policy. if you look at what sequester cuts would do, if you look at what shotting the government would do, for almost a million women, mowers and children, we're talking about baby formula and newborns that are now going to suffer as a result of this brinksmanship in washington. >> how about they be primaried? >> probably so, but they already did that. .i think boehner's point was he
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wanted to see the president come his way a little bit. we game their way and now he should come out way on some of these cuts. there are two ways to really get something done if you're the president. one is to take it to the people. and he's doing that. the president is wonderful at taking his issues to the people. however, if he's entering or leaving the room and the room isn't leaving his name, it's like he's done. he doesn't know what to do. the second part of that is going back to the congress, back to the senate working with those folks to get something accomplished. he likes to issue his edict and his decree and let the congress come along. he has to work with those folks. if they get the cuts, then them they can come back and say let's talk about the loopholes. but right now, i think they're pretty entrenched. a lot of republicans took it on the chin when they said we're going to allow for tax increases. they're stinging on that and they're waiting for the president to come their way.
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>> all right. and he is not definitively or not, you know, one way or the owe other saying if he's going to run for president come 2016. i want to play for everybody his appearance with matt lauer. >> are you going to run in 2016? >> that's way off into the future. >> you will not definitively rule out a run for president in 2016? >> i won't, but i'm not going to declare it today, either, matt. >> is it a hard thing for a bush to rebrand -- a jeb bush, that is, to rebrand the last name considering we're still trying to come out of the recovery of george w. bush's presidency? >> that certainly would be one of jeb bush's challenges if he were to go forward that there are a lot of folks still today in polls more blame president bush for the economic conditions of the country than blame president obama. and i think that's something that he might have to answer for. but nonetheless, he is emerged as a real voice of reason on the right. and i think folks on the right and republicans looking to chart
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a new course that brings them a little bit back to the center would make sense to listen to what jeb bush has to say. >> as you say, charting a new course this weekend, we also got a chance to see what the old course was with mitt romney sitting down with chris wallace, talking about how he and ann are getting over losing the election. take a listen. >> to a certain degree, when you hear about the rebranding, aren't people saying they want to distance the party from you? >> well, i recognize that as the guy who lost the election, i'm not in a position to tell everybody else how to win, all right? they're not going to lisp and i don't have the credibility to do that, anyway. >> did you watch this? and what was your take away of how romney appeared in hindsight? it doesn't seem like he's moving forward very well. >> look, i mean, the wounds are still probably pretty frash, especially with his wife. and i hear that for most spouses i deal with when i consult with political candidates. look, romney had a tough race. he obviously lost and, you know,
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i think it would do the republicans good to go to mitt romney and say tell us what you learned in your loss. we learn more from our losses than our victories. that doesn't mean we have to take everything he says and run with it. but i think it's important to talk to someone who just went through these battles, whose scars are so fresh. we know where we think you missed it, but tell us what happened inside. we coughed this election night. i was with you all night long. 60% of whites voted for gornlgs h.w. bush and he won. 60% of whites voted for mitt romney and he lost. clearly there's a lack of cohesiveness on the republican side. real quickly, i want to get on dennis rodman appearing with george stephanopoulos about going to north korea. take a look. >> i stuck with him for two days. and the one thing he asked me give obama something to do and do one thing. he want obama to do one thing. call him. >> he wants a call from
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president obama? >> that's right. he told me that. he said, if you can, dennis, i don't want to do war. >> david, i'm going to leave you with the last word on this. how was that interview playing out in washington, d.c.? not so well. the worm has a knack for publicity. in this case, he's not the adversary that the white house would want over there. and i'm not sure the president will be giving a call anytime to kim junk un. frankly, there's a lot of people that are upset that dennis rodman is over there giving a publicity opportunity to the new leader of north korea. but that's something only dennis can understand why he's doing it. >> certainly a lot of headlines. i can't imagine the cash he was paid to go there. thanks to all three of you. i do appreciate it. former south carolina governor mark sandford derailed his career in 2009 when he disappeared and is cheating on his wife. now he's asking his ex for a big
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favor. is peace possible in the middle east? we'll have a chance to speak with spokesman for israel's prime minister coming up next. then our question of the day for you, jeb bush, can he rebrand the bush name? tweet me, @thomasaroberts. find me on facebook. director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable lahtuger). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me. ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor
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vice president joe biden has just ramped his address to the american palestinian affairs committee in washington setting the stage for president obama's first trip to israel as president later this morning. vice president biden clifford tough talk on iran and defended the president's commitment to israel. >> we have a shared strategic commitment. let me make clear what that commitment is. it is to prevent iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, period. period.
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end of discussion, period. prevent, not contain, prevent. >> israeli prime minister ben ya minute netanyahu about to address the group now. this is day two of the three-day conference by the important pro israel lobbying group. joining me now live from washington, d.c. where they took art in the conference yesterday is ambassador dennis ross. former top adviser to obama, clinton and george h.w. bush and joining us from jerusalem is mark regett, spokesman for the israeli prime minister. ambassador, i want to start with you because of the op-ed that you put in sunday's "new york time times". in there, you wrote that, quote, the most fundamental problem of israelis and palestinians is the problem of disbelief. most israelis and palestinians simply don't believe peace is possible. you go on to say that neither side believe the other is committeed to a two-state outcome. so it's been proposed for a 14-point agenda for these
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discussions that you've done, six for israelis, six for palestinians. do you think that the white house can work within that type of disbelief, distrust in the other side? >> well, i think the white house understands that there's a fundamental problem right now in terms of trying to break the stalemate. and what i was trying to do was to focus in on what the source of that problem is. and it's really each side's disbelief that the other is committed to a two-state outcome. and i was suggesting what could be an agenda for discussion that would involve possible steps each side would take? i'd rather have those steps be steps that each side would be prepared to discuss and if the other was prepared to take a set of steps, you could coordinate on what each would do and then you could change the reality. you could begin to change the reality between the two sides. the problem is, we're stuck. there's a stalemate. we have disbelief. and if you want to move towards peace, you have to re-establish
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belief and even if you had talks tomorrow, you have to establish something is going to be difference because of those two talk peps. >> mark, can i get your take as we heard the ambassador there and what needs to be done? we now have information about the secretary of state john kerry's surprise visit with mahmoud abbas. what does that signal to you about where the american diplomacy commitment stands with trying to work for peace? >> first of all, good morning from jet stream. i think we have one advantage and that is because expectation res very low. if the leadership is trying to leave here and surprise people and see if we can never these move the process forward. our government, the government of israel is ready for the immediate resumption of peace talks without any precontinues whatsoever. up until now, the palestinian side has not been ready. i'm hopefulful that's going to
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change in the coming weeks and months and we can get back to direct taum talks between valleys and palestinians. ultimately, you can only solve problems through discussion. you can only bridge gap through discussions. >> as we know, with diplomacy, full discussions brings awa awarene awareness. one thing we are hearing more about is the vice president talking today, putting in firm words about making sure that iran doesn't get its hands on a nuclear weapon and we all remember when prime minister netanyahu famously drew that red line while appearing at the united nations. are you confident, by the language that's being used with the vice president today? >> i know that this issue will be number one on the agenda when president obama visits us here in jerusalem later this month. i mean, it is our number one concern and it's america's concern, too. ultimately, it's no one's interest to see that ayatollah
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regime in iran get their hands on nuclear technology. it's just not good for people who want to see this planet as safer place for us all. so that is the number one issue and it affects what we talked about a moment ago, the middle east peace process. because if iran goes nuclear, that's not only a direct threat to all of iran's neighbors, that's not only a threat to the peace of the world, that's not only giving a regime that supports nuclear weaponry, but that will also in many ways kill the middle east peace process because that will energize all those islamic extremists. >> what type of message does it send to those that have discounted or tried to put at odds the relationship between the u.s. and israel, the fact that president obama is going there? >> oh, i think the visit itself is a message. the message is very clear, the united states and israel have an unshakeable relationship. it's founded on interest and
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values that are shared and that the president is committed to building on that and sending a message to everybody in the region not only on the relationship, but what you heard the vice president say today, that when it comes to an issue like iran, we want the diplomacy to succeed, but we want iran prevented from having a nuclear capability, not to live with it. and the more that's understood, the more it will move us in the right direction, including a peaceful outcome even with the iranians. >> ambassador dennis ross and mark regga, thank you for taking time out for me and i appreciate it. >> thank you. forget about the see zester. now it's about avoiding a government shutdown. coming straight at us march 27th, is there anything the two sides can really agree on? i'm going to talk to republican tom cole about that. but first, another major storm is brewing and it could dump up to 15 inches of snow in parts of the midwest.
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welcome back, everyone. here is a loot stories topping the news now. doctors in mississippi are reporting the first known case of a baby bug cured of hiv. the baby was born treated adegrees hely with drugs 30 hours after birth. this case could change the way infected newborns are treated the. queen elizabeth's first day in the hospital in a decade was a short one. the 86-year-old left the london hospital where she was admitted yesterday after suffering from a stomach infection. she was leaving there, seen leaving just over an hour ago looking good. and a newborn baby delivered after his parents were killed in a hit and run crash has died. dumb was headed to the hospital early sunday when a bmw slammed their vehicle they were traveling in. the parents were pronounced dead at the hospital. the search is on for the vehicle of that vehicle.
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it's the one you store in the freezer. same medicated pain reliever used by physical therapists. that's chilly! [ male announcer ] bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. so a new focus today on averting the next fiscal crisis which is averting the next government shutdown at the end of the month. this week, the house will vote on a spending measure that would keep the government from shutting down. funding would expire again on march 27th. joining me now is congressman tom cole from oklahoma. let's start out with how will you vote on that? >> i'd certainly vote for it. >> you'll vote for it. the speaker says he's hopeful the house and senate will be able to work through this. >> i think the speaker is right. i was encouraged on friday that both the president and the speaker made the point of saying this shouldn't be used as a weapon and it's something we ought to agree on.
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obviously it's at the lower sequester number, but i'll certainly vote to extend funding. >> sir, over the weekend, gene sperling spoke on "meet the press." take a listen. >> we will still be committed to trying to find remembers and democrats that will work on a bipartisan compromise to eliminate, get rid of the sequester and that's why the president was calling leadership on friday. that's why he spent saturday afternoon calling republican and democratic senators who he thinks could be part of a caucus of common sense to help move our country forward. >> caucus of common sense. at the end of the day, are you seeing the sequestration cuts mainly as a win for your parties? >> look, i think the place for compromise is redistributing the cuts. we both agree on that. if the compromise involves new
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revenue, that's simply not going to happen. we had a huge tax increase with no spending cuts. now the appropriate balance of the spending cuts with no revenue, let's go on and work on the larger issues down the road. but, you know, we could have solved this a long time ago if the president had gotten serious before literally the last day. >> sir, i want to turn to this recent day that you did. in this piece you see the republican conferences are like amateur night. tell us what you mean by that? >> well, i think sometimes we don't think far enough ahead in terms of an end game. i think that happened during the fiscal cliff. look, we hadn't made the deal we made, taxes would have gone up on every single american. the burke tax cuts would have all been over. we saved 58% of them for 98% of the american people. i call that a win. a lot of my colleagues would disagree. it was making temporary tax cuts
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permanent for almost every american. we need to be a little bit more farsighted, but i think we're getting there. >> when you talk about getting there, is it your impression, though, that revenue could make its way back into this conversation when we're talking about closing those tax loopholes and looking at larger reform for the rebirth of potentially a grand bargain? >> well, i think there is a potential for a grand bargain down the road. not in the sequester. i don't think there's any chance for revenue here. i've been perfectly clear about that. but there's lots of things you can do if you do a tax code overhaul that will generate revenue and by spurring faster economic growth. so i think there's a lot of things ahead. but to do those things, you're going to have to put serious entitlement reform on the table. the end game is to get the fiscal situation stabilized and the deficit undercontrol and going down. >> sir, you may have seen mitt romney appeared over the weekend with chris wallace. i want to play part of what he said about the loss in his first tv interview since.
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>> i still care and i still believe that there are principles that we need to stand for. when i look at what's happening right now, i wish he i were there. it kills me not to be there, not to be in the white house. >> do you think that the sequester was coming back maybe, just maybe you thought a president romney would be in place and things would be different rye now under it? >> well, i wish mitt romney were here. i think one of his great strengths were to bring people together. he did that as governor of massachusetts and he serm in his business and political career showed he knew how to make a deal. but i think the sequester was literally president obama's suggestion and republicans went along with it with the idea that sooner or later he'll sit down and calculate where these cuts are coming from. i think the president thought we
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would change where revenue was coming from and that's never been in the cards. >> congressman, thank you. >> thank you. so we move on and talk about what's taking place in rome and the vatican city.. there are meetings all before the official conclave begins to decide who will be the next pope. but that conclave is facing some major stumbling blocks, a series of internal problems that have created new challenges for the catholic church. the latest bombshell dropped by recently resigned scottish cardinal keith o'brien who over the weekend apologized and admitted incidents of sexual conduct. some cardinals say they are focused less on the drama and more on the papal selection process. [ speaking foreign language ]. >> joining me now live trt
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vatican is father john bartuni. father, it's good to have you here. we've been hearing people in the media with pretty stark contrastal comments about pope benedict leaving at a time when the church needs him most because of multiple setbacks, speaking of the butler, the butler leaks that came out of the vatican and the dossier that's now been put together that was seen by pope benedict and that will be seen by whoever the next pope is about the investigation into that. and then there's this word of a gay underground network within the church hierarchy itself. we have the reverend recently describing it like this saying this is not a healthy situation for any kind of institution. it looks like amateur hour. what is your assessment at all the different assessments that are pouring in and influences over what the conclave has to do in electing a new pope? >> right.
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well, i think, r, first of all, all of it is speculation. no one knows what's in the report except for the pope himself and those who helps compile the report. and if he left the report skeeld for his successor, he must think there's sufficient information there for the successor to deal with whatever issues need to be dealt with. i do think one of the issues they'll be talking about this week in their meeting and what they call the general congregation to what they think are the bigger issues will be, i think they're going to be talking about the issue of governance. one of the roles of the pope, but only one of the roles is to a manager, a very high level manager for the catholic church throughout the world. and his team is the curia, the carpals who work here in rome. so can you manage well? can you manager better? can you manager better than the one who went before? those are some of the questions
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people will be talking about. >> it is said some have been infiltrate infiltrated by corruption. is it up to the next pope to get that out of that body? >> that's speculation. a lot of people are talking about that. it's interesting to speculate about that. we all kind of like intrigue. we like the -- >> but, father, there's a dossier that is sitting -- where there's smoke, there's fire. we all know that the church suffered from the sexual abuse scandal that it denied for a very long time and so it had to stand in the wake of everything that it denied about that. and now we know that there is a dossier that has been wrapped and looked at by the pope. but instead of dealing with it, he wrapped it up and left it for the next pope to come in. if we don't think that there's something damning in this, i think that would be living in
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the state of denial for the church that so many catholics in the world are looking for an admission of transparency. so that they can feel they can trust in their church again. >> sure. well, i think that's a very legitimate point of view and there are many people who share it. but i think, we do have to keep it in perspective. this is the pope who actually -- or the pope ee mayor tuesday, pope benedict, the one who put together that dossier, he broke the stalemate on the sexual abuse issues. he was the one who moved forward investigations and concrete steps at the vatican level. so he understands the consequences of not dealing with the issue. i think the other point of view is we can give him the benefit of the doubt. he understands what's in the dossier. he's worked in the vatican since -- >> but, father, didn't joseph bradsinger oversee the entire
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department to deal with sexual abuse for the decades leading up to the point where it was finally revealed? so he knew all of that going in and a lot of people would question why he didn't take a stricter role at that point when you oversaw it and can kept a lot of that material from john paul. >> actually, thomas, that's not exactly correct. the responsibility for the congregation of the doctors of faith to oversee the treatment of all those cases, that was a move that was made during the pontificate of pope john paul ii. i don't know what the meetings were that changed that policy. i think it was a good change, but cardinal ratzinger was a member when it was made. from that point on, things began to move. so i think it's safe to say that he actually does understand the gravity 06 these types of issues and i think one point of view is he made a mistake in keeping the dossier, but another point of
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view is that he understands what it entails and maybe it's not quite as bad as some of the conjecture makes it out to be. >> father, last question, the conclave, do we know a date of when they're going to meet? >> no, we don't. that's one of the topics that the cardinals will be talking about during the congregation. once all the carpals are here, they will discuss that, when they should start the conclave and some other issues. it's interesting to note, thomas, that of the 115 cardinals who will be voting, well, they're all in the congregations now. but there's another 90 or so cardinals who are participating in the discussions this week. so some people are saying, well, the ones who aren't going to be in the conclave may want to continue these discussions a little longer. so we don't know when the conclave will start, although it has to start before march 20th, by church law. >> father, thanks for your time. i appreciate it. >> thank you, thomas. so don't is ask, don't tell in the nfl. the football league being
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criticized for asking players during the xween questions about their sexual orientation. i'm going to speak to ravens linebacker brendon ayanbadejo. plus, breaking down the sequester. then jeb bush, can he rebrand the bush name if he has political aspirations to take back the white house? we'll have your comments coming up. hmm, we need a new game. ♪ that'll save the day. ♪ so will bounty select-a-size. it's the smaller powerful sheet. the only one with trap + lock technology. look! one select-a-size sheet of bounty is 50% more absorbent than a full size sheet of the leading ordinary brand. use less. with the small but powerful picker upper, bounty select-a-size. i worked a patrol unit for 17 years in the city of baltimore. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness
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joining us at 5:00 on the phone now is baltimore ravens linebacker brendon ayanbadejo. it's good to have you here. >> thanks for having me on. >> i want to talk about something we talked about on twitter last week after you appeared on ed schultz's show. we had a back and forth about something you said there about bigotry in the league when it comes to gay issues. i want to remind everybody what you had to say then. take a look. >> do you think the bigotry that still exists and discrimination that exists in locker reams in general, i think you just need to say, hey, i'm straight, i love women and keep everything so-called normal. >> brendon, not too long ago, you said the league will most likely be seeing its first openly gay player in a year or so, that players would likely support whoever that is. how do you justify sending these two different messages on that
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issues? one where you say a gay player would be accepted, but the young players coming in, they might have to deny who they are when asked? >> well, you know, it's so hard to make the nfl as it is. why make things harder for you? i think if a player is coming in, they're being drafted out of college. they haven't been in a locker room yet. i think you could say you're straight. once you're on a team and you've been in the league for x amount of years, whatever, everyone is around you, they know who you are and they know what you do, then you can come out and say who you are and what you do. everyone will support you. but if you don't have a contract yet, i don't think it's worth the risk of potentially losing out on that dream and playing in the nfl because of the things that exist that i mentioned in the show with ed schultz about bigotry and discrimination. >> so there's great speculation about the potential that lawsuits might evolve from this issue, the example of nick cassa coming forward to face that question. nbc said recently they said the league will have to change without the benefit of
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litigation. and as we talk about litigation, brendan, we know that thousands of football players that have gotten together to talk about brain injury issues from concussions that they've faced and they're having a hard time going up against the nfl. do you think that litigation is the right way to go here or do you think that the nfl needs to change from the inside out? >> i think the nfl needs to change from the inside out. there's just two -- there's too many factors. there's too much going on. it's the civil rights issue, it's equality. the nfl, they want to have the lgbt demographic. it's simply the right thing to do. so why not be, you know, progressive and change instead of having to go through lit gayle investigation and all these other things that are going to slow it down? you've got to catch up with the redd rest of society and let the rest of the world know that the sports world isn't the last bash for hoe homophobia. >> do you think the last draft is getting this kind of heat because of the manti te'o,
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that's why league scouts feel they need to get this out there? and also, if the players are asked, what about using the line, none of your business? and why wouldn't that work? >> well, you really don't want to tell a potential employer, somebody that you really want to work for, it's a childhood dream that you've been chasing, you don't want to give them any bad impressions. you want to represent yourself to the best of your ability and let them know exactly who you are because it's something you're going to be working intimately with for several years. i don't think that's an appropriate answer even though it's not an appropriate question to ask. so it is really tough for these young guys, but we're trying to do everything that we're doing with athletes, scott fujita, chris kluwe, when an athlete does come out, and they're going to have to come out in their time when they're ready, that they have a support group behind them. >> brendon ayanbadejo, good to
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tuck to you. see you on twitter. he lied to her, he cheated on her and now mark sanford is asking his ex-wife for a huge favor. with many retiring and more time to travel, the over 50 set are hitting the road. where are they heading? travel side found the number one boomer destination was mexico. washing weather and beaches made hawaii and the caribbean places where boomers are kicking back and enjoying life. this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve.
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live online, it's the first lais lady. as we speak right now, michelle obama holding her first ever hangout on google plus touting her let's move initiative. the first lady is emphasizing healthy eating and exercise as part of her let's move campaign stressing this is not about appearances. >> not make this an issue about looks. we should really talk to kids about how they feel, how they feel inside so that we're not just dealing with the physical
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manifestations of the challenge, but we're really tapping into what's going on inside that head of that child. >> all right. so we've always heard that politics makes for strange bed fellows. but this one may be a first. the report from new york magazine mark sanford asked his ex-wife, jenny, to manage his u.s. congressional campaign. there were early talks that jenny might start a campaign of her own, but she chose not to run. she also opted to say no to this latest offer, even after he offered to pay her. and if you saw saturday night live this weekend, you saw the not ready for prime time players play out the latest measure on the sequester drama. they did it with an lgbt musical twist. >> these cuts will affect our military, our civil service, federal construction projects. even grants to native americans and i'm the one who has to tell these folks, young men, there's
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no need to -- young men, get yourself off the ground. young men, just because you're funning it now, there is no need to be unhappy. >> you probably know how the rest of it goes. that's going to wrap things up for me today. 50i8 see you back here tomorrow. joining me then, ed rendell. but now with alex wagner comes your way or the next hour. >> thomas, if the president had done an event with the village people in the background, maybe we wouldn't have the sequester. >> maybe not. they know how to get things done. >> they clearly do. we have a lot on our show today. both parties are working to free themselves from the shackles of blame. can you sequester the sequester? we'll discuss with maggie haberman, ben wallace wells, joe
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reed and bill wallace. plus, can conservatives change course on gay marriage? and, doctor samson davis is here to talk about saving lives in america's inner-cities. we will look at all of that when "now" starts in the mirror 180 seconds. ork the camera... work it! those hands. oooh la la! magnifique! what's your secret? what? huh? dawn? how can this be? [ female announcer ] dawn hand renewal with olay beauty helps lock in skin's natural moisture to improve the look and feel of hands in 5 uses. [ sponge ] gotta hand it to your beautiful hands, huh? [ female announcer ] love it, or get double your money back. dawn does more. [ sponge ] so it's not a chore. okay why? more is better than less because if stuff is not le-- if there is more less stuff then you might want to have some more and your parents just don't let you because there's only a little bit. right. we want more, we want more. like you really like it, you want more.
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