tv The Cycle MSNBC March 4, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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and wesley & ashley are looking for a brand new smartphone. let's go. we've got a samsung galaxy sii on t-mobile monthly4g for only $299 with no annual contract. nice! [ earl ] see for yourself. get the samsung galaxy s ii on t-mobile's nationwide 4g network. walmart. okay why? more is better than less because if stuff is not le--
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refuses to perform cpr. the family says that's okay. courtside with kim jong-un. dennis rodman like you have never seen him before and trust me, that's a tough feat to accomplish. you might have thought it was over but the wheel keeps spinning on the super sequester. both houses of congress are back today after the president signed the executive order friday triggering $85 billion in spending cuts before the fall. of course, "snl" played up the folly of it all. >> and of course, these cuts will affect our military, our civil servants, federal construction projects, even grants to native americans.
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and, i'm the one who has to tell these folks, young men, there's no need to feel down. young men, pick yourself off the ground. young man, just because your funding is down there's no need to be unhappy. thank you, gentlemen. >> you're welcome. >> i loved that song. of course, around here we say it's fun to say it's the c c-y-c-l-e. anyway, president obama trying to walk back the cuts and my reputation. replace them with smarter cuts and new tax revenue but a new report out today shows the u.s.
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government will submit taxes this year adding to the republican position that washington does not have a revenue problem. it has a spending problem. there's also talk about possible long-term grand bargain in the works and d.c. dealing with the looming house shut down and thursday funding past march 27th, both sides say they want to avoid a shutdown threat and with growing dysfunction, is there any hope for compromise? joining us here at the table, veteran nbc news man, tom brokaw. welcome, sir. >> can i get a note from home and get out of this? >> smart move, smart move. >> just -- i mean, before you go, this appears to be to me no way to run a government. constant sort of deadline situation after deadline situation and there is at least one if not two or three more in the future. but is it that we're forced in to this because one party not only refusing to negotiate but incented not to work with the president?
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>> i don't think that's the case. i think in most cases they're staking out positions and looking forward to 2014 when the congressional elections are coming up again. republicans want to hang on to what they have. they'd like to get the senate. they can't raise taxes with the base because that becomes toxic for them. the president on the other hand wants to demonize the republican party and use that to energize the base and get the house back. at the moment what we see are the two sides playing chicken with each other. running down the highway toward each other, probably will swerve at the last moment. my guess is as these cuts begin to take effect and more draconian than they appear to be now and the country begins to hurt and protest, then they'll quickly find a way to get out of it with a -- and both will claim victory at some point. >> right. >> but for the moment, we're in the stage at this moment where they're going to continue to hold their positions, they're going to try to make rhetorical victories against one another
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for a while and it's a terrible commentary on what it's come to in washington, d.c. and really puzzles me is that members of this congress, republicans and democrats alike, by the way, are going to retire at some point or go home and they will take with them the reputation of the worst congress in the history of the republic in terms of not getting anything done. and not a lot of heroes on the senate side either. speaker boehner is right. let the senate work with this. where's their budget? the president can start the budget process over there. the president spent too much time in the last two weeks campaigning and in effect around the country lining up "saturday night live" parody, the people affected and maybe ought to have been at camp david and said to members of the senate bring the leadership up here, let's spend five days showing the public that we are interested in trying to make a heroic effort to get a
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deal here. can't make any calls out to anybody else except maybe your press representatives but not the caucus members. we'll going to sit here and negotiate this. you're the leaders of the congress. i'm the leader of the country. we have to work this out. >> tom, tom, in the old days, hammers like the sequester, i mean, they worked. but now, it seems like the members of congress who are there now are fearless and is that fearlessness based in ignorance of how things are supposed -- how things are supposed to work, meaning compromise and eye towards governing or is it just based in -- not to single out the tea party here, based in this desire to shred government? >> i think three things, jonathan, are in play and some of them have to do with substance, a lot of them have to do with what i call the instrumentation of modern politics. first of all, look at the congressional map. almost all of the districts now are heavily gerrymandered so
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they're bullet-proof. if you're a republican, you can take the stand that many of them are taking and go home and know that you get re-elected because you have a bullet-proof district. same time, the tea party and other organizations are out there with access to the internet and that access gives them a direct pipe in to the individual congressional and senate offices in which they can keep the pressure on 24/7. every senator as you know and congressman has somebody that does nothing but monitor e-mail. there's a lot of pressure there. and then the country is just bomb more ideological. there are objective realities, as well. the debt is very large in this country. we are emerging from this recession and downturn with an uncertain future yet and we have got to decide what we're going to do about the big issues. entitlement. not on the table at the moment. social security and medicare. what we're going do do about some of that. what kind of a defense budget do we need given the end of a two longest wars in the nation's
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history and a different set of threats around the world than we went in to. so there's a lot of play here, very complicated but part of the reality of the 21st century an i'm afraid we are going to be operating in this mode for a long time. i know that's a long-winded answer but that's how i feel about it. >> isn't there i wonder a reality we ought to acknowledge about how sort of the internal politics of the republican party on capitol hill changed in the obama era? you talk about maybe he's spent too much time barn storming, maybe should have called boehner, other leaders to camp david. my reaction when i hear that is this is precipitated with the debt ceiling showdown in the summer of 2011 an the lesson of that boehner tried to cut a deal, went back to the conference and told we don't trust you on this. he emerged from the fiscal cliff deal promising the members i won't negotiate on my own anymore with obama and three times this year he's actually -- he's brought bills to the floor
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to the floor passed. i wonder if that sort of tells you the republican party as it's currently constituted can't make a deal with obama. >> no. and the fact is on the senate side, the rules are that, you know, you should have just a majority but the filibuster is constantly present. they can't move in the senate because they can't get to 60 votes. not just 50 plus 1. at the same time, the president is held hostage a little bit by his side in that he can't go at medicare and social security and some of the other program that is are very important to his side. so, what we find ourselves is both leadership teams are held hostage by kind of an extreme members of the party and more true in the republican side than the democratic side. the tea party, look. i've said this before and i'll say it again. however you believe, the impact of the tea party is on the future of the country, they have played by the rules. they got angry, organized, got
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to washington and they stayed on message and they have power out of proportion of their numbers quite honestly but they played by the rules and i say to people that complain, hey, go get organized. you know? >> i'm wondering if you happen to catch mitt romney's sitdown with chris wallace this weekend. >> i didn't see it. i read about it. i saw some of it. >> what did you think about what you say or read? >> it's always hard to lose. that's what i thought. mondale said to mcgovern and they both lost and he said to mcgovern, george, when do you get over it? he said, get over it? you don't get over it. you know? you give up four years of your life. you have enormous pride invested, friends that spend money on your behalf and you lose. >> yeah. >> and in his case, he lost by a much larger margin than he anticipated he would. i talked to people in the room with him on election night and some of them were politically
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not naive i suppose but they had raised a lot of money for him and invited in and come to me and say, he thought he was going to win. when did you know he was going to lose? i said about a week earlier it looked strong if the game plan that the obama people paid off for them. i was skeptical and then seeing the evidence of it, you know? in our own polling and other places, you could see how they could pull this off. they're not bad people. i mean, they're very chair it i believe. he had success in his life. i saw him in salt lake city after the election when i was doing the christmas concert for next year and had friends around him there. he has to choose what to do with his life and she seemed -- i understand this. more wounded than he was by the loss because she really did think they were going to win. it's hard.
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it's the hardest thing in the world to do run for the president of the united states. a friend said you have to be prepared to go at high noon every day and take a bath naked. that's the metaphor. >> sounds terrible. >> let's talk about the guy who won, your advice for obama moving forward apart from the camp david concept? >> what is my at vice for it? >> i think tone down the campaign events kind of in the white house and other places, more work behind the scenes. he won't take my advice. why should he? he got there. you know? they're going to position themselves now for a while for political advantage. and then deal with the reality. because it's not the biggest cut in the world at the moment but it could be painful and it could begin to snowball to some degree. the issue i think that's important, as well, is does it continue to undermine the confidence of the country in
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washington and their ability to get things done? what does it say to the rest of the world about the system of government? about whether we can get at a critical time trying to recover from this very long, deep, painful recession that we just can't get the fundamentals right in washington in any way? these are real issues. the republicans feel strongly that they've given enough on taxes. there's a lot of play in the federal budget. they ought to be able to find a way to get through some of it. >> i agree. always an honor to have you. thank you. >> you don't think it's an honor at all. come on. >> it was fun. >> i sure do. up next, a shocking 911 tape raising difficult questions about senior care in america. but before we go heavy, how about a little more ymca to get you through the monday afternoon? with the spark cash card
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imagine someone you knew suddenly went in to cardiac arrest but there was nothing that anybody nearby could do. not because they didn't want to but the rules said they weren't permitted to. a newly released 911 call reveals the look at a case of an elderly woman in california. we have the chilling details. >> there's lady oosh. >> what's the address? what is the address? >> reporter: the 911 call came from glenwood gardens, a senior independent living facility in bakersfield, california. an 87-year-old resident
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collapsed inside. >> we need to get cpr started. that's not enough. okay? >> we can't do cpr to the facility. >> if you can't do it, hand the phone to the passer by or any citizens there. >> no. >> reporter: the management says its employees are not allowed to attempt cpr on its residents. our practice to immediately call emergency medical personnel for assistance an ento wait with the individual needing attention. that's the protocol we followed. >> she's going to dial if we don't get this started. do you understand? >> i understand. i am a nurse. >> okay. >> but i cannot have our other senior citizens who don't know cpr -- >> i will instruct them and -- i will instruct them. is there anyone there who's willing -- >> reporter: mary winters, an expert on senior care, says in california, independent living facilities are not legally required to provide medical care. >> it's really more like a hotel
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where they'll offer you concierge services, you will get meals, housekeeping, change your bed. but you can't even get care in an independent living. >> reporter: the 911 call lasted just over seven minutes. an emergency call that left the dispatcher pleading for help. >> i understand if your boss is telling you that you can't do it. is there anybody there that's willing to help this lady and not let her die? >> not at this time. >> reporter: nbc news, los angeles. >> the victim was eventually rushed to a hospital where she was pronounced dead. her daughter says she's satisfied with the her care and respect it is policy of this facility. but this afternoon, many others are wondering was enough done? let's spin. so, guys, this reminded me of that story from a year or two ago of the lifeguard in florida who was fired for saving someone outside of his coverage zone.
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he eventually got his job back. but this is sort of the opposite of that. in order to not get fired, the staff at glenwood gardens decided not to do anything. and the woman died. presumably all of the people will keep their jobs but what i don't understand is, you don't want to be liable for administering incorrect care, i suppose, and maybe there's some confusion over whether there was a do not resuscitate order but then why call 911? >> that's their policy. >> what's the -- but policy aside, clearly this policy is flawed. policy aside, what's the point of calling 911 and asking for care if you're not going to then administer the care they're attempting to give while you wait? >> yeah. i i feel it might -- when the outrage in a situation is easy and obvious, my instinct is to say wait a minute. there's context here missing.
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i don't know. if there's a case of crazy lawsuit conscious policy in place and the employee's following the letter of the handbook and let -- yeah. i would be outraged over that, too. there's a context clues here that i'm keying in on. the statement from this woman's -- 87-year-old woman's family saying we were aware of this policy going in. we don't have a problem with this. number two, this community, they also operate an assisted care facility and there they will resuscitate and do cpr and all of that. they have drawn a distinction between if you want to go in the assisted care facility you get that. if you live here, you get that. it raises the possibility what you have is senior citizens who have thought these things through and if i live here an i am in a situation -- this idea of the do not resuscitate order, that will cover situations of cpr. if this woman and family made the decision, residents could --
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the residents aren't that alarmed either. if this is a place with that conversation and had that discussion, and the policy of the place is, you know, you need cpr, we'll comfort you. >> puts 911 in a tough spot. >> that's awkward. >> oh my god. look. this story just floors me because here's a person. when you hear that call and you hear just how lackadaisical the people on the glenwood gardens end is, yeah, not at this time. oh yeah. we can't do that. oh, she's yelling at me and she wants know do cpr. get someone. i won't do it. it's all very stressful. where's the urgency? someone's collapsed. 87 years old there in the dining room and no one's doing anything. what point does humanity kick in? >> it leaps out to me. not dealing in a situation of someone is dying. i understand there's a policy but does she even seem as a
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human being to recognize that the person is nearing the end of the life and even if they don't want to be resuscitated and there's older people entering that situation -- >> a lot of them. >> but you still have -- got to have a sense of, like, wow, like, this is a major moment in my life, in this person's life and this person can be close to dying and how much of this situation is about we're living in this over litigious society and we will have the policies where we won't get in trouble when we're trying to save your life and you can't be sued for performing cpr, there's other thinging -- >> california law. >> i agree. if that's the case, we can agree it's an outrage. i have seen this in my own life and probably all seen -- a lot of us seen similar things. older people will have a conversation with the nurses who are around them, their family an they will say, over and over for the final years of their lives, i don't want to be resuscitated. >> isn't there -- that bothers you? >> suggests to me strongly when the family comes out with a
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statement they had that conversation with the family and had that conversation with the caregiver and if the policy of the place in that situation is to comfort you in the final moments but not -- >> not comforting at all. >> no comfort there. >> she wasn't but -- again, i don't have the full details but the fact the family isn't alarmed. >> i wouldn't want to go there. i wouldn't want to be a guest there. >> it's a tough one. >> a hotel to give you everything except help when you're dying. all right. straight ahead, a sequester side effect. illegal immigrants released from jail instead of deported. as you might expect, we have a lot to talk about on this one. [ heart beating, monitor beeping ] woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance
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undocumented immigrants as a cost-cutting measure. even though officials insist most releases are not related to sequestration. check out the price of keeping an undocumented immigrant in detention. $164 a night. according to the ap, i.c.e. released 2,000 last month and another 3,000 expected this month and led to this outcry from gop lawmakers. >> this is very hard for me to believe, that they can't find cuts elsewhere in their agency. i frankly think this is outrageous. >> well, when i learned of the comments that were being made, it's simply just -- what is it, duck and cover and blame someone else? it's outrageous. the whole situation is just appalling. >> oh boy. as we mentioned, i.c.e. says those released noncriminals and low-risk offenders. why keep them locked up in the first place? what's happening is a result of the sequester cuts has many
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activists concerned that the budget battle will derail any chance of reform. in the guest spot is raul reyes. welcome back to the show. >> how are you? >> there's two issues jumping out at me. undocumented workers a boogieman for the right, criminals or job takers. hearing about people sort of obama releasing criminals to promote the political agenda! you know, so we're not talking about scarface here but nonviolent offenders and this perpetuation of a boogieman and then we have this issue of the one party wants to be the party of austerity and then when it happens, then they're like, oh, well that's not what we wanted. >> right. >> so, you know, work out the two issues for me. >> well, you know, actually there's a lot of issues going on here. i never thought i'd be on the same side as john boner but this whole situation with the detainees released it does raise a lot of questions as you
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mentioned. if they were low level offenders, why were they were being held in the first place? you know, there's a dispute of how many were actually released. and then there's this ongoing dispute of who knew what when and the white house said it was never consulted. janet napolitano said the decision made in the field. who is in charge of this agency and it's at the absolute nexus of a critical issue so they need to get things together. it could derail immigration reform. people are always looking far excuse to not get behind it. if i.c.e. and department of homeland security can continue to be dysfunctional it gives those opponents more ammunition. >> raul, to your point, derailing immigration reform, a number of experts on both sides of the aisle are concerned that the sort of political grand standing around the issue and releasing illegal immigrants before the sequester even takes place makes it hard, much
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harder, in fact, for the obama administration to argue to enforce immigration law, existing immigration law or chooses not to sometimes. does this ultimately hurt the administration, the administration's bipartisan effort for immigration reform? >> i think it does hold that possibility. if the department of homeland security and the administration cannot produce a more thorough explanation for the situation, i think it could hurt them. and not only that, i mean, it is distracting from the larger efforts at reform and in terms of the sequester, as most people are now learning, these are cut that is go in to effect very gradually between now and september and then possibly continuing after that. so that again begs another question, why were these people released all at once and then in advance? they were released last monday and in advance of the sequester. there's all sorts of things bubbling under the surface and need to be addressed. >> you know, raul, looking at
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the bigger picture and talk about the issue of detaining low risk, you know, undocumented workers first place, there's sort of a contradiction here politically in that the obama administration would reich liket to a place of illegal immigration of that path to citizenship and then they don't want to be rounding up an deporting people who do not have criminal records but at the same time, obama administration and democrats see politically the path to reform through bragging about the record number of deportations under obama. do you think that these signals are crossed here and i.c.e. getting the signal of the white house to get the numbers up as high as we can and do immigration reform and not have to do this anymore? >> correct. i think what's going on is a huge disconnect between the policies of the white house and the agency and what's going on in the field because if you think about it, over the last couple of years, we had the deferred action policy allows
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some young people to stay in the country legally and we have had the prosecutorial discretion memo of obama and could be greater leeway of deportations and illegal immigration over the mexican border is basically net zero. so just if you think about the math, the deportations should be going down. but instead, they're setting records. and i'm not convinced that this is a win in terms of appeasing people on the right because let's face it. i.c.e. is the agency that nobody likes. if they do the job well, people accused them of ripping apart families. you know? yet at the same time, conservatives always say that they're not protecting our country from invasions of undocumented immigrants. think near a tough spot. >> raul, are we going to get immigration reform? because if folks are getting upset over this glitch in the field then how serious are they about solving the overall problem? >> i still, you know, i have
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said this before. i'm a hard-core optimistic. i believe it will happen this year. business and labor are behind the effort this time around. there's been much more coalescing behind the movement and among republicans, majority of republicans as well as democrats do support comprehensive reform. what we have, we have a very vocal minority that is still, you know, just opposed to the idea of legalization and citizenship for the undocumented. they're making noise but i think as we continue to go forward, there are already somewhat marchalized on the debit and i think the momentum is on the side of comprehensive reform and i'm encouraged by the senate, immigration 8 working on their proposal and the house and not to mention the outside influence of the white house and still optimistic. >> i aflee with your optimism. >> word! >> word to you, sir. thank you very much. up next, diplomacy, dennis rodman style?
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for current and former military members and their families. get advice from the people who share your values. for our free usaa retirement guide, call 877-242-usaa. weather is once again making news this week in much of the country. chicago right now is starting to get pounded by a big winter storm. more than half a foot of snow expected. that doesn't look like a big snowstorm. trus us, folks. somewhere in this world it is snowing like crazy. and the same system marks east. new york should be spared this time around and washington could be paralyzed by heavy, wet snow. >> but not right now. >> already? >> in washington, takes half an inch and they go crazy. schools closed for a week. if you thought things moved slowly there now, wait until the middle of the week.
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political joke there for you. let's weave the forecast to the meteorologist kell ri cass in atlanta. >> you have to joke about this kind of weather, though, right? not too often with a march system with this much oomph to it for a foot of snow starting out here in the midwest and then eventually arriving in our nation's capital. now chicago we're down nine inches for the season. that's the deficit and thinking to make up for that with this particular storm. we do have a winter storm warning in effect for chicago and than wintry mix for columbus, ohio. so right along the ohio valley where the line is. south of that, tracking thunderstorms. how much snow are we talking about? 8 to 12 inches, especially here in the northern parts of minnesota, there's chicago in that 5 to 8-inch range and then we are down nine inches for the year and maybe start to see some areas starting to come back with snow fall and then eventually seeing the whole system moving in to the east coast and
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washington, d.c. we're actually under a winter storm watch with the potential of at least six inches of accumulation and could be even more than that in the northern parts of virginia, suburbs and we could do more than a foot of snow. timing looks like this. rain and snow developing tomorrow night. seeing one to three inches of accumulation. and then wednesday we'll see that rain/snow mix change over to snow and we're talking significant accumulation during the day on wednesday. look for airport delays, delays around the beltway, as well. and then continuing through midnight. gusty winds and temperatures in the low to mid-30s and this is where we need to watch out right here. down in to parts of virginia with a winter storm watch in effect. >> thank you for clearing that up, kelly. switching gears from weather to international affairs, american ambassador of goodwill ventures in to north korea and enjoys what's billed as a wildly successful meeting. >> what? >> just kidding. it was dennis rodman. >> i sat with him for two days and one thing he asked me to
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give obama something to say and do one thing. he want obama to do one thing. call him. >> he wants a call from president obama? >> that's right. he said, if you can, dennis, i don't want to do war. he loves basketball. i said the same thing. i said, obama loves basketball. let's start there. let's start there. >> let's start there. well, there you go. there was basketball watching. ice skating. aquarium visit and boozing. a partnership between hbo and "vice magazine" got him in to the country and made him the first american to meet with kim jong-un since his ascension to power. >> the best and the brightest. >> rodman i think made a fool of himself not shockingly coming back and did his debriefing on this week, the -- you know,
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vaunted abc news program yesterday. >> hey. >> i think we should distinguish between sort of a stunt that the production company thought up and hbo embraced and getting clearly the benefit they were hoping for from and any kind of official contact of the united states and north korea and it does raise a question. this is a question that's bedevilled us for decades. >> a question? >> about contact between the united states and north korea. we have nuclear tests. we have all of these issues and we have tried it. clinton came close to a deal in 2000. it kind of blew up. then bush tried the complete isolation policy and then talking again and never settled on what exactly -- how to go about and agree would be a good outcome in north korea, no more tests like this, no nuclear proliferation. >> you are taking this seriously. >> not dennis rodman. >> i was disgusted by the position, hey, he's cool. he used the word awesome. he's nice, humble, fun.
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i'm sure that if you get any dictator in history afrom the battlefield, benito, joseph, he's funny. he's my man. forget about the murder, prison camps, the human rights abuses. like away from all that, he's fun, cool. and it's totally ridiculous. and rodman's assertion to george stephanopoulos, can we have that? we're just like them. >> he's a great guy. just a great guy f. you talk to him, you know -- >> great guy that puts 200,000 people in prison camps? >> well, you know what? guess what. we do the same thing here. >> stop, dennis. we do not do the same thing here. i am fully aware and against the prison industrial complex and not doing the same thing of these north korean prison camps where they have people sentenced with no knowledge of crime. guilt by association. 40% die from malnutrition.
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not even close! >> glad to hear you say that. >> talking about this earlier, i -- what did i think about this? i said i wonder what they ate. no one took me seriously and talking about north korea where the famous space photo of the difference of north and south korea because north korea's dark. there's nothing going on. there's no food. people are eating dirt. and dennis rodman goes there -- >> not at the palace. >> i guess not. flowing booze. >> boozing it up. >> unbelievable. >> did you just get a shot of s.e. dancing? go back to that. >> that happened once. i would send anyone at this table, in this building to go on a mission to north korea. >> north korea? >> i'll go. i'll talk. but i have to imagine if you're watching this story unfold what you'd find is the weirder image. the image of dennis rodman zitting at a basketball game
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with kim jong-un or the image of dennis rodman sitting down and talking to george stephanopoulos? i can't wrap my head around which is weirder. it might be the domestic one. >> you know what in that jacket is money. hah! >> oh! >> on that note, dennis rodman isn't the only one clocking sky miles. bo is a common fixture aboard air force one. what do you think is going through bo's mind right now. totally unprompted. dan katz suggested bo was thinking, so, are you going to call dennis rodman or snot make sure you like us on facebook so you don't miss tomorrow's episode of s.e.'s tweet bag. check that out. that's pretty fun nir. i won't say the famous friend joining her. you have to log on and find out. up next, the exclusive interrue of dennis rodman.
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financial crisis hit black america especially hard, our next guest profiled the small elite group of black millionaires and from spike lee to l.a. reid to bob johnson, he found threads of wisdom and habits that can be applied to anybody's personal and professional lives. joining us is dennis kimbro, author of "the wealth choice." dennis, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> thanks, dennis. name one or two of those common threads that you found between spike lee, l.a. reid and the others you profiled. >> i found seven that's why the subtitle of the book is featuring the seven laws of wealth. over a seven-year period, i crisscrossed this country and used a full blown survey. i asked the millionaires, black millionaires, 118 questions. they completed it anonymously. i had six focus groups around the country. one in north carolina.
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one in washington, d.c. three in atlanta a small one ina and even a smaller one with black females out in las vegas. and then last but not least i had more than 60 face-to-face interviews and that's when i interviewed the likes of steve harvey, damon john, lisa price, carol's daughter, and three of black america's five billionaires. number one top of the hit list is knowledge. wealth begins in the mind and ends in the purse. blooim, blue line is we live in a capitalistic society. if you want to earn more, i suggest learn more. >> you're talking about black millionaires. what are the specific road blocks that black people face in becoming millionaires or billionaires, and apart from the quite obvious one of that intergenerational wealth transfers is a major predictor of becoming wealthy and we almost don't have that at all. >> well, what i found out is,
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and again over a seven-year period, that wealth is not a function of race, it's not a function of society, of circumstance, what side of the tracks you were born on, it's basically a function of choice. it's a function of determination, of effort, innovation, and creativity. living in a free and open society, i'm not going to stand here on your show and say that this playing field is level. you're certainly right. black americans, they hit road block that is other ethnic groups may not encounter. what i am going to say is we're faced with 50 million different choices on a day-to--day basis. many of those choices we don't have to address. we don't have to address what suit we're going to wear, what we're going to eat for lunch, but there are two critical choices that we must face living in this society. number one, you can accept the circumstances as they are, or, number two, you can take the responsibility to change them. what i found in these men and
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women, they took the latter approach. you know, when we talk about wealth and we talk about income, those individuals who have won most in life have relied mostly on themselves. >> dennis, i think we all want to become millionaires and billionaires, but does this sort of talk ignore issues like poverty and just getting people out of basic abject poverty? >> yeah. i mean, the bottom line when you look at every economic indicator that would lead to financial success, black america, my race is either in last place or next to last place. you know, i can sit here as a college professor, i can give you all the data that you want, 20% of african-americans spend more on a weekly basis than what they bring in. 30% of african-americans have no savings plan at all. 35% of black children will be raised in poverty, and more than 40% of african-americans don't even use a bank for their financial transactions. you know, thanks to that, the
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federal reserve even came up with a term for that. they call it nonbank or unbank. here is a way out. here are the keys to the kingdom given to me over a seven-year period by our wealth creators, and it starts with knowledge and it goes to decision. you've got to make a decision that poverty will have no place in your life. >> dennis kimbro, thank you very much. i'm going to go read this. i'm going to be a millionaire. up next, a baby cured of hiv. toure weighs in on this major medical break through. prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [ man ] on in 5! [ female announcer ] it works as hard as you do... to outlast your day. [ man ] action! wow! [ female announcer ] secret outlast clear gel is better than the next leading invisible solid on white marks. secret outlast clear gel.
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aids and some of the medical community are blown away and calling it a game-changer. the virus was spotted 30 hours after the girl was born and an hour later doctors began an aggressive regimen. a month later virus levels were undetectable. the child is now 2 1/2 and off of medication and still appears cured. some are flat out amazed and saying this case gives them new inspiration and fresh hope that a cure is possible, at least for babies. the battle is still raging. 1,000 babies are born with hiv each day and every year about 2 million people die of aids or aids-related complications. over a half a million of them are children. hearing of a baby being cured fills me with hope that maybe one day this monster will be slayed, this monster my generation grew up in fear of. now, we all live calmly with aids, partly because many people with aids are growing old but al
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