tv The Ed Show MSNBC March 7, 2013 12:00am-1:00am PST
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what did obama do to earn the hatred? is he some dangerous criminal the kind they need to protect themselves and their families from? not exactly. obama came up as a community organizer, a soft sale guy. he has done just about everything right in his life. didn't have a father around, but did a great job in school, got into columbia, and later law. he decided to work helping people in his own community. a peaceful kind of guy. is he some bounder who doesn't take responsibility for his manhood? actually, just the opposite. one marriage, faithful husband, good kids. from all appearances, a really caring father. goes to games for the kids. so what is it the haters fear about this guy? what do they hate? that he is black? is that it? is it the gun issue?
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he didn't even push gun issues until newtown. the same of the gang of eight, right there in the middle. so what is it they hate in this guy? they should be applauding him as a role model. this country is going to be a united country 100 years from now, this is just the guy you would want out there standing there as our role model. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "the ed show" with ed schultz starts right now. good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show" from new york. america is on the brink of something very dangerous. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. >> i am not letting my country be ruled by a dictator. i'm not letting anybody take my guns. if it goes one inch further, i'm going to start killing people. >> the biggest threat to the united states is within our borders. a shocking new report shows anti-government hate groups are thriving in america. a new dick cheney documentary reveals he has no regrets. >> creating the sensation of drowning you don't consider torture? >> i don't. >> tonight the new showtime documentary, with featured author barton gellman. plus, there is evidence of republican voter fraud in florida. we'll bring you the details. president obama dines with republicans. and karl rove is back to predicting things.
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the congressional panel weighs in on the president's gop outreach and more. give me one damn program he said he would cut. >> and bill o'reilly loses control over body and mind. >> not entitlements, what program? >> why do you want to yell? >> because you're lying. >> tonight we'll break down bill o'reilly's childish behavior with bill oh really's very own body language expert. >> good to have you with us, folks. thanks for watching. you know, there are some events that happen in your lifetime, some big news events, and you can remember exactly where you were when that news broke. this is the murrah federal building in oklahoma city on april 19th, 1995. i'll never forget where i was. we were fishing on lake erie. and we came off the lake, and we were staying at this cabin, and i was the last one to go up to the cabin.
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and everybody was just fixated on the television, and i thought to myself, something big has happened. when i got in there and i saw the news, i could not believe that this had happened on american soil. that someone had done this to fellow americans. and that's why i'm fired about these facts tonight. thanks to a new report by the southern poverty law center, we know that anti-government patriot groups are now at an all-time high in this country. we need to pay attention to this, folks. the increase in threats on the president of the united states and other government targets is similar to the period of time before the oklahoma city bombing. researchers are out front, asking the american government to create an interagency task force to deal with the problem before it's too late. so let's just break down a few
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numbers here. in 2008, there were only 149 known militia groups in this country. last year this were 1,360, more than eight times as many. houston, we got a problem. and as you can see from the southern poverty law center's chart, the last time we saw this number of armed nationalist groups was in the clinton years. it was a similar spike back in 1995, just as we are seeing today. now the president of the southern poverty law center has written a letter to the department of homeland security and the justice department recommending two departments combine resources to protect against an active aggression against the american government. now, these numbers jumped when president obama became president. they have now jumped again as he has taken on the national rifle association. the nra has done everything in
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its power to paint the president of the united states as some threat to gun owners everywhere. >> all that first-term lip service to gunowners is just part of a massive obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the second amendment during his second term. >> conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy. let's forget what the american people want, oh, it's president obama. it doesn't stop with the nra. the rhetoric of the conservative media has turned dangerously alarming. >> the obama administration through all this appeasement and apologizing answers to the koran first and to the constitution second. >> barack obama is destroying america based on lies. >> you don't like obama care. you feel that it's unconstitutional, bad for the country and on and on. >> it's going to destroy us. >> okay. going to destroy the country. >> going to destroy us. getting 30 million more people health care is going to destroy us. most of the militia groups named by the southern poverty law center claimed that they are not hate groups, and they are only exercising their constitutional
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rights. but all it takes is one person to create another oklahoma city situation. take james cummings. before cummings was killed in a domestic violence situation in 2008, he was preparing an attack on newly elected president obama with what? a dirty bomb. the centers for disease control says cummings is the first american to come close to assembling the elements of a fully radioactive dirty bomb. in a 2010 "time" magazine cover, the story about extreme militias, cummings' wife is quoted as saying his intentions were to construct a dirty bomb and take it to washington to kill president obama. he was planning to hide it in the undercarriage of our motor home. she says her husband had practiced crossing checkpoints with dangerous materials aboard, taking her and her daughter along for an image of innocence. this is really a frightening reality of extremism in america. the latest report from the
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southern poverty law center shows how dangerous it is and how we cannot let this go unchecked. we need to pay attention to this report. i know i am. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, does the government need to pay more attention to militia movement? text "a" for yes. text "b" for no to 67622. you can always go to our blog at you can leave a comment there, and we'll bring results later on in the show. i'm joined by daryl johnson. he is a former senior analyst for domestic terrorism at the department of homeland security and author of "right wing resurgence." and also with us richard cohen, and on board is dr. james peterson, associate professor of english at lehigh university.
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gentlemen, great to have you with us tonight. mr. cohen, you first. what kind of reaction have you received from this report now that it's been out by your organization, the southern poverty law center? >> well, i think there is a lot of concern, of course, about the numbers that we're talking about, the increase in the number of these conspiracy-minded anti-government groups, the increased in the number of right-wing plots. a lot of talk about it, a lot of concern, but we haven't yet heard from secretary napolitano or general holder. i think it's really, really very important for them to take this seriously and to increase the number of resources that they're devoting to this growing problem. >> so you see a real parallel before oklahoma city and right now, moving up as far as the rhetoric, the number of groups, and the activity that is out
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there? >> absolutely, ed. and you know, six months before the oklahoma city bombing, we sent a letter to attorney general reno saying that we were really very, very concerned. and, you know, we feel that same kind of concern now. and i want to point out one thing. you know, you gave the number, almost 1400 of these anti-government groups. those figures were collected before the newtown massacre and before all of this right-wing craziness over, you know, proposed gun control laws now. and so i think that we're likely to see a further spike in these numbers. >> sure. mr. johnson, you wrote the 2009 analysis for the department of homeland security about right-wing extremism. it was heavily criticized by conservatives everywhere. you were repudiated by the dhs under pressure, and left the agency. has that experience colored your opinion at all when you hear reports like this come out? >> well, what's colored my opinion is the fact that
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department of homeland security has not changed since i left. despite this huge spike in the number of anti-government groups, they still only have one analyst looking at domestic non-islamic extremism. i find that quite startling and unsettling to me. >> what should be done about it? >> i think the slc is taking an important step in recommending an interagency task force. but there are other things that can be done. we have a whole generation of analysts and law enforcement officers who have been coming up through the ranks who had no idea what they're dealing with because they weren't on the job back in the 1990s. i would encourage training. we need to have commitment on the federal, state and local law enforcement to long-term undercover investigations looking into these groups. >> well, mr. johnson, how do you know what to take serious and what is a joke? i mean, where do you draw the line? and can analysts actually get to a point where they say we really need to watch this group. they are going to be trouble. >> yeah, that's one of the difficult aspects of the job.
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i think one of the things you can look at is the different types of movements we have present here in the united states, and look at the histories. do they have a history of violence? are they making current calls for violence? are they making threatening language either towards minority groups or towards government officials? these are the types of things that analysts and officers should be looking at. >> james peterson, can we ignore the fact that these groups have increased the intensity under an african-american president? >> absolutely not. i mean, that's an important factor in this whole discussion. we've seen other studies that have tracked the rise of racial animus over the course of mr. obama's presidency. and, ed, you've done a lot of work on this show to try to talk about the kind of language we see copping from the right sometimes, sometimes from political readers around
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socialism and some of the racialized language. the reason why we want to be cautious and sensible about that kind of language is it stokes the flames of this sort of radical right-wing groups that are interested in training and preparing for warfare. now, listen, these groups have the right to do that. but at the end of the day, our government and citizens have to be very, very vigilant about the own extremism that exists in our society. >> what would trigger, mr. johnson, a group to do something? >> well, we're looking at an issue that i hope wasn't going to come to fruition during this next administration. that's the issue of gun control. this is a very inflammatory issue for these types of groups who have been arming themselves. and actually, they've had conspiracy theories that are perpetuated on the internet for the past four or five years talking about this very fact, that there might be a gun ban. so when we have these types of events like the newtown massacre and it brings up these issues, they always have the potential to agitate these groups further. >> mr. cohen, in your letter, you brought up the example of this man, who posted a rant on youtube about firearms. here it is. >> i am not letting my country
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be ruled by a dictator. i'm not letting anybody take my guns. if it goes one inch further, i'm going to start killing people. >> are guys like this taken seriously as theres, or is this all talk? mr. cohen, what do you think? >> you never know. but who knew of tim mcveigh before the oklahoma city bombing. let me make another point, ed, if i could. and that is we would never minimize the threat of islamic terrorism in this country. >> sure. >> you know, 9/11 is, you know, the pearl harbor of our generation. at the same time, there have been many more right-wing plots than there have been islamic plots since that period of time. the west -- a west point counterterrorism agency learned or reported that the number of right-wing plots had increased fourfold since the 1990s. so we're really looking for a better balance of law enforcement resources devoted to this issue. >> i would imagine this puts a lot of pressure on local law enforcement as well to make sure that they're going to have the training so they can recognize
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these kinds of things as well and then report them up the change. mr. peterson, doctor, what about the news today of increased racial tension at oberlin college campus? officials at the school are on high alert. school campuses particularly vulnerable when it comes to hate attacks? >> i don't think that they are. i think one, oberlin has such a rich tradition. it's been such a progressive institution for so long that it's sad to see them being challenged by. this what you find on college campuses is there are a lot of incidents of racialized graffiti, a lot of black face incidents. and when you take all those things together, there is obviously a lot of work for us to do to sort of reduce tensions on college campuses. and a lot of this has to do with diversity issues, different cultures, different people
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coming into contact and making sure we're being vigilant on college campuses in the same way we need law enforcement to be vigilant around in dealing with some of the right wing extremist groups right here. universities, it's a separate issue. some we can address in the classroom. many of them have to be addressed structurally by hiring more faculty of color, recruiting and retaining students there is a comprehensive plan we need to use for the university. >> well, mr. cohen, i can imagine we can see your report on the southern poverty law center website. i would encourage our viewers to do just that. >> it is a very important report. >> you bet. daryl johnson, richard cohen and james peterson, thanks for your tomb tonight on this very important suggest. and you wouldn't have it any other way. but your erectile dysfunction - you know, that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity.
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and coming up on "the ed show," congressional committee on president obama's big dinner date tonight with the righties. it is going to work? and the mayor of cable news, ooh, what a meltdown, i mean a meltdown. and his very own body language expert joins me tonight to talk about what was bill doing. my radio show monday through friday, sirius xm radio channel 127, noon to 3:00. listen up.
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share your thoughts with us on facebook and on twitter using #edshow. we're coming right back. [ female announcer ] switch to swiffer sweeper, and you'll dump your old broom. but don't worry, he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ who's that lady? ♪ sexy lady ♪ who's that lady? [ female announcer ] swiffer sweeper's electrostatic dry cloths attract and lock dirt, dust, and hair on contact to clean 50% more than a broom. it's a difference you can feel. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. and now swiffer wet and dry refills are available with the fresh scent of gain.
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welcome back to "the ed show." thanks for watching tonight. dick cheney is back in a brand-new documentary. the former vice president looks at his time in the bush presidency and says that he would do it all over again and not change a thing. the showtime documentary is coming out next friday, and it's called "the world according to dick cheney." cheney says "if i had to do it over again, i'd do it over in a minute." cheney's power in the bush
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presidency was diminished in bush's second term. and in 2007, cheney wanted to bomb a suspected syrian nuclear reactor, but secretary of state condoleezza rice disagreed. >> condi recommended taking it to the united nations. i strongly recommended that we ought to take it out. i thought it would sort of, again, reassert the kind of authority and influence we had that we had back in '03 when we took down saddam hussein and eliminated iraq as a potential source of wmd. there are certain bright lines out there, and you do not cross them. and one of the bright lines is you don't provide nuclear technology to terrorist-sponsoring states. >> consume, that folks. think about it. cheney wanted to reclaim the glory days of his huge mistake in iraq by bombing syria? memo to dick cheney, the final
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report on iraq has just come out, and it provides the cold, hard truth. $60 billion was spent on iraqi reconstruction with almost nothing to show for it. $767 billion was spent on the iraq war, including military costs, 4,786 soldiers were killed between 2003 and 2012. this is all part of dick cheney's legacy, and he would do it all over again. let's turn to barton gellman tonight, "time" magazine contributing editor at large and author of "angler: the cheney vice presidency." good to have you tonight. are you astounded by this? >> the thing i like about this film, and i am interviewed in it as well, that cheney lets down his guard a little bit. he is sort of more cheney than the cheney we knew. lots of things we always suspected he thought or knew he thought but he never said out loud, he says here.
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>> cheney says he wouldn't change a thing. i mean, how do you possibly explain this kind of thinking, that there is no admission of any mistake whatsoever? >> well, that alone is a part of cheney's ideology, never to look back and never to acknowledge any change of heart. look, the fact is if you were to ask dick cheney would you like to trade whatever results you think you've obtained in iraq for, you know, over a trillion dollars in costs when you consider the indirect costs and probably 100,000 lives in iraq and nearly 5,000 american lives, it's very hard for me to believe he would say yeah, i'll take that deal. but he can't admit that, looking back. >> here is the former vice president on waterboarding, his answer. here it is. >> you don't consider a prolonged period of creating the sensation of drowning, you don't consider it torture? >> i don't. tell me what terrorist attacks is it you would have let go forward because you didn't want
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to be a mean and nasty fellow? are you going to trade the lives of a number of people because you want to preserve your honor? >> a couple of questions here. i think that's twisted thinking. and there are americans out there who think that he may be a war criminal. your thoughts on all that. >> well, i am fascinated that he contrasts what he did with honor, as if honor is a luxury. i've never heard him say that before. and he says honor kind of contemptuously. >> he says this about torture, when clearly torture does not provide the kind of intelligence that our intelligence agency is looking for. you can't rely on it. >> well, to me, the interesting question most of all is the
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moral one. do you want to be the country that does this sort of thing, even if it worked? there are less things that worked that we don't do. >> he rationalizes it and says what terrorist attack would you like to stop. >> he also says that the warrantless domestic surveillance programs saved hundreds or thousands of lives depending on which day he is saying it. and you can't find a whole lot of support for that either. >> this is cheney talking about bush, asking him to be vice president in the documentary. here it is. >> he looked up at me and said you're the solution to my problem. the reason i finally said yes was because i was convinced he was deadly serious about it being consequential position. >> did this vice president manipulate the president of the united states? >> well, in several cases, i think i can document in my book that he did. but on the vice president thing, look, george bush was attracted
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to him from the beginning. what cheney did is he ran the whole vetting process, found out everything one could possibly find out about all the other candidates, never subjected himself to any of that kind of truth scrutiny. and by the way, he admits in this film for the first time that he did not subject himself, he did not fill out the questionnaire, he did not get that kind of scrutiny. the story at the time officially was that he was fully vetted in exactly the same way as the other candidates. but he creates this whole process, finds everyone lacking, and, you know, there is nobody left but himself by the end of it. >> he is arguably one of the most powerful vice presidents ever, or influential, however you want to word it? >> oh, i think it would be almost impossible to dispute that he is the most powerful vice president we've ever had. he is the most powerful person in government we've ever had who wasn't the president. >> and did that relationship continue into the second term behind the scenes? >> the relationship was badly fractured by an incident in the election year 2004 having to do with the warrantless domestic surveillance and a meltdown over at justice. there had been a rebellion at justice for three months because
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they had come to believe that domestic spying was illegal. cheney withheld that from bush while he tried to put down the rebellion. and it came to a moment when two dozen top justice department officials were about to resign. bush found out that morning and cheney said he would have let them resign, which is the same thing as saying he would have ended bush's presidency, because no one gets reelected after having the hole justice department resign. >> all right. i'm look forward to the documentary. great to have you with us. bart gellman, thanks for your time tonight. we found voter fraud. i'll give you a hint. it's not these guys. and bush's brain is whining about president obama's plan to win the midterms? "the ed show" congressional committee is going to straighten all of that out tonight. stick around. [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up
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welcome back to "the ed show." voter fraud. isn't that the excuse the republicans give every time they try to restrict voting rights? they've spun some pretty heavy stories and crazies in the past, haven't they? like for instance, members of the new black panther party at polls in philadelphia. that was one of their favorites. unaffiliated election monitors. or there is always a.c.o.r.n. they love to pin it on them. that's one of their favorite scapegoats. a poll from december found that 49% of republican voters thought a.c.o.r.n. stole the 2012 election from president obama.
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the problem with that story is that, well, a.c.o.r.n. was defunded by congress in 2009, and disbanded in 2010. but republicans don't follow the news. a.c.o.r.n. doesn't even exist anymore. no, it seems like every time there is an actual case, i mean an actual case of voter fraud, it's coming from the bad guys, the republicans. like the executive director of the new hampshire republican party who pleaded guilty to charges for phone jamming. or the republican campaign manager in maryland convicted of trying to influence votes through fraud. or indiana secretary of state convicted on six felony counts of voter fraud, theft, and perjury there is more. the latest, two employees of the republican-aligned strategic allied consulting, they have admitted to forging voter registration forms down in the state of florida as reported in "the miami herald." if strategic allied consulting sounds kind of familiar, it's because the company has been accused of multiple instances of
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voter fraud in several states since 2004. they've been around for a while. that didn't stop the rnc from briefly hiring the firm to oversee their 2012 voter registration efforts in swing states. the voter fraud republicans talk about is imaginary. the voter fraud coming from their own party, believe me, it's the real deal. president obama wants to take the gavel out of john boehner's hands. >> hell no, you can't! >> the congressional panel weighs in on why republicans are so upset. some bad news for a minnesota newspaper means good news for the letter g. details ahead. give me one damn program he said he would cut. >> and anger takes control of bill o'reilly. >> not entitlement. what program? >> why do you want to yell? >> because you're lying. >> tonight, bill o'reilly's very own body language expert breaks down bill o'reilly's very own body language. and we are back.
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and we are back. thanks for staying with "the ed show" tonight. we're following breaking news at this hour as president obama meets behind closed doors with about a dozen republican senators. i say good luck. the meeting is set to last for another hour or so at the jefferson hotel in washington, d.c. senior administration official says the jefferson is neutral ground. god forbid if they go to the white house. and the timing is crucial. the leaders aren't facing a pressing deadline so they could hey, maybe actually have a productive conversation. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is not at the table tonight. instead, the president is talking to tea party folks like ron johnson and pat toomey without the normal obstruction. now, here is what could be on the political menu.
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the main course is reportedly budget issues, but the president could add some sides like immigration reform and gun control. you guys want to talk about that. at the same time, the president meets with willing republicans, there are new signs of obstruction just down the street. this is live. you are looking live at senators ron paul, ted cruz, john cornyn, and also senator lee as they stage an old-fashioned fill buster to block the president's nomination of john brennan, cia director. they've been talking for almost nine hours straight so far. and then of course there is karl rove, who says the president's bipartisanship is actually an evil plot to take over congress in 2014. >> the second term is a political legacy. that means you then deal with all of these issues from a political perspective. not from a perspective of how do we resolve them, be how do we use them politically.
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that's not good for the country. >> yeah, carl, how do you resolve them when they say when it comes to the budget process no more revenue, it's over, we're done talking? of course the president has to turn to the midterms, because that's what the american peoples want him to do. tonight the president might want to have an antacid instead of dessert. gwen moore and congressman jim mcdermott of washington. this is going the distance, exhausting every effort to try to at least get up close and personal with people that absolutely hate you. jim mcdermott, can you deal with these guys at all? >> well, ed, i really don't think so. i think that as long as mitch mcconnell is worrying about ashley judd and some candidate on the far right attacking him, he is going to continue to use the filibuster to tie up the senate and make it impossible for majority rule in the united states senate. if you don't have majority rule in the united states senate, you will never get anything over to the house that will force john boehner to put it on the floor and let the democrats and a few reasonable republicans pass it. that's what happened with the violence against women law, and that's what is going to have to
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happen on all this budget stuff. it is not going to be done with john boehner having full control of his own caucus. >> yeah. >> he has to get it out of the senate. and mitch isn't going to let him. >> congresswoman moore, is the president going the extra mile tonight? can he make any gains behind closed doors? >> i have to tell you, i think the president is taking advantage of the fact that he has seen that there are factions within the republican party. no longer are they sticking together like glue. and they have a lot of different priorities. and so i think that it's important for him to reach out to them. some are interested in his deficit-cutting strategies, looking at cutting some of the entitlement programs.
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others may -- don't really care that much about defense spending. and i think the president is sort of taking advantage of the various factions that there are. he has seen that boehner nor mr. mcconnell can deliver the votes. so he is doing what i think is really important, and that's breaking bread with them. >> terri sewell, are you concerned the president might give the store away to just to get a deal? i know there is a progressive letter being sent around and signed by progressive members of the congress. i don't know if you're on that list or not and whether you have signed it. but there is concern the president will chip away at the big three. and that's exactly what these guys want to do. your thought. >> look, i think it's really important that he reach out to the republican party. i think he has been asked several times to reach out. and i think outreach is really important. of course, i think hope springs eternal. but we should be prepared for the worst. it will be very interesting to see what happens tomorrow morning and whether they'll be monday morning quarterbacking by the republicans. i think that his efforts are important. definitely optically.
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i'm hoping realistically. >> what do you mean prepared for the worst? what do you mean prepared for the worst? >> i actually think when i think about the 12 people who have been invited, some of them have not been the most, well, should we say receptive to the president and his policies. so i'm afraid that they'll come out tomorrow and talk negatively about the meeting and set us back in not moving forward. >> "the new york times" has been reporting that the president has been reaching out in conversations to restart the budget talks. jim, are you concerned he might be too nice? president obama is one of the nicest guys you're ever going to meet. he wants to do a deal. he has even said we're not all going to get what we want. what kind of language is that? >> well, the president has, i
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think, gone the extra mile with the republicans too many times, frankly. i think what is going to happen is that on the 1st of april, when the sequester takes hold and the continuing resolution is ended, you will have people start to react to airports being closed and to national monuments and museums. >> sure. >> and national parks being closed, people are going to begin to see the chaos that is being created by the republicans in all this manufactured budget stuff. >> i got to ask you, today the house passed a bill extending federal funding to keep the government operating past march 27th. now, all three of you voted no on this. gwen moore, what about that? >> oh, i can tell you that, you know, it was not honest brokering to say that we're going to give the defense department an ability to escape the effects of the sequester by being able to make decisions about spending and not do that for the rest of the government. i can tell you that my hope, ed, is that the cure for the sequester is not worse than the
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disease. and that is the only thing i fear about this kumbahyah dinner, especially with u.s. senator johnson being there, who has a voracious appetite for nothing but deficit cutting and not at all being concerned about, you know, the welfare of people. >> terri, why did you vote against this? did it cut too deep in areas? your thoughts. >> i thought the arbitrary cuts for spending and giving cuts only to the military and milcon and defense was not something i could support. at the end of the day, i think we are all about deficit reduction. but should it be done in a strategic and targeted way and not an arbitrary way. and i don't think giving flexibility only to defense and military is what the people that i represent would be supportive of. >> i give these guys maybe ten minutes after the meeting before they're in front of the media, conservative media ripping into
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the president or something that was said at this meeting tonight. but, you got to give the president credit for at least trying to do something about it. great to have all of you with us tonight. congresswoman gwen moore, terri sewell and jim mcdermott, good to have you on "the ed show." tonight we go inside the mind of bill o'reilly with his very own body language expert, and we'll do it live. i don't won't want to miss this.
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hold your tongue, said the queen, turning purple. i won't, said alice. release the drones, said the queen, as she shouted at the top of her voice. >> well, that's senator rand paul, kentucky, quoting from "alice in wonderland", droning on about president obama's drone policy during his ongoing filibuster, cia filibuster against his nominee john brennan, who is going to get
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nominated, he is going to get confirmed anyway. and many of you are talking about that on the social media tonight, on facebook. anna gregory asks how was this man elected? obstructionist. carl ellis says keep it up, gop. the more you do nothing, the faster 2014 looms. and pamela says, hey, give him credit for filibustering the traditional way. go to our facebook way right now and you can join the conversation. and don't forget to like "the ed show" when you're this. we appreciate that. and we are coming right back.
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there is always good news and bad news, isn't there? well, we're going to start with some good news. at last night's oklahoma thunder basketball game, high school basketball coach heath kufahl, he is about to win monitor hitting a shot at half-court that is a nice check, isn't it? the real story comes out in the oklahoma newspaper this morning. they report that the coach's
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wife was recently diagnosed with cancer, and they're going to use the money the pay their medical bills. god bless them. i hope it all works out for them and they have a speedy recovery. more headlines making more news. we have a pile of good news, but we can only use so much. how about the dow kicking ass? another good day. the ceo of costco is coming out for what? a minimum wage raise? that's right, which is another good headline for workers across america with depressed wages. then there is this headline from "the mankato free press," which is not good. i'll let you figure it out why. they realized the error after the internet picked it up. they say next time they'll use -- just use the g. good idea. there is some good car news out there today. ferrari unveiled a new car that is being called the world's
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fastest hybrid. it's called the laferrari. it tops out at 25 miles per hour. it's fast. the bad news is it costs over a million dollars, and we don't have any video of the car, and that's the way it is. here is footage of a more affordable suzuki sticking a landing in a corn field. finally, good news about the british royal family. everybody knows kate middleton and her husband, the duke of cambridge, are expecting a child. the only question is about the gender of the child. today the british press reports that the duchess accidentally let it slip that she is having a girl. the duchess is denying the story. luckily we have our own royal expert standing by to clear up any confusion. >> while at wembley, i got the phone call from daniel asking me if i would loan my playstation. being at wembley, i told him i'd have to wait until i come home. come home, got in my car, took down the playstation. >> the bad news is we have not erased that from our archives.
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i guess that settles it. it is good news. tonight in our survey i asked you does the government need to pay more attention to the militia movement? 96% of you say yes. 4% of you say no. coming up, i don't may have heard about this. more on bill o'reilly's body language. stay tuned with his very own expert here on "the ed show." stay with us. [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night
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the big finish tonight. this may come as a shock to you, but bill o'reilly lives in his own version of reality. he has his own set of facts. not many people do. and whenever anybody challenges his set of facts with actual facts, bill o'reilly, you know what he does? he gets really, really mad. last night o'reilly called on conservative monica crowley as well as fox news's token liberal alan colmes, he is a good guy, to discuss the sequester. o'reilly is convinced that president obama has not offered a proposal to avoid the spending cuts. alan colmes attempted to correct o'reilly's assertion, and that's when o'reilly just lost it. >> he has to say here are the programs that are going to go down. here is how we're going to
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reform medicare and social security. and the man refuses to -- >> that's not true. >> yes, it is. >> hold it. because i'm getting teed off at you. give me one damn program he said he would cut. >> he has cut entitlements. >> not entitlements, what program? >> why do you want to yell at me? >> because you're lying. >> i'm not lying. >> you are lying here. >> don't you sit this and call me a liar. >> no, you're lying! >> you don't like the president. you don't like what he is doing. but don't sit there and call me a liar. we can have a disagreement without you calling me a liar. that's not necessary. >> you are lying. >> i am not lying. there is a difference between having a disagreement and calling me a liar. >> this is why i'm calling you a liar. give me one program he said he would cut. >> he would cut medicare and medicaid. >> that's not specific program. >> okay, folks, for the record, medicare and medicaid are specific programs. but let's not allow facts to get in the way here. in a situation like this, bill o'reilly calls in a body language expert to analyze what just happened. >> with us now, body language maven, tanya reiman. now, everybody is saying what was with -- what is that?
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>> a lot of times people will stammer like that when they're trying to collect their thought. >> when we last left nancy pelosi, you were saying that her hand gestures don't match what she is saying. >> yeah. >> is the same thing here? >> i constantly see that. and one of the interesting things i saw tonight, as she is pointing, it's like her fingers are stuttering. as this interview progresses, you can see that he is doing double barrels, which of course we know that that just emphasizes the point and shows you how upset he is about it. when you look at two people who are friends, you don't see contempt in the eyes of one. >> so you are entirely convinced -- >> that they do not care for one another, yes. >> and joining us tonight on "the ed show" body language analyst tanya reiman, author of "the power of body language." great to have you with us tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> let's break it down. the meltdown. what did you see there? >> bill was consistently who he is. he started off. he wasn't that angry. and then as the conversation continues, you notice the hand goes from a regular hand to a
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fist. and that's the first sign that anger is starting to build. but this is still frustration. and you know that, because as he is speaking, his brows go up instead of down. when the brows go up, it's to emphasize a point. when you truly get to the point of anger, the brows come down and you get a glare in the eye. as the conversation progresses, his jaw starts to tense up, and the inward lip roll. and that's when you start to notice a change in the voice. because voice is so responsive to emotion, when we start to feel stress, we don't use our lung capacity properly. and that's when our voice changes and we start to hear the difference. >> a short time later, john stossel called o'reilly out for overreacting. here it is. >> you were out of line. >> i wasn't out of line. i was maybe out of line with my tone, but not with the facts of the matter. >> was he showing any remorse there at all? >> no, because i think he is who he is. he was angry at that moment, and he demonstrated that anger. >> was he acting? >> when he was angry with colmes? no. because it's a buildup, and that's what you're looking for. was it a buildup. we'll see a contrast when we get to the next clip. no, he wasn't feigning. >> the archive here, this is an
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