tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC March 7, 2013 10:00am-11:00am PST
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told you i'd get half. what's in your wallet? right now on "andrea mitchell reports" unfriendly fire. rand paul's cia filibuster gets slammed by john mccain. is objecting to your government or objecting to the policy of government sympathizing with the enemy? some openly were sympathetic. no one will ever forget jane fonda swiveling around in north vietnamese armored guns, and it was despicable. it's one thing if you want to try her for treason, but are you going to just drop a drone hell fire missile on jane fonda? >> somehow to allege that the united states of america, our government, would drop a drone hell fire missile on jane fonda, that -- that is -- that brings
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the conversation from a serious discussion about u.s. policy to the realm of the ridiculous. >> so rand paul now let the senate confirm the cia director? stay tuned. and is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship? president obama invites paul ryan to the white house for lunch after dining with senate republicans at the jefferson hotel. swanky too. >> how did the meeting go? >> just fine. great. wonderful. >> i am more optimistic just from a personal standpoint. >> senator bob corker was at that dinner. what sde think? we'll get the details. north korea today threatening a nuclear strike against the u.s. as the u.n. passes its toughest sanctions yet. >> the strength, breadth, and severity of these sanctions will raise the cost to north korea of
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its elicit nuclear program. taken together, these sanctions will bite and bite hard. >> direct from that vote, u.n. ambassador susan rice joining us live from late-breaking details. and we'll hear from house intelligence chair mike rogers. and what's in a name? that's what stephen colbert wants to know. >> i think we should naem all of our weather events after what kind they are, plus whatever people are talking about on television at the time. today washington is blanketed in the snow-quester. tomorrow a storm covers the u.s. in drone-cicles. or a freak blizzardashian. oklahoma is still suffering the effects of -- >> good day. i'm andrea mitchell back in washington. senator bob corker was at that dinner with the president last night, and he joins me now from
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the hill. thank you very much. well, senator, i'm not going to ask you about the mooem meal. i know it was good. tell me about the conversation. any progress on resolving the gridlock on almost every issue in washington? >> well, you know, andrea, there is movement already taking place within the house and stat. it looks like that we may make it through this c.r. process in a pretty good manner, and budgets will happen. last night was really to set the foundation for talks over the next four or five months. i don't think anybody came away from there expecting that we're going to come up with some grand bargain over the next month or six weeks, but i do think it was helpful, and i think it's the way this country ought to operate, and that is executive branch, sitting down with legislators, talking through issues. it was a very sincere discussion. i really think it was helpful. i think people left there with a positive feeling, and hopefully it's a foundation we can build upon between now and the debt ceiling debate, which will be around ending around the first of august. >> now, you must have been specific on a couple of issues.
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immigration, for instance. did you get a sense coming out of that dinner that that is one issue where both sides of pennsylvania avenue can work together? >> you know, andrea, we talked about not having a read-out of, if you lshgs all of our discussions. immigration was brought up not much really. i do think there are bipartisan efforts that the president does support, that are underway, and you know, it's going to be difficult for senators on both sides of the aisle to take four talking points and turn them into legislation. i'm hopeful that that occurs. it seems to be moving along fairly well, but it really wasn't one of the major topics last night. we really spent almost the entire evening talking about fiscal issues that our nation faces, and i think it was good to get sort of touched on to see where the president was, where we were, the kind of things we wanted to see happen, and andrea, there is some commonality. obviously we need to build upon that. it needs to be much larger
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commonality to really deal with our fiscal issues in an appropriate way, but last night no doubt was a positive and constructive meeting. >> the heritage foundation has issued a statement today saying that you republicans should explain your enthusiasm on deficit reduction and on coming up with any kind of agreement with the white house after that dinner. >> we should explain our -- i don't know. i mean, i can't imagine why anybody would be critical of 12 senators who have been really involved in the fiscal issues of our nation sitting down with the chief executive officer of our nation and trying to discuss a solution. i don't pay a lot of attention to people that would criticize that taking place. >> senator, rand paul, of course, had his filibuster against john brennan, and today senators mccain and senator graham for some aspects of that
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speech, they are saying that, in fact, this is not helpful to our national security to attack john brennan on the issues, since it's to attack the whole question of domestic drone strikes, when it's clear that that's not going to happen. your response? >> well, you know, i have spent a lot of time with brennan recently, and i too have concerns about really what's happening outside of our country and the fact that congress has never taken on the responsibility or really put in place some guidelines, and hopefully we'll address that through the formulation committee and the defense committee. we're not doing our job, i believe, in that regard. really with the authorization of military force in general around the world i do think some of the examples that were used were over the top and sometimes an over the top example, it does take away from a serious debate
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about drones. you know, look, at the end of the day probably if i talked for 12 hours on the floor, i'm sure i would say something that, you know, maybe i shouldn't say, but i do think what we need to do is go ahead and get this confirmation done. i'm going to vote for cloture. i do think that he is qualified. i don't think he is the one that is setting in place our drone policy. that's up to us, and i think that congress does need to look at our drone policy, be responsible, and really make sure that the oversight that needs to take place there is happening. >> senator, thank you very much for being with us today. >> thank you very much. >> and jennifer palmeri joins me now from the white house. thank you so much, jennifer. thanks for being with us. the president has been pretty busy, entertaining at lunch paul ryan. >> yes, as we speak. >> senators last night. what is the -- what is his reasoning behind this outreach? it has not happened before. >> well, we see that with the --
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i think -- we have the election behind us. the president has seen that there is new opportunities to make bipartisan process on a lot of issues. and some issues that we haven't had, so there's issues. the main focus, the sole focus of the dinner last night, but also immigration reform. we just had a committee through legislation on gun violence. that's positive progress. also things like cyber security. the president is really concerned about that. he is reaching out to bipartisan members of congress on a variety of issues. >> let me play a little bit of what the house speaker -- of what john baker -- john boehner just said about the president's new policy of outreach. >> it's really kind of interesting that this week we've gone 180. now he is going to after being in office for four years, is he
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actually going to set down and talk to members. i think it's a hopeful sign, and i'm hoping that something will come out of it, but if the president continues to insist on tax hikes -- >> if some tax rev new to reduce the deficit, not just changing loopholes and make it revenue-neutral is some tax component to actually raise money against the deficit part of any deal that has to come out of all these talks? >> i mean, that is -- that's certainly the -- that's certainly the president's view, and that we had hoped that congress would have acted in the last month to pass, you know -- the president has put a balanced package on the table that is a combination of increasing revenues, of closing loopholes, as well as spending cuts, and, you know, the hope was that we would be able to pass that and have the revenues as part of that go for deficit reduction.
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now, you know, speaker boehner has -- is for tax reform. he has a view that we shouldn't use that money for deficit reduction, but what the president finds encouraging is that, you know, we're in the same universe in terms of the types of -- the types of reform that we think needs to happen. the president has been willing to join entitlement reform. we're not there yet, and the president had a really good dinner yesterday. there's a lot of differences, but some common ground at least in wanting to tackle this problem and some common ground at least in wanting to avoid the sort of governing by crisis, so both the house and senate are getting ready to take up their budget resolutions. we think this is a positive development. i think that if congress were to use regular order where they are making budget decisions, not by crisis, but by their normal procedures that we could have a good discussion with them now
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about, you know, putting together this kind of tax reform and entitlement reform package that would get us where we want to be in terms of deficit reduction. we've already achieved $2.5 trillion. we're going to see if there's a commonsense caucus that would be willing to work with us on that. >> jennifer, thank you very much. from the white house. >> thank you, andrea. thanks for having me. >> up next in our daily fix, marco rubio channels jayzee. ted cruz does his best henry v. bhaets going in the senate? >> north korea threatens nuclear attacks. you're watchinging "andrea mitchell reports" only on nbc. i have a cold, and i took nyquil,
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in today's daily fix the president's dinner and lunch dates. is washington changing? the washington post chris and kristen welker both join us now. kristen at the white house. first of all, to you is washington changing. one change might be take a look at what john mccain had to say about rand paul, fellow republicans filibuster against john brennan? >> we've done i think a disservice to a lot of americans by making them believe that somehow they are in danger from their government. they are not. so republican on republican friendly fire or not so friendly fire. is this a direct result of the dinner or just long-standing differences that we know exist between mccain and rand paul sfwloosh i think that the latter, andrea. in the wake of this almost 13-hour odyssey, i think a lot of republicans around washington
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were popping champagne bottles and saying we had a moment here. i think when you see john mccain and lindsey graham basically affirming the obama administration's position on drones, what it tells me is there's very little question in my mind that what happened yesterday was a very -- which he has been as open as anyone. i'm less convinced this was a great thing for the republican party, more broadly. you know, i think it gets them on questionable ground on an issue in terms of public opinion and an issue that the vast majority of the public isn't interested in. definitely a big moment for rand paul, and where mccain and grah graham. >> against president obama --
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kristen welker. rand paul has not given in yet on the 30 hours of debate. it could be saturday morning unless he is pressured to give in. >> underscoring the point. they did write a letter to rand paul answering what seems to be his xheef concern, which is -- >> it's possible that is holding that process up. -- they have last night with
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republican lawmakers, and they say that the timing is important, andrea, because it came at a time when there's not a countdown clock running. so, in essence, they believe that this is a period that productive conversation can be fostered on issues like the budget, immigration, and gun control. they're not dealing with one of these stark deadlines that they have been dealing with so often in the past. andrea. >> but take a look at some of the other -- some of the other comments. you had ted cruise and rod widen. this was an interesting coalition from the senate. take a look at some of the debate. >> the executive branch should not be allowed to deliver such a serious and far-reaching program by themselves without any scrutiny because that's not how american democracy works. >> let me just begin gi biquoting a modern day poet.
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whiz kahil -- >> that takes me back to another modern day poet by the name of jayzee. >> you can't make it up. chris. >> andrea, look, i am admittedly a huge nerd about this. i tweeted last night i was watching c-span 2 in the wee hours and watching marco rubio, and my wife said are we seriously watching this? so i admit that i'm kind of on the nerd end of this, but, look, this is -- i think for the most part this is what government should work like, which is if you are going to filibuster that you actually have to filibuster. you stand on the floor, and you talk. to rand paul's immense credit,
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he did not read from the phone book. he did not read from his favorite menus of local restaurants. he talked somewhat extemp rainusually, i think, about the issue of drones, about the role of the obama administration. i think he gets a lot of credit for that. so i actually think while people say, oh, the filibuster needs -- this was a good moment, i think, for the senate in that at least the issue was debated in a meaningful way by people who were committed to staying on the floor and talking about it into the late hours. >> well, let's talk about a really bad example of the senate, and that is a judicial nominee to the second highest court in the land, the d.c. circuit appeals court, and we're talking about katilyn halligan, the former solicitor general from the state of new york. she's a prominent lawyer. this was a nomination, again, filibustered by the republicans. filibustered by the republican leader by just putting down a piece of paper yesterday. so now this kills her nomination, and there's a key
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balance of power here, kristen, on that appeals court. this is the second highest court to the supreme court. >> that's right. i am told by senior administration officials that they are calling around to see if they can perhaps persuade any senators to change their votes. they're also, of course, looking at other potential judges for this position, but, you're right, there is a concern about sort of the balance of voices on that court. some democrats accusing of republicans opposing this nomination to make sure that there are more conservative voices on this court. of course, it goes along with the fact that she has taken up cases that have gone against gun manufacturers, that have been on the behalf of illegal immigrants, so really some political charges coming out of what we're seeing with the nomination process, but president obama issuing a strong sort of condemnation of what happened in the senate and the fact that she wasn't confirmed.
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andrea. >> kristen welker and chris, thank you both very much. >> thanks. >> up next ambassador susan rice about north korea's latest threat, and still ahead, house intelligence chair mark rogers. stay with us. [ rosa ] i'm rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away
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to travel whenever you want. for over 75 years people ...with geico... ohhh...sorry!. director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained)
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director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable lahtuger). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me. the u.s. has engineered a rare agreement in the security council, getting china on board in a vote today against north korea. imposing sanctions. all this as the u.s. and south korea continued a joint military exercise today. despite threats of retaliation from the north. joining us from the u.n. ambassador susan rice. first of all, ambassador, congratulations, because it was a lot of behind the scenes negotiations that got china on board, and i know you were leading the way. >> thank you, andrea. >> this is a major step for the u.s. it's the fourth sanctions resolution against north korea. it doesn't seem to be having any impact on pyongyang. what do we do next? >> well, andrea, first of all,
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today's resolution was an important step because it will not only raise the cost to nokt's leaders of pursuing their illegal nuclear missile programs, but it will also make it much harder for them to continue those programs effectively because it's going to constrain their finances. it's going to constrain their ability to procure the kinds of technical materials that they need and the technology that they need to advance those programs. it's going to set those programs back, and the next steps include strong implementation in coordination with china and the other countries who joined in passing this resolution unanimously, and obviously, we very much invested in our partnerships and alliances, particularly with south korea, japan, and other countries in the region, and will continue to do what's necessary to protect the united states of america and protect our allies while upping the pressure and the cost on north korea. >> they are threatening to retaliate. is it possible for them to hit the continental u.s. with a missile?
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>> well, andrea, we have the capability to defend the united states against a north korean ballistic missile attack if ever there were one, but these threats and provocations are really not productive. they're not achieving anything. they're not getting what is a very impoverished and very isolated state any further. one of the important provisions of this resolution today was to make clear that a wide range of luxury goods, including some very specific luxury goods, aren't going to be able to be imported for the leadership of north korea, which is living large while starving its people. that sort of behavior also has to stop because north korea deserves ultimately, if it were to give up its illicit nuclear program to enable their people to join the committee of nations and become a normal state. >> there was criticism at the senate foreign relations committee of china because beijing, according to the senators, is still propping up north korea with all sorts of economic aid. it is their chief trading
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partner, and their chief resource. while hoping at the u.n. today, is china still not really be helpful in starving the regime of resources? >> well, there's certainly more that china could do on a national basis. china looks at north korea and sees an unstable state on its border and worries about the spill-over consequences of regime collapse, but here in new york, including today after a very difficult few weeks of negotiations for the fifth time they've joined us in passing a strong resolution not only condemning north korea, but this is, as you mentioned, the fourth round of sanctions, and this is now one of the toughest sanctions regimes that the united nations has enacted. china is definitely increasingly frustrated with north korea, angry at this latest nuclear test, but there still are real limitation on how far it's prepared to go on a national and bilateral basis for squeeze the regime. you continue to talk to the chinese and make the point which
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i think they're increasingly snanding that the eradic behavior of the leadership in north korea is bad for china and is destabilizing a region in which we both have a very significant stake. >> now, i know that you were a basketball player in high school and have played some basketball on the administration team with the president, the cabinet team. what do you make of dennis rodman and of someone like dennis rodman going to north korea and satisfying the leaders kim jong un's love of basketball and does this help prop him up to have prominent americans, and there have been others, to go to north korea and show friendship with the regime? >> well, first of all, andrea, you have overstated my basketball skills, so i want to set the record straight on that. >> no. you are an athlete. we know that. >> but clearly, i thought secretary kerry put it best when he said that dennis rodman has been a great basketball player, and as a diplomat, he is a great basketball player.
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>> at the same time would your warning be to other americans not to show signs of friendship to this regime at a time when they are, in fact, threatening to break the armistice, the 1953 armistice with the south? it's maintained for all of these decades. >> the north has made a number of threats and taken a lot of provocative actions, which we think are condemnable and aren't getting it anywhere, and, frankly, i think the north needs to understand that as long as it persists in this approximate behavior that, the sort of friendship that it wants with dennis rodman, or with others, is very hard to achieve on a broader basis because every step it takes rather than bringing it closer to normalized relations, is making it more isolated. there's another path. we've tried to show north korea that there's two ways it can go. it can go down a path of further provocation and enhanced isolation and economic pressure and deprivatiodeprivation, or t different path, as the president and others have encouraged it to
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do and accept the international only relegations and of peace and then there will be much more than dennis rodman available to them. >> there are reports that there have been secret envoys to north korea. is the president still open to engagement with north korea, to diplomacy to some kind of dialogue if they change their tune? >> we have, of course, not ruled out dialogue and, indeed, the resolution that we've adopted today. it said that north korea ought to return to the six-party talks of which we are a participant, but for that -- those talks to be meaningful and lead anywhere, north korea has to show for a change that it's actually ready to uphold the agreements that it's already made and willing to implement its commitment. the first step needs to be a renewed demonstration and n practical terms and actionable terms of north korean seriousness, and then, yes, of course, our aim is to deal with this issue of denuclearization at the negotiating table. >> u.n. ambassador susan rice on
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a very busy day. thanks for taking time to us. >> thank you. good to be with you. >> and up next, the working woman debate, and the latest company to end their work from home policy. plus, a new front in the abortion battle. the most restrictive ban yet. [ male announcer ] this is george. the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ arrival. with hertz gold plus rewards, you skip the counters, the lines, and the paperwork. zap. it's our fastest and easiest way to get you into your car. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz.
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so i switched to purina cat chow healthy weight formula. i just fed the recommended amount... and they both loved the taste. after a few months max's "special powers" returned... and i got my hero back. purina cat chow healthy weight. this week best buy became the latest company to end its work from home policy. that same decision by yahoo's ceo set off a firestorm of criticism, much of it from working moms. >> joining joy gibbs and -- at the council on foreign relations. both in new york. thank you very much. nancy, you wrote the cover story -- "time's" cover story on sheryl sandberg and the debate that has launched about how to be a working mom, how to have it all. of course, sheryl sandberg,
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hugely successful. not considered a role model by some because they say that she can have it all because she's got so much money, but you drill down a lot deeper in her new book. >> so -- >> focussing on this whole issue. >> seeing the reaction to -- >> i know. >> the story and belinda, our writer, did the first interview she's done about this book. it isn't even out yet, and, yet, it has become such a target. i do have to wonder, you know -- i don't remember seeing that kind of reaction which jack welch writes about leadership or lee iacocca. >> exactly. >> somehow when a successful woman, powerful woman writes about things that she would like to see other women do to help them succeed, you know, starting with the point that there are so few women make it into the corner office, into congress, into the senate, into leadership roles and why is that. somehow the very fact of her offering this advice is treated as being somehow presumptive with us, which i found very striking a response already. >> and in "lean in" her book,
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she does deal with the fact that women are often criticized for doing exactly what men do. take that on. >> that's right. that's one reason we use the cover line we did. don't hate her because she's successful. the same qualities that when men use them make them more popular, when women do, make them less popular, and it's something of a double bind. what it taez to be successful are the same behaviors that work against you, it's a little more understandable by why women would be reluctant to throw themselves into that. she looks at both the external barriers that keep women from reaching top positions, but also -- i think maybe most provocatively, the internal barriers, the way that women, as she says, lean back rather than leaning in, slow themselves down, make decisions that tend to get in the way of them ultimately achieving some of those top positions. >> gale, you have been writing about this for quite some time from the council of foreign relations about women. not just here in the u.s., but
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women around the world. we first met in afghanistan, and the role you took there on women. now, in terms of working from home, and this whole issue that melissa meyer set off when she took over facebook. >> i think it just shows the ambivalence so many people have, and the fact that so many people think that the way work is structured doesn't match the way america lives, and so to have a member come out and say we are going to take this option away from you, i think, came and struck a lot of people as really tone-deaf to where a lot of people are, and i don't think that's just women. i think that is people in general. on the flip side of the argument, well, if she were a male ceo who said this, would she have gotten nearly the blow back and the attention, and i personally think the answer is no. >> i misspoke, of course. it's yahoo, not facebook. we were talking about facebook. wanted to also raise the issue of this arkansas legislation now. we're talking about the most
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restrictive abortion legislation in decades. most people do not think it will pass court test muster, but what about that, nancy gibbs? we're still debating whether or not in the first trimester there should be the right to abortion all these years after roe v. wade. >> regardless of what happens at the national level, there are a growing number of states where there are simply no abortion providers available or there's only one in the entire state, or the restricks have become so great that effectively there is no availability of abortions. when we talk about the laws, there are many things that are blocking access to abortion besides the actual laws being passed. this is just the latest of what has been a pretty steady stream of state level efforts to roll back that access. >> and, gale, this is international women's day, and we are talking about a situation where in parts of the world we've seen what's happened in
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india with the horrific rape and the way women are gang-raped and the justice system not coming to their defense -- or coming to their defense belatedly. women in other parts of this world have so much more critical life and death decision and threats than we face here at home. >> well, and i think that gets at the whole -- going back to the sheryl sandberg. her point is the world is ruled by men, and women are not better off because of that, and i think the argument is that even in places around the world where women are facing incredibly difficult situations, violence against women, rape, all kinds of domestic violence, you know, two-thirds of this world's i will literal people are women, and part of that is access to power and access to education, access to financial services, access to the workplace, access to mobility, and so many times what we see is that we see these issues as women's issues, and i think until we see these as economic issues that are depriving the whole world of
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prosperity and opportunity and talent, we won't go very far, and i think that that's the whole point of the day. >> one other point. the nomination to the budget director of sylvia matthews burwell, someone i know well from previous administrations, that's a very powerful job, and we have heard so much criticism, some of it here, of the white house for not appointing women, but appointing sylvia matthews as we knew her, burwell, so that position of budget director is a very big deal. nancy. >> i think you're right, and i think that, you know, we will probably see more such appointments going forward, whether they go through, as your earlier segment noted, is a question. >> gayle, final thoughts? how old are your twins now? >> they're 6 months. >> you do a lot of your work from home. you're a writer and researcher and an analyst, and there's no reason why you shouldn't be commuting from home? >> no. i mean, i think that this is the way the workplace is going, whether you are a male or
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female. i think the world is becoming a place where we're increasingly connected and where we physically are is less important than where we are virtually, and i think that's the way that the workplace is going globally, and i think that is unstoppable. whether it's a temporary situation, whether they're trying to right the yahoo ship. we'll see whether that policy stands. >> well, it's a fascinating time magazine cover on mace beak's sheryl sandberg, and "lean in" her new book. not yet out, but already a huge debate. thank you very much, nancy gibbs, and thank you gayle. coming up next, north korea calling the sanctions an act of war. how real is the sflet hit-or-miss intelligence chair mike rogers will be joining us next right here on "andrea mitchell reports." [ female announcer ] it balances you...
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the answer to that question is no. that is signed. that is a letter that is signed by the attorney general and was submitted by senator paul and his office. >> well, if that had been submitted perhaps yesterday, we might not have had the filibuster. joining me now is congressman mike rogers, chairman of the house intelligence committee. does that basically put to rest this issue of whether or not the united states government, the obama administration supports using drones against american citizens on u.s. soil? >> no. i think it does, and i want to be clear. i deal with this stufr every day in the intelligence community. there was never any discussion on using a u.s. drone in a counterterrorism operation like we conduct overseas here in the united states. i don't believe it's constitutional. i think they've clarified their point. hopefully we can move on. there are some significant national security stories we ought to be talking about, and i'm not sure arguing about something that is not going to
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happen should be one of them. speaking of which, can you tell us ailgts anything about the arrest, the capture of osama bin laden's son-in-law? apparently he is now on u.s. soil. >> i am not at liberty to confirm or deny his -- where he is or the nature of his detention. i can tell you that i am very concerned, just as i was in the past, about taking someone off the battlefield and mile an hour annedize them and bringing them back to the united states. i'm not sure that's what happened, but if that happened, i am concerned about that precedent and what that means moving forward on the war on terror. >> you mean we would have been better off if he had not been rendered to the u.s. on just stipulate late it. you don't have to confirm or deny. if he were still on foreign soil or taken to guantanamo, would that have been better than the prospect now where we will have
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to deal with a trial on american soil? >> yeah. i think a trial on american soil could be a difficult thing for any al qaeda member that they might be considering bringing back from overseas. we have a facility. it is with the best trained guard force that not only has to protect people from the inside getting out, but from the outside getting in, which a lot of american prisons are not quite used to, and they're very well equipped to handle special needs prisoners, high threat prisoners the way that some senior al qaeda member might be, and we have a way to provide trial and counsel and all of those things. now, it's at gitmo. it's guantanamo bay. we've invegsed in that facility to handle that kind of high risk, high threat al qaeda prisoner, and my argument would be it makes a lot more sense to
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do that than to go through any other exercise that may have happened or may not have happened to bring somebody back to the united states and put them on article 3 court in the united states. >> and let me just explain to viewers, that supposed lir according to our sources turkish authorities arrested him on turkish soil. he was flown en route to kuwait through jordan, and there somehow taken and transmiltd mitted to the u.s. i understand the sensitivity of your situation. let's talk about korea and north korea's threats, mr. chairman. >> yes, let's please talk about north korea. >> can north korea attack the united states in retaliation against sanctions and the joint military exercises that are continuing? >> well, they certainly -- we certainly know that they've exploded to some degree a nuclear device. that's what they've well established. not the first one they've done. always the hardest part of a
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nuclear program and it's always in different components, know t have a missile capable of handling it. we know that they have now an exploded a nuclear device but that last part of weaponizing it, on top of a missile to be discharged is a whole other matter. you don't have to have it on a missile to cause harm. if you can transport that to a place as an example in south korea for a detonation, it would still have a tremendous casualty count and all of the negative impact that would go off -- go on with an explosion of a nuclear device so we should take him at his word. it is clear that this 28-year-old leader is either trying to embolden himself with the military that run the operations of north korea or the other way around. military's exerting force over the young 28-year-old leader and the saber rattling is serious and we should take it serious.
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>> what can we do? >> there's a whole host of things. i think we have got to engage china in a more robust way to help us in north korea. they have played the awe shucks card long enough about the ability to intercede and get north korea to back down from its nuclear weapon program and the saber rattling. we need to engage them in a way we haven't before to get them to understand that a nuclear korean peninsula is a dangerous and destabilizing affect across asia and that's exactly where we're headed and we need to get them on board, we no ed to get some of the other allies in the region to have a more concerted effort. we have starved the nation to death through sanctions and they continue to aggressively pursue the nuclear weapons program so sanctions alone aren't going to do it with the economic sanctions that are there. they need to feel other type of pain and that circling of diplomatic pressure of north
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korea on this might be the key and we won't know unless we try but we have got to continue to pursue it. by the way, they have one of the largest standing armies in the world. it is not just the nuclear threat. they're capable of sending troops back in to south korea and certainly not a desirable outcome by anyone. >> mike rogers, thanks, mr. chairman. appreciate it. >> thanks. and what political story will make headlines in the next 24? we'll be right back. sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪ to prove febreze can keep this car fresh, we loaded it with fast food, sweaty hockey gear,
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chris cillizza is back and president obama about to sign violence against women act with joe biden, one of his sponsored legislation. chris, this is a big deal for the white house. >> a really wbig deal. this passed congress last week. president formalizing it now but, yeah, look. i would say a big deal for the president and broadly for the country but remember president obama ran and ran strongly among women. this is another sign of the
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commitment to them and committing that things like this is reauthorized. >> this is international women's day an fitting to sign it today. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thanks for everything. that does it for us for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." great to be back home. the live signing continues next here on "news nation" with tamron hall. ♪ [ female announcer ] they're all going in the same direction, but in very different ways. and pampers gives all of them our driest, best fitting diaper, ♪ pampers cruisers with 3-way fit. not only with up to 12 hours of protection, they adapt at the waist, legs and bottom, for all the freedom to move their way in pampers best diaper. it's time to play. in pampers best diaper. here, it's found in many forms.
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