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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  March 7, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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s. let me finish tonight with this. we have been left in our time a great number system. it was developed by mathematicians living in india and transferring to europe in the middle ages. so much easier than roman numerals with its xs and is and ds and cs and ms. what's better in our system is you can haggle.
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you say 9, he says 7, you say take it for 8. beautiful. >> so the republicans want to cut spending. they both say they want to cut the deficit. stop adding to the national debt. so, fortunately u we have a perfect number system to do it. the report says the federal government should only be spending 1 sdla$1 out of $5. raise $1 in $5 in taxes or stop complaining about the deaf silt. same for the democrats. if they want the government to spend more, they should back up that revenue level up to that amount. both sides want to bargain. if they really want to get to a solution, here it is. both sides have to agree, a, to tax stuff to pay for the government they believe in. and, b, limit the size of the government to the level that they're willing to pay for. beautiful. and that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "politics nation" with al sharpton starts right now. >> thanks, chris.
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and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, news flash for republicans. the president is not the boogieman. he's not a king. he's not a socialist. he doesn't have horns. in fact, he's actually a really nice guy who invites people over to his house for lunch. he's the kind of guy who picks up the tab at dinner. and, now, maybe, just maybe, republicans are getting that through their heads. earlier today, paul ryan dropped by the white house for lunch with the president. he thanked the president for the frank discussion. it came on the heels of last night's dinner with 12 gop senators. and, by all accounts, they had a great time. very open, honest and sincere. >> it was very constructive.
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it seemed perfectly normal to have a group of folks talking about the biggest issue our nation faces. >> it was very candid. it was cordial but also substantive. it really was. >> a big thumb's up from 34k cane? turns out, he has been hiding the truth from his own party. nbc news reports that after the meeting, one senator told us that he learned for the first time the actual cuts that the president has put on the table. apparently, mcconnell forgot to
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mention to other republicans that the president was willing to compromise. no wonder the president bypassed other leaders to get something done. but don't tell speaker boehner. >> i don't feel like the president is going around me. i think it's a sign, a hopeful sign. >> let's hear it for some hope. what a change in tone. way to open the door to compromise. what? oh, wait. i'm being told that we got out of the video too soon. let's play the last bit. i'm sure it's great. >> but if the president consists on tax hikes, i don't think we're going to get very far. >> no new taxes. read my lips. i think we see why speaker boehner and his friend mcconnell are dining alone. joining me now are angela rye and nia spmalika henderson.
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is the gop leadership the real problem here? >> absolutely. reverend al, when you look at what has happened from last night until even this morning, you saw the gop leave dinner with president obama and some of them went straight to the senate floor and the tone even changed then. then, this morning, you have senator mccain and senator graham almost berating rand paul from the night before. i think that you're seeing a real shiflt. shift you're seeing speaker boehner say that he is the hopeful and looking forward to this. this is the same guy that was strugdlie in strugling with the term compromise. i don't think it's only the president at all. all he's doing is simply shifting his strategy to constantly galvanize the american public and their votes to a strategy that includes galvanizing those votes on the
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house and senate floors. >> now, nia malika, nancy pelosi, let me show you her sponls. >> he has tried to saturday to listen to accommodate their respects of view. no. i think we didn't reach a grand bargain because the speaker of the house walked away from an agreement that he and the president had arrived at probably because he couldn't sell it to his own caucus. and i don't care what anybody else says about that. >> so clearly, boehner and mcconnell may be part of the problem and the failure here. given that, are you optimistic that some can breakthrough and go around the leadership?
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or are you still saying that we've got to deal with the realities of gridlock in washington? >> i think those last night stalking those senators after they came out of that two-hour meeting, they were opt mystic. there would be more meetings like this going forward. they saw it as an ice breaker. a way to talk to the president in a sort of semi-social way. and to exchange ideas. i think this does represent a real strategy shift all the way on the part of the white house. they have gone trying to galvanize people around the sequestration. that didn't really work. the sequestration went forward and, so, now, he is doing something that he hasn't done very well in his presidency. and that is reach out to the other side. >> i think it's clear it's a new strategy. but will it work? >> i think it will work because there is -- and you hear so much about this common sense caucus, right?
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and if you look at the people who were at that meeting yesterday, those 12 folks, two of them are not up for re-election. and they poignantly talked about that in the hard choices they will face when it comes to perhaps raising taxes. and some of those people were part of the grand bargain on the senate side in 2011 and agreed to a bargain that was grander than what was scuttled on the house side. so i think it is something of a new day, not only in terms of the tone from republicans and how they're talking about the president, but, also, in terms of the president's strategy. >> now, angela, you've worked the hill and you've been involved in some of the behind-the-scenes as well as out front stuff. part of the thing that i think has to be factored in, with some interest ej. dion wrote in "the washington post." he's saying lawmakers are tired of this dysfunction and that's why we may get a deal.
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he says the strong esz reason for hope arises from one of the most basic human responses. exhaustion. . and i think he may have hit something. one of my confers with members of congress and the senate, they're frankly getting tired of a lot of this back back and forth. >> you're seeing folks not only expressings this exhaustion, but retiring. part of this grade lock hasn't been bad for years. they're saying if we're not going to be able to reach any agreement to make sure that we're covering the american people and looking out for their best interest, we're not going to be here. actually, the president's naming, i know, nia malika just mentioned it. there's no better strategy than that. it pulls vr well with the american people i hope organizing for action takes hold of that and asked people are they committed to being a part of the common sense caucus, whether they vote on the floor
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or not. i thif it's a brilliant strategy and it's way to galvanize people towards forward movement. it's a relly, really good strong point that the president made. >> well, nia malika let's use paul reilly. let's use him r him as a measure. he savings that from the affordable care act, he says this is how he wants to balance the budget through president obama's policies: now, if you look at what he's saying here and you compare it to what he was saying when he was running on the romney ticket, then he would claim president obama was raiding medicare to pay for health care. he said raising taxes would hurt economic growth. so he's clearly compromising now
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based on what he was saying less than a year ago when he was the vice presidential candidate on a romney ticket. if that's a measure, we may be moving towards something here. >> you know, i think that's riekt. but i do think that paul ryan's budget, that he's going to red lease next week, is pretty similar to the budget that you saw lots of republicans run ail way from. mitt romney even ran away from much of the plans there which would vouch rise medicare. and he's been having trouble selling it to his own caucus. i reached out to republicans. i said isn't this more of what we've already seen. is it deja vu over and over again. and he says it's the closest thing to what republicans have right now. so that's why you see, i think, paul ryan largely doubling down on what we've already seen. but i don't know that paul ryan is necessarily a part of what could happen in the house. if you've seen over these last couple of weeks, they've been
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able to break that rule, get a minority of republicans to vote with a block of democrats and really push some important measures through. so i don't know. i think that the president's sbe lekt. >> all right, we will keep watching this. thank you both for your time this even. . ahead, a big day in the fight for gun safety. but we'll talk live to an activist fiekting for change. and more of bill o'riley's war on the facts. you've got to see this one. plus, hillary may run on may 9th. who knows. but news tonight that is sure to make her smile. you're watching "hardball." [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness?
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have you joined the "politics nation" conversation on facebook yet? we hope ult. a new poll out there shows hillary clinton vesting gop rivals in a 2016 match-up and the "politics nation" facebook fans are all over this one. mary says hillary would sweep the nation. susan says if hillary runs, hillary wins. william says i wouldn't be surprised if she won by a landslide. coming up, we'll talk to a man
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behind president obama's landslide win. but, first, we want to hear what you think. please head over to facebook and search politics nation and like us to join the confeversation tt keeps going long after the show ends. axiron, the only underarm treatment for low t, can restore testosterone levels back to normal in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these signs and symptoms to your doctor if they occur. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. do not use if you have prostate or breast cancer. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet, or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness
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safety since the massacre at sandyhook elementary school. this morning, a key senate panel approved a bill to crackdown on people who buy guns and sell them to people who are not allowed to have them. the next stop is a vote in the full senate. part of the bill is named for hadiya pendleton, the honor student who was gunned down in chicago after attending the president's inauguration. president obama talked about her today. >> you'll remember i told the story about a shooting in march in the inauguration parade. and just a few months later, had been gunned down about a mile away from my house. i urged the senate to follow that bill and move to other areas that have support of the american people from requiring universal back ground checks. we need to stop the flow of illegal guns to criminals.
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and because hadiya's families and too many other families really do deserve a vote. . >> today's vote was a pivotal first step. but there's much more to do. much more work needed and still needed voters on background checks. voters in the senate and the house. we also need to deal with weapons, high capacity magazines and school security. today, just one republican votes yesterday on the gun trafficking bill. all the rest voted no. that has to change. over 2500 people have been shot and killed since newtown. 172 of those were under the age of 18. all of those people and their families deserve action on gun safety. joining me now is caroline
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murray, a gun control activist from chicago. she was a guest at the state of the union last month. steven barton, out reach and policy associate for mayors against illegal guns. steven is a survivor of the aurora colorado shooting last july. he was shot in the face and neck. his body riddled with 25 shotgun pellets. thank you both for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> caroline, let me start with you. this is the first big step in getting real gun law legislation passed. what does this mean to you? >> it's only saying that there's so much more work that needs to be done.
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and the cause to the awareness is necessary. >> john -- steven, i'm sorry, you were a survivor as well as you work with the mayor's against illegal guns? >> right. and when i hear caroline talk about more work to be done, senator john curran, let's go there, first. he claimed that store purchasing isn't a big deal. watch what he had to say. >> my concern is that this built is a solution in search of a problem. straw purchasing for purpose of directing guns to people who cannot legally attain them is already a crime. a solution in search of a problem. let me show you how --
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>> if they're caught, they only get 0-5 years of jail time. that's a big deal. 30%. guns are being bought legally and making their way into the hands of criminals. i think that you've got to say that's a major problem. >> absolutely. i mean, i'd encourage the senator to spend 5 minutes on any one of the streets of any one of our cities and to see how wig of a problem this is. 0-5 years is a joke in terms of the sentence for a crime that's as serious as this one. look at columbine. that's how the shooters of columbine got their guns. someone bought them on their behalf. this is a serious problem. it costs lives every single day across this country. >> now, you were a victim last year in aurora u colorado. how are you doing, first of all? >> very well, thank you.
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>> and you are now committed to make sure this doesn't happen again to others. the circumstances that could have been avoided if they had been stripped to gun legislation in your opinion around your circumstances or what? >> i assume they feel strongly about the high can pass tid magazine ban. the shooting in aurora had a hundred round magazine. and thankfullyfully, that magazine jammed. if that gun hadn't jammed, i honestly don't believe i'd be here talking to you here today. >> wow. and they're getting weak in the senate on magazines. let me go back to you, caroline. you lost your son and you have committed your life to making sure, caroline, that other mothers don't face what you face. you've been around trying to raise this issue. when you see the support from
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background checks from gun violence, they're very high. 88% of registered voters are nationwide. 85% of gun owners. and get this, 83% of republicans support universal back ground check. so many voters are behind the measure. it seems criminal that it's not addressed in congress. >> you would think that would be a basic use. so to say that it's not necessary, bills of this nature are not necessary, is not being very fair to a mother like myself, who has buried their son. what rights did my son have when he was shot down in the street? >> now, let me ask you, and i know it's very fresh. it just happened last november. but, first of all, how are you
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doing? and i know you'll never be the same. but how are you dealing with this? and can you share with us what happened? >> basically, my son was returning from california. it was a surprise visit to the family because hi other son, nat, was coming back from the air force the next day. we had planned to have a family gathering that following week. and, within four hours of my son getting off the plane, he was gunned down in front of his grandmother's house. it has the sorrow and the pain of my son's murder has only strengthed my cause which i had been working on since 2006. as my community knows, the week after i buried my son-in-law in december, i organized a gun buyback program in my town. and we collected close to 50 guns for our community. i've been doing this work, but to be affected by this cause
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just leaves me speechless. but it shows me how necessary to have a gun control bill be passed in this nation. >> well, caroline and steven, i thank you boet for being on the show. i thank god that you're here to do the work. and i have hope people around the country listen to people not on the beltway, but mothers, like caroline, who has had to bury their son. and victims that have had to survive unspeakable acts, like steven. this is what this is all about. this is not able lobbyists and manufacturers. it's not even about politicians. it's about real people being safe. thanks for your time. we'll be right back.
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right wing specialist james o'keafe became a conservative. o'keafe claims the video showed employees advising him how to run a prostitution ring. but an independent investigator later found nothing illegal at all. but o'keafe ruined a good
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organization that not a lot of people had to pay for until now. he was fired because of the tape. he sued o'keafe back in 2010. big news tonight, o'keafe is paying up. we spoke with his attorney today and o'keefe has agreed to pay for $100,000. last summer, a judge ruled he had a case. he had a case to make because he "reasonably believed that the conversation was private because it was held in his office with no one else prentd. present. and he believed no one oels was listening in on his conversation. o'keefe led him to remain comfort shl by posing as a client and asking whether their conversation was confidential.
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vera also contacted police about o'keefe right after the meeting. but u in truth, he left that part out. and as part of this settlement, o'keefe is unaware to have notified a police officer of the incident. i think that's supposed to be an apology. it's not a very good one. but did james think we didn't know it was wrong? nice try, but we gotchya. [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation,
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but how about the state of texas? a recent poll of texas voters has hillary winning, beating rubio, christie, even their own governor, rick perry, by 8 points. the republican chair of texas says if she's the nominee, i would say that this is a lean republican state. but not a solid republican state. and a grass root movement is already in action trying to turn texas from red to blue. he's known as the field general. he organized the ground game never seen before in campaign history, getting millions of volunteers and voters to turn out for president obama.
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joining me now is jeremy bird and the national field director of the 2012 campaign. jeremy, it's great to have you with us. >> reverend, it's great to be on your show. thanks for having me today. >> now, let me ask you. there are real signs that texas could turn blue. but what are the biggest challenge ins your effort? >> you're absolutely right. there are huge signs that texas could become a battle ground state in the future. what we're seeing is only about half of players are turning out to vote. both increase the size and actually increase turnout with folks turning out, we could turn texas into a battleground state. anybody that wants to become our commander in chief has to go through texas. >> now, it's no doubt the
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electorate is changing in texas. 900 are hispanic voters. but one of the biggest challenges is giving the largest of populations to the polls. the biggest problem in voter participation, only about half of the eligible hispanic voters show up nationwide. in texas, just 4.1 million hispanics are registered to vote. and only about half of them make it to the voting booth. how are you going to rally these voter sns. >>. that's right, reverend. if you look at 2008, about 54% of those latino voters in texas who are eligible to vote, only about 35% turned out.
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if you look at a place like florida, colorado and nevada where those turn out rates have gone up in 2008 and 2012, the way that we did that was by run i ing a grassroots campaign. making sure that we have a digital program now that's sophisticated and reached out to people. my philosophy is we know where voters are and talked about it in the democratic process. when we do that, we see increased participation rates. we see it in battleground states and we want to see the samd thing happen in texas. >> what is it about your grassroots effort, the one you're spending for the president, that most resonated with voters. >> i think it's we went to people and we engaged them in the process. for too long, campaigns have gone to african american communities, to young voters and october in an election year and
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said we're looking for your vote. we went there a long time out. and we talked to folks, we hired organizers from the community. we built real relationships. when you invest in a grassroots ground game, they'll turn out to vote and register in higher numbers. that's exactly what we plan to do in texas and all across the country moving forward. >> two days after that victory that you were a part of, something that was very unusual happened. let me show you something that you happened to be in the room when this occurred. >> the work that i'm doing is approved. and i'm really proud of that. i'm really proud.
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>> now, jeremy, you were in the room when that happened and i understand the president went around and hugged everybody in the room. what was your reaction and the reaction of others when the president stood there talking about he was proud of you guys and started actually shedding tears? >> yeah, i mean, it was an incredibly moving -- well, probably one of the best moments i've had in politics. i mean, we had our leader there in the president of the united states talking to his staff, to his organizers, to his volunteers and how important it was to his effort to become commander in chief and continue to push forward and to continue to push this country forward. it really meant a lot to all of us. back to your point earlier about organizers and people on the ground who are doing this work, to get that kind of recognition and to realize how important it was in the future of this country. it meant a lot to me.
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it was an incredibly emotional moment and one that i'll never forget. >> no, it had to be a great moment. i have can tell you, as an older guy, usually, when i'm in the room with a candidate after an election year and he's crying, it's because he lost. jeremy, good luck to you. thank you for being on the show and keep us posteden your texas plan. thank you for your time. >> all right. thank you. >> thanks, reverend. >> ahead, an inspiring and empowering day there the fight for women's rights today. and bill o reilly just won't stop ignoring facts. we go inside the echo chamber. some things, you have to see to believe. the color of our shimmering waters. the beauty of our swaying palms.
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this victory shows that when the american people make their voices heard, washington listens. >> republicans dragged their feet for months renewing -- on reknewing the violence against women's act. >> president obama says it's passage now is a good sign. >> reaut rihorizing the violenc against women's act is something i called for in my state of the union address. when i see how quick it got done, i'm -- i'm feel iing -- i makes me feel optimistic.
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bill o'riley is apologizing for losing control on live tv. >> he has to say here are the programs that are going to go down. here's how we're going to reform medicare and social security. and the man refuses to do it. >> that's not true. >> yes, it is. >> holt it chl hold it. now i'm getting t'd off at you. give me one damn program he's sitting -- >> entitlements. >> not entitlements. one program. >> why are you yelling? >> because you're lying. >> i'm not lying. >> you are lying. >> don't call me a liar. don't just sit there and kauld me a liar. you don't like the president. you don't like what he's doing. but don't just sit there and call me a liar. >> i am. >> he now says he's sorry for using the word liar. but he's still fighting his war against the facts.
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>> specifics. >> i'm giving you specifics. what you said last night was the president did not propose anything. the president proposed this to the republicans. the republicans circulated this plan. they knew about this plan. i know you're not too simple to not know about chained cpi. so the point is the president has proposed to these. >> the president has proposed generalities. >> you are a hundred percent wrong. >> okay, we'll let the folks decide. >> the folks can go to the government web site and see very specific, right here. broken down. the specific cuts. >> okay. powers. >> welcome to the right wing echo chamber where they refused to believe facts. it's not just about o'riley to skewed polls to cooked job numbers. republicans just can't handle the facts. but, every now and again, bill o'riley and others meet up with
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the facts and it's fun to watch. joining me now is michael kegan, president of people for the american way. and david brach, founlder of media matters. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thanks for having us. >> thank you. >> michael, are republicans allergic to the facts? i mean, how do you explain it? >> i think the basic problem is if you don't have the facts, you've got to make them up. that i have had to make up voter fraud in order to stop people from voting. if you want to pass restrictions on reproductive freedom, you've got to make it look like you can't get pregnant from rape. and if you want to pass no legislation on climate change, you have to make up facts that there is no climate change. >> so their opinions are based on facts leading them to an
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conclusion, an then an opinion. they start with an opinion rather than builting an argument whether it's factual or not to justify a conclusion that they've already came to? >> yeah, i think that's true. and ill think there are a couple of dynamics at work. when it seems that they're in denial when they're confronted with the facts, as it showed o'riley. i think it's kind of a business model for a show like o'riley's and a lot of the right wing media. so if they're confronted with the truth, this media machine starts to collapse. i think that's part of it. i also think, you know, having been in the right wing myself, there's a kind of paranoid world view in the right wing that the mainstream media is just liberal propaganda. and, of course, that's falgs. but it justifies, in their minds, their own propaganda attacks. >> now, you know, talking about
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the business model, you probably won't be surprised, but came out today defending o'reilly. >> obama is not cutting anything. there are no $2.50 in cuts for every new dollars in taxes. none of that. >> so do they just deny the facts? i mean, this is how they changed the discussion on climate change and things that affect everybody. they just change the facts around. >> yeah, let's look at the facts here. obama has done 1 p$1.8 trillion spend cuts versus $600 billion in revenue. he's made a difference. those are the facts. the only way you can refute those is by making up your own facts and or getting louder or angrier as bill o'reilly did in the segment.
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>> that's the point. for anyone who wants to see, go to white and there is a sheet for anybody, lawmakers, anybody to see, what the government, under this president and what the president is proposing. how do they get away with just out right acting like things don't exist -- that are not only in existence, but are documented in public? >> well, absolutely. this talking point that the president has no specific cuts proposed, has really been bouncing around conservative media for weeks now, as we've been able to document. so they live in their own bubble. as you noted in your intro, this isn't just confined to bill o'reilly. there is really a mass delusion that mitt romney was going to win because they were consuming their own media. we also see in the last week or
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so, conservative billionaires and republican political operatives backing some of these web sites like bright bar and like the daily caller and the free beacon that are kind of laundering partisan political smut under the notion that this is news. and we saw that the smear campaign against senator menendez completely collapsed this week when it was shown that those allegations were false. and we still don't know who was behind that dirty trick. >> yeah, well, twhen you lowhen you look at conservatives, like eric ericson who is a conservative blogger, let me quote him. he says the echo in the chamber has gotten so loud, it is not well-understood outside the echo chamber in the mainstream press and in the public. it translates only of anger and noise, neither of which are conducive to the art of persuasion. >> exactly.
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and i think 2012 was a referendum on reality. it used to work for them. that's now changed vrmt it's now a lot more reality-based and we saw in 2012 what happens when people are informed, they can express their views and it's based on facts and reality and they vote accordingly. >> you know, david, when you were talking about how they felt they were going to win these skewed polls, i couldn't help but think about steven corbert and how he explained it. let me show you something he did with the poll. >> the point is, the polls showing romney behind have to be wrong. >> we have a bunch of polls. gallop pugh and cnn which either over-sampled democrats or at least in the case of cnn,
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appeared to grossly underestimate the percentage. >> i don't believe them because i think the sampling is skewed. >> the polls are skewed. >> i don't believe them. look, you can go through all the scientific gobblety gook you like, i don't believe them. >> yes, they're basing this all on scientific gobblety gook. >> i think colbert made the point, don't you, david? >> oh, i definitely do. you are starting to see some of the conservativings with a little by more of an intellectual bent starting to come out and express reservations about what colbert was just parodying there. so you are starting to see some question of this. look, some of this right-wing media is clearly disadvantaging the republicans. you remember the phony claim
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back in the fall that jeep was taking american jobs to china. that came straight out of places in the right wing media and really hurt him in ohio. rand paul picked up this hoax story that senator hagel had ties to a group called friends of hamas that didn't exist. so there's a real embarrassment here. >> thank you both for being here tonight. >> thank you very much. >> as wall street booms, the american people are calling for fairness today. that's next. first kid
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