tv Politics Nation MSNBC March 8, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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why? because it shows how exciting politics in this country can be. check this number, hillary clinton, 45%, chris christie, 37.5%. 8 points isn't much. but the real number there is that undecided number. 18%. that means there are 55% out there in this country who are either for christie or not committed yet. since everybody has a pretty good fix on how the recent secretary of state is, everybody thinks that this could be a heck of a race. i want this to be a two-party system in this country and that a reasonable number of people could choose between two candidates and that both candidates believe that government is important. that it's important for both parties to work together once the election is over. it's important to have that going on in the country. anyway, i'll be honest, too. nobody wants a lopsided super bowl. and i don't want a boring campaign next time.
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not when i fully believe it could be the most exciting in decades. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "politics nation" with al sharpton sarts right now. >> thanks, chris. . and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, they've wlblock, they've spun and they've tried everything they could to stop it. but guess what, the president's plan is working. >> get your popcorn ready. we've got some pretty good numbers here for u you. >> up 236 points. increased by 236,000 jobs. the last unemployment rate was 7.7%. you've got to go all the way back to december, 2008. >> there is work to be cone. but this is project. that's 36 straight months of project sector job growth under president obama. and we're seeing momentum elsewhere in the obama agenda. on gay rights, the president now
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pushing for equality: on terrorism, osama bin laden's son-in-law now chaptured, appeared in a new york city court. on women's rights, president obama this week renewing the violence against women act. and, on gun control. a major hurdle cleared when a senate panel approved a gun trafficking bill. the president is getting it done. and here's how you know he's winning. today, rnc chairman reince pri oh, priebus is getting on the right track. now it's time for president obama and his party to join us.
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>> no word if he actually said that one with a straight face. and then there's gop water boy marco rubio. the party savior. his big, new idea today. shut down the government unless the president's health care law is completely defunded and repealed. what an idea. give that man another round of polo spring. but the right wing media is trying to attack over white house tours? >> look, mr. president, if you can't keep the white house open, let me try. >> listen, this isn't trying to up stage a president. this isn't playing a game. he's playing the political game by saying i'm closing the white house. >> they're worried about tours. where's the out rage over the cuts to the poor over food stamps. cuts to head start.
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over the 750,000 jobs that could be lost. we're seeing real progress. but just imagine what this recovery could look like if they stop getting in the way. joining me now, jonathan capehart and j arkared bernstei. how strong are these jobs today? >> they're strong. almost every industry added jobs and it only lasts three months. i'd like to kind of average out the monthly reports. they're a bit volatile. we've been adding about 1 9d 0,00 jobs. you go back about half a year, we were adding 130,000 per month. >> so we were doing 130,000 a month and now we're at 190,000? >> that's if you average out over the past few months. but with that said, i still think there's some fragility here. and, as you mention, the sequester could hurt us.
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to me, today's job report shows the potential of what this economy can do if congress gets ahead of it and starts hacking away at it. >> here's a headline from the new york times exactly on that point. it's on the new york times home page. warning that the spending cuts republicans insist on could take the steam out of this recovery. headline says despite job gains rngs austerity takes toll. jonathan, this is actually what jared is saying. job numbers are good. bup if we're talking about austerity and cuts, we could undermine what is apparently a growth process that's working. >> well, sort of. take sequestration, for example. the cbo payroll tax increase would cost 800,000 jobs. that's 67,000 jobs a month. sequestration itself, 750,000
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jobs would be lost if nothing gets done. that's 75,000 jobs a month that disappear. those are not just numbers on a spread sheet. those are american workers who are losing their jobs. that's that many members being affected by a loss of work. and then the trikdle down frckl. that means a store getting fewer customers. a business gets fewer customers. children go without food to eat. there's no shopping. so i think there's too much focus here in this town on let's cut the budget. let's cut the deaf sit. let's deal with the numbers on the spread sheet rather than trying to think strategically how to reduce the deficit. how to reduce costs that don't damage the economy and don't hurt american families. >> and put money back out there. consumers. but, you know, jared, before the election, the chairman of the republican party, reince priebus
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warned that it would hurt the party. let me show you what he said. >> the choice that we face in this country is clearer than ever. president obama and vice president biden want to continue with the very same failed pol y policies they've pushed for the past four years. the only new plan for the second term is a tax increase. >> that's what he said before the election in october, 2012. today, after the president has pursued his policies and we get these strong job numbers, he's taking credit for the job numbers. >> i almost fell off my chair when you played that thing. i mean, first of all, it was always amazing to me that republicans, who largely were the policy -- the politicians of the business community, were so angry at obama anyway. one sector that's done extremely well throughout his term and lately, doing even better, is
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about the corporate probability. but what we haven't seen is the job market picking up. there's been a long gap in this economy between the growing economy, which has been growing since the second half of 2009 and employment growth which consistently has been up. but not fast enough to bring the unemployment rate down. we now have a job report -- and it's one, don't read too much into it -- that throws down the cliff. so it's the exact op sit of what he said. the president's policies and the underlying economy have been improving while the other side keeps crafting these measures to undermine that growth. >> now, jonathan, when you look at that, look at the fact that you have reince priebus, second credit. speaker boehner had trouble even admitting that the job numbers were strong.
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and he was still trying to find a way to attack the president. "any job creation is positive news. but the fact is that unemployment in america is still way above the levels the obama white house projected when the trillion dollar stimulus spending bill was enacted. so we've got the head of the rnc taking credit for the job numbers and the head of the house republicans trying to play down the job numbers. it's crazy in d.c. there with you, johnny. >> yes, it is. and what we see here is this schism within the party. it's all -- it's all over the place from rand paul filibustering a nomination to reince priebus trying to take kret for improvement in the economy to latching onto a man tra he had in the elections which are where are the jobs? now, when the president offered the american jobs act back in september, 2011, with ideas that
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both democrats and republicans had been pushing for for years, speaker boe hrkszhner was nowhe be found. speaker boehner didn't want to have to deal with anything within the american jobs act. so, you know, speaker boehner is in a bit of a bind. the economy is improving, but he's got this restless, raucous tea party caucus that want wants to cut the heck out of the budget. for them, the bottom line is reduce the numbers on the page and worry about the real-life impacts later. >> but you have to worry about real life people if you're going to govern. jonathan capehart and jared bernstein, have a great time tonight and have a great weekend. ahead, paul cubman is here live on the great gop fair. and karl rove, you've got a problem.
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plus, how great is it to have elizabeth warren in the senate? this great. >> if you're caught with an ounce of cocaine, the chances you're going to go to jail. if it happens repeatedly, you may go to jail for the rest of your life. but, evidently, if you launder nearly a billion dollars for drug cartels and violate our international sanctions, your company pays a fine and you go home and sleep in your own bed at night. every single individual associated with this. i think that's fundamentally wrong. >> oh, yeah. more of that is coming. big friday show. stay with us. ♪ fee, fie, foe, fum ♪ look out baby because hear i come ♪ ♪ and i'm bringing you a love
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that's true ♪ ♪ so get ready ♪ so get ready ♪ i know i'm trying to make love with you ♪ ♪ so get ready, get ready ♪ get ready because here i come ♪ fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second. which is good for business. because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away.
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rn . have you joined the "politics nation" conversation on facebook yet? we hope you will. today, folks were celebrating the good news in the jobs report. jessica says glad to hear this. hopefully, it will continue to drop. >> mavis says we're on the right path, but the republicans are in the way. dwr greg says i'm sure the republicans are creative enough to find a negative spin to this. you may be onto something, greg. we've got more on the gop's economic spin on jobs coming up. but, first, we want to hear your thoughts, too.
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please head over to facebook and search poll "politics nation" and like us to follow the show. in hidden fees on their 401(k)s?! seriously? seriously. you don't believe it? search it. "401(k) hidden fees." then go to e-trade and roll over your old 401(k)s to a new e-trade retirement account. we have every type of retirement account. none of them charge annual fees and all of them offer low cost investments. why? because we're not your typical wall street firm that's why. so you keep more of your money. e-trade. less for us. more for you.
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>> don't raise taxes on small businesses because they're our job creators. >> huh? i guess the old job creators didn't skip town after all. of course, republicans told us that helping the uninsured would also help tack the economy. >> he was also going to focus on creating jobs, remember that? but he focused on obama care and that killed jobs. >> obama care, alone, is putting a chilling effect on job creation. >> chilling? >> yeah. except it hasn't been. but the right sounded the alarm about wall street reform, too. in fact, they said don't even criticize big business. >> i think the president's attack on the private sector in america is exactly what's wrong with this administration. >> part of it is the rhetoric that vilifies success. attacks the free enterprise
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system. >> sadly, president obama has decided to asack success. it's no wonder so many of his own supporters are calling to stop this war on job creators. >> it's the funniest war i've ever seen. the stock market is at an all-time high. looked like the elephants were crying wolf about jobs. isn't it about time they learned their less son? joining me now is nobel-winning economist and columnist for "the new york times" paul krugman. his latest book is called kwt in this depression now." mr. krugman, thank you for coming on the show. >> thank you. >> the jobless rate didn't skyrocket. can you believe it? >> well, yeah. remember, we've been here before. you go back to 1993 and bill clinton, by raising taxes on the
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rich, he was going to kill the economy. they're always wrong but never anything from it. >> now, in today's column, and as i told you before we went on, i read you religiously. you asked me to do it secularly, but we'll talk about that later. you know that there are still concerns with the stock market. but the highs that we're seeing tell us something important. and to quote your column, the fears and prejudices are entirely misguided and they're also telling us that the people who have been feeding those fears and peddling those prejudice us don't have a clue about how the economy actually works. what do you mean by that? >> that if you listen to these guys, you just gave us a great set of clips. a bunch of people saying this rhetoric. got to stop trying to help the uninsured. you've got to try to have austerity.
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if you don't do that, the economy is going to tank and the interest rates are going to skyrocket. that hasn't happened. what does happen, if you cut government spenlding in a depressed economy, that hurts the economy. so what we have to do is the main thing standing in the way of recovery right now. >> but how do they do it? they just pushed this on ideology? there's no real analysis? this is so opposite of what they're advocating. >> you know, when you have a massive media machine, when you have loyal people who go on the talk shows an say the same thing again and again, it doesn't hurt that much if you're wrong over and over again. anybody who paid attention to the wall street editorial page the last four or five years would have lost a lot of money. but it doesn't matter, people just keep oncoming back for it. >> now, there was something striking about today's job report where the report said we were up in the private sector jobs by 246,000 jobs last month.
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the public sector lost 10,000 jobs. and, as you and i have discussed in the african american community, latino community, many of those communities are in the public sector space. can you imagine where we'd be in the country across the board, all racial lines, if the gop didn't have this obsession with austerity 1234. >> if we had created public sector jobs in line with population growth, which is what we normally do but we hadn't been doing it this time because of awe storety, then we'd have about a million and a half more. we'd have well over 2 million jobs in total. those public sector workers would have the prints and stuff for the private sector. we would be well below 7. so this is -- we would be doing pretty reasonably. not all the way back to full employment, but pretty close.
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>> now, talk about austerity. fox and friends this morning had on president jefferson to talk about the need for fiscal austerity. >> even though you were one of the very first presidents of the united states, you were a budget cutter, weren't you? >> well, i was. i believe government needs to be simple and frugal. >> what would you make of the debt we have amassed today. >> i would consider it to be a crime because we are not only being irresponsible, but stealing from posterity. i mean, i wanted to show that because not only do that have a guy masquerading as thomas jefferson, but they're masquerading the way they work. >> i do know that alexander ha
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mill tonl would have said hey, this is not a time to be cutting back. but, anyway, what's the difference? the point is it's just insane to be thinking at a time of mass unemployment when the u.s. government can borrow long term at an interest rate of 2 pnt that the deficit is not our focus. >> so the deficit is not our focus. so we should mpn't be hearing te who say we should concentrate on medicare and medicaid? >> right now, we need to focus on jobs. we're going to have to eventually figure out how we're going to pay for the programs that we need. medica medicare, medicaid, ssz. . >> paul krugman, thanks for your
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time tonight. his book, again, is called in this depression now. ahead, elizabeth warren calls out a big bang for its dirty laundry. >> how many billions of dollars do you have to launder for drug lords before somebody says we're shutting you down. >> and president obama is proud of the violence against women's act. and so are some of the republicans who opposed it. they're actually taking credit for it. that's next. blank bl [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness?
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or add a car to your policy. personalized coverage and savings -- all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. call... and ask about all the ways you could save. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? it's a classic right wing move. taking kret for something you voted against. after months of gop obstruction, president obama signed an exp d expanded version of the violence against women act this week. 138 house republicans voted against the law. but, now, some of them are bragging that they supported it. the fact is, they actually voted for a watered-down version that
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didn't include new protections for native american women and the lgbt community. but their statements sure make it seem like they voted for the real thing. iowa republican steve king blasted out that he supported the violence against women's act. hey, congressman, your name is right there in the no column. arkansas's tim griffin says he was proud to support the house vawa. but you have to read to the last paragraph to see that he supported the house version and voted no on the actual law. missouri's vickie hartzler votes that she was pleased to support efforts to protect all women in this country from domestic abuse and other forms of vier lempbs.
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but she wasn't pleased enough to vote for the actual law. i wonder if she was pleased enough to vote against it. did these republicans think we wouldn't notice their claim that they voted for it even though they votersed against it? nice try, but we gotchya. [ male announcer ] this is joe woods' first day of work.
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primer, concealer and foundation, all in one. get the longwear that survives the 9 to 5, fabulously. new outlast stay fabulous foundation from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. karl rove has a problem, a tea party problem. ron paul is the gop man of the moment. fresh off his marathon filibuster, he's the life of the party and the views on civil rights, religion and the role of government are all way out there. but he's not going away. >> how seriously are you looking at 2016? >> we're looking at it very seriously. i think our party needs something new, fresh and different. >> and then u there's texas
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senator ted cruz. the man who called president obama the most radical president we've ever seen. and he'll be front and center at the rnc event this weekend with some of the parties biggest leaders. but senator mccain is not a big fan of either tea party star. when "the huffington post" asked if they were a party to either star, he paused for six seconds and said "they were elected. nobody believes there was a corrupt election. anything else"? but i always believe it's the whacko birds on the right and the left that get the media megaphone. whacko birds? this is a party at war. and now that the rnc is going after carl rove's plan to target unelected presidents. >> historically, if you look at it, it's a bit of a fool's game
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because you can't actually predict some of the thing that is go on. >> a fool's game? this is a party in need of a political intervention. and it could only help president obama's agenda. let's bring in angela and brian grim. you know, angela, when he starts calling the rising stars of the gop whacko birds, it can't be good news for the party. can the gop save itself from the civil war? >> i don't think that it can. and i can honestly say maybe this is the maverick john mccain coming back. you saw him challenged. he challenged rand paul on the senate floor on this whole concept of protest politics. and a filibuster is exactly that.
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this is him tricking the american people, or at least those who believed him, into thinking he's actually acting. and he's not guilty. he's not. he's almost boy koting his job. senator mckaicain is saying absolutely not. he's certainly cruising for a bruising. >> cruising for a bruising. all right, ryan, let me say this. we showed chairman of the rnc carl rove's plan to get after far right candidates fool's gold. and the conservative organize saifrgs, freedom works, is out with an ad against karl rove for trying. watch this. >> are you willing to sit back and watch karl rove and his unprincipled, establishment candidates take over the gop? join freedom works and go to
3:38 pm sign the petition to give karl rove a piece of your mind. it's not your party, karl. >> they seem to be openly going at each other's throats here. >> right, you know, often, when they say, hey, this party that just lost this election needs to rethink its future, they end up not doing that. but karl rove and the other folks in the republican party have kind of forced this conversation on to the republican party. this is more than rethinking. you're right. they are at war with each other. and democrats are just absolutely loving it. what's better for them than republicans spending their own money attacking each other and tearing themselves down all the way into this midterm election. the longer they do this, the better chance that democrats have to actually take the house this next and then give obama the last two years of his presidency to actually get some legislation through.
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until democrats are back in control of the house, the republicans, no matter how poorly they do on the national stage, can continue to block the progressive agenda. >> now, angela, this weekend, the rnc is meet iing -- holding its big meeting in florida. tea party candidate ted cruz is front and center. also appearing is scott walker, chris christie, jeb bush, marco rubio. question. does this mean that cruz has made it to the mainstream of the gop? >> no. it means that he's gotten the media attention that he's been so desperately seeking. he has literally been showing out, like old folks say, in every instance he can possibly find. he went on the senate floor and quoted tweet after tweet about staying with rand. nobody cares. he is literally disrespecting and beraiding the attorney
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general in this country. so the media is paying attention and that's exactly what he wants. in addition, you talked about scott walker. the same scott walker that was trying to totally obliterate labor unions. you also think about rick scott who is responsible for voter suppression efforts in florida. their party is going in the wrong direction in terms of trying to grow its base. it's shrinking because there are only so many white males that continue to grow the gop base. the rest of america doesn understand or care about this. it's not karl rove's party ad groups to par tis pat in these ad campaigns. it doesn't make you more real vant. your message is wrong. >> you noticed that, huh? >> let me ask you this. i've got to go. not all of this helps them because look at the fact that the civil war has not helped them in their struggle.
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they are 20 points lower than president obama. in the polls, president obama 49% positive ratings, republicans, 29 pntd. in the middle of the civil war, they're losing the big war with the democrats, if they're fooigting at all. >> and i think that unpopularity actually helps people like ted cruz because republicans are genuinely without philosophy and without leaders. ted cruz is saying hey, that doesn't fit with our message. so without anybody to be able to say no, no, that's wrong, then he's welcomed. they're just going to throw everything up against the wall and they're going to see what sticks over the next 2-4 years. >> thank you both for your time tonight. and both of you have a great weekend. >> thank you, rev, you, too. >> my flsh. >> coming up. an explosive new look at how the food industry hooks america on junk.
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manipulating snacks so you can't eat just one. and are the banks too big to jail? yes, jail. elizabeth warren is on fire. stay with us. try running four.ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores.
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rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. you ready? [ female announcer ] second kid by their second kid, every mom is an expert and more likely to choose luvs. after thousands of diaper changes, they know what works. luvs lock away wetness better than huggies for a fraction of the cost live, learn, & get luvs. otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second. which is good for business. because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away.
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♪ every day, our kids are surrounded by food advertisements on tv and the internet, on billboards and in stores and even in their schools. i think we can all agree that parents need more control over the products and messages that their kids are exposed to. >> the first lady today talking about the unhealthy foods that are marketed to our kids and to ourselves. it's time -- past time -- that this country take a closer look at what's really in the foods we eet and drink. and our kids eat and drink. we wanted to give you a real idea of what we're talking about. here's the equivalent amount of sugar in a leading breakfast
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cereal marketed toward kids. here's the sugar in a popular yogurt that builds itself as a healthy option. and here's the sugar in a 12 ounce can of a leading soft drink. >> we have to face this problem. we can't run away from it. up next, i'm talking to the author of a stunning new book that exposes how the food industry got us hooked. stay with us.
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those numbers, like american waistlines, are growing. and it's increasing health problems like diabetes and heart disease. this expanding america is not due just to a bad diet or a lack of exercise. the industry has been creating food people can't stop eating. a new book called "salt, sugar fat" has been brought to the indusz ri. joining me now is michael moss, the pulizetzer-prize winning author. why did you write this book? >> i was really, really interested in how the food industry was responding to the
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growing consumer concern about the obesity crisis. and i was lucky enough to run into a trove of internal domts that helped me convince key insiders and help me reveal even more secrets. i have to tell you, it was like being in a detective story for me. >> you talk about a spot where they actually measure and find the right amount of sugar, right amount of salt that will make it impossible for you not to want more food. so you think you're not hungry, but you really have been manipulated, for lack of a better term, scientifically, to want to keep consuming a certain food product. >> i spent time with a legend in the industry named howard moskawitz. and he walked me through his
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creation of a recent soda flavor for dr. pepper. he had 61 different formulas and then came up with a very perfect formula that was guaranteed to be a hit. and explained to me, it's not just a straight line on the graph. there is a limit to our liking for sugar. it's a bell-shaped curve. and the phrase that he used and helped coin is called "the bliss point." it's at the top of that curve. not too little, not too much. the perfect amound will send us over the moon. >> so the bliss point, if you get there, you think it's a natural thing, but it's really been scientifically established that they can find that point. you just find yourself eating and eating and eating. >> absolutely. fir kids, their bliss point, their liking of sugar is even higher than adulgts.
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kids are hardwired for sugar. each of their 10,2000 taste buds are waiting for that. >> now, you know i used to work in new york for another life. and those days, at the height, i was about 310 pounds. this morning, i weighed at about 141. never had surgery. all dieting. and people ask me, everywhere i go, how did you lose all of the weight. and i said will power. but your book made me question whether people lack will power or whether people are being manipulated. i remember i could not get enough of certain things and never understood why. now, i don't feel as bad about it as much as i feel i was maneuvered. >> and i don't think you should
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feel bad about it. the industry never makes an argument that it intended to make us ill. it cares about convenience, price and nutrition. but all of the energy they put into their products to be irresistible is overwhelming. >> now, you actually tasted kelogg food that had not been pre-sweetened or salted or whatever. how does the good -- what happened? >> most recently, people cared about salt. and i wanted to know -- i went to the industries and said why aren't you cutting the salt back? that's what people want. so kellogg invited me in. prepared me special versions of their icons without any salt and showed me what they were stuck on. we started with cheese-its. we couldn't even swallow those.
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the salt adds texture and solubility. then we tried the frozen waffles. popped them in the toaster. they came out looking and tasting like straw. and here is the worst thing. we tasted the cereal. put some milk on it. tasted it. before i could say anything, the kellogg spokesman got this abhorrent look on her face and said metal. i taste metal. and i did u too. and the chief scientist explained to me that one of the functions of salt that makes the industry so hooked on salt is it can cover up taste, bad flavors, that are inherent to some processes. >> we're eating this stuff, but we don't taste it. >> don't taste it. >> now, understand -- this is something that's startling to me -- they actually target people by age and race and gender? >> as you can imagine, and the hispanics know, the growing hispanic section is one of the most targeted consumer group in this country now.
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and salty snacks tend to be a bit saltier and even a bit sweeter for hispanics. >> why, studies show they like a lot of salt? >> yes, their bliss point is higher. likewise, they've known this. >> well, i think your book is an eye opener. mie equal mosichael moss, the bk is "salt, sugar, fat." i really thank you for this book and for your time. i'm glad we had this conversation 150 pounds later. i'm half the guy you knew, but i'm twice more trouble. >> and you look fabulous. >> thank you. >> greet book. >> look out, wall street. here comes elizabeth warren. and she woent let you hide your dirty laundry.
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just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands? we're dedicated to getting you back on track from identity theft. to protect you from being a victim in the first place, we have specialists for that, too. ♪ [ alarm blaring ] ♪ [ lasers zapping ] ♪ yep. we make a pretty good team. [ male announcer ] call 1-800-lifelock or go to today. it will if it's new outlast stay fabulous foundation. it's a primer, concealer and foundation in one for all day flawless skin. new outlast stay fabulous from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl.
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how great is it having elizabeth warren in the senate. well, check this out. at a hearing this week, she grilled treasury department officials about why there was no criminal prosecution where the bank admitted to laundering hundreds of millions of dollars from drug dealers. >> and they didn't do it just one time. it wasn't like a mistake. they did it over and over and over again across a period of years. they were caught doing it, warned not to do it and kept doing it, evidently making profits doing it. now now, a fine was imposed but there was no hearing to consider shutting down hsbc's activities here in the united states. so what i'd like, you're the
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experts on money laundering, i'd like your opinion. what does it take? how many billions of dollars do you have to launder for drug lords and how many economic sanctions do you have to violate before someone will consider shutting down a financial institution like this. >> shutting down a financial institution. warren means business. >> i'm sorry, i don't mean to interrupt, and i don't want to drag this out, but i'm not hearing your opinion on this. you're the leaders. and i'm asking, what does it take even to say here's where the line is. we're going to cross that line. and if you cross that line, we're at risk for having the bank close.
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