tv Lockup MSNBC March 10, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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is the chief offender there. some people come in and you need a cart to carry their chart. mr. hill has a chart that, despite the number of years he's been in the system, it's probably no more than half an inch thick. which tells me that he is more likely to minimize and ignore something of import than he is to come in complaining of something that's trivial. >> this is early enough we're not going to have any problems with it. we'll just get it taken care of now. will it come back? you know, this is the result of many years in the sun. >> right. >> and there's a whole lot more of you saw the sun than just that one spot. just come back to us if you have any suspicious spots or concerns or questions. >> it makes you think. it sure makes you -- it was a wake-up call. >> this is a learning experience for jack. he will know what to look for even more than he did before.
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he'll know the significance of these strangely acting lesions more than he did before. and he's more likely to catch it earlier rather than later. so i think he'll do quite well. >> i'm just glad we got this. i caught it in time. >> i'll bring you a blue consult sheet to sign and we'll get you set up with a dermatologist and get you going to get this taken care of. >> thank you, sir. thank you very much. >> okay. sure enough. >> that went good. like i said, i was very concerned, you know. just by the way it was, you know, i knew it wasn't normal. and i did the right thing. we caught it in time, which is always good. you know. and i feel a lot better about that. >> anyway, it's time to go. i'm going to say adios. this is up, down at the ranch. we'll see you later. good night.
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inmate said jail saved his life. >> i was 437 when i came in. i am now 265 pound. >> you looking at me? i say you, looking at me? >> the inmates in two female housing units square off against each other. >> you shut the [ bleep ] up. >> and one of them will soon learn her fate after a heinous act of violence. >> i did a terrible, horrible, horrible thing to my son. >> behind the seven-story high walls of san antonio's bexar county jail there is an ever-changing drama that is played out daily among the 3,500 men and women incarcerated here.
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>> life in the county, baby. >> the majority of them have only been charged with crimes and here awaiting trial on the resolution of their cases. but for some, waiting can be unbearable. the jail's medical staff responds to a code one alert. a medical emergency. an inmate has just attempted suicide by hanging. he is 28-year-old arnold guerra. guerra is alive but unconscious. medics work to learn the extent of his injuries. the officer discovered guerra. he was called in after another officer reported that guerra had covered the light in his cell making it difficult to see inside. >> the duty officer called us. we responded to do a check. and noticed he was hanging.
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he tad taken the bed sheet, tore night a strip, and i cut him down and he was still breathing. >> san antonio fire department paramedics arrive, guerra has begun to regain consciousness. >> he was on his knees hanging forward? >> no, just hanging. >> guerra, talk to me! >> one, two, three! >> although his vital signs are stabilizing guerra will still be take tine a nearby hospital for further treatment. quick action by correctional staff and medics most likely saved his life. but in the past the jail had been plagued by the specter of inmate suicide.
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it reached a peak three years earlier when there was five suicide in a 12-month period. >> it was a rash of suicides here at the facility. and the state took a look and decided that we needed to go to a more stringent type of monitoring system of all inmates. inmates had to be observed at a specific time frame. for example, inmates that were deemed mental lie the psychological department, had to have an officer visually check on them every 15 minutes. we started sending all of our officers to suicide prevention classes. we would send them back through the academy. and we made it mandatory for every bed to go through the suicide prevention classes. our suicide rate has gone way down. >> because hanging is one of the most common method of suicide attempts. all officers carry a special tool as standard equipment. >> this it the rescue tool we
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have in every unit in the jail. some body it trying to hang themselves or something. we get in there with it and just cut them loose. try not to let people die in this place. >> still, some inmates will always view suicide as the only way out. but sean phillips believes that his incarceration at bexar county jail might have been the one thing that actually saved his life. >> i wu literally, when i came in here, pretty much knocking at death's door. >> phillips is currently awaiting trial on a murder charge to which he has pled not guilty. when he was first booked into the jail, the 5'10" inmate weighed 437 pounds. >> i was type 2 diabetic. i was taking insulin twice a day. i couldn't even walk half a block without almost having a heart attack.
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>> but in the year and a half he has been here, phillips has reduced his weight by almost 1/3. >> i was 437 when i came in i am now 265 pounds. >> phillips has had several prior convictions for burglary and theft. >> these are some previous photos of mr. phillips that we have. 2001, 2003. >> from 200 pound to morbid obesity, his mug shots tell the story of his exponential weight gain. >> my self-esteem out there in the free had plummeted. i stopped giving a care about everything. i was drinking anywhere from, a bottle to a bottle and a half of jack a day. i started eating and eating as a comfort. >> but there was one person at the jail that would have a profound effect on phillip's life. >> hop up here and see where you are at here today. >> dr. hubert downstairs is the one that got me to change. >> like at this.
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excellent. have a seat up on the bench. >> he told me that he saw something better in me. >> howard hubert is a board certified physicians assistant. >> sean phillips is one of my favorite cases to talk about. sean came through the door weighing 437 pound. i said do you went to get the diabetes and blood pressure under control? he said of course. i said here it the plan. i'm going to put you on an 1,800 calorie a day, taper your diabetes meds blood pressure meds. i said if you exercise a lot. >> he was consuming, 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 calories a day. here in the jail we can control diet a whole lot. >> i'm on diet tray. i don't get as much of a portion as everybody else does. they steam a lot of my stuff. sometimes they steam them to death. you get steamed vegetables and
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they come up looking like mush. but you know what it is food. >> how much weight you have you lost? >> 175. >> 175. >> 175. that's a lot of weight. >> that is a lot of weight. >> strong will power. >> there you go. >> but some times even will power has its limits. >> cookies too? >> thank you. >> isn't that cheating a little, shawn? >> uh-huh. >> we all know shawn slips once in a while. shawn eats cookies here and there. i won't hold that against him. i don't think there is a person who drive the car that never has broken the speed limit. >> hubert's other prescription is lots of exercise. something that phillips could have only dreamt of when he first arrived here. >> when i got here i couldn't do one pushup. not even. now i have so much energy i don't know what to do with it half the time. i can do bulldog pushups. ten sets of ten. i will do that anywhere from
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three to four times a day. >> he looks fantastic. he has definition in his muscles. you can see he has a neck now. his calf muscles are hard as a rock. he has been exercising so much. >> to lose weight. there is one thing films needed more than anything. an inspiration. >> everything i am doing in here to better myself is so i can be out there for my daughter when all of this is done. because that's the whole reason why i am doing what i am doing. >> for phillips, losing weight has given him a new outlook. even as he faces the possibility of a life behind bars. should he be convicted. >> if you don't have hope and you are not positive. then you have nothing. every day i wake up. it is a new day. coming up. >> his personality changes very frequently. >> recovered from his attempted suicide, arnold guerra poses new challenges. >> he could be singing. at the drop of a dime. he is mad.
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>> and -- >> right side protective custody. left side, our detox unit. >> two female housing units. divided by hate. >> why don't you come over here and do something about it? for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery.
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at san antonio's bexar county jail, there are 16 different housing units for the 400 women incarcerated here. two of those units, hold inmates who are facing decidedly different yet very difficult circumstances. >> well, in southern bravo, we have two different units. the right side is protective custody. we have about eight cells in there. most of them have one person. some of them have two. depending on their cases. we can't put them in general population for fear that they will get assaulted. the right side is protective custody. the left side, that is our detox unit. anybody that uses hard-core drugs, it is mainly heroin. so when they do that, they kick
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the detox, very, very severely. they usually get the runs, vomiting, a lot, the chills, shakes. >> the glass wall separating the women in detox and those in protective custody isn't enough to stop a seemingly endless stream of verbal conflict. >> you looking at me? you looking at me? i say, you looking at me? what? >> they don't get along. >> well, go ahead. say it. say it. >> detox they are very angry. they're not feeling good. they're kicking off of their drug. >> you shut the [ bleep ] up. >> pc does instigate them. because they feel like this is their house. >> can we set them off? >> so through the glass, they talk a lot of mess toward each other. >> why don't you come over here and do something about it? there is gates and glass in between them. they're not going to be able to get toward each other.
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>> the women in the detox unit despise their neighbors for one primary reason. though they have not been convicted most of the women in the unit are accused of serious crimes against children. >> anything against a child, the lowest of the low. you don't do anything to a child. when the detoxers find out that pcs have the children charges they want to get into it with them as well. >> they killed their kids. we don't kim our kids. we just do drugs. >> ignore her. don't, don't let her make you cry. [ bleep ], drug alley prostitute. >> it's hard not to cry when you are getting made fun of. it's hard. >> they say we're baby killer, but we are not. >> though most women in the pc unit have not been charged with murder they have come up with a sarcastic response to the unit.
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>> they laugh at us -- >> the girls in detox will be yelling baby killers. yelling it all day. we'll say remarks to, i guess just to joke around to laugh about it. really it does hurt us. >> chelsea sanchez has been on both side of the glass. she came in as a heroin addict and is now in pc. >> when i am high on heroin, like that story, the dr. jekyll and mr. hyde it changes me. changes me. makes me like a monster. >> me, i did like terrible, horrible, horrible thing to my son. because of the drug.
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>> sanchez has been charged with serious bodily injury to a child. she admits to being high on heroin, and severely beating her 3-year-old son. when he was brought to the hospital he was covered in bruises, had bite marks on his thigh and one eye was swollen shut. doctors discovered he had a lacerated liver, likely caused by blunt force trauma. >> when i am high on heroin it is like anything triggers me. i'll just go off. i can be sitting next to some one. if some little thing irritate me. i will start screaming, and in attack mode. it's -- it is scary. basically, i chose that drug over my kids. and they probably have a better life without me. >> sanchez's son has recovered, and is living with relatives. if convicted in trial, sanchez could face anywhere from five to 99 years in prison.
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but she is working with prosecutors on a plea deal. she says the only way to get through this difficult time is by numbing her emotions. >> i can cry, and stuff, but -- i choose not to. i choose, i guess, to be feeling numb. after a while, it just -- try to block it out. try to block out whatever you are feeling. and that it the only way to me, the only way i can cope. i watch tv. some commercials will come on. with my kids. and i just -- it brings it all back. and i just, i will stop watching or start playing cards. talk to the girls. it's like i had to get all my anger out on that day and it was just on the wrong person. yeah. and i'm any not going to cry.
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the primary challenge facing staff at san antonio's bexar county jail is managing the lives of 3,500 men and women. who for the most part would rather be anywhere else. they all require attention. but some inmates require far more attention than others. it has been one month since he attempted to hang himself in his cell. >> after a brief hospital stay, he is now back in the segregation cell where he will be closely watched. >> he will be monitored. and pretty much watch him, every 15 minutes. we check on him. just keep a pretty watchful eye on him. >> that day what were you feeling, what were you going through?
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[ speaking foreign language ] >> he says that the reason why he did it is bah he was lonely. he was in lock down. he see that everybody gets visits. he doesn't. he doesn't have any body to talk with. he just felt lonely. and that's why he did what he did. >> with five private stays at county, guerra is well then to staff here. he is known for resisting arrest he says he is part of a significant enterprise in mexico. >> arnulfo guerra, claimed to be part of the mexican cartel known
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as the zetas, he is something more known as a zetita, mules for them or works for them in some way or another. >> he says that when he was down there he, he worked, with the cartels and everything. but he it not a killer. >> jail staff, however, are less concerned with guerra's criminal past than current behavior. >> get picked up on minor charges, inevitably start making demand and getting upset if the demand aren't met. so upset he will start injuring himself. he is banging his head on the wall. he it finding instruments to cut himself. [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> this arm here, that wu the -- that was the last one. that was the one that he pretty much opened it up. all these other cuts on his arms. he uses tattoos to cover them up. that's how long he has been doing that. >> staff say they're never quite sure who they're going to encounter when they deal with guerra. >> his personality changes. very frequently he can be one person that is singing. and then, at the drop of a dime, he is mad. >> he told me in the past, we can give him the taser. we can give him the oc spray. whatever. if problems is what he wants. he will give us problems. >> whenever he doesn't get his way. he will become disruptive. just the other night he was upset.
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he started tearing the bunk off the cell wall. constantly having to be replaced in the emergency restraint chair. it doesn't bother him when weep put him in the emergency restraint chair. >> he always seems to find, way to mutilate himself. razor blade between his teeth. >> a lot of people, negative attention is the only attention they know how to get. is it appropriate? no. are there better ways to get attention? yes. the only thing he know to do? yes. >> because of his behavior, he will remain house add loan in the observation unit for the foreseeable future. he insists his actions are not for attention. he maintains his suffering is for real.
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>> he says he it not doing for attention. he says he is doing it bah that's the way he is suffering. >> coming up. >> not going to mince word. i beat the crap out of the guy. i am not going to lie about it. >> sean films opens up about the murder that brought him to jail. and josie sanchez faces the judge. >> josie sanchez. ♪ [ watch ticking ] [ engine revs ] come in. ♪ got the coffee. that was fast. we're outta here. ♪ [ engine revs ] ♪
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[ engine revs ] and every day since, two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. we've worked hard to keep it. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. we've shared what we've learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely. i want you to know, there's another commitment bp takes just as seriously: our commitment to america. bp supports nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs
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in communities across the country. we hired three thousand people just last year. bp invests more in america than in any other country. in fact, over the last five years, no other energy company has invested more in the us than bp. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. today, our commitment to the gulf, and to america, has never been stronger.
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across the street from san antonio's bexar county jail it the jail's annex. it is here that low-risk inmates charged with minor offenses are held in large dormitory style units that are usually teaming with activity. while some inmates try to rest or read, others are socializing. talking on the phone, or playing games. matt, the first to spend this time making music. ♪ i don't know about a job ♪ i'm tiring of being incarcerated ♪ i want the lifestyles ♪ you can stay up in the hood ♪ ♪ or you can widen your terrain
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♪ ♪ you can keep on hustling but i'm going to follow my dreams ♪ ♪ don't you went to live a careful life ♪ ♪ it's up to you so do your thing ♪ ♪ yeah [ applause ] >> a whole different perspective on life. not all about what you are doing in the hood or growing up around. there is more to life than what you see. so, there is a whole different terrain, you can widen up to. all up to you to choose the path. that's what the whole song was about. >> some of the chosen paths of 39,500 men and women incarcerated in bexar county have led to heartache. others have sought more productive paths inside the jail. >> give us this day our daily bread. >> when he first arrived here, sean phillips weighed 437 pound
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and says he was slowly killing himself with food. after medical staff put him on a diet and exercise program, he says he lost 175 pounds. but films still carries a heavyweight. he is awaiting trial for murder. he is accused of seeking vigilante justice against a man he believes sexually assaulted a close relative, a young girl. phillips admit he and three accomplices, drove the man to a remote wilderness area and began beating him. >> i'm not going to mince word. we beat the crap out of the guy. we beat him up in the field. i said don't come back ever again. >> phillips says one of the accomplices took it upon himself to stab the victim. >> the dude that was with me did it. he stabbed him. and slit his throat. i was in the truck. there was nothing i could do. i was 50 yard away.
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by the time i got back over to the spot, it was, i couldn't do anything. >> when hunters discover the body weeks later it was not only decomposed it was decapitated. >> from what i was told they found the head in a field away from the body. the only way i could figure, animals got to it. because it was out there for two months in the summer heat. there wasn't much left of it. >> phillips was arrested along with his co-defendants. two of them are in other housing units at bexar county. he says the third is the actual killer and is still at large. phillips also says he is willing to accept the consequences of his actions but feels the murder charge ties much. >> even they've want to come at me with aggravated assault. i am willing to do that. but i didn't murder the guy. i've didn't have the intentions to murder him.
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>> the stress of his case may be taking a toll tin other ways to. day, phillips is eating a regular meal instead of his usual diet plate. and topping it off with a second helping. >> anything it better than the diet tray. in the women's wing of the jail, josie sanchez's case is drawing closer to a conclusion. she admits to brutally beating her 3-year-old son while high on heroin. sanchez, recently signed a plea deal and today will receive her sentence. she doesn't know what it will be. but she at least knows the worst case scenario. >> i was signing the papers on a 14 year cap, you know it wasn't a lifetime. it felt like i was signing my life away. it is a good deal. compared to five to 99. >> though sanchez can be
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sentenced to a maximum of 14 years in prison and could also be released on probation. >> it depends on the judge. the da is opposing probation. so she wants to give me a sentence. she wants to give me time. >> sanchez is also relinquished custody of her three children. they are staying at least temporarily with relatives. >> i don't see me ever seeing them again. ever knowing about how they are. who they're with. if they're okay. >> sanchez says the only way she has been able to cope is by holding in her emotions. now she feels, she will not be able to show them at all. not even to the judge, who is about to sentence her. >> the judge expects me to be, i guess, looking remorseful. i mean, because i am remorseful. you know it's hard for me to show my feelings especially in here. i haven't cried for a long time. or since i have got here. i just, i can't. i can't do it.
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>> a short time later, sanchez arrives at the bexar county courthouse. >> all rise. please have a seat, everyone. please have a seat, good morning. josie sanchez. >> yeah. >> the case that she stand before you, we are asking you to kid probation. >> sanchez's lawyer argues the violence against her son was the effect of heroin, and now she is clean. >> she has never been in the system before. i believe she will never be in the system again. >> yes, sir, i know what i did was a horrible thing. and i've could take that day back, i would. but i can't. i mean, there is no possibility. and -- i mean -- there's not a day that goes by that i don't think about my kids
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knowing that i am never, ever going to see them again. it's hard to let it out. because i feel if i do let it out, i will have no control over it and i will just break down. >> this is somebody has chosen very poor. i am asking the court to allow her a pass to allow her to seek help. >> i will sentence her ten years. credit for time served. good luck, ma'am. >> thank you. >> sanchez's sentence of 10 years in tdc, texas department of corrections means she will transfer from jail to state prison. as sanchez is let out of court, her lawyer believes justice was not fully served. >> i am just torn up. i like her. she is an anomaly. she is not for whom the prison sentence is designed. i think she has a lot of love. >> coming up.
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>> taser, taser, taser. >> the officer experiences 50,000 volts of taser power. for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. this is what it's like... paying full price for a hotel room. and this is what it's like getting a high-end hotel room for 45% off published prices... ... with travelocity's top secret hotels. ooo, tingly. license and registration please.
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[ bop ] [ bop ] [ bop ] you can do that all you want, i don't like v8 juice. [ male announcer ] how about v8 v-fusion. a full serving of vegetables, a full serving of fruit. but what you taste is the fruit. so even you... could've had a v8. love your passat! um. listen, gary. i bought the last one. nice try. says right here you can get one for $199 a month. you can't believe the lame-stream media, gary. they're all gone. maybe i'll get one. [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one.
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you can't have the same car as me, gary! i'm gettin' one. nope! [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. >> all right, gentlemen. come out close the door behind you. >> during shifts at bexar county jail, the ratio between inmates and officers is 48 to 1. but in case of emergency, officers know exactly what to do. they reach for the small box attached to each of their belts. >> it is called a duress box. when an officer is in need of
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assistance, main reason is, when inmates get into a fight, a physical altercation. this is when we would out lie -- utilize the duress box. >> pushing the button puts officers into action. >> the special emergency response team. respond to all fights, fires, riots. >> one, two, three, stand up. >> yes, sir. >> the guys are highly trained officer. and tasers, pepper ball weapon, 40 meter launcher weapons, ready to rock 'n' roll. >> as intimidating as the weaponry is all of it is nonlethal. and relies on tactics and training to quell disruptions. >> we are always training. be prepared for anything. >> while training focuses on what to do during a crisis it also covers what not to do. >> what's wrong with that? >> they're dragging him. >> they're dragging him.
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you put stress look that on somebody's rotator cuff it is going to rip them out. you guys have got to prevent things like that happening. we just do not do that. >> the whole concept of it is a team, six people. you respond as one team. and control whatever situation we got. our ultimate goal is being there within 90 second. >> we always train something new. today we are doing a six-hour block of training for oc. which is pepper spray. so these officers are going to be exposed to oc spray. >> about to get sprayed in the face with oc. and it's not fun. >> officers deploy oc to control violent inmates. whenever they to it. they're also exposed to the spray. and must still be able to function effectively. >> i need everybody over here. >> for those of you who have not been exposed to this. i am going to let you know right now it is going to hurt. you are going to get sprayed in the face. i will ask you a couple of questions.
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you are going to go to the station there. you are going to deliver, ten, good solid punches and commands. >> don't start screaming like a little girl. >> blink your eyes. look at me. blink your eyes. last four digits of your social. [ bleep ]. >> when did you graduate? >> '98. >> when? look at me. i can't see you. all right. go. open your eye, mark! >> [ bleep ]. >> throw the punches. >> yeah. [ bleep ]. >> i know it is hard to keep your eyes open. y'all need to be able to see what you are doing. the reason you are getting sprayed, because it will get in your face when you to it upstairs. >> oh [ bleep ]. >> you guys are awesome. >> the only thing that makes it better, is water and air. right now i feel look somebody
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has taken an iron to my face. it hurts bad. >> okay. >> lift your head up. keep your head up. last four of your social. >> address. address. >> keep your hand down. >> address. >> [ bleep ]. >> san antonio? >> don't be puking on me. >> you got it. you got it. you got it. >> i go out. i got it. i got it. >> officer delgado is in for a tough day of training. >> i am about to be tassed. >> get down on the ground. put your hand behind your back. do it now. taser. taser. taser. >> lay her down. let her go. >> don't move. this is not connected. >> that's it. >> that's the effects. five second. >> we want the guys to be able to function under any circumstance.
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you don't want anybody going home any other way than from the way they came. >> i just finished being sprayed with oc in the eye. oc in the mouth. and getting washed off. then getting tased. all in a day's work. i love my job. training is put into action on a nearly daily basis at bexar county. a code two. a major disturbance. requires the team to rush to the special observation unit. an inmate has been throwing chairs and trash throughout the day room. when they arrive the inmate has returned to his cell. >> look, look at the door! but since it is arnulfo guerra, the matter is far from closed. guerra has been at the center of several disturbances and is prone to frequent mood swings. they reached the peak one month earlier when he attempted to hang himself.
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and while staff no longer consider guerra suicidal they continue to keep him under close observation. >> he is upset because another officer, allegedly kicked his door last night and threw his food tray into his cell. through the slot. [ speaking foreign language ] >> guerra says the officer left a dinner tray in his open food port while he was asleep. when he did not wake up, guerra says the officer closed the food port, dumping the tray inside his cell. then kicked the door several times. the accused officer denies all of guerra's allegations. >> he was asleep. i knocked on his door, and on his window. he got up. and i passed him his tray, juice. he took both of them. and he wanted my coffee. i told him no. as soon as i told him no. he went crazy.
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>> officer perez thinks guerra was still angry when he was little rock of his cell for the allotted time in the day room. >> while the medic tries to calm guerra, the team searches his cell for contraband. a standard procedure following a code two. they remove trash, torn bed sheets and several strings of cloth, guerra has made from the sheets. >> we'll document what his claim is. and go from there. [ speaking foreign language ] >> from this point on i will take the reports from the officer send it to the supervisors and have them look into the matter the as far as the inmate. he will probably receive disciplinaries for criminal mischief. since he ]. a table. guerra's mood soon lightens when he sees an object from his cell.
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the art work he created from the torn bed sheets. but the calm does not last long. the inmate worker suddenly takes his creation as way with the trash. and guerra becomes irate. guerra hangs a sheet to block his window which is against the rules. but is of particular concern with an inmate who attempted suicide. >> he was pissed off because they took his trash out. >> he could be doing numerous things. >> he is kind of pissed off right now. >> why are you acting like that? >> i need you to take the sheet down. i need you to take it down for me. thank you. >> no problem. >> okay. i appreciate it.
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okay. >> finally, officers give guerra what he wants. his art is returned to him. >> you got to behave. >> that's all he wanted back, the crosses he spent his time and energy to create. >> while guerra's art work and demand to get back it are rule violations. officers are permitted to use discretion to prevent minor violations from bloke all. they conclude if guerra's weavings and paper cross he's hung above his door will keep him calm it is worth it. >> in other units it is contraband. as disruptive as he is we allow him to do this. he uses the crosses as a tool to keep his mind active. that's his activity. if he mixes a little faith night, all the better. coming up --
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josie sanchez is in a state of limbo at bexar county jail. she was recently sentenced to ten years for brutally beating her 3-year-old son while she was high on heroin. >> good luck, ma'am. >> sanchez will soon be transferred to state prison to begin her sentence. but for security reasons, inmates are never told exactly when the transfer will occur. while sanchez can only wait in the cell where he spent most of the past two years, there is one new change. >> looks like i can't stop crying.
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>> i am planning on not crying, not to show. i'm just, as soon as i got here, i just started crying. i couldn't take it any more. i couldn't hold it in. >> sanchez says she was determined not to show her emotions in jail. but releasing them may have come too late. she believes her inability to show emotion to the judge may have cost her a chance at probation >> there is not a day that goes by that i don't think about my kids. knowing i will never, ever, see them again. i think that was a big part about me, not showing remorse the way maybe he wanted. i knew what to say in my head. just the word wouldn't come out right. i, i -- i did cry a little. but not maybe not enough. i don't know. i didn't have any feelings coming out until i finally got into the cell.
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and i realize i'll be in prison for a long time. but it happens you, know. it is a consequence for my actions. that's what i got. >> sean phillips is in a different limbo. he continues to await trial on his murder charge. on the bright side his 19 months in jail has resulted in the loss of nearly 200 pound. thanks to help from physicians assistant howard hubert. >> let's get your weight real quick. look at your arms. see how big your arms are now. okay. compared to where they were. we looked. see. a lot of this. look at the definition and the muscle that you have got now you didn't have. this was all just, a big, chunk of skin, remember.
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