tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC March 11, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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got to do this fast. what did we learn? >> tame the beast known as daylight savings time. thank you so much, mark halperin, for smoke the light and kbifg us a way. >> you are also against daylight savings? >> hash tag no time we are going to crush this thing. national movement. >> jobs are back and it's because of daylight savings time, let's face it. >> i learned that these two, and many others, are against children, christmas, candy, ice cream, summer, hot dogs, barbecues, everything, daylight
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savings time. awful. if it's way too early, it's time for "morning joe." >> right now, time "the daily rundown" with chuck todd of the united states. calling on congress, president obama gets peter is week's worth of in-concern outreach on capitol hill, can he mustary majority to breakthrough any budget block cade? on the eve of a done conn crave, a deep dive into the mindset of college cardinals as they get sick set to pick a pope. are there voting blocks of support who are front runners and how fast will it happen? a new report says ashley judd is ready for a kentucky clash with mitch mcconnell. their bluegrass battle would surely take center stage for 2014. good morning from the biltmore hotel in miami, florida. it's monday, march 11, 2013 and this is "the daily rundown." now, here's chuck todd. >> man. thanks to lonnie there at the beautiful built more down in
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miami. how i wish i could have ever stayed there keep those morning greetings coming. now get to my first reads of the morning. house republicans and senate democrats are going to be rolling out dueling budgets this week that set text tax and spending targets the next fiscal year and represent very different approach toes the role of the government. meanwhile, hoping to improve the odds of a big deficit reduction deal, the president continues his charm offensive, heading to capitol hill three different times this week. tuesday, the president will meet with senate democrats. wednesday, it's house republicans. and on thursday, he will meet with the folks out of power, senate republicans and house democrats in back-to-back meetings. tomorrow, house budget committee chairman paul ryan will roll out his 2014 budget, fresh on both parties' sminsd the budget clash that kicked off the presidential campaign nearly two years ago. >> nothing serious about a plan that claims to reduce the deficit by spending $1 trillion on tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires but simply, it ends medicare as we know it. >> exploiting people's emotions
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of fear, envy and anxiety is not hope. it's not change. it's partisanship. >> this time arranged the tone will be different after the president and ryan met for lunch on thursday. >> this is the first time i've ever had a conversation with the president lasting more than, say, two minutes or televised exchanges. i'm excited that we had this conversation, we'd very frank exchange. >> all budgets are to some degree political documents, the blueprint ryan unveils tomorrow will include plenty of red meat for his own base. >> are you saying that as part of your budget you would repeal, assume the repeal of obama care? >> yes. >> well, that's not gonna happen. >> well, we believe it should. >> ryan's budget also has $770 billion cut to medicaid over the next ten years, along with medicaid voucher program that democrats ran against in 2012, plus the medicare voucher
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program, pardon me. ryan's budget balance is in ten years by taking advantage of new revenue from higher taxes after the fiscal cliff and savings from health care reform. ryan is setting negotiating parameters for the actual budget battle ahead in the fall. >> all right president take our premium support program program and block medicaid? my guess is he won't. i believe there is a consensus for tax reforms. a lot of moderate democrats in the senate favor of lowering tax rates by closing loopholes. that is what we are pro-position. >> so, that's in there. sort of. in the senate, some republicans have expressed an openness to the new revenueses if the's coupled with the big entitlement deal. >> along with entitlement reform, following put rev newtown table. the super committee, we did that. >> did you it? >> the problem is we don't see from the president any structural changes in this unsustainable course on the entitlements. >> house republicans ruled out
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new taxes and not clear the president can sell his own party on major entitlement reform. senate budget chair, patty mur lirnlgts throw deuce the democrats' first budge net four years on the senate side and she does that on wednesday. it's plan that's expect toad increase taxes on some upper-income americans and corporations, proposes more spending on education infrastructure and job training and attempts to try to undo the sequester, all starting next year. senate democrats have not had to take a lot of tough votes, some republicans are eager to use this budget to try to pin democrats down in the senate. here's republican leader mitch mcconnell on "the laura ingram show" last week. >> it will be replete with tax increases, nothing kind of underscores the difference between the two parties like one of them having to produce a budget. you remember how much they criticized the ryan budget. we had no democratic budget to criticize. >> a and has bugged republicans for years. the idea republicans didn't have anything to run against is
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questionable. after all, they did run against president obama. that didn't quite work. by the way, the president is not expected to deliver his 2014 budget until april. several months late. and in the past, senate democrats have been silent when he has done his budget e this time, the feeling that the white house. >> they should let the senate democrats lead. what will be interesting here, realize, whatever the white house produce on their budge pet, wherever there are differences with the senate democrats, it will be magnified. the question is are the differences to the left, to the right, are there differences on entitlements, on taxes? how much of it is a staking the ground for the negotiations going forward it will be fascinating to watch how the white house those chooses to use the unveiling of their budget in april now. the budget remains this week's biggest political story, the other one to watch will be the story of the republican party in the next eight days. we will see the chapter in their rebranding unfold. like any rebranding ever, days helpful to the party and days
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this are painful and ugly. c pac, the conservative political action conference, kicks off the end of the week here in washington and it could have all of that, hoping to leave the past behind this year's conference theme is america's future, the next generation of conservatives but boy there's a lot of the past represented here, too. so for every jeb bush at c pac there will be a donald trump. every marco rube there will be a wayne lapierre, every bobby jindal there it will be a sarah palin a week from today, after a series of listening tour stops around the country, the republican national committee chairman reince priebus will release the autopsy of the 2012 election. could be a painful process. priebus advertised the report a bit he did so last week at the stop in iowa. >> we need to be a big party. we need to be a -- an all year round party. we need to look at our mechanics, our digital and our data. we are going to have to raise a whole lot of money. we are going to have to set
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standards for state parties across america. let's face it i mean, we haven't won a decisive race, really decisive presidential race in 24 years. >> expect to dethe party divides are on full display this week where they decide if it is mortgage pizza, think policy and substance or the pizza abortion the packaging. in iowa, priebus disagreed what karl rove was trying to do saying "there are a lot of groups out there picking winners and losers in primaries but it won't help party." >> personally, as an rnc, i don't believe in that. i don't think the party should pick winners and losers in primaries and i think hist tore dplirks luke at it a bit of a fool's game because you can't actually predict some of the things that go on. >> priebus could hardly contain himself after kentucky senator rand paul's filibuster sparked new enthusiasm in the conservative grassroots. >> constitutional republicans, liberty republican sass big piece of a growing party, young,
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probably rand paul filibuster, energized people, find people excited? >> i think it was completely awesome. >> but it's a amazing there. remember, there's not a majority inside the republican party in the senate that even comes close to agreeing with rand paul on some of these issues, expect to see the divide between the old-school defense hawks, new-school lint tearian-minded conservatives. "it ultimately serve him well to be the spokesman for the code pink fax of the republican party"? ouch. another bush is raising his hand, making himself known as a political player for 2016, how far will the party runaway from the bush brand? this weekend, his final lap here, did he the full ginsburg of sunday show appearances, all taped. former florida governor jeb bush said his last name, he doesn't believe, is going to be a political problem for him. >> my guess is that history will be kind to my brother the further out you get from this
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and the more people compare his tenure to what is going on now. i don't think is there bush baggage. i love my brother, proud of his accomplishments. i love my dad. i'm proud to be a bush f i run for president, not something in my dna that compel knows do it, it would be it is the right thing to do for my famly, that the conditions are right and that i have something to offer. turning to afghanistan, where tensions are rising following some high-profile diplomatic and military clashes earlier today, a man in afghan police uniform opened fire in the wardak province, sparking a firefight that killed at least two u.s. soldiers and three afghan officers it is unclear if the gunman was a real officer or simply posing as one. either way, attacks like this threatenen to undermine any u.s./afghan alliance act, least what's left of it. it comes hours after afghan president hamid karzai lashed out at the u.s. on sunday, charging that the u.s. informs coalition with the taliban, how about that one you and leading to them barsing last-minute
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cancellation of a joint news conference with the new secretary of defense, chuck hagel, that was expected tonight centerpiece of hagel's first foreign trip. haig did his best to explain the cancellation. i told the president it was not true that the united states was unilaterally working with the taliban in trying to negotiate anything. i was once a politician, so i can understand the kind of pressures that especially leaders of countries are always under. >> hagel was trying to make a point that karzai has his own domestic politics to worry about and that's true. u.s. officials klain the conference was scrapped because of a security threat. the afghan dees my that it comes as the united states and afghan are negotiating the size of the force in afghanistan after 2014 remember, it's force that karzai's life may literally
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depend on. north and south korea are each staging their own war games this week, raising concerns they maybe moving closer to the real thing. in an extraordinary display of saber rattling, pyongyang says it canceled the armistice that ended the korean war and threatened the nuclear strike on america, all in response to u.n. sanctions and the south's joint military drills with the u.s. secretary hagel said north korea should stop making threats that only serve to deepen their isolation. folks, at some point, what is going on in north korea is going to trigger more and more attention that needs to be paid publicly by the white house here. something to watch for this week as well. up next, to top democrat on the house budget committee, the man -- the third man in the room for lunch last week with the president, paul ryan, congressman chris van hollen. we will hear his thoughts on paul ryan budget plan and take us inside of what the wonk lunch was all about. plus, countdown to the conclave. we are setting the record
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straight on some of the biggest myths surrounding this secret selection and very, very political process. but first, a look ahead at today's u.s. politics planner. as you can see here, semiquiet day. the president has a whole bunch of meetings at the white house. capitol hill charm offensive goes into high gear starting tomorrow. you are watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. the patient, presented with a hairline fracture to the mandible and contusions to the metacarpus. what do you see? um, i see a duck. be more specific. i see the aflac duck. i see the aflac duck out of work and not making any money. i see him moving in with his parents and selling bootleg dvds out of the back of a van. dude, that's your life. remember, aflac will give him cash to help cover his rent, car payments and keep everything as normal as possible. i see lunch. [ monitor beeping ] let's move on. [ male announcer ] find out what a hospital stay could really cost you
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another guest at friday's lunch with budget chair paul ryan. he is maryland congressman, chris van hollen. the top democrat on the house budget committee. he joins me now. congressman, good morning to you. >> good morning, chuck. >> first, take me inside the lunch. is it gist the three of? >> it was just the three of us. >> nobody else from the white house was there? >> no. it was just the three of us. i thought it was a very good conversation. healthy food and healthy conversation. and this was not designed to be a negotiation. >> right. >> it was designed to be sort of a free exchange of ideas and i think it accomplished that. >> so r, it was clear -- if you were the mediator here say i the mediator between paul ryan and president obama, was it clear where there is room to negotiate and where there isn't, during the lunch? >> i think too early to say that. i think that would be premature. i think what this is part of an ongoing effort to further open the lines of communication. the president, of course in
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regular contact with speaker boehner. speaker boehner, of course, said he didn't want to be meeting one-on-one with the president. the president is reason out to more folks, republicans and others. >> did -- did paul ryan have any asks of the president? >> i can't get into the details of the conversation, chuck, what i can saycy think paul wanted to lay out what he saw as the political context and the policy views of the republicans. and the president, of course, expressed his views and the house democrats, we have always had our budget and we will have a bunnell pet as well. so, there was a conversation about the need to bridge the differences but it's too early to say that there's a clear path to doing that. >> let talk about what we are going to see this week. so we are going to have paul ryan unveil his bunnell threat week. senate democrats are going to do theirs. when do you unveil yours? >> we will the following week. so, we will a week from this wednesday, we will have a democratic alternative. >> will there be a lot of differences between what you and the senate democrats do? >> i don't expect a lot of differences but there will be
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some. >> look divide between senate democrats and house democrats? >> no, in conversations with the senate democrats. they are putting together the votes among the senate budget committee and we will be doing that in our house democratic caucus. but i think they will be close, on the same page. >> how should -- you know, help -- let's cut through a little bit of the bs on how budgets are drawn up. they are political documents, okay. and as you were stating before, you lay out your principle it is you were in charge of the world. paul ryan, that's why there's repeal obama care in there which has no chance of happening. are there going to be similar parts of the senate democratic and house democratic budgets things in there no chance of becoming law but you put them in there anyway? >> these are things we think do have a chance of becoming law. the difference between the house republican budget and the budgets we would be presenting is our blints all take a balanced approach. we will call for additional cuts, all know a targeted way but which also think we should raise more revenue by closing these tax loopholes, the big difference is republicans continue to take the position
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that they won't close one special interest tax break, not one, for the purpose of reducing the deficit. and we think we should -- >> opening and closing some of the loopholes, saying if you lower the tax rate? >> every dollar from a loophole closure goes into providing tax breaks somewhere else, which is very different than what the the bipartisan commissions call for. simpson boles had tax reform did lower the rate bus it also generated lots of additional revenue lower the deficit. so, that's the approach we take. we want to close these tax breaks to help reduce the deficit, in combination with additional targeted cuts. >> when does the real work start? everybody unrail vail their budget proposal, pass their frameworks, then what happens? >> then your going to have a house republican budget and a democratic budget and then is when you start to try to bridge those differences. whether that takes -- >> does that start in your conference committee first?
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does that actually start in the mockup in -- >> no we will have a markup this wednesday in the house budget committee and we will offer our amendments to the house republican budget. >> you expect any of them to pass? >> we always hope some will pass. last year, we had an amendment, for example, saying we should take a balanced approach, a mix of cuts and revenues and republicans rejected the idea to balance it at that time. maybe they will change their perspective. we also believe their tax reform approach, which we think is going to try to drive the top rate all the way down to 25% will have affect of providing tax breaks for folks at the top at the expense of middle income taxpayers, we will have that healthy debate, chuck. to get to your point, we are then going to have two different budgets, then the work begins to try to bridge those differences that work is going to be just as tough as it has been, however it will be in the cop text of the regular order. and the white house will be playing a role, i believe, in that process as well. so, we have a window of time between now and i think august.
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>> august? >> i really think the window closes after august, september timeframe. >> are you going to propose a bunnell that's balances? >> our focus on the budget is economic growth, jobs and making sure that the deficit does not grow faster than the economy. so we stabilize the dealt it. >> right. will you have an attempt to balance the budget by a certain -- we know that paul ryan wants ten year, you say 20 years, 25 years? you going to have a target date? >> the process of looking a that the, our north star what will guide our budget decisions is job growth. if you go back and look at the last 40-year period, we have only balanced the budget four times, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, during the clinton years and that's because we had a higher revenue. so, we are looking at ways that we can get us on a path. >> make the argument that a balanced budget could lead to economic growth? >> ways you can balance the budget that are smart and ways that are not smart. the way the republicans want to
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do it is a way that violate ours commitment to seniors and undermine some of the sources over economic growth, investment in our kids' education, infrastructure, science and research. no target date though? >> we are in the process of having a discussion right now. we are putting our budget together right now. we believe we can get a whole lot closer than had the past because some of the measures we have taken will reduce the health care costs, the per capita health care costs. >> i got to leave it there i have a feeling we are going to have more of these conversations. i say the window is september. you guys always -- >> september. >> you guys will take this. we got to start now. >> chris van hollen, ranking member budget house committee. up next, president obama may have a new labor secretary. and is ashley judd ready to throw her hat in the ring? this is more serious than i think a lot of people realize and a lot of washington democrats are certainly very nervous about the idea. also coming up, head live to rome where last-minute preparations are under way for
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tomorrow ast most political of events, the conclave. congressman van hollen was born in pakistan. how many other current members of the house of representatives were born outside the united states? the first to tweet the correct answer will get an on-air shoutout. the answer coming up on "the daily rundown." my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. [ female announcer ] from meeting customer needs... to meeting patient needs...
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by building custom security solutions that integrate video, access control, fire and intrusion protection. all backed up with world-class monitoring centers, thousands of qualified technicians, and a personal passion to help protect your business. when your business is optimized like that, there's no stopping you. we are tyco integrated security. and we are sharper. on our radar this morning two leading ladies make moves to the next political acts and the queen of england set for an historic announcement. president obama may have a new secretary of labor. ed leading candidate is thomas perez. right now ate cyst tant attorney general for the justice department civil rights division. he would be the only current latino in the president's cabinet if he does get nominated
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and confirmed. previously served as maryland's labor secretary. he filed a lawsuit against arizona sheriff joe arpaio. assuming he is the president's pick, he is the landing candidate. leave commerce, ustr and transportation. sources close to ashley judd say she is truly planning this spring to announce her bid to unseat seine senate republican leader mitch mccon until kentucky n a statement to the "huffington post," judd denied report saying "i'm not sure who is saying this stuff, but it is not i. i prefer as a fan of your journalism that you stay accurate and credible. we told everyone who called us yesterday these stories fabrication." the american crossroads super pac launched an attack ad against the actress in february. i can tell you, democrats have lined up a bunch of plan b candidates that they thought this plan a, this ashley judd thing, has got a minds of the
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own, if you will. she is leaning a lot farther ahead than democrats in washington want. new york city council speaker christine quinn announced yesterday that she is officially running for may her. quinn made the announcement through twittery and a youtube video. soon after an announcement, she kicked off a walking tour in the streets of new york, making stops in each borough f elected, quinn would be the first female and the first openly gay mayor to serve in new york city. she has been on the city council since 1999 and has been its leader since 2006. not normally a place, the city council to actually jump to the post of mayoralship. finally, queen elizabeth ii will back a pledge for gay rights and gender equality. she will sign a chart designed to reduce gender discrimination against gays and promote women. we are opposed to all forms of discrimination whether rooted in gender, race, color, creed, political belief or other
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grounds. although the charter doesn't include an explicit commitment to the gay equality, the clause rejecting discrimination on other grounds implies a rejection of discrimination against gay people so the monarch ski telling us. up next, who will be the next pope what we all want to know, at least a loft catholics want to know, as speculation builds up for tomorrow's conclave, we are taking a deep dive into the vet can intrigue to see which cardinals best represent today's catholic church. you are watching "the daily rundown," only on msnbc. can acne cleansers be tough on breakouts
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conclave, we are taking a deep conclave, we are taking a deep the responsibility for choosing the next pope falls on the shoulders of 115 cardinal electors currently gathered in rome. their decision will affect hundreds of millions of catholics worldwide. today, we are taking a deep dive to see how the cardinal electors match up with the church they represent. it's very interesting here. take a look at this. the group is mostly european, as
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you can see here, 60 of the cardinals gathered in rome are from europe. 19 are from latin america. 14 from north america. 11 from africa. 10 from asia and just one from australia. let's break it down into a percenta percentage. you look at it this way. 52% of the electors come from europe. what's that tell you, right? favors a european candidate. 17% for latin america. 12% from north america. 29% are the americas. 10% from africa, 9% from asia and, of course, less than 1% down in australia. the break down is more reflective of the catholic church of, oh, 100 years ago than the church today. check this out. according to the pew research center, six in ten catholics lived in europe in 1910. 52% would have made sense then. just about a quarter lived in latin america. the remainder of catholics were split between north america and asia, just a tiny percentage in africa. check out the dramatic changes the past 1 to 00 years.
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now you look at it. look where more catholics live. more catholics live outside of europe. europe now just holds a quarter of the global catholic population, despite being home to half cardinals. nearly 40% of catholics are in latin america. the number of catholics in asia has gone from 5% to 12%. the none of catholics in sub-saharan africa exploded from 1 million to 171 million. north america has fewer catholics than either continent but still has more cardinals. here is another way to look at it. no country is home to more catholics than brazil, with 127 million. but brazil has just five cardinals that will cast vote necessary the conclave, 96 million catholics live in mexico that country has three cardinals. 76 million live in the philippines that country just has one cardinal. by contrast, the u.s. which ranks four on the list, has 11 cardinals. italy has 28, more than the top four countries combined.
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so, that lay it is out there and just shows that you right now the electors don't exactly represent where the catholic church is today but where the catholic church is today is on the minds of these cardinals. so, with me now, george weigle, author of the evangelical catholicism, deep reform in the 21st century church and also the nbc vatican analyst. he breaks this all down for must so many ways all the time and he joins me now. george, good morning to you. and i know we are on this weird time zone issue right now 'cause we are in daylight savings time and our friends in italy don't get there for another three weeks. >> well, things always take a little bit longer here, chuck. >> i want to break things down a little bit. rather than talk about candidates, talk about the process itself. you want to blow up some of the myths that have been created out there the idea that there are blocks. obviously, i just went through the idea of where the cardinals are, how many of them come from europe, how many of them doesn't, but that doesn't necessarily, you say, translate
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into that there's a roman bloc or a european bloc or a latin america bloc. explain. >> well, chuck, for example, in latin america, there are five brazilian cardinals, as you noted, but the spanish-speaking parts of the church in latin america don't think of brazil as being part of their latin america. similarly, in italy, where there are subtribes and sub subtribes and associational differences of all sorts, it would be very strange to talk about an italian bloomberg, although it is a large group of 28 electors who carry italian passports. i do think that one dynamic in this process which is now, if you will, moving to the convention phase from the primary phase, is concerned in latin america that they have been ignored in recent years that their position in the world church is not taken seriously
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enough and that may lead to a shift of the papacy across the atlantic ocean. >> what i'm wondering here is the bronx's gonna end up breaking out, seems you have been hinting at this, that there is going to sort of be old guard versus new guard, not necessarily left versus right but you have people that want to sort of protect where they think the church is right now versus ones that want to reform the church or continue with the reforms that were put into place some years ago. explain those differences. >> aid cai'd call it old church new church. old church was institutional maintenance, preserving the institution on the theory that the public culture will help transmit the faith it is obviously not the case in europe or north america anymore. new church are men who understand that this entire dynamic of modern catholic
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history, from the late 19th century to today, is in the direction of an evangelical catholicism, a missionary catholicism, which actively proposes the faith. it doesn't rest on its institutional laurels. now you that latter group also includes the reformists who want the church to get a grip on the disfunctionality of its central bureaucracy because that disfunction is an impediment to the mission. >> let me ask you this how long -- what is the likelihood you put on a new pope being picked this week? >> i think it's pos thain we could get something on friday, although i would not be surprised, if given the utter fluidity of this situation right now, the cardinals would get to the first dawes post day in the voting which is saturday.
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i think friday, puff of white smoke is not out of the realm of the possibility. >> if that's the case, somebody is already emerging as group of front-runners, if you will, if they could get there by friday and that would be who? >> i think -- i think you're look ageing at cardinal scola o milan, cardinal ouellette formerly of quebec, seems to have had a bounce back and the two american cardinals, timoney dolan of new york and sean o'malley of boston are showing real staying power in the race at this point. >> that would be something else. not just saying an american pope just to keep our attention, are you? i think is really rail? -- really real? >> i think it is real. a north american pope is a real possibility this time and it maybe from south of the 49th parallel.
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♪ a flavor paradisens aof delicious fishes ♪♪ ♪ friskies seafood sensations. ♪ a north american pope is a real possibility this time and it after a history of failed talks between the two men, speaker boehner is noticeably absent from the president's new outreach efforts. all right president's decision to reach out to the rank and file end up working? let's bring in our monday gaggle. msnbc and the grio's -- david trucker and jackie kucinich. welcome all. david, did you have the most recent interview, i think, of the three people here with speaker boehner, where -- what
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is -- speaker boehner comfortable with the idea the president is now basically, okay, we are not doing the one-on-ones anymore and going around speaker boehner s that okay with the speaker? >> i don't think it bothers him. i think speaker boehner is probably the most pragmatic republican in the house, even possibly among leadership. and so if the president can find way to make end treaties with rank and file house republican, most of whom are quite conservative it might make the speakers a job easier. >> he doesn't want to be the point man, isn't that what he has been saying, don't make me the point man, i politically can't do it? >> it didn't work. he changed strategies. i think this is going to make his life a lot easier. one thing i will say for the speakers change. it does put more pressure on harry reid because basically a what would happen, the house would put out legislation, the president would say woe veto t
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reid would say woe get rid of it and then it just died. >> that is the political motivation here. >> right. >> for the republicans, make senate democrats take tough votes, make them vote foretax increases, all this stuff. it could help them in 2014. >> the fact is it takes pressure off of boehner. >> absolutely. >> boehner, if there is some bipartisan agreement that comes out of the senate, boehner has shown a willingness if there is enough republican support for something, he will say, okay, let the house work its will. >> i think he has a chance to cowell back some of the power lost earlier this year that -- as we all discussed, boehner wasn't looking too great right before he became speaker. again, there is that -- you know, the precarious -- you know what i'm talking about he seemed to lose some clout and he is gaining it back. it's coming back. this is another way to do that. >> this might get the deal done, working with the senate, the senate, you know, bob corker, lindsey graham, people who want to get a deal done, to the 12
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people the president met with might be more likely to agree to someone. >> i found this interesting the second getting democrats do of the white house strategy, they basically made a huge miscalculation on sequester. and the white house is almost openly admitting it by doing what they are doing now with republicans. fair to say? >> i think we were all a little surprised the republicans didn't buckle at all, the white house assumed, the press assumed the republicans wouldn't agree to large-scale defense cuts but they have that forced the white house to change tactics, the smart thing hurricane the tac c tactics they were doing, campaign-style browbeating isn't working, moving to a con sill later to charm, approach to it this time. >> is there any discomfort at all or nervousness among house republicans that they are now tripling down on medicare voucher in a way that -- it is not clear this is -- you know, i heard paul ryan make the defense, hey, we won the senior vote, uh-huh. but you are not winning on that issue. >> here's what i would say
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chuck. i actually think this is something by and larnl the conference agrees w >> we note conference agrees w not politically popular. >> however, of all the reasons why republicans lost in 2012, i don't think medicare was one of them and i think republicans understand is there a little concern among some house republicans we know we are going to take this vote and we know it is going to die? yes. but i think it is very important to republican these continue to push, this the whole reason when they came into office in 2010, 2011, why are we here? for them to abandon this would be to abandon everything and extra negotiating ship in the conference committee when the senate is doing a budget. >> jackie, what this going to be interesting about this the house budget this week, senate bunnell threat week, the white house waits about a month until they unveil their budget. they can make the choice, how difference is it from the senate budget? whatever difference there is, it will get magnified?
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different from the left? different from the right? different on taxes? different on entitlements? how they choose to use that ability to potentially start a conversation will be fascinating. it will be. and also i can't imagine not talking with senate democrats about this, too. so, some of these people who may not be able to vote for the senate democrats, your 2014ers this will give them something to vote for, still look like, a way to do this that still helps the party. i don't think they are going to present anything that is going to sabotage -- >> paul ryan's job to get a budget to get 18 republicans, patty murray's job is to get at least 51 democrats. >> you have to assume the white house budget will be the left of the senate democratic budget because they can ask for higher tax cuts, close more loopholes. >> you assume what they will try to do? >> shape it to the left of the one. >> patty has to make sure she gets 51 votes. not going to get any republicans now, like paul rhinos he is not
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getting democratic votes. ashley judd surk it the person anybody in washington actually wants to run against mitch mcconnell. that is after the break. congressman chris van hollen was born in pakistan. how many other current members of the house of representatives were born outside the united states in the answer is six. ron barber, born in the uk, diana deagain the, japan, jeff davis, canada, jim hines, peru, ileana ros-lehtinen and sir yas born in cuba. hungry for the best?
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there ever was one. actress, tennessee resident. perry, you're a kentucky resident or former kentucky. >> i used to be. >> former kentucky residents. what's been interesting about the ashley judd candidacy it's got a life of its own. nobody in d.c. is recruiting her, nobody outside the congressman from louisville is recruiting her. there's a weird panic among some panic going, uh-oh, she could define the class, define democrats in kentucky as too liberal. this is something that's got some democrats nervous. >> it does. i can tell you i've had a call from democrats in kentucky who told me i'm not sure she's the right candidate. she may be too liberal for the state. the counterargument is she can be an elizabeth warren-style figure, raises a lot of money, has a big profile. kentucky is not massachusetts and she's just too liberal for the state. >> the thing, david, with mitch mcconnell, while ashley judd can raise a ton of money, she can double the amount of money mitch
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mcconnell can raise. he can now count on raising 60. >> i'm not convinced that ashley judd isn't a mitch mcconnell plant. look, the problem is that ashley judd is a hollywood tennessee liberal in a state that elects democrats, but they are conservative-minded democrats. this is not the kind of person to take out mcconnell. what i'd say -- >> especially someone like mcconnell. >> this is what usually happens when you can't find somebody so you go celebrity. i've seen republicans do this numerous times. >> name i.d. will not help at all. >> that's what's so odd is that there are -- the democratic bench in kentucky is about as healthy as it is in any state. >> right. >> they have got a democratic governor, a democratic secretary of state who is open to running for this seat, i've been told by people very familiar with the thinking. so there's chandler, who's now an ex-member of congress who's run statewide before himself,
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held lower statewide office. there are plenty of candidates on the bench, so it's not like they absolutely are desperate for a candidate. >> i think you just heard what's going on with kentucky democratic party and the dsc. we have all these other people. we can't get this woman. it's going to be interesting to see because the nrsc has dealt with this several cycles. with candidates like please don't run. >> but they can't say it. >> she's very popular there. she's a popular person. people know her in washington. she's also just frozen the field because no one wants to run against her, even if you are a popular kentucky democratic. >> you're not going to win a primary. >> shameless plugs. david, i hope you use it. plug your new blog. >> it's gawkers or gopers, focuses on house republicans, republicans in general. come early and often. >> gab stoppers. >> i'm with the washington animal rescue league.
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great facility, we got our dog from them. >> march madness is starting soon, so university of louisville, go cards. >> so you're on the louisville. >> yeah. >> so maybe this is where you're anti-ashley judd. that's it for this edition of " the daily rundown." tomorrow antonio villaraigosa joins us and we talk about one of the people trying to succeed him. coming up next, chris jansing. chris is live in rome for the countdown to the conclave. bye-bye. here's your business travel forecast. no big snowstorms this week, just some rainy weather as we go throughout the day today down here through the south. for tuesday this will sweep up to the east. that's the travel trouble day. as we go through tuesday morning to the afternoon a lot of the big cities in the northeast will
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deal with a period of very heavy rain. have a great day. i'm telling you right now, the girl back at home would absolutely not have taken a zip line in the jungle. (screams) i'm really glad that girl stayed at home. vo: expedia helps 30 million travelers a month find what they're looking for. one traveler at a time. expedia. find yours. introducing volume without fear of clumps. new covergirl clump crusher. big green brush, curved to crush. 200% more volume. zero clumps. new clump crusher from easy, breezy, beautiful
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