tv The Ed Show MSNBC March 13, 2013 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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this movie we previewed tonight is great proof of this extraordinary office we have in the american presidency. unlike prime ministers, we put our presidents in a special house to live. we put them there to show them off torks remind them who they are and this is what creates the magic. the presidency's not just an important job. his or her life is connected to the life of the country. why we cheer when we see a president. why these scenes in a movie, people cheering the president. simply what we do in this country regardless of politics. so the challenge facing this president, barack obama, and he hasn't quite got it yet, is using the prestige of the presidency. he has yet to use the office's majesty to exploit the public's determination for action on guns, immigration, on jobs or entering a crucial stage. he has ample time to begin moving the country, but it is
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less each day and soon, it could be too close to the 2014 elections to get big things done. thanks for being with us. the ed show starts right now. good evening, americans and welcome to "the ed show." my favorite senator as a plan to protect the big three and a major announcement that will have america buzzing. this is the ed show. let's get to work. >> it is morally wrong and economically bad policy to balance the budget on the backs of those people who are already hurting. >> bernie sanders has had enough. he's threatening a filibuster on the grand bargain to protect the big three. >> greed, wreckless, uncontrollable greed. it's almost like a disease. >> tonight, bernie sanders brings us his democratic plan to protect the middle class. plus, there's a radical takeover of city government in america's heartland. james hoffa is outraged and here to react. the big soda ban debate heats up in new york city.
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>> 70,000 americans will die from obesity. 5,000 here in new york. >> the most obese state in the nation is not impressed and they're fighting back with loads of food. the big panel weighs in on the southern food fight and much more. ted cruz brings back mitt romney's worst nightmare. >> i think it was two words. 47%. >> congresswoman sheila jackson lee tells us why cruz has no right to use those words. and "the ed show" is making a major announcement. it is guaranteed to have you talking tomorrow. you don't want to miss it. good to have you with with us. thanks thanks for watching. warning, here we go. it's the beginning of the big cave. that's what i think. today, president obama met with senate democrats, all part of the latest effort to reach a grand bargain.
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where was the during the election, this big conversation, hey, we have to get this grand bargain with these republicans. this is why you have to vote for me. i've got to have this grand bargain. we go to war, we don't pay. we do big pharma, we don't pay. tax cuts, we don't figure what it's going to do to the economy, but you, you might have to pay for it. there is one senator prepared to filibuster to protect social security, medicare and medicaid. senator bernie sanders will join me in a moment, but president obama, he went to capitol hill today for a closed door meet wg the democrats. senate budget chairwoman patty murray, she revealed a plan with new revenue and spending cuts. nearly $1 trillion over the next
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ten years. president obama will meet with both parties on capitol hill. meanwhile, chairman paul ryan unveiled his budget plan and listen to how ryan describes republican priorities. >> the most important question isn't how we balance the budget, but why. a budget is a means to an end. an end is the well being of the american people. >> the most important question is how we balance the budget and making sure it's not on the backs of working americans. congressman ryan also made an unfortunate slip. >> this to us is something we're not going to give up on because we're not going to give up on destroying the health care system for american people. >> an instant classic. you believe him? chairman ryan's plan to repeal obama care has already been pan ed by one fox news host. another took aim at ryan's budget today. >> paul ryan saying his idea in his budget is to eliminate obama care, that's not practical. even though you might want it, the supreme court has spoken. that's never going to fly.
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>> i raised the same point yesterday. you're exactly right. how would he factor this in? >> maybe paul ryan doesn't understand the process. who knows. meanwhile, the ranking democrat on the budget committee says the ryan plan doesn't contain any olive branches. >> this doesn't budge an inch. an uncompromising approach because it's a totally lopsided approach. >> so, the republicans aren't going to budge at all in the house and they of course, can stop everything. it's just what we've been talking about here for a long time. so, no new revenue. they've said that all along and now, van hollen, his analysis is that well, no budging at all. this brings us back to president obama's bargaining position. the president reportedly wants a grand bargain by the end of july according to an official, president obama's message to
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republicans will be we can compromise without you folding on the values, fundamental to your policy perspective and his message to democrats is going to be similar. we'll be able to compromise without giving up on everything we believe in? you mean we have to get up on something, mr. president? another senior administration official said that president obama will be very pragmatic and that scares me. he says president obama is willing to change the formula for how benefits under social security, medicare and other programs are calculated, change cpi in exchange for higher taxes? keep in mind the senator, this senator made a big slash filibustering 13 hours over an issue answered with one sentence f. the big three are threatened by a grand bargain. get your phones out. tonight's question.
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do you want bernie sanders, the senator, independent from vermont, to filibuster to protect the big three? text a for yes. b for you to 67622. you can go to our blog and we'll bring you the results later in the show. i'm already starting to get the feeling i've got a very unpopular position here that we should protect the big three at all costs because that's what this election was all about. it's about making the wealthiest americans pay more, but to get them to pay more, we have to cut into the middle class and elderly who didn't cause these financial problems. i don't buy it. joining me now is senator bernie sanders of vermont. good to have you with us tonight. the question of the hour, are you prepared to filibuster if it goes to the big three? >> well, i am prepared to work with other progressives to do everything we can to make sure that the budget is not balanced on a collapsing middle class and on 46 million people who are living poverty and on many elderly people who are barely keeping their heads above water economically. look, ed, the position that you
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and i have talked about forever is the position that the vast majority of the american people support. they understand large corporations are seeing record breaking profits and yet, one out of four profitable corporations pays zero in taxes. losing $100 billion a year from these corporations and wealthy individuals offshoring their profits in the cayman islands and bermuda. do you think there's any state where people would want to cut medicare, medicaid or close those loopholes? >> what you're saying the basic stuff. where's the president? why would he consider this? >> well, we chatted about that a little this afternoon. on top of that, you got every senior organization, aflcio, every veteran's organization.
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you got the national organization of women saying do not go for a chain cpi, which will make devastating cuts, not just on seniors who are on social security, ed, let's not forget and i speak as chairman of the veterans committee disabled vets. do you want a cut benefits for disabled vets, men and women who have lost their legs in iraq, i don't think we do. >> do you think democrats will mount the charge and send a strong message and generate support across the country to stop this? >> well, i am going to do everything i can. we have a new petition up on our website. i'm prepared to go around the country to raise the issue that the vast majority of the people support. >> okay.
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what about medicare means testing? >> i don't agree with that. i'll tell you why. it's easy to say warren buffett doesn't need medicare. once you're into that, your right wing republicans will do away with the universality of medicare and make it into a welfare program or voucherize. i think we do best when we progressively pay for these programs rather than have cuts in there for wealthier people. >> senator bernie sanders, you feel like a lot of people in this country are counting on you. this election was not about going after the big three. this was not about that anywhere in any democratic circles. it pains me to say it, but president obama really could be the president to start the undoing of the new deal? >> we've all got to work together to make sure that does not happen. >> thanks so much. let's turn now to congresswoman maxine waters of california and joseph crowley of new york.
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maxine, your reaction to what you heard today? >> first of all, let me just say this. that bernie sanders is somebody we can count on. i've worked with him over here on the house side. he's a good progressive and i know he'll stand up for seniors. he will be fighting to make sure that we do not decimate medicaid or we do thot change medicare as we know it and protect our seniors are social security and i stand with him and others who have signed on to petition. who have made it very, very clear. we're not going for any cuts or any changes. these are the most vulnerable people in our society. and they deserve to have our support and all of the polls. say that they do not want us to
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have chained cpi. they don't want us to have vouchers, they don't want us to block -- >> the president seems to think he has to give some of that up to get revenue. is it worth it? >> i know that negotiations take place, but this president was re-elected by the people because they have faith in him. that he will stand up, not only for the least of these, but stand up for what is right. we know this old budget that ryan has put out is the same old budget that he had last year. it has not changed and it does the same thing. it decimates medicaid. it undermines medicare and of course, we don't want the president offering up a chained cpi for social security when that's not even in ryan budget.
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>> congressman crowley, you heard chris van hollen. his analysis is there is no wiggle room at all in this budget. if that's going to be the blueprint for the republicans in the house, how's this going to end up? >> i think it's interesting. it's as if the election never took place. we have a regurgitation, a few changes here and there. but you know, i want to remind mr. ryan and the republican party that the american people rejected a similar budget in that last election. the state of wisconsin, paul ryan's home state, rejected that budget. his hometown rejected that budget when they supported the president. so, i think we have to stop you know, these shenanigans. >> but congressman, we need to get to a deal and the fundamentals of the deal is that the president wants a grand bargain. he's not going to get a grand
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bargain unless he chips away at the very things that the american people want him to protect. >> ed, a budget is about not only numbers, a budget is about a vision for america. and the republicans continue to not have a vision. there's not a mention of jobs. maybe outside the preamble of this budget. there's nothing about job growth and that's what the american people are desperate for. they see the stock market at 14,500 points. yet, it doesn't reflect itself in job growth in this country. people are out of work. they want to know what this government is doing for them to get them back to work. >> congresswoman waters, could the congressional black caucus send a strong message to president obama that he's in dangerous waters dealing with the republicans? >> many of the members have signed on to letters and petitions that basically says to the president do not block medicaid, do not turn medicare into a voucher program. do not mess with social security. we're very clear for the most part.
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we represents constituencies that have been very clear with us. they have not only petitioned us and urged us to fight for them, but this is what we do. this is why we're here. this is why they sent us here. to stand up for them and so, our message to the president and everybody else is very, very clear. >> here's paul ryan plan basically lip service to the needs of the poor. here it is. >> but the people who a debt crisis hurts the most are the poor, the elderly, the people who need government the most. >> quickly. congressman crowley. >> it's interesting to hear him trying to protect the poor. what i would suggest and i think maxine would agree as would bernny. it was the democratic party, congress, president, that created the big three. and it will be a democratic congress and president that will protect the big three. i'm convinced of that. >> absolutely. >> okay. >> absolutely. >> great to have you with us tonight. appreciate having you both on. thanks. so much. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the
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screen. share your thoughts on twitter and facebook. we're always looking for your comments. tonight, i have a major announcement about a story that will have this country talking for days to come. stick around. the way they clea once you try an oral-b deep sweep power brush, you'll never want to go back. its dynamic power bristles reach between teeth to remove up to 76% more plaque than sonic in hard to reach areas. oral-b deep sweep 5000 power brush.
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mayor bloomberg has one state fighting. to keep big government away from their big gulps and america's newest tea party senator is talking about the 47%. you're going to want to see this one. you can listen to my radio show channel 127 monday through friday, noon to 3:00. share your thoughts with us on facebook and twitter. coming right back.
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let's get brilliant here. you'd like the mayor to handle the city's finances, over see the police force, public forces. now, imagine the mayor's powers were taken away by the state government. puts in an emergency manager in charge of your city and that person has the power to overrule the city counsel who are locally elected. they could kill collective bargaining agreements, throw out union contracts. close or privatize entire departments and sell off city assets. that scenario is being played out in five cities in three school districts across the state of michigan. in the middle of the country. this is our infrastructure crumbling. the city of detroit might be the next to go. earlier this month, republican governor rick schneider announced his intention to appoint an emergency manager to oversee detroit because i guess they didn't know what the hell
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they were doing. today, they got a chance to fight back, so they pleaded with state authorities for more time to implement changes. schneider is expected to reject with big implications. if detroit receives an emergency manager, a little less than half of the state's african-american population will be governed by unelected leaders. people who will be appointed to make things right no matter what the people say. now, don't get me wrong. we know detroit has big issues, big problems. the city is now a shadow of itself. less than half the size it was decades ago, but isn't that an opportunity for progress? nearly two in five residents live in poverty here in america and after decades of mismanagement and bad decisions, detroit has a cash crisis on its hands and a staggering long-term debt problem and as "the new york times" reports, by pushing costs into the future while its
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population is shrinking, detroit has left the people least able to pay with the biggest share of the bills. as one consultant put it, detroit is a microcosm of what's happening in america. expect america can still print money and borrow. the united states, we can print it, borrow it, so get ourselves out of debt on a federal level, but detroit doesn't have the liberty to do that. so we'll just send people in, circumvent local elections, take the power away from the local people and we'll just run it the way we want to. is that america? it is now. is it democracy? hell no. let's turn to james hoffa. good to have you with us. what do you make of what's going on?
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>> it's incredible. the background also is that there was proposition one in november where the people of the state of michigan voted to end emergency financial officer. it took it off. it's gone. schneider came back, the republican governor came back in a lame duck session and put the bill back in and then turned around, went right after detroit. detroit is mostly african-american. they voted for obama and all of a sudden, they're in the sights of this guy. it's unbelievable. instead of working with detroit to make it, get it through the crisis it's in right now, they're going to set up an emergency financial manager that's going to come in and take out the elected officials. going to take out the mayor. avoid collective bargaining agreements.
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instead of doing what has to be done is collect the money owed, there is millions of dollars in traffic tickets. why isn't the state helping us? it's going to happen, but i think the people in the state of michigan said no financial manager and he came right back and did it. >> so, what is the solution here? you just mentioned traffic tickets and can the city be managed into a profitable situation? >> i think they basically have to have this helping the state, the federal government, but there are tons of money that haven't been collected. they don't even know where the traffic tickets are. there's millions of dollars in real estate taxes that are due that haven't been collected. they've got to start doing that. but the idea of taking out and getting rid of democracy, the mayor, the city counsel, voiding collective bargaining agreements is not the answer. there's a way to match detroit and it's not what he's doing. especially since the people of the state of michigan said they do not want the emergency financial. >> some business leaders view this as a positive move for detroit. what's your response? >> absolutely not.
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we've got to keep detroit what it is and this is going to be a trend right now. and especially you know, in the light of the fact he's really going against the state of michigan. the lame duck session of a republican house and senate is not the people of the state of michigan. he comes back, fights what the people have said and said we're going to have this. and then basically shoves it down the throat of the people of detroit. let's do what got to be done, collect the taxes and get good people in there. >> you think the federal government should get involved here and float assistance to detroit? >> absolutely. they bailed out -- corporations when they were in trouble. this is a major city. and why wouldn't they come in here and do loans like they did for all the big corporations. >> what about every city in america? >> if they have trouble, we should do that. we want people to do the right thing. they want people to manage the city's properly, but where there's a crisis like detroit, if we have t.a.r.p., if we have bailed out all the big corporations and big banks on wall street, why can't we help a city?
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>> you're here in new york to discuss equal pay for school safety agents. >> it's unbelievable what's going on here. we have over 5,000 members of the teamsteres union here. basically who are working very hard in the schools. they're the school safety agents. and they're out there basically making sure that they're taking away guns, taking away machetes. they're taking away clubs from kids. and they are paid $5,000 less than similar people. similarly situationed that are in, basically called special officers and what we want to do is to talk about that inquality between the two. >> why are they not paid as much? >> because we don't have the collective bargaining power to collect that situation and what's happening is the people are basically female. and latinos and people of that type and the other people with male. so there's a despairty between the way people -- >> there's discrimination? >> based on gender. >> okay, good to have you with us.
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>> great to be here. >> mississippi is fighting to keep their label as the most obese state in the nation. the big panel takes a bit out of that one, next. she's always been able to brighten your day. it's just her way. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph,
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this week, but no matter what he does, for the rest of his life, he will probably always be remembered for this. a fund raising dinner back in may of 2012 and at this dinner, mitt romney said that really what he really thinks about the 47% of americans. romney said 47% of americans believe that they are victims. he said they depend upon government. he said it's not his job to worry about these people and if mitt romney has hid way, no one would have heard these comments whatsoever. but thanks to one man, the world saw the real mitt romney. one man recorded a video that changed the course of the election in 2012. one man who i had a chance to talk to today. how big a decision was it for you to release the tape and to go through all of this? >> it was tough and i debated
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for a little while and you know, but in the end, i really felt like it had to be put out. i felt i owed it to the people who couldn't afford to be there themselves to hear what he really thought. >> that's right, folks. this is the man who shot the secret stund raiser video of mitt romney. it's the first time his voice is being heard in a public setting. tomorrow night, exclusively here, you will see his face. he will tell you his name. he will explain the full story of the 47% video tomorrow night. you will meet the man who changed political history. in case you hadn't noticed, i watch my diet. this is not for me. >> the soda ban debate rages on in new york city. sarah palin declares victory and mississippi moves to increase their record obesity rate. the big panel weighs in on this and more. and ted cruz thinks he knows why mitt romney lost the election.
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>> i think it was two words. 47%. >> congressman sheila jackson lee will tell us why mitt romney really lost. [ female announcer ] almost nothing can dampen a baby's mood, when he wakes up dry in pampers. unlike other diapers, pampers has 3 absorbent layers, for up to 12 hours of protection overnight, and more beautiful mornings. ♪ pampers. peaceful nights. playful days.
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the nation's first ban on big drinks was supposed to go into effect today. but a judge blocked it and some republicans are bubbling with joy. new york city tried to cap the size of sugary drinks, but a judge said the law couldn't be applied fairly. sarah palin got into the action tweeted victory in new york city for liberty loving soda drinkers. politicians with too much time on their hands, i say stay out of my refrigerator. bloomberg compares regulating sugary drinks to smoking. one study shows for the first time in world history, more people will die of obesity related illnesses than hunger.
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>> it was not a setback for me. in case you hadn't noticed, i watch my diet. this is not for me. the cost of health care is running away with the budget and obesity is going to be one of the primary drivers if the trend continues. just cannot afford it. >> well, apparently, mississippi can afford it and even though the state has the highest obesity rate in the country, lawmakers passed the anti bloomberg bill to stop cities from enforcing calorie counts on menus and the bill keeps toys in kid's males. i'm joined tonight by richard wolffe and alex wagner, host of now at noon here on msnbc and jonathan altar. all around good guy. you, too, richard. >> i'll take it. >> very talented panel here.
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why should i even be here? why did bloomberg take on this fight? he really in the eyes of some, is trying to dictate what people consume. good or bad? >> public health. public health policy has always been about trying to shift if pendulum in terms of where the broad population is. whether it's about clean water, safe food, weights and mores. government has traditionally played this kind of role and you could say that smoking was just a matter of choice in liberty. how much more american could it be than tobacco? even before you had white people coming to these shores, there was tobacco, right? but in fact, it's bad for
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people's health. is that a role for government? is he actually saying you cannot consume these kinds of soft drinks and the sugary calories? no. anyone can do that. if a republican, a moderate republican says this is okay, then mississippi will come along down the line. >> alex, i remember on talk radio, the fever pitched attitude amongst the american people when we were told we had to put a seat belt on. then we went through the state editions, if you have a motorcycle, you have to have a helmet. even the nurse's association got behind that because there was so many injuries. >> that's a really important point. the mississippi case is really interesting. it's about the conservative argument for a really long time has been about state's rights versus -- these states, districts, counties, cannot take action to limit state's, citizens con simgs of fatty foods. at the end of the day, taxpayers are going to be footed with the bill.
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this is the problem for the republican party on a number of issues. it's about the long view versus the short view. the republican party can actually paint themselves into a corner on this on any number of arguments. >> can the government stop people from getting fat? >> actually, it can. not any individual, but public policy has consequences if it's properly structured. look at how we've cut the consumption of cigarettes. by taxing something and regulating it, you can change behaviors. significantly. i don't think that the debate is focused enough are the costs. everybody pays when somebody overweight, obese, goes to the hospital with diabetes. and this is the major cost that we face as a society. it's at the root of the entitlements debate.
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it's all about rising health care costs and rising costs, a big chunk of that is about one commodity. sugar. and the sugar industry is hugely powerful. they work with these republicans who are against the so-called nanny state and they make it very hard for progressive social policy to move forward. >> can i say something? food is a really loaded suggest in america. it's a cultural issue as much as a political issue as much as it is an economic issue and it's something, we all eat. >> because of how we produce it. >> but a battle of coca-cola, a can of coca-cola means something to the american cultural identity more than almost anything else that we have. so this is a really freighted subject at a time when there's a sense in this country about divisions. washington and the coast haves the heartland. people who like big macs and coca-cola.
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it's loaded and freighted because of those, because of the cultural touch stones involved in this. >> generally, you want to go with what's called nudge, the nudge approach. where you don't actually compel different behavior. you just encourage it in certain ways and these regulations on the size of soda serve somewhere between coercion and nudging and so, subject of reasonable debate. >> does this end up in the halls of congress? >> probably. i mean, it's going to go through the courts as well. i just want to say, american government has been interfering in america food policy for decades. whether it's agricultural subsidies, in tiles of war, the american government has said we think you should eat this. today, the leaders think the recruit that is come through the door are not healthy enough.
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has there been a time where you feared for your life? >> the powerful and richest people in the country and it was the stakes were high and i knew that you never know what could happen. whether there's nuts out there. there's, you just don't know. i've certainly had threats. >> and if you're just joining me, that was the man who shot the infamous 47% video of mitt romney during the -- i had a chance to speak to him today about the video, about his life has changed. all the dynamics that surrounded
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the whole thing and tomorrow night exclusively here on the ed show, this man will tell his side of the story for the first time. you will find out who he is, why he did it, how it happened and how his life has changed. i think you'll be amazed at his story. it is remarkable. tonight in our survey, i asked you, do you want senator sanders to filibuster to protect the big three? 98% say yes. 2% say no. coming up, republicans still haven't learned the lesson of the election. and in the big finish, the
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and in the big finish, the republican party likes to blame its failures on what they call a marketing problem? after the 2012 election, they launched a rebranding effort claiming they just needed to communicate a little bit better. don't be fooled. the rhetoric might be different, but they're selling the same old ideas that the party rejected. ted cruz of texas is trying to blame republicans' failure to court latinos on the fallout from mitt romney's 47% comment. >> i think the reason why republicans did so poorly in the hispanic community this last election was actually not primarily immigration. i think it was two words.
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47%. the narrative of the last election was the 47% dependent on government, we don't have to worry about them and i got to tell you, i can't think of an idea that is more antithet cal than that idea. >> he claims the gop's problem in the last election was the narrative, but cruz is recycling the same old garbage. he says the 47% dependent on government, by now, we know he's referencing the 46.4% of american households that pay no federal income tax. republicans love to paint these folks as just free loaders. in reality, over 28% of those americans paid payroll taxes. the rest were mostly elderly or those with incomes under $20,000. which is just over minimum wage.
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republicans need to start rethinking the policies voters rejected in 2012 and stop trying to rebrand them. they're trying to rebrand the public's thinking about who they are. it's not going to work, but it is rather comical to watch. congresswoman, good to have you. >> it is good to be with you and your viewers. >> if this is the conversation on the right. in republican circles, that it was just the narrative, and they've just got a messaging problem, where does that leave the democrats going into the midterms? sfwh in a good position because it underestimates the intelligence, the knowledge and the interest in proving their lives of the people lumped together in the 47%. they're not looking at narratives. they're looking at facts and opportunities and what they saw in the 2012 election was a sharp
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contrast. those who are going to condemn and lead to a pathway of opportunity. veterans benefits. opportunities for higher education. children's health insurance. dollars for the disabled. social security. solvent, medicare solvent. and of course, a view toward the future. if you're a single mother, it's not whether you have a narrative and whether you're seeking your vote. it's whether or not in reality you're voting on someone who is going to have your back. you're going to be interested in making sure pell grants are funded, that your school stays open. on the plane today, i had somebody who makes minimum wage. is there any way you can wage our wage to $9? not only am i making minimum wage, $7 plus, but i have to pay for parking. they want reality. they don't want to be placated, too. they don't think they are victims and they want to see action, not just words.
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>> how can republicans like senator cruz say they want to help the 47% while they're supporting something like paul ryan's budget? as chris van hollen said there's just no wiggle room. no budging at all by the republicans in ryan's budget. but yet they claim they're there for the 47%. put that together for us. >> i think that's another oops moment. there's my point. let's not have placating. let's have action. paul ryan's budget today is a nonstarter. i eliminating the affordable care act. going on the backs of those who receive medicare and social security and the revenue he gained, 60%, is taking it away from americans and no revenue coming from the other side of the coin, which is closing loopholes or using other methods to enhance revenue in the top 1%. it really is a question of people listening, not only to
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the so-called heart of the new thinks of republicans, but where's the real action? how can you possibly come out with a budget today that lost in the 2012 election, this again is even worse because in his last budget, it was a 20-year balanced budget. now, a ten-year balanced budget, which means there's going to be more harm an hurt to people who are the most vulnerable. but in actuality, the 47% may not be the number. you've got a bumpbl of folk who pay $20,000 and pay no taxes. and so, a lot of people pay no taxes because they've deducted out. where other people don't pay it because they make under $20,000, but they're a family. they have two children and they're not in essence, they're not eligible to pay taxes. what do you have to pay taxes? maybe they do pay payroll taxes. i guess the story or the question has to be, it's not just because you didn't try to become attractive to hispanics,
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african-americans or single women. you didn't give them the opportunity that you suggest that your party stands for. you didn't give them the educational opportunity. the job opportunity. the hand up opportunity. >> yeah. >> you didn't give them an opportunity. >> congresswoman, has the country lost sight of why we're here having this budget battle? i mean, you have to look back at the last 12, 13 years of what has transpired. how we have given breaks to the wealthiest americans and that didn't work out with the job creation. how we went into wars and didn't pay for it. how we did a deal with big pharma and medicare part d and then the deregulation of wall street back in the late '90s took us right into the housing problem and the criminal activity that took place on wall street that has not been
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