tv The Cycle MSNBC March 13, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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new pontiff. >> father, let me bring you in on that. when you have, and james is a devoted catholic he says. and there is burning in their hearts of disappointment. what do you say? what words of comfort do you offer at this time of great celebration. >> i'm concerned for people who let their concerns be known and those who accept silence, brought the concerns to the table. perseveringly really made the church in the united states look at these things. current generation of bishops are facing them or having to face them and are now facing them willingly. one of the reasons, personally, i think the american cardinals in rome got so much traffic, if you will, as possible candidates, is because they are learning a lesson.
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need to learn these things have to be faced squarely. the cardinals talk about issuees a enpersons before the conclave began. they take a vow of secrecy. they are not supposed to vow what was discussed in the meetings. yet the american cardinals, those meetings began, american cardinals scheduled a daily press briefing. because they wanted to -- couldn't give details but wanted to keep channels of communication open. it is interesting that after the first day those were cancelled. cardinals said, that's a little too much. i think that shows us is that american cardinals have learned and are learning and these issues that are real issues, issues that people care about deeply. we can't pretend they don't
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exist. some of the leadership, even if one wasn't elected pope, will help communicate what they learned in the states to cardinals and bishops from other parts of the world. we can really move forward and continue the healing process which has begun with you but i think we still have a long way to go. >> it is now 3:00 eastern time. at 2:06 eastern we saw the white smoke emerge from the chimney of the sistine chapel. liz we are waiting here. we know a lot happens that is not seen on camera, including the reading of the passage of the gospel. each congratulating and pleading obedience to him. each cardinal leaves him in a hymn of thanksgiving. the new pope will stop for a moment of silence and solitary prayer. we don't know how long this will
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take. we estimate about 45 minutes, chris, based on the tick tomorrow if you will, of bpope benedict xvi. i feel like we are bursting from the seams here because of the moment that we are watching. so something like this, just takes your breath way. >> i have to believe around the world as well, there's so much anticipation. that's all people are talking about. but look at this crowd, this long street going down from st. peter's square, and people have been pouring in. and we saw them huddled together for hours and they are shivering.
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it is as if there is some wave of heat that's come over the crowd. i think the adrenaline, excitement, anticipation, you can see the flags of so many countries, including frankly. countries that don't have cardinals so they won't have a pope from their country but they are joined in this sense of excitement. and of possibility. because i think everyone knows you don't have to be an american catholic. you don't even have to be catholic to understand the challenges that have faced the church. to understand history made when pope benedict stepped down and sense that there could be the start of something new. just be a idea that america was talking about for a pope. the idea that they have a level of influence perhaps. that has not been seen in the past. the idea that they are being taken so seriously that they
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would be considered for pope gives you an indication that the concerns that the issues, that all of the people in america have brought to the church are being heard in a very clear way. but for all of that, look at faces of crowd. tamron, this is a moment of absolute celebration. >> absolutely it is, chris. let me go to claudio, he is standing by with more people in that crowd, witnessing firsthand the celebration. claudio? >> well, tamron, no need to held you who these guys are supporting. the american cardinals. two student living abroad here in rome. one is jacob from new york. guys, who are you supporting. >> o'malley. >> dolan. >> o'malley and dolen, front runners. do you really care whether it is an american pope or will you
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support anybody that shows up on the balcony next? >> i would support anyone. it would be nice to be american but as long as they are a good change for the catholic church. >> i agree. i would obviously love it to be an american but any change in the church i approve of. >> you can see american flags here but flags from all over the world in this square. just waiting, standing by to see who who is up on the balcony next, tamron. >> thank you. let me bring in chris. i'm curious of your reaction. you have children of your own. you have two young men in rome. but in the end, they said they are looking to good change in the church. what is your reaction in seeing the young faces. >> that's great. i love rome. they have the best looking people of the world. they just are. they seem to walk a lot.
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they glow. they know how to wear a leather jacket with flair. they are amazing people around rome. just something to watch. people are all sparkling in their faces, just radiant. i think the young people especially look good over there. there is something about the excitement though. show business of this thing. can't be underplayed. it is almost like miracle on ice. winning the olympics in hockey against soviets. playing their games. it's not our playing field. and for an american, it is exciting, is prospect of it is exciting because it is so remote. i think those young guys there knew it. they had the flag on their back but their brains were telling them, it's going to be an italian. but that's my view of the things. because i'm a political guy and i think politically all the time. and it's my job. >> i get it.
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i have to mechks fort worth, texas. sense we are giving out love to our home towns, that's my hometown. here we are exactly one hour, one hour to the minute that we saw the smoke and still we don't know a name. you were there before and when so many were sad and mourning the loss of john paul and now here we are, celebration. and awaiting the name of the next pope. >> and we saw this enormous cheer come up from the crowd. there was movement behind the windowes. liz, what did you see? >> the lights went on. >> so clearly, the new pope is in the house, so to speak. and the crowd is growing from thousands. he had to make his way. >> a beautiful walk, obviously. >> somebody just peeked out. somebody just peeked out of the curtains. this crowd is getting very quiet
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now. because they believe he is going to come -- that we are going to hear. >> the can curtain is moving. >> there's the curtain moving. >> there's movement. there's movement behind the curtain. and the french cardinal jean-louis tauran will announce the name of the new pope. we see the movement. in anticipation. we are one hour, one minute. from learning the name of the new pope. 1.2 billion catholics will have a new leader here. you see red behind the curtain. chris matthews, this feels like the most extraordinary sporting event of all times. when you look at the crowd and the flags and anticipation. but most of all, happiness. exuberance coming from this moment of time in great difficulties. not just in the states but worldwide, chris.
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>> from a troubling time. and unite us. and i don't just mean catholics but to make the world proud of this person. i think whether protestant or jewish, they want a pope that's a good person. he is a very important person in the world and a worldwide figure. they want a good one. by the way, anyone who puts down the power of the church in terms of human destiny, should remember what stalin said. the terrible leader of the soviet union. he said, how many divisions does the pope have? well, he had enough to defeat you, buddy. soviet union doesn't exist any more. catholic church was the greatest bull work against the soviet union. in countries like poland and countries of europe and around the world. catholics stood up against the totalism. it is very important what this man will be able to say to the
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world and what he will represent and it is really important what we are watching right now. it is not about smells and bells as somebody might say about the catholic church and rituals. it is about the moral statement that could come from a great catholic leader and a good and hope and that's why we are many of us worried as well as concerned and also hopeful. and we do need a leader. >> beautifully put, chris. we saw movement behind the curtain, father. the light is on. we see someone walking back and forth. the moment is near. if we know the event that play off, away from the cameras, it appears that we are very close sir. >> it is kind after long walk to the room of blessings.
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the balcony door will open up. the dean of cardinals may come out as well. the prto deacon. and one of the groups is the can cardinal deacons and cardinal tauran is first among the cardinal deacons. he has the honor of making the official announcement. he will say, i have news of great joy to announce. then he will say, habemus papam. then he will say the name of the pope. he did that eight years ago also. he made that announcement for pope benedict. that's the next thing that happens here. then the pope himself will come out and pronounce a blessing over the crowd, over the two city and the whole world. ? listening to other comments and watching the flags, i saw a
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polish flag there as well. i couldn't help but think of john paul ii. what an impression he made, the very first moment he made coming out on to that balcony. he broke from tradition and instead of just giving blessing, he gave a couple words off the cuff. he told everyone not to be afraid. open their hearts. >> here we go. >> looks like the doors will be open. >> let's listen in. >> as you see on your television screen, there is hand on the handle of the door. we are simply waiting for that door to open.
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man. cardinal francisco. he is taking the name, francisco. >> father, can you please tell us what we just heard here? >> yes, the protodeacon announced we have news of great joy, we have a new hope and we have a new pope from argentina. who it is said in the last papal conclave, he actually received a
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lot of the votes there. kind of runner up behind cardinal rasinger. he has taken the papal name, i believe, of francis. which would be the first pope who has taken the name, frances. >> i was just going to say, he is from argentina, 76 years old but the fact he is from argentina is extraordinary. >> yes. >> you have to understand the history that is being made here. 42% of the world's catholics now come from latin-america. he did come in by a lot of reports second to joseph rattes rattsinger. he was 76 years old and many believed he was too old. he was not taken seriously. this is an extraordinary moment throughout latin-america. you can only imagine the reaction going on there. this is a part of the world where the catholic church has been growing. where vocations have been
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growing. and they are getting ready to unferl and liz, this is your area of history. this beautiful papal banner. >> yes. however, the papal banner does not yet have a coat of arms. this is for the brand new pope, we are just seeing him for the first time. this is frances i. then the next time the manner can comes out the new pope will have chosen his code of arms. and that will have whatever the new pope decide to take. i was just going to say, he is known to work for the poor. the church has wanted to also point out, the things they are
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doing in the world that are positive. and they certainly have a long history of the poor and the oppressed, helping people throughout the world. this is a pope who has spoken about this extensively and in fact has made it one of the causes of his life. >> in fact, the name is a very important indication. i was thinking that this really addresses things that chris matthews was bringing up. frances, married to poverty, frances, commitment to the poor, humble, marginalized, people left out. this new first name. what an amazing statement for a great name in the church. >> father, let me bring you in on this. for so many years we heard conversations about the desire to have a pope from latin-america. politics of it. representation and quite hon lift we talked about year upon year. i am from texas. we know the inflew enof the church and hispanic kmur community around the world and here we are now.
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argentina. the archbishop of argentinargend now he is the church leader. what is the major message, you believe, has been sent out at this moment. >> i think a bunch of messages. first of all, it was chosen on the first full day of voting, shows the cardinals were most likely very much in agreement. on this person in particular. that's important. the new pope has to be able to form a team, work closely with bishops throughout the world, with cardinals, so they came to an agreement quickly, shows 24r was a lot of agreement. they are on the same page. i think that's important to keep in mind. and cardinal bergoglio, i had the chance to meet him and what struks me most about him, even though he is very much respected as a theologian, a fapastor, someone who has experience as a pastor, he also has been one of the major speaker and a lot of
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the different types of meetings. so he is very well known. but what struck me personally when i met him, i was a young priest at the time, and i just kind of met him during coffee break and i didn't realize -- i barely realized he was a cardinal except for the color of his sash. he was so down to earth. and he was so real. and sincere. the way he treated me and the way he treated everyone else. only later when i asked around, who was that that i realized he had so much respect around the other cardinals. >> we have video of can cardinal bergoglio with john paul ii. let me bring in chris matthews. chris, as he is described, as a man of great simplicity. often found walking the street of buenes aires. great conversation regarding
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exponentially. and this blows me away. i have to study the fact of who he is. i love that he was has a jesuit and he has a big brain, and i'm not being sarcastic, he has a big brain if he is connected with the jesuits. i have to study it before i go any further. >> some of the analysis is that the cardinal's name was not, one of the ones we have talked about a lot, we know his position after pope benedict xvi was selected. but this time around, in the world press, an great amount of buzz. talk to me about that and his age of being 76 years old. >> it tells us that the conclave is full of surprises. i think he was dismissed very early on. we were talking, everybody was talking, younger pope. everybody was talking someone who would be more ready to face these kind of challenges. he is only two years younger than the age benedict was when he was elected. it does allow us to understand that cardinals, if they were already talking and we saw them thinking in the different directions, i think it is a really wonderful sense of harmony among cardinals to come to this kind of conclusion that after all of the predecks, it seems to be leading us far away
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from bergoglio, that ultimately they came back to this name. it is a hopeful sign that men who will follow him out on to that balcony truly are a hundred percent behind him. >> and james, let me get your reaction to the announcement as well. we need to get your voice. >> i am floored. you know, when we first thought about who we should support as potential pope, cardinal bergoglio is one of the characters who you want to support but you never dreamed they would have the support of the entire conclave. he came in second in 2005. in talking about bergoglio as the kind of person we wanted. he is concerned about the poor and social justice and priority for the church. like other have said, he is very modest. he rides public transportation. he lives in a private flat, not in a palace. he is a man of the people. and he is a jesuit like chris
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that presides in charity, all of the churches' path in brotherhood, in love and trust. let's pray together for all of us, for one another. let's pray for the world. so that there is a big brotherhood. i wish that this path of the church that we will begin today and my cardinal will help me with will be the evangelism of this beautiful city. and now i would like to bless
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the holy father, francis, to all the present faithfuls and to all those that receive the blessing through the radio, the tv, and the new communication technologies, gives the indulgence in the form established by the church. let's pray god omnipotent so he will preserve a long time to guide the church and so that he gives peace to the church and the whole world. and now, i will give you the benediction to you and to the entire world to all men and women of goodwill.
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may the holy apostles peter and paul in whose power and authority we have confidence int intercede on our behalf to the lord. through the merits of the blessed mary, a virgin, a blessed michael the arch angel, john the baptist, and apostles peter and paul and all of the saints, may almighty god have mercy on you and with your sins forgiven, may jesus christ lead you into everlasting life. may the almighty and merciful lord grant you indulgence, absolution and all of your sins.
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soon. tomorrow, i want to go to pray the virgin mary so that she keeps rome. have a good evening and rest well. >> pope francis i, reentering st. peters. we will not see him again today. we heard remarks from the man beginning this path together, the bishop with the people. you had an opportunity to meet him personally. just to see that smile, father, i think was so powerful.
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the kindness of his voice. what is your reaction to his initial word to the world? >> i'm really -- i'm deeply moved. and i'm deeply impressed. he, in many ways broke all of the proel calls. he gave a little speech off the can cuff. and it was right from the heart. as you said, tamron, his warmth is contagious. and he used an image of the road, we will begin this road together. i'm the bishop of rome. you're the people of rome and we will walk this road together. he prayed for, had all of us together pray for pope emeritus benedict and before praying for the city and world, he asked the entire crowd, which has been cheering, tens of thousands, maybe even a hundred thousand people by now, asked them to pray in silence over him.
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to pray for god to bless him before he gave them the blessing. and immediately when he bowed down so we could pray for him and pray for him, there was absolute silence in this square. it was chilling. and deeply moving. >> let me also bring in father mesa with the san antonio diocese, born in mexico. father mesa, your reaction to pope francis i of argentina, south american. what are your thoughts right now? >> well, the church in latin-america is very happy because this is the first time in history of the church that we have a pope from latin-america, jorge mario bergoglio. first impressions i receive from the people of latin-america, they are very happy to receive this news, to receive the news that we have a latin american pope for the first time in history. and you know, the majority of
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two thirds of catholics live in lat lin america. especially in mexico and the united states. and this will represent and important leader. when i was talking to the people, what do you expect from a pope, what do you expect from him, the majority of them, people from san antonio, texas, from los angeles, from mexico, they say, we want a spiritual leader, a pastor. they are not looking for a ceo. they were looking for a spiritual leader and pastor. i guess god listen to their pleas because pope francis is exactly the pastor that you know, the hearts of the hispanics were waiting for. >> liz, let me bring you in to react it father mesa's words. demeanor said so much and we will learn much more about pope francis i.
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but you heard he is a simple man. from his demeanor, i and i can't say say enough, to that smile. >> this will be a very remarkable beginning to a pontiff. i was struck. you almost always see the pope wearing already that rich red velvet stash and to have him standing there, that still figure in pure white looking down benignly over the crowd, he opened up with a little wry allusion. he brought us together in sprin prayer. he made us smile, then we prayed. he spoke to tens of thousands in there. it'll be quite an interesting
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pontifica pontificate. >> you heard father mesa talk about members of the churched spoken with in san antonio, texas. and their prayers for not a ceo, an businessman, but a man of the people. and the address, some of it spontaneous, at least the words match what father mesa says he was hearing from some of the faithful. >> yes, and i had the same reaction you did, tamron, to the smile and how he related to the people. i think we have another john xxiii. we will see. someone who can can connect. he beat all of the great mentioners. his name was not even on the list. did not even show up on the papers we got here at nbc or anywhere else. he was a sleeper and came up and won this thing. we will have to find somehow how this happened. but to me, he is a jesuit, from the americas, italian ba
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background. it mixes together well. and most importantly, he is pastoral. he didn't give a monotonic thing you get from some in rome. he is a a human being talking to another human beingings. rather than the monotonic reading. >> it is incredible. and to your point, it is too early to make the comparisons but you see gentleness in his eyes and i can't think of the reaction, of young people, including myself, today john paul ii. and you feel this indescribable energy without getting too ahead of myself here, with you i want to bring in james salt. james, you have been critical of the church, i think by fair terms, your concerns about handling and abuse of children. so much so you started a petition to prevent certain cardinals from participating. they still did in the case of
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the los angeles cardinal, mahoney at the time. why are you in belief as a person whose been critical and skeptical that this is the right man at the right time. >> as a catholic who lovers the church, i'm incredibly saddened by the poor leadership from strident leadership in our church. from those who say you are wrong politically and want to speak of it in the square. this is inspiring, knowing that church can be a source of inspiration for those of us that want something more. that's what i'm seeing. the fact that he is older, tells me, that make there will be more deference on politics or guy marriage or contraception. but hopefully a shorter
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pontificate and he will bring about reforms needed so the next generation of leadership can come in and take us to a new place. >> and critical of political economic corruption of argentinian leaders. let me go back it father mesa. to that point to, father, when you know that this new pope kept an eye on political and economic corruption, if you will, inequality that we see throughout the world but also in latin-america. that the disparity that exists globally from the haves, if you will, and have-notes. and the new pope's focus, how does that make you feel? >> i think that this will bring something important to the church. of can course, he is a pastor, a leader. if you remember, he mentioned that the -- at the end of his first blessing, that he was going to visit our lady. the devotion that latin americans, mexican, argentinian,
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colombians, and united states have to our blessed mother is real big. one of our first devotion. our lady guadalupe. and i was impressed when pope francis mentioned that one of his first acts will go to visit our blessed mother. that reflects our blessed mother in the hearts of us. in the hearts of latin americans. the celebration of our lady guadalupe is a big event in the united states and in mexico. and and devotions of latin-america to the church. and devotions, one of the traditionalists of the church and that is a very important part of this global rink. >> father mesa, i will let you get to the celebration and prayers. i know you will participate in. i really appreciate you joining us. chris jansing, let me bring you back in. we have talked about the growth
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of the church, especially during the hardest and most difficult times when the details of the abuse that were emerging and lawsuits. the great focus is on latin-america, asia and africa as places where the church could grow at a time when so many, quite honestly, in states have grown skeptical of the direc of the church and here we have this kn momentous occasion, a pope from south america. >> we are watching, and a key question so many of us had, and that you have talked about tamron and we talked about ever since pope benedict decided to step down, is would the church find a new direction. would the church have a new face geographically in terms of its theology. and while i would not say that this is a man whose theologie theology would take a big step away from the church, there is something clearly different. respect he earned within the
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college of cardinals really did stem in large part from the fact that he was someone who could bridge the gap between those who are more conservative and those who were more moderate. and we knew going in, what kinds of attributes they were looking for in a new pope. they wanted someone who could go out into the world and evangelize. he has done it on every scale. as you pointed out, the warmth, compassion from him. and we have heard him of going into a community of victims of hiv aids and getting down on his hands and knees and washing their feet. we heard of him going out into the street and meeting people. this is a man of great humility. this is a man who, as chaardina and one of the highest in the roman catholic church, made
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himself out as an evangelizer. and this is so critical right now in the world when we are looking at the divide. we have talked about it in america but look at it around the world. the divide between the haves and have-notes. rich and poor but a time when in many places across the world, this divide is getting larger. here you have someone who has studied it, written about it and preached about it in a very meaningful way. i just think that this is extraordinary and for a lot of people who were looking that church to say, what is the possibility for change for moving forward. you are seeing some development that is, i think, completely unanticipated. at least over the last several days. >> let me bring in mike barnacle. he is able to join us. mike, you have talked about this, on "morning joe", i heard you this morning. what is your gut reaction, if you will, to the selection of this man who studied and earned a diploma in chemistry, juror
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daned ad ordained as a priest in 1969. and today wanted to begin the path with the people and asked for their prayers, mike? >> he was ordained in society of jesus, the jesuit tradition. and it is as if the board of directors, if you will, college of cardinals, chose a representative of growth industry in the catholic church. latin-america, south america, third world, africa, this is an extraordinary development. this pope coming from argentina, rep c representative of an area where the catholic church is enjoying enormous growth. i'm going to assume that part of the appeal of the cardinal was the fact that he is a good administrator. the vatican needs to be managed.
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i think he has a strong management hand that he has shown throughout his career as a priest and cardinal. in addition to the humility just spoken to, which is critical in the next pope, the ability to show catholics around the world that he is a humble man. he is here to serve the faith. to grow the faith. that he knows about income disparity. not only in his homeland of argentina and latin-america, but throughout the world. a critical component throughout the faith. minister toingi m administering to the poor. >> father mesa in stant san antonio, texas, they talked about what the people desired. they didn't want a ceo, but a real man. and the church given negative reporting regarding finances but it seems as if the initial reaction to this new pope is a
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balance that compassion, that you want as a person who will lead the church and provide comfort. but the realities of life. and it seems at least right now, mike, that that's the reaction to this man. >> yeah. and you know, we will find out, tamron, in the immediate future, rather than long-term, distance of this papacy, we will find out whether or not the pope, incoming pope, realizes the need to address the past transgressions, certainly the past 10 or 15 years the way the two prior popes have not or did not. that church badly needs this pope to address issues as have occurred in the united states with sexual abuse scandal. the pope needs to address publicly the issues of supposed transgressions within the vatican bank, financial transgressions. and i think he has a strong enough voice now -- this is a pivotal moment for the church
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and certainly for this incoming pope. pope francis i. he's got to speak publicly to this, i would think, and let me. he is live in rio with the reaction. miguel? >> reporter: certainly there is a lot of celebration here in latin america. there is some disappointment in rio. one of the top contenders for the papacy was, of course, a cardinal in south pablo just a few hours from where we are. there was certainly some disappointment. across this region tons of excitement. some 40%. one out of every four catholics everywhere in the world lives here in the region of latin america. that latin american catholic religion number is so huge and so important here, it really is a way of life. many folks have joked to us that soccer and religion go hand in hand here. it's a huge win for this region of the country.
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of course, brazil has recently got the world cup and the olympics. and now argentina has the pope. this is something that so many folks have been praying for. we have been here in rio for the last several days. we have been to churches. we have seen folks tell us they were praying for a pope of latin american descent. that's what they got. the pope lived in buenos aires most his life. his folks are of italian descent. some 40 million people live in argentina. 70% of that country is, of course, catholic. the numbers, as we -- >> we just lost our connection with miguel almaguer. let me bring liz back in. our historian. liz, you heard miguel cite the numbers there. but it is also interesting, you have the pope from buones aires.
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the constant conversation that is happening worldwide about the disparity. and that he has focused so heavily on that. put that in perspective. maybe not in comparison, necessarily, to benedict xlvi but what we've seen in recent history. >> i think -- just the continuation from benedict xvi we already see this new pope francis i making a very solid acknowledgment of his affection towards the pope ameritus. e ke i keep looking at this name. it opens up a world of thoughts. this new pope is a -- modeled after francis. his commitment to poverty and his commitment to evangiliization. he stands out there very humble.
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very willing to welcome everyone. he also speaks of evangiliization. there's going to be a man who deals not only with material poverty and disparity but clearly he also has a mind to spiritual poverty and helping people become more enriched spiritually. >> father, let me bring you in. one of the reasons cited by pope benedict at the time was the travel. we know there had been concerns of his inability to carry on. might we see given this pope's desire to evangelize him travel more? what do you expect your anticipation as he does settle into the job, if you will? >> that's a great question. >> it is quite a job. >> it's quite a job. settling in. it might take a little while. it's a good question for this man in particular. because as cardinal -- as archbishop of -- he didn't
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travel very much. he gave three intervals since named the cardinal. i think named by pope john paul ii. he hasn't done a lot of traveling. that type of thing. it will be interesting to see how he sees his role now as p e pope. when he was giving his first blessing and first comments and kind of greeting the people he emphasized his role as bishop of rome. we also know the pope is actually the bishop of the city of rome as well as the head of the church throughout the world. he emphasized that role. the bishop of rome. welcomed the people, blessing them, talk about evangelizing the city of rome. what struck me again just thinking about this first gl glimpse we've had of francis i, he came out and the smile you mentioned and his atmosphere, he was very fatherly. the word "pope" is kind of an english translation of papa which means dad. a spiritual father for the family.
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and he even began his comments making a little bit of a joke. he said that the cardinals gathered in the sistine ceiling -- sistine chapel, sorry, and they actually chose somebody from the other end of the world to be pope. he kind of laughed at himself. >> yes, he did. >> we see this ability to connect. this pastoral sense. will that translate into traveling? will that translate into an international papacy? we don't really know. we'll have to see. >> quickly, the inauguration mass follows. the date to be set by the new pope. what else can you tell us regarding the next few days? >> what will probably happen is that tomorrow he will celebrate mass with the cardinals. or at least meet with the cardinals and give them -- speak to them. thank them and give them an idea of what his hopes are for the up pontificate. together they will probably decide the date from the inaugural mass. could be two days from now. could be five days from now.
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we really don't know. it's interesting he mentioned he wants to also tomorrow make a visit to the blessed virgin mary. obviously he has a devotion to the blessed virgin mary. considering she was the mother of jesus and she's considered spiritually the mother of all catholics and all christians. i don't know if that means will he make that visit in one of the chapels inside the vatican or maybe he'll make a visit to one of the shrines in the city of rome. we don't really know. there's a lot we're going to have to find out. by the end of tomorrow we should know when the inauguration mass will be scheduled to take place. >> chris jansing, you've been there following. your quick last reaction before we wrap up this hour. >> i think this is an extraordinary moment. i think this is obviously history being made. it's an acknowledgment of latin america and the growth there. i think there's much yet to be seen and there's a certain excitement about that. for american catholics who are wondering if there are going to be changes on things like sexual morality, that's not going to happen. but you see a man of great compassion and someone who has reached out to the suffering and
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the poor and that is something that will definitely resonate, tamron. so we will wait and see. >> it's been an incredible hour. thank you all for joining us. with great insight, mike barnac barnacle, thank you as well for getting here to get your reaction. i know you'll have more on "morning joe." we watched, again, history being made as the world was introduced to the world. pope francis i of argentina. first ever from the americas. the first from outside of europe in more than a millennium. this has been an incredible hour. we'll continue our coverage. martin bashir is up next after a break. look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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