tv The Ed Show MSNBC March 18, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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the coverage ends up creating, can be in favor of something or against it, ask any president about any controversy. there's an overarching tone. if you look at the reporting, the tone was very accepting of what the bush administration was claiming. so a good example would be, and not everybody is as discerning as you are, a good example, front page story in "the washington post," use that as an example, could be anybody else. today president bush said saddam hughes and is working with al qaeda. he is here, this is the story, and they quote an unnamed analyst because they can't speak openly, who would say we have no evidence to back this up. >> and i would seize on that. >> you would seize on it, put on a show if you have a show at the time. but the general thrust of the matter is you worked in congress, you know that a lot of congressmen and senators don't get past the headlines, we
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should take what bush says with more weight. the thrust of the story should have been president bush said something, contradicted by his own government and that should have been the lead, the fact he was saying something that wasn't proven. again and again and again. colin powell, that speech he gave february 5th, 2003, everyone remembers that, you know -- >> swayed a lot of people. >> swayed a lot of people. the coverage was over the top. it was like writing about a rock star. then if you turned inside and kept on reading 20 inches in, you would find people saying wait a second, we don't know about this, we don't know about that. yeah. the people that dig deep can find this. i remember at the time there was a tide was hard to swim against. he would give that speech, then go on tv. >> you had some amazing moments on tv those days. >> a lot of fights. i said wait, the post, the times is reporting, i would talk, did my reporting, i talked to
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nuclear scientists about the aluminum tubes and they would say that wasn't proven. you would be laughed at. >> it was a wise man's view. a serious man's view. >> media consensus, tell you one story. won't embarrass the person, it is someone we both know. he told me his opinion would be determined by what thomas friedman wrote, guy wrote for a major paper we see all the time. there was a consensus that dominated. >> i remember people surrendering opinions to colin powell and influential columnists because it was such a tricky issue and the homework was massive. >> they didn't want to take the risk. >> we are out of time. we will be showing hubris again on this network. david corn gets the last word. thank you, david. this friday at 9:00 p.m., don't miss the replay of the documentary based on hubris, followed by talking hubris, hosted by chris hayes. "the ed show" is up next.
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good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show." i am michael eric dyson in for ed schultz as he prepares for his new show. a republican senator comes out for gay marriage two years after his son tells him he's gay. sarah palin and karl rove are at each other's throats. the republican autopsy is in but they're still stuck on slavery. what the devil is going on with the history channel. and architects of the iraq war are wrong a decade later. but tonight we start in steubenville, ohio. this is "the ed show," and as ed would say, let's get to work. let's begin with the facts. two members of the steubenville high school football team were found guilty this weekend of raping a 16-year-old girl last year. the judge handed down the verdicts in juvenile court. >> regarding the charges of rape, both defendants, ma'lik
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richmond and trent mays are committed to department of youth services for a minimum period of one year, a maximum period until year 21. >> the defendants were taken into custody and sent to a juvenile detention center. 1-year-old ma'lik richmond was found delinquent on charges of rain that carry a minimum of one year in detention. 17-year-old trent mays was found delinquent on charges of rape, and nudity-oriented material. he was sentenced to a minimum of two years in a juvenile detention center. for his offense against a minor. both teens could remain in juvenile detention until they are 21. those are the basic facts of sunday's verdict. but the immediate reaction to the news was driven almost entirely by emotion. >> i cannot imagine, having just watched this on the feed coming in, how emotional that must have been sitting in the courtroom.
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>> the emotion being discussed was not of the victim or the victim's family. it was a reaction to the defendants breaking down in court. both of them sobbed and offered words of regret minutes before hearing their fates. so in response to the news of a guilty verdict in a rape case, the story was defined by the suffering of the accused? >> it was incredibly emotional, even difficult for an outsider like me to watch what happened as these two young men that had such promising futures, star football players, very good students, literally watched as they believed their life fell apart. >> many would argue their lives fell apart the moment they engaged in rape. a sex crime they have been convicted of in court. the coverage of the verdict exploited whatever emotion was conveniently available at the moment. in this instance it was the emotion of two young men who were facing the consequences of their actions. their actions were downplayed and their punishment was judged,
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and in so doing, the media gave approval to blame the victim. reactions on social media are a testament to that. countless messages including sexual taunts toward the teenage girl, saying she should have been aware of her surroundings, and blaming her for drunken decisions that ruined innocent lives. two 16-year-old girls have been arrested for making death threats to the victim on twitter. ohio attorney general mike dewine struck a different know when addressing the verdict. he seemed to remember the person who was actually the victim of a crime. >> the prosecutor's most important duty is to seek justice. and i believe what we saw today is in fact justice. my heart goes out to the victim and her family. >> dewine added another sentiment. he said every rape is a tragedy. in this instance those covering
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the story would have done well to remember who perpetrated this tragedy and who was a victim. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, did the media lose sight of the real victim in the steubenville case? text a for yes, b for no. to 67622. go to your blog at i'll bring you the results later in the show. i'm joined by professor at the university of pennsylvania and cofounder of "a long walk home." ladies, thank you for joining me. why was there such a fierce emotional reaction? >> i think first we need to put this into context of the larger dynamic of rape culture. so this is one of the 3% of cases where rapists are actually convicted and punished for their
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crime. and so this is the minority of cases, but also i think we all operate under this rape culture that i keep talking about in many of my articles, and that is because we put the blame and the responsibility on women to prevent rape. we should be empathizing with victims and supporting and being a support system and being an advocate so they themselves are not revictimized by the rest of us when the focus is on what they should have done to prevent it, and instead not on the people that perpetrated the crime. >> right. erin, obviously there was a retraumatization of the victim herself as a result of being tried in the public opinion and then demonized more broadly. what she talked about as a rape culture. does the reaction to the story illustrate a problem with the way people are educated about rape and consent? >> absolutely.
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i think given the age of the offenders, given the age of the victims, it is so clear that the perpetrators were operating with impunity, that the education about consent needs to begin much earlier, that they believed they were above the law, and that when they were documenting it, they didn't realize that what they were doing is creating evidence in a criminal case. they believed that because the coach had their backs, which suggests that this is a long-standing cultural issue, that absolutely nothing would happen to them. so instead of focusing on the victims' behavior, what we should be focusing on is how do we intervene in this culture that tells boys that they don't have to respect women as humans, and if they sexually humiliate young girls, absolutely nothing will happen to them. if there's anything we can learn from this one verdict, it is the fact that people need to understand what consent is and intervene in a toxic culture of
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mass cue lynnity. >> speaking about the toxic culture of masculinity, you of course spent a great deal of time away from the clamor trying to educate young women and young men about these issues. the mother of the victim actually delivered a statement in court to the defendants. she said in part, your decisions that night affected countless lives, including those most dear to you. you were your own accuser through the social media that you chose to publish your criminal conduct on. this does not define who my daughter is. she will persevere, grow and move on. i have pity for both of you. i hope you fear the lord, repent for your actions, and pray hard for his forgiveness. in a situation where a victim's identity needs to be protected, is there responsibility for those words to be heard and heard widely? >> yes, and i think the other responsibility is for the media to understand what recovering from sexual assault is like. so i think that was the big problem here. not only was there oversympathy for the defendants in this case but there was seeming lack of concern for what rape does to victims of sexual assault.
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the stats are overwhelming. it's 25% of women who experience sexual assault are going to try to commit suicide. it's the number one reason women drop out of college and high school, and about 60% of people incarcerated experienced sexual assault. >> and not only were they overly sympathizing for the defendant, seems to be a kind of narrative going on, if you were in school, there's the narrative and the narrative on the narrative. so the reaction of the media was striking. here's more of the media reaction following the verdict. >> what's the lasting effect, though, on two young men being found guilty in juvenile court of rape, essentially? >> is it unusual for there to be such profound sympathy for the guilty parties, or do you think
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there's something different about this specific case that kind of captured the imagination of the nation? >> well, certainly we have two football players, and so i think in the united states we lionize athletes to a degree that really is unnecessary. but in reality, the reaction is not any different from rape cases all over the country. many times women internalize this greater narrative of rape culture and they blame themselves while they think that they don't want to press charges because they're going to ruin the perpetrator's life. and that is wrong. that's what we need to change. we need to change the conversation entirely and focus on the choices and the actions of the person who committed the crime. because the only reason rain happens is rapists choose to commit rape. that is what we need to be talking about. and instead we always about what the victims could have and should have done to avoid rape, and that's completely wrong. >> erin, how do we push past this identification with the two young men, the boys in this case
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and focus squarely again on this female victim, because it seems some people are blaming the victim because they knew the details, like the damning text messages sent. do you think people are aware of the broader context? >> i'm inspired by the bravery of this young woman who testified in front of her accusers and went against the tide in a town that worshipped football and football players. in terms of the town now it looks like there's going to be a grand jury convened. i think there are a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to the actions of the coach and his failure to report a sex crime and according to the text messages he laughed off. i think there's a lot of questions about the behavior of the boys who were there, some of
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who have struck deals for immunity. we need those kinds of interventions when it comes to sexual assault. if you see somebody vulnerable to a predator. if you see someone who is about to breach someone's boundaries of consent, in the same way you grab their keys, you have to put a stop to it, and there were so many opportunities in this tragic case that moving on recognizes how it could have been stopped. >> that's a difficult transition, but we've got to focus on how do we develop empathy for those who are at risk in terms of sexual assault into the same degree as we do for somebody driving drunk like miss carmone just said. professor, do you think stories like this make it more difficult for victims of sexual assault to come forward? there's a huge stigma and great deal of empathy for those who commit the crime and not the victim. >> generally i think that's the case. i think this situation and guilty verdict may leave young girls and women to come forward, may lead to more women and girls
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coming forward. i would hope that's the response. i think the mother's language about her daughter's strength and perseverance helps survivors understand this isn't just one woman or girl's story, it is many of our stories. yes, i would hope it would make a difference. each time these cases become public spectacles, whether in texas where an 11-year-old was sexually assaulted by 18 men and boys or whether it is a high profile case, it always leads survivors to sort of suffocate their experiences and holding in their stories more and not coming forward and getting the justice they rightly deserve. >> let's all hope we can help these people in that particular city, but across america, exhale with a great sigh for justice. thank you for your time tonight. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts on twitter.
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and facebook. a republican senator now supports gay marriage because of his son? i'll tell you why it may be too little, too late. ♪ twith blackberry hub10 and flick typing. built to keep you moving. see it in action at dad: you excited for day? ♪ dad: you'll be fine, ok? girl: ok. dad: you look so pretty. ♪ i'm overprotective. that's why i got a subaru.
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slavery, sarah palin and ted cruz all played a role at cpac this weekend. our big panel weighs in on the republican party's identity crisis. and on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the iraq war, one of the architects is talking about the mistakes. i'll comb over this one later. be sure to join ed on his new time slot saturday and sunday. coming soon. share your thoughts on facebook and twitter using #edshow. we'll be right back. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. [ male announcer ] were you more interesting in your twenties, or now?
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when you were starting out? or after a few decades working in some well-worn character? experience makes you wiser for the wear. and now come the richer possibilities. [ children laughing ] aarp. an ally for real possibilities. find tools and resources at it's healthier, ammonia-free. and with aloe, vitamin e, and coconut oil, my hair looks healthier than before i colored. i switched. you should too, to natural instincts. when senator rob portman became the only sitting republican senator to support gay marriage, he broke new ground for the cause of equal rights. but in the wake of the senator's announcement, we can't help but wonder why it took him so long. senator portman explained that
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in february of 2011, his son will told portman and his wife that he's gay. it allowed me to think of this issue from a new perspective and that's of a dad who loves his son a lot and wants him to have the same opportunities his brother and sister would have. that's great. truly is. two questions. why did it take two years for senator portman to change his views after this revelation from his son? we do know that last year portman was being vetted as a possible running mate for mitt romney. he said it had no impact in choosing paul ryan over portman. second, why is it necessary to have firsthand experience with a person or situation in order to figure out how to do the right thing? is an existential experience necessary to have existential position necessary for consent?
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>> i think senator portman made some pretty big inroads last week, but i think it's about being decent, and respect, people don't deserve to be disrespected. >> priebus stopped short of endorsing portman's position and obviously the rnc does not. here's house speaker john boehner. >> i believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. it's what i grew up with, it's what i believe. it's what my church teaches me. and i can't imagine that position would ever change. >> you know the church taught segregation before integration. and racial justice. churches do change. and their members as well. meanwhile, hillary clinton expressed her support of marriage equality in this advocacy video. >> i support it individually and as a matter of policy and law.
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like so many others, my personal views have been shaped over time by people i have known and loved, by my experience representing our nation on the world's stage. my devotion to law and human rights and the guiding principles of my faith. >> finally, public support for gay marriage is at an all-time high. 58% support marriage equality. only 36% opposed. let's bring in the national spokesperson for glad. hillary clinton said her views were shaped in part by people she has known, but it's a human rights issue as well. so it's not just personal. it's principle. so the accolades for senator portman's announcement need to be put that a context, don't they? >> they do, but senator portman and mrs. clinton are two examples of people who are
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examples of what we've always nope at glad, which is when people know us, when they know our stories, when they're part of our lives and hear our stories, they understand our issues and they are on our side. so we applaud senator portman for his statement and for supporting his son. his son has the right to love whoever he chooses, and just like his brothers and his sisters. so we welcome that. and as for mrs. clinton, she's always been a great supporter of our community, and we're not shocked by her eloquent statement today. >> let me push you a little bit here, because some people have personal experiences with gay lesbian, transsexual persons and don't like them. further reinforced in their value. so the personal doesn't transfer to the principle. wouldn't you rather have principled investment in an idea? i know you appreciate portman and secretary clinton, but beyond them, wouldn't you appreciate a principled adherence to ideals and beliefs and concepts that
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give you purchase on support for equality -- marriage quality as opposed to people simply having personal stories which can't be predicted to necessarily be positive? >> yes, i would, but i also know that the best way for people to change their minds is a personal experience. that being said, when i hear a statement like john boehner's, i want to say to him, i have seen how moved he has been many times by the reaching for the american dream. and what i ask him is, does that mean that someone who loves another person of the same sex doesn't deserve to reach for that american dream just because of that fact? do i not get to -- do i not get to reach my own goals and my own
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aspirations and my own dreams just because i am a gay man? do we limit our american dream just to people who he happens to find are acceptable? so i urge him to go out and reach out to our community and to get to know us and see that we have dreams just like he does, just like his children, just like his family. and we deserve all the rights and privileges that come with the american citizenship. >> but you see that speaker boehner has already indicated he can't imagine changing his views. when do you think most republicans -- >> i have hope for him. >> you should, but when do you think it will become a human rights issue, versus predicated on traditional insight and belief? >> well, i think we're on the road to that right now. i mean, all we have to do is look at the poll that came out today and see that the momentum
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really is on our side. you know, we only have to look about ten years ago and see that those polls were almost the opposite of what they are today. so the momentum truly is on our side. and that really is because of the fact that this community has been so brave in telling their own stories and their own experiences because we know that's how people change their minds. so i think that people really are seeing it through the lens of human rights. and that happens because they know someone in their family or in their church or in their neighborhood or on their tvs. when they read the newspaper about someone who is lgbt. so i really think that that is happening, and it's happening at warp speed. >> all right. well, we hope they beam them up, scottie. wilson cruz, activist for glad, thank you so very kindly. the woman that lost the 2008
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election and the man that helped lose the 2012 election are at each other's throats. and a shouting match breaks out at cpac. the issue? slavery. i do a lot of research on angie's list before i do any projects on my own. at angie's list, you'll find reviews written by people just like you. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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sarah palin and large sodas is alive and well, take that, bloomberg. and second, it is overly clear the republican party fractured into two camps. on one side you have the gop establishment, the same old members of the republican party like senator john mccain and house speaker john boehner. your typical establishment presidential candidate would be someone like mitt romney. on the flip side, you have the grass roots extreme tea party favorites, republicans like ted cruz and rand paul. it became clear at cpac that grassroots republicans are furious with the establishment's choice in political candidates. 88-year-old activist phyllis schlafly even called for a fight. >> unfortunately we let the establishment pick you're loser for us. the fight i'm asking you to engage in is between the establishment and the grass roots. the establishment has given us a
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whole series of losers, bob dole and john mccain and mitt romney. >> boy, that's kind of heavy on jim carrey loser. but sarah palin slammed karl rove for picking failed republican candidates. >> if these experts who keep losing elections, keep getting rehired and raking in millions, if they feel that strongly about who gets to run in this party, then they should buck up or stay in the truck. buck up and run. they can head on back to the great lone star state and put their name on some ballot. though for their sake i hope they give themselves and discount on their consulting services. >> buck up, huh? rove was not impressed with palin's remarks and hit back the following day. >> i appreciate her encouragement to run home and run for office. enthused if i ran for office to
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have her support. i would say this, i don't think i'm a particular good candidate, sort of a balding, fat guy. and second, i wouldn't leave office in mid-term. >> oh, everything you say bounces off to me and sticks to you. it looks like republican infighting over their future will be heating up going to mid terms. rand paul winning the straw poll could indicate what direction they're headed. >> we know we have problems. >> reince priebus says he has the cure. >> we identified them and are implementing solutions to fix them. >> the big fix on the republican meltdown next. and obama derangement syndrome rears its ugly head. >> could it be satan? >> and ten years after the start of the iraq war, one of its architects is coming to terms with mistakes that were made. otherworldly things.
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there's no one reason we lost. our message was weak. our ground game was insufficient. we weren't inclusive. >> that was rnc chair reince priebus, introducing a 100 page autopsy report which explains how the republican brand turned off voters. the report called the growth and opportunity project predicts dire consequences for the gop if it continues along its current path. the gop is a tale of two parties, one of them the gubernatorial wing is growing unsuccessful. the federal wing is increasingly marginalizing itself. unless changes are made, it will be difficult for republicans to win another presidential election in the future. yet that doesn't address the party's policies. instead it focuses on messaging.
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>> the way we communicate our principles isn't resonating widely enough. focus groups described our party as narrow-minded, out of touch, and quote, stuffy old men. >> and while mr. priebus and the rnc will be investing millions into appealing to young voters as well as women and minorities, it may not be enough. here is what priebus is up against. >> i feel like my demographics were being systematically disenfranchised. >> that was 30-year-old scott terry of north carolina, a roomful of attendees at a cpac called trump the race card. are you sick and tired of being called a racist when you are not one? mr. terry is worried all this talk of outreach is coming at the expense of young white southern males like himself. he explained concerns to the moderator, an african-american conservative and member of frederick douglass republicans. mr. terry asked mr. smith if he
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would support racial segregation as booker t. washington advocated. he responded citing a letter written to a slave master. >> when douglass came from slavery, he writes a letter and says i forgive you for all the things you did to me. >> for giving him shelter? >> no. >> food and shelter, don't forget those chains. let's turn to e.j. of the washington post, and benji sarlin, political reporter for talking points memo. let's get to it. what seems to be at odds with the report, reaching out to minorities and women, but this seems to be a step backwards. >> no kidding. when i was watching chairman priebus list all the things they
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did wrong in the last election, he was chairman of the party, so i'm resigning and passing this party onto someone else. but that moment you just showed, let's stipulate that guy is not a typical republican. however, the republican party has systematically walked back from its proud role as the party of lincoln, and they've been using almost neo-calhoun about radicalist visions of state's rights, even talk of secession. when they start talking like that, they obviously turn off african-americans, but there are a lot of middle of the road white americans that say what is this party right now. so yes, they do have to make all these messaging changes, but it is not just about messaging, it is about some fundamental arguments they're making that play into the image that priebus described very well when he talked about all of the things
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they did wrong. >> no doubt. you were there. you saw what went on, you reported on it. tell us what surprised me. >> it was an escalating series of steps. the talk was interesting, similar like what you said about reince priebus. the moderator's message, you don't have to change anything to attract black voters, call yourself a republican. then you have this guy say this unbelievably racist filth out slavery. it's not like the crowd's cheering. i don't want to misrepresent this. but what's strange is they don't throw these guys out. there's no outrage against these guys. i don't think anyone agrees with them, but it's out of line. so this continues. there was a liberal black radio host there who was shocked by this and starting to ask questions. she got shouted down and
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saying boo, you're not welcome. it just kept getting weirder until finally afterwards i went up to the participants because i had to know, what do you make of this string display. what did you take away? no one seemed to be offended by these guys saying this stuff about slavery while they were very offended by this woman interrupting them. it was a completely bizarre set of responses. >> in light of what he said, miss ingraham, isn't that the problem republicans have, because the session is already giving up a lot of ground. aren't you tired of being called a racist when you're not really one. so they've already acknowledged the fact there's a hypersensitivity about racism. this man has to encounter a white male who believes he was disadvantaged. what does that say about the racial issues. >> i think the racial issues are bigger. if you read the growth and opportunity report, it talks
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little about building relationships. it's more like let's go to these specific groups and we're going to tell them what we're about as opposed to actually having a conversation and hearing what matters to those communities. and i think that this sort of spoke to that, that they're not really interested in tackling some of the more challenging issues that they're having. they're just more interested in appearing as if they're tackling those issues. >> that's a good point. given that, you can jump in, but i'm saying appearance versus the reality. they don't even often make the appearance to be the case that they're trying to reach out to minority people. >> i was watching that and hearing your account, and what i was thinking of is what would jack kemp say if he were alive? jack kemp is someone who was really conservative. he never met a tax cut he didn't like. we used to argue about all his tax cuts. but he had in his heart and soul deep hatred of racism. nobody had any doubts about
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where he stood. he would have called an audible right in that room. you want to say to the republicans, you don't remember, all right, you're not going to remember lincoln, that's a long time ago. think back to somebody like jack kemp who combined conservatism with a real sort of concern about justice and equality. >> what does it say, benjy, jack kemp, that's not that long ago. we're nostalgic, until even a bush -- what happened that they're so far right that the republican party has no sense of what the mainstream is concerned about? >> this is one of those problems when you don't have a clear leader. when there was president bush, he never got credit from liberals at the time, but he was keeping a lid on this stuff. bush was a believer in a lot of kemp. his compassion and conservatism
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was derived from kemp. without that, first there were no leaders and you just had the tea party movement rising up and and then a lot of these leaders are in the conservative house districts mostly. so you end up without someone to lead them and say, look, i talked to people outside our group, and these certain things are deal-breakers for them. i know it sounds great when you're talking to each other, but priebus did address this a little bit. he talked about the ideological cul-de-sac that republicans were driving around in where they never stopped to hear what other people were thinking. so it's important to go to these groups and ask don't you tell me why you aren't voting for me. >> not all conservatives are sold on this report. sarah palin took a swipe at it, so did michelle mal kin, and rush limbaugh said the republican party is getting bam
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boozeled. how difficult is it for the gop to really be transformed? how hard is going to be for them to see a different way? >> i think it's going to be a real challenge for them. i think having priebus come out and say this is the way we're going to transform the party is one thing, but in reality he's not on the ground. he's not the one sitting in senate or congress or even in the state houses. he's really a figurehead, and really the party itself is going to have to decide whether they want to go the way of reince priebus or go in the three other directions that they're going. >> i don't want to say three blind mice. thank you so very much. this man is comparing president obama to the devil again? that's next. we're in san francisco. google's backyard for the bing it on challenge. [fight bell: ding, ding] what's your preferred search engine? search engine, uhh, probably google. if we do a side by side blind test comparison, and you end up choosing google, you get an xbox. i'll bet you the xbox, you bet me your son.
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recent death of 16-year-old kalima kiki gray, which has boiled over into confrontation on the street and court. on facebook, mike davis says next it'll be shoot them and then frisk them. mary writes, it looks to me to be a police state. hire and train more officers instead of violating people's civil rights, and then get sued. and robert says it's definitely an overreach of the police and needs to be addressed in the courts. go to our facebook page right now and join the conversation and don't forget to like "the ed show" when you're there. we'll be right back. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities.
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my head. >> welcome back. at this point it's a joke. republicans have been trying to portray president obama as other since before he was elected. started with the birther movement, but obama derangement syndrome as we like to call it has taken many forms since then. he is a socialist, a muslim, elitist, waging a war against religion. you get the idea. this weekend the demonization of president obama took a very literal turn. twitter erupted during last night's episode of the history channel's hugely popular miniseries the bible when some viewers pointed out resemblance between the actor playing satan and president obama. viewers like glenn beck. beck tweeted anyone else think the devil in "the bible" sunday on history channel looks exactly like that guy? by this morning, obama satan was trending on twitter. history channel released a
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now for the big finish. tomorrow marks ten years since the u.s. invaded iraq in one of president bush's advisers is trying to explain the war he helped sell to the american people. paul wolfowits was the first person to influence president bush to overthrow saddam hussein after 9/11. he says the most consequential failure was to understand the tenacity of saddam's regime. this is the same man who has a
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front row seat under the administration. he originally called for a broadened campaign but now he's distancing himself from the war. he tells the times he was not the architect of the war and the invasion was not his plan. he insists the situation in iraq had spiralled out of control long after he had left the pentagon. he lashed out at critics who accused the bush administration of lying about saddam's terrorist connections and supposed weapons program. wolfowitz defends bush saying a mistake is one thing, a lie is something else. but now we know the basis for the iraq war was based on a lie. members demanded there was a
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connection between 9/11 and saddam hussein. >> we all looked at each other like, what are they talking about? who the hell -- saddam hussein? bin laden hates him. thinks he's a heretic. there's no connection between saddam hussein and al qaeda. >> wolfowitz so-called mistake has cost many lives. tonight a poll shows 53% of americans believe we should not have invaded iraq. tonight instead of taking responsibility, paul wolfowitz is criticizing the war he helped to create. i'm joined now by eugene robinson, pulitzer prize winning columnist for the washington post. gene robinson, you're a wordsmith of the first order. was it a lie or a mistake?
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>> i have to go to lie. simply because, you know, if they say, well, we didn't know, know, know that he didn't have weapons of mass destruction, but they knew that the evidence they were supposedly relying on for wmd was shaky, because they were told that by the guy who went to gather the evidence. he said, this isn't really yellow cake uranium or what you said it was. >> right. >> and because it's clear that from day one of the bush administration, they had iraq on their minds, and they had getting rid of saddam hussein on their minds. the idea that they didn't know he would be tenacious? look, what this ten-year anniversary says to me is that they lied, they failed, whatever. we failed too, you know, and i'm
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