tv The Ed Show MSNBC March 21, 2013 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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let me finish tonight with this, okay, i don't do this often, but write your u.s. senator and member of congress and tell them to vote for tougher, broader background checks for gun sales. let's do this one thing for the young kids up in newtown, connecticut, something for their parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters. we're not going to get a ban an assault rifles or the number of ammo in your machine, but the background check can pass. do it, call this number, 202-224-3121. you'll get through to the capitol operators and they are great. do it, do it right now. they'll help you find your way to the senators office. you'll feel good about yourself. 202-224-3121. do it for those kids who will never grow up to know there is a congress or country where people do rule, where there are good people who care about what happened to them and are willing to prove it. just do it.
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202-224-3121. if you forget it, call up directory assistance and ask for the capitol in washington, d.c. this is something you can do. okay, whatever your relationship is, think about giving up nothing. doing nothing. for lent, do something. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us, "the ed show" starts right now. >> good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show." i'm michael eric dyson in for ed schultz. president obama makes his first trip to israel and gets caught at an open mic. the love gov makes a comeback in south carolina, and march madness hits the white house. but tonight, i start with washington dropping the ball on protecting our children. this is "the ed show," and as ed would say, let's get to work. it was supposed to change everything. the massacre at sandy hook
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elementary school was brutal and horrific, it shook us to our core but out of the tragedy, there was a hope something could get done. we americans believe this was the event that would prompt our lawmakers to finally act, yet this is the cover of today's "new york daily news," shame on us. the faces of the murdered 20 children of the elementary school students in newtown, connecticut, surrounding those words. this is how a paper in the nation's largest city is reacting to news of the assaults weapon ban being dropped. it was announced tuesday that the ban, introduced by dianne feinstein of california, was getting dropped from a larger gun safety package because the votes weren't there. senate majority leader harry reid, it's about the math. >> right now, her amendment, has less than 40 votes. that's not 60.
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>> yet looking at the latest polling, this is something the majority of americans really want. 57% of americans say they want to bring the assault weapons ban back. but that majority is not being heard in the halls of the united states congress. reid couldn't get behind an assault weapons ban. he couldn't even get democrats as the new yorker put it. the scale of the defeat suffered by the ban's supporters is shocking. this wasn't a close call. this was a body blow. senator feinstein vows to keep fighting. >> this is very important to me. and i'm not going to lay down and play dead. i think the american people are said in every single public poll that they support this kind of legislation. it's aimed to protect children. to protect schools and malls. not to give me a vote on this would be a major betrayal of trust. >> to that last point, reid told
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feinstein the bill could be offered as an amendment at a later time. on the heels of this set-back we were given some rare good news from a state with a significant history with gun violence. today governor of colorado signed into to law some of the toughest safety measures of the country. >> the new law extends background checks. it closes a loophole that had exempted firearm sales at gun shows from back ground checks. the laws also limit the size of ammunition magazines to 15 rounds and eight shotgun shells. >> but even that progress was tainted by tragedy. he signed the legislation just hours after members of his own cabinet was shutdown. he was gunned down in his own home last night. clemens was fate lay shot after answering his door. police are still looking for his killer. earlier hicken looper mourned the loss.
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>> i think the cabinet is good with this, we go forward with our work. it's the kind of thing that tom would have understood, i think. and, and would have supported. >> yet republicans in that state say they will fight the new gun laws. >> it proves that we have the gun control governor here in colorado. and the myth is busted that no one can any longer think of he him as a moderate democrat. >> today marks the eightth month anniversary of the shooting in aurora, colorado. the mother of one of the victims told the governor you've given us a real gift today. but where is the gift for the family who loves loved ones in connecticut, in tucson, arizona or on the streets of chicago as gun violence continues to take its toll across this country, millions of families continue to
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wait. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, will we see any major gun safety laws passed in this congress? text a for yes, b to no. to 27622 or go to our blog. i'll bring you the results later in the show. i'm joined by congresswoman barbara lee of california, and congresswoman jackie speer of california. >> congresswoman lee, let me start with you. how disappointed are you that this assault weapons ban was dropped today? >> i'm extremely disappointed because these weapons of war belong on the combat field, not on the streets of america. and i'm very pleased that senator fine stine is such a fighter. and we're going to continue to fight until this gets done. people have to hold their members of congress, both house and senate accountable. and i i think now's the time, it's a wakeup call and people
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have got to come to washington and insist there be some accountability to gun control and gun safety legislation. >> in light of what congresswoman lee has said, do we hold congress people responsible for giving in to and abdicating the fight to the nra? has the nra really won this fight? >> you know that head line that front cover of the newspaper that said shame on us should be a rallying cry of the american people with overwhelming majority want back ground checks. they want anti-trafficking bills. and yes, they want a ban on assault weapons. if they don't rise up, then the nra is going to win again. and it's really a choice of the american people right now, whether or not they're going to call their members of the senate, the house of representatives. or they're just going to let the nra hold us all hostage to the gun lobby. >> sure. congresswoman spear, if you
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can't get an assault weapons ban now, when in the world will we be able to get one? >> we're not going to wait for the next massive killing in this country for us to get religion on this issue. senator feinstein, i was with her last night. and while she was very disappointed in what she heard from majority leader reid, she was very clear about taking this fight to its full and complete resolution. and i think all of us have got to say to our colleagues in congress that fear is not an option. fear of not being reelected, fear of the nra. we are fairlized in fear right now. and we've got to stop it. >> right. congresswoman lee, is there anything that congress can pass that will curb the violence? a lot of people have been pushing back saying look, there's nothing that could be done in washington, d.c. that would protect our children in the vast majority of america. do you agree with that? >> i refuse to believe that. i believe we can pass back ground checks. i'm hoping we'll pass some
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version of the repeal of the tee hard amendment. it's a rider. congressman moran, myself, all of us are trying to work to repeal the tiahrt amendment which would make it easier for law enforcement to conduct gun tracing efforts. so i think there are some measures, but it's an uphill battle. again, we've got to ask the american people to know that this is ha wakeup call. and you've got to rally around ensuring that your members of congress are accountable to what you believe will provide for a safe future for our children. >> congresswoman, when this newtown connecticut situation happened, the american people were simply horrified and felt that this was the tipping point. this was the signal moment to the american people that something had to be done and politicians vowed on every side to do so. but here we are a little while later and it seems to be all
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that momentum has been lostment how do we gin it back up and how do we galvanize the american people to defend our children and others in our country who are victims of gun violence? >> i don't think the battle is over by any means. and i don't think the enthusiasm is gone. every day i'm part of a meeting or conference call ending gun violence and passing legislation. and ask you if there's a difference. there are studies that show that the 14 states that require background checks on handguns, that there's a decrease in gun trafficking in a shooting of women by intimate partners, that suicides by guns are decreased by 28%. so we know that passing this legislation actually does work. and the american people, i really don't think, are going to give up. i know that's true. >> all right. congresswoman speer, in your distribute, what do you hear from the people there?
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are they, are they simply fed up? do they want you to take action? do they want the rest of the congress to take action? as you take a straw poll and get an accept of the heat index of how people are responding, what do you hear? >> well, in my district, they want us to get a steel backbone. they want us to speak on behalf of the people and not the nra. i did a gun buyback in my district a few weeks ago. it's the second lowest crime rate in the state. and we collected 685 guns. 24 assault weapons, magazines and silencers and one street sweeper. and if that's the kind of guns that are in our communities, it is time to rethink whether or not we need them in our homes. and as she said, there's a higher incidence in homes when you have a gun. you're more likely to be killed by an intimate partner than you are by a stranger. and i have a number of people who said to me, i asked them why are you coming here? you know i've got small kids this is something that came to
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may from my grand father or uncle. i don't need it any more. and he think we're all rethinking whether or not we need guns in our homes. >> so all three of you ladies, do you talk with your republican colleagues about this issue? do they say they really believe they don't think we need to do something after the horrific tragedy in newtown? >> i think it's at their pair ill that they ignore this issue 91% of americans say they want universal background checks. it's pretty hard to resist that. and i want to say i know there's a gender gap that moms all over this country who identify as republicans or democrats or end pens don't want to be fearful when their children go to school or to the movies. and are ready to rise up and demand that we do something about this. >> there's an organization called moms demand action. they were up here several weeks ago. phenomenon women who came together to organize after the tragedy in newtown. and these were independent,
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democrat and republican women. they are going to make sure that action is taken in the congress. and they have to hold their representatives once again, we have to hold our representatives accountable. and so as we talk to republicans, you know, they may be an a little reticent to move forward. they don't want to do it. the gun lobby is alive and well, but believe you me, the power of the people and the voices of the people i think will ultimately prevail. >> i also think we should demand that a vote takes place on the house floor and the senate floor. no one should somehow be cushioned from having to take a stand on this issue. and the connecticut effect, which is what the nra talked about, we're going to wait until the connecticut effect wears off. that's what happened in their mind. and we can't let that happen. we can't let the 20 little coffins that passed through that town and the six adults that lost their lives be lost for no
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reason. we must act on this issue. and we've got to keep it alive. >> but here's the real question. tell our viewers, because i don't think they know. do you in congress who work with each other see each other every day? do you have suggestions with republicans about this issue at all? is there a kind of daily transaction between you all? >> not really. you're hearing kind of a silence in response to that question. because there really hasn't, there hasn't been across the aisle conversations about guns. i know that there are some republicans that if they had their druthers would actually vote against the nra and would stand up for the people in their district. we're hoping that they will find courage from the people who are contacting them -- i hope they're hearing from them every day -- if they're not, shame on the people in the district that want the bills passed. >> what about in social situations? >> you all must have a drink, coffee, espresso.
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it's amazing that we don't have conversations between congress people across the aisle just as human beings. when you take off your republican, democrat, you're human beings. this is a travesty here. do you have any kind of conversation here? >> this environment is not really conducive to that type of conversation for a lot of reaps as you know. and i think the real debate is going to begin when some of these bills begin to be debated in the congress. we have a gun task force here on our side. we're on the -- i'm on the appropriations committee and we're going to have a debate as we try to repeal the tiahrt amendment. i think it should be in the public view. i think people should hear what their representatives are saying and what republicans are saying. >> i do know that mike thompson who is head of our task force has been talking to republicans. i just don't know what the report is, but he's definitely been reaching across the aisle.
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>> i have no doubt that you're reaching across the aisle. i hope something's coming back beside as fist. >> thank you so much for your time tonight. remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts on twitter. and on facebook. i want to know what you think. the president faces the media in israel as the drum beat for war in syria gets louder. that's next .
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>> the former held of the rnc slams the party as outreach. i'll ask the panel if the party can reconnect with minority voters. and later, not everyone is happy with president obama's final four pick. we'll look at the brackets ahead. share your thoughts with us on facebook and on twitter using the hash tag @show.
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>> thanks for staying with us. conservative critics blasted president obama on his policy during the campaign. but the critics finely fell silent when he arrived in israel this morning. this is obama's first trip to israel as president. both leaders are struggling to build a consensus with the political opposition. president obama got caught on tape joking about it. >> it's a beautiful day -- good to see you. it's wonderful to be here. how are you my friend?
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good to see you. >> president obama did try to bring some republicans with him on this trip. politico reports eric cantor got an invitation, but he said he was too busy. president obama and netanyahu were busy watching developments in syria where rebels claim their president used chemical weapons on their own people. president obama says he's skeptical assad used chemical weapons. >> we have been clear that the use of chemical weapons guess against the syrian people would be a mistake. >> by the way, netanyahu agrees with president obama on syria
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conservatives tried to use our relationship with israel to grab votes. they accused president obama of not getting it. and some called him the most antiisrael president in history. bb set the record straight. >> i want to thank you for the investment you've made in our relationship and strengthening the alliance between our countries. the president has reaffirmed more than any other president, israel's right and duty to defend itself against any threat. so it's a pro found honer to host you, the leader of the free world, at this historic time in our ancient capital. welcome to israel. >> let's turn to policy analyst for the center for american progress.
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let me start with you. we see these conciliatory gestures being offered by prime minister netanyahu, but that's different than the lecture he gave to obama in his own digs in the white house. what accounts for the shift here? is it merely the fact that he as there on his open terrain and he wants to be a nice host? or is this a genuine change of attitude on netanyahu's part? >> well, we're coming to a point where both sides have to think about what happens next. president obama was focused on ending two wars. and now he's facing two different challenges, whether it's iran's potential nuclear capability or what happens next in syria. both offers challenges that israel faces in. and the key question is what happens next, whether it's on iran, syria or ultimately the arab israeli conflict.
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>> can we afford a kind of symbolic trip here? there's a lot at stake, what the region is going through, what the partners of israel have seen as necessary to protect itself. what the palestinian response has been to two state solutions and what occupation. so how do we figure our way out of here, and how does the president respond to this? does he have anything substantive to offer? >> i think the president is finding out it's difficult to lower expectations on a visit from the president of the united states. the logic behind the trip. there are a few things behind it. i think the president understands that he did not attempt to make a connection with the israeli people during his first term. given the things you mentioned, these are things, these are issues on which if the u.s. and israel are to move forward he
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needs the israeli people on his side and he needs them to understand that he and the united states understands the situation they're in and has their backs as he asks the israeli government to make some of these tough choices. >> are peace talks really a possibility in obama's second term? is he going to give a term like jimmy carter? is there any possibility he can do that? >> realistically, it's probably the third on the list that the interesting thing today is that president obama and prime minister netanyahu have not always agreed on iran in terms of the timetable or in terms of what's next or what the response should be. and the two are a year or so away from having to make some kind of strategic decision. they fails the sudden emergence of syria and the possible use of chemical weapons, and that has suddenly risen to the stop of the agenda.
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given that there are different palestinian factions, that looks further down the road. >> do either of you believe that assad used chemical weapons? or is that being deployed by some forces that have at stake the division between israel and the united states in a substantive way that would create tension. >> i don't know. i think there's logic to what you just said. the president made it clear that is a red line. that's something that the syrian government would take seriously as vicious as they have been up to now. but to step back to something robin just said, what we saw here today at the press conference was benjamin netanyahu moving much closer to the president's position on this. as we know, there's been tension on this.
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netanyahu sees this in a more immediate way. there was that lecture in the oval office. i think what we saw today is a prime minister who recognizes that the president has been reelected and it's in his interest to try to ease some of those tensions. but getting back to syria, when i was in israel last week, the most immediate threat that i gathered was syria and the possibility that some of those, some of these, some of that could spill over and affect israel. >> the fog of war, having covered 12 wars, is always difficult in those initial stages. and there are lots of accusations by both sides. they're sending chemical weapons testing kits to the rebels. it is clear that if either side used chemical weapons, it will be a game changer, whether it's in terms of what the outside world is prepared to do against the regime of president bashar al-assad.
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but we're not there yet. and it's something that we all have to sit back. the challenge is syria over the next year as we wait to see what happens with the diplomatic situation on iran, what the other alternatives are. that syria will be the one that given the fact you have these challenges to the syrian people will be the one that both sides have to make a stand on. >> let me ask you very briefly. we're almost out of time. do you think that the anniversary of iraq with all this bluster from cheney and from rumsfeld who are unrepentant in their opinion that we did the right thing. do you think the faux pas that we made that makes us very careful about talking about chemical weapons and there for what we do? >> i would say yes. and i would recognize that as one of the few actual benefits of the iraq war. it has made us much more
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cautious about making these kind of claims and deploying troops as we did in iraq. >> the u.s. has neither the will or the interest in investing in a third military conflict. >> the rnc is putting $10 million on the line to reach out to minorities. i'll give them some free advice ahead. and this guy committed a big personal foul on the basketball court last night. we'll have the play by play coming up. [ male announcer ] have you heard?
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racist. >> that was former chairman michael steel wondering how the rnc's $10 million in outreach will be successful if the policies are offensive to minorities. let me offer some free advice off the top of my dome. let me lace you with this commentary. if you want to reach out to black and other minority voters, you've got to give up the old saw that it was the republican party that helped black folk out when the democrats were doing us in. true. but that was more than a hundred years ago. black folk fled to the democrats when they offered, that is fdr, offered the nation a new deal, and haven't looked back since. republicans you've got to get a janet jackson vibe going and answer the question what have you done for us lately.
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ever read the book when affirmative action was white? white folk have been getting the hookup forever. those who think they're self-made are taking the advantage of birth. third, if you were smart, you would exploit the fact that black folk, by and large, have conservative culture and moral values. and if you taupe down that black culture is primarily about moral decay and approach black folk with respect then a lot more black folk would be willing to listen. fourth, what happened to the liberal republican? i pine for the days of nelson rockefeller or black republicans like william coleman. what about bill cohen? can we get some more of that? instead, we get conservatives who are simply out-of-bounds.
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we get insult wielding lightweights like sarah palin. and glen beck. or we get tea party partisans who are ruining our country and the republican party, by the way, by throwing fits when they can't get their way. if you want to reach out to black and other minorities, treat us like adults, respect our history. tell the truth about our own and yours as well. stop practicing stereotype mongering. stop trying to exploit immigration policies. you'd be surprised how far that could get you. let's bring in ohio state senator nina turner. >> you're from a swing state where access to the ballot box is critical. what would you like to say about
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the rnc's outreach effort? >> well, they believe that they have a branding problem. they have, they need to change their policies. you know, in order, they didn't trick enough people last year, so they need to change their rhetoric. what they need to change, is their policies. if they want more women to vote for them, then they need to stand up for equal pay for equal work. they need to keep their noses out of women's reproductive health. if they want black people, asians and other people of color to support them then they need to stop trying to block their vote, step-on will right the in access to the ballot, make sure they are for fair immigration policies. if they want middle class people to vote for them, then they need to advocate for good paying jobs with health care and for a fair tax wage. but if they did something like that, you know that would make them democrats.
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>> in light of what senator turner has already indicated here, the rnc outreach is a $10 million and evangelical thrust there. it's not the money, it's the message at issue here as senator turner has said, isn't it. >> i think it's more than just the message. ultimately, what they're saying is we want to win at any cost and we're just going to tell you what you want to hear. and it's more about showing us. and i think michael steele said it best when he said you can go into the communities, but it's not just about showing up. you can show up anytime but it's about what you do. and their actions are not measuring up. they're saying one thing and doing another. so it's more than telling us who you are, it's about showing us. they're wanting to disenfranchise black and latino voters. they are the party of the rich, and that's not what we are
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about. so it's really more about show me rather than tell me. >> given what they've already indicated, what would you do if you were sitting on an rnc planning meeting committee, what would your advice be? >> well, i'm not in the business of giving advice to republicans, but since you asked, first of all, i think what the republicans need to do is to remember that people have very long memories. and it wasn't so long as throughout the 2012 election cycle they spent a lot of time insulting black voters, insulting hispanic voters and ignoring asian voters. this is going to be an ongoing challenge for them if they want to woo minority voters because people don't forget. and i doesn't think they fully understand just how much damage was done through that election cycle with the rhetoric that was used. it was not lost on us when they made a point about obama voters
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being lazy, wanting free things from the government. those comments were not lost on our communities. the other issue the republican party has and what they need to address is their unwillingness to call out racism when it occurs in their party. when democrats, there was a situation recently where a liberal group made a comment about senator mcconnell's wife and progressives were very quick to condemn those statements because they had racial overtones. the republicans have got to be willing when people in their party say something sexist or racist to condemn it and push those type of people out of the party. and they seem unwilling to do that. >> in light of that, senator, tell us here, exactly your response when you saw that videotape, i'm sure you saw it at the cpac where there was a representative of the white
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representatives. is that indicative of what you think is the problem here going on between those who are trying to reach out when they haven't even converted those within their own party as to the need for an enlightened racial policy? >> i was mortified. they need to get real, but oftentimes, when you're dealing with the republican party, you know, my grandmother said you can put truth in the river five days after a lie, true is going to catch up. and the fact that somebody would make such a flip comment about frederick douglas and his need to thank his slave master for room and board, they are out of touch. if you want people to vote for you, change your policies or switch your party to democrats. but we will know the tree by the fruit that it bears. that is what the good book says. and we know that the fruit of the republican tree is rotten to the core. >> here's more from michael steele.
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>> you've got to reconcile how people feel about your policies, not just the fact that you're going to show up. you can show up anytime. it's what you say and what you do when you get there that matters most to people. >> what part of the republican party's economic message is appealing these days? they're trying to make an outreach predicated upon an economic one. then what is the economic position? is it the, you know, is it the budget of ryan? i doubt. is it some other kind of thing that they've been withholding from us? what do you think the answer would be? and why does it make sense to them? >> i don't know what the answer would be. why it makes sense to them. you know, i can't really speak to that. a lot of the cuts they are talking about hurt african-american and latino communities as well as elderly citizens. i don't know that the economic policies that they're looking at really benefit any one.
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and when you talk about them being the party of the rich or them seeming that way, that kind of speaks to that point, i think, of them protecting corporate interests and things of that nature but not willing to stand up for the average joe or jane. so i don't know what that answer is. but maybe we could get one of them to tell us. >> exactly right. i don't think they're able to frame an answer any better than what you've done here tonight. ohio state senator, thank you so much for joining us here tonight. >> will the open house seat be a race between a comedian's sister and ounch line.
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my bet is that our beloved beyonce would bow down to nobody. and fred christian writes, the man is clueless as usual. why people listen to him is beyond or even beyonce me. go to our facebook page now and join the conversation. and don't forget to like the ed show when you're there. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. south carolina's special congressional race is one to watch. with last night's primary winners setting the stage for an interesting matchup. sanford won the republican primary. because he failed to get a full 50% he will face a runoff election. but considering the fact that just four years ago, sanford was
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offering a tearful apology for disappearing from the governor's mansion in order to visit his mistress in argentina. elizabeth bush has benefitted from her famous background she faces a tough fight. they haven't elected a democratic representative since 1981. the special general election will be held on may 11th. >> will we see any gun safety laws in this congress. 81% say no. coming up, president obama fills out his card for the big dance. does he choose my hoyas? find out who he's picking to win it all. introducing olay fresh effects' unstoppable skincare!
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>> this is a great game, but i think indiana is going to pull it out. >> president obama's bracket is all set for march madness as the ncaa basketball tournament tips off tomorrow. he advances indiana and louisville to the title game. >> for the championship, i'm going back to the big ten. i think it's indiana's year. >> wow. >> there you have it. the president is going back to indiana as michael jackson sang. the president obama's filled out a bracket on espn every year since he's been president obama. and every year right-wingers freak out because president obama fills out a bracket. john boehner retweeted the gop conference, can clutch with his brackets, late with his
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budgets. he linked his video for filling out a bracket. >> i think it's a disgrace and a joke that the ncaa didn't put us in the tournament. if you ask me it's a bunch of liberal socialism. you can laugh all you want, but it's the truth. and your party's partially responsible for it. >> i promise that was not a horse from the kentucky derby. we should point out ashley judd who's eyeing mitch mcconnell's seat is a big kept kept fan too. so chester may want to rethink his conspiracy theory. let's turn to mike wise for the washington post. mike, before we move on to the tournament, what's your reaction to the right wing freaking out over obama every year when he does his bracket.
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>> the time it took for senator boehner to actually put that tweet together, the time he could have been working on the sequestration problem. it's ridiculous. you know what i love about this president? and irrespective of my politic, he actually understands that our self-esteem shouldn't be tied to our work. this president is saying it. >> i got a beef with him. i mean, he chose my hoyas, maybe it was in the final eight. i don't know if he got them in the elite eight, but we don't get to the final four? come on, mr. president. >> filling out a bracket is one thing. did he do it well? no. no. in fact, if you want to give him a hard time, you could say he probably was concentrating on other things, because he basically took the favorites. this was like investing in microsoft and u.s. steel. louisville, indiana.
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