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tv   Melissa Harris- Perry  MSNBC  March 23, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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loins again. remember that hibt that we dropped to the national republican lawmakers on election day, the one that responded to their attempts to man handle our uterus by a resounding defeat. it seems the friends at the state house level have missed the memo. while congressional republicans finally managed to make nice tw the ladies by passing the violence against women act, state lawmakers have been outdoing themselves in acts of policy violence against women's reproductive rights and your yut rous should be very, very afraid. this month there has been such unrelenting on slot of state-level attacks against reproductive choice, some of them bray tantly unconstitutional that it inspired mother jones magazine to create their own anti-choice march madness championship brackets. you would think after beginning the month of march with the state passing the most restrictive abortion ban in the
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country that things couldn't get much worse, but oh how wrong you would be. arkansas kicked things off on march 6 thd when they did something no state has done before. not content with the 20-week ban they just passed in february, arkansas republican voted to override a veto by the state's governor and pass a law making aborings illegal after just 12 weeks of pregnancy. now that limit violates the standard set by the supreme court in roe v wade, which allows states to regulate abortion after viability, which doesn't occur until at least 22 weeks. in fact. the arkansas law rewrites the definition of viability all together. while the court defined viability as the possibility of life independent from the mother, arkansas draws the line at the point in which a fetal heartbeat can be detected. at 12 weeks a heartbeat with be detected with an ultra sound.
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you have not escaped the transvaginal probe yet. no sooner did arkansas claim the title of most restrictive abortion law in the land, then north dakota came along and lowered the bar further. north dakota passed it own law to cut off abortions at six weeks into a pregnancy. now mind you the average american woman doesn't find out she's pregnant until the sixth week. so thu new law would in effect outlaw 75% of abortions in north dakota and the bill bans abortions once a heartbeat is detectable using standard medical procedure, and you know what that means, clearly north dakota has learned nothing, absolutely nothing from virginia's failed attempt to force the dreaded probe on women last yore. because at six weeks of pregnancy the only way to detect a heartbeat is with a transvaginal ultrasound. not even the small window of choice before the six week mark
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is safe from republicans in north dakota. they have also passed two personhood bills through the senate that would amount to a blanket abortion plan in the state. that sounded like a great idea to kansas. the bill just approved in that house would bestow all abortions. the kansas bill is a 70-page piece of legislation that is a grab bag of attacks on reproductive rights. among the worse is the requirement that it could force doctors to tell women that aboring may increase their chances of developing breast cancer. i got to tell you, this is a thinly veiled scare tactic based on junk science that was largely debunked by the national cancer institute in 2003. they concluded having an abortion or miscarriage does not increase a woman's subsequent risk of developing breast cancer. a very different bill on tuesday
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by republican legislators in texas includes the same loose interpretation of the truth. and on paper it's about protecting the health and safety of patients of an abortion facility. but in practice it would shut down the 37 licensed abortion clinics. the law would require them to close or undergo expensive and extensive facility upgrades to meet the same standards as a surgery center. but it includes clinics in texas that don't perform any surgical procedures at all. it looks like they are choosing to give women's history month a new meaning with these historic restrictions on women's rights.
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but the aggressive taking away of our rights is a long game in play here. and the goal is nothing less than the complete erosion of productive choice. at the table, nancy northrup. and former adviser to the busch-cheney administration. it's lovely to have you both here. nancy, start by giving us your sense of the motivation behind the new state regulations. >> well, as you said, this is a new kind of extreme. we had seen a chipping away at the protections of roe versus wade. you're talking about bans at six weeks, shutting down clinics in texas. this is not chipping away. it's taking a sledge ham ebb. what i think is going on here is no longer satisfied with making it harder and more expensive, is they're going for a new constitutional regime. they want the 40 years of
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precedent of roe versus wade and have it overturned. >> we're looking at the maps because i was saying let's look at the fact that before roe will are states where a woman could access a legal abortion. when you look at the preroad map and then the current map. these are state where there is some access to abortion before roe v. wade in 1973. then you look at the map today. and you see there are major abortion restrictions in all the same states that were illegal before 1973. so in many way we're already in a pro re v. wade world. >> and it's what we're headed to in the country twochlt sets of constitutional rights. those for women in california and new york and women wo live in the states that you're talking about in texas, mississippi, kansas and north
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dakota. who have an inferior set of constitutional rights. whether you live in new york or mississippi, we need to draw the line. this is not okay. >> i wanted you at the table because i always try to think about this from multiple perspectives. i think there are multiple et positions to take on the question of choice. that does feel different than this legislative chipping away as an established constitutional right. it's one thing to say i'm personally opposed to abortion. i would never seek an abortion. i would work to keep others from having an abortion in the sense of counseling and providing reproductive options. it's another thing to do this kind of -- what feels like a back door constitutional thing. >> you're absolutely correct. there's to question about it on the surface it seems like womenwomen women's rights are taking a step
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back. my understanding with north dakota specifically is if the governor signs this into law, it's still up to the population, meaning the people, to decide if this is constitutional or not. so you're allowing the individuals to make the ultimate decision. granted, this is a woman's right issue, but there's also a moral issue as a conservative that i have issues with. >> so let me make this point. if i'm standing on the side of believing that abortion is et c ethically or morally wrong, then i may not care that the states are beginning to erode. so what there's a second amendment. we want the states to do the best we can to eliminate handguns. but we know. i hear you say there are state and constitutional rights. i cringe. we know the state right language was always about keeping people from having freedom. >> you're absolutely right. so it works both ways.
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you go back to precivil rights. state rights were all about oppression. so it's a very fine line, but at the end of the day, that's how our constitutional system is set up that states are in power and should be in power to make the decisions. the question becomes for a moral standpoint is whether they are so oppressive and demonizing to african-americans and women that the federal government should supersede that. >> so nancy, what states and voters can do, voters have turned back amendments every time they have an opportunity to. >> well, sure. they have. but we have to think about in north dakota the six-week ban is not put to the voters. that's something the north dakota legislature put there and is on the the desk. and this is what the supreme court said looking at the issue. these decisions about your most
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personal life, these decisions about treated dignity in making, this is not for the same of north dakota or mississippi to vote away. i mean, the court said it is the promise of our constitutional that there's an area of life that the government may not enter. and decision about women's body and held and the numbers facing children are part of the decision. sfl and this always feels shocking to me when i hear it from republicans. you want the state out. so why do you suddenly want it in? wii going to stay on this top iblg when we get back. after the break we'll add a couple more voices to this conversation. do we have a mower? no. a trimmer? no. we got nothing. we just bought our first house, we're on a budget. we're not ready for spring. well let's get you ready. very nice. you see these various colors. we got workshops every saturday. yes, maybe a little bit over here. this spring, take on more lawn for less.
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most american families want
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two children and most american women will spend about five years of their life either actively trying to get pregnant or being pregnant or recovering are from pregnancy and they will spend the other two-third of their reproductive life trying to avoid pregnancy. joining our table to talk about our reproductive rights, arizona congresswoman kirsten simina and a msnbc contributor and director of communications for latino decisions. so i wanted to bring you in here, vigt ra. it feels like part of what we need to talk about is which women are most impacted by the restrictions. women who have private providerscan go and access the providers. women who need to use clinics, usually poor women, women of color, who are then criminalized for making poor choices. >> in the great state of texas, and i love my state, but when it comes to reproductive rights i'm
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ashamed of my state. i think one of the most blatant indications is the state of texas said we're going to take away money from any clinic that is related to abortion provision. so planned parenthood. that means women of lower socio economic status who need medicaid dollars aren't being banned from their rights to an abortion if they so choose, but also all the other health care that comes with reproductive rights. from cancer screenings, from animal checkups. so it's an infringement. >> we need care. we need an opportunity to look in and make sure everything is working well. >> and just a couple of weeks ago rick perry was asserting that he would stop any bill to prevent texting while driving because he doesn't want government micromanaging your life. yet, he wants transvaginal ultra sounds. he wants texas to be a thing
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where abortions are things of the past. you don't think that's micro manage sng. >> right. and so here we are then 1 p 13t congress, the most women elected. how is it state lawmakers are saying we don't care about that? we are moving forward. >> woeell, you know, i come fro arizona. arizona is fairly libertarian. yet we have a state legislature that continues to attempt to restrict women's rights and access to health care. so we're seeing legislative bodies that are frankly not listening to the public they represent. we saw it in texas. we sigh it in arizona. the good news is the courts are coming in and saying you can't do that. so in both texas and arizona they are saying you can't stop sending the funds because women use it for breast cancer
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screenings, ovarian cancer screenings, mammograms. the challenge of helping voters in the community connect with the fact that we have a state legislature in their own interest. and this is true throughout the country. even in states that one would consider very socially conservative like mississippi. even those state where is women and their husbands and boyfriends and family members will say we can make our own decisions. >> and part of it went a step too far. oh, o no. that might be bad. i seemed to have popped open the fertilized egg. we'll put that back together. the idea that this would constitute a person. i get that is a particular faith claim. . it's not associated with science. if this turns into a person there are economic reasons. cost to raise a child, $10,000 a
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year up to $20,000 a year. when this thing is going to turn into a human, why not allow women to make the best choices that we can with as many resources and options instead of trying to come in and regulate the process. it's impossible to be able to control the reproductive lives that we have to leave these decisions to women and their families. as you just had with the picture of the fertilized egg, the person had lost that wanted to make that to a person would not just affect abortion. they would affect the use of contraception and fertility. ivf. in coasta sta rica, they banned. the court of human rights said
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you can't do that. this is about wanting to have kids as well. mississippi is not a pro-choice state. but it turned back in part of the ivf. when people on the other end of the economic scale are on the other end of wanting to make choices about when to have kids and how to have them. this coalition grows. i would almost be down with it if -- if republicans were saying, okay, this is a person. and therefore what we must do is make sure that this person has high = hegs, universal health care, sufficient food and nutrition, quality housing, because we are so concerned about the rights of this person, but in fact that doesn't happen. at the same time that we're creatiing pregnancies, we're stripping away being able to turn this into a human. >> but we all know that we were
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that at some poin in our mother's uterus. we know that. this is an interesting learning point for me. i'm doing more listening than talking. push it away. because i really struggle with this. as a conservative i'm more libertarian, and i'm also gay, and i'm also black obviously. i don't want the state telling me who i should marry, who i should fall in love with and how i should live my life. >> i like you. >> but my faith and my conscious tells me that abortion is wrong. however, i'm also listening to all of you around the table, and there's a sense of reason. there's a sense of rationality that i can't ignore. >> isn't that okay? to say, okay, you can have a sense of faith and individual belief in this, and that's not the same thing legislating it. >> i don't feel comfortable --
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i'm sorry. >> and i also want my daughter, who is in utero, to be able to have that choice. so we focus so much of the rhetoric on the the fetus or the patient, but the concept of the woman is excluded from any conversation of rights. and ultimately this is a discussion about rights. economic rights, civil rights. and it's about women who are here and women who will come after us. it's also a framing issue in the debate about reproductive rights and aboring. >> i also want to go back to what robert is saying. i'm from arizona which is a heavy libertarian state. i come from a family with individuals like yourself are quite conservative and people of deep faith. i feel like it's totally appropriate and okay for you o have your faith and you to have your faith and you to have your faith. what i think is important in the debate is we go to the fundamental american values which is liberty. you have have your faith and you
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have your faith and you have your faith. and our government's job is to protect each person's liberty. >> and trust you to make the right decisions. >> so protecting your faith, protecting your beliefs and not infringing on someone else's. libertarian philosophy is the perfect philosophy to have. zl when we come back we're going to north dakota. you said you wanted your in utero daughter to have freedom. we also want to have a nerd land wonesie for your in utero daughter. when we come back, north dakota -- copd makes it hard to breathe, but with advair, i'm breathing better.
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state. if passed the referendum would amend north dakota's constitution to reflect that life begins at conception and make criminals out of employees in the one place in north dakota that performs all the state's abortions. the red river valley clinic in fargo. tammy, nice to see you. >> good morning. thank you for having me. >> so thank you for joining us. i know you're via skype in part because of the relative remoteness of north dakota, and yet, that's part of exactly why your clinic's work is so important, right? >> absolutely. we serve women from north dakota, south dakota, minnesota. our patients travel an average of three to seven hours to reach our clinic. >> we know most women who seek termination already have a child. 88% seek it in the first 12 weeks sochlt why does north dakota feel such a need given
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those statistics to impose it in this decision? >> well, i think lawmakers here are emboldened. there was a procedural move where the senator got the move killed. and he was used as an example and said if you mess with us, we're going to mess with you and lose your seat. we also have billions in reserve oil money. >> so the oil money thing is fascinating to me. some of this is just about the inside of the policymaking. some of the reports say these are policies directly from wikipedia and the reason they're showing up on the legislative floor is there used to be a safety valve in the house that kept them from going and now that's gone and folks are willy
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nilly putting these things out there. >> they're funny they're saying it comes for wikipedia. it's clearly coming from other states. it's almost isle in wording from other places. but when legislators are afraid of losing their seat, they will back down on things they feel strongly about. >> there's at least one legislature not being bullied. kathy hopkins who is a republican. she said i am personally pro-life but i vote pro-choice because you can't make that decision for anyone else. you just can't. that feels like a principled republican libertarian position to have. can that work as a persuasive claim there in north dakota? >> you know, kathy hawken is
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amazing. there have been other senators who have stood up and stood against the bills but the people who are for the pro-life legislation have a lot of power and are basically bullying other legislators. and she is a lone voice out there, a lone voice of reason. >> let me ask you one last question, tammy. if your clinic is shut down, what does that mean in a real world way for the women of north dakota? >> the closest clinics are three and four hours away. south dakota has a 72-hour waiting period. and it will leave, just like you said earlier, poor women, rural women and women of color the most vulnerable women in our society, unable to access abortion services, and they'll either carry pregnancies they
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didn't intend to carry in the first place or will take measures into their own hands. women of means can travel elsewhere. it leaves our most vulnerable women with in choices left whatsoever. >> thank you, tammy. we are so proud of the work that you're doing in north dakota. we will keep our eyes on this. >> when we come back, it's time to sent this little uterus model to virginia. this is america. we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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comparison made in june of last year. speaking before the conservative family foundation, he said, quote, over time the truth demonstrates its own rightness and own righteousness. our experience as a country has demonstrated on one experience after another slavery. history has shown us those were attacked by people of faith that changed the course of the country. so it is 2013 and we are fighting about slavery and abortion in a gubernatorial race. that does seem off topic. it does. the issue of private health insurance was a generation before me. and we settled it. unfortunately it's come back to the forefront. and it's disturbing. i served in the state legislature for nearly a dewade before coming to congress.
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and i was shocked every year. because we are in an economic foreclosure. and we're debating these issues. >> i see no jobs in there. >> i think elected officials need to be honest about the real challenge our economy is facing. we have a debt challenge. we have a congress that is pretty disfupgsal and governing by crisis after crisis after crisis. no attempt to make solutions. no attempt to spur growth in the economy. and we're spending our time focusing on these issues which have very real impacts for many people around the country. but if we were to focus on job security, economic growth, many of the social issues would take care of themselves. >> it is an economic issue for
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women and families. >> i'm scared it's going to remain a dominant issue because of other issues that have fallen to the wayside. immigration in 2010 was the the celeb for the tea party, for the right wing. everybody is on board. we're battling out the details. we're looking at gay marriage. we're seeing a trend of acceptance for gay marriage. >> here's what i don't understand. the republican party is about individual responsibility, smaller government, letting the person figure out for their own idea what they should do. millions of people are living paycheck to paycheck. we have an economy that is still at 8.9% unemployment rate. why are we talking about? ?
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we had this and the american people said talk to the hand. i want you to talk about my financial life. i want you to talk about my financial security. >> why are we still in this fight? >> obviously there's a hardcore anti-choice group in the country. people always say i'm so surprised. because of their agenda, and it's single minded is to make sure that roe versus wade is overturned. and we have to take that seriously. so we're right to say this economic issue should be at the front of the table. right now people need to pay attention to this. women are being treated as second class citizens. is it possible that part of what happens in an economic shrinking is we're looking for the enemy? there was the aggressive anti-immigration session. if you can't control this you
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can't go to work. therefore, you can't compete with men for jobs. is there a possibility that this is in part tied to men's sense of economic decline and an attempt to control women's bodies and therefore earning capacity? >> well, it's certainly tied to ideology about the role of women in life and economic life and the family. there's a deep ideological divide. we have to realize that. we have to engage it. you have to talk about it. and we have to fight for the vision and these are decisions for women in their family. justice ginsburg has been so eloquent on this point. they cannot be equal citizens unless they can control their reproductive lives. >> abortion opposition uses very powerful imaging. it's a message that's reinforced in the pulpit.
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>> have you seen the picture of is so-called black slave and infant baby. yeah. there you go. i know how you feel when i was a slave the courts didn't think i was fully human either. i was like no. i'm going to need you to not do tha that. >> when we talk about politics, we're talking about consumer messaging. anti-abortion rights lobby has powerful messaging. then you reinforce that with the pulpit and catholic church. catholics in general are pro-choice, but your priest gets up there and starts pounding away so you have a very powerful messaging machine against abortion. >> thank you.
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we are all really liking you a lot today. victoria will be back later in the show. my letter to the 16-year-old survivor in steubenville, ohio, who refused to remain silent. ♪ [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] ow! ow! [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium-rich tums starts working so fast you'll forget you had heartburn. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums and you'll dump your old duster. but don't worry, he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ who's that lady? ♪ sexy lady, who's that lady? [ female announcer ] swiffer 360 dusters extender cleans high and low, with thick all around fibers that attract and lock up to two times more dust than a feather duster. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. and now swiffer dusters refills are available with the fresh scent of gain.
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now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. today i have a letter to a young woman whose name i do not want any of us to know because we already know too much about her. we already know how she was assaulted and photographed. we know she was shamed via social media. she was bulliy eied since the y men were found guilty. she deserves some privacy as she tries to heal. i do want her to know that she is not alone. my letter is the to the 16-year-old steubenville survivor. dearest beloved girl. this letter is an apology.
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an apology from an adult who failed to make the world safe from you. you should be safe. even when you make your naive mistakes, you should be safe. i'm sorry. we have failed to teach your male peers they have no right to touch youout your consent. i am sorry we have failed you. and this letter is also a note of gratitude for your willingness to report this crime and take the stand and endure the viciousness hurled at you this week. i know the words that run in a loop in your mind. don't tell. one will believe you. everyone will think you are a
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whore. sometimes it's him who says it first. and sometimes it's your own voice telling you can can't tell. no one will believe me. it's the reason 54% of survivors never report assaults. it's the reason i kept my secret for nearly a decade. but not you, beloved. you demanded the right to be heard. you may have lost your voice that night, you knew how relentlessly they would try to silence you and you nub that neighbors and friends and members of the national media would mourn the loss of your attacker's football careers more than the loss of your innocence. and you knew that even those who claimed to be sympathetic would path along the pictures of your assault with a tone deaf voyeurism that seeks to make you a thing instead of a person.
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maybe you knew or suspected these things and spoke out anyway. and that is astonishing. i need to say thank you because you did what so many of us never find the strength to do. you spoke for yourself and you spoke for the 44% of rape victims who are under 18. an you spoke for my 14-year-old self who still hears that threat in my head. don't tell. no one will believe you. so this is my apology, and this is my gratitude. and me saying i believe you. i believe you are inherently valuable. not as a character in a grotesque news cycle where your assault is all we know but as a girl with hopes and dreams and so much more growing up to do. i never need to know your name. i need you to know you're not alone. surviving is not a single occurrence. it's a lifetime of making
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choices that honor you and your right to speak. if you ever get down. if you ever wonder how you will go on, take out this letter. because i believe you. sincerely, melissa. my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. ...but he'd wait for her forever, for any reason, and would always be there with the biggest welcome home. for a love this strong, dawn only feeds him iams.
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after months of uncertainty and anxiety, officials in chicago announced that 54 of the city's public schools are slated to close at the end of the school year. this move affects some 30,000 kids, one of the largest school shutdowns if u.s. history and the city's stated goals to send the kids to school with more resources critics point out 90% of the students affected over the last decade have been african-american and most of the schools have been in poor neighborhoods.
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joining me from chicago, the vice president of the teacher's union and the senior director at bethel new life church on the city's west side. welcome to you both. >> thank you. >> jesse, i want to start with you. jesse, is this about retaliation for the teacher strike earlier in the year? >> i don't know what is in rahm emanuel's heart, the mayor of chicago, it's really wrong to take out the anger of the union on 30,000 school children. >> now, i know there has been an outcry from communities in part because the create research brief on school closures and there's very little reason to
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think these kids will get into higher performing schools and you end up with all the schools being punished. is that an accurate assessment, or is there reason to think this could be good for students? >> that is an accurate assessment. school lossings are not a new policies. and what the research shows is only 6% of the students who are replaced wind up at a school that performs better. many students are transferred more than once. and so there's a pr spin. that's not what our experience in chicago has shown us at all. >> now, there is another side to this. there is no one who could see
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how much work you're doing. and hey, these schools are failing our kids. we have to do something. where are folks in the community on this complicated question? >> you're right. it's a very complicated question. i feel a lot of our community residents are in shock in some cases. all of these decisions are being done by adults and the way i land in this is what is best for the children. and being very concerned that our kids are being transferred to a better performing school. that they actually get there. it's another big when you are dealing in the communities in which i live and work, you have to make hard decisions sometimes. with what you can use your disposable income, your income is not disposable.
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and if you have to make a decision about food or give my child car fare to get to school, car fare is going to lose. what's going to happen with the children? >> let me push it out a little bit. a lot of the work you have done is about community. part of what happens when you shut down 50 plus schools is you create 50 enormous empty buildings in communities like west garfield park that at this point create more opportunities for crime, for disillusion of neighborhoods. is there a push to make the buildings safe and make these communities whole? >> this is where i do call on our mayor to bring his opportunity back to our communities. to bring something in these buildings besides a light that may or may not be on because they're still going to have to heat and light the buildings in some form or fashion.
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but let us come together and build new opportunities for housing to go in there. we could have adult education programs in there. we could have transitional opportunities for clinics. we could do a lot of things. let's not have a bunch of 52 plus buildings abandoned in our community. we do not need another eyesore. >> we're looking at the zool board voting on this on may 22nd. any chance of them turning back this decision? >> historically when they put out this list, and they put it out every year. we call it the hit list. they have carry through all the closings on the list. in the first six years there was something like 60 schools on the list. last year they were 22. they hit all 22. that being said, they've never done anything on this scale anywhere in the country. and so we're counting on a huge
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public outcry among people who are invested in the communities. parents, children, educators, all of us to make a stand and say don't do this in our city. don't dismantle our schools in such a scale. and we're prepared to make protests and speak out and hopefully the policymakers will change their mind. >> it's tough dealing with mayor emanuel. he's not being for listening. thank you to mildred. >> thank you for that letter. as an educator, that touched me. >> it was phenomenal. i believe in her. i believe in you too. >> thank you. i greatly appreciate that. coming up, the president's health care act turns three today and it's getting pushed around on the legislative playground. that and the courtroom bomb sell on the nypd stop and frisk trial. look, if you have copd like me,
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sure. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream. ♪ [ male announcer ] the sound of reddi-wip is the sound of joy. >> welcome back. i'm melissa harris-perry and i have to start the hour by giving
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a big birthday shoutout to the aca. happy third birthday aca. whoo! that's right. it's the third birthday of president obama signing the affordable care act or obama care, and aca is one of the most expansive pieces of social legislation in decades. americans excluded from receiving health care will finally have access to health insurance and care. and the promise of aca is great. it is true that since 201066 out of 72 provisions of the act have been implemented. but as we noted before, coverage doesn't necessarily equal care. coverage will extend to roughly 30 million americans. however, there will be a shortage of 63,000 doctors in the united states.
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and although the supreme court up held it in june,that does not mean the end of legal challenges. they challenge the cover requirements, contraceptive coverage rules and the independent payment advisory board, and there are still those members of congress trying to repeal or chip away at the aca. friday marked the 39th -- yes, 39th time that republicans have tried to repeal the last in the last two years. according to a recent poll 48% of people don't know if their state will offer a health insurance exchange. i'm sorry. maybe the birthday party isn't so great after all. if you hope to get another one, we have to get ourselves together. jay, the man who until recently was inside the obama administration and responsible
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for the implementation of president obama's health care law and victoria defrances defrancesco soto. what has been happening. >> well, a lot. insurance companies can't cut off coverage once you reach a certain limit. and most importantly, insurance companies that spend more than 20% of the dollar on profit, they have to refund money to people and in 2012 people around the country got more than a billion dollars back from their nurks that did not comply with the rules. >> and when you talk to your constituents, are people feeling the aca. the the data says people are
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saying, i haven't been personally impacted by this. >> well, young people have certainly ben the first group of beneficiarie beneficiaries. and it's had an impact on them. i think the hurry to repeal is because teem don't want to see the benefits. we have seen 5$5.7 billion nationally benefit seniors. and maybe they take it for granted, but they certainly won't once the doughnut hole reoccu reoccurs. and people talk ab a terrible impact on small businesses.
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360,000 small businesses have taken care of the affordable tax credits already. >> when we have legislation this historic i mean, now the legislation is through. now it is constitutional. how do we make sure that people feel it? >> it has to be real. one of the victories of the aca is it's triggered a set of forces that are now really causing us to be able to shift at last from a sick care system to a health care system. from a system that financially rewards bad outcomes to one that can really focus financial resources and the time of health care providers on keeping people healthy. so using the emergency room is one example.
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what does that look like? >> i think one of the opportunities here is to loo look at what counts as a health care provider and go beyond doctors and say if we had a team in place, what would we spend their time on. and how do we address the factors that have a huge impact on patient's's health. >> right. right. a much broader conception. when the president signed the bill, he said the core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their conclude, kind of setting up a health care floor. how close are we to achieving that? for me the biggest frustration is the lack of public knowledge. a recent poll kale out saying 80% of the people most affected
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from the health care law, mainly poor folks and medicaid recipients didn't know enough about the affordable health care law. i think about in 2009 when we went to the digital transition to tv. from analog to digital. you could not turn on the tv or radio without making sure your tv set was ready for the transition. i do not feel there has been sufficient information to the layperson about what you need to do depending on your situation for affordable health care. >> so jay, this is the application for health care. right? and it is not brief. some is redundant. but this is a big old document. for all the good you did in creating the policy, it feels like you failed on the conversation piece. >> that's too long. it has to be shortened. we have a fragmented system.
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there's also private health insurance. and so because of the fragmented system, there's going to be more complexity than there would be in sang l payer system. in addition, most people will go to the internet and punch in the answers to a few questions and many pages are not relevant to most people. all that said, yeah, it has to be shortened. >> medicare for all and single payer. as horrifying as it is, there have been 39 changes to a three-year-old law, is there a chance it may have us move more in that direction? >> i don't think those
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challenges will but the affordable care act for better or worse relies on private insurances. therefor they will have an incentive to reduce their own costs and drive down underlying health care costs. if private insurance companies fail at that then there could very well be a single payer system. we have a huge stake in making this work. >> and they be the most optimistic thing i've heard. it's how i know the nfl will always manage to deal with the labor contract. stay right there. when we come back i'll ask the congresswoman about one of her colleagues. congresswoman michele bachmann. she opened her moit this week and words came out. ♪ ten hut! you up for the challenge suds-maker? i'm gonna need more than that
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the american people, especially vulnerable women, vulnerable senior citizens get to pay more and they get less. that's why we're here. we're saying let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. let's not do that. let's love people. let's care about people. >> congresswoman, can you get your girl? health care we form is literally killing women, children and seniors. >> she deserves an oscar. the affordable care act, even
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not fully implemented, people are already seeing huge changes. the cost curve as you pointed out of health care has come down. people have gotten these billion dollars in rate. we have seen the low eest healt care cost peeks in 50 years. the provision the affordable health care act has that says if you spend 20% of the money on administrative costs or profits you will have to -- it provides a disincentive for raising health care costs and moneys have been put out there for review boards. >> because it does rely on insurance companies, the key issue now is the state
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exchanges. so remind folks what the state of changes are and tell me a model state that is doing this right. >> exchanges are websites. they're pliss to buy insurance. for most people today the place will be the internet. regardless if you don't get health care at work you go on the internet, punch in the answers to four questions which are age, location, zip code, family size and whether you smoke or not. and you will get quotes from every insurance company selling insurance through the exchange. so people won't be turns down because of health status. they won't be able to be charged more this will allow people to
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make apples to apples comparison. and that should drive down prices. but it only works if everybody helps the system. an enormous number of people logging own and buying insurance. if it's only at the moment where i'm like, uh-oh, better get my insurance. how do we make sure they all sign on? >> there are a couple of ways. the affordable care act provides funding for knave gators which are people and organizations that help people sign up through the system. most importantly, as i said earlier, the insurance companies have to sell through the exchanges. they can't afford not to. this is a huge new market of an estimated 16 million people.
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insurance companies have to sell to these people. in addition, they're losing people now. so they have to sell to the exchanges. they are able to persuade people to buy poor value insurance for high prices. >> give me one state doing it well. >> california. >> give me one doing it badly. i will. louisiana. >> texas! but this makes me think about the work that you've been doing for a really long time. trying to look at the thing that is health care and get people to access it in a very different way. absolutely. one of the questions is will there be enough primary care doctors given all the patients coming into the system.
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how do we best leverage the time of physicians? 80% of them said they thought it was as critical to address the social needs as medical needs. 80% also said they didn't have the capacity to do that. they can direct them to a great fitness prm in the neighborhood. how do we use college students to track down the nearest food pantry. she describes going on the internet. i go on in a heartbeat. second, you saying you're going to answer four questions on a website, how do we create the political will to generate resources for the things that you're talking about?
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and the question i have also have for you is what happens to the folks in states that are not covered, say in texas. and they're going to try to get away with not having health insurance? so they don't come up to the 100% poverty line. what happens to those people that's my primary concern. >> i know we're not supposed to talk about the medication expansion -- >> we're going to do that next. medicaid is where i want to go next. the health care exchange on one piece. the next piece is medicaid. so when we come back we will talk about that. the expansion of medicaid and who will get left out. relful? the carful? how the bowlful?
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now the aca is a preschooler in terms of age. time to get it implemented. and one of the key aspects is the medicaid expansion. that has to go through the states and the states have been systematically problematic. what happens if you live in a state and bobby jindal is your governor? >> or she talked about texas. ufrd the affordable care act. anyone up to 138% of poverty is eligible for medicaid if the state child abuses to expand medicaid. the federal government paid 90% of the cost. in the first three years the federal government pays 100% of the cost. the state with the highest uninsured rate in the country is
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texas. >> and it is optding out. that's right, you would expect to get them to great to expand medicaid. instead governor perry said no, we're not going to expand medicaid. that means the system will cost more because people will wait until things get serious. they go to the emergency room. it costs more. the people in texas will stay pay taxes to ensure people in other states. it makes no sense whatsoever. zbr it makes political sense if he says you're a poor person in texas. obama care has done nothing for you. he stood in the way of it happening. >> it's not just poor people who want this. people like governor perry will accept it. the hospitals want it. the hospitals need to get paid. even the chambers of commerce who are not generally thought of
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as advocates for the poor. they want it because it's good for business. because the chambers of commerce want it. governors like rick perry in texas. >> and aside from the output, if you want to grow in business, you want a healthy workforce. you want to go and sell your state to business. if they know you're the worst in education, that's not very attractive. >> and given what we know about the changing nature of work, your workers out of wal-mart are -- even if they're full-time workers likely to be eligible for medicaid. this is the way to provide health insurance for all of these big companies that pay low wages and don't provide health insurance. but there are still national politics on this congresswoman.
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>> it sit on the the budget committee. chairman ryan who is also from wisconsin proposes his new et budget to repeal the affordable care act. but he keeps all of the taxes and savings from the affordable care act. you hear habit the $710 million raided from medicare. the medicare advantage. then he cuts an additional $810 million out of medicaid. instead of 16 million uninsured people trying to reach. 16 to 21 million trying to reach through the affordable care act, there would be 50 million uninsured, including as michele bachmann talks about those women who would no longer be seen as having preexisting conditions just by being a woman.
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and so he balances his budget in ten years by decimating health care. and the voucher from medicare, there will be a lot more uninsured people of all ages under ryan's budget. >> so we see the national budget logics. on the ground it's about people's lives. hurricanes are trying to provide good ways, higher reimbursement rates to doctor's offices that restructure themselves to put the patients at the center. that story that stays with me is there is a patient that we worked with at children's national medical center in d.c. her son has really severe epilepsy and dhd. and as the summer approaches she gets so worried about what will
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happen over the summer when he is working. she is out of school. she confides in her doctor that this is weighing on her. he was able to connect her to held leads. we could connect her to an in-home child care provider to state out of the e.r. we should have a health care system where patients can talk to their doctors. >> that's almost magical idea. one from some other decade where it feels like you have a doctor. a doctor who has the time to talk to you and take follow-up procedures. the idea of having a physician in which you confide. i want to ask this one last question of you. will we 20 years for now look back and remember that aca was the turning point? that this three-year-old bill -- if we can manage to not let it die? >> if we can manage to not it
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let it die. there's not a penny in paul ryan's budget to implement it. you have states like my own dear wisconsin where the governor if ideological reasons doesn't want to set up exchanges. i went to russia, i whipped out my blue cross, blue shield card. they all looked at me like what do we need this for? got back to washington, d.c. they said it perfectly and honestly, this finger is the only part of my body that doesn't hurt. the fundamental human right. we ought to provide it to everybody. maybe this will be the turning point. i want to say thank you to my panel with her very well fixed
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russian finger. rebecca, jay and victoria. up next, the courtroom bombshell that dropped the stop and frisk trial this week. morning, brian! love your passat! um. listen, gary. i bought the last one. nice try. says right here you can get one for $199 a month. you can't believe the lame-stream media, gary. they're all gone. maybe i'll get one. [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. you can't have the same car as me, gary! i'm gettin' one. nope!
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very sexy... very you. it's salon genius in a bottle! now in your store. new vidal sassoon pro series. salon genius. affordable for all. maybe you saw something about this in the paper yesterday, but unless you were in court for the case of floyd versus the city of new york this week, you likely didn't actually hear it. here's the new york police department deputy inspector in the middle of a contentious conversation with the officer who recorded it. >> so what am i supposed to do? stop every black and hispanic? i told you that i have to be there. i must be there. >> again, you're telling me you want to stop everybody. you want to stop all black and hispanic. >> i'm not going to do that. you want to do that. >> this is about stopping the
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right people, the right place. the right location. we had the most problems the most problems were robberies. >> and who are the people robbing? >> the problem was male blacks. 14 to 20, 21. that's the roll call. >> the male blocks and their ages. that clip played in the federal district court on thursday would seem to settle the debate for many ab whether the controversial nypd's policy of stop, question and frisk is focused more on race than crime and suspicion. here's what some had to say outside of the courtroom. >> i heard the argument in the courtroom. the new york argument seems to be to justify, not deny. seems to rationalize. >> there's a siege going on in the community of color where is the police have told even if
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they don't want to and we have officers standing next to me who say they don't want to do that because it's illegal are told they need numbers. >> the level of uncertainty. not knowing what was happening. being cuffed for the first time. thrown in the back of a police car. i never had that happen to me. >> the legality of what most call stop and is in question. joining me now are new york city councilman williams, vince warren, executive director, bringing this lawsuit against the city. documentary film maker and he said he was stopped and frisked by the nypd five times. what is at the heart of this
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case? >> this case to end the massive invasion of rights. the stop and frisk policy has been going on for a long time. we're trying to get people to stop them for a particular reason and not on the basis of race and not in such massive numbers. >> so there is the sergeant saying, hey, the people who krit crimes are young black men. i'm trying to stop skrim. it's reasonable. >> there's nothing reasonable. there's nothing legal about it. unless you assume that every african-american person is suspect. >> just the guys. >> yeah, and the police are not stopping anybody -- they're not stopping based on suspicion. the police department constitutionally has to have some reason to be able to do
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this. and stopping folks because they're black and brown does not pass constitutional muster at all. talk to me about what that be constantly frisked is disheartening. these people are living every day lives and are stopped. the law enforcement who works for the city. it's absurd. and i shouldn't have to worry what a cop is thinking or wonder just because i'm walking outside at night that i'm more likely to be stopped. that shouldn't exist. >> this idea, councilman is part of -- i feel like it's the difference of the experience of being a black american.
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when you see the police car, you get a sense of anxiety, and not a sense of protect and serve. >> i parentally it doesn't stop. i was arrested trying to get into event. the officer either didn't believe who we were or didn't care. it's also frustrating to me that it seems like things in the 1960s. we're trying to tell people why it's wrong to do things in the community. it's amazing we need this discussion. when it comes to larm and stopping crime, the answer has always been stop as many as we can. lock up as many young black men as we can. it's never worked. we know what the solutions are. we go back to everyone in the communities are criminals. even though the own statistics show that stop, question, frisk has no kor ligs between guns found, shootings and murder.
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they went into a policy driving a wedge into the community. so in a couple of days or a couple of weeks, that fury comes up. you cannot condone those with the anger. for folks who don't know, tell us about the story. >> he is a 16-year-old who was shot and killed by officer who is said he had a gun. they made a lot of statements without a full investigation. but this is not about the details of one particular shooting. not to do long ago, another woman was shot and killed. stop, question and frisk. mayor bloomberg and commissioner kelly have stopped 5 million people in the past decade and have shown no correlation.
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as a matter of fact, the murders were downs and stops were down. there's no correlation whatsoever with the policy. >> you bring up the point of optics. seeing reverend jackson on the doorsteps talking about police misconduct in black communities does feel like, excuse me, what decade are we in? how do we begin to move past what seems to be now a decade long problem of this relationship between police and communities of color? >> you talk about optics and yeah, it's perception. they say this is an effective crime fighting tool. when you look at how you're alienating an entire community. there's maybe a gray area. people are not going to accept that. they're not going to wait for the verdict because of this experience. and this is continuing over and over again because of the unnecessary nature of the stops. just based on the research that
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i've done and the officers that i've spoken to and they're told to go out and do the stops. if they don't, they're under threat in several ways. >> before we go to break, a lot of times the officers have a sense of discomfort. >> absolutely. i've spoken the to numerous officers. they do articulate that. a high level of discomfort with this. a lot of them are afraid to come forward and do anything. when they do, they are retaliated against. they are fearful. other officers speak to me in the shadows afraid to come forward but express extreme discomfort. they don't know what to do about it. they come to me, which is crazy, but there's nothing they can do to solve the problem.
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this is an upsetting situation. >> this is bad. this is a case in new york, but this is not an exclusively new york problem, when we come back. [ female announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+. all your important legal matters in just minutes. protect your family... and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side.
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so what do you smell? beach house and you're looking out over the ocean. some place like, uh, hawaii in like a flower field. take your blindfolds off. aw man! [ screams ] [ laughs ] that smells good. i wouldn't even just put it in the trash, i'd put it in every room. stick it to eliminate odors anywhere. new febreze stick & refresh. breathe happy. a fireman is told we need you to put out 15 fire this is month. and if you don't put out 15 fires you're going to get penalized. so if he doesn't find 15 fires to put out? is that his fault? a fireman might go out and start causing fires so he's not penalized or looks bad. you know, that's kind of what the police officers are doing. >> so the police officers, if
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they're getting incentivized to make the stops and don't have enough stops to make, become like firemen who set fire in order to get the quota. but this is not a new york problem. i live in new orleans. our mayor is trying to pull us out right now saying basically it's too expensive for the city to abide by people's civil rights. >> this is a nationwide problem. the center represented the independent police monitor in new orleans for the purposes of that decent decree. and the new orleans police department is notorious throughout the country for ridiculous -- >> going back to like 1903. >> yeah. back in the day. here the department of justice recognizes there is a problem. everybody sits around the table. all the sudden the city decides this is too expensive. we're going to pull out. this is happening in new york as well. h an inspector general piece and
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mayor bloomberg says i'm going to fight that to the hill. they need to stop fighting the constitutional policing. they were race riots and police shootings and 15 lawsuits back in the bay in cincinnati. they pulled together the police department, the police union. the community members to come up with a solution, they're policinging much, much smarter. that's what we need to be thinking about in new york as well. >> i want to go to "the new york times" column that you wrote. i want to point out how much this is not about crime. let me quote you to you. i was stunned and scared and then i was on the ground. i could feel a policeman's hand
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look through my wallet. he found my i.d. that i kept there. happy birthday, he said, sarcastically. make you feel good about your government? about your policing? about your sense of citizenship in this city? >> certainly not. it happened on 96th street. i felt like i didn't belong in the neighborhood because of that experience. it was a lot to take in. and i think one thing is it's not just a minor inconvenience. sop of these stops are very hostile. it's disheartening. >> and if you had reacted differently, right? if you react differently you can die. >> yes, possibly. yes. >> i mean, we see it happen over and over again. young men losing their lives. if you're pulled over and stopped on a day and you're going to comply. if you're pulled over when you
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had a bad day, people can lose their lives. >> people have. >> and parents teach their kids different things. >> my mother bought me the little black book when i was growing up to show me how to survive a confrontation with a police. i had more conversations about police officers than i did about the crime in the community. that's wrong. i also want to mention the inspector general bill is a bill i cosponsored that is part of a larger community safety act. we've reached good places, but we're still pushing much harder on profiling. so the negotiations are done. but again, anything we believe is better commissioning the mayor and commissioner are pushing back. i know you had dr. mohammed on here. i coach on the city council. and he always makes sure that we mention that this crime is not new. even though the complexion is. as a nation we know what to do.
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so when the complexion was different, we needed new jobs and education. but then all the sudden they are victims of their own self destruction. the same statistics can't be used to put a community center like i don't have within two or three miles. they can only be used to send police. when we talk about gun violence on a mass scale, i see people shooting congressmen, shooting children, they talk about mental health. when we bring up the mental health of our children, we're a deploy police, right, and then we wonder why we end up with the results that we do. let me ask you one last question, our last few seconds here. how does film and the arts, how does it help us to make -- this little black book if you grow up in black communities, but how do we make this knowledge available to a broader audience so people understand how destructive it is? >> one of the things as is here, you know, a lot of people when we were talking about earlier, a lot of people haven't experienced this. a lot of people in new york city have not experienced this. one of the things we set out to
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do when we started making that video, the first one i made that had the first ever released audio of an actual stop where a kid was harassed and roughed up by the police, threatened with arrest and they threatened him with violence, we wanted to put that out there bass we wanted people to understand what it was like. >> just to understand how deeply problematic it is. thank you so much. we are going to be watching the case at every second. up next, it's the best paint job that we have seen this week. our foot soldier. that honey nuts has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. accomplishing even little things can become major victories. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. when i was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel for my pain and stiffness, and to help stop joint damage. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections.
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our foot soldier this week is aaron jackson. he is the founder and president of the nonprofit organization planning peace. aaron's group has been active around the world for eight years now opening orphanages in haiti and in india, planting trees in the rainforests of south america and launching a health program to help children in developing
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nations. for all these reasons aaron jackson could be a foot soldier, but the reason he caught our attention this week is because of this house. it may seem like a plain, unassuming house that could be anywhere in the country, but this house is in topeka, kansas, and has some infamous neighbors. across the street from this little house is the westboro baptist church. you know that group that's known for picketing military funerals with hateful signs attacking fallen gay soldiers. aaron decided to use westboro's tactics against them but not in a way that makes war, but rather in a way that generates peace. he bought that little house and decided to paint it in the rainbow colors of the gay pride flag, and dubbed it the equality house. the process has been in the works for about a year now from buying the house and planning and then finding the right day to rainbow coat it. the right day was this past deuce when professionals came in and painted the house in technicolor.
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the response from the ghunt has been overwhelmingly positive causing traffic jams on the small topeka street. gifts and kind words are delivered to aaron and his team worldwide. one neighbor told him he loves the house. not only because of the powerful message it sends but because he just finds it pretty. aaron's goal is a simple one. to show the world that where there is hate, there is also love. aaron and planting peace intend to use the publicity and funds that they are receiving from this house to bolster existing anti-bullying campaigns and to eventually create their own anti-bullying initiatives. for showing us all the best way to fight hate is always with love and a little rainbow magic, aaron jackson is our foot soldier of the week. please go and reed our interview with aaron and check out our site at
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that's our show for today. i'll see you tomorrow to talk about the supreme court case, doma, and prop 8. all that on mph tomorrow. coming up "weekends with alex witt." is saving money better than not saving money? [ kids ] yeah! ok. if you saved enough money, what would you do with it? i would buy an island made out of candy. an island made out of candy? it would be like sand full of sugar. sand full of sugar? the water could be made out of like soda, and when you take a shower it could be made out of like hot fudge. ooooo. what about the animals? what would they be made out of? um, i'm assuming they'd be made out of candy? [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. saving is better. switch to at&t and your family can save up to 100 dollars a month with mobile share. ♪


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