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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  March 27, 2013 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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yesterday. but in moments they'll hear arguments on the defense of marriage act. the central question in this case, are same-sex couples who are married entitled to federal benefits. it's a rematch with the same two guys who made the arguments in the health care case. solicitor general donald verrilli and paul clement will represent house republicans who are defending this law. yesterday the justices seemed reluctant to make any sweeping decision. >> you want us to step in and render a decision based on an assessment of the effects of this institution which is newer than cell phones or the internet? we are not -- we do not have the ability to see the future. >> maureen dowd's piece in the "new york times" is entitled "courting cowardice." the court is plenty bold imposing bad decisions on the country like anointing w.
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president or allowing unlimited money to flow covertly into campaigns, but given a chance to make bold decisions putting them on the right and popular side of history, they squirm. i want to bring in chris fratea and ruth marcus. good morning. >> good morning. >> the case was about edith windsor, they were together for 40 years, after her partner died, she got a tax bill of $360,000. if she were a surviving spouse, she wouldn't have to pay that. what's your take on this case today? >> we are seeing the fight over whether or not folks are entitled to benefits. that's a much smaller fight than we had yesterday when we were looking at proposition 8 in california. only nine states and the
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district of columbia nrecognize same-sex marriage. a lot of what folks focused on yesterday is there standing on this case? what's the broad implication for same-sex marriages? much narrower today going forward. i would caution folks as they watch the arguments not to read too much into what they say. health care reform years ago, folks were saying it's doomed. the obama administration looks like they're in peril, only for the supreme court to uphold it. i would be careful watching this today and stay very focused on that question about benefits on the federal level. >> i felt one of the interesting things going into this ruth, we talked about how or if public opinion would influence the supreme court. on day marriage we have seen the change in public opinion. it almost feels like they were messaging the exact opposite. they seemed to be concerned about moving too fast. >> that's a reasonable concern
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if you're the court. people have talked about whether the court moved too fast, for example, in the abortion decision, when the court in 1967 finally said it was unconstitutional for virginia and other states to have rules against interracial marriage. it was after waiting for a number of years and kind of putting off that decision as -- while a number of states change their laws and sort of public opinion caught up with it. i thought yesterday's arguments were really fascinating. not just for getting a glimpse -- and it is dangerous, you get insight for not just getting a glimpse of where justices may be going, but also in terms of how dramatically the debate over gay rights has shifted. you had the lawyer defending prop 8 arguing that california should be able to prohibit same-sex marriage, saying also that he couldn't see any justification for government denying benefits on the basis of
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sexual orientation or otherwise discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. i was wondering, gee, what would he do if he were in paul clement's shoes today defending the defense of marriage act saying, no, no, no we'll let the federal government trump what the state believes marriage should be and discriminate. >> let me bring in randy barnett, georgetown law professor who teaches constitutional law. good morning. >> good morning. >> i'm wondering what you took away from the arguments yesterday, is there anything in there that would give, you think, a clue about what we might hear today? >> not really. i have to say, maybe if i were in the court i would have had a better sense of how they were going rather than just listening to the audio. frankly people who's opinion who i respect who were in the court didn't have a firm judgment which way the court was going. we really have no idea. >> let me play a clip a lot of people talked about from justice kennedy. >> the problem -- the problem
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with the case is that you're really asking particularly because of the socialogical evidence you cite, for us to go into unchartered waters. i wonder if the case was properly granted. >> was there any clue in that? >> justice kennedy said things that were sympathetic with all sides, including then the middle. he was pretty shrewd, actually, with all the different conflicting sentiments he expressed. no way to tell. >> the potential impact of defense of marriage as chris was just saying is somewhat smaller, even if the court decides the law is unconstitutional, the only states impacted are the ones who approved same-sex marriage. what will you be listening for today when we get the audio clips? >> i don't think this will be a case about benefits today. i think it will be a case about power. the amicas grief i filed said
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this is a mat their should be left to the states and the federal government has no function of defining marriage. but paul clement will argue when it comes to dispensing federal benefits, the government can title the benefits any way it wants to. i think you will hear a lot about powers today. that you didn't hear about yesterday. >> give us your argument what argument would you make if you were standing in front of the justices? >> i just made it, which is that marriage has been traditionally regulated state by state, the federal government passed a bill called the defense of marriage act. who are they defending marriage against? they're defending marriage against states who authorized same-sex marriage. that's not the role of the federal government to be interfering with how states do their job. >> randy barnett from georgetown law, thank you very much. i want to talk about the changing political landscape here. it seems like every day we're seeing more and more democrats come out in support of same-sex
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marriage. john tester is the latest. he just won re-election, so did claire mccaskill. are they coming out now, chris, because it's safe? >> i think so. when you look at the democrats, about ten democrats have not come out for same-sex marriage. when you look at that list, about five of them are in cycle, they're up for re-election in 2014. so they'll continue to play it safe. the folks who have come out, guys like jay rockefeller, from the republican state of west virginia, is retiring. claire mccaskill is making a bet that on six more years that they will be even more in favor of same-sex marriage. so some are playing it safe, and those up for re-election are keeping quieter on that front. >> that point, ruth, the huffington post had a live of democrat democrats who were silent. joe manchin not only opposes
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same-sex marriage, he backs doma. is there anyone you can think of who has been politically grave on this situation? i guess maybe rob portman. >> yes, from the other party. >> yeah. >> look, it is -- senator portman, by the way, deserves an enormous amount of credit. his son will wrote a terrific op-ed for the yale daily news about his father and the announcement. it's remarkable that eight years ago it was unthinkable for the democratic presidential candidates to come now the favor of gay marriage. now it will be a democratic presidential candidate litmus test. at the same time senators are elected by their states, there is a huge regional difference in support for same-sex marriage. so i don't think we can expect a ton of political bravery on this, but i think that from my point of view we should celebrate the enormous
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transformation in the political landscape and the fact that i think now people are coming out in support of same-sex marriage, because they don't want to be asked why they were so late to the game. tfrnl >> it was interesting this morning -- an we're always groggy when we go into the morning meeting because it's 5:30, but what woke everybody up was an argument among my team about this issue of evolving, and do people really evolve, was bill clinton ever really against gay marriage. i want to play a clip for you from "morning joe". >> i have never seen an issue that moved so quickly. i think in large part it's because of our kids. two years ago when i signed the civil union legislation in delaware, 600 people showed up. it was the most emotional bill signing people said they saw in 40 years. when i got home, i told both my kids, i told them what happened. they said you got to be kidding. this is such a big deal in this age? they think this is the way it
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is, the way it's all been and the way it should always be. >> in fact, kids don't think this is a big deal. the average age of the supreme court justices is 67. you wonder how that plays into all of this. >> certainly it's a completely different generation. part of what democrats are smart to do as ruth said, they're positioning themselves as a litmus test to be for same-sex marriage, that's to get that huge youth vote that obama energized, turned out, and the next candidate who will be able to do that will have a leg up. i think that's why we've seen the changes that this younger generation is coming of age, giving voice to this and playing in their states -- >> will they vote on this? >> i think some will. particularly for younger voters, it will be the kind of single issue that might energize them along with economics and jobs. >> don't know if you've seen this ruth, but people have written about it, i had to be told about it by the younger members of my team. there's a lot of social media activity on this. you don't have to look further
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than facebook and twitter. they have taken on the human rights campaigns red equality sign and at 4:00 yesterday, this had been seen by over 9 million people, shared 77,000 times. it's the pro file picture for george takai and martin o'malley. it points to the fact this this has become something that is really taken fire. but i guess i go back to the question i just asked chris. does it take fire to the point where people vote on this? >> i think the question was does it matter to young people. it's not that it matters that they're opposed to people who support day marriagay marriage,s that gay marriage has become a litmus test, not just for gay voters, but i have teenage daughter's, this is their litmus test to know whether a candidate shares their values.
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>> do they throw their hands up and don't get it? they don't get what the debate is about? >> i think they're actually -- i shouldn't probably speak for them because i will really get in mommy trouble, it's spring break and they're still sleeping, so i'm safe. girls, get up. i think they find it actually maddening that anybody -- that they have gay friends, they have friends who have gay parents. it's just a no-brainer for them. for most -- they're not out of the mainstream. 81% support among people under 30, majority support among republicans under age 49, times are changing. >> they are, indeed. the first argument should be getting underway two hours today instead of one. and then we'll be watching for the lawyers to come out of court. ruth marcus, chris frates, thank you very much. >> thanks. president obama has
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appointed the first woman ever to lead the secret service. here name is julia pearson, she's a 30-year veteran of the service and currently chief of staff. the appointment does not need senate confirmation. th she will take over for mark sullivan. ss because if stuff is not le-- if there is more less stuff then you might want to have some more and your parents just don't let you because there's only a little bit. right. we want more, we want more. like you really like it, you want more. right. i follow you. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. more is better. and at&t has the nation's largest 4g network. ♪
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this afternoon the president is doing two interviews with spanish language stations. he will, we expect, talk about immigration reform. he has laid back to some extent while congress tries to hash out its own immigration bills. earlier this week he said it's about getting the political courage to do what's right. >> i expect a bill to be put forward. a debate to begin next month. i want to sign that bill into
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law as soon as possible. i want to bring in congressman john yarmuth from kentucky. good morning. >> good morning. >> where is your group now? where do you stand? >> i think we're close to coming forward with a package of very important commonsense reform proposals. we have really resolved all of the truly contentious issues, now it's a lot of detail work. some loose ends. >> what were the contentious issues that were tough to come to an agreement on? >> of course, what you do with the 11 million undocumented immigrants who are in the country, that's number one. certainly employer enforcement is another issue we deal with. making sure that both -- there's a way to make sure that employers hire only legal residents and also that -- that there's a proper way to determine who is legal and who's
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not. those are two. border security is another one. and what do you do with guest workers? how do you make sure for instance our agricultural community has the workers needed. >> you ticked off some of the reasons that there has been disagreement. we know today four senators from the gang of eight will tour the border, mccain, schumer, flake, bennett. and at a town hall meeting on monday, mccain basically said to the crowd i can't guarantee anything. let me play that. >> i don't know if we can achieve agreement or not. we've been working literally night and day. >> is this a race to see who can get legislation first? what's going on here? >> not really, but i think one of the things that we're dealing with is the issue of making sure that house republicans who are in majority are comfortable with whatever package comes to the floor of the house. you know, just kind of the sensitivity is would house
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republicans be open to a bill that comes from a democratic controlled senate or from a democratic president? and that's why we kind of think our effort is most important because if we can get one through the house, i think the odds of getting it signed into law improve a lot. >> are you talking to the senate side, though? >> our members are talking to the senators as well. >> we know big labor and big business have been a stumbling block for the senate group. did you find the same thing? have you spoken with them about that in particular? >> what's interesting about this, this process, is that both labor and management have a very vested interest in getting something done. i mean, the employers want to make sure they have an adequate work force. the business community wants to make sure they have the skilled workers that they need, and we deal with that issue. of course the farm workers wanted to make sure that their workers are treated fairly and humanly and are paid a -- a
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living wage. so, both sides have a very, very substantial interest in getting something done. while there's not total agreement by any stretch of the imagination, there is common motivation. >> it sounds like you're somewhat optimistic? >> i'm very optimistic. again, in our group, everybody is committed to getting this done. we know we have to deal with the immigration issue, and this is the best opportunity we've had in generations really. so we're very encouraged and the spirit of bipartisanship and working towards a common goal is strong. i wish we could do this in every area of our business. >> let me ask you, before i let you go, about one of your constituents or a friend of yours, ashley judd. she went before a group last night and said, i think she might have said this before, but it's a funny joke. they said her mom can't wait to turn her garage into a campaign headquarters. what has she told you? will she run against mitch
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mcconnell? >> i think she's close to making a decision. i know this is something that excites her, the prospect of running, the prospect of serving in the united states senate. i know she's looking forward to traveling the commonwealth. i don't think she's made a time decision yet, but i think it's very, very close. >> congressman john yarmuth, always good to see you. >> thank you. for the first time former cia director david petraeus is offering a public apology for the sex scandal that led to his resignation last september. he took his first step back into the public spotlight last night at a dinner honoring veterans and rotc members. >> i join you keenly aware that i am regarded in a different light now than i was a year ago. so please allow me to begin my remarks this evening by reiterating how deeply i regret and apologize for the circumstances that led to my resignation from the cia and
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for more information including cost support options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit a third member of the military's s.e.a.l. team 6 is talking about the night they took out osama bin laden. a s.e.a.l. identified as the shooter said bin laden reached for a gun, but now it's said bin laden was unarmed. congressman todd aiken's controversial comments about rape are the basis for tonight's ripped from the headlines "law and order svu's" episode. aiken's comments inspired this. >> it's nearly impossible for a victim of legitimate rape to
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become pregnant. >> a mother to be fights back in an episode you'll never forget. >> the ad caught the eye of aiken's former political rival senator claire mccaskill who tweeted this is surreal. chris christie says prince harry will not get caught in more compromising photos during next month's trip stateside. the prince plans to tour hurricane ravaged parts of new jersey, and christie joked he's on chaperone duty. >> i'll be spending the entire day with prince harry. believe me, nobody will get naked if i'm spending the entire day with him. >> former president george w. bush and his wife laura front and center last night to watch the baylor women's basketball team advance to the sweet 16. the pair stopped by the locker room for pregame pictures before taking their seats against school president ken starr. if you read only one thing
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this morning on day two of the supreme court's day marriage arguments, the "los angeles times" asks a very interesting question "where in the world is gay marriage legal or not? is it okay, for example, in russia? france? malaysia? it's my must-read and it's up on our facebook at facebook/jansingco. wer bristles reach between teeth to remove up to 76% more plaque than sonic in hard to reach areas. oral-b deep sweep 5000 power brush. we create easy to use, powerful trading tools for all. look at these streaming charts! they're totally customizable and they let you visualize what might happen next. that's genius! strategies, chains, positions. we put 'em all on one screen! could we make placing a trade any easier? mmmm...could we? open an account today and get a free 13-month e ibd™ subscription when you call 1-888-280-0157 now. optionsxpress by charles schwab.
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banned most abortions after 12 weeks, and virginia bans abortion coverage under the new health care exchange coverage. i want to bring in jill zuckman, and republican strategist for speakers has tef s hahastert, j. though the likelihood of this measure surviving a court challenge remains in question, this bill is nevertheless a legitimate attempt by the state legislature to discover the boundaries of roe versus wade, that's from jack dalrymple. are they looking basically to see how far they can push this, jill? >> i think that's right, chris. they're tossing it out there to see what happens. these are true believers, but it doesn't make the rest of the pro-life or anti abortion movement very happy because they have a definite legal strategy and it doesn't involve putting
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out cases that will almost certainly be struck down and then you'll wind up reinforcing roe versus wade. >> we looked at the numbers from naral, 425 bills they are tracking now. 209 of them, it would limit abortions. what's the strategy? >> well, i think jill has got it exactly right. some parts of the pro life movement are not at all happy with the progress made on overturning roe versus wade. so they are trying to see what is permissible, trying to test the court. other parts like the catholic church and other parts of the pro life movement think this could be overreaching. there's this jousting within the movement about how -- what is the best way to approach the e roe v. wade and can this be overturned with the roberts court. they're taking that areas and trying to move it forward.
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it's interesting for those who follow first read from our political unit here. they made this case, when the economy is doing poorly, obviously people are looking at issues like jobs. but when the economy is doing better and we have, obviously, a stock market that is doing very well, some other economic indicators that are on the way up, then suddenly it switches to things like social issues. jill what do you think the implications are for maybe the 2014 congressional races if these kinds of bills on a state by state level continue to pop up? >> chris, i think that nothing could be worse for the republican party than to be talking about abortion. we saw from the last election that these social issues whether it was birth control or abortion or rape, all it served to do was turn off the mainstream of the electorate, to turn off women voters who are critical to victory. it's not helpful. i bet you anything that my friend john feehery would rather
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be talking about taxes today than about abortion. >> would you, john? we just saw -- i don't know if you guys were plugged in yet, but "law & order svu" is doing something on a takeoff on the whole todd aiken comment and legitimate rape, those kinds of things. we saw the impact it had in 2014. what do you think about the impact in 2016 and maybe even the presidential contest? >> i would agree and disagree with my friend jill. i agree with her, i would rather be talking about taxes, that's something i like to talk about. but i disagree slightly. in 2014, i think republicans -- because of redistricting, they are in good shape especially on the house side of maintaining control. i think this has implications in 2016. in 2016 presidential election i think republicans are much better off talking about presidential or economic issues than they are talking about these social issues, though, you know, we'll see what happens. that's a long way off.
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2014, though, i think because of the composition -- and if you look in the senate elections, much more red states, i think the social issues tend to help in red states for republicans. >> that's a very interesting point. very different when you're look at the house and senate, jill. one of the things we've been talking about with the gay marriage debates is that you still have ten democratic senators who have to the come out firmly in support of gay marriage. does this abortion issue potentially hold some land mines for democrats who are trying to get re-elected? >> let's look at this last election. in missouri and indiana two states that were supposed to go red for senate candidates ended up going blue because of these social issues that turned off so many women voters. so, i mean, that was a big surprise to a lot of people. i think it is hard to know exactly -- you can't necessarily predict just because a state is a certain way that these issues
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are not going to boomerang in a way that is negative for republican candidates. >> can i just jump in real quick? joe donnelly was pro life in indiana. that wasn't the issue in indiana missouri, the mccaskill ran against a candidate who was so significantly flawed, that's the reason she won. >> but the issue was rape, and it was a turnoff to rem votewom voters. >> thank you. today we will get our first look at 2,070 records from the 2011 shooting that wounded former congresswoman gabrielle giffords. the documents include interviews with other witnesses and police reports. they could provide insight into what happened in tucson, arizona that day. the fbi looking into the death of a 64-year-old virginia woman who was on board a royal caribbean cruise. the company said the woman's husband found her body sunday
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inside her cabin on the enchantment of the seasment investigators are calling the death suspicious. an autopsy is underway. disneyland will play a paraplegic $8,000 who got stuck on the small ride ride. the ride stopped in the tunnel with music blaring and ride attendants say they couldn't move him out. a disneyland spokesperson said the resort believes it provided the appropriate assistant and is disappointed by the decision. watch the left side of your screen, something frightening caught on camera for firefighters in dayton, ohio. they were on the scene of a car accident yesterday when a truck lost control on snowy roads and slammed into cam tin barry crone. and in china, a car hit a lamp post, knocking it into a bus, knocking the driver from
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his seat, the driver still managed to slow the bus down despite a ruptured spleen. a 17-year-old says mark zuckerberg and bill gates have been his inspiration as he developed that app has made him a multimillionaire. yahoo! bought his app for $30 million. on "today" he talked about whether that money would change him. >> my motivation was never about the money, but about the technology and product. i don't think going forward it will feel that different. when i was 15, i released a demo of the app, and a hong kong billionaire reached out to me. we had a phone call where they didn't know my age. at the end of the phone call they were like when should we meet, we'll fly to london, and i was like before or after school? >> nick says he can't touch the money now, it's in a trust fund that he will be managing along with his parents. a new study shows health insurers will see a 30% jump in
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their costs under obama care. the big question, if health insurers have to may more what does it mean in terms of premiums? >> that's what everybody wants to know. it's kind of difficult to quantify it with a number. there are two scenarios out there. if you're uninsured or you buy your policy directly from an insurance company, this could impact you. if you have an employer plan, chances are that you shouldn't be effected. what the study says is costs will go up because sicker people will join the pool. the reason for that is that insurers can't turn down people with pre-existing conditions anymore. that was as of january 1st. those people are more likely to tax the system, and the bottom line is that the cost of claims is what impacts the premiums. the administration questioning this study, they stand by the case that costs should go down. they say the study doesn't take into account cost relief strategies in the law that will balance out potential increases. >> meantime, if anybody ever
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doubted that old saying sex sells, the publisher of "50 shades of grey" is proving it true. >> 70 million copies have been sold from march through december, that's according to the parent of the book's publisher, which is random house that makes these books random house's fastest selling books ever. the impact so significant that random house's ceo gave every employee a $5,000 thank you bonus that was in december. someone gave me the book. i did read it. i wanted to see what the fuss was about, my take, they should have paid me five grand to read it. it wasn't my cup of tea. >> friends have said to me they didn't think it was particularly well written. >> i would agree. >> thank you. hearing about 17-year-old
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nick delosio who sold his app for that estimated $30 million got us thinking about other innovators. here's our list. at age 18, walter disney started walt disney productions. michael dell was 19 when he started dell corporation. mark zuckerberg, 20, bill gates started at 20, and steve jobs at the ripe old age of 21. i found out how to help. i downloaded the info. i spoke up... and told my friends... and they told their friends... and together, we made a difference. anncr: and tornado relief has been pouring in from... across the country. girl: we might be hundreds of miles apart... but because we're connected, it's like we're all neighbors.
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all right that's a fifth-floor probleok.. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. closing arguments are set today for the bankruptcy eligible trial for stockson, california, one of several cities in the nation dealing with cash crunches. sto stockton has wracked up more than a billion dollars in debt. in detroit, protesters have been
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protesting the takeover of the cash-strapped city, where the governor appointed an emergency manager. and in chicago, teachers and parents are protesting the shutdown of 54 schools to help the city deal with a $1 billion deficit. i want to bring in former governor of pennsylvania, ed rendell. always good to see you, governor. good morning. >> good morning. >> these examples are just the tip of the iceberg, you were also a former mayor in philadelphia and had a bit of a bugtd problem when you took office. why so many now? what's happened? >> it's a combination of things. almost a perfect storm. one, pension liabilities have just skyrocketed because of the number of factors, but cities and counties and states are dealing with skyrocketing pension liabilities. two, the decrease in federal funds. we cut $2.7 trillion out of the federal budget. that's not enough. but we cut it. about 600 of that was revenue
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increases. there's been $2 trillion worth of cuts. a lot of that went into the states budgets, then from the states to the cities themselves. then as the economy worsens, more people in cities become -- fall into poverty and become people who, in fact, need services rather than people who are productive. it's a combination of things. it's very, very difficult for cities. but cities have to make tough choices. when i became mayor we had the largest deficit in terms of percentage of revenue in any city in history. we had to cut programs, renegotiate programs, cut workers, those are contentious things, but it has to be done. >> stockton xem hem ply fis tha perfect storm, they had housing problems, then coverage for life
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for all retirees plus a dependent no matter how long they worked for the city. that's the extreme example, but going forward aren't cities and states going to have to make a choice? aren't there ben fefit packages that will have to be cut? >> yeah, in 2002, philadelphia employees didn't contribute to their health care costs. we changed that. it has to be changed. we have to contribute more to our pensions. so that the pension funds can sustain themselves or go to defined benefits or go away from defined benefits. work rules have to change to be more productive. those are things that cities and particularly unions have to change. there was a big demonstration by municipal unions when mayor
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nutter was put in. they can't be mad at the mayor, he didn't cause those things to occur. city workers, state workers, county workers have to be realistic about pay. >> there's a whole other emotional component to what's going on in chicago. there's been charges of racism. let me play you some sound. >> sure. >> this policy is racist, it's classless, and it's the ultimate bullying job. mayor rahm emanuel should be ashamed of himself. >> it's tough. it's very difficult. but it has to be done so we can achieve the goal that every parent and everybody in the city wants which is a child to have a high quality education. >> it's one thing to say you have to make the tough decisions, i won't get into whether you agree or disagree
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with mayor rahm emanuel, but it seems like there are a lot of people having to make tough decisions, in that political calculation how do you do it? >> i wish the chicago folks could come to philadelphia. our school reform commission just had to close down 29 schools. the same thing. we have too many schools, we have a declining enrollment, we have to be more productive and save money. i've known rahm emanuel for a long time, chris. he's tough, he does strong things, difficult things, but no way, no how ever is rahm emanuel a racist. >> former governor ed rendell, always good to see you. >> thanks, chris. today's tweet of the day from the "washington post" ezra klein. the average person in the u.s. is 37.2 years old. the average piece of infrastructure is 22.1 years old. zap technology.
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departure. hertz gold plus rewards also offers ereturn-- our fastest way to return your car. just note your mileage and zap ! you're outta there ! we'll e-mail your receipt in a flash, too. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. mom? who's mom? i'm the giants mascot. eat up! new jammin jerk chicken soup has tasty pieces of chicken with rice and beans. you know the giants don't have a mascot right mom? [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right.
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the resumes are printed,
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military cards in hand, right now more than 1,000 veterans are exploring job opportunities at a recruitment event. it's part of the hiring our heroes event created by the chamber of commerce in 2011 and supported by nbc universal and our parent company, comcast. richard lui is in new york. richard, you have some people working behind you. are they making hires there? >> they are. the objective is 500,000 jobs through the hiring our heroes program. now in its third anniversary on the main floor they have over 120 employers offering up more than 100 jobs for those that are returning to civilian lifestyle here back in the united states. now, below that main floor where all of those companies are at is this resume workshop. i have about a dozen didn't individuals who have got the assistance that they can provide to those returning and have the resume. like right over here, i have
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sergeant gregory goshfa, he wants to become an administrative assistant or web designer. he is getting advice. we have specialist rob nahman, he would like to become a research assistant. some real examples of assistance that is happening down the line. this is an important transition because even medal of honor recipient dakota myer from 2011 says that transition can be difficult. >> you come out of the military, all of a sudden you get frustrated, we're young, you know, some older vets. but just being successful in the military. we built our whole life in the military, we're successful, we get out in civilian life, now we can't even get a job provide for our family. >> i'm an army wife myself for 15 years. we moved nine times in those 15 years. i was trained as a lawyer. i couldn't get a job or keep a job. it's impossible. to have something for military
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spouses that helps them manage and plan a career with all those moves by people who have walked the walk and get it themselves means a lot. >> chris, i wanted to play that sound from laura democra dempse spousal group, 26% unemployment. so you can see some of the efforts here. >> richard lui, thank you very much. that wraps up this hour of "jansing & co." i'm chris jansing. thomas roberts is up next live from washington, d.c. good morning. >> chris, good morning. i'm coming live from washington, d.c. where it's day two in the supreme court showdown over marriage equality, but justices hearing arguments over whether the federal government has the constitutional right to define marriage between a man and woman. an exclusive with ken mehlman, the former rnc chair who has more than 130 republican signatures. what a difference an election
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makes. republicans make move on ill gra immigration reform. and christine quinn talks about doma on the docket. is sheing did judged differently because she's a woman? ns. ns. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core, building blocks for the heart of your portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. love your passat!
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[ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. hi, everybody, i'm thomas roberts. marriage equality round two topping the agenda we bring you the show from washington, d.c. where the nation's highest court is taking up the defense of marriage act one day after a landmark hearing on california's proposition 8. we're showing you a live picture of the united states supreme court where oral arguments began in the last hour. they are expected to take about two hours with audio then released this afternoon. today's case is listed on the docket as the united states v. w windor.


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