tv Politics Nation MSNBC March 28, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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next november and i want the country to have a fighting chance at getting an opposition leader who understanding that opposition doesn't need to be dumb, mickey mouse. and that's "hardball" for now. "politicsnation" with al sharpton starts right now. thanks, chris, and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, america hasn't forgotten exactly 100 days after the horrific shootings at sandy hook elementary, president obama called out lawmakers for their political cowardness on gun control. and the white house today, the president stood with mothers who had lost their children to gun violence. children like grace mcdonnell from newtown and hiadiya pendleton from chicago.
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we need action now on guns, insisting we won't forget the victims. >> let me tell you, the people here, they don't forget. grace's dad is not forgetting. hadiya's mom hasn't forgotten. the notion that two months or three months after something as horrific as what happened in newtown happens and we've moved on to other things, that's not who we are. that's not who we are. the entire country pledged we would do something about it and this time would be different. shame on us if we've forgotten. i haven't for gotten those kids. shame on us if we've forgotten. >> shame on us if we've
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forgotten. after the speech, the president embraced mothers on the stage, some of whom lost their kids to guns just a few weeks ago. later, the mother of hadiya pendleton talked about why she was pushing to join for gun safety. >> we need to create laws that just implement something that just makes commonsense so that we can protect our children, our family members, our loved ones, and there can be longevity because there's an epidemic working and someone needs to get to work on it. it's time to get to work. >> she is right. it's time to get to work. today we also saw the first tv ad featuring newtown families, making this powerful call for action. >> she just wanted to teach little kids and that was her goal and she died doing it.
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wonderful. >> that was the last i ever saw jesse alive. >> i want to prevent any other family from going what we have gone through. >> don't let the family of newtown fade without doing something real. >> if these mothers and fathers have the courage to overcome their grief, then surely lawmakers can find the political courage to get this done. earlier this week "the washington post" blog identified five red state democratic senators who had refused to say if they supported background checks. as of today, two of them have stepped forward to say yes. it's a start but america needs more. america deserves better. the children of newtown, of chicago, of aurora, they all deserve better and they definitely deserve a vote. joining me now is cleopatra, the
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mother of hadiya and mark glaze, director of mayors against illegal guns. first of all, thank you both for joining me tonight. >> thanks. >> thank you for having me. >> miss cowley, i first spoke to you two days after your daughter's death. let me ask you, how are you doing now and why were you at the white house today? >> well, how am i doing? i mean, i keep waking up so i'm doing as best as i can dealing with the reality that my daughter was in fact or has in fact when murdered and i can never have her back again. i was at the white house today to show my support for voting to help make this a better place. you know, put some laws in place that make sense to protect the
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innocent. >> now, mark, when the president says it will take grassroots activism, let me ask you as you start these ads and have mayors on the ground involved. look at this. >> right now members of congress are back home in their districts and many of them are holding events where they can hear from their con city wentcon city wen. what we're proposing is not radical. it's not taking away anybody's gun rights. it's something that if we are serious we will do now is the time to turn that heartbreak into something real. >> if we are serious this is something we would do. if we get that message from the grassroots on collected officials, mark, can we make
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real change and is that the hope your ad campaign hopes to stimulate? >> absolutely. look, there are not a lot of times that i can think of. in fact, i'm not sure i can think of any time when 90% of the public, after a mass tragedy, felt that they knew what the solution was and we're telling members of congress that they needed to pass it when it didn't happen. so if members of congress think that they can reject something like background checks, which most people already take when they buy a gun at a license dealer but criminals are able to avoid and if you expanded that system, you can save a lot of lives, i think they ignore that and they are going to have a hard time explaining it when the next mass shooting happens because we know it will and when they face the public in november of 14. >> now, miss cowley, when you look at the fact that you and other parents deal with this pain every day -- it's nice when we go to the white house but certainly you would have not have wanted to go under these
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circumstances and when you and others that suffer this every day, when you can see that there are -- there's broad support for at least background checks, 87% republicans, 85% conservatives, 90% voters in the south, 91% voters in the west, 81% gun owners, 90% white evangelicals, you really in the midst of this can at least have the comfort of knowing that hadiya and others have inspired a movement. we can never give your daughter back to you but at least not let what happened to you and what happened to her go in vain? >> correct. i mean, it's a wonderful thing that, you know, there is a movement of sorts, that there are people that see that there are simple things, simple changes that can be made to protect, you know, the masses.
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so, yes, definitely -- it's definitely warming knowing that there are people that have maybe even shifted their views to be in favor of something that is just so small that can be put in place to help. >> now, when we look, mark, at the fact that senator marco rubio has now joined the list of gop senators vowing to filibuster gun bills, rand paul, mike lee, ted cruz, rubio, i mean, what is the -- what could be going through their minds when we're just 100 days out of newtown, when we're seeing people like miss cowley filibustering gun laws when people are dealing with fresh pain from senseless acts of violence? how do we get through the political figures like this? >> well, you know, i think they are living in bygone era.
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if you want to have a shot of winning, you need to do a lot of things for the nra and hope that everybody would forget them by the time you got around to running in a general election. but that was back in a day when the nra had a lot of very intense, very single issue voters that were much more intense than the average family who was concerned about safety but didn't deal with guns every day. those days are wiped away by newtown, by aurora, in addition to the 33 murders that we see every day in what is supposed to be the greatest country on earth and is but we have to deal with this problem. >> i remember, miss cowley, when we first spoke and the pain you showed but you seem to have thrown yourself into this moment and you seem to have really committed yourself to try and make some sense out of what has to be an unbelievable experience. i know you come to new york next week for our national
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convention. how much do you intend to be involved in this gun safety movement that is sweeping the country and trying to influence political figures? >> you know, i'm in it. you know, whatever and however i can extend a hand, i plan to take it to help change the laws to make others safe. you know, what i am experiencing is unreal but it is my life and if i can save someone else's child, i'd love to be involved in that movement. >> mark, quickly, i know that the nra has a robo call to people of connecticut, including newtown. the robocall, let me play it to you quickly. >> despite an outcry of public opposition, antigun legislators are aggressively pursing numerous proposals that are designed to disarm and punish law-eye biding gun owners and
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sports men. >> how insensitive can you be to be giving robocalls in the homes of people who have lost loved ones. i hope it's a contrast to this kind of insensitivity. >> i think so. but if i could have one more message, it would be what hadiya said when she came to washington to be at some events with us and also to sit with the first lady during the state of the union. we were at a press conference and a member of the press asked her what message she had for members of congress and looked out at the crowd and said, you wanted the job. do something. >> wow. that is the words of cleo cowley and mark glaze. thank you for your time tonight. miss cowley, thank you for your courage. we'll be seeing you soon. >> thank you. >> thank you. ahead, president obama vowed to fix massive voting lines and now he's acting. big news tonight in the fight
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for voter rights. and the gop's worst nightmare is coming true. sarah palin is back and she's attacking the establishment. and from losing the culture wars to losing their minds, we're going all in with chris hayes, next. stay with us. [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes.
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have you joined the "politicsnation" conversation on facebook yet? we hope you will. today, everyone was talking about the return of sarah palin and what it could mean for the gop in 2014. daniel says, if they want their party to grow, they better think twice. david says, "pain does only one thing well. she excels in raising money." darryl says, "sarah palin is the
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best thing that ever happened to liberals." coming up, more on the gop's daily problem. but first, we want to know what you think. please head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and "like" us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. [ female announcer ] your smile. like other precious things that start off white, it yellows over time. when it comes to your smile, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest whitestrips whiten as well as $500 professional treatments. guaranteed. crest 3d white whitestrips. and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore.
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prefer the taste of gevalia house blend over the taste of starbucks house blend? not that we like tooting our own horn but... ♪ toot toot. [ male announcer ] find gevalia in the coffee aisle or at our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law. our journey is not complete until we welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who see america as a land of opportunity. >> since he started his second
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term, president obama has been fighting to move forward on his progressive agenda. but on the right, their message is muddled and things just keep falling apart. the right wingers are ripping fox's bill o'reilly for admitting that supporters of gay marriage had a, quote, compelling argument. >> why are you putting down your audience? i thought you stood for the folks. you sound like obama with the clinging to their guns and religion lean. those people in your audience who you put down as bible thumpers. i bet a lot of them feel misled by you. >> wow. you sound like obama? that one must have hurt. some republicans are even predicting these social issues will literally tear the party apart. >> do you see the party ever pivoting or doing a 180 on gay marriage? >> they might. and if they do, they are going to lose a large part of their
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base because evangelicals will take a walk. >> some republicans will take a walk on gay marriage? if they do, they will be walking in reverse. the tides have turned. the country is ready for progress. if this is a new round of culture wars, then republicans are fighting a losing battle. joining me now is chris hayes, host of the new primetime show "all in with chris hayes" starting monday at 8:00 p.m. here o chris, thanks for being here. congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> so do most republicans realize they are on the losing side of these issues? >> i think most republicans -- i think on gay marriage and marriage equality, most republicans realize the movement of the polling and society is going in a different direction than a lot of them are. we haven't achieved majority support amongst republicans in a
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whole for marriage equality, but for the youngest cohurt of republicans we see that. there are two different items in play. you can recognize that you are increasingly a minority in american opinion and still have the plbeliefs you have. if you are firmly committed to the notion that any relationship between a man and a man or a woman and woman is abhorent. >> you can also be a true believer in that and say i defend people's rights to disagree with me and i defend to live other than what i live and sincerely believe is the right way to live? >> i totally agree. but the interesting thing to me, as this i plays out politically, they are making a crass
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pragmatic political calculation which is that the appearance of the party being intolerant and loathesome. there's an emerging generation of younger conservatives who genuinely believe that it's crazy for people to stop them from doing what they want to do. then there's the conservatives who don't like this. the question is, what do they do? in the face of the pressure from these two other forces. >> and then there's a problem, people like senator murkowski, they says her opinion on gay marriage is still evolving. i never get the evolving. i'm always the reinvention. i don't know where you cut the difference because that's another segment. let me play senator murkowski's statement. >> i think you are seeing a change in attitude, a change in
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tolerance, i guess, and an acceptance that what marriage should truly be about is a lasting, loving, committed relationship with respect to the individual. >> being very cautious, going there but not really getting there. senator bob portman is still the only republican in the senate who is actually endorsed gay marriage. >> yeah. >> compared to 46 democrats, isn't it clear who is on the right side here? >> oh, yeah. the partisan lines here could not be clearer. we know as of this moment there are two coalitions in american political life. one is increasingly uniformly in favor of marriage equality and one is mostly against marriage equality. so this does breakdown among partisan lines. again, it's very interesting to me that she is being as careful as she is but she's still trying to step out of it and i think what you're seeing is the same thing is happening on immigration, which is the elites
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of the republican party recognize that there's a political price that they are paying for their views on this issue and they are trying to bring along their base on this issue and it's a real question, it's an open question i don't know the answer to, in whether they can succeed at doing that in turning those people away from the polls, essentially. >> now, this morning on fox, michelle weighed in on the immigration debate. watch this. >> if you really believe in border security and are telling people that you don't want to talk about amnesty until the border is security, why don't you shut up about illegal amnesty and make sure that the border is secure. >> these are the people that still get the microphone for the gop. i mean, how can they be so removed from the opinions of their own voters? >> well, i think there's a small contingent, a small but
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ferocious contingents that are driven by politics that views illegals, as they call them, as this huge threat to the american way of life. what is fascinating that the entire infrastructure has been dormant so far. we're seeing something similar to marriage equality, which is that the sfuinstitutions so far have not started doing what they did the last time around. >> when you look at the facts that we're arguing immigration, we're arguing gay rights and same-sex marriage, we're arguing voter rights, affirmative action, i mean, who would believe all of these issues are still couldnntroversial with so republicans? >> and if you go all the way back to mix son, the rights approach to american culture has been resentment in its many iterations and what you are
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seeing and they recognize that there is a diminishing return to you will a of these battles that they had been on the winning side, if not morally, for decades and decades and decades. it's going to provoke something close to a crisis in the republican party about how they go about winning voters if they don't have this tool kit that they've been relying on. >> i took time out to buy you a gift to congratulate you and -- >> last time it was an alarm clock. >> to welcome you to primetime at night. i want you to know that i took pains to personally buy you a gift. it is a blueberry pie because you're going to, as you take over at 8:00, going to have to deal with a lot of republicans and have a pie so that they will -- >> i'll keep it on the desk. >> and then have a napkin to wipe it off your mouth. >> i'll be very careful when i eat it. >> catch chris the 8:00 on "all
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what's your policy? that's the sound nobody wants to hear when they are parking their car. it means you're in trouble. we've learned that one congressman thinks that parking rules are for the little people. politico reports that lou louie gohmert parked his car reserved for the park service. he took the ticket off his windshield and placed it on a police car along with his business card and told an officer, i'm going to a meeting on the hill and i'm the one who oversees the national park services natural resources. now, lawmakers can park in any open curb space when they are on official business but police told politico that wouldn't
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apply in this case and what was gohmert's official business? he was having dinner with his stepsister and her husband and decided to drive them to lincoln memorial sightseeing. how is that official business? police also said that gohmert was rude and irate. he was ranting. louie gohmert rude and ranting? that's tough to imagine. >> that's what repeal of don't ask, don't tell does. it says, i have to be overt. >> tell me one person, one terror baby that's been born. can you tell me? >> the explosions won't happen for 10, 20 years. >> this is a massive beginning of a new ottoman empire that president obama can take great credit for. >> you are attacking the messenger. >> and we wasn't to eliminate the word lunatic from the federal code? >> huh?
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i'm sure he's cool with the cops but what does he think about lawmakers who try to bend the rules? >> certainly they are not above the law here in congress. >> that's right. nobody's above the law. did congressman gohmert think we wouldn't point out his hypocrisy? nice try, but we've got you. doris taerbaum finished her first marathon at 50. not everyone peaks in their twenties. throughout their lives. passion keeps them realizing possibilities. an ally for real possibilities. aarp. find tools and support at
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expedia. find yours. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. ever wake up from a nightmare that felt a little too real? that's how republicans woke up this morning. no, it wasn't about hillary cloent victory in 2016. and, no, it wasn't about joe biden either. it was about her. >> you betcha. yes. yes. >> unfortunately, for republicans, this nightmare is their reality. sarah palin is back. she's commanding the spotlight
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and hammering the gop establishment in a new ad called loaded forebear. >> >> don't let them scare you off. >> when somebody is going to hold congress and republicans accountable, it's going to be sarah palin. >> they talk about rebranding the gop instead of restoring the trust of the american people. >> they talk about rebranding a direction shot at the establishment trying to change the party and there is more. >> now is the time to furlough the consultants and tune out the pollsters and toss the political scripts. >> she does things differently. >> she sure does. >> the next election is 20 months away. the last thing we need is
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washington, d.c., vetting our candidates. >> i would not be in the u.s. senate today if it were not for sarah palin. >> listen to that mama growl. sheets not backing down and she's giving the party night marys. let's bring in angela and ryan grim. thank you for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> ryan, she's back in a big way. how will the establishment and the gop handle this? >> you know, it's just a strange, strange thing for her to be doing. as you're watching that clip, you have to remind yourself, this is paid for by sarah palin's pack. she's raising money to produce a campaign video like this but hasn't held elected office for run for anything since she quit as governor. so it's just weird. what is is she doing? why is she producing this
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campaign-style web video? she points out that it's 20 months before an election. but what election? is she going to run for something? i think she has no idea what her place is in politics right now. she's just kind of out in the wind right now. she always defines herself for those that she's opposed to. first it was liberals and now it's karl rove and so i guess good luck to them. >> you know, angela, some powerful conservatives, though, dobt right her off. john mccain says there are many candidates who request the campaign for them. kelly ayotte says she still has an ability to ignite activists. it's not the last of her. newt gingrich says she still has a significant base.
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she could sustain national impact. so if you've got these leading conservatives still saying she's got a little power to her porch, they can't ignore her. >> no, they can't ignore her. and some of them are talking because they are fearful. they are not quite sure what to expect. it's interesting, because i know ryan just mentioned, for example, her strongest thing for karl rove. her record looks similar to his 2012 efforts. the return of super pac. sarah palin has a ill faed record as governor of alaska. she has an epic fail, rather, for the 2008 campaign with senator mccain and then you also have her now with a failure at fox news. so i'm not quite sure why people on the right continue to give platforms to people who don't succeed in their night jobs or day jobs or anything in between. she did well with her big gulp. perhaps she should do that if
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this is going to be for entertainment value, the only people celebrating are seen na fay and tina fey fans. >> and liberals would like to see her out there dividing and playing up the party. but ryan, her ad that she puts out says that she has power with i can approximating candidates. watch this. >> she can be ee fk tif. >> sarah palin jumped in early and supported rand paul. she supported marco rubio. nikki haley, pat too many zee he's probably going to win this thing thanks to sarah palin. >> she dominated one more time. >> this is a problem for the gop. >> that's right. because she also, for instance, picked christine o'donnell and there's a senator out of delaware and because of hr
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involvement in primaries there, too. so it's a huge problem for -- she can still, like they said, ril up the conservative base and maybe we'll be able to get ourselves in the sarah palin commercial. it's true. there is a segment of the republican party that she can power up. and the gop had an interesting terminology for some of the problems with that base and i think they refer to it as ethrocentric attitudes. it turns off a lot of the rest of the country. so to the extent that they can suppress that, they would do better. sarah palin rils it up. >> angela, the gop is talking about rebranding and reaching out to a wider audience but this
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week sarah palin showed up at a basketball game wearing a krik fillet t-shirt, the same week she's wearing the t-shirt the same week that p boss the boss came out opposing same-sex marriage. the party wants to move forward but with stunts like this, it seems like she's intentionally trying to hold them back. >> well, not obama is she holding them back whether it's directly or indirectly, we saw the same type of sarah palin shenanigans. we saw her referencing her guns and poking fun at it when we're still dealing with the fallout from newtown and the disastrous gun violence that has stricken communities.
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yes, sarah palin is creating herself as a king maker, queen maker all over the land but we really need to look at the serious impacts of what it means to have a sarah palin relevant in today's politics. we really can't afford to have it. >> well, they can't afford to have it more than we can. but we'll be watching. angela and ryan, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you, rev. ahead, the ugly and offensive talking about the first family. it needs to stop. and big news tonight on voting rights. the president is taking action. stay with us. first kid
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they know what works. luvs lock away wetness better than huggies for a fraction of the cost live, learn, & get luvs. today the law that silences voices of detroit went into effect. the emergency manager law signed by governor rick snyder last december. michigan voters rejected it last november but snyder didn't care and state republicans rushed a bill through anyway. this is not how democracy works. we have a manager overpowering the city's elected officials and the threat is to everyone in this nation. i joined civil rights leaders in detroit today protesting the law and added my name to a federal lawsuit against snyder and his law. our message is clear, this is
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about the will of the people. >> this is a local issue but a national struggle. what governor snyder has done is nullify the voters of this city. and posed his own will, something that martin luther king spoke against 50 years ago this year. the people don't have enough intelligence to govern themselves and so i will act for them. it was a walk to file the lawsuit. >> amen. >> you haven't seen a marge yet. you will. >> you will see us march and we won't stop fighting for the people.
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gave the specific location of where president obama's daughters are vacationing for spring break. as you can see, we blocked out that information on the screen. this is sleazy and reckless and it ignores the decade's old tradition what media outlets do not report on a president's minor children when they are not attending an official or semi-official event. it's done for security reasons. it's done to protect their privacy. but that hasn't stopped one tea party congressman steve king from jumping on the story. he blasted the president for letting his kids go on spring break while the country is dealing with automatic budget cuts. >> we've got the president doing these things. he sent the daughters to spring break in mexico a year ago. that was at our expense, too. and now to, one of the most expensive places there.
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that is the wrong image to be coming out of the white house. >> no, congressman, you're wrong to be talking about this. it's offensive, ugly, and needs to stop. joining me now is salon's joan walsh and co-host of the cycle, author of a brand new book, "i would die for you," why prince became an icon. thank you both for coming on the show this evening. >> thanks, rev. >> joan, what's the motivation behind the right bringing in the first daughters into this? >> well, you know, they have a lot of motivations and it's not the first time that they've done it. i think you and i talked about it before when the nra ran a ridiculous ad claiming that the obama girls got police protection, armed guards and other school children didn't, ignoring the fact that children of the president always have armed guards. they are in a certain amount of danger because of who they are.
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that was one time. you know, now we have this situation where, as you said, for decades it's been a convection of journalism that you don't write about the minor children of a president unless they are involved in an official capacity. you don't locate them. you don't say the specific hotel where they are staying and the breitbart just touted that convention because they said they shouldn't be on vacation while going through a sequester. again, this points out the way that there seems to be a double standard, a very different standard for this particular first family. when the customary things that other first lafamilies do, they take vacations during wars and recessions are suddenly questioned. >> toure, this isn't the first time that the obama girls have been in the right spotlight. the nra used them in an ad. >> yes. >> and wayne lapierre defended the move.
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listen to this. >> mr. lapierre, do you regret putting up that ad? >> the point of that ad was this. it wasn't picking on the president's kids. >> it mentions them. >> the president's kids are safe and we are all thankful for it. the point of that ad -- >> they also face a threat that most people don't threat. >> tell that to the people in newtown. >> do you think the president's children are in the same target as other children in america? that's ridiculous and you know it, sir. >> amen to chris wallace there. keeping it real with wayne lapierre. look, one thing i've noticed is the president is living like a sultan and michelle obama runs away from a reporter and starts shouting benghazi, benghazi. but it goes back to this upity negro and -- >> or living off of the --
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>> living off of public assistance. this is sort of a high-level welfare queen sort of situation. any time you give black people a little bit, they are going to be lazy, which we've heard, not real americans, hardworking, and living it up on our dime. hannity keeps talking about how they keep going to different places. george bush took a month off but hannity said but he kept going to his house. >> they always accuse the obama family of being entitled. listen to this. >> and this is a lifestyle that is one of excess. now we find out that there are five chefs on air force one. >> there she is in her one shoulder coturre clumping around the beach side in her designer
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sh shoes. >> you did see the dress she was wearing when she toured the oil spill? >> we don't like paying millions of dollars from mrs. obama's vacations. that's a little bit of a waste it's an uppity-ism. >> did i hear that? >> yes. >> like how dare they try to be classy and forget all of the j. crew that she's worn, the american designers who she's tried to push forward. forget all of that. here i don't even know if they are correct. i'd have to ask my wife. >> let me come back to you. you got slammed by the right. that was 12 years ago that you wrote a story about george w. bush's adult children under age
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drinking. but in a certain column you wrote, thumbing your nose at convention when it comes to revealing the wherebts of the 14 and 11-year-old daughters of the president, that's entirely different and minority voters are to at least think about how different it is. then fox news blasted your stance again yesterday. listen to this, join. >> who is joan walsh to lecture anyone? >> i would call it racist. >> she went to a dark place and got caught. >> look, i wrote about that. i read that
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12 years ago. i don't think i'd write that piece again. however, the actual legal troubles of the bush twins when they were adults, they were drinking under age 21, jenna bush was violating a law that her dad signed as governor. those are legitimate news stories. other people, "the washington post" and usa today, other news organizations, texas papers were writing about it because they were breaking the law. now, my snarkiness was not required but to say that's the same as revealing as where the obama daughters are vacationing and to ignore -- >> who are minors, by the way. >> who are nine nors. >> the different treatment in the way that those girls get are somehow begrudged when other schirn weren't begrudged, their vacations or secret service
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detail. there's a double standard and -- >> i'm going to have to leave it there. thank you for your time this evening. catch toure on "the cycle" weekdays here on msnbc at 3:00 p.m. we'll be right back. [ man ] i got this citi thankyou card and started earning loads of points. we'll leave that there. you got a weather balloon, with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. go. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is! [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. [ laughter ]
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not that we like tooting our own horn but... ♪ toot toot. [ male announcer ] find gevalia in the coffee aisle or at whether you voted for the very first time or waited in line for a very long time. by the way, we have to fix that. >> president obama on election night saying we have to fix that. and tonight he's taking action. he seenigned an executive order find ways to make voting easier. we already know the right-wing plan to suppress voters worked. look at the scene in ohio and in florida. over 200,000 voters did n
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