tv Politics Nation MSNBC April 1, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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in 1950 when he invided the south. it would be a catastrophe if the grandson did the same thing. and that's it for us. "politicsnation" with al sharpton starts right now. thanks, chris, and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, folks, we have big news, big news. tonight, we have big news from the republican party. it's a breakthrough. it seems republicans have finally learned their lessons of losing the election and now they are ready to change. really change. >> things like obama care are getting in the way of small business job creation. >> we don't have a spending problem in washington. >> we must not repeal obama care. >> there's no gay mafia that has inflicted the fear of death, political death in the republican party. >> with your help, we will make barack obama a two-term
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president. >> amazing, right? but april fool's. reality is, they haven't changed a thing. the right wing is in full freakout over what a pastor said when the president and his family attended. it took place in st. john's church across the street from the white house. reverend luis leon said, it drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are calling us back, for blacks to be back in the back of the bus, for women to be back in the kitchen, for immigrants to be back on the other side of the border. yes, this pastor pointing out what is really happening, from voter i.d. to war on women's rights to marriage equality and
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today republicans showed they still can't handle the truth. >> that's an interesting take that the president inspires it. inspires racism. it may well be the case. i'm sure that the person there, the episcopilian leon knew that obama was coming in advance. he thought, i'm really going rev it up now. so obama inspires this guy to go all racist. >> the president inspires racism? i don't think so. in the meantime, fox news is just shocked, shocked of what the pastor said. >> it's stunning. he's been a great adviser. he is been there since 1995,
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sort of the president's church, the st. john's in washington. and now he comes out with this attack on the religion right? >> this isn't an attack on the religion right. it's the truth. and this reverend has been connected to other presidents. he delivered the opening prayer at george bush's second innal inaugural. and today the social conservatives are fighting back on social issues. rick santorum says, look, the republican party is not going to change. and what about same-sex marriage? >> i don't see the republican party or most republicans obviously changing in terms of believing that marriage is between one man and one woman. i don't think you'd ever see the republican party platform to say we're in favor of same-sex
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marriage. >> don't go blaming the pastor for spreeaking the truth. it's about equal rights for everyone, regardless of gender or race. joining me now is a former evangelical and columnist for "the huffington post" and author of "crazy for god" and jonathan capehart. thank you both for coming on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> frank, what do you make of the reaction to the reverend's comments about the religious right? >> well, look, how far back do you want to go? you could go back to jeremiah wright and then taking one sentence that he said out of context to demonize then senator obama or you can go back to the fact that you had evangelicals saying that he was the anti-christ. you know, touch it where you
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will, there has been a tissue of lies built around this president that i don't think any american president has ever faced. there's been plenty of presidents that people don't like. let's cut to the chase. white men my age, cranky white men that i used to be part of. >> you were part of the evangelical moment. >> absolutely. back in the religious right i tell the story in "crazy" about why i got out but you talk about the republican party having changed. look, i knew jack kemp. he was a friend of mine. about 15 years ago when i started speaking against the religion right and writing about it, he called me and said, you were right about this. these people will destroy the republican party and they have and the kind of ugly comments that they make about obama is one thing. they also are in to smear by association. so taking the comments of this pastor suddenly becomes his
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fault. now it's like he made these comments. the fact that he was in church on easter all of a sudden is used against him in the same way that they say he is anti-religious in the way that they want to give women contraceptives. it isn't what they are saying. they keep talking about these things the whole way down, every week it's a new deal and they are wanting themselves into a box because obviously he won the election handedly. the american people love him and he has terrific programs. none inform is working except to continually marginalize the republican party. >> some of those facts that they have distorted in the past, who has been there at the church, right across the street from the white house since '95 and presidents go there. they did the prayer at george bush's president, george bush the second's inauguration.
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you're not talking about someone that was just around this president. and reverend lee, i'm quoting here, said i hear all the time the expression the good old days. the good old days, we forget, have been good for some but they weren't good for everybody. now, what is divisive or racist et abo about that? that is a fact? we can have different opinions but we can't have different facts. that's a fact. the good old days does not mean the same thing to blacks and to latinos and to women and the gays and lesbians for various different reasons but good old days is a very limited crowd in this population. >> right. when you hear the good old days or want to take our country back, sends a shiver down my spine because the good old days weren't exactly good for folks like me, for african-americans,
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for gays and lesbians. it was a very limited opportunity. i think what's happening here is that the religious right and then, you know, broadening out the far right is so upset and angry at president obama, not only that he won the first time and not only that he won a second time but just that he's there and so they will look for anything and anyone in order to smear him, in order to try to delegitimatize him. the country is over here but they are stuck over here and they are desperately trying to hang on to it and they know they are going to lose their grip. >> now, frank, listen to this
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part. >> the president of the united states, you may be right, may have inspired that in this preacher. and then sat there and listened to it and by definition approvingly so. >> so he inspired racism. now, mind you, the minister preached about race, gender, any number of things but, of course, rush is oob saysed with race and in fact the president was sitting there and he had to agree with everything that was being said and in fact he enspired it. this is as outrageous as you can get, even for rush. >> rush unintentionally said something that isn't true. mike huckabee, the tea party, and all these other losers who have lost the elections, lost the party, only are in congress because of gerrymandering and they are talking to their own
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people and have lost the hearts and minds of this country. so whether it's gay rights and marriage equality, whether it's the role of women, whether it's people who can make stupid comments about rape, look at it all the way down the line. how did the roman catholic bishops do based on the fact that he thinks women ought to have the ability to get contraceptives on their insurance policies? they continue to fail but they are rolling the clock back into the era of reconstruction and trying to carve off part of this country as a separate entity, almost as if the civil war had not been fought. i don't think it's a coincidence that rush limbaugh and these guys are gearing their messages to gin up the fury, they just try to keep their own subculture angry enough to sell books, to sell advertising on their tv
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shows and to keep their own people in the mix. >> jonathan, i don't know whether rush limbaugh or any of them, if they are racist or not. i think that they play a race card and then to a racial atmosphere, as frank said, that is very dangerous and is certainly something -- it's one thing to deal with eaches that we have to deal with of challenges for equal rights and challenging to make things better but to play any of these stereotypes and to play into these things that only reinforce the worst in the court just for, as frank suggested, for other reasons, i think it's something that is no question in my mind irresponsible at the best case scenario. >> certainly it is irresponsible because it's playing on fear. we were talking about a group of people who are fearful.
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they are fearful of this president. they are fearful that the court is getting away from them. they are fearful that they want to take their court back. the court has been taken away from them. they are fearful of losing everything that they have and they are sitting in an echo chamber in a cocoon listening to rush limbaugh and fox news and hearing voices of a lot of people they agree with and basically isolating themselves from the rest of the country and realizing that the court has moved beyond them. the country is in a better place than where these folks think it is and they are limiting themselves. i think isolated themselves from the american dream, quite frankly. >> jonathan capehart, frank, thank you for your time tonight. when those of us that fight against unequal treatment, we're
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called the polarizers. well, why are they raising this? they are not fighting on behalf of closing gaps. they are fighting on behalf of stereotyping a president, even saying an easter sermon on sunday morning was inspired by him because the reverend, the pastor had the audacity to say things that are factually true. the republicans are already worrying about hillary and we have news today that maybe they should be. a chilling murder mystery in texas. could it be a white supremacist revenge crime? we'll go live to texas. and the easter egg roll was a hit. stay with us. [ male announcer ] i've seen incredible things. otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seen before.
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have you joined the "politicsnation" conversation on facebook yet? we hope you will. today, lots of people were talking about news of hillary clinton's first paid speech since leaving office. we asked people what issues they want to hear her talk about. rita says, protecting the poor and middle class. dana says, "voter i.d. laws" and carol joked, "i don't think hillary needs to say anything with the gop imploding on themselves." more on why hillary has the republicans worried coming up later in the show. but first, we want to hear what you think about it. please head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and "like" us to join the conversation that goes long after the show ends. a new snack? no way. way. and the worst part is they're delicious. mmm, you're right. maybe we should give other new things a chance.
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anyone fall for an april fool's joke today? i wasn't about to fall for the one headline i saw this morning, "todd akin, allen west, lavished government money on staff after losing re-election." yeah, right. that's a good one. those guys are tea partyiers, always attacking government spending. >> the biggest thing that we have to do is reduce the size and scope of the federal government. >> how serious the excessive spending in the federal government is. >> we have a spending problem in washington, d.c. >> we have to fund it and everything else not essential really has to go. >> pretty funny, right? but here's the hypocrisy alert.
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akin and west did give their taxpayer-funded staff huge bonuses after they lost in november. akin staff has got a 98% increase in salary. west received an 88% increase. hey, i guess when it comes to the tea party, every day is april fool's day. just today, christine i am not a witch o'donnell was tweeting her own april fool's joke about the president being right about everything. and you realize, yes, that could actually happen. we're learning about sarah palin slamming political consultants by giving them hundreds and millions of dollars. and michele bachmann is literally running from reporters. in a way, they are actually hilarious. but the joke is on them. joining me now is victoria and
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j joe madison. thanks for being here. >> thanks, rev. >> victoria, a new report shows todd akin and allen west spending. where does this rank in the tea party hypocrisy hall of fame? >> well, there's a big dose of hypocrisy. when we're looking at the tea party, one of their main tenants is about getting government out of your life, not managing your day to day and one of the other issues for the tea party has been abortion and curtailing women's choice. governor rick perry here in texas who keeps advocating that he's not going to outlaw texting while driving because he thinks it's an example of government micromanaging your life and yet the government seeking to have
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abortion we have curtailing and they can't get it together. they are talking out both sides of their mouth. >> joe, isn't it true that when you deal with the hypocrisy around spending, which is personified around akin or west, or as we just heard from victoria when you've got the tea party saying that this government is too big and the right saying we shouldn't be regulating this, regulating that, but they want to regulate people's private life and intimate life, it has hurt the tea party. give you an example, april 2010, 2010, we had 24% of americans who said they belonged to the tea party. by this january, the number fell to 8%. a recent poll found 48% holding unfavorable view of the tea party, up from 26% in 2010.
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this hypocrisy and inconsistency is coming back to haunt them. >> there is no question that you're right on target. you can fool some people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all the time. i think i did better than george bush did with that quote. the reality is that they also deflect. what you'll find is that they will accuse those of us who are progressives of doing something when in fact they do it themselves. i mean, and what you just heard about going on in texas, i should point out it's going on in states across this country and they are trying to do it on the local level first. that's what they are trying to do with with state legislatures. state by state by state. but it's simply not working. the only time, reverend sharpton, that they seem to
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object is when it benefits, again, mine north, women, hispanics, blacks, that's -- they are trying to maintain, as you said in the last segment, a b bygone era and their children are rejecting them. that's what is happening. it's their children and grandchildren who have grown up in a puralistic society. >> victoria, the tea party to cause primary problems, though, for more moderate or mainstream republicans? >> they are losing their foundation. so we see at the national level they are losing steam but i also think at the state levels we're talking about where in 2012 we saw in that legislatures across the country democrats gained 200
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states. so recapturing states that were lost during the 2010 tea party sweep. we're also seeing individuals, just from polling data, are getting fed up with the obstructionism that the tea party platform brought forward. obstructionism works well in the campaign but not governing day to day and americans are getting tired of the crisis level of government. americans want compromise. they want people to start talking together and the tea party is a party about my way or the highway and the american public is saying, well, you take the highway. >> joe, is it because they have become purist or is it that they don't care what happens to the party? >> the tea party you're saying? >> the tea party. >> they claimed that they don't have leadership. we're just a grassroot people. but hold on.
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what happened? you should see what happened where they paid off one of their people by millions of dollars and these people on the grassroot level sort of said what's going on? and i would also say something else and i'll go back to the segment you did initially easter sunday. reverend, i am absolutely amazed at how someone can say on easter sunday that a minister is inspired by president obama standing in the pulpit. i know you, i know a lot of ministers. usually they are inspired by god. and god righteous. we live in a society where we compete with one another, we marry one another, we support one another, and bottom line is, are we all in the same boat now? and that's really what they can't handle.
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steal the spotlight from him. the day before she's said to deliver her first paid remarks before leaving the state department and to "the new york times" report that shows she already has a transition office. and donors are saying, quote, whenever she's ready, we're ready. if she's ready, one thing's for sure, it could show the world in 2008 that she knows how to pack a punch. joining me now is ed rendell and laura ashburn. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. >> our pleasure. >> governor, let me start with you. what's your gut feeling, your real gut feeling? is hillary gearing up for a run? >> i don't think she's made the decision yet, to be honest, rev. i think she wants to chill out and decide what she wants to do with her life and whether that means a brutal presidential campaign. but i think in the end she will
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be persuaded to do it by the millions of people that wanted her on -- the tens and millions of women who wanted her to bite the glass ceiling. democrats anxious to continue progressive government and i think at the end she'll be persuaded to do it. i wouldn't say it's 100% by any means means but in the end i think she will be persuaded to go. >> you know, lauren, the signs are there that the time is right. "the times" reported over the weekend her closest political allies are for views about why she's more likely to run than not. that's a quote from the article. a former senior adviser to her 2008 campaign says, i think she wants very much to see a woman president in her lifetime. if you look at the landscape right now, there's only one person who has a shot at that. so from a political environment point of view, those around her,
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would your hunch be she goes? >> my hunch is pretty likely that she goes. and for one reason. the quote that you last said. she -- it is very important to her that there is a leader, a woman leader in that office. and i think that if it's not her, we will not see it in her lifetime and we won't see it in my lifetime. so for that reason alone i would say chances are pretty good. but you do have to remember, it's tough going and in 2008 that wasn't a very well managed campaign. she was beaten up and i think she's really trying at this point to keep that -- the pressure off for as long as she possibly can. because once she says she's running, well, then the harpoons will come out. >> he will with, i don't know if they are going to wait that long. when you look at the fact, governor, she's pouncing on the competition even on their home
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turf. it's the same thing against marco rubio. she beats him by 11 as well. and i think that -- >> and that's in florida. >> that's in florida. >> so there's no wonder that when she suffered a concussion in benghazi, the right wingers were merciless. listen to this. >> i guess she passed out somewhere. is she unconscious somewhere? >> you have a dip employlomatic >> we're calling this the immaculate concussion, because if a tree falls in a forest, does it really fall if nobody heard her fall? >> how could she get a concussion when she's been ducking everything? >> this is even before she announces or even has an ex more
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tore committee that harpoons, governor? >> sure. and i think lauren will be right. she can take it. remember, she -- after the concussion, she did testify on benghazi and i dare say that she put a lot of those republican men in their place, big time. hillary can give and she's a strong leader and she believes in herself and when the time comes, if she decides to run, she can take it and bet it out also. >> lauren f. she runs, would this be a dirty campaign, possibly the dirtiest in history? >> aren't all campaigns dirty? oops. i didn't know that i just said that. so i think that of course it's going to be dirty. but back to benghazi, that was absolutely outrageous. i wrote a piece about it in the daily beast and the comments were all over the map, even from some republicans saying they
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went over the top on that one and they took a beating. every single person, by the time she had a real injury, a brain injury, took it back and felt bad about it. but that's different. now she's out of the public office, out of public life. once she gets back in and as soon as she says i'm running, boy, it's going to be tough. but you're right, she can take it. this is a woman who has lived through being first lady, first governor's wife, senate, secretary of state, and she has passed with flying colors in all of it. >> now, governor, joe biden is nothing to ignore. he's been a major power broker of the administration, looking at the long list of things that he's broken, gun control, budget negotiations, on gay marriage, on true drawdowns on iraq and afghanistan and on and on. what can he do in terms of if he decides to run, doesn't he weigh
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in very heavy, doesn't mrs. clinton have to be concerned about joe biden? >> well, sure. but first of all, rev, let's all agree that joe biden has been a terrific and impactful vice president. still, his public image is driven by some of the gaffes and some of the things he says but i think he's been a terrific vice president and i think he would be a good president, i really do. the problem is that joe biden's people, the people who would raise the money for joe biden, the elected officials who would support joe biden are also in hillary clinton's camp and as hillary learned in 2008, you can't stand in the way of history. if hillary clinton gets out there and has a chance to become the first woman president, i think it's going to be very difficult. most of joe's strong backers will probably tell him, look, joe, this is a time for hillary
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clinton, a woman president, and i've got to be with her. and then it becomes very lifl difficult to run that race. i still believe there's a chance that hillary says no. so joe should be preparing. but in the end -- >> lauren, that compelling argument of a woman president, that might just be the thing that tips hillary clinton over the line and say i'm going for it? >> look at all of the things that she has done at the state department, as a senator, as a first lady to champion women's rights. that is a very, very important issue for her. and don't you think that at the end of her life, at the end of her days if she looked back and had just a tiny bit of regret and remorse for not running and furthering women's causes that she would regret it? i think it's a tipping point.
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>> well, rendell, governor, tell me, when does she have to decide? >> i think as a practical matter she's got to he decide by the early spring of next year. i don't think she will let it go any longer than that. and i think if she doesn't, rev, if joe biden hears from people what i think he's likely to hear, i think there's a chance that she could wind up with a chance for the democratic nomination. >> well, i'm going to have to leave it there. governor, thanks. i've been watching you with those voting shenanigans in pennsylvania. >> absolutely. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. lauren, i can tell you, it's very hard running for president and you get disappointed and in 2004 when i ran, i called governor rendell for his endorsement and he put me on hold on "politicsnation."
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>> see. but you don't forget but you still play with them. >> thank you both for your time. >> he's forgiven me, lauren. >> okay. ahead, a second texas prosecutor found murdered. a chilling murder mystery. it is a white supremist group that is responsible? the barrel? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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scandal rocking at the atlanta public school system. 35 teachers, principals have been indicted for racketeering in a cheating scandal. a four-year investigation says they conspired to cheat on mandated standardized it tests, erasing wrong answers and correcting answers. beverly hall, it was said, led the scheme. she earned $500,000 in performance bonuses. >> there is a single-minded purpose and that purpose is to cheat, to manipulate the grades. >> now, this is despicable, if proven true, and it speaks to a bigger problem with our public schools. we cannot rely on standardized test scores for benchmarks. the time is now for real
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education reform. we'll keep on this story. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side.
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we're back with a chilling murder mystery in texas. for the second time in two months, a texas prosecutor has been shot to death. mike mcclellan, the kaufman county district attorney, and his wife, were both found murdered in their homes in dallas over the weekend. one official says it appears the double murder was a targeted attack. the murders come eight weeks after mcclellan's top prosecutor was shot dead steps away from the county courthouse. the case took on more urgency when there are reports of a possible link with a white
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supremacist group. mcclellan vowed to bring the killers to justice. >> i hope the people that did this are watching because we're very confident that we're going to find you, we're going to pull you out of whatever hole you're in and we're going to bring you back and let the people of kaufman county prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. >> and now he's dead. what's going on in texas and who is responsible? joining me now live from kaufman county courthouse in texas is tris tristin and editor thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> give us the latest on the
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investigation. >> reporter: i'm sorry. i didn't hear that. >> i said, give us the latest on this investigation. what can you tell us is going on with the investigation at this point? >> sure. the kaufman county authorities and state and federal authorities who are investigating this have given very few details about what happened. we know that over the weekend at about 6:45 on saturday the family friends found the mcclellan's deceased in their home and they called police. other than that, we have very few details about what happened. we've heard from sources that there are about 14 shell casings found but authorities are being tight-lipped about what happened. >> now, there's a link, a possible link to a white supremacist group. do you have details of why they are looking that way? >> reporter: sure.
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part is that they are investigating the aryan brotherhood in connection with mark hasse's death. they believe that these two are connected. they believe that us ba of tbece cases that they prosecuted against the aryan brotherhood are linked to this and they are bench killings. >> what is the mood in the town right now? >> he will with, the town is very, you know -- the killing happened about 20 minutes away i think the town is shocked and nerveg vows but they are not too worried about what is going on here. >> mark, you track these hate groups probably more than anyone in texas. the fact that is a certainly something what these hate groups
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are like and how they operate in texas. >> well, we are really talking about one specific group, the aryan brotherhood of texas which has come to be known as arguably the most violent white supremacist prison gang in the court. its mbs have been responsible for more than 100 murders and a minimum of ten kidnappings since the 1980s in the texas prison system. the connection to these groups is that there was a major racketeering indictment brought against some 34 members of the group in november of last year. it was only one month later that the texas department of public safety issued its memo or letters to prosecutors warning them that the aryan brotherhood
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was thinking about major retaliation and it was a month after that that mark hchl asse was killed on his way to work. >> a month after the crackdown, where all of the people that led this group were arrested law enforcement officials were warned, high ranking members, are involved in issuing orders to inflict mass casualties or death to law enforcement officials who were involved in cases where aryan brotherhood of texas are facing life sentences of the death penalty. a second prosecutor in kaufman county that was involved in these cases, this is why it's clearly within the scope of the investigation to look into this group and the retaliation that was already warned. >> absolutely. it seems to me the thing worth
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pointing out is that if the aryan brotherhood of texas is really behind these killings, it is an absolutely astounding audacious and brazen thing to do. if they are behind these murders, these assassinations, that the weight of the law will come down crashing on these people in a way that we can hardly imagine. >> but mark, in an interview last year, a former member of a he had looking white supremacist group said, and i'm quoting, murder is a way to make a social statement. i mean, if you're dealing with people that feel that murder is a way to make a social statement, then clearly they are not valuing life like you and i may. >> well, that's certainly true. but that nevertheless, normally
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the kind of people who get killed are members of the gang who are being disciplined, who have thought to have cooperated with law enforcement. as a matter of fact, one man who was thought to have cooperated with law enforcement, they sent out a hit squad, had him murdered and the killers were told to bring back the severed finger of the victim as a trophy for the leaders. so this is a group that is incredibly ve incredibly vicious and they have not targeted prosecutors because it will provoke such a reaction that the group is in danger of being completely destroyed as a result. >> it's a very troubling case. two prosecutors killed in the same county this year. we're going to be watching this one. park potok and christian, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you, rev. >> we'll be right back. lindsey! i just discovered these new triscuit
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are baked with brown rice and sweet potato! triscuit has a new snack? no way. way. and the worst part is they're delicious. mmm, you're right. maybe we should give other new things a chance. no way. way. [ male announcer ] we've taken 100% whole grain brown rice and wheat, delicious sweet potato, and savory red bean... and woven them into something unexpected. the new brown rice triscuit line; with sweet potato and red bean varieties. a new take on an old favorite.
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finally tonight, a tradition, the easter egg roll, people joined the obama family on the white house south lawn. the special guests were the so-called kid president who was preaching that we all work together, caught the real president's eye. and look at this. the president comforted a 5-year-old boy who looked like he wasn't so happen pie with the results of his race. the theme of the day, be healthy, be active, be you. >> we want you to run around, we want you to go over and see the white house garden, we want you to learn about making tasty, healthy food. we're going to come down and do some easter egg roll and read stories but overall we want you all to have fun and keep moving and be healthy. kids, eat your vegetables, okay?
3:59 pm
>> a great time was had by all but the right wingers had to move it. the first lady turning the white house egg roll into a fat camp? to quote, inflict exercise and healthy meal plans on kids who just want to celebrate the season. this is about a good time, not inflicting exercise and healthy eating on anyone. the easter egg hunt is a tradition that started in 1878. it's about kids enjoying themselves at the white house and celebrating the arrival of spring. politics put aside. and what's the problem with healthy living? childhood obesity is a real problem. it's soared to 17% today. i think republicans should take a tip from the kid president. stop the nonsense. stop the senseless attacks. it's time to work together and maybe even had
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