tv MSNBC Live MSNBC April 5, 2013 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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themes as last year. >> that's a real budget. i think we need to salute him this morning. now let's start negotiating. >> why do you position yourself in the middle like this as opposed to saying we want to put out a budget. >> we've seen the white house do this before and then negotiating against themselves. >> let's take a closer look at what the white house will put on the table. reduction in social security cost of living adjustments and increased payroll tax on high-income ben feeficiaries. it looks like a fiscal olive branch but will republicans actually bite? >> as far as a budget is concerned, i'm in a wait and see mode. >> the president's new jobs report, unemployment dropping to
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7.6%. only 88,000 jobs added. >> joining me today is democratic congresswoman karen bass. congresswoman, it's great to have you here with me. let's start off with looking at this in the different context of it being just what it is, a disappointing jobs report for march. as we look at the numbers, the unemployment rate ticking down to 7.6%, only 88,000 jobs added. the speaker, john boehner saying that the president's policies continue to make it harder for americans to find work. what was your initial and initial reaction to hearing that this march number is pretty en anemic. i'm. >> i'm not shocked by it.
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effect that the sequester is having, employers who are reluctant to add new jobs and people facing layoffs, i think it's a disappointment. i hope when we go back to congress that we find a way to end this sequester because i'd hate for this trend to continue until next month. >> surely there could be a revision if we take a live look at the markets again today, seeing how the market is reacting, 121 points on the dow jones before lunch time. it really is rocking. what people would hope would be a better end to the week, congresswoman. as we look at the budget blueprint and talk about what the sequester has done and where the court is headed, president ready to open up the salvo, reduction in social security and cost of living adjustments, free
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universal tobacco taxes, the president is willing to put entitlements on the table? >> well, you know, i definitely think that there are ways to find savings in the entitlement program and i will tell you that it's going to be interesting to learn more about the details. but, you know, the president is putting forward a proposal. it's certainly not one that i'm excited about in terms of the chain cpi. what's happened in the past is every time he's put something forward that the republicans have said they support, they then all of a sudden don't want to do business. one thing i do know is in the budget is a balanced approach. so there is revenue in the budget. and let's see how the republicans react to that. sometimes i believe that -- >> congresswoman, are you accusing the republicans like lucy and charlie brown on the football, moving it when they set up the expectations of where they want the start the point
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at, if the president acquiesces, then it's time to shift? >> that has been their consistent posture. whenever he's attempted to compromise by putting forward one of their own ideas, even if it's an idea that the democrats are not excited about or are opposed to, the president is against it. >> david gregory appeared this morning talking about what the white house, what the president might be trying to do with this budget plan. take a listen. >> david, as you know, one of the proposals we made was something called chain cpi, which sound real technical but basically makes an adjustment in terms of how inflation is calculated on social security, highly unpopular among democrats, not something supported by aarp but in terms of strengthening social security for the long term i'm willing to make those decisions.
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>> the president is willing to do something to exploit the cracks in the republican coalition, that is, can he get more revenue through some kind of revenue increases if he's giving some on entitlements and actually put something down on paper. >> congresswoman, we set up the context there that that's an interview that the president gave with david in december and here we are now, getting republicans to move on revenue. in doing so, does it exploit you and the base by the fact that he's willing to make these changes and give up on entitlement? >> well, i don't think that it exploits me. i think that he is attempting to do a balanced approach. now let's see what they say. i mean, he is coming up with cuts. he's coming up with changes that, again, the democrats are not excited about but let's see what the overall package is. i happen to believe that there's ways that we can find savings. there's ways that we can strengthen programs that are very important, such as social security and medicare, without cutting benefits. so let's see what happens next
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week. if the republicans are going to continue with their dysfunction of very hard line that says no revenue under any scenario, then i think once again we're going to be stuck. and i really hope that as people have been at home in their districts, just like i have, we have been seeing the pain of the sequester and it really needs to stop. >> enjoy the final days of your break and we'll see you back in d.c. karen bass, thanks for your time. >> thank you. i want to bring in and say hello to our friday panel. chris, karen finney, also a columnist for "the hill" and republican strategist and radio talk show host, alice storp. good to see all of you. karen, i want to take a look first at this national journal headline that says, "obama's gambit raises pressure on boehner, edges washington towards a budget deal." do you think that is what this is doing? do you think the president is
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seeing who will blink over it? >> as you heard the congresswoman say, a lot of folks and not even just progressives, folks were concerned about chain cpi and sort of the impact that that's going to have. the president is really going to have to make clear what's the full picture in order to have the support that he needs to raise those stakes for boehner. i agree with what the congresswoman is saying that there's every likelihood given to history that there will be some reason why some -- now that this idea has been proposed by the president, it's a terrible idea and we can't go back to the status quo arguments. >> we heard on "morning joe" this morning that this could potentially exploit the cracks within the republican coalition. is this doing just that, exploiting those cracks and the analogy that i use that the republican party is like lucy with the football and charlie brown, once they get something out of the president, they are going to move it? >> he will wiwell, the republic
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has been clear we don't have a taxing problem in washington, we have a spending problem and boehner made it quite clear with this. we gave on the revenues with the fiscal cliff. we've already succumbed to more tax increases and what we need to look at and what we're optimistic that we'll see more in the president's budget proposal is more reducing the signs of government and more cutting of entitlements and he says there's not a lot of focus on taxes but looking at the tax rates and that would mean increased taxes. what we need to do is reduce the size and scope of the government. >> when we look at this, chris, and the fact that this is putting something down on paper, is it really possible that the president can get revenue out of the republican party right now no matter what? because they baulked once. it doesn't seem like they are ready to blink again. >> and that's the budget that is set up. remember, the debt limit and the country's ability to continue to borrow runs out in about a month and they figure they can get through august and continue to
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pay their bills and the president is making an early first move on this by saying, i have a very balanced plan. i want to raise taxes, make some serious cuts. your move, republicans. are you going to be that intransigent against any cuts that i put on the table? now surely it's unclear if he can deliver those senate democrats, if he can deliver some of the more progressive democrats in the house as well and that's really what we're going to look to see, is the positioning of this document. certainly it's never going to pass but what the president is doing is making an opening move in a long drama. >> long drama and months to come. oh, boy. >> i want to talk about 2016 and hillary clinton. because we're ramping up, at least the media would like to think so because we're seeing mrs. clinton reemerge back on the public stage. this morning she was at the woman world event in new york
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city that tina brown has organized speaking at 9:00 a.m. and she has a group of women, strong women surrounding her and she's preaching to the choir. take a listen. >> i have always believed that women are not victims. we are agents of change. we are drivers of progress. we are makers of peace. all we need is a fighting chance. >> karen, i want to get you on the record about this because you have a new weekend show coming up here on msnbc. so we're going to be talking about this a lot. >> yep. >> and the fact i attended the event last night in new york city, the kickoff of women in america. it was fascinating and emotional but one thing that people did not point out is the fact that america has never had female
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presidents before. other countries have had female presidents and prime ministers. is it just now that it's hillary's time and most likely she's going to be making an announcement within the next year or so? >> well, first of all, let me say i honor msnbc for adding another female voice to the weekend coverage. i think more women at the table and more women in the conversation is always a good thing. i agreed with that when i worked for hillary. but, yeah, i think whether it's hillary or not, it does raise a question, particularly given the way that women have increased their political power and economic power in this country. we have more women in congress, more republican and democrat than ever before, and the idea that we don't have a woman president, is teams strange. hillary now is the person that seems the most viable. i don't know that we should say it's inevitable. i think it hurt her last time. she has always been a change agent and she has always been a strong voice for women back from
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her time in arkansas. i'm not surprised that that's the kind of thing that you hear her talking about. whether or not she runs for president, these are the kinds of issues that she'll continue to be out in front on. >> james carville appeared with chris jansing and recently al e alikened himself in favor of hillary clinton. let's listen. >> she's the most compelling and interesting person on the political scene right now. we're going to continue to talk about it and she is not going to make up her mind probably until after the midterm. >> so alice, we've got to hold out until after the midterm but do you think that she really is -- that she would clear the democratic field and that she would really scare the he lchll of republicans. >> she touched on arkansas. in my view, i believe that hillary clinton is the second woman from this state to be
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thrown under the bus by the obama administration. senator blanche lincoln being the first one. i'm encouraged to he see the fact that miss clinton has stepped back from the current administration, given herself a little breather and see what she has ahead. i think she's got a great feature. i'm a republican but there's certainly a lot of folks here and in the natural state that are excited to see what she has to contribute and i like the words that she said this morning, talking about women are the bridge to the 21st century and encouraging women to be involved in math and science and the political arena and i'm excited to see what lies ahead in her future. she certainly will be a force to be reckoned with in 2016. >> a lot of talk getting attention is the fact that the president is out in california and when he was in atherton, he was introducing kamala harris. he said, "she's brilliant,
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dedicated. she's tough and she also happens be by far the most good looking attorney general." does this undercut the potential of that and deflate the significance of the really fantastic career that she has under her? >> you know, i don't think so, thomas. what we saw was the president who was good friends with miss harris giving her a little love, maybe a little bit more than he would be otherwise. you know, in public and to say that she's a good looking lady, you know, trying to have a little bit of fun, people now reading into it, i don't think it takes away from her seriousness, either as attorney general, as a potential supreme court nominee or somebody who can certainly do the job, she's smart, she's qualified, she holds an elected office. >> karen? >> yeah, here's the reality of
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course and she's incredibly effective and there's still a reality switching back to our conversation and what hillary was talking about. there's still a political reality and you're talented and i think there's still a double standard for women. so it was a dumb thing to say. i'm sure he regrets it. it's not politically damaging but it just wasn't a good thing to say. >> the first lady doesn't like it either. >> who knew. >> my thanks to all three of you. karen, congratulations to you. welcome to the family here. >> thank you so much. we're following this breaking news that we learned about in the last hour out of
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northern illinois. at least one fatality is now confirmed. a school bus was carrying two dozen elementary children and it overturned there at this rural intersection. you can see the bus on its side near two mangled cars. the principal saying that they originally thought that -- they think that all of the children have survived but, again, all of the children have survived but there is a fatality on the scene. the medical examiner, again, confirming that this one fatality is on the scene and the school principal saying that all of the children are okay. this happened in a town 45 miles north of chicago. that's a mile away from the school they were trying to get to. coming up next, three more senate democrats come out in favor of marriage equality. only four more who haven't expressed their support but there could be up to five republicans coming out in full support, too. we break it down with jimmy williams. he'll explain why it matters. plus, more fallout from the coach at rutgers abusing its
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all right. so there's a really strong push from the senate in favor of marriage equality. it's all gone down in the last 24 hours because moments ago we had democratic senators heidi heitkamp and joe donnelly to flip and announce their support of marriage equality in less than 24 hours ago it was senator bill nelson who did the same thing. there are now only four democrats against marriage equality. what about the republicans? the national journal has a list of senator who is could be joining the small ranks. lisa murkowski and susan collins being the most likely to flip first. joining me now is jimmy williams, an msnbc contributor. it's good to have you here. let's talk more specifically
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about the national journal making too much of a leap when it comes to these five republican senators changing their stance on marriage equality. rob portman used his own personal family as the reason, the catalyst as to why he wants to be in support of marriage equality. what are the politics behind the likelihood of the senators in the gop considering the change to support marriage equality? >> well, the democrats, the four that you put up, that's a regional each. that's simply they are looking at their states and their re-elections, if you will, and it's a chance to bridge too far for them, per se, and the makeup of their electorate. but for the republicans, i think you have more of a national issue going on here, which is the court is changing and it is changing rapidly. these two democrats that came out today, very red states and, guess what, they are now for marriage equality. that's a huge leap.
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murkowski is certainly someone that i think they are looking at. they are evolving on this issue. don't forget how she got re-elected. she was primaried by a tea party buy and s guy and she said you know what, i'm going to run as an independent and she won huge. the state of alaska has a very big libertarian streak running through it. look to her. collins, possibly, although i doubt it very seriously. the other three she brought up, i just don't see it. i mean, i really don't. >> four democratic senators, soon after bill nelson, what do we think the chances are of someone like a senator mary landrieu who is from a red state. how much of the consideration goes into the fact that the supreme court is going to come at the end of june with its rulings and the fact that these people don't want to be on the wrong side of history?
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>> well, listen, louisiana is a very roman catholic state and it is people take that very seriously as their religion and the church is against marriage equality. >> chief justice john roberts is a very roman catholic guy and when it comes to social justice and equality matters, the separation of the church and state. >> that's exactly right. but she has to go home and run and, again, understand the democrats have a five-seat majority. i'm not making any excuse for mary. i'm not. i know her personally. i love her to death. i wish she would change her stance but she's running for re-election in a very tough state. i'd like to see her return as a senator in 2016, 2014. >> when we look at catholics, how they feel nationally when polled, they are for marriage equality. >> yes, that's exactly right. but the church, listen, could ex-communicate her. i don't think they are going to do that but they could possibly do that. you have something going on here which is a major role reversal.
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remember the 1960s, which party filibustered the civil rights issue of that time for african-americans? it was the southern democrats that did it and the nation changed underneath their feet away from their position and the democratic party had to change. they had to actually change where they were going on the issue of equality and civil rights. today, fast forward 50 years, what do you have? you have the republican party and they are going through the same schism and they are going to have to change as well. >> thank you. >> thanks, roberts. coming up later, brendan, an outspoken advocate for marriage equality, he's going to set the record straight for why he was released from the baltimore ravens. and the air traffic control towers shut down because of the sequester. girl vo: i'm pretty conservative. very logical thinker. (laughs)
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tomorrow, secretary kerry will meet with palestinian leaders and join five other world leaders and iran for talks on iran's nuclear program m joining me is ambassador dennis ross, an msnbc mid-east diplomacy analyst. ambassador, great to have you here. you are no stranger to the peace process and helped broker the '95 west barveg gaza strip between israel and palestine. in your estimation, what kind of impetus can kerry bring to the restart that former secretary of states have not been able to convey? >> well, i think we are clearly in a difficult time because there's such a high level of disbelief and even cynicism about the process. so i think merely trying to
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resume talks while it's an important objective, it may be even a more important objective to see if you can create a set of ground rules for those talks. which you don't want to do is resume the talks and then have them crash again. what you do want to do is try to ensure that you've created enough common ground so if you begin the talks, you have a reason, a, to sustain them. b, you can demonstrate something has changed because of that. we're in the 27th year since it began, the moment at the white house with yasser arafat. that's one of the reasons that talks talks by themselves, as important as they are, they are not the key thing. what can secretary kerry do to prepare the former basis on which to proceed. what can he be doing if you begin these talks you see material changes as a result of
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these talks. that's the real challenge right now. >> sir, as you know, these will spill over to the larger group talks that will include iran and as you were working with former secretary of state hillary clinton, your focus was on iran. your take on these nuclear talks that kerry will join tomorrow. is the u.s. in a position to sway iran to curb the uranium enrichment program? >> the last meeting that was held, the permanent five members the security council, plus germany, put some new -- really put a new position on the table insofar as we communicated -- the group communicated to the iranians that in a number of areas that sanctions could be eased in the trade of precious metals, that when it comes to one of the facilities that they have in a place called fodo, it would have to be completely shut down. these were moves that were
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designed to show the iranians, look, we're making an effort but we need to see on your side that you're approaching the talks in a serious way. it can't only be that we offer you something. we have to see, what are you prepared to do? are you prepared, for example, to actually limit 20% enrichment that you've been engaging in? is are you prepared to ship out of the country that enrichment, one of the other moves made by the five plus one was to allow them to retain a small percentage of that for use in a medical research reactor. the five plus one i think are waiting now to see is iran going to come to these talks and say anything serious? this would be a meeting that might move to begin to signal that something is happening. if they come and prepare to make a move of their own, if they come and all they have done is pocket the moves made in the last meeting, i think this is going to suggest that the whole approach the 5 plus 1 is taking
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is a success. >> they will move on to seoul, south korea and north korea told britain that they could not protect their safety in the event of a conflict there. is the u.s. doing what needs to be done diplomatically to ensure and to lessen what seems to be a growing and concerning situation between the north and south? >>. >> look, we have a new leader in north korea and kim jong-un is not known to be rational. his father would engage in provocative steps. in this particular step,s what you are getting is something that should be provocative or not tied to anything. the one key thing that we are doing among many other things are not only talking and coordinating with the japanese and south koreans and it's the
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key here, because the north koreans get most of their food and china has the control over key purse strings, not only in terms of the accounts that go to the family. i think if the chinese decide they don't want to see the emergence of some kind of actual conflict, which is a potential risk, they are the ones who can actually act now and apply the kind of pressure that they have historically been reluctant to apply. >> ambassador dennis ross, thank you for your time today. >> my pleasure. >> so we're following this breaking news. another departure in the wake of that scandal at rutgers university. confirming that tim pernetti is leaving and it's not known whether he was fired or whether he resigned. >> [ bleep ]. you're a [ bleep ].
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>> pernetti's departure follows the firing of mike rice after that video was shown of mike rice yelling at players and throwing things them at practice. there's a 1 dlk news conference. the university president and head of the board of governors will be there. maryland following connecticut's lead in passing sweeping gun control legislation, the bill bans the sale of assault-style weapons requiring fingerprints, limits gun magazines and governor o'malley is promising to sign it. a member of a white supremacist gang member was taken into custody today for the killing in colorado. a campus psychiatrist warned police that james holmes was homicidal. the slained district attorney and his wife will be
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buried today. thousands attended a memorial for mike and cynthia mcclelland. six deaths and 16 sicknesses from the bird flu. and pope francis is asking the vatican to act with bold action. the morning after conception pill available to girls without a prescription after a decade-long fight. and we lost an icon yesterday. roger ebert just two days after revealing his cancer had returned passed away. a special tribute from the chicago tribune went viral almost immediately. saved you the aisle seat, roger. that's not much, you think. except it's 2% every year. go to e-trade and find out how much our advice and guidance costs. spoiler alert: it's low.
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cuts went into effect and major cuts are being felt. cancer clinics have had to turn away medicare patients because it's expensive to treat people with chemo drugs and stay opened at the same time. and head start is closing earlier in the day and some are dropping children leaving low-income parents to struggle for proper care. and 149 airports are going to lose their air traffic controllers. tom, this is certainly of concern but no effect on the big airports so far, correct? >> no. i think we need to underscore that. we are really talking, as you said, small airports, 149 of them. we're talking about cities like the small airport that services ohio state university, glacier national park, michigan, kansas, mississippi, north carolina,
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ohio, texas, and washington state. listen, we are not talking about sea-tac or dulles or jfk. we're talking about very small regional airports that handle a small amount of traffic and the idea is that they can actually continue to operate if they choose to. they can either operate on a kip kind of a see and be seen system, pilots alert each other what their locations are so they can land and take off safely, also using automatic lighting systems, the pilot can operate with lighting from the cockpit and use automatic weather systems. listen, a lot of these airports and cities have complained that it's not safe enough. some are suing to overturn this decision but as of right now this decision is going forward. 24 towers closing on sunday. 46 on april 21st and 79 on may 5th, thomas.
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>> we want to be very specific about who is affected. should there be a larger concern if the struggles continue in d.c. that we see larger airports become victims of this? >> no, i have not heard that so far. i've heard no discussions that bigger airports that really have commercial flights are going to be affected. but i think that there's a very good chance, at least as of this moment -- it's hard to predict washington but as of this moment there's a very good chance that these cuts are going to remain permanent and within 90 days or so you'll see the faa-owned equipment in some of these towers could start to be removed because this could be a permanent decision. important to note, in these specific towers, no faa controllers are in contract towers. this is not a situation where you're going to have an faa employee suddenly sitting around with nothing to do. these are contract employees in these towers and it's up to those individual contractors to decide what happens to those employees. >> tom costello in washington, thank you so much. i appreciate it.
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super bowl champ, gay rights advocate, brendon ayanbadejo is trying to set the record straight. he was released from the baltimore ravens and it may have been because of his outspoken support for lgbt rights. just last week the former linebacker made a speech while the supreme court justices were making arguments over marriage equality. brendon is joining me live in the studio. it's great to have you here in person.
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i want you to set these records straight. you made these comments to "newsday" and then you tried to expand what you actually meant on why you were let go. do you want to tell us why? >> basically, that's the nfl. the nfl is a revolving door and players come in and players go out. the average is three years. so i might have, you know, played my period of time and it might be on to the next thing. it's just the natural course of the nfl. you're only going to be there for so long. >> the ravens knew that you wanted to be an advocate for lgbt and marriage equality rights. you don't think that would have anything to do with why they would cut you? >> no, i consider myself a concerned citizen, not so much an advocate. they know about my relationships with lgbt groups in maryland since 2009. this is something that i've done for a long time and the ravens have helped me facilitate and expand on throughout my career. >> so the next thing, obviously, what is the next thing for
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brendon and the blog reported that you said up to four nfl players could potentially come out and be players that are currently in the nfl. how do you hope to achieve the safe space necessary for them to do that and not create a witch hunt at the same time? >> well, what we are doing is there are several groups and they are talking to different players on different teams and we want to find a way to get these players together so they are comfortable to come out together and that way it's going to dissipate all of the attention on one person and make it a safer environment and in the meantime we're talking about the nfl and with other organizations to make it a safer environment. we're trying to let players know through the nfl that this is something that people need to accept and had in that direction. we're a little behind and when you leave the nfl and you go into mainstream society and you go out there to corporate
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america, that they are not going to put up with any types of bigotry. the nfl needs to be a little more acceptive. >> a lot of players have given their statements and we saw chris culliver going to the super bowl and being asked about what he thought about gay players in the nfl. his first comment was bigoted and he walked that back. we've seen a tape emerge from rutgers university and the basketball coach there being abusive and throwing homophobic slurs at his players and now the a.d., tim pernetti has been let go. how do we deal with the stigma in sports? >> i think we need to start with the youngest generation as possible. with he go into elementary
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schools and let people know that it's okay to play. it doesn't matter what color you are, what your sexual orientation is. if you can play, you can play. we need to start with the younger generation. the guys in the nfl have heard these things, the younger guys have. and the older guys haven't heard these things. being called feminine and not being masculine enough, being called sissy and what not, we're trying to change the culture. we have to educate people. that's why i am here to talk about these issues. if you can play, you can play. it doesn't matter. i want the best possible player next to me. it doesn't matter who goes home to. >> you're going to continue to raise your voice and stay on the front lines as it continues to become more relevant to pro teams, not only in the nfl but allies to work with baseball, basketball, to work in hockey. there's a big, big space out there that is unfilled right now. do you really think that when a pro player comes out that the
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amount of people -- there's safety in numbers. if like you say, there are four collectively that do it together in football, do you think safety in numbers is the best way to go? >> absolutely. we're trying best way to go? >> we're trying to reach out to athletes and create this environment. my colleagues and i have been working on this issue for a long time and letting players know we're here for you, we have your back. it's something that it's not really a big deal, but it's a big deal. so the sooner we address it and we attack it, then we can move on. and once it's accepted, we'll look back on lgbt discrimination as we look on racism. someone has a flaw if they're racist. if you're a big and you discriminate against people with the lgbt community, you have a flaw. we're speaking from culliver, he went and did some sensitivity
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training. we've seen kobe bryant had some issues in the past and had some sensitivity training and now he's one of our best allies. when we talk about a player that comes out, we want somebody that, that people cheered on on sunday, oh, that was my favorite player and possibly someone who is a bigot. oh my god, my favorite player, he likes men, it changes the whole culture. >> i think that anybody who watches this show knows that i'm extremely biased when it comes to the ravens. so as a baltimore kid and a big fan of you and the ravens in general i'm glad to know that you feel square on everything that happened with you, so brendan ayanbadejo, thanks for being here. coming up, support for legalizing marijuana at an all-time high.
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jolie honored her last night at the women in the world summit in new york. jolie said the world can learn a lot from malala who was shot in the head point-blank for promoting school for girls. and this introduced this message from malala herself. >> we're going to educate 40 girls and i want all of you to support the malala fund and turn the education of 40 girls into 40 million girls. >> it's amazing how they're turning her experience into educating other young girls. also today, a new pew poll finds that most americans supporting marijuana. 52% support it. the numbers have gone up 11 points since 2010. and mom versus her son. in the race for mayor in one illinois town. randall casey is running against his mom, wendy for mayor in dixmoor.
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why does mom think she's better? it might have something to do with the fact that she still lives with her. >> i feel in my honest opinion is not mature mentally to take on a responsibility of running the community. >> man, son get off the sofa before you run against mom. in case you're wondering, she does charge her son some rent. so -- he pays up. he's got a good track record there have a good weekend, everybody, i'll see you back at 11:00 a.m. monday. "now" with alex wagner is up next. they have magnesium. for effective relief of occasional constipation. thanks. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. thanks so much for coming today, everybody. ugh! ugh! give me the purse! ugh! great job, julie! that why i eat belvita at breakfast.
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