tv The Cycle MSNBC April 5, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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as always, our dynamic jobs duo are here to provide expert analysis. >> i'm krystal ball. dramatic new fallout. the athletic director has been forced to throw in the towel. is there president the next to go? >> i'm jonathan capehart in for ari melburn. he is the host for one day and he already gets the day off? >> you're the best temp in the world. in this workplace, no one will run you over with a lawn mower as might happen on madmen which is back on sunday and the best show on tv besides, of course, "the cycle." >> it's time for let's make a deal! >> sadly, there are no costumes in the capital but president obama is doing his best to
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conjure the great monty hall. with less than a week before he unveil his budget plan, he has selected what is behind the curtain. according to the nbc political team behind the curtain is an additional $1.8 trillion in deficit reduction over ten years. and a reduction of cost of living payments for social security recipients. not exactly a brand new car but it does sound a lot like a hat tip to republican priorities. is this the first step to making a deal? how is this for a deal? luke russert has made his way over to the white house for us. what have we heard from the white house so far on what we expect that we'll see in the budget? >> well, good afternoon, toure. we won't really get the specifics until wengs. from what has leaked out, it is really interesting. they're setting themselves up to negotiate from the middle. there was a lot of questions, all right, is the white house as extreme as the house gop did with the ryan budget? put forward a wish list of everything they want even though they know they could not get it.
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they won't do that. so far they'll negotiate from the middle. what have we seen within this budget? you mexicoed the $1.8 trillion in deficit reduction. there is about $400 billion in cuts to medicare. but the big sticking point is getting a lot of play on the left. the president's inclusion of chain cpi. essentially, bring social security in line with cost of living investments. it something a lot of liberals and progressives have been very fearful of. the fact that he put this out there right now and is leading it out there, be using it as a negotiating tactic later on. especially with the debt limit type in the summer is some progressives very scared. that being said, it is being done from the white house to show that they are serious. the president spoke to jay carney. made a great point saying, look original a wednesday we'll unveil this budget that has this chain cpi and then on wednesday night, we're having dinner with 12 republican senators where we think there is some ability to compromise. so they're starting out from the
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middle. it will upset the folks on the progressive side. republicans so far have not been receptive. john boehner saying this is not enough. essentially saying, look, why re. >> reporter: we going to hold the entitlement reform hostage for more revenue? we won't give you more. we already gave you more during the fiscal cliff deal. this starts rolling toward the grand bargain fiscal talks. and the chain cpi thing is fascinating so far more look, more stalemate. we're not that much different than we were yesterday. >> all right. glad those sirens weren't coming for you will. >> cultural commentator toure. take it easy, my friend. >> luke always trying to get the extra dime. so yeah, this makes me nervous. talking about progressives being nervous. whenever the president is saying he is willing to make cuts to social security and immediate character it makes me nervous. he is moving toward the middle. the republicans have not been doing that.
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and we're seeing part of this is not being willing to meet him halfway. wave man going back to hawaii, always trying to find that middle ground to make everybody happy. and we have obstructionists to not work with him. i am very nervous. should i come back? >> you should come back. it is not that the president is moving to the middle. he is there. he has been there. as ezra klein pointed out this morning, the budget will come out on wednesday has been on the white site for months now. it is something that the president put out there. >> worst kept secret. >> he put it out there during fiscal cliff deal and boehner blew it out. he is already. there he is trying to slow that he is willing to compromise. chain cpi is a big deal. >> if he is in the middle and we know republicans won't move toward him. should that we be nervous? >> to your point, he already put chain cpi out there.
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and he said repeatedly, anything that i put on the table is still on the table. so it sort of had to be in this budget proposal. and frankly, i also don't want the see chain cpi. thosalterations also make me unhappy and uncomfortable. frankly, i think exactly what the white house wants is to be hearing complaints from the right and the left. if they're getting complaints from the left, then it shows the american people, look, we're the reasonable people in the room. we're making sacrifices. we're not giving our base everything that we want. and look, gallup which we all take their polling worth a grain of salt at this point. but they did asked people, what were the things theyliked the most? the two top thing were that they were unwilling to compromise. that was number one by far. they're for the rich of what was interesting, even among republicans, they said their own party was uncome promings. so i think by john boehner
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already digging in his heels saying absolutely not. absolutely no new revenue. no matter where it comes from. no matter what end of the income spectrum, i think they are playing right into those negative stereo types that people already think about the republican party. >> i think what is interesting, also, is i think with the exception of krystal who mentioned not those reductions, almost everything i've heard is about the politics of chain cpi. and you guys are not alone. i've been scanning the interwebs today. and i found join mccarter in daily coast. she wrote, what the american people will probably remember is that in 2008, candidate obama promise as presidentering would not cut social security. a promise reiterated by vice president biden in 2012. we probably won't be allowed to forget that once the republicans get their ads running in congressional districts around the country saying president obama broke his promise and wants to cut your social security. she is thinking about how this will be politically perilous.
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also, obama trying the win over the serious people by showing that he is willing to do what they consider to be serious. again, talking about the optics of it. this all leads me to believe if the conscience on chain cpi will be on that, this will be tough for 2014 democrats. this will put 2014 democrats lou are moderate in a tough spot. and they're going to have to either tow obama's line on this or come against it. >> that's assuming this goes through. the one thing i forgot to mention is that the president will say that he will do chain cpion if it is part of a balanced approach. if there is no revenue involved, all this gets blown out. >> so what's your over/under? chain cpi happens or not? >> i would like to say that it would happen. that would mean that there is a balanced approach that both sides, republicans and democrats. >> as a means to an en.
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>> exactly. i don't think it will happen because of what john speaker boehner said today. >> i think to your point about democrats being in a tough position. i think the republicans are basically going to let them off the hook. because they're being so uncompromising on revenues. a lot of democrats won't even have to teamy take a stand. >> if they allow new revenue, what is that going to do for republicans? 2014? if they do nothing, people might be saying, you guys aren't helping. you're not part of the solution. >> i'm wondering if both sides are somewhat inoculated from this. the criticism that john boehner has compromised and let a lot of, given obama a lot of what he wanted. obama is certainly used to the criticism from democrats that he is compromised too much. that he is arguing from the middle. >> this is a really good discussion. maybe we should rethink that "r"
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thing. >> whoa! >> digging into what this means, our die naig duo will slice and dice the new numbers that are out today. and here's a number for you. 1960. getting you in the mood for my ode to madmen at the end of the show. also, rocking 1960s classics. uh, i'm in a timeout because apparently riding the dog like it's a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment! luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade. check my investment portfolio, research stocks... wait, why are you taking... oh, i see...solitary. just a man and his thoughts. and a smartphone... with an e-trade app. ♪ nobody knows...
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mixed messages from the labor department. employers created a net gain of only 88,000 jobs. far below average. the unemployment rate still fell. how? half a million americans gave up hope. that's how. that's the killer here. so where are this out of work americans going? and how are they surviving? especially in the era of sequester cuts and the white house plans to cut the cost of living increase. the dynamic duo is back. thank you for joining us. >> sure. >> so let me start with you. answer my question. where are these people going? how are they surviving? >> they're having a tough time of it. they're leaving the job market and frankly, these are not the type of folks that can cash in on their stock portfolios. the market, of course, 15% since november. but if you actually look at wage trends, i'm including today's report, once you adjust for inflation, they're just keeping
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pace, if not falling behind a bit. so it remains a tough labor market. the 88,000 should be taken in context. last month we added 268,000. you have to smooth out these monthly blips. if you average over the quarterering with aed about 170,000 jobs per month in the first quarter of this year compared to about 210,000 of last year. that's a deceleration. >> 496,000 dropped out of the labor forceful we put up a full screen. that's a drop to 63.3 from 63.5. the lowest in 34 years. former obama adviser austan goolsbee said this is a punch to the gut. and worse, new york magazine tweeted today's jobs number is more disappointing than justin timberlake's new album. >> i like the new album.
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>> oh! >> that hurts. peter, in all seriousness, give us a prescription. what would one thing that obama should be doing to get these numbers up? >> what do you think of justin timberlake's new album? >> that was going to be my follow-up. >> how about this? where did the host get that bow tie? did he wear that for me today? >> okay. i guess the quickest thing that we could do would be, i think, to drill for oil. off the coast, off the gulf coast and off the pacific coast and so forth and get rid of all these -- >> speaking my language, peter. >> i understand that. did you speck a conservative to say something you like in response to that question? >> no. i like it. i'm into it. >> i would like to drill for more oil. i would like to do something about the trade deficit with china. mr. krugman agrees that we should put some kind of tax in. there i would like the revisit
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bank regulation. i'm not saying don't regulate the bank. i would rather strip away investment banking and cut the depositories down to size. most of the big ones should be about half their present size so that granny can get some decent rates her on cds. >> i likeett. i won't force to you weigh in on just yip timberlake but i have another question for you. this it's the first month where we see the impact of the sequester. and allen kruger said these arbitrary cuts to government services will be aheadwind in the months to come. i know we don't want to read too much into one month's jobs numbers but are we seeing negative number from the sequester? >> i would guess more from the former has not the later. the sequester in terms of furloughs is just starting to take if he can. estimates were that it might
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have shaved about 10,000 jobs off this. even if that didn't happen, i imagine we would be about 98,000 instead of 88,000. a weak number. i think one of the bad things about this report from the part of the sequester is that will make things even tougher down the road. i do would not if the pay roll tax increase, the expiration of that pay roe tax break which takes $120 billion out of the 2013 economy is really hurting consumers and their paychecks. we did see that retail trade fell 24,000 jobs in march. it just one month. you can't build a trend off that. we'll to have see what happens going forward. that would be my guess. and i think one of my answers to your questions is about, what should we do? there is what we should not do. kind of take a hip kraigt oath and stop making a tough recovery a lot tougher with all of these fiscal time bombs. >> despite the bad reviews, timberlake's album is selling well. but a lot of his fans are
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without jobs. among 18 to 29-year-olds, the unemployment rate is 11.7%. what is the impact on society that so many young people are jobless? >> well, i think it is a terrible impact. they're not getting those first jobs, these college graduates where you get job specific skills and become more valuable over time. and a lot of them are going back to universities to get mbas from guys like me and they still can't get jobs. >> that's a big mistake. then they have huge debt. older people are running down their iras. we're creating a not a army of indigent people down the road. among the young people we're creating a debtor's prison themselves cannot get rid of the education debt they're taking on. the way they're dealing with high unemployment is to go back to cool and borrow partly sunny to live. it is a terrible system. >> by and large, what kind of jobs is the economy creating right now? >> the economy is creating a good jobs for both high school
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graduates and lyle graduates if you have specific job skills. if you're an engineer, a nurse, you're an accountant, a computer technician, you're a chef of i gave you a big spin. the big problem is everybody wants their child to go to a liberal arts institution like williams college. nothing wrong with poor williams. and study sociology and to go law school. guess what, the biggest surplus we have right now is lawyers. and oerg why, i'll sending my son to law school this fall. >> peter, my bow tie brother, thanks to you both. you've probably heard by now that president obama and some members of his cabinet are voluntarily giving back 5% of their salaries as all federal agencies face 5% cuts under the sequester. here's what we want to know. is 5% enough. >>? no. >> should members of congress follow suit? >> yes. >> for the job they are doing, they should be paying the taxpayers. >> i like that too.
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like us on facing into and while you're there, check out the new webisode of political playground. she tackles marriage and why people should be able to marry whoever they want. up next, the boycotting of parents against standardized testing. we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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to the steps of the education department in washington, the occupy movement has another focus. not economic equality but education equality. the latest campaign is being sponsored by a group called united opt out. it is calling for the elittle nation of high stakes standardized testing in public schools. it is a grassroots movement. with just weeks to go until new
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york state students take rig just exams, many parents are simply opting out. jonathan says why couldn't i have? more than 3,000 long island parents have joined a facebook movement to refuse to let their kids be tested. until now the standards didn't exist in many local districts, the bar is getting higher for everyone. what can we do to give all of our kids a shot at making it to the head of the class? in the guest spot, the president and ceo of united way of new york city. welcome, sheena. >> thank you, thank you. >> students who are not reading up to a third grade level in the third great are four times as likely to not get a diploma. which makes me say, this is clearly early education is a business imperative. for the future consumers, the better educated you are interesting better you'll be able to contribute to society. >> absolutely. the fact that so many of our young people are not reading on grade level by the end of third
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grade is really a national crisis. if you haven't learned to read, you're not able to read to learn. and therefore, we have those statistic that say you're 74% more likely to drop out of high school. if we were able to really fix our early childhood educational system, our gdp would grow by the trillions of dollars just in terms of our enhanced work force, as well as the innovation and the marketplace from better educated people. >> we're talking about ability. the ability to read. the inability to read must have some impact on a child's self-esteem. how does not being able to read erode that for that child? >> it is a significant struggle. if by the end of third grade, you haven't mastered the ability to read, your confidence level plummets and your ability to tackle new challenges and ideas in school. you start to hate school. and that's a big driving force and factor that leads to
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drop-out. if you don't have those foundational skills to be successful, then you will withdraw from that whole experience. it is very, very challenging. >> there is sort of a national debate going on right now about standardized testing. is it important? should we be doing it at all? should we be doing more of it? lots of it? >> and the tests are not just to judge the students. they're also to judge teacher performance. as you know, teachers are the most important element in quality education, at least within the school system itself. so you want some way to be able to evaluate teacher performance. in your estimation, are standardized tests the best way to do that? by judging the students' performance? is there another criteria that would work better? what should we be doing? >> we absolutely need measures of success across the boards. standardized tests are ill perfect. we know that. but we do have to have some bar
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that we are striving for and trying to make sure that our young people are prepared. i think teacher evaluation has to include student performance. and working with a poor performing school in new york city, one of the frustrations expressed by the principal was that there was a particular set of teachers that would just say, i'm teaching these materials and if the students don't get it, i'll going to fail them. the job of the teacher is to make sure that you are nurturing each individual student and making sure that they had the skills and tools they need to grasp and master the sub. so we have to have, i think, teacher evaluation has to include a student performance. but teachers also need the skills and the tools to be successful themselves. >> let's talk about homeschooling for a minute. it is up nationally between 7% and 15% a year. and just in new york city last year, there were 3,000 students that were getting home schooled.
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i'm wondering if they don't want their kids submitted to standardized testing or they don't think they're getting an adequate education or a million other reasons. i'm wondering if you think eventually there will be some tipping point when homeschooling becomes a main stream popular option? >> i think that the rise in homeschooling definitely is a reflection of the frustration that families feel their kids are not getting the educational opportunities they need and deserve. i don't think that it can increase, it can only increase so much. homeschooling assumes that somebody is at home teaching your child. so more and more families, everybody needs to work in order to make ends meet. so i see homeschooling as maybe an opportunity and a choice for higher income families and not really middle income families and low-income families will not be able to take advantage of
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that. it is also where you learn to be members of community. that is just as important as the academics that you receive. so i don't think it is a trend that will really rise to the levels to have a significant impact on education reform. >> for some people, they learn how to get beat up in school. a community can be rather hellish for some of us. if a parent came to you and said, i'm thinking about having apply kids opt out of standardized testing. would you counsel them, yes, you should, or would you say maybe you should rethink that decision? >> i think that each individual family would have to weigh the pros and cons. each child is different. there are some children that are academically gifted and just test terribly. and the test will hold them back. those scores will be very detrimental. so there are opportunities, certainly in new york city, you can get an individualized educational plan for your child if they have certain challenges
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or needs and get resources that are attached to that. that allows you not to have the testing done on your child. that is not going to be a reflection of what their skills are. >> that is so balanced and politically correct. i want something a little sharper. do you think that standardized testing is bad for most of the students? or solid and good for most of the students in no. i think we have to have some assessments. we have to have measures and bars in order to, and we cannot have a tailored approach for every single student. we have to have measures, i think we have to have some standardization of the skills that we want our young people to have. so they're very important. but there are going to be instances where you want to make some accommodations to families with particular needs. >> all right. thank you very much. up next, just when you thought the trial couldn't get any weirder, jodi arias is being compared to a disney princess? did that really happen?
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♪ rutgers university director tim pernetti became the latest to lose his job over the scandal involving the form he head men's basketball coach, michael rice. he resign over how he handled that video of coach rice physically attacking his players, throwing basketballs at them, even screaming homophobic slurs. he first saw the video last december but only suspend asked fined the coach at the time. his resignation follows an uproar from students, parents, even professors who demanded he step down. there have been calls for the rutgers president to resign. he said that decision will be up to the university board. we, of course, will keep you posted. meantime, it has been the wildest week yet in the jodi arias murder trial in phoenix.
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by the way, that is very good news for our friends at headline news, or as it is now called, all jodi all the time. since there is no court proceedings, but we digress. here's a brief recap of the week which began on april 1st. a woman, juror number 5 was kicked off the case. yet she came back after that and had to be escorted out. jodi's diary came out and surprise, surprise, according to it, she didn't murder her on again, off again boyfriend, travis alexander. and yesterday jodi was compared to, get this, snow white. what? to make more sense of all this, we bring in mickey sherman, criminal defense attorney, and author of how can you defend those people. let's start with snow white. what's up with that? >> this case, we couldn't make up this case. we'll be rejected by the producers. apparently, alice la vialette
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who is the expert witness brought in by the defense. a battered woman expert. she is being impeached by the no holds barred cruel, mean, horribly tell perred juan martinez. the prosecutor. not that i have any strong feelings about that. and she is being cross examined. part of the cross-examination is to her qualifications. he picks out that at some point, she gave a lecture called, was snow white a battered woman? and now he spends about 20 minutes arguing whether she was a battered woman and what is the evidence to support that. the colloquy is insane. she finally finishes with, i have no information about the relationship between prince charming and snow white. the problem is, that would be great if this was a small claims case or a civil case to which people were fighting over hedge funds. there is the family of a dead man in that courtroom. neither of them have any business making jokes about it.
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>> toure, i would like to quote for you from the famous justice, hugo black. he said, legal trials are not like elections. to be won through the use of the meeting hall, the radio and the newspaper. that feels impossible today. >> of course, of course. all this trial, especially like o.j., like others, exists in a media sort of circus. now they're talking about, let's sequester the jury. the d.a. is talking about that. i think the defense would want that. it seems a little late. >> is have the why is saying no. >> the why is saying the jury would get information. they always get information even if they're sequestered. it is a bit late for that. we're already in this circus atmosphere. i imagine they've figured out how they feel about her. i imagine they're trying to get her a couple more days before she has to live the rest of her life in prison. >> one of the main acts in that circus has been the whole drama
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surrounding juror number 5. what exactly is going on there? >> i've had that happen a couple times. juries become absolutely involved, psychically, emotionally in the case. when they get kicked off. and i don't think we know why she got kicked off. she may have said something, she may have tried to influence another juror. don't forget, they should not be talking about the case. they should not be deliberating at this point. she gets kicked off. she come back to the courtroom and sits in. i've had that happen. god knows which side she is on. she may be pro jodi or anti-jodi but it is an enormous distraction and a total mystery. >> what was that quote from that case you were talking about in. >> hugo black. >> what was the last part of that? >> meeting hall radio. >> meeting hall radio. the only thing that was not mentioned was tv. >> it was 1941. >> yeah, yeah. wait, let me get to my point. >> he's going somewhere. >> which is, we keep talking about this circus that this trial has become. how much of the reason this has
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become a circus us is because this is on television. >> cameras in the courtroom. that's where you're going? >> exactly. would this trial go much more smoothly, would it be easier to get juries, untainted juries if this case weren't on television? >> what do you think? >> i disagree. did i the pilot for court tv in 1989. i was there in 1991 when they went on air and launched. i've been on tv as a lawyer, a commentator. justice in the dark is not great justice. it is better when the system is transparent. the people in the o.j. case would have done the same thing that h there been cameras or no cameras. in this case, the same thing. we're better off seeing how the sausage is made than just trying to guess. >> how is it better for juries that the whole world is watching along? >> well, all we can hope for juries is that they listen to the admonitions of the judges. they're not supposed to talk about the case with anybody else or deliberate before the case is closed. but as someone pointed out, they're going to do it any way.
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they're going to do it any way. >> we know that they do. we know they get information from their family. we know they talk. there is not supposed to -- we know they cox let's exist in the reality of the situation. how is being on television, making a media circus out of it. how is that better for a jury? >> well, it is better for the public. not the jury. remember the case, the case was tried on tv. they sent on it frommal banny. everyone expected demonstrations if the cops were found not guilty. the cops were found not guilty. there was no outcry. the public television saw how the jury came to that verdict and they accepted it. >> i think that's a really great point. these sort of social cause cases can have, there can be some real benefit from exposing that to the public. this is just a lurid sexy, almost trash tv kind of trial.
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>> we get the tv we deserve. we get the coverage we deserve. people will watch this stuff. the last case like this was -- >> casey anthony. >> well, casey anthony, not drew peterson. >> laci peterson. >> right. >> the kids next door got in trouble. that's the attraction of these cases. it is so improbable, illogical and disgusting in many instances. but the public is obsessed with the fact, wow, that could happen to the people who live right down the street. >> very sad. thanks for joining us. >> a pleasure. up next, the father of a recovering addict challenging everything we think we know about addiction. his ideas certainly had our office today. i'm phyllis, and i have diabetic nerve pain.
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this is drugs. this is your brain on drugs. any questions? tv spots have come a long way since 1988 when that first aired. our next guest said when it comes to how we view and treat drug addiction, we are stuck in the past. while helping his son fight drug addiction, how the system fails over and over. how they don't prevent first time use, how a.a. and the 12 steps don't work for every addict. how people blame addicts for relapses and how reluctant we
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are to treat it when in many cases, that may be the best option. clean, overcoming addiction and ending america's greatest tragedy. joining us, david sheff. his reports landed him on "time" magazine's most influential list. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> one of the thing that really touched me about your book is the sort of personal stories that you shared. there was a letter early in the book from an addict talking about their struggles and the letter said in part, my children have been taken from me to be raised by someone else. i have to live with that agony every day. i am so sorry for the things i have done. and i live with so much regret. sometimes so much that i feel i can't face another day. so with those consequences, why do addicts do this to themselves and to the people they love? it is so hard to understand. >> it is hard to understand.
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any person logically would, when their life is unraveling, would have got to the point of that woman, they would stop. why don't addicts stop, they would if they could but they can't. they have an illness. their brain has changed over the course of their drug use and some addicts have described it in the same way that we all need oxygen. if you're deprived of oxygen, you will kick, you will scream, you will do anything to get more. if you're deprived of drugs, the same behavior kicks in. the same desperation kicks in. your brain is starved for this chemical that it is used to functioning on. >> i think that's absolutely right. i don't want to go into too much detail but i have seen addiction up close. and addiction becomes like a living thing in your mind. like an organism that fights to perpetuate itself and giving you all the reasons why you should continue on that path. and it is part of the challenge of getting off, isn't it? >> it is. it is a cycle.
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first of all, ten kids go out and might smoke a joint or they go on a friday night to a party and ten of them will drink. nine of them will go on the rest their lives, they'll probably continue to use in moderation or they'll stop. one of them won't. their life will just unravel. it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. until you understand that this is a brain disease. and then because they're ill, they will do things. my son was this lovely, kind, moral person. and before it was over, he was on the streets, he was shooting up heroin. he was stealing from us. he stole from his little brother who he loved. how do you explain this? he had this mental illness that continued to get worse and worse and then he would do terrible things. that woin crease his desire for drugs. until finally he got the treatment that he needed. >> david, we just showed a statistic, 90% of addicts start using drugs before the age of 18. as the parent of an addict, and
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in keeping kids off drugs, you say, there is too much focus on the drugs themselves. what are parents failing to notice? how are they failing to intervene appropriately in an effort to keep their kids off drugs? how do we get away from this meant at of, well, kids will be kids. they'll experiment. >> yes. it is a hard problem. every parent i know worries about it. how do we navigate a society where drugs are everywhere? on tv, movies, and on the playground. what i think is the most important thing i learned while researching the book is that we focus so much on drugs. we tell kids not to use them. we have to understand why people use drugs in the first place. and why drug use escalates. what we know is that drugs help, the reason that some of us go home after work, after a long day, we have a cocktail is because it relieves stressful so if somebody is really stressed out, if a child is growing up
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and stressed out, if they're experiencing some trauma in their lives, if there is has been abuse, if there is a difficult divorce or the loss of a loved one. some kids have with, you know, their wiring, kids have. if you have these kinds of problems, you're more likely to have drug problems. what parents can do is pay very, very special attention, and as soon as they suspect that there's a problem, don't try to figure it out yourself. go see a doctor. get professional help. >> david, pew released a poll this week that showed that a majority, for the first time, a majority of americans say that pot should be legalized. and we have, in the country now, two states, i believe it's colorado and washington state, where it's legal. now, you know, there are folks on the right and anti-drug folks who say that, you know, we shouldn't do this because pot is a gateway drug. what's your view on that? >> well, it's a tricky one. i do -- i support legalization, but not because drugs are safe.
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not because marijuana is safe for kids. marijuana is dangerous for kids. their brains are rapidly developing and put marijuana in the mix and it does change the brain. it changes the development. there are consequences. but the way that we treat this as a problem, as a criminal problem, the illegality certainly hasn't helped. i mean, ask a kid in high school anywhere, they can score pot if they need to. some cases it's a lot easier to get marijuana than beer. so we're doing something wrong. so instead, we have to educate our kids. we have to figure out what's going on in their lives that is encouraging them to use drugs, why they use first of all and why they continue to use and figure out a way to slow it, stop it. >> david, once we're past that step of prevention, what works in terms of treatment? >> well, there's about -- there's a lot of different ways to go with treatment. this is one of the saddest things that's happening in our country. is that they -- this is a treatable disease. and, yet, addiction is rarely
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treated. and the reason is that we have a system that relies on tradition and it relies on pseudoscience and relies on best guesses instead of on science. we have this as a disease. we know how to deal with disease. we turn to medicine. there's a range of treatments. you mentioned aa, the 12 steps earlier. that saves the lives for a lot of people. it doesn't work for everybody. there are behavioral treatments, medication has been shown, especially for people who have addictions to opiates like heroin, it can save someone's life. and so what we need is we need a -- if somebody has cancer, they go to the doctor. they figure out what they need. rai rai radiation, might need medication. whatever it is. we do what is needed. this is -- it should be the same with addiction. whatever a specific person needs has to be available to help them. >> well, david, i have to say, part of the way through the book, it's heartbreaking, it's moving, and it's also really informational and educational. i really recommend it to our
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viewers, to anyone who's a parent or knows someone who's suffering. thank you so much for coming on and sharing some of this information with us. >> thank you very pumuch. up next, toure with the event of the weekend. "mad men" is back. license and registration please. what's this? uhh, it's my geico insurance id card, sir. it's digital, uh, pretty cool right? maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i'm a pig driving a convertible? tail light's out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 markets on the rise. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 companies breaking through. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 endless possibilities.
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>> that's how "mad men" left us just nine months ago. the sixth season starts sunday and for fans of great tv, it's a high holiday because "mad men" is the best show on tv right now. the 1960s still casts a large shadow over america because it was a decade when this nation left adolescence as it was challenged by the vietnam war, the civil rights movement, spiritual awakenings and sudden deaths of heroeses like mlk, rf can, rfk and malcolm x. a nation obsessed with the '60s and wrestling with its lessons and demons, "mad men" had to exist because it reaffirms and challenges our notions of the '60s. most nostalgia projects are romantic about their slice of the past, "mat men" is lacerating of the '60s showing us how dumb or naive or quaint we were. lets us laugh about sexism, alcoholism, smoking and workplace mores. in "mad men" the future is an
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ever present character standing off stage visible only to the audience as he holds a time bomb that will blow their world to shreds because they're housed in an era where white men to share a bit of their power is beginning to end. the show ice big issue has always been gender. men struggle to maintain power in a world where women are starting to challenge for more. i assume as we move through the '60s, race would become a bigger part of the show. the show's focus has always been gender and identity. mostly the multiple its of don draper. the brilliant ad man as masterful as john wayne and frank sinatra, living a lie pretending to be don draper while he's actually someone else. he's a classic american second act. as draper actively builds himself, he also builds lies for a living as an ad man showing us how madison avenue constructs the fundamental lies of modern consumer culture. he's also in between his boozing
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and womaningizing a bit of a philosopher. >> you're on top and you don't have enough. you're happy because you're successful. for now. but what is happiness? it's a moment before you need more happiness. i won't settle for 50% of anything. i want 100%. you're happy with your agency? you're not happy with anything. you don't want most of it. you want all of it. >> indeed. great iconic tv shows become like friends, don't they? they come into your house and make you laugh and think and bond you to other people, but when you think your friendships with people will go on forever, you know your relationships with tv shows will one day end. i'm still a little sad about the end of shows i really love like "sopranos" and the "wire" and "sex and the city." one of the great shows in tv history, i want to savor these last two seasons like draper savoring some old scotch.
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