tv MSNBC Live MSNBC April 12, 2013 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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by expanding background checks. >> this week it was newtown families who sat down face to face with senators on capitol hill and those families using their own powerful accounts of pain to call for action. >> we are standing here because her sister and my mom can't be and their 0 voices need to be heard and they are going carry through us. >> they died protecting the children that they love and they deserve to have a vote and they deserve to have died for a reason and we're here to protect their legacy and we're here to honor them and demand something to be done. >> president obama called the newtown families after yesterday's vote to thank them for their advocacy. politico calling these brave mothers, daughters, sons, sisters victims turned lobbyists. will "the voice"s of these victims, these advocates for reform continue to be heard as congress moves forward on gun control? >> i've seen this gun debate a long time in politics and the
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gun people will remember you a lot longer than anti-gun people will remember you. they have long memories. they are there. they are going to just, you know, run it down. >> joining me now is jackie spiro from california introducing her own bill to tax gun sales and amy nation combat health cost associated with gun violence. congresswoman it's great to have you here. i want to start with that article, the headline being victims turned lobbyists, and in there it talks about the enact these family members who have showed up are exhibiting sophistication and persistence. in this article they say they don't try to sound like wonko or pun departments or operatives, they just tell their heart-breaking stories, weaving in a demand for action that is respectful but forceful. we know some of the parents they created cards that they could leave behind. nicole created one for her son
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and these are colored cards that are left behind the remind the senators and visually and not only emotionally about what's been lost in newtown. do you think that this will help make a difference? i know yesterday was just the first small step in progress being made. >> that card says it all. i don't know how a member of congress can look a family member who has lost a child in the eyes and see their impassioned plea and not be called into action. for too long the nra and other gun groups have had a lock on congress. they've been able to intimidate them from doing what's right. now you got these newtown families who have come to congress as victim survivors and are putting faces on these numbers. and it's very powerful and i'm just grateful to them for having the courage to do it. >> there really is a counter weight right now the nra, a coalition not only the unified
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people of noun the families showing in the home also your former colleague gabrielle giffords will thereabout on capitol hill next week to push for expanded background checks. this saturday organize for action and mayors against illegal action holding events asking americans to pass common sense measures. specifically you're drafting your own piece of legislation. i want to talk about that because it's called the speier gun control bill. it will create gun violence health care trust fund. i want will create a fund to pay for public costs paid for by an excise tax on guns and ammunition. >> with the appetite in washington for common sense gun control do you think your legislation overreaches and would be something kind of people would describe as shooting for the moon? >> well that's a fair question, thomas. but let me put a face on this issue as well.
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the taxpayers of this country are spending over $2 billion a year paying for the costs of health care for gun violence victims who show up in hospitals and don't have health insurance. so, there's an excise tax that exists on guns. it's used to secret restoration much marsh lands an habitat for ducks and guess and other animals that shooters like to shoot at. i think we also have to pay the freight, so to speak, that's associated with victims who come in to emergency rooms with gunshot wounds who have to be cared for and right now taxpayers are picking up the tab, $2 billion a year. >> again the trust fund would be funded by that excise tax. there's reaction, those from the hill based on what we saw the movement, the progress from yesterday, and speaker boehner
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reacting but not saying or at least not revealing his cards about gun control legislation. take a listen. >> i fully expect that the house will act in some way, shape or form, but to make a blanket commitment without knowing what the underlying bill is i think would be irresponsible on my part. >> the "new york times" editorial op-ed say thursday's brief victory of common sense has shaken the anti-regulation extremist whose are quickly gearing up to make the road ahead as difficult as possible. is it really about responding to the whims of the nra because right now there are vocal minorities that are coming forward to express their frustration with common sense gun control laws that need to be reformed in this country but isn't the bigger worry is that
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there are apathetic americans the >> i don't know if they are apathetic americans. they are frustrated americans. they feel their voices don't count. i hope viewers recognize every phone call, every e-mail they nike their congress member is a powerful message. i get plenty of emails from those that don't want to see any regulation. a lot of hate mail. it's time for people that want rational gun law prevention on the books to speak up. there's 91% of you out there. let's keep our eye on the ball. background checks protects the second amendment. background checks puts rationality into a system that those who shouldn't have guns, those who are felon, those who are mentally ill don't have access to them. >> thank you for joining me today. i want to say good morning to
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our friday power panel. it's great to have you all assembled this morning. a lot to talk about as we saw from yesterday. jill, i want to start with you. the fact that democrats have unified and republicans too coming forward yesterday in their initial vote to move forward in talking in ernest about gun control legislation, we have democrats voting against cloture, mark pryor from arkansas and mark begich from alaska. >> i vote what's important for alaska not a party decision, not a conservative versus liberal, my issue is that it has a lot of issues. what i got to vote on was a cloture vote related to a bill that's in front much us.
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>> so is this basically a calculation, jill, just based on the fact of how most senators knew which way they were going to vote that someone like pryor and begich didn't need go in that direction. >> it's so hard for some of these senators, thomas, who are from states that are big gun states where they have a lot of hunters at home who have concerns about any encroachment of their rights to using firearms. so, this is one way to sort of register a little discomfort with it. and then to go on and knowing that the senate is going to vote on it anyway. it's just, i think, a small protest on their part. >> one part to take into consideration they are both up for re-election in 2014. they have to go home and answer to those second amendment right advocate, people that use guns for sport and recreation in their home states. david, we have republicans voting to allow the gun debate and we can show how many came on board for this.
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we got toomey, corker, alexander, mccain, flake, graham, isakson, and when we look at that joining with the democrats who voted to let this move forward are they sengd a signal to the nra because the nra said this will use this in a calculation four rating. are they saying we're not concerned about that we need to let it go to a debate. >> there was a reasonable potential for compromise. to have toomey and manchin come up with a potential solution here, the rest of the senate said that looks like a good direction. i think in this particular situation it's not necessarily the nra per se, it's the sense that there was an agreeable direction that there was a significant consensus around. >> the hill has this headline saying senator chris murphy of connecticut has asked rupert
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murdoch to cancel coverage of nra sponsored nascar races. this race will take place saturday night in texas. obviously senator murphy has been very invested in what's taking place in washington, d.c. along with senator blumenthal and ushering the family members around from newtown to meet other elected members in washington, d.c. when we see the senator blasting this upcoming nascar race is it an overreach. it depends on who you ask. the nra, the pro republican allies of the nra would certainly think so. you know i think that yesterday's vote, the thing that we should keep in mind is not to overstate the fact that they are simply beginning the debate. a lot of those republicans who voted to proceed on the gun debate aren't necessarily going thereabout at the last and more important vote to end debate and move on to an up or down vote pap lot of those folks are holding out.
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they want votes on their amendments they are pushing that would undermine some tougher restrictions in the measure and some of those folks like tom colburn who voted to advance the bill yesterday doesn't support the bipartisan deal that was reached by toomey and manchin. this is a very treacherous path ahead. >> politically treacherous is a great way to describe it. it's moving forward. certainly up for discussion. not a guarantee of anything. one thing that has come back up and continually comes back up in the conversation around controversy is the abortion debate in this country and last night we had congressman paul ryan making comments at the susan b. anthony dinner in washington. take a listen. >> we don't want a country where abortion is simply outlawed. we want a country where it isn't even considered. [ applause ] that's the kind of america we want. >> let me ask you about this, in
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the new nbc/wall street journal poll when we ask people about their views on abortion and we compare that to january, those say it should be legal. 45% now as opposed to 54% in january. illegal 25e9% compared to -- 52o 44%. what's the political calculation why there's bean shift to make more people feel it should be snilg >> it's really hard to say. i don't know what could have happened in this very short period of time to cause such a big jump and maybe david has a good idea about that. but i don't think what paul ryan said is so crazy. it's not like people want to have abortions, they want to have the right to have an abortion and i think most people can agree that it's not something that everybody wants to go out and try to make happen. that have it be -- no one is
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trying to seek out -- i'm not being very articulate on this. what paul ryan is saying is not ridiculous it's pretty reasonable. >> so let me get to you retook that, david, because as we look at these numbers, we see this big switch, and i think for those that are pro life would find this to be very encouraging. >> generally we've seen -- i haven't seen anything that would support a dramatic shift like that. certainly the country leans pro life at this point in terms of having some restrictions on abortions. but i want to go back to hat jill was saying in terms of what ryan was deflying. what he was saying is the circumstances that get people to a point where they've make that decision if we can deal with those circumstances so they never have to face that decision that's where some opportunity is and there's agreement across party and a couple of years ago you heard hillary clinton saying the same sort of thing what can we do to reduce the number of abortions, how do we deal with
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decisions so those decisions don't have to be made? there's a general consensus around that idea. >> thank you very much. we have to leave it there. have a great weekend. i want to pass along this breaking news out of north carolina. a and t is on lock down after the school police received reports of a male suspect on that campus carrying a weapon. now one of the buildings, it houses a program where local high schools receive college credit. the university is updating its website as police are conducting this campus wide search for this suspect. we'll bring you more information on that story as soon as we get it. just ahead any time at any hour, that's what u.s. officials are saying about a possible nuclear launch by north korea. plus take a look at this. check out this funnel cloud that touched down one mississippi. it wreaked havoc, death and destruction. more on the wild spring weather coming up.
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and can the newtown families the level playing field in the battle over gun control. tweet me @thomasaroberts or find me on facebook. [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪
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the rhetoric that we're hearing from north korea is simply unacceptable. we'll defend ourselves. and kim jong-un needs to understand as i think he probably does what the outcome of a conflict would be. >> that was secretary of state john kerry in seoul, south korea with a stern warning for north korea. the secretary said north korea would be making a huge mistake fit launched a missile putting it further into isolation. kerry is on his first-ever trip to seoul and this trip was pre-planned but happened to fall when tensions with north korea
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are at its highest. joining me is top national security official marie harp. also a former cia spokesperson as well. good to have you here. kerry's trip coincides with the fact that tensions are high. part of a report by the pentagon as defense intelligence agency was disclosed in a congressional hearing yesterday and the agency went on the say that it's had moderate confidence that north korea is probably capable of mounting a nuclear weapon on a missile, that such a weapon would likely not be reliable. but the secretary responded to that today and i just want to play it for everybody. take a look. >> it is inaccurate to suggest that the dbrk has fully tested, developed or demonstrated capabilities that are articulated in that report. >> that report was is not supposed to be made public. so is there the possibility that the north is that much closer to
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being capable of hitting u.s. territories with a nuclear weapon? >> right. well, thank you, thomas. it was important yesterday that the pentagon and the director of national intelligence now secretary kerry have come out and said we actually don't think north korea has all the necessary capabilities for a nuclear armed missile. this is something of great concern. obviously something the intelligence community monitors. we need be very careful when we talk about what type of capabilities the north has and doesn't have. you can be assured everybody in the intelligence community is looking at these issues very close lui right now particularly given the north's recent provocative actions and rhetoric. >> certainly the north wants to make its perception reality in terms of what their capabilities could be. the secretary mentioned in the diplomacy aspect of things that china has this enormous ability to help make a difference in this situation. is china truly the key to lowering the escalation, to
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resolving the tension? >> think china certainly a very key part of that. i think that's why you see secretary kerry doing a few things on this trip. first, he's reassuring our allies like south korea and japan we'll stand by them. also work china where we have mutual interests to maintain stability on the korean peninsula and china is very important in that they can bring unique kind of pressure on the north koreans to bring them back in line with their international obligations. i think why the diplomatic part is so important and why this trip bisek kerry is so important. >> former cia spokesperson marie harf. thank you. just ahead a top democrat in kentucky accuses progress kentucky of making that audiotape. it was made at senator mitch
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mcconnell's headquarters. why does this controversy matter? >> fight breaks out on a city bus. a young toddler caught in the middle of it. her mom throwing theory another passenger to go fight somebody. first producer's pick is my suggestion the whole team agreed. you can watch it over and over again on my facebook. it's k-mart's new commercial about the store's new free shipping offer. >> i can't wait to ship our pants back. >> i just shipped my pants and it's very convenient. >> i just shipped my drawers. >> just shipped my nighty. >> just shipped my bed.
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the schools are on the a and t campus. schools for county high school students well that receive college credit on that campus. two elementary schools, one middle school and one high school near the campus are on lock down as a precaution. parts of the east coast understand tornado watches or warnings right now. take a look at this. this is the day after or warnings are now a day after. the country's mid-section got hammered. three deaths are being blamed on the storm you see there. disaster areas have been seen in parts of arkansas, missouri and tennessee. here's a look at some of the other stories topping the news now pap second white supremacist gang member is in custody. arrested in connection with the colorado prison chief's murder. he's in the same gang as evan ebel the only suspect in that death. three 16-year-olds in california were arrested on sexual assault charges seven months after audrey pott committed suicide after being
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raped. an explosive device was sent to arizona sheriff joe arapaio. it was neutralized before it exploded. >> the death toll from the bird flu in china stoup ten. 38 others sickened. this flu snoints but the cdc activated its emergency center just in case. kerry sanders got to visit with carol, the circus elephant injured in a drive by shooting. lipsky star lindsay vonn is at augusta to cheer on her boyfriend tiger woods. tiger starting today two under-par. take a look at this shock video a woman gets into a fight on a bus while holding her baby. she throws her baby to another passenger so she can go fight the woman. ♪
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record senator mitch mcconnell and his campaign team strategizing how best to undermine ashley judd if she entered the race against him. as the fbi focus on two liberal activist, sean reilly is denying making the recording. but the kmin democratic official jacob conley heard of the recording he said he knew who did it. >> i knew what was in the tape. and then when i heard the mother jones article i said i know who that is. i don't think they were trying to make money off of it or make famous. >> conway says two kentucky activity jafts bragged back in february what they cap purdue. meanwhile progress kentucky's treasury confirmed he resigned after the tapes were published by "mother jones" on tuesday but didn't comment on his reasons for quitting. joining me now is jimmy williams, msnbc contributor,
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senate insider. conway said he didn't think to tell anybody about this recording when he first heard about it and unaware the two activists committed a crime and asserts he's making this public to protect democratic candidates in kentucky in 2014. take a listen. >> i did not want their silly mistake, their overzealous behavior to hurt the party which i love and care about and our candidates whether it's a candidate running for county surveyor next year or a candidate running for u.s. senate because senator mcconnell want as republican majority in our state. >> democrats still don't have a viable candidate that they feel willing to challenge mcconnell. has this tape and as conway describes it as a silly mistake its made that task more daunting, hasn't it?
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>> to a large degree. mitch mcconnell is already a force took reckoned with. everybody in washington, d.c. knows that. everybody in the commonwealth of kentucky. they call him darth vader. he relishes in those titles and persona. it's always very hard to elect a democrat to the united states senate from kentucky. we haven't had one since wendell ford back in the late '90s. so it's going to be very hard for them to run anyone statewide and especially after this. this does lead to -- let's put it this way. it makes mcconnell look very, very negative and nasty and if that's the case, you know, he's going to have to own up to that at some point. history does not judge senators and politicians who go after people's personal lives very well in the future. >> jimmy, one of the men that conway identified is a guy named sean reilly. said he was just witness the other activist had been more
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involved in this. although conway alleges he was not involved but not returned calls to nbc news because there's been no corroboration to this story we won't report the other person's name. how par for the course is this just in how terms dirty the nature of political campaigns can get. >> if you recall, remember nixon went after mcgovern in his first pick for vice president for the nomination because eagleton had mental illness, et cetera and mcgovernor dropped eagleton from the ticket and picked shriver to replace him. this is not uncommon. the problem is when you have a politician who goes after his or her opponents on a personal level for their family doing something, kids or cheating on their wives or this sort of stuff, american all the illness it may help you in the short term. in the long term history looks back on those sort of things and judges them very poorly and dimly. it's not like anybody loves
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mitch mcconnell with a warm and fuzzy feel about this guy but it will hurt him eventually in the eyes of the nation. >> jimmy williams on why it matters. appreciate it. so we've heard a lot about the gang of eight the group of senators working on an immigration bill. they could unveil their proposal on tuesday. one of those senators, marco rubio is planning to hit the air waves to push that plan appearing on seven talk shows this weekend. some conservatives in the house are pushing back against immigration reform doing so in a big way. joining me now is republican congressman john carter. you've been working behind-the-scenes on immigration reform. so first let's get your thoughts on what's coming out of the senate and then tell us about anything the plan will emerge from the house, the thoughts from there. >> well, i'm part of a group that formed up almost four years ago, initially made up of ten
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republicans and ten democrats to get as many liberal democrats and as many conservative republicans so we would have a good mix and we started out trying to fix the broken immigration system. we got a package that we think we'll be putting forward soon. we made a promise to each other we would not go into the details until we're ready to launch our bill but we'll have a bill and we'll have one soon. i've been on the periphery watching what's been going on and the key question you have to ask can the bill pass? we've been looking at that nature this whole 3 1/2 years. that's the question i would have about the senate bill. >> we see or hear republican congresswoman warned the house about considering a path to citizenship. you make sure people who are here illegally do not get jobs and they don't get benefits and they will go home. myth called it deportation but it's not. it's just attrition.
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they will go home on their own. do you think that's helpful in using that kind of language and using that kind of strategy to having people that are in this country right now looking to become americans go home? >> my personal background is i'm a former trial judge from texas. and i started off with two premises. first we're dealing with human beings and we heavy to deal with them compassionately. secondly you don't reward people for illegal behavior. based on that want premise that's been how i've gone forward on immigration reform. it is broken at every level. legal immigration is broken as anything. all of those thing have to be addressed and fixed. it's a complex effort. and quite honestly political rhetoric is not helpful. >> sir, people are encouraged by the fact that you say from your experience working from the bench the compassion leads the day. as we look at our new nbc/wall
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street journal poll and telemundo poll he 64% of americans are in fair of a pathway to citizenship. 47% of republicans are supportive of pathway to citizenship. republicans support grows to 73%. do those numbers sound encourage towing at least you say you don't want to reveal too much. from what you're talk about behind the scenes do you think they mesh up? >> i come from texas, we're a border state. this is our issue for 150 years. it's not new to us. and quite honestly at home, although there's a lot of temper going on with this, there's every indication people are ready to fix immigration. >> sir, thanks so much. we'll let you get back to work. i appreciate your time. coming up "essence" magazine own campaign to put an to end
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gun violence pap majority of americans support marriage equality. republicans are still resisting in some areas doubling down against their opposition. and our question of the day to you can the newtown families level the playing field in the battle over gun control reform. tweet me @thomasaroberts or find me at facebook. [ male announcer ] this is george.
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you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. more information at north carolina a and t university that school on lock down after police receive reports of a male suspect carrying a weapon on campus. >> reporter: they are not running to wherever they need to go, they are walking at a leisurely pace. there is no students walking around as far as we've seen lately. many pockets here and there.
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i guess they've been cooped up there. >> any feel for when this might actually be or get resolved and they might actually find this person, if that person exists, any feel for that around where you are? >> well, my general feeling is based on the school shootings that have happened in recent memory they are going to wait as long as possible. they won't let time be a factor. they will make sure everything is 100% safe. they won't release any of these students until they are 100% confident what's happened, who involved. >> we've been listening to rob wu reporting there on the campus of north carolina a and t university. that campus on lockdown after the campus safety there received reports of a male suspect carrying a weapon on campus. if we get new information we'll take you back there and give it to you. the rnc could give the okay to a resolution reaffirming the
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party's platform. it calls for bans on abortion and marriage equality. a grouch high-profile social conservatives warn rnc chair reince preibus they could abandon the party if they abandon the position. we worn gop leadership abandonment of its principles will result in the abandonment of our constituents to their support. is this a new nbc/wall street journal poll shows increasing support for marriage' quote among americans. joining me on set is founder of freedom to marry. great to have you here. we got this response from the rnc, issuing a statement in response to the letter saying chairman reince preibus agrees we must stand up to our principles. do you think this is a threat that the rnc is taking seriously as it looks at the platform? >> it seems like fit they pass this resolution they will cab i
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capitulating to a small fringe as opposed to standing up for conservative values of personal responsibility, limited government. authors values that the party says it favors and those are the values behind the freedom marry. >> we have the new numbers from our poll, the new poll we took asking about marriage equality. democrats 73% in support. republicans 27%. independents at 54%. given the majority, the majority of americans have shifted on this and backing the fact that marriage equality should exist in the country. do you think that the changing attitudes of senator rob portman and people are doing behind-the-scenes will that help push the sentiment where they need to recognize this is a fait accompli.
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>> the republicans are out of step with the majority of americans. >> when we see these reports in michigan, there are these reports that the state's rnc committeemen compared homosexuality to alcoholism. are thoiss like that big voice of concern like someone reince preibus is looking at. that he might be afraid to go up against. this type of language is unnecessary and this is not the type of way that we are going to attract a younger demographic is by alienating people. >> the republican party ultimately has to make a choice. does it want to repudiate voices of discrimination and intolerance and policies. not just the image what do you
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stand for? do you stand for freedom or that kind of oppressive offensive discrimination that made you more and more out of touch with our own young people leapt alone with the majority. >> delaware is the latest state to move forward with its governor proposing a marriage equality bill. do you feel confident about that bill? >> i'm hopeful we can secure the freedom to marry in several more states. it's never done until it's done. >> never done until it's done. >> great to see. you. a medal of honor for a man who died 60 years ago. the medal was awarded to chaplain kapaun. the president presented the award to his uncle. >> an american soldier who didn't fire a gun but who
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wielded the mightiest weapon of all. the love for his brothers so pure that he was willing to die so that they might live. >> in other news jay-z now setting the record straight on his anniversary trip with beyonce his twif cuan yo -- wifa or at least rapping about it. ♪ so now the whitney houston respond to this. the press secretary jay carney disputing the words in those lyrics. >> i guess nothing rhymes with treasury. because treasury offers and gives licenses for travel, as you know, and the white house has nothing to do with it.
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we asked and you answered, can you the newtown families levelle playing field in the battle over gun reform. one response, i hope so. run response, yes, but not without our support. we encourage you to keep the comments coming in you can find us on twitter and facebook. based on that, the newtown families pushing for this change as we witnessed in d.c. this week. one of the nation's leading magazines for african-american women joined the fight to curb gun violence. "essence" magazine features the personal stories of children of color killed by gun violence. the latest issue features 6-year-old sandy hook victim and 14-year-old hadiyah pendleton. joining me now is vanessa bush. acting managing editor of
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"essence." i think for a lot of people when they hear that "essence" magazine is diving into a three-part story on gun violence in america and what it's doing to children of color in this country. they might be surprised at the results of what you were able to elicit. especially from the mother of ana, her mother, melba said i'm frustrated wi the lack of meaningful action on gun violence, when people look back on this time, 100 years from now, will they be able to say we stood on the right side of history, that we did all we needed to do to make our communities whole and safe. what was the hope of bringing melba's story and the pendleton story to the forefront in "essence"? >> we feel that in order for people to understand the true impact of gun violence in our communities you have to hear it from the parents who lost their children. i mean when we send our kids out into the world, we always expect them to come home. their children didn't. and somebody needs to, we need to really get people to
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understand that we have to stand up and we have to raise our own voices and speak out on this. it can't be just left up to the legislators. they, the power is with the people. you know, not the people in power. >> all politics is truly personal. the fight has become personal for the president and the first lady. the first lady gave an emotional speech this week in chicago. that got some restrong reaction from conservative rush limbaugh. i want to play what the first lady had to say and then limbaugh's reaction. take a look. >> hadiyah's family was just like my family. hadiyah pendleton was me, and i was her. but i got to grow up. >> when i hear first lady compare herself to murdered teenager, i know what she's doing. and it -- it's a disservice. it's a disservice to the country. i'm really mad at how easy it
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apparently is to turn rationality upside-down to the point that it doesn't exist. >> is using the first lady and the president, the bully pulpit that they have, to elicit emotion, is it fair for that type of criticism to come back at them when michelle obama says that basically hadiyah is her. >> the emotion is very real. the emotion is absolutely real and raw. i don't think that you can, you know make that up or pretend or put on an act when it comes to that. especially if you're a parent. so part of the reason that we decided to do this three-part series is that we really feel that we can galvanize communities around the idea of putting guns down. in fact our hash tag on twitter is essencegunsdown. we can let people know that we care that the gun bill is going to be debated in the senate next week and we want to show that we
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support safer communities protecting our children. it's critical. >> so not only can everybody read this, the cover story, they can also contribute their voice. #essencegunsdown. vanessa, thank you so much. that's going to wrap things up for me. i'll see you back on monday, 11:00 a.m. eastern. "now" with alex wagner is coming up with a special friday edition of "now." all friday editions of "now" are special. >> they're deeply special because i'm deeply psyched it's friday. >> you get psyched by wednesday. >> also true. >> you keep us happy. >> that hump day is a real thing in my world. thank you, thomas, have an awesome weekend. yesterday was a big day for gun reform. but today it's clear the fight is just beginning. my panel will be here to discuss the battle ahead. plus growing up emanuel, dr. zeke emanuel wrestled his brothers, rahm and amari to win
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