tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC April 13, 2013 3:00am-4:00am PDT
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a long way from home... as an american express cardmember you can expect some help. but what you might not expect, is you can get all this with a prepaid card. spends like cash. feels like membership. >> this week of news is ending in way that basically no one could have predicted when this week in news began. to start the week, on sunday night, the cbs program "60 minutes" aired an emotional and i think riveting two part interview on the story that we all knew was going to be the all-consuming policy news in washington this week. "60 minutes" broke the story into two pieces. two segments. this is the way they divided them. this is how part one ended. >> i would like every parent in this country, that's 150 million people, i would like them to look in the mirror. that's not a figure of speech,
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scott. literally find a mirror in your house and look at it and look in your eyes and say this will never happen to me. this will never happen in my school. this will never happen in any community. and see if you actually believe that. and if there is a shadow, the slightest shadow of doubt about what you've said, think about what can you do to change that. in your house, in your community, in your school, in your country. because we have an obligation to do this for our children. it is going to happen again. it is going to happen again. and every time, it is somebody else's school. it is somebody else's town. it is somebody else's community. until one day, you wake up and it's not. >> that's david wheeler, the father of ben wheeler who was killed at sandy hook elementary school in newtown. david wheeler speaking there on "60 minutes" sunday night. tomorrow night david wheeler
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will stand with his wife francine, ben's mom, as she delivers president obama's weekly address. every saturday morning the president of the united states delivers a weekly address. it gets carried on radio, tv stations, air it, it goes up online. this week, tomorrow for the first time ever in the presidency the president will handing off his address to a citizen. he will be handing off his address to francine and to david to talk about them losing ben. what gives a person the strength to do this? when in the process do you realize that you have the strength to not just grieve the loss of your child but also to speak. to take what happened to you and turn it into a way of trying to stop it from happening to someone else's child. do you know from the beginning that you will act to try to protect other people's children now that this has happened to you? or do you find yourself doing it and marvel that you are capable of it? marvel that it is happening? one week after her son, dylan, was killed alongside ben and those 18 other kids in sandy
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hook, dylan hockley's mother nicole spoke at dylan's memorial service. dylan was 6 years old when he died. he had autism. they held the memorial one week after he died and they held it as a celebration of his life. watch this. this is remarkable. >> like many people on the spectrum, dylan demonstrated several aspects of repetitive movement. some autistic individuals rock their bodies. roll their heads or flap their hands. dylan was a flapper. whenever he got excited or happy, he jumped up and down and flapped as hard as he could. one day i asked dylan, why do you flap? in all honesty because dylan had underdeveloped language skills, i wasn't expecting him to answer, but he did. he said "because i'm a beautiful butterfly." it has been said that something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a hurricane
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halfway around the world. that a small change or single occurrence in one place can result in large differences elsewhere. it redefines the future. dylan is our butterfly. all of the children and adults who lost their lives last week are our butterflies. and if one butterfly can cause a hurricane, then 26 butterflies can change the world. i refuse to accept this as a senseless tragedy. i believe dylan and the others that died with him, are catalysts and while i selfishly wish my child was still with me and while i fear the empty space in my heart may never be filled, i'm also at peace to take comfort in the knowledge that his death will have meaning. there will be a positive change from this and we will be part of it. newtown will be part of it. >> that was dylan hockley's mom nicole, speaking a week after he was killed at his memorial
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service. at that celebration of his life. one month after killings at sandy hook, i was at the event in newtown connecticut that launched the group sandy hook promise and saw nicole speak again there about dylan and about how losing him must be a catalyst for change. the newtown families went to the state capitol in connecticut to press legislators there to negotiate amongst themselves and then to vote for that state's landmark bipartisan package of gun reforms. faces of those family members were the last thing the legislators saw before they walked into the chambers to vote. the photos of their kids and their family members who were killed that day at sandy hook were the last things put in those legislators' hands before they walked into the chambers to vote. that vote passed with bipartisan support and connecticut's gun reforms are now signed into law. soon after that families met with president obama. nicole hockley introduced the president when he spoke in connecticut. the families met with the president. eleven family members traveled
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back with him to washington, d.c. on air force one and when they got to washington, d.c. they started the process of meeting with senators. again, summoning the strength, meeting these senators directly, explaining, talking about who it was that they lost and what it means to them and how this senator's vote, you, senator, look at me eye to eye, could help stop this from happening to somebody else's child. and at the end of those meetings 22 senators who have "a" ratings with the nra voted with the majority to move the debate forward. to defeat the filibuster. to at least let it come for a vote. 22 senators with "a" ratings from the nra were on the let it go forward side of that vote. tonight and tomorrow, there are dozens of pro reform events planned all over the country. in arizona tonight, starting tomorrow in california and colorado and florida, georgia, indiana, maine, nevada, north carolina, ohio, pennsylvania, texas, virginia, wisconsin, all over the country tonight and tomorrow.
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mayors against illegal guns will start running new ads in seven states. they are asking senators to vote in favor of the bipartisan background checks proposal that's moving forward in the senate thanks to this week's vote. the husband of congresswoman gabby giffords mark kel low, he has recorded robo calls that started going out today to west virginia and pennsylvania. west virginia and pennsylvania specifically because the robo calls are thanking the bipartisan nra "a" rated pair of senators who were brave enough to put the background checks bill forward. they are from pennsylvania and west virginia. there's a lot going on. the vote in the senate is still a week away. but the core, the center, the reason this is happening, politically, is that the surviving family members of these people who have been killed in our country have found the strength to try to stop what happened to them from happening to somebody else's family. the teves family in arizona from trying to get their senator, republican senator jeff flake,
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to commit to supporting background checks or any other gun-related reforms. their son, alex, was 24 years old when he was killed at the movie theater massacre in aurora, colorado. the family has asked their senator, senator jeff flake, to come eat dinner at their house and to sit in alex's seat at the dinner table, so that they can talk with him. asked by kpnx in phoenix if it is fair to use that kind of emotional appeal to try to reach their senator, mrs. teves said in response, you know what, the guns are not shooting targets, they are shooting people. people have emotions. it is impossible to take emotion out of the equation. unless it has happened to you, none of us can imagine what it is to lose a child, lose a family member to utterly senseless gun violence. but now as a country, we are being propelled toward change by the very people who not only have experienced that loss directly, but have also, from somewhere, summoned the strength
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to lead us to try to stop it from ever happening again. joining us for the interview tonight is nicole hockley. nicole hockley's son dylan was killed at sandy hook elementary. nicole, thank you very much for being here tonight. >> thank you for having me. >> i know that you have just come from d.c. as of this afternoon. i have heard you say in talking to other people you've never done anything like this before, the meeting with senators that you have done. what was it like this week? >> it was certainly a very interesting experience. never, to be honest, this is the first time i've been in d.c. i've learnt a great deal. had no idea what to expect, and went in with very few expectations. just wanting to meet with senators and talk to them person to person along with all of the other families first to tell our stories and see what could be done. >> do you feel like you are being listened to? that people are -- obviously people have a lot of emotion about what happened and meeting you is an emotional experience
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for a lot of people. a number of the different family's members i have talked to have talked about how hard it that people burst into tears upon meeting you. that makes it harder on you, you're put in a position to comfort people. do you feel like you're able to bridge through the emotion to make an argument that people can hear? >> i think so. i mean, people definitely are taking the time. senators have taken the time to listen to us. and that's the whole point we're reaching to the -- we're reaching out to them as people. they are parents and grand parent. they are parents just like us. there is nothing wrong with talking person to person. it is not about politics. there is nothing wrong with being emotional about that. there are numbers, statistics and logic to look at but you have to consider the love element as well. you have to consider the human element when making these important decisions. >> let me ask you the question that i posed a moment ago, which is about your decision to speak out.
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obviously nobody would hold it against you if you chose to remain an entirely private person and never speak to anybody about this. when in this process did you realize that you had the strength to take what happened to your family and to act to try to keep this from happening to somebody else's children? did you know right away that you would or how did that happen? >> i still find it very strange when anyone thinks that i'm strong. i know that there are several other family members who feel the same way. i don't feel strong at any point of the day, at any single moment. this is just something i feel i have to do for dylan and for my living son and for all of the other children and adults who might face this sort of violence in their lives and try to prevent that for them. if i could stop one other person from dying or one other mother from feeling this way, so that they don't have to find a way to find their strength, then it will never be worthwhile, because it's too high of a price
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to have paid. but at least i will feel that something good will have come from this. >> i thought of you when -- i heard a comment from oklahoma senator james inhofe this week and he has said so far that he's opposed to any reforms, although who knows how he will eventually vote when it comes time to vote. he said he felt that the newtown families were being used to leverage a bill in the that that would not have prevented their horrible loss. what do you think about that claim? >> there's two aspects there. first of all, no one is using me. these are active choices that i'm making every day. the things i say come out of my mouth. i'm not a puppeteer in any way. these are my thoughts and my opinions. fortunately i share a lot of these thoughts and opinions with other families as well. we have a combined voice. in terms of whether these reforms would have prevented newtown? some of them, no, they wouldn't have. does that mean we shouldn't make
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changes to prevent other tragedies? why wouldn't you do that if it could save other lives and if it helps, then you have an obligation to do these things. some of the things that we're talking about could have made a difference in newtown, as well. not all of them, but some of them. and that's important to remember. >> what do you think happens in terms of the timeframe here? obviously the big hurdle of even getting to a vote in the senate this week is something that honestly at the beginning of the week most people were not predicting. people thought that the republican filibuster would be sustained. it was not only beaten, it was beaten handily. i think substantially because of the work that you and the other families did in washington. but the vote itself is going to be next week. and then it moves on to the house. what's your plan in terms of staying involved or otherwise? >> my plan is absolutely to stay involved, and also this isn't just about gun responsibility at the end of the day. there is a lot of other issues and families will be involved in those going forward as well. and for myself, i will just
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continue doing exactly what i've been doing so far, talking to people, listening to them, and hoping that they have the courage to continue to listen to what we have to say and then to act in terms of what's right for their constituents but also what's right as a person. >> do you -- my analysis, i should ask you this rather than just saying it. my analysis is that you guys made things possible that didn't seem possible. i heard your u.s. senator murphy saying that what passed in connecticut no one believed would happen until the intervention from the families so that it changed it and made it bipartisan and made it the big vote that it was. i see that happening with this vote that happened this week in washington, as well. do you share that assessment. do you think you are making stuff happen that wouldn't otherwise happen? >> i've been told, as you just said, we are making a difference. to me this is just common sense. when we started off going to connecticut and we're told, this
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is what is going to happen and we think it is pretty much stopping here, we wanted it to go a little further. it didn't go quite as far as we hoped but then provisions were strengthened and that was a really good result for a bipartisan committee to come together like that and deliver the strongest gun legislation in the country. and in the senate, yeah. going in this past weekend, i will admit i didn't even know what a filibuster was. when i understood what it was, i thought what a ridiculous concept that government won't even debate this. and to have moved that from, you know, stopping the filibuster and having the debate and now this is going to go forward, it doesn't necessarily mean that we don't know what's going to happen next but this is an important first step and it is the first of a long, long journey that each step we're just going to get closer to our goals. >> when my observation before i was in media and before i was doing this kind of media, i was
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student of political science. i studied social movements and how activists bring about change. and the one thing i learned and saw in action but was never able to prove academically but i believe it with all my heart is the thing that makes you most likely to win is winning. and that when you are unexpectedly able to achieve something. you not only attract attention, you attract hope. and hope is momentum and i think you're on the hope tipping point. >> good. >> again, i can't thank you enough for being willing to talk about this here. especially after the long day and long week you've had talking about this with all sort of people. nicole hockley, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> keep in touch. we'll be right back. [ coughs ] [ angry gibberish ] i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms,
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this is a little important context in terms of understanding what's about to happen next in congress and why the common wisdom might be wrong. when the congress decided back in january that they were not going to throw us off the so-called fiscal cliff, remember that, they didn't just get to make that decision. they actually had to pass legislation to do that. and as legislation, it doesn't have to just go through the democratic controlled senate it had to go through the republican controlled house of representatives. the house is controlled by the republican party. how on earth can we count on congressional republicans, republicans in the house to pass legislation like that? compromise legislation, particularly on a spending matter. how can we count on republicans to do that? we can't. so the democrats did it. mostly. the republicans did let the thing come up for a vote back in january. but it passed with almost all the democrats voting for it and
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just enough of the republicans voting for it to get it over the hump. it was majority democratic vote that passed that thing out of house, even though the republicans are in control. that was in january. then two weeks later, it happened again. after months and months had passed since hurricane sandy devastated the eastern seaboard the house finally got it together to send money to hurricane sandy victims. the house passed the hurricane sandy relief bill and when i say the house passed it, i mean the democrats in the house passed it. every democrat in the house except for one voted for the sandy relief bill. combine that with a couple dozen republicans you need to get it over the hump and that is how they got that bill passed. then they did it again the next month. it was the violence against women act. the house finally passed the violence against women act after stalling for more than a year. they had every single democrat voting for it. every single one down to the last drop. but that's not a majority. so again they got just a minority, just a few house republicans to cross over,
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enough to let it pass, to vote with the democrats so that they could get a majority so it could get passed. this week another example, slightly more obscure one. the house needed to vote to suspend the rules in order to pass a bill maintaining commemorated american battlefield sites. in order to do something like that procedurally you urinely need the party in power to vote for it. but if you cannot count on the party in power to do anything like that, or frankly anything, and this really is something that you need done, you got to find another way. again on battlefield sites you put together a way to get this thing done by lining up the minority party. lining up almost every democrat in the house and you just need enough republicans to get it over the hump. voila, rule suspended. this is not normally how people expect the congress to work. this is a weird thing, right, to have the minority party do most of the voting for stuff, while the majority splits itself. so it can offer just enough support to pass what needs to be passed. but in the house of
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representatives that does not like to vote for even the basic stuff, this is the new, cobbled together, keep it quiet kind of way that some stuff has been getting passed this year. john boehner, house speaker, as house speaker, has almost dictatorial power in the house over what comes up and how it comes up, house speaker john boehner has let this, for lack of a better term, let the democrats do it way of passing bills go ahead and pass stuff at least four times in the past four months. they call it breaking the hastert rule because denny hastert as speaker reportedly never liked things to pass this way. but you know what? who cares about process for processes sake in the important thing here is what this might mean for the country in terms of policy. if you have been wondering how something like better background checks for gun purchases might conceivably pass the house, if it gets through senate this next week, gun reform hopefuls are floating the idea that this odd
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procedural route that the republicans don't like to admit to but they sometimes let happen, that route would be the way that this thing would get through if it gets through. that is the narrow path to background checks or other gun reforms potentially becoming law. greg sargent for "the washington post" this week has been trying to map this path for how gun reform might pass the house. he notes when republican senate sponsor pat toomey talked about what he was able to come up with for the senate he said at the time that there are a substantial number of republicans in the house who also support that general approach to that part of the gun's issue. if pat toomey is right, if that is true, if there are some republicans who could go along with this, and if the democrats stick together, which seems likely, this could happen. if enough senate republicans support the proposal, continued pressure on house republicans to allow a vote for the sake of the newtown families, who will be actively lobbying in the days ahead, that pressure could get very, very intense. i think that is exactly about what is about to happen.
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i think that we're going to see in the senate this week, it's going to be very unpredictable but the pressure is going to be almost unbelievable. and as it becomes clear that it may pass the senate, the focus on the house right now to at least let this come for a vote in the house, you've got 90% support from the american public. you can count on every democrat in the house pretty much to support it. all you need is enough republicans to be allowed to peel off to put it over the top. the pressure on this is going to be unbelievably intense and that is going to make for a very unpredictable few news days on this subject. stay up late. [ male announcer] surprise -- you're having triplets. [ babies crying ] surprise -- your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need without any surprise fees. ♪ it's not rocket science.
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kwl >> tryst afternoon president obama presented the u.s. naval academy football team with the commander in chief's trophy. every season the teams from the military service academies play against each other and just about every year since 1984 the sitting president of the united states then bestows the commander in chief's trophy to the best of the teams. today the mid shipmen from annapolis decided that they would give president obama a gift of their own in return. >> all right, that's the official navy helmet, fitted for me. pretty sharp. all right. here is the general rule. you don't put stuff on your
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head, if you're president. that's politics 101. you never look good wearing something on your head. >> put it on, put it on. >> no. >> the president has learned the politicians don't put stuff on your head rule. it did take him a while to learn it. there was the momentary cowboy hat flirtation back in 2007. but since he has been actual president, really, he has been very good about the no headgear rule. barely even a baseball hat. that kind of learning curve is important to all politicians. but right now the learning curve seems to be running in reverse for the republican party since the last election. did you hear what republican party did today on the issue of race? at their big national republican party meeting in california? did you hear what they did. that's coming up. [ female announcer ] can a body wash go beyond basic cleansing?
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facebook page about how the homosexual agenda is to get the public to affirm their filthy lifestyle and how homosexuals prey on children and how homosexuals account for half the murders in large cities. since then some young republicans in michigan have been calling for dave agema to resign his leadership position with the party. the national republican party chairman reince priebus have made statements distancing themselves from mr. agema. we can tell you tonight that dave agema hasn't resigned. he is, in fact, at the republican national committee's spring meeting in california right now, where he has mounted a pretty good defense for himself by pointing out that he feels very comfortable rejecting all that criticism. especially the part about undermining the party platform. since the anti-gay thing that he's very much in favor of actually is in the republican
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party platform. and he's right. this is the republican party platform from the last convention. republicans ran on the anti-gay in the november 2012 election. today after 13 somewhat famous social conservatives demanded it and the republican national committee at this meeting in california they voted on that part of their platform. they voted on whether or not they want to reaffirm the anti-gay stuff that was in the platform as of november. republicans voted on this resolution introduced by dave agema himself. that exact guy, mr. homosexuals are filthy killers who eat stray rabbits and parakeets, that guy introduced, himself, introduced the resolution for the whole rnc, asking the republican party as a whole to reaffirm that republicans really do believe in one man, one woman marriage only no matter who you love on account of the future of america. dave agema introduced this anti-gay marriage resolution himself personally to the whole republican national committee.
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and it passed. it passed unanimously. the social conservatives won. social conservatives win in the republican party, pretty much always. they win inside the republican party itself when it comes to setting policy for the party and they win outside the party. they win in the states wherever republicans hold power. since this past election, when republicans lost the white house, and lost ground in the house, and lost ground in the senate, they have used the power that they've still got in the states to push the most aggressive social conservative policy agenda in a generation. republicans in the states have put flat-out unconstitutional bans into law. bans on abortion, into law in arkansas and in north dakota. the north dakota legislature sent the governor a second abortion ban today, just for good measure. republicans in kansas have sent their governor an abortion ban, as well, which is waiting on governor brownback to sign it at this point. since the november election, new track laws designed to force
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abortion clinics out of business have spread from mississippi, where they were at work before the election, to now also north dakota and alabama, and as of today, the great state of virginia. today in virginia, the state board of health gave final approval for regulations that are designed to shut down virginia's clinics that provide abortions. the voe vote follows threats and direct intervention by the republican state attorney general ken cuccinelli to force the board of health to reverse their earlier ruling on this issue to close the clinics so they end up where they ended up today. the state health commissioner resigned in protest of the pressure. resigned in protest of the new requirements that are designed to be difficult if not impossible to comply with. she said she could no longer fulfill her role as state health commissioner, quote, in good faith. but today ken cuccinelli, the attorney general now in the republican party's candidate for governor this year, ken cuccinelli got what he wanted in virginia. the board of health in that state passed the rules to shut down virginia's clinics. after the vote protesters
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shouted "shame, shame." you see they're holding up little cardboard faces there. those are faces that are supposed to make them look like ken cuccinelli. little images of ken cuccinelli's head. as if to remind their fellow virginians of ken cuccinelli's role in this act. the board of health member, this next clip you're about to see, was on the losing side of today's vote. this is one of the board of health members who voted to keep the clinics open. >> my concern from the beginning has been access. i don't want to see any of them closed. >> the new rules designed to close virginia's clinic that provide abortions are slated to take effect this summer. mississippi's done it. alabama's doing it. north dakota is doing it. this is republican governance in 2013. joining us now is shareneil herring a member of the virginia house of delegates, democratic minority whip, chair of the democratic party of virginia and former chair of the pro-choice caucus. it's really nice to have you
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here with us. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> obviously today's vote in the board of health is if not a surprise, at least a big deal for supporters of the virginia clinics. what do you think happens next? is this over? >> no. the fight's not over. it is more than likely that the governor is going to go ahead and sign these regulations. but it reminds virginia voters what's at stake this coming november in the elections. it is a possibility that the new governor, whoever it may be, may go ahead and suspend those regulations. but it is important that voters realize what is happening is that ken cuccinelli used his heavy hand of government basically hijacked the regulatory process. wrote his own regulations. bullied the board of health into voting for those regulations and this is what we have. it is sad day for virginia and for virginia's women because we are talking about closing clinics that provide diagnostic
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procedures for women, such as mammograms, pelvic exams. >> one of the things that we've been watching at the national level is that at the national level republicans don't really want to talk about their aggressive social conservative agenda. they don't want to be known as the crusading anti-abortion activist party. even though they are really governing that way everywhere that they've got power. you're the chair of the democratic party in virginia. are democrats going to put issues of social conservatism, the anti-gay views of ken cuccinelli, the way that he's been such an activist against abortion rights in your state, and these other matters? is that going to be front and center in the gubernatorial campaign? >> it already is, rachel. it already is. i can tell you people have their eye on ken cuccinelli and what he has been doing, and already -- voters are already in tune. it's been an issue. it will continue to be an issue. because what we're talking about and what's at stake is women's freedom to access healthcare. we're talking about equality for
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every virginian. and you know, people realize that this translates into what -- our economy, and how free we are going to be as a people of the commonwealth. in fact, ken cuccinelli's extremism has gone into the business community. they are concerned about what he is doing, where his focus has been. >> virginia has voted twice now for president obama. it is a place, obviously, where democrats can win. why do you think that republicans and socially conservative republicans in particular, have been able to set so much policy for the state? i mean, you look at virginia, and if you squint, it sort of looks like alabama in terms of the way the republicans there have prioritized their issues. governor mcdonnell wants to be known as a business guy but you look at what he's done and there's a reason people call him governor ultrasound. why do they keep calling the policy fights. >> when they campaign, they talk about, i want to talk about business and jobs. when they get into office, they talk these extreme votes and measures and i'll tell you why. it's the tea party.
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if a republican even has a whiff of moderation, says let's look at science, let's look at medical evidence, and determine what we need for these clinics. they face a primary by the tea party. so we have an extreme element that's coming in. but it is up to virginia voters to realize what is good for the commonwealth. it's not this extremism. but it's moderation. >> it opens up a lot of space in the center for the democratic party, if you guys are going to fill that vacuum. member of the virginia house, democratic minority whip, chair of the democratic party of virginia. thank you very much for your time tonight. i would love to stay in touch with you on these matters as they continue in virginia. >> thank you. >> "the rachel maddow show," jeopardy tease time. the answer is, exactly the wrong person to help a political party expand its appeal. the question is a daily double. and then some. rnc spring meeting under way, and oh, boy, is it rich with content. stay with us. i don't like to golf.
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awesome idea. heart in the right place kind of stuff. but eventually that meant that the seat of power in the most powerful country on earth, the white house, was coming within a thousand signatures of having to answer the request to, quote, nationalize the twinkie industry. when that happens, maybe it is time to raise the bar in terms of things they must respond to. even they though started with 5,000 signature plan the white house eventually upped the threshold to 25,000 signatures. that still wasn't high enough to filter out stuff like this. invite neal boortz to spend an hour talking with the president about tax reform. okay google neal boorhz. come on, america, the president is busy. so it was 5,000, then the 25,000. that couldn't clear the boortz hurdle. now you have to get 100,000 signatures on your petition for the white house to respond to it. but it was back in the old days of only 5,000 signatures that white house did have to respond to this question.
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quote, we the undersigned strongly urge the president of the united states to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence, engaging the human race. and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon. that petition got more than 12,000 signatures. and this was the white house response from the office of science and technology policy. it's actually very considerate. listen to this. the u.s. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. in addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye many scientists and mathematicians have looked at the statistical mind-set of the question of whether life likely exists beyond earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe, there is a planet other than ours that is home to
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life. many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them, especially any intelligent ones, are extremely small given the distances involved. but that's all statistics and speculation. the fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on earth. asked and answered, right? no, of course not. since the white house will not give them the truth that they know is out there, the group behind that petition is now turning to another branch of government to uncover the real evidence, sort of. they're sort of approaching congress, but, well, they decided to hold a fake congressional hearing. a five-day marathon hearing involving testimony from dozens of witnesses, witnesses questioned by former members of congress, in a room at the national press club, that has been configured to resemble a senate hearing room. there will be press sections, audience area, and witness and committee tables.
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just like the real thing. except it's fake. they're calling it a citizen hearing on disclosure. they created like a movie trailer for it. look. >> i think it is time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark, question of government investigations of ufos. >> stop the music, governor. did you say the united states government is covering up a history of a ufo sighting in your state? >> it is now time to put away this embargo of truth about alien presence. >> they don't produce documents, chris, they should get it all out. >> we ought to do it because the american people quite frankly can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it's the law. >> it is not about lights on the sky, it is about lies on the ground. >> release the x-files. embargo of truth about the alien presence. you're going down.
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so that's the fake hearing, over five days of testimony, dozens of witnesses will talk about strange things they say they have witnessed. they will give that testimony to a panel of members of congress, excuse me, wait. former members of congress, including one former senator, mike grave of alaska, who once read the pentagon papers into the congressional record amid all sorts of interesting stuff in washington. but who is best remembered for long zen, inexplicable campaign ads when he ran for president. in 2008. but less you assume that former senator mike gravel and company are doing this fake hearing thing because they believe in aliens visiting earth, the organizers of the fake ufo's hearing told roll call, quote, i don't care what the ex-members actually think about extraterrestrial issues. the organizer said he only cares, quote, that they served in congress, that they know how it is done, that they are willing to run these hearings like an actual hearing in order to create a rather amazing and i think important event.
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also i should note that the fake committee members are going to get paid $20,000 a pop to do it. so there's that. roll call and "the washington post" report the fake hearing adventure is expected to cost over $600,000, including the $20,000 fee paid to each of the former members of congress who are going to preside over that fake hearing. nobody knows who the anonymous donor is who is footing the bill. it is somebody rich enough to put up 600 grand to pay for a fake congressional hearing about ufos and it is someone of the mind-set that a fake congressional hearing about ufos is what america needs in order to see the light about ufos. the eerie, erie, oddly compelling light. watch this space. [ female announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age.
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or signs in a woman, which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with breast cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding, should not use androgel. serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. so...what do men do when a number's too low? turn it up! [ male announcer ] in a clinical study, over 80% of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%. on wednesday night, two nights ago, we reported on a
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story when i first saw it, i swear i thought it couldn't possibly be true, i thought i was being punked. on the ten year anniversary of the saddam statue being pulled down, house republicans celebrated this week inviting former vice president dick cheney to a closed door meeting for him to share with them his dick cheney wisdom on foreign policy. to be clear, dick cheney didn't show up uninvited and they felt bad and had to let him in, they invited him to talk to them, he is their chosen expert. still. since we reported that story wednesday night after the meeting i have some sort of correction. i've been waiting to feel stupid, right? waiting to hear it was some lefty satire that fooled us, no way did house republicans seek out dick cheney for advice on foreign policy in 2013. can't be. but alas, there has been no correction. that apparently actually happened. and it gets better or worse, better/worse. vice president cheney's next
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stop after meeting to advise house republicans on foreign policy this week was another speaking gig at the republican national committee spring meeting in los angeles. the official national republican party meeting. this year is aimed specifically at the challenge of, quote, broadening the republican party's appeal with voters. so congressional republicans called in dick cheney for advice on foreign policy matters, and the national republican party turned to dick cheney for advice on broadening the party's appeal. because when you think broad appeal to the electorate, do you think dick cheney? now to be fair, the rnc didn't just turn to dick cheney on this matter. they decided to bring in other experts as well. again, the stated aim of the republican party's national meeting right now in los angeles is to reach out to new voters, specifically asian-americans,
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blacks, hispanics and young people. so to do that, to make that outreach, the party decided to bring in the aforementioned dick cheney. also they decided to bring in one of the people who runs the brightbart website. that's the conservative website that has fixated on attacking acorn and van jones, and eric holder, and shirley sherrod, remember how they invented the whole thing where shirley sherrod is a racist against white people and it turns out they totally made up the tape that made it seem like that? yeah. to broaden the party's appeal to asian-americans, blacks, hispanics and young people, republicans at the national meeting tapped the breitbart guy, dick cheney, and this guy. >> i'm still trying to find two tickets to the ohio state usc game, since it's probably the last football game we will get to see before the united states gets blown up by the islamists under obama. >> there's that guy and dick cheney and the guy from breit
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bart, there's another expert in being appealing that the party is tapping for its national meeting right now on how to attract minorities. if the name david horowitz is unfamiliar, perhaps his books may ring a bell. there's this one "black skin privilege and the american dream." or there's this one. "hating whitey and other progressive causes." this is also a popular one, i'm sure for modernizing and 3wr0denning the republican party's appeal, his magnum opus, "the race card, white guilt, black resentment and the assault on truth and justice." if it only weren't for all of the black resentment, truth and justice would be alive and well. i like watching and studying on republican politics more than anything. i obsess on republican politics. but honestly, there is something weird going on right now in republican politics. it's inexplicable. the republicans are in the let's hit the reset butten mode post-election and in the past 48 hours they unanimously voted to oppose gay rights, got dick cheney to leave them on foreign policy and theysk
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