tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC April 15, 2013 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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still putting the finishing touches on their immigration bill. but yesterday, florida senator marco rubio took to the air waves in a major way, to promote the legislation. over the past few weeks, rubio had been cautious when discussing reform. mostly dipping his toes in to test the water. this weekend the senator plunged into the debate at the deep end, addressing the hotly contested issue of amnesty and whether to call it that or to call it a path to citizenship or to call it just something else that would mean a long, tough slog for people without papers that may not end in papers. he danced a delicate waltz. >> question, why isn't that am nesty. you're giving legal stat to us people who have broken the law. most people in washington think they have that status whether even if it's called temporary, it's never going to get revoked, senator. >> i think that's where people are misunderstanding. they don't get anything. what they get is the opportunity to apply for it they still have to qualify for it. meaning they have to pass the
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background check, they have to be able to pay a registration fee. they have to pay a fine. and then they have to renew it. this is not forever. this is renewable thing. and then they don't qualify for any federal benefits this is not amnesty. amnesty is the forgiveness of something. that's anything that says do it illegally, it will be cheaper and easier. >> to be clear, it's not amnesty, because it's not forgiveness, it's not permanent. and you have to pay a lot of fees and then then there's no guarantee you get to stay here. the same warning, rubio spoke with abc's jonathan carl to drive home how hard it would be to be an undocumented immigrant under his plan. >> all people will get is the opportunity to apply for things. to apply for a legal status. which isn't awarded on day one. you have to pay an application fee and a fine. and you're going to have to stay in that status while you pay taxes and prove that you are not a public charge. and you don't qualify for any federal benefits. >> so the gang of eight's proposal includes a 13-year path
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to citizenship and it includes a slew of border security requirements and electronic employment verification program and a new guest worker program. and while the bill has strong bipartisan support in the senate and endorsements from business and labor, not everyone is on board. on abc yesterday, republican senator jeff sessions expressed his concerns that the whole amnesty thing doesn't seem to be going away. >> i really respect the work of the gang of eight. but they have produced a legislation that appears, although it looks like now it may be another week before we see it, that will give amnesty now, legalize everyone
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them as much as he goes on rush limbaugh and hannity, he may not be able to move that core bloc of votes. >> one of the most fascinating things, speaking to gop strategists in favor of immigration reform. they will tell you off the record that the amnesty issue can cut both ways and one of the threats that they're using to people like steve king is to say listen, if you guys don't get on board and support the reform that we're proposing, president obama will do for all undocumented immigrants, what he did for the dreamers before the election, and thatç is to
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unilaterally give them some sort of legal status. and basically frighten republicans into thinking this is our bite at the apple to get something in return. to get tougher border security or what have you. that's another factor in the, in the debate as it's going to play out. >> and let's don't forget. the people who are going to end up passing this, as they so often do, are the house democrats. >> sure. >> because you're going to lose some hard-core republicans. if boehner's right to take it up. you guys have a huge role here in terms of insuring it's not watered down or that the bill is as broad-minded in terms of reform as progressives hope it is. >> no, that's right. and if you look at the other big bills that have been passed, the debt ceiling extension, sandy relief or violence against women act, it was about 25% to 40% of the republican caucus and then overwhelming number of democrats who passed those pieces of legislation. so it will be no different if gun reform passes, and immigration reform passes. >> you make a good point, alex. it's very similar to the debt negotiations for the grard bargain. if we're going to pass this, we
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need huge democratic marge orts, and that means our folks have to man up and woman up and accept a few things that aren't exactly like they want them, too. that's going to be the case on the debt deal and it will be the case on immigration deal. >> but congressman let me ask you, a huge part of this is because the republican party knows that you've ameliorated the image among latinos and hispanic, understanding they're notç monolithic voting blocs. when you have this sort of cross-debate between mod rats in the party, much more broad-minded in terms of their semantic and their actual legislation they're proposing. >> like george will. >> yeah, sure, we'll give george will that. >> on this issue. >> yeah. and you have other folks in the party like steve king, who has compared illegal immigrants, or immigrants in general to bird dogs, the rhetoric is nasty. you're still going to have rush limbaugh out there saying whatever he says. how much does this push the ball forward for republicans among
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latinos? given the fact that it's not a unified, kinder, softer, gentler message? >> if the whole thing falls apart, i think they'll be sorry they went down this road and didn't see it through. the stakes are very high. and that's right, think you're never going to be able to control all of the rhetoric that comes out of the popular base of the republican party. >> some of it is very spiteful. >> and the constituents in those districts who will block this thing. >> marco rubio, it's a gang of eight but it might as well be called the rubio gang. in so far as he's been the major salesman for this. as a leader who can unite ç latinos, skoichs, republicans going into 2016, how effective do you think he's been thus far in selling it? this is week one of the big you
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know, sort of sales pitch. >> i applaud him for taking on this role and helping to move the republican party forward. there's no question on the gang of eight, his leadership has been invaluable. and i hope on his side he can push it through. we've been waiting, the country has been waiting for a long time, as governor rendell mentioned, 66% of people in america support a path to legalization and citizenship. and so it's time we get it done. >> it is high time. congressman, we know you will be, your fingerprints will be on it at some point when it gets to the house, so please keep us posted and thanks for joining us. it's really great to have you, especially on a day like today. we're taking a break, but when we come back, members of the right flank are accusing the white house of using the newtown tragedy for political expedience. but what if the families of sandy hook victims are the argument for gun safety reform. we'll discuss the human experience and the political arena next on "now." [ female announcer ] the only patch for the treatment
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the already-contentious debate over guns, the one that begins in the senate this week, received a fresh dose of controversy with the president's decision to turn over his weekly address to the mother of one of the sandy hook victims. >> our younger son, ben, age six, was murdered in his first grade classroom on december 14th, actually four months ago this weekend. we have to convince the senate to come together and pass
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common-sense gun responsibility reforms. that will make our communities safer. and prevent more tragedies like the one we never thought would happen to us. >> the president's decision to allow wheeler to speak to the nation raised hackles in the right-wing blogosphere, the daily caller wrote the hard-nosed use of a dead child's mother illustrates the president's determined effort to combine passage of a gun control bill with an emotional outreach to a constituency that's vital for his hoped-for outcome in the 2014 mid-term elections, suburbanç woman. >> it is president obama's choice to exploit her tragedy, perversely hiding behind her grief, rather than making actual arguments as to why gun control would lower the rate of incidents like those in sandy hook. breitbart screamed and went on to call president obama a vicious propagandaizer, abusing
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dead children in which a clmist wrote, obama's idea of rational debate involves trotting out grieving parents and presenting their pain as if it were an argument. stop trying to claim the moral high ground. senators including ted cruz of texas and utah's mike lee have repeatedly complained about the president's exploitation of the tragedy for political gain. but at least some of their colleagues on the hill appear to understand that giving victim as voice in the debate and a platform on which to stand might be an important reminder of eye we're having this debate in the first place, as well as the human cost of gun violence. after a meeting with newtown families, senator susan collins was not enraged or dismayed or even angry. she told nbc news, i was so moved by them, i wept. i literally wept. late last week, collins said she will vote yes on the deal struck by senators pat toomey and joe manchin to expand background
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checks, joining me is wes moore. it's great to have you.ç let's talk about the idea of politicizing the tragedy. i see this and i think this is a reminder of what we're talking about. in the same way that showing pictures of showing oil-covered birds isn't exploiting wildlife to talk about energy reform. nor is talking about the death count in afghanistan exploiting a tragedy to talk about what we're doing overseas in our foreign policy. where do you stand? >> and the same thing that happened after 9/11 as we continued operations in iraq and afghanistan as well. i completely agree with you. this is not about politicizing the issue. this is about humanizing it. this is about making people remember what we're talking about here. we're talking about someone who walked into a school on december 14th, with an assault rifle and started doing tap shots on children, this is what we're talking about. the fact is that the further we are removed from sandy hook, the more challenging it is for people to remember that. if we had a bill that was ready to go on december 15th, this
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would be a very different conversation. the problem is that awe we're moving further away from what happened in connecticut, we have to continually remind people, this is what's at stake. this is what we're talking about. and so we're not talking about this issue of and we see how the bills continue to adapt and evolve. we're not even talking about taking away certain weapons or high-capacity magazines. we're literally talking about when someone goes and purchase as weapon, we should probably know a little bit about them. >> josh, it's hugely ironic to me that president obama is emotion into this debate.ringing when you look at how wayne lapierre has responded. one response points out, who is really playing the emotion in this debate. hurricanes, tornadoes, riots, terrorists, gangs, lone criminals, these are the perils we are sure to face, not just maybe. it's not paranoia to buy a gun, it's survival. the only thing the gun lobby has to fear is fear itself. >> as the father of a 6-year-old
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daughter who i walk to school every morning, i see a sandy hook mother, it is gut-wrenching. that kind of emotion, i suspect is going to be far, far more effective than wayne lapierre going berserk in front of a lectern and talking about the apocalypse or whatever weird stuff he's got going on in his head. i think you see both sides leveraging it as much as they can to influence what's a very important political debate. >> and i mean this idea that somehow these grieving mothers and father who is have gone through this awful tragedy are somehow puppets of the obama administration is just absurd. what they're doing is incredibly gut-wrenching, i'm sure they've had to have conversations with their family about going forward in such a public way and being advocates. i think that's very insulting. but i do think they have moved this debate, obama has moved this debate. we've seen him more emotional than he has ever been. >> the first lady has been more emotional.
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>> on this. so it's really a full-court press. and you've seen the nra as you said, use emotions and this idea that somehow there is this coming war, right? this coming revolution and somehow the government is after your guns. and i think in a lot of ways, we're seeing the beginning of a real shift in terms of how we talk about guns, the nra over the last 15 years has been out front in being able to dictate the terms. i think now even if this is a watered-down measure, i think we're beginning to see a shift. >> before we talk about the measure itself. eleanor cliff said the gun safety lobby is here to stay. we talk about the power of the nra, eleanor cliff said the newtown families and gabrielle giffords are in the gun safety lobby to say. the culture of guns is beginning to go through a transformation in in this country. >> i think it will be make it
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easier to pass, sensible gun legislation going forward. it's a disgrace that we may not get a vote on anything in the house. it's an absolute disgrace. but they will pay for it. republicans who are elected from moderate congressional districts, still about 80 or 90 of them if boehner decides not to bring it to the floor, we're going to circulate a discharge petition. if they don't sign the discharge petrion, they will pay for it at the polls in 2014. because they think that there's no emotion on our side? well, come to suburban philadelphia and talk to women in suburban philadelphia. the emotion is at a fever pitch and they will pay for it. and it's stunning to me, the arguments are so disingenuous, i saw lindsay graham saying this bill won't do any good. there's no proof that it won't protect. all right, lindsay, vote for a ban on high-capacity magazines, because i tell you what. jared loughner had a 33-bullet magazine. he killed seven and injured 12.
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that's 19. had he only, and he was disarmed. putting the second magazine in. had he only had a 10-bullet magazine, the worst he could have done is hit 10, not 19. so nine people might be alive or not critically injured. gabrielle giffords might still be in congress. so don't tell me that it won't be effective. i forget who it was, but someone testified before congress and said, high-capacity magazine ban will take the "mass" out of mass murder. >> that's also a question, wes. now the goal posts have been moved so far -- >> it's ridiculous. >> sort of the nra, but high-capacity magazines aren't on the table. assault weapons ban isn't on the table. what we're talking about the sort of the barest of the bare. i guess the question and the worry for some hoping to see stronger gun safety reform coming outzez this, does that end the debate. if they pass the toomey/manchin deal, is that all there is toe come for the foreseeable future?
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>> it won't be and it shouldn't be. even if we were able to move on this category, which i think is necessary and utterly insufficient. we still have a larger problem with gun violence in this country. background checks, in my opinion should be absolutely lowest hanging fruit. but even besides that, that is still not going to address the larger, long-term, large-scale issues that we have of not just mass shootings, but also the individual shootings happening within the community. gun trafficking. you know, individual product liabilities, all of these things that become major issues, we're just really in the first innings of what will be a much larger debate and larger conversation. >> if you look at the history of gun legislation, it's always happened in fits and startings. 1963, the gun control act. inspired, unfortunately by the assassination of jfk. didn't pass until 1968. the brady bill takes seven years of actually making it through congress.
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i think that's right. this is the beginning, now you have this force. this gun control force, that is starting, i think to match the nra and push back the nra to where they were in the 1990s. backing some sort of gun control legislation. >> it's worth çremembering, th democratic party essentially abandoned this issue for 12 years. so it's not like there have been two sides fighting this battle. that's not true any more. if you look at states led by democratic governors, my own maryland has some of the strongest gun control laws now in the country. so do new york. so does colorado. the next rising generation of democratic leaders takes this very seriously, as does the emerging coalition of democrats. >> josh, real quick, where is the gun trafficking legislation? will that be part of the, ha goes to the floor? >> i don't know at this point haas going to be going to the floor and what's not going to be going to the floor. toomey and manchin said we don't know. >> open debate, breaking news that senator frank lautenberg from new jersey may come to
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washington to vote on toomey/manchin, which is an indication of apparently how tight it's going to be. >> in terms of emerging coalitions is a guy under whose masthead you write mayor bloomberg and the fact that he is not letting this go as a national issue. >> you have wealthy outsiders who are willing to put their money and their stature behind the issue of gun control. yeah, he is a leading example. >> we will be following it all week, all month, all year. as the u.s. unwinds its military presence in afghanistan, another forgotten war wages on. the increasing and legally questionable campaign of government-sanctioned drone strikes, just ahead. what do you think? thats's great. it won't take long, will it? nah. ok! this won't take long, will it? no, not at all. how many of these can we do on our budget? more than you think. that didn't take very long did it!
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is still open. >> the story developing now at the u.s. military detention facility at guantanamo bay, cuba, nbc's michael isikoff reports that guards raided the largest camp there this morning and fired nonlethal shots as they tried to end a growing protest. >> well we'll discuss the administration's complicated and questionable counterterrorism strategies when the executive director of human rights watch joins us next on "now." [ male announcer ] at his current pace, bob will retire when he's 153, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. but he's not. ♪ he's an architect with two kids and a mortgage. luckily, he found someone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. and with some planning and effort, hopefully bob can retire at a more appropriate age.
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so get to know people who aren't like you. you'll appreciate what makes us different. the more you know. make no mistake, we will close guantanamo prison. which has damaged our national securityç interests, and becoma tremendous recruiting tool for al qaeda. as a candidate, president obama was a severe critic of
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president bush's anti-terror policy and campaigned on a promise to close guantanamo bay prison. but while the white house made changes regarding america's torture and rendition policies, in some significant ways the obama administration has expanded use of questionable and possibly illegal counterterrorism strategies. gitmo was back in the news this weekend when a decision to punish detainees on hunger strike turned violent. according to the a.p., lawyers for the prisoners say the hunger strike began on february 6th, in protest over indefinite confinement and what prisoners believed to be tighter restrictions and intrusive searches. in january, with little fanfare, the president dealt a blow to advocates seeking to close gitmo by announcing that he was instead shutting the state department office tasked with closing down the facility. npr reports that quote guantanamo's prisoner population shas shrunk by roughly over a third under president obama and its symbolic poetency has diminished. in large part because of capturing suspected drifts, the
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administration has turned to wiping them out. the latest example came yesterday when a u.s. drone strike killed four unidentified people along the afghanistan-pakistan border. following a heated debate in february over the use of targeted drone strikes, the president made a promise in his but that our efforts are even more transparent to the american people and to the world. >> on president obama's watch, the use of drones has increased seven-fold and the promise could be more transparent has yet it materialize, an exhaustive report last week by the mcclatchy news organization which obtained classified documents relative to the drone
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program reveals that it deployed u.s. drones only against senior leaders of al qaeda groups, the u.s. administration has targeted hundreds of unidentified other militants. the report indicates that despite the administration's guarantees of accuracy, drone operators weren't always certain who they were killing. the article caused widespread consternation among human rights organizations, prompting ten of them, including the aclu and amnesty international and human rights watch to write a letter to the president expressing their deep concerns. joining us is the executive director of the human rights watch, kenneth roth. thanks so much for joining us. i think it's fairly shocking when you read the mcclatchy report. not just the inaccuracy, but the veil of transparency, the repeated use of drone strikes that are killing -- we don't know who. the fact that this continues to be counterterrorism policy, is more than disturbing, i think to most americans. >> absolutely. first of all, you saw president
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obama here promise greater transparency. that hasn't happened. >> a vague pronouncement about the rules governing drone strikes, but in fact we know virtually nothing about the actual concrete limits that the administration considers, governing its drone strikes. so there's a big problem there of transparency. this is a problem not just for the people being attacked today, but imagine how putin or the chinese government are going to draw on this precedents, to stretch it even further to conduct their own drone strikes. >> a letter you write u.s. targeting and killing policies will set a precedent for other nations, particularly as drone technology becomes more widely available. lowering the threshold for force outside of conflicts could be in breach of international law, set a dangerous precedent and weaken the u.s. government's ability to argue for constraints. >> we know that the chinese government was recently
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contemplating a drone strike kill in burma against a drug trafficker. this is going to happen more anç more. and if obama is not willing to articulate and abide by clear rules that limit when these killings can occur, you can just imagine how the loophole is going to be exploited by others. >> wes, you have seen combat and you know we talk a lot about the fog of war. there's also the sort of how this is furthering our long-term foreign policy and national security goals. and you look at what has happened in pakistan. disapproval of u.s. leadership under obama, 92%s of country disapproves of the president, 4% approves. and most outside analysis that's due in large part because of the use of drone strikes inside the country. >> i think it's important for people to understand what exactly that is and what that means. literally you have these aerial drones which are completely out of any type of visual view. and a person whether he's sleeping there or any type of confinement. a missile that can take out an
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entire area. the danger that i have and again this also goes back to the challenge of short-term accomplishment versus long-term challenge that comes in and the argument of winning hearts and minds. the argument of yens, all the arguments that come into this thing. the biggest challenge we have is dovetailing on this earlier point. how exactly do we justify this? and how do we curtail its use? look what happened after the use of the first atomicç bomb wher then the big question became how do you control who can then have an atomic bomb and who can use it? and so we since we haven't had this full conversation, since we haven't gone through this process, i think that becomes one of the most complicated challenges of this entire drone argument of what exactly that means for long-term. >> and can we talk about this, the technology may have -- is far ahead of sort of the moral debate over whether we should be using this kind of technology. and i do want to address gitmo in so far as it's still open and
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there steams to be no way to close it. the state department office tasked with closing it is no longer operational. congress has been totally uncooperative. you have these men who are striking, who have not been eating, there's an op-ed in "the new york times" that everybody should read. it's not only stomach-churning in terms of the suffering that is happening. but this is happening under the watch of the united states government. i'll read a shord part from detainee. he writes, i've been detained at gitmo for 11 years and three months, i have never been charged with any crime. i have never received a trial. there are so many of us on hunger strike now that there aren't enough qualified medical staff members to carry out the forced feedings, nothing is happening at regular intervals, they are feeding people around the clock just to keep up. >> i think when most of us think of gitmo these days, we think of the trial of khalid sheikh mohammed, the alleged leader of the 9/11 attack. i was down in guantanamo for thç arraignment in that case, there are big problem dls because this is brand new court system and
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the military commission, huge problems, it's clear that the suspects would have been much more quickly and fairly convicted had they simply been brought here to manhattan in a regular federal court rather than tried in the brand new procedure down in guantanamo. but the hunger strikers are a different set of people. they're the anonymous people, people from yemen and other countries 40 are not even deemed a threat any more. they can't be sent back because the u.s. government doesn't have enough confidence in the yemeni government to keep tabs on them. they are just sitting in guantanamo endlessly. they don't have a trial coming. they have never been charged, they are sitting there. they're in utter despair. such despair. that they're willing to put up with the horrible force feeding procedures to try to make the point that something has got to be done. >> in the op-ed he said i am willing to die because what he is living with is no kind of life at all. we unfortunately have to wrap it here. but ken, this is an issue that is so underdiscussed. i think it has been in large part a fail on the part of the
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progressive community, not to hold the president to higher standards and sometimes the news media for not shedding light on it. but the work you guys are doing should be applauded. especially the letter that's been written to draw attention to what's happening and to push the administration on those issues that the president talked about. >> and obama doesn't care about this, he's not going to fight the political battles, he's got other things going and we've got to remind him that it's a key principle, it's vbong to simply detain these people forever when the u.s. has nothing on them. no willingness to charge them with crime. >> thanks for the work that you're doing. after the break, a pop quiz -- what does the u.s. have in common with china, iran, iraq and saudi arabia? not nuclear capability or oil production, it is a top five-ranking for capital punishment. we'll discuss america's death penalty problem coming up next. mom always got good nutrition to taste great. she was a picky eater. well now i'm her dietitian and last year, she wasn't eating so well. so i recommended boost complete nutritional drink
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it's been eight years since a prisoner was executed in the state of arkansas. but if the attorney general in the state has his way, that could change very soon. this past thursday, the arkansas supreme court dissolved stays of execution for six inmates on death row. clearing the way for a potential revival of the death penalty in the state. but before arkansas considers its return to capital punishment, state lawmakers might want to look at what's happening in the rests of the country. where states are reconsidering the penalty given new evidence showing gross injustice and enormous cost. 33 states still retain the death penalty. but 13 of them haven't executed anyone for at least five years. and in 2012,ç connecticut beca the 17th state to abolish the death penalty, following the lead of five other states in five years. last year, only nine states executed inmates, the fewest in two decades. there is a reason for this. these days, capital punishment is looking less and less effective, and more and more like a system of punishment
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riddled with grave mistakes and mortal injustice. when the supreme court reinstated the death penalty in 1976, they left it up to the states. but three and a half decades later, evidence shows that the death penalty does not appear to have done much to deter crime. and its application has been rife with error and bias. hundreds of people have been wrongly convicted on death row. since 1973, 142 people have been taken off death row after being exonerated with dna or other evidence. racial bias has been pervasive. african-americans make up 13% of the u.s. population, but represent a disproportional 35% of those executed since 1976. a widely-cited study found in the state of georgia, black defendants were 1.7 times more likely to receive the death penalty that are white defendants. and murderers of white victims were 4.3 times more likely to be sentenced to death than those who killed blacks.
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>> the moral argument isn't sufficient, there are the economic costs of putting a man or woman to death. an average death penalty case costs the state millions of dollars. in california alone, since ç19, the total cost of enforcing the death penalty has been over $4 billion. that's $308 million for each of the 13 executions carried out. two years ago, the american law institute which provided the framework for the modern capital justice system concluded that the system was a failure that could not be fixed. citing the current intractive institutional and structural obstacles to insuring a minimally adequate system for administering capital punishment. after years of enforcing a policy that's not just cruel and unusual, but deeply flawed, perhaps the framework is in place for consensus that the death penalty should be outlawed. before arkansas ends its hiatus
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on capital punishment, they should discuss the evidence and the human toll. when supreme court ruled that mandatory sentences without parole for juvenile offenders, it pointed to the evolving standard of decency that marked the progress of a maturing society. other maturing societies include two-thirds of the world's countries that have abolished the death penalty. including all of europe. if standards of decency evolve on any justice issue, it should be this one. [ grunts ] yowza! that's why i eat belvita at breakfast. it's made with delicious ingredients and carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts... we are golfing now, buddy! [ grunts ] ...all morning long. i got it! for the win! uno mas! getting closer! belvita breakfast biscuits -- steady energy to do what i do all morning long.
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does wooanthony weiner dese a second chas? >> i'm not going to comment on that. >> do you think he deserve as second chance? >> no comment. >> a rare no comment from the usually garlous mr. schumer when asked about his former mentee. an expansive "new york times" profile, anthony weiner confirmed he is eyeing the new
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york city mayoral race. post twittergate. if chuck schumer is not ready to go there for anthony weiner, is the american public ready? >> i don't think so. in this case, weiner is no sanford. sanford went out with 60% approval rating. hard to find three, four, five people who want to see weiner do anything but perhaps go to therapy. >> stay indoors. >> josh, maggie haber man points out that his groin shot seen around the world was distinctly creepier than mark sanford. >> the problem for weiner is in the 8,000-word profile not once did he give any reason why people would want to elect him. it was all about i want to come back and clearly need the public affirmation. >> i think adequately he didn't adopt a mantle of shame, governor. he said people are put off because of the crazy last name. you are totally creepy and have
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some stuff you need to work out. >> it's too çsoon. for him to try if at all. he's got to do work in the community. he's got to do a lot more to rehabilitate himself. >> other than just polling. >> he definitely has do do a lot of work and also there's a very big difference between having an infraction that affects other people and having an infraction that directly impacts you and your family. i think that new yorkers are seeing a difference between those two things. >> new yorkers are seeing a difference, this new yorker is. thank you, that's all for now, see you back tomorrow when i'm joined by joy reid, save the children's mark shriver and "new york times" national security reporter, mark mazetti. "andrea mitchell reports" is coming up next. [ male announcer ] away...
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