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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  April 22, 2013 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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unexplained images that captivate and perplex. >> the alien in the film i saw looked like it had been very badly injured. >> an eerie evening in a junk yard. >> the thing was out here just twirling around in midair. >> it or she is looking for something. >> and formations that seem to appear out of thin air. >> it's amazing. >> it's very mysterious. we don't know what it is. >> in this episode, film and video that many believe provide evidence of mythical creatures on land, -- >> here's the proof. here's proof that bigfoot exists. >> -- sea, -- >> something just shot across this bay as if a torpedo went through.
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>> -- and in the sky. >> it was a massive span. over a mile wide. cameras can capture what the human eye can miss. >> the thing was out here just twirling around up in midair. >> even after watching this video over and over, you may still wonder what you're looking at. >> when we're dealing with a film of a ghost, we're dealing with a kind of illusion. >> that right there just sent chills down my spine. >> july 18th, 2002. oklahoma city, oklahoma. kathy henley and colonel peacock are working the late shift at the yard.
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>> it was around 1:03 in the morning of the 18th. me and colonel were sitting there at his desk. we were going over the paperwork. to the left of me, we had a monitor sitting there. while i was talking to him, out the corner of my eye i could see something moving around a lot. >> kathy turns to watch the security camera and can't believe her eyes. >> this thing was out here. and then after it twirled around going through the back end of a car, you could see a ball of light come off. i said you need to check the lot out. >> that's when i came out here to see if anybody's doing it. i couldn't find nobody. >> what was was in the yard has vanished. >> so i pulled the videotape out and i took it home with me. when you go from a little screen to one this big, you could see it. and to me honestly looked like a
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woman wearing overalls with blond hair and a white shirt and she was twirling around with the cars and everything back here. >> the security camera records fewer frames per second than a regular camera giving it a jerky appearance. >> it looks like slow motion and there's glitches. that's because you're taking 24 hours of air time and putting it on an eight-hour tape. when i seen it it was like taking your arm like a ballerina going in circles. >> unnerved, kathy calls her husband. >> i said i need you to come home and see what i seen on this tape. he looks at it and he went what is it? i said david, what do you think it is? he said do you think we ought to call chris, and i said yeah. >> they said something's happened on the tape. you need to see it. you just need to see it. i wasn't sure what it could be. he said it's a ghost. i went, no. bring it up.
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let's see it. >> we brought it up here, showed chris. that's where it all blew up. >> news of the ghostly image caught on puckett's security camera quickly spread. >> it went from four to eight cops to eight teen, then the fire department on it. people from the sheriff's office come in. we had the attorney general's office come and look at it, investigate. it was pretty amazing. >> it's not long before the apparition catches the attention of lieutenant kevin parton. >> mid-june 2002 i responded to an injury accident in about the 3700 block of airport road in oklahoma city. upon my arrival i found a female that was laying in the roadway. she was a 33-year-old white female.
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and she sustained injuries that were serious in nature. and then some time later the female passed away due to her injuries. >> this is where the story gets even spookier. >> the officer that worked the scene had come up here and he said well, she was wearing a little short set, overalls with the little white tank top under it and said she had blond hair but she had it pulled back into a ponytail wearing a cap. that right there, my god. just chills. >> i was surprised at the image i saw. because what the woman appears to be wearing on the tape is exactly what the victim was wearing the night of the collision. >> curious, chris looks at his notes from the vehicles in the lot the night the so-called ghost appeared. one record leaps out at him. >> there was a pickup and it had had a bad accident, ran into a side of a bridge and was damaged pretty bad.
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>> the license plate of the pickup truck sitting at puckett's matches the one from lieutenant parton's accident scene. >> the night this incident happened was the first night it had been moved from the first spot it was originally in. we moved it because the salvage pool was coming to pick up the car. so that was another weird coincidence. >> the time of night the image appears is also eerie. >> the time of the accident was about 1:05 in the morning. and then the time the image appeared at puckett's wrecker was nearly the same time. >> i think it was her spirit, apparition. and she come back to look for something. >> when people would watch it, the first thing they'd say it or she is looking for something. >> her husband had come up here and cleaned out the truck and had got all her belongings out of it like her wallet with her kids' pictures in it. so it could have been that. >> paranormal investigator joe nichol has a different theory. >> the least likely possibility is it's a ghost. the idea of a ghost is a lovely
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one, romantic, but not credible. but illusions of films of things that could look like ghosts aren't usually hoaxes or anomalies that just happen. >> over the next ten years, psychics, camera crews, and professional debunkers analyze the video. none has been able to definitively explain the image. >> i believe that it's not a hoax, doesn't have the warning signs and earmarks of a hoax. not easy to reproduce as a hoax. but it looks just like what happens when various kinds of insects get attracted to a security camera. and i think it's the simplest explanation. >> one set of researchers came in. they brought a little martian doll and waved it in front of the camera. one came in and thought it could be a electronic bleedover from an outside source. if it was the system at fault,
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why not one of the other seven cameras? i had a hard time believing that, especially that night there was no storms. there was no interference. there was no wind. you know, there was no martians. there was no spaceships. there just wasn't anything else to go with it. >> i believe there's a possibility it could have been her. i watched several people come up on the city and they've made attempts at debunking the myth that this might actually be her. and i haven't seen anybody yet that's been able to come in and show that this could be possibly something else. >> today i still don't know what the image is. coming up -- >> it would fall out of nowhere. >> curious formations crop up on a farm. >> it's very mysterious. you don't know what it is. >> when "caught on camera: mysteries and monsters" returns. e back to the cleaning games. let's get a recap, merv. [ merv ] thanks, other merv. mr. clean magic eraser extra power was three times faster on permanent marker. elsewhere against
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something unexplained happening in this field. >> this is amazing. >> suddenly the circles would form out of nowhere. >> and it's all caught on camera. >> it's very mysterious. we don't know what it is. >> for 400 years crop circles have crossed between believers and skeptics. are they man made art? >> it's contentious. you can get into heated des about it.
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>> 1996, wilshire, england. andy thomas and francine blake. >> a crop circle researcher headed out with with a video camera to see if he could see ufos or crop circles. and he went to an area where many had appeared over the years. he went in the early hours of the morning it is claimed. >> he came here. and it started to rain at about 10:00. but it rained very heavily. i mean, a real down pour. i've never seen rain like that. it was very heavy. it caused flash flood in a village down the hill there. >> he puts up a tent and goes to sleep. at daybreak, something woke him. >> he heard a clicking noise like crickets. when he trained his camera on the area where he heard the noise, he started filming.
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>> what he catches on camera is perplexing. >> then he sees these ball of lights who make the crop circle. it's question of -- it's not even a second. it's very, very quick. he was startled. >> the mysterious balls of light appear out of nowhere and hover over the field. but watch what happens under the lights. >> underneath the lights you could see this snow flake-lake crop circle appearing out of nowhere in seconds. it is one of the most controversial aspects of the entire crop circle phenomenon that we have. >> this is the proof believers have been waiting for. or is it? later that day the videographer takes it to the barge inn. >> it's very rare that when it actually you can capture
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something on film. >> this footage was incredibly important. because nobody had ever managed to film the formation and appearing or never in a way that was absolutely clear. >> but who is this researcher? and is his imagery genuine? matt williams also saw the oliver's castle video that night at the barge. his assessment? it's a fake, and he has a theory on how it was done and who did it. >> the oliver's castle video was created by a guy that owns a television company. he created this in his editing suite. >> adding to the mystery, the man disappears before anyone can ask him if he faked the video. >> what you would have needed to do to fake the video is get footage of the formation. we know that formation was not there the day before. so he would have had to have taken the footage that morning. how did he know it was going to be there? did he know who made it?
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did he make it? that has never been nailed down. he would have been had to have rushed the footage back and then added on the balls of light. now, that's going to take time to marry up so these two things make it convincing. >> but did he have enough time to fake it? don't forget, it's shown at the barge the same day the circles appear. >> he was accused of having done a sequence on computer and then copy it onto film. you'd have to have facilities like hollywood to do that kind of stuff. in 1996, it wasn't feasible. >> he is written off and ostracized. >> one is he really did film this and it was real. and he was so taken aback and frightened by the attention that was put towards him because it would have been an important piece of evidence if absolutely known to be real. some say he backed off. some say he said i don't want
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any more to do with it. that's why he wouldn't come forward. others say basically that if the footage is real, that he had to be persuaded into it. that somebody had to pay him or force him to say he faked him to drain the energy out of the situation. >> he was very badly treated. it took detectives to find out where he was. he was accused of all things. he ran and we didn't see him again. it was very unpleasant and very sad. >> he is pretty hard to track down. this adds further layers of intrigue. >> and what about the weather that night? would hoaxers really have worked for hours in torrential rain? and wouldn't they have left muddy footprints all over the formation? >> we know from experience when you walk inside a wet crop formation, the first thing you do is tread wet muddy footprints all over it. yet inside that formation when
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it was first discovered there were no muddy footprints. >> it's not man made, but there are people who would do anything to convince everyone that it is man made. there's no evidence it's man made. we've never seen anybody do that. never. >> matt williams disagrees. >> what we do is we use this to flatten large areas. i'll use this foot. >> for 20 years he's been making crop circles and he has the conviction for causing criminal damage to prove it. >> a complex design would start around 10:00 at night. and working until 4:30 in the morning when it gets light. >> this night vision video shows matt and fellow circle maker terry roderick making the famous serpent circle which fooled believers in july 2011. >> you use one person as a center point and hold the end
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with tape measures. and sidestep to scribe the foot lines. then you use geometry or you can improvise and be more free with it. start creating the pattern. >> but even they don't know who or what created the famous oliver's castle formation. >> i think one of the interesting things about this controversy is that it's gone on for so long. i mean, here we are a decade and a half on and still nobody has definitively nailed this as a fake. and i'm willing to believe either. i'm willing to believe it could be a fake, it could be real. but i've never seen definitive evidence either way. coming up -- >> i got four of 'em. major sighting here. >> a close encounter of the peculiar kind. >> i've never seen anything like it before. >> when "caught on camera: mysteries and monsters" returns.
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something strange is lighting up the night sky. >> another one showed up.
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>> it was a massive span. over a mile wide. >> it was almost the perfect park. they remain in that position somewhere around two, two and a half minutes or so. >> hundreds witness the mysterious lights and a few even catch them on camera. >> there's another one! >> whatever the phenomenon was, it was really eerie. >> march 13th, 1997. phoenix, arizona. >> i got four of 'em. major sighting here. >> an enormous arc of lights suddenly appears near a mountain range southwest of the city. >> holy [ bleep ]. they're lined up in a pattern, man. there's geometry behind this. >> it was 15 1/2 years ago this happened. this footage has been around the world and no one to me has come up with a plausible explanation. >> mike christian has a perfect view. >> i was watching tv about 10:00 at night. i noticed a light to the east here directly on the other side
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of this mountain. i went and got my camera. i started to film that. and as i was filming that, all of a sudden this array of lights started to form this arch that you see in the videotape. it was an exciting thing, because i've never seen anything like it before. it was very bright. it looked like it was very close. i got pretty excited about it. i called my wife. >> hey, sue! >> well, that is a totally different configuration than we've seen before. >> dr. lynn keti also sees the lights and takes this video. >> i was excited to get out there and grab my camera. by the time i got the camera focused, the six had changed to three. like the end points of a triangle. it was unbelievable. it was exciting. here i'd been documenting these things for two years then i learned thousands of people saw what i'd been seeing.
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>> is this a ufo sighting with photographic evidence from multiple sources? paul scohan at arizona state university has a less extraordinary explanation. >> here in the desert southwest we have a lot of military bases and rocket launches, and it's very easy to see them because we have 330 clear nights a year. so it's very easy to see these phenomena in the night sky whereas elsewhere in the country maybe you wouldn't. >> look. the one in the middle is doing something. it's going out of alignment. >> with a growing interest in the lights, the military responds to accounts. it asserts the maryland national guards was dropping illumination flares that evening at a bombing range directly behind the mountains where the slights were seen. scohan believes the explanation. >> as we went through the video
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and those lights started to wink out, at every time a light was extinguished, it seems to line up with the mountain ridge line itself the area to the side of the mountains set aside for the use to have the military called the gold water bombing range. they drop high altitude bombing flares that are very bright sources of light. so you can see the area on the range that you're trying to hit. and they have parachutes attached to them so they descend slowly. >> but witnesses are not so easily convinced. >> to blow this off as flares is a joke. it's been a diversion for 15 years. i mean, it was a very easy answer. when you look at the footage, because the footage doesn't do it justice. >> i've seen then dropping flares and they didn't look like
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flares. they looked much brighter. plus they had a consistent pattern to them. when flares are dropped they're sort of dropped in bunches and look scattered. >> paul scohan says arizona's weather could allow them to stay in formation after being dropped from planes. >> we have numerous evenings here in the desert especially in the spring and the fall and the lights happened in march where the air is completely still. there is no cross wind that would disturb a formation of that kind. >> i think probably it's got something to do with military. some government experiment which would seem logical to me. i don't think -- i don't know if there's evidence of it being alien spacecraft. there's no way of knowing that. >> given that we are one star in 100 billion in our own galaxy and there are 100 billion other galaxies out there, it would be unfortunate if we were the only sentient life out there.
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but so far we have seen no other yet. >> when you hear over and over hundreds of people describe what they saw and how they felt. they were mesmerized. >> last one left. it's gone. >> we may never know. but nonetheless, it really was so dramatic and so different from anything, anything you can ever imagine being here on earth. coming up -- >> seeing the exposed bone where it looked like it had been ripped and burned. >> it was extremely gory. i thought it was fascinating. >> are you a skeptic or a believer? when "caught on camera: mysteries and monsters" returns.
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it's the controversial film that captivated even nonbelievers. >> thought it was extremely gory. i thought it was fascinating and compelling. >> but it's also the one skeptics called a fraud. >> anyone who would believe that is what we would call
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pathologically gullible. >> what's the real story behind this alien autopsy that's claimed to be caught on camera? 1992, cleveland, ohio. british film maker ray santilli is making a documentary on elvis presley. but his quest taking a bizarre turn. >> we came across a guy with the most remarkable film of elvis. then he said are you interested in anything else? >> santilli claims the man has also never seen video of the roswell ufo incident. >> and he explained that in 1947 he worked for the army air force and he was involved in photographing the recovery of a crash landing and these creatures. that's where the story started. >> the roswell story first hit headlines in 1947 saying a ufo crash landed in new mexico. >> there was scattered debris.
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it was foiled paper, sticks, tape, and rubber. immediately the government came in and they said oh, it's a weather balloon and that's that. >> rumors of a government coverup begin to circulate. and before long, the story starts to include reports of extra terrestrials on board. but if unearthly beings were recovered, what happened to them? >> he showed me the film. it was remarkable because it was the autopsy of a creature of some kind. safe to say possibly surgeons. certainly they're operating with a scalpel. they are separating the skin and the body tissue. they're removing organs. and they're placing the organs into glass jars. they're peeling back what seems to be a black film over the eye. and they are conducting a medical examination. >> this appeared in 1995 to more than 11 million viewers. 32 countries buy the rights to
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televise the shocking film. the audience is told that the footage is authentic. in fact, it is not. according to santilli it's a recreation. this is what he says happened to the original alien autopsy video he purchased. >> we got the film back into england and ran it through the machines. it was peeling off through the machines. we had to stop. >> i was very, very disappointed and upset. we thought we had something to show the world. >> if you bought something this valuable it might seem logical to try to restore it. instead, santilli decides to recreate it with the help of john humphries. a well-known hollywood sculptor. >> john was given the responsibility of creating exactly what was on film so that we could doctor it into the film.
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and sort of create what would be a seamless 20 minutes. so we plugged the gaps, basically. >> the alien in the film i saw looked like it had been very badly injured. in some kind of incident. there was a big tear around the knee and burns here and there and bruising. i was very shocked, very shocked. >> humphries says he viewed frames from the original damaged film and was able to replicate the alien seen on the operating table. >> we didn't make any sculpture. you start with a frame. so you make a frame, get lots of bags of clay, and then you literally just manipulate that clay into the shape and form you want. in this case an alien. it's painted then with special silicone paint. you can then set about doing effects. i got bits and bobs from the butchers. and interpreted what i could see from the pathology going on on
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the alien in the film as best i could. >> john even appears in the film. here he is holding the scalpel. >> i have to take the role of the american scientist pathologist from the original film. i just had to don a radiation outfit. that's me doing the pathology. >> it was a work of pure genius. i'm very proud of it, but it is a restoration. >> the deception goes all the way to oh, okay. it was a hoax but now we'll make money telling you how the hoax was done. >> despite questions about the film's validity, the fascination is real. >> when we went public with the alien autopsy footage, we were visited by a number of delegations from various countries around the world. and the people we saw was really high up in their sector of either politics or military. >> it inspired movies such as
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"independence day." and santilli believes it has a bigger influence. >> first time acknowledged area 51 after our first transmission of the film. we transmitted at the end of august '95, and a couple weeks later the government acknowledged the first time its existence. >> in 2006 more than a decade after the film is broadcast, santilli admits large parts are a recreation. but he maintains that sections of the film are original and real. >> so we have a fake film of an allegedly genuine film of a real alien. i'm not buying it for very good reason. >> for the people that say the film never existed, there's an exclusive for you. there's a few frames. >> is there anyone out there who still thinks the alien autopsy is genuine? >> he's bought this film.
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he believes in it. i believe him. and it was kind of left open really. no one could be 100% sure about anything. but ray believes in the film. and i believe him. >> santilli plans to auction the entire original film. he wants no less than $5 million. >> to have him say trust me, i would say to him no. coming up -- >> this thing battered its way for a few seconds through the waves. >> the famous film that brought thousands to the shores of loch ness. >> whatever it was was just underneath the surface. was pretty big and it was shifting. >> when "caught on camera: mysteries and monsters" continues.
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this thing battered its way for a few seconds through the waves. >> legend has it there's something lurking in the murky waters of scotland. >> whatever it was was just underneath the surface, it was pretty big and it was shifting. >> and that legend has been kept alive largely by one mysterious piece of film shot more than half a century ago. >> my father took a film in 1960 of some object in loch ness. and that pretty much changed his life. changed my life. >> april 1960. loch ness, scotland. armed with a rented 16 millimeter camera, tim dinsdale is monster hunting. >> he read an article in 1959 in a small magazine and was fascinated by the subject. it covered things like a surgeon's photograph and other people's eyewitness testimony.
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>> the 1930s and '40s saw a surge in apparent loch ness monster sightings. including this one by malcolm irvine. dinsdale went to find it. >> he got a sequence of film. >> on his fourth day at the lake, tim captures what thousands before and since have tried and failed to film. >> he described it as for all well being like the back of an african buffalo. same color tone. quite a large object. it was seven feet wide, seven feet out of the water with a sort of reddish brown hide. and as he watched this thing, it suddenly took off. then he remembered why he was there. then he started filming. >> is this the elusive loch ness monster finally caught on camera? >> well, that's the perennial question, isn't it?
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he really didn't know what it was he'd filmed. >> for 50 years this grainy, 62-second film has captivated the world. >> it was analyzed by the royal air force in 1965. they measured the object you can see in the film. and they say it's six feet wide across, five feet high out of the water. it moves up to ten miles per hour. as it's moving it gets lower in the water. their assessment is it's not a boat, not a submarine. so it must be some form of unknown object. >> despite inconclusive evidence, monster hunters and tourists flock to the shores of loch ness hoping to get a glimpse of nessie. >> we came for a whiskey tour. we said we've got to see nessie. hopefully he'll show up for us. >> but sightings are rare. >> since 1991, i've been
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full-time living on the side of loch ness hunting for whatever the explanation to this mystery is. >> steve feltham's father brought him to the loch in 1970 when he was just seven years old. he's been obsessed with the legend ever since. >> since i've been here i found out the loch ness monster is extremely elusive and we're no nearer identifying what these are. it's such a mystery. >> to support his monster-hunting lifestyle, steve makes and sells models of nessie to tourists. >> the one time i was really blown away by a sighting of something, i was at the other end of the loch at fort augustus and something shot through the bay as if a torpedo went through the bay. as it hit each wave, it would splash up white water. and there's no simple explanation in loch ness for
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what that could have been. >> dinsdale's film also inspires marine biologist adrian shine to identify once and for all what lies beneath the surface of lake ness. >> it is an amalgam of many things put together by human perception, by human aspiration. we'd all love there to be something there. >> adrian's loch ness project has organized dozens of expeditions from operation deep scan, a 24-boat sonar exploration in 1987, to submarine searches, and even an exorcism. >> be gone now, hideous demon. >> but nessie has remained a no show. >> i think the legend is popular because we see dragons and in a way we like our mysteries to be something we can half comprehend
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as well. loch ness is one of the places where anybody can come. there's a road around it. it's not the antarctic. it's not outer space. it's not the bottom of the ocean. looking for monsters in a lake with a road around it is a mystery we can all join in with. >> when i finally see something in the loch, i really don't know what i'll do. i don't know what i would do. i wouldn't be packing up and going at the first opportunity. no. this is my life's passion is trying to solve this mystery. >> while skeptics have long dismissed the loch ness monster as a mythical creature, for its many believers and wannabe believers. >> every year thereafter he went to loch ness. from the end of 1960s he'd given up his work and job and was doing this full-time.
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>> but he never captures nessie as clearly as he did in 1960. there have been other photos and films, but the dinsdale footage remains iconic. >> i often say witnesses seldom lie. cameras very often do. sometimes without their owner's knowledge. the dinsdale film of 1960, it's quite a poor quality film which makes identification difficult. >> my father's film to this day stands as being unexplained. but i'm convinced that given all the evidence, all the eyewitness testimony, the photography, my father's film and other film taken, there's something large living in loch ness. coming up -- >> bigfoot turns, looks at the camera, and is gone. >> when "caught on camera: mysteries and monsters" returns.
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a myth centuries old. >> bigfoot appears out of the bushes and makes the long striding steps. >> and the iconic film that became part of the legend. >> this was the most amazing thing to happen in almost the history of the world. >> october 20, 1967. the pacific northwest. roger patterson is deep in the woods with his 16 millimeter camera. >> roger was a bigfoot buff and announced he was going to go out and film bigfoot. >> known as bigfoot in north america, yeti in asia, and sasquatch in canada, it's been reported all over the world. yet evidence of the beast is scarce until this film becomes a worldwide sensation. >> you're seeing in the
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patterson film, bigfoot shows up on cue. the creature is walking along a creek bed making what i think are exaggerated steps, exaggerated gait. turns, looks at the camera, and is gone. the patterson film was put out as here's proof that bigfoot exists. >> the film awes believers and fascinates nonbelievers. >> no matter what it showed they were going to believe it. and skeptics would be dubious about it. >> i'm sitting in my living room at home watching television and the announcer comes on telling a story about these two rodeo cowboys who were out in the forest and ran upon a bigfoot. and i'm looking. there's our gorilla suit walking across the screen. >> originally an entertainer, he makes and sells gorilla costumes.
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>> i received a call from this man who says he's roger patterson. do you have a gorilla show? a magician. no? he says we're playing a joke on people. how much is the suit? >> according to him he had specific requirements for the suit. >> did it look like a gorilla what about the eyes where you see the eyes? i said you get the makeup. it will blend into the mask itself. they also wanted to know how to make it large and massive. >> and he wanted some extra material that's going to have to change the head. he's going to have to put these -- and this is brilliant on roger's part -- these female breasts which everybody thought wow, that's the kind of detail nobody could make that up. it's so credible and believable. >> well, the check arrived and i sent the suit out to him.
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he called me back and said, listen, you can see the zipper in the back of the suit. i said well, that's easy to overcome. get a hair brush. brush it back and forth across the zipper. that was the last i heard from him. >> until he sees his suit on tv. >> i told my wife come here. you want to see this. she walks in and said oh, look. there's our gorilla suit. >> morris keeps quiet about his involvement hoping that patterson would talk about making the film. >> i didn't say anything to anybody because i thought our market was for magicians. it would be unethical to sell him a costume and then tell the audience it's a gorilla suit. >> but patterson earns thousands of dollars selling the rights to the film. and yes, we too, pay for the rights to use it in this episode. >> he went on television shows,
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radio shows all the way across the country. and i realized at a point that he was not going to tell anybody that it was a hoax. and i just set back and was watching what he was going to do. and i think that his intentions were that he would get someone to produce a motion picture of bigfoot and he would make a fortune out of it. >> five years after it debuted on tv, roger patterson dies of cancer. maintaining the film is genuine. in 2002, morris goes public with the story. >> i started announcing that's the gorilla suit. another 10 or 20 magicians across the country have the same suit. it's not a real bigfoot. >> but it comes too late for many of the film's believers. >> people are so taken by the
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things they fall for. they're hugely invested in it. now they're fools if they were wrong. and as soon as you come in and rain on their parade, you find utter hostility. >> the first reaction was no, you're lying. that is a real bigfoot. i said how is it possible that this thing could fool people. the suit was all right. it wasn't the best gorilla suit ever made. but it was okay. but in broad daylight did not look like a real animal. >> i talked with phil morris about this in retrospect seeing how entrenched this film has become, and he feels he probably should have come forward. >> we set out to verify morris' story and found bob heironimus who says he was in the costume. they have since become friends. >> he said patterson told him to walk like a gorilla. bob had no idea how it would walk.
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he walked like a normal person walking down the street and kind of waved his arms back and forth and thought that was real show business. >> bob has the size, the gait to be bigfoot and give it life. and i think this is important, there are people still living who remember seeing a bigfoot suit in the trunk of bob's mother's car. when it comes down to it, it's hard to improve upon phil morris as the source of the costume. bob heironimus as the guy in the bigfoot suit. and roger patterson as producer, director, and whatever else of this film. >> just as patterson stood by his story, so, too, does morris. >> rick baker who is academy award winner eight times said to me one time, he said, phil, that was the worst gorilla suit i've ever seen in my life.
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and i said yes, it's true. but think about this. that there were over 10, 20, 30 million people who saw that film of bigfoot walking through the forest and they thought it was a real suit. that's absolutely amazing. >> at the end of the day when you've watched this figure stride and you looked at it, i'm inclined to agree with the late john napear from the smithsonian who remarked famously i can't see the zipper. and i think that's the most concise way to view what
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