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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  April 24, 2013 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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good morning. i'm chris jansing. serious concerns this morning about whether agencies shared information about tamerlan tsarnaev. senators on the intelligence committee were briefed by the fbi and many of them came away disturbed by what they heard. you'll hear references here to stovepiping. i'm concerned there seems to be serious problems with sharing information including critical investigative information and that is troubling to me that this many years after the attacks on our country in 2001 that we still seem to have stovepipes. >> post- 9/11 we thought we created a system that would allow for the free thrflow of
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information between agencies and there's been stone walls and sto stovepipes reconstructed that were probably unintentional but we have to review that issue again and make sure there's the free flow of information. >> this morning russian authorities and the fbi are continuing to talk to the tsarnaev brothers' parents about what they knew. we also learned tamerlan bought fireworks at this store in new hampshire. 48 fireworks in all and investigators want to know if he used those to build the bomb. as for motive, from his hospital bed, dzhokhar told the officials that brothers learned to build the bomb with instructions from an english magazine al qaeda magazine and they believe that u.s. wars in iraq and afghanistan were an attack on islam. this morning boylston street where the bombing took place is back open for the first time and vice president joe biden will head to cambridge, massachusetts, later today for m.i.t. police officer sean collier's funeral. as we're learning, he may have been killed to get his gun
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although collier's holster had a locking mechanism so they didn't get it. i want to bring in "the new york times" political reporter and also another political editor. so questions being raised by that bureaucratic barriers. we have heard the call for hearings. is this going to become a major political issue? >> intelligence agencies, law enforcement, are bad at sharing information. they always have been. there was a big push after 9/11. >> we were supposed to fix it. >> it's always going to be a problem. it's still a problem. i think hearings will be important but really the question is was there a judgment that was made that was the wrong judgment. it's not just did they have the information, but what conclusion had they drawn from it? >> and are we using all of the information we have about these sel sel
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sel self-radicalized islamist to figure it out. does it mean again doing what we did after 9/11 which is changing the way these agencies operate or at least looking into the possibility? >> i think you'll see a lot of hearings and discussion about how the agencies share information particularly between the fbi and department of homeland security. senators are concerned. it is what happens after a big incident particularly where senators want to look and examine what could have happen, should we change security of marathons? change security the way we did after 9/11 for airports for the other kind of events like that. you'll see hearings. does this affect the immigration debate at all? you have heard rumblings from republicans saying we should slow down immigration because of what happened in boston. i'm not sure democrats and mark r marco rubio and others agree with that. >> i want to bring in congressman peter king, republican from new york and member of the house homeland
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security committee and of course he was also in congress during the 9/11 attacks. congressman, good morning. >> thank you, chris, for having me on. >> within the last hour here on msnbc we heard from the chairman of the intelligence committee about this. let me play what he said. >> when i was briefed by the fbi, they told me they had no knowledge of his overseas trip to the chechen region and when in fact the secretary then testifies and says that they got pings and there was a flag that went up that did indicate that he was traveling to russia and to the chechen region. that's very important because it's russian intelligence communicate warnings about this individual traveling outside of the united states to join extremist underground groups. we talked a lot about connecting the dots and stovepipes after 9/11 and here we are 12 years later, it's still not working. >> congressman king, is there a
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disconnect? >> it's working better than it was on 9/11 but working as well as it should. one thing i've been struck by is i can understand if the fbi didn't get all of the information they should have gotten or it wasn't available the first time through. but then for instance when the department of homeland security knew he was going to russia, the older brother couldn't get back to the fbi because under fbi regulations the case had been closed by then. i think what senator rubio said is true. i think we have known this for the last three or four years. it's difficult for al qaeda to launch an attack from overseas. they are going to come from people off the radar screen which means it's harder to find out who they are that requires more intensive investigation and requires local police to be more involved and perhaps the fbi should consider adjusting its regulation to keep a file on someone open. did they tell the boston police about this? was there any way -- any cast o capacity to follow-up on the case when information became available on the older brother?
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there has to be less stovepiping and take into account the new nature of the war. >> there are reports today, for example, surfacing to this whole point about what we know and what we don't know. the fbi was contacted multiple times about tamerlan tsarnaev. our own pete williams says the fbi tells him they were contacted just once in 2011. they checked him out. they didn't find anything. what have you been able to find out about that when 10you were briefed? >> we are getting conflicting reports. on the senate side they were told by deputy director of the fbi that there were multiple dealings -- contacts between russia and the fbi. i'm also on the house intelligence committee and we're getting a briefing at 4:00 today. i hope this can be resolved. i want to go back to one thing you said -- >> can i interrupt you there? people are sitting back there saying how does this happen? how do members of congress get briefed and be told different things?
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>> that's what i'm going to try to find out today. we have a meeting at 4:00. a closed door meeting on boston, the fbi will be there. we have to get this resolved. on one hand we hear one contact and then on the other we hear that there were multiple contacts. obviously there's a significant difference. also, we should keep in mind russia doesn't contact us that often. i'm not saying believe everything the russians tell us but they don't contact us that often. this was not unusual but not ordinary. and yet to me it didn't get the attention -- >> it should have raised a bigger red flag? >> it certainly should have. absolutely. >> there is disagreement with experts i have been talking to say that this bomb, these bombs that were used in boston, were pretty simple. you could make them with ingredients gotten easily anywhere. we have heard about the fireworks place and just following directions off the internet. again, your colleague mike
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mccaul led him to believe that they must have had some sort of help or some sort of training. what's your thought on that? >> certainly to me again anything can turn out in the end. if i had to bet, i would say there was training and sophistication into these bombs and did every bomb work? they had two they used at the more on this. they used other explosive devices when being chased by police. everything was coordinated. where did they get explosives? where did they get the guns? it indicates a higher level of training than an ordinary person putting these bombs together in their house. >> from what you are lookings at now and again as someone who -- if i recall correctly you voted for the creation of homeland security. you're somebody obviously who living in new york representing new york on 9/11 was intimately involved in what went wrong there. what are the first thing that need to be looked at if things
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need to be changed that we're dealing with a different type of enemy here. al qaeda was this organization and you could follow them. you could try to track them. it had a leader. now you look at maybe just groups or individuals who have the opportunity and the ability toll wreak havoc and kill people. >> two main things. at the federal level the fbi and others should certainly look at their regulations and their guidelines to see if they should be made more flexible. also, we have to encourage local police more. what nypd doing is 1,000 police working on counterterrorism in new york because of the local nature of the threat. we should encourage that in other police departments and also encourage the fbi when they get information like they did on this older brother to give that local police and stay on it and not be discouraging that the way some people have tried to do with the nypd. >> congressman peter king, thank you for being on the program. appreciate it. nick, we've heard him also say several times, the congressman, that there are four other cases
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when the government was looking into people and then they actually pulled stuff off and went on to commit crimes. here's the question. how do you fix it? >> the scary thing might be that we have to prepare ourselves for the idea that we can't fix the problem ultimately and that we're living in an era where it's possible for a motivated person to acquire weapons and expertise out training and a big organization and this is the new normal and people have to think about the possibility that we'll have more of these and not fewer going forward. i'm not sure we can stop every person that wants to do this to us. >> it may change us. maybe when you go to a marathon now as when i went to a 5k this weekend, they say don't carry a backpack. something that simple. in we're talking about fixing this and we'll hear a lot about this to what you were saying before when the budget talks are very contentious, how do you
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spend money, there are also huge concerns about privacy every time we come into issues like this. lawmakers can't seem to agree on anything not even when 90% of the people say yes to background checks. they can't agree on it. how does anything get done here. >> i think on an issue like this on national security, lawmakers do tend to react more quickly to that. homeland security department was created quickly in 2003 and 2004. the key thing is we're in a bit of a fog right now. hard to know what solutions are in part because you can see congressman king himself who is being briefed all the time doesn't know exactly what happened and how many times the fbi was briefed, how many times the fbi investigated the older brother. we don't know a lot right now. until then we don't know what the solutions are and what congress can do. we're a few steps away from that soon. >> if you're a member of congress, you have a lot of constituents who are very nervous. i think personally in part because when you look at dzhokhar, he looks like the kid next door. you see him in the picture going to the prom and everybody
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describes him as just being this great guy. and it also comes at a time when there are a lot of other issues. immigration, gun control. budget. sequester. tax reform. everyone is talking about my flight getting delayed. does this overshadow that? does it make it harder for other stuff to get taken care of? >> of course it does. this white house and this congress have shown that they are living in the moment and that they can do multiple tracks at once. the question really is politically does it contradict option the for advocates of immigration reform for example. questions as to whether the president tried to do too much at one time with immigration reform and guns. now it's immigration reform against the pressure of these attacks that immigration reform would somehow ep us up to more attacks from terrorists. i think it does kind of narrow the band width. >> thank you so much, gentlemen.
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the search is on for whoever sent ricin laced letters to president obama and the u.s. senator after prosecutors unexpectedly dropped charges against a mississippi man. investigators say the fbi found no evidence of ricin in a search of paul kevin curtis' home. after his release, curtis says he loves his country and would never do anything to threaten the president. >> the last seven days staring at four gray walls like green grass at home tune, not really knowing what's happening. not having a clue why i'm there when you've been charged with something and you just never heard of ricin or whatever. i thought they said rice. i said i don't eat rice. >> officials did search a second location. he's an acquaintance and sometimes rival of curtis but he says he's innocent. for seeing your business in a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow-
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since being read his miranda rights, dzhokhar tsarnaev has not talked to investigators. he said the two brothers were driven by hard line islamist views and anger over the u.s. wars in iraq and afghanistan. he also said they acted alone without outside help. the day after the boston attack, dzhokhar tsarnaev spoke with a college friend at the gym. >> it's really a tragedy that it's happening right now. it's a sad thing. things happen like this in afghanistan and other places around the world and people here aren't used to it. >> what might have turned these brothers into radicalized islamist bent on jihad? joining me now is president of the islamic forum for democracy and author of "a battle for the soul of islam." good morning, gentlemen.
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good to see you. let's set a baseline. what does it mean to be a self-radicalized islamist? >> i think when you say self it appears as they came out of nowhere and out of the person's own mind. i believe that it's a political movement and global movement that believes it should be based in the islamic state and they view american government which is based in reason and secular law to be unislamic and to be their enemy. radicalization happens when they take that political ideology and more and more slide toward a militant movement to defeat western secularism or liberalism versus doing it through democratic or evangelistic mechanisms. >> understand that we're working with a limited profile here and we learn more stuff every day from people who knew him, tamerlan apparently said recently i don't have a single american friend. i don't understand them. he quit boxing. something he apparently loved. couldn't go out for the olympic
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team because he wasn't a full citizen. he was accused of hitting his girlfriend. his father left the country. but how do you go from there? there are a lot of 20 something guys who don't seem to have found a purpose, doctor, to becoming a terrorist. >> this is such an important thing because it doesn't happen overnight. that separatism that he had, he wasn't -- we keep saying what made him american was box ing ad public school. american identity is believing in a system of government that all people have equal access to government and all people can be of any faith and the problem is "usa today" has an excellent investigative report that looks at some in boston where you had people that were convicted of helping al qaeda. one got 17 years last year. was praying at the same mosque. the mosque may not have been advocating violence but separatism where they said
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america was against muse limbs, th that feeds into how people may turn out to be enemies versus people like me that grow up in a family that says we can be more muslim in american than anywhere else in the world. some grew up in a pool that can radicalize them because they feel this country is their enemy and not their ally that gives them freedom. >> here's what homeland security secretary janet napolitano said about reasons behind radicalization. >> when we look at boston and aurora and tucson and newtown and other events, one thing that's more and more clear is that we really don't have a clear understanding of the path that leads someone to become not just radical but to act out in a violent way motivated by a
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jihadist ideology or another type of ideology. >> evan, you spend a lot of your time online tracking different sites that folks use. how easy is it for someone who may want to learn more about this to fuel that online? >> it's actually unfortunately fairly remarkably easy. if you want to get access to "inspire" magazine put out by al qaeda in the arabian peninsula which shows you how to build a pressure cooker bomb and was reviewed by the tsarnaev brothers, all you have to do is run a google search. >> we were e-mailing back and forth. i thought it had to be a joke honestly because the headline of that article you talk about said how to make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom. almost like a joke. >> very glib way but that's exactly what al qaeda is seeking to achieve. they are seeking to reach people -- they're not looking to
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reach morons. they are looking to reach people who are fairly intelligent who are capable and for one reason or another simply do not feel like they fit into american society. there's a lot of different paths to radicalization. in this case, what al qaeda is seeking to do is to say, look, you're is upset about this and t and the reason you're upset is because you live in a society where you are being oppressed by the disbelievers. it's a very convenient ideology. you blame your problems on someone else. al qaeda says the solution is to set off bombs in your own neighborhood. that's what's amazing about "inspire" magazine. it states very specifically there tips for brothers from the united states of america. don't come here. stay where you are. carry out attacks where you are. if you want to kill a snake, strike at the head. it's very, very specific. >> you know, i think that we saw some things in the background of
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the older brother that we didn't see necessarily at least from what we know so far about the younger brother. he looks so casual on that video where he is at the boston marathon that it gives me chills every time i see it. this is also a kid who is excited to go to the prom. that was just his prom picture who volunteered with the best buddies program. a high school teacher said he had a heart of gold. is this an anomaly or will finding out what happened to him help us understand how to stop it from happening again? >> i don't believe it's an anomaly. all things together cannot be ignored. i get frustrated to see us in this repeated pattern of a.d.d. attention to program and then it doesn't happen. he realized that all of the little things on earth don't matter. he can become a jihadist, a martyr and do things to really
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leave his mark and he was impressionable and it happened. we can fix this. i'm looking for -- i hope the muslim community will wake up and take ownership of this. not that they could have found this individual but this is not a new normal. there's a process. islamist issues need to be reformed. honor killings, so many different battle fronts that happen. this guy was abusing his girlfriend. was arrested in 2009. that's not a coincident in radicalization process but yet we want to put up our hands and drive by and say nothing to see her keep moving along. it's not my islam but it's a version that we need to address and attack frontally and get down that 12-step program and say the first step this is our issue. only we can fix this in reforming the ideas. >> thanks to both of you. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. okay. this, won't take long will it? no, not at all.
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to politics where same-sex marriage supporters won two big victory. in delaware, the state house approved a bill to make same-sex marriage legal. it now comes onto the senate. in nevada, the state senate approved a repeal of a law defining marriage as between a man and a woman. during the discussion one of the lawmakers came out. >> i'm 44 years old. i have a daughter. i'm black. i'm gay. i have dealt with a lot of what folks are talking about, and i know for some the first time hearing me say that i am a black gay male. >> west virginia passeded ed ed to make sure that kids who need it can get free breakfast and lunch. ray canterbury said it would be a good idea if perhaps we had the kids work for their lunches. trash to be taken out. lawns to be mode. make them earn it.
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another lawmaker shot back she was offended saying a first grader shouldn't have to perform labor before he or she can eat. president obama had dinner with all 20 female senators last night and pressed them for a big budget deal over peach pie and the boston globe reports mitt romney's june retreat has high profile names booked. speakers include david axelrod, chris christie, paul ryan and l.a. mayor antonio villaraigosa. when a handshake something more? a minor international incident? apparently when you're bill gates. let me know what you think about this. it's up on our facebook page. b- and four-star ratings... before local farmers and employees became secret ingredients... before rock star chefs were playing to packed houses every night... two restaurateurs sat down with our banker
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this question in politico sums it up. does anyone want to run for senate in 2014? not max baucus.
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he announced he is retiring and he'll give up chairman of the finance committee. baucus joins five other incumbent democratic senators not running for re-election and with that republicans see an opportunity to take control of the senate. i'm joined by democratic strategist and a republican strategist. good to see you. >> good morning. >> so are democrats getting nervous about holding onto the senate? >> no. you always have a rash of retirements. if you look at some of the folks that decided, they're in the 60s and 70s up there for multiple terms so it's not surprising. is it a challenge that you have more open seats that you have to fill? yes. putting that aside, you have a republican party that's in disarray. they don't have top tier candidates in any of the open races that have stepped up to run. so i'm about as concerned as i was last time and the reality is
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last time we did really well in both the presidential and in the senate races that republicans were convinced they were going to win. >> david, there are some republicans who are expressing at least quietly some optimism. when you look state by state for example in montana if the former governor enters the race, should stay democratic. a few strong republican candidates that have stepped up. there's a long list who declined to run in iowa, in michigan. so are the odds still against republicans taking control? >> i don't think it's clear at this point. i will tell you in order to have a competitive situation to take over a majority, the first thing you need is opportunities and certainly all of these retirements provide these opportunities. montana, south dakota, iowa, west virginia being a good example and the democrats have some tough seats to defend. having said that, there's a difference between having an opportunity and closing the deal. last time around republicans had
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open seats in montana and north dakota and didn't capitalize on either one. so it's not just simply having the opportunity which clearly has to be there. the next challenge for the republicans is winning races that they didn't show they could win in the last election. >> after the last election, the democratic leadership did say, chris, that their top goal was to keep a lot of these senators from retiring and there's five of them. what happened? >> working in the senate is not necessarily a fun place right now. the dysfunction in washington gets to these senators. i think sometimes we think they're immune to it but they see and experience it every day. it's difficult after you have been there term after term and see where it's kind of devolved to run. that's why one of the reasons why republicans are having a difficult time. not because the republican party has its problems and it does, it's because it's really tough to convince people to leave the private sector or whatever it might be to run for office. i think that's part of the problem. that being said, i think there
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are always good people who are going to step up and run and represent their state and i think you're seeing that in states like michigan, montana, that's a really good opportunity for us to keep that seat. i'm not concerned about it yet. it's way too early. >> to his original point, david, about just sort of the general disgust that a lot of people feel, how hard is it to recruit really good people who frankly want to leave a life where they are making a lot of money and they have power where they are and go in as a junior member of the senate? >> i think part of that is again why the individual wants to run. if the goal here is what can i do to help make america better and the attitude of what i can do in terms of public service, that's obviously something that is attractive to a lot of people. it's why we get a lot of people running on both sides of the aisle. one of the other challenges that will exist here across the board in terms of recruiting and that
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is definition in terms of what do you get with republican majority and how does that attract candidates? i would suggest john boehner in 2010 where are the jobs and having a pledge as a potential tool in terms of governing, there was a direction and purpose to the party. part of the challenge to republicans in the senate is to providing that direction and purposes as to why people should run for office. >> the first of many conversations we'll have on this. thanks, guys. appreciate it. >> pleasure. we have breaking news just coming in from the village of manchester, illinois. you see it on the map 85 miles north of st. louis. five people are dead. another person has been injured in a shooting. that's what the mayor tells our affiliate ksdk. multiple schools in that area are on lockdown. we expect to learn more at a news conference at the top of the hour. we we'll update you. five republican house committee chairman blames former secretary of state hillary
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clinton and the state department for security lapses that led to the attack on the u.s. embassy if benghazi last year and accuse the administration of altering talking points after the attack to protect state. an administration spokeswoman says the report raises questions that were already answered in great detail. an eight-story building housing several garment factories collapsed. workers say severe cracks in the building were actually reported on the news just a day ago. clothes with several western labels were found at that factory. the national weather service expects many midwest rivers and streams to remain high into the next month. the biggest problem right now in illinois where the river has crested but not before homes and roads were flooded and mud slides triggered. in north dakota, 500 truck loads of sandbags arrived to help hold back the red river. the justice department has
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filed a former complaint against disgraced cyclist lance armstrong. the lawsuit accuses armstrong of violating his $17 million contract with the u.s. postal services and charges that he enriched himself by cheating to win the tour de france. his attorneys fired back that usps benefited by sponsoring him. how about a burger from mcdonald's that's 14 years old. theburger er the burger is the from a blog about a man who bought it 14 years ago. he found it in 2007 and never threw it away. in a statement, mcdonald's says burgers are made with 100% usda inspected beef and they don't use preservatives or fillers. a fake tweet is causing real
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concerns for investors. cnbc's mandy drury is here with what's moving your money. $200 billion briefly just gone because of that fake tweet from the associated press. what happened here? >> you know, it's partly because of computers and those complicated algarhythms that kick in. so as you can imagine it's really underscoring the vulnerability of our financial markets to these computerized trading programs that buy and sell shares without humans. as you can imagine the two-minute selling spree left a lot of traders shocked because they hadn't pushed sell trade themselves. the market did recover but we have to think closely about whether this is the kind of setup we want. when you think these computer driven high frequency hedge funds can account for as much as half of u.s. stock market volume it's scary. >> speaking of money, a new
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report finds the rich are getting not just richer but a lot richer. >> pew research found the median network of the wealthiest americans rose nearly 30% between 2009 and 2011 to more than $3 million. but the median net worth of the rest of the nation, ie us, dropped 4% to nearly $134,000. why? well, wealthier people had more money at disposal to put into the bond market and stock market while the wealth of most americans as you can imagine is concentrated in their homes and as we know, that's been a path to recovery in the housing market. >> mandy drury, thank you. >> thank you. if you had trouble finding a job where you live, "forbes" has a list of the best cities to find a job right now based on labor department and local data. number five, columbus, ohio. grand rapids, michigan, is fourth followed by jacksonville, florida. austin, texas, is runner up and best place to find a job right
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now, bethesda, maryland. carfirmation.
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what do drinks and beef have in common? there may be a risk for clogged arteries and energy drinks may be more dangerous than previously thought considering some have more than three times as in a porterhouse steak. the u.s. senate is moving forward on a bill to end the tax-free ride for internet shoppers and that's set off a debate among etailers. under the marketplace fairness act as it is called, all online retailers would be required to collect sales tax and that has broad support from both parties
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and internet giant amazon but some small businesses are sounding the alarm claiming it would be a red tape nightmare. let me bring in msnbc's j.j. ramburg. let's clarify. some people are saying i pay tax on my online purchases any way. >> it can get confusing. basically if you are in a state where the store isn't, you'll have to pay online taxes. you're in north carolina, you buy from an online store that's based in north carolina, you have to pay taxes. if you are in another state and you buy from that store, technically you're supposed to pay taxes but they don't have to collect them. >> nobody does it? >> nobody does it. >> not all small businesses would be affected by this law, right? a lot of them are upset. why? >> if you have less than $1 million in revenue you are not affected by this. small businesses are split on this. depends who you compete against. if you are a small business doing a lot of sales on the internet and people don't have to pay sales tax, then that's an
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advantage to you, right? you can be cheaper than walking down the street and buying from a big box store. on the flip side, if you're a small business and you're doing most of your business in your state, then suddenly you're at a disadvantage because someone can buy something online from somebody else and not pay taxes. >> there's an additional concern for you and me which is that if this goes through, not only might we have to pay additional taxes, if these small businesses in particular feel that doing this is extra paperwork and costs them more money, will that cost get passed onto us? >> it's confusing. right now you have to deal with sales tax for one state or the state that you're in if you have a few offeices, a few states. as a small business you'll have to calculate that. that's more expense to you but as part of the bill they say that they will make it easy. states will give them software so it's easily calculated. >> one of the things and i think this is not just particular to
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new york, it's everywhere, you still do like to see that local small business, the mom and pop business that gives you the personal service who you know and there is some thought this will help the brick and mortar stars run by mom and pop for lack of a better term. >> if you go down the street and you buy a couch from a small furniture store, you pay tax. if you buy it online from a big store, you're not paying tax. >> with a computer you can save $200 by ordering it online. >> whether it's an advantage to you or disadvantage depends on who your customers are and who you're competing against. >> all right. thank you so much. you can catch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 right here on msnbc. today's tweet of the day comes from nbc's luke russert about his flight being delayed an hour and a half due to the sequester. from talking to passengers on my flight, the general consensus is that congress is to blame but obama is unfairly using delays to prove a point.
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richard lui will join us next with how much the delays can cost you in addition to time. i'm telling you right now, the girl back at home would absolutely not have taken a zip line in the jungle. i'm really glad that girl stayed at home. vo: expedia helps 30 million travelers a month find what they're looking for. one traveler at a time. expedia. find yours.
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air travelers are dealing with another day of delays forced by the furlough of air travel controllers. the faa says chicago o'hare has delays averaging nearly 30 minutes. newark and charlotte are dealing with similar delays. in the past hour, faa administrators got an earful from the chairman of the house appropriations committee who said the obama administration didn't warn congress about the impact of the furloughs. >> this imperial attitude on the part of the administration and you're the most recent example of that imperialism, is disgusting. >> it is mystifying to me that some are surprised by these
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delays or blame faa for congress' failure. >> richard lui is here with the drill down with impact on travelers, airlines and economy. >> each minute of a flight delay costs travelers. a study shows each minute costs travelers just over $1. one minute, one dollar. the tax includes flyers taking cabs instead of buses, missing business meetings or rescheduling events like monday the faa says 1,200 flights were delayed because of staffing reductions including those caused by the sequester. yesterday new york area airports saw over two-hour delays. lax up to 45 minutes and dallas-ft. worth half an hour says "usa today." travelers just aren't happy. >> we were supposed to leave at 8:25 and just as we were about to leave they said, sorry. we're not leaving. we've been sequestered. >> i think they should furlough the president and congress.
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>> flight delays hurt everybody. as much as $33 billion a year. there are losses to gdp, to airlines and to ticket sales and that does not include sequester delays. the faa 10% workforce reduction aims to help save $600 million this year. that's just a fraction of the additional billions of dollars in costs that could result from additional flight delays. this has washington now pointing fingers. >> as a result of the administration's poor planning, i would argue political motives, thousands of people were stuck on tarmacs. >> public outcry over long delays at airports will serve as a wake-up call to my republican colleagues. oh the chatter. democrats, republicans, president, airlines, all trying to avoid growing grumbling as flyers who normally on average see 12-minute delays head into the crowded summer skies.
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get more familiar with that daunting three-hour tarmac rule. >> is there anything worse than trying to get on vacation which a lot of people are going to be doing. kids are getting out of school. you're sitting and sitting. >> and every year, chris, we experience about 28,000 years worth of delays all of us in the united states. >> just on airlines? >> just on airlines. this year could break that normal average. >> okay. that is one of the scariest and most depressing statistics ever. thank you. that was fascinating. that does wrap up this hours of "jancing and company." i'm chris jansing. thomas roberts is up next. i'll see you back here tomorrow. ♪
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[ female announcer ] the gold standard in anti-aging. roc® retinol. found in roc® retinol correxion deep wrinkle night cream. it's clinically proven to give 10 years back to the look of skin. now for maximum results, the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum to create retinol correxion® max. it's proven to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® retinol correxion max. nothing's better than gold. good morning. i'm thomas roberts. more fast moving develops in the boston bombings case. did the fbi miss chances to flag the alleged would-be bombers. russian officials contacted the fbi several times about their concerns over bombing suspect tamerlan tsarnaev.
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not just the one case, the fbi is claiming. lawmakers say they are getting conflicting accounts and they want to know exactly what happened. >> i heard there was just one and then on the senate side they were told by deputy director of the fbi that there were multiple dealings. >> people are sitting back there saying how does this happen? how do members of congress get briefed and be told different things? that's what i'm going to try to find out today. we have a meeting at 4:00 closed door. boston and phifbi will be there. we have to get this very solved. >> we're hearing that and the department of homeland security had different information than the fbi. they were not sharing that information so the fbi according to what we now understand did not know he was in russia for six months and did not follow-up upon his return.


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