tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC May 6, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports" -- was iran's military power the real target of israel's weekend strikes against iranian-supplied missiles in syria. and how long will president obama be able to resist calls for u.s. to get involved? for now the president tells telemundo, israel has the right to defend itself. >> the israelis justifiably have to guard against the transfer of advanced weaponry to terrorist organizations like hezbollah. hezbollah has repeatedly said that they would be willing to attack as far as tel aviv, so the israelis have to be vigilant and concerned. we will continue to coordinate with the israelis. capitol hill hawks say the president isn't even enforcing
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his own red line against chemical weapons. >> conflict is spilling over into lebanon and jordan. the whole situation is becoming more and more expansive and unfortunately, the red line that the president of the united states written, was apparently written in disappearing ink. secretary of state kerry flies to moscow later today to see vladimir putin, assad's last western ally. call to arms, 70,000 turn out for the nra's annual meeting in texas this weekend, even trying to capitalize on the boston bombings. >> how many bostonians wish they had a gun two weeks ago, lying in wait right now is a terrorist, a deranged school shooter, a kidnapper. a rapist. a murderer. waiting and planning and plotting. in boston, a bail hearing is held today for the 19-year-old classmate charged with lying
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about how they trashed the evidence. and the debate over where to bury the body of tamerlan tsarnaev continues. listen closely to the funeral director. >> we have to bury this guy, whatever it is, whoever he is, this country, we bury people. we can't separate sins from sinners, i can't pick and choose. and the bruins -- jeff bowman who lost both of his legs in the bombing served as banner captain before game two against the maple leafs. good day, i'm andrea mitchell live in washington, israel's weekend air strikes against syria is raising fears that the two-year syrian conflict could spread across the region. nbc news foreign correspondent richard engel joins me by phone from turkey. and nbc foreign correspondent ayman mohyeldin is in new york. what's happening in terms of threats by syria for
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retaliation. israel doesn't seem to be taking the threats seriously. given the fact that the prime minister, netenyahu, is in china on a previously scheduled trip. >> i think it's fair to say israel does not expect to see a major retaliation, a military retaliation. no scud missiles coming out of damascus toward tel aviv. the way saddam hussein has done so. syria has a lot on its plate right now. the regime is fighting for its own survival. what israelis are concerned about is there could be some sort of asymmetric attack. syria could use one of its allies, a force from iran or hezbollah to do an attack in israel or even at a foreign embassy. so they are on alert. but don't expect to see a full-on military assault from damascus. it may be something that's harder to directly on to syria. >> ayman, there's been muted
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response from the arab world. we had the expected criticism from morsi, from the islamic brotherhood leader in egypt of course. we have not heard from the saudis, we've not heard from the uae, many of the coalitions that arm the rebels. we've not heard from erdogan, we've not heard from king abdullah from jordan. >> the silence should not be taken for tacit approval. the way many of the arab diplomats have termed this is another example of how complicated this situation has become. there has been the condemnation of the egyptian government. obviously there have been other condemnations from smaller players across the region. but nonetheless, the fact that israel carried this strike out against what they say is an iranian installation or an iranian weapons heading for hezbollah is not going to be welcome news for many of the arab countries, in fact they've introduced a motion at the arab league to bring it up at the united nations through the security council to condemn the attack in what they're describing as a violation of
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syrian sovereignty. it is an example of how complicated the situation in syria has become with all of the proxy elements playing inside the syria. really exacerbating the conflict. >> richard, in on the turkish border, near syria, you've been working with the rebel leaders. a very interesting interview with general idris, a leader of the faction that the u.s. is now helping to train and support and we believe there is a move within the administration toward actually giving them weapons. have they, do they have the confidence now, do you think american officials and others will be able to get more weaponsance and how press reasonable doubt they for weaponry? >> they are very pressed for weapons, because the free syrian army, the one that is nominally commanded, by general idris, even though his position is the figurehead on the ground there are other people. even within the fsa who are more
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important and powerful than him. the problem is, this group that the united states backs, is considering arming, is only one of a variety of factions on the ground. it isn't even the strongest one. there is no guarantee that if the united states gave weapons to the fsa, that they wouldn't, end up in the hands of the nusra front or things like that. i think practically, the group, the fsa suddenly shows up into a town and it has many new weapons and many new vehicles. and another rebel group decides it wants to take them from them. or there's a battle and the weapons are collected from the ground, by a different group. the reality of the chaotic conflict that ayman mohyeldin is talking about, i don't see how you can really guarantee if you're arming one faction, that that faction is going to be entirely accountable for everything they've got. especially when the faction isn't the most powerful one. in all of the different battle
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zones that are syria right now. richard, one of the things you heard is a chorus from hawks on capitol hill this weekend, that said if israel can penetrate the air space, that martin dempsey, the chairman of the joint chiefs had testified could not be easily penetrated, then why can't america. there's an argument to be made for that, militarily, i think it probably can be done. if the united states wanted to take out bashar al assad's regime, the u.s. certainly has that capability. the problem is, as you were talking about in your intro and i've been reading your reporting, andrea, it's been fabulous, you know this better than anyone. this already is an international conflict and every party involved has its own objectives. the syrian rebels, they want at any cost to topple bashar al assad and are willing to take help from wherever they can, including some factions from al qaeda. the turks and the jordanians want all of the refugees out of their area. the gulf states, the sunni arab
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gulf states, want to contain iran and push iran out of the area. the iran and hezbollah want to keep syria as their ally and want to keep funneling weapons to lebanon to hold it as a sword over israel's head. so if the united states gets involved in this -- who are they helping? and in what case? can we take out bashar? >> yes. but what do we want to do once we take out bashar al assad? whose objective are we trying to support? >> exactly right, richard, the whole worry has been what happens after the strong man goes and we saw what happened in iraq for many, many years, the civil war that you were covering. ayman in terms of the arab response as well, it just seems to me that there's nothing that the u.n. is going to do, especially with russia. vetoing anything that the united states wants, including even chemical weapons inspectors from the u.n. getting in on the ground. we have kerry going today to see
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vladimir putin in meetings tomorrow. and that's going to be a potential game-changer. but it's unlikely, according to most of the arab sources i have, that putin is going to do anything different. >> you're absolutely right. you can almost draw a straight line from the paralysis of the international community to what is happening on the ground. the fact that both russia and china have consistently blocked measures at the united nations for stronger international measures against the syrian president for perhaps even intervention through international organizations like nato in syria. the fact that they've syst systematically blocked those, shows how far the countries are divided even in the wake of allegations of chemical weapons. even in the wake of refugees pouring across borders and this becoming an international conflict or a proxy conflict. the fact is that they're not budging. that's making it very difficult for the united states and its allies to try to resolve this
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situation politically and diplomatically. it's one of the key issues that arab countries want from the united states, more political leadership in narrowing the international gap. >> thank you so much, ayman mohyeldin and thank you, richard engel on the border with syria. could the israeli air strikes in syria be a prelude to more u.s. involvement in the conflict? joining me now is former u.s. ambassador to israel, martin indic. martin, i know you not only were ambassador to israel, but had lots of connections during the periods of dialogue with syria. what should the united states be doing now? is it time for to us get involved militarily? >> i think first of all, picking up on ayman's reporting. john kerry's visit to moscow this week and his meeting with vladimir putin, is the first and i think most important part of what the united states needs to be doing. which is to try to find a way to
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move putin. and it is putin, not his advisers, to the point where he understands that it is in the common interests of the united states and russia, to work together on a post-assad order that indeed prevents descent into chaos, which doesn't serve russian interests or american interests. if we can get that, then it becomes possible to get security council engagement, u.n. engagement, international legitimacy and cover for the steps that will be necessary on the ground. and on the ground, then, the establishment of a provisional government in territory that has already been liberated from the hands of the assad regime, and the need to establish essentially a no-fly zone over that area to protect it. the kinds of military requirements that will be
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necessary. arming of opposition forces is something that's going ahead. it's not clear to me that the united states needs to actually be involved in providing the arms. but it does need to be involved in the intelligence, in training, in insuring that the arms are going to the right kinds of organizations. in other words, the united states needs to be the coach and trainer of that effort. it doesn't require boots on the ground. i think there's a consensus even for those calling for more military intervention, that there shouldn't be american boots on the ground. >> here's what john mccain had to say this weekend on fox news. >> it will probably put more pressure on this administration, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, who has testified repeatedly, these air defenses that the syrians have are so tough and we would have such problems. the israelis seem to be able to penetrate it fairly easily.
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one thing i've learned about some of our military leaders, if they don't want to do something, they can invent lots of ways not to do it. the fact is we're capable of taking out their air on the ground with cruise missiles, cratering their runways where all of these supplies by the way, from iran and russia are coming in by air. >> we could do standoff military strikes from ships offshore. so there are ways to do this without certainly without boots on the ground. and without getting involved in even the no fly zone. >> well, look, we operated a no fly zone in northern iraq. with aircraft operating out of turkey, that was done for ten years. it provided protection forred kurds and they thrived under their protection. we didn't lose a single aircraft or pilot. >> so you think a no fly zone. just to be clear, you think the no fly zone might be the next
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best step. and then perhaps some ways of using air strikes as john mccain just outlined? >> yeah. but i want to emphasize, andrea, that it has to be done in the context of a strategy for a post-assad transition. there has to be a political strategy here which starts with getting moscow on board. but yes, in that context, operating a no fly zone to provide protection for the areas that have been liberated and set up under a provisional government becomes very important. ultimately, i think we're going to need a u.n. force in there to provide some guarantees and protection for the ail whytes and the christians, ail wyalawid the christians. it can be done from a distance without jeopardizing american pilots and it can be done and it can be done without requiring
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the total suppression of the capability that the syrians have. that's what we did in iraq, it could be done here, too. >> very briefly. we've had periods in the past with this president, this prime minister, and in the past, with other presidents and prime ministers where there has been american concern about israeli military action. there have been efforts 20 stop american weapons from being used, which they were used in this instance. in this case the president goes on telemundo and says we koord with the israelis. he says israel has a right to defend itself. i have never seen a closer connection post strike than in this instance between the u.s. and israel. >> well this isn't the first time that president obama has said that israel has a right to defend itself. >> but in this context coming right after the strikes. >> yeah. >> but in this context in which there is a common interest in
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preventing these weapons from getting into the hands of hezbollah, there's a common interest in insuring that the chemical weapons don't go into the hands of hezbollah or the al qaeda forces. in some ways the israelis is serving the american interest. and better i think from the white house's point of view that israel do it than the united states do it. at least at this stage. it's easy for the president to be supporting it in a way grateful that this has been done without involving the united states. but eventually the united states will have to get involved and i think the president is coming to that understanding. if the reports can be believed. that sooner rather than later, the united states is going to have to intervene in the ways that i've suggested. it can't be left just to others.
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because without u.s. leadership, it's not going to be possible to handle this very complicated process of removing assad from power. and insuring an orderly transition. >> we'll have to leave it there for now. thank you very much. more on this coming up. thank you, martin indic from brookings. and no compromise, the nra brings out big guns and claims a record five million members, the daily fix is next on "andrea mitchell reports." [ agent smith ] i've found software that intrigues me. it appears it's an agent of good. ♪ [ agent smith ] ge software connects patients to nurses to the right machines while dramatically reducing waiting time. [ telephone ringing ] now a waiting room is just a room. [ static warbles ] mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ]
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keep and bear arms was voted down. ♪ ♪ yes, that was rick perry, the governor of texas. the nra rolled out its conservative republican all-stars at its annual convention this weekend. but for the first time, not a single democratic speaker spoke at the convention. is the nra becoming an extension of the gop? joining me for that and other political stories are our daily fix, chris cillizza, msnbc contributor and managing editor of post chuck todd, nbc news chief white house correspondent. and amy walter, national editor for the cook political report. aimy, you don't have enough titles. >> clearly, i'll work on that. >> now, now. >> chris, cillizza, let's talk about the nra first. the leadership forum really had quite a list of republican
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all-stars. not a single democrat in the past there's always been democrats from red states who want to appear there. what's going on? >> well you know, andrea, i think for a lot of folks, the mark pryor's of the world, the mark begich's of the world. in republican-leaning states, what they did in legislatively at least was sort of enough. they didn't want to -- my guess is they didn't want to sort of rub it in. by appearing in democratic base voters, who are deeply unhappy about how some of these folks voted. my guess is in future years you'll still see some democrats. you won't see a democratic presidential candidate. i think you will see some democrats appear, i was struck frankly, some of the celebratory tone of this event. the nra clearly views themselves as having won a major legislative victory here. the question is, can gun control
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groups rally, they claim they're planning to, joe biden says he's got a plan. can they rally from what was a defeat and perhaps sort of challenge the nra's dominance legislatively on the issue. >> amy, looking forward this week is going to be all about immigration. others are saying there will be votes. these are not killer amendments, here you've got jim demint versus marco rubio. marco rubio was a protege of jim demibt. is taking a hard line against marco rubio, who has been very forceful about his support for the immigration compromises. >> the big difference between the gun debate and the immigration debate is this is actually a debate that more republicans want to have. they need to get on the right side of immigration, in way they did not need to get on the right side of the gun issue. marco rubio is basically the future of the party where jim demint was the guy from the past. i mean he obviously has a role
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at the heritage. i think that the folks in washington who understand where the party needs to go, want to be on the train with marco rubio. >> i'm just, so jim demint comes out with the whole thing which is putting a price tag he says to what he's calling amnesty to what they're doing. >> and the reason they're putting it out there. we've not had time to go through it. but the economic data on this is -- >> they come up with trillions of dollars. what are you seeing? the initial trashing of this study is being done by republicans. haley barber is trashing it. >> there is a split inside the party. the national strategists want to get this done. but you have some who are sitting there going wait a minute. all you're doing is adding, who knows what their motivation are. you're just adding democrats to the voting rolls. >> i want to get you on the record about benghazi. the hearings are going to be on wednesday, darrell issa was on
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fox news, here's what he has to say about the witnesses he is bringing out, three witnesses in particular, connected to the state department, who he said were not denied the ability to testify. and here's issa, chairman issa. >> if as the president said in the rose garden, it was an act of terror, then of course the counterterrorism unit that exists should be have been there at every moment. but if you wanted it to seem like it wasn't terrorism, keeping them out of the room allows to you play with the false truth that somehow it was a video and the same is the protest in egypt. which of course from the get-go, everyone knew just wasn't true. >> based on what you know, how damaging is this to hillary clinton? >> well i think it's damaging because it happened on her watch. >> now hillary clinton was under fire when she testified, but she got through those hearings, saying yes, there were thousands of cables under my name. but i didn't see those cables.
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yes, there were things that were wrong. that was a pretty tough report. of course, this report, the independent review board didn't go far enough. >> and there's accusations. of the three people here, greg hicks, one of the state department people. i would argue are the most credible. >> he testified during the questionnaire, they were to the committee. they were told, not to board the flight so they missed it. he said they were air assets. >> and he has been providing some of the counter argument here that maybe folks at state knew something farther in advance could have done something here. and that's what you're seeing, everything is circling around the state department. did they react slowly. were they distracted? there were protests popping up at embassies all across the arab
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world. what was the reasoning behind some of what was the reaction from benghazi versus everything else. is hillary clinton going to be forced to explain hr role more down the road? >> it could be, greg hicks here seems to be the witness i'd be watching the most closely. >> thank you very much, chuck todd, thanks to chris cillizza and amy walter. thank you all. and we'll be right back.
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nbc justice correspondent pete williams joins me now. what are you expecting for a bail hearing for robel philippe 0s. his lawyers and the prosecutors filed a motion together this morning saying they both agreed that he could be released on conditions that guarantee or at least give a high likelihood of his appearance at future court proceedings, he could be confined to home with his mother, which is where that he's been living. he could wear an ankle bracelet and post a bond. i suspect the judge will abide by that. his lawyers over the weekend said that he never did anything wrong, he had nothing to do with the bombing. and his only offense he's charged with is lying to the fbi and they say this is the case of a frightened and confused 19-year-old who was subjected to intense questioning, which they say in their filings had a devastatingly crushing effect on the ability of an adolescent to withstand the enormous pressure and respond rationally. his lawyers say his charges ruined his once-bright future
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and he wants the chance to redeem himself. it does seem that there's the possibility here of some kind of agreement between the prosecutors and the defense to resolve this case. maybe he would end up giving the government testimony, we'll have to see. for the near term, it looks like he will be allowed out on bail this afternoon. >> anything on katherine russell there were indications that a laptop she had used did check in with "inspire" magazine. i know they were following up on it. there was another police search yesterday of her former home. >> she i think andrea, remains the unanswered question in terms of people in the u.s. we had known about these three friends of the younger bombing suspect, dzhokhar tsarnaev. so then he ended up getting arrested. it seems like the widow of tamerlan tsarnaev, katherine russell, using her maiden name now, is the one unanswered question and authorities are going to have to decide whether she knew about the bombing in advance or does she come into
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the category of these friends, of having knowledge afterwards and not telling the fbi. they say the younger suspect has said the bombs were built in their apartment. there's a considerable question here about how could that happen. and she not know about it. that's unresolved. we'll have to see how that works out. >> pete williams, thank you very much. there was a poignant moment for so many reasons at the kennedy library, former congressman gabrielle giffords receiving the profile in courage award from caroline kennedy. >> it's been a hard two years for me. but i want to make the world a better place. more than ever thank you. >> giffords of course accompanied with her husband, mark kelly. also visited some of the boston bombing victims in the hospital. still hospitalized for their injuries. >> happen any time, to anyone! [ female announcer ] stress sweat is different than ordinary sweat.
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ask. israeli analysts expect more air strikes on syria to stop what israel calls game-changing iranian-supplied weapons from being transferred by syria to hezbollah. nbc news middle east correspondent, martin fletcher joins mow knew from tel aviv. martin, israel moved the iron dome and is prepared for retaliation, but doesn't really expect it. they think that syria is pretty well preoccupied with the rebel forces. isn't about to take on israel. is that your take as well? >> that sums it up. the israeli commanders in the north said they did not expect any kind of war to break out in the north. syria is so involved with its own problems and it knows if it does retaliate against israel, then israel will retaliate much more strongly against syrian government and the army installations, which could lead to the fall of the syrian government. so there's no sense here that israel is about to be attacked and there's almost complete quiet among the israeli people. the only thing i would point out is that israel does have an
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annual military exercise in the golan heights. which is supposed to start in a few days and they've already said that's going to be reduced. so as not to stir things up further. andrea? >> that's interesting, indeed. thank you so much martin fletcher. joining me now is aaron david miller, a former middle east negotiator under democrats and republicans. in many white houses and state departments. he's now vice president for new initiatives at the woodrow wilson center in washington. aaron, we have seen no outcry at all from the united states. we've seen support from the united states. secretary kerry was over at the pentagon today meeting, having lunch with defense secretary hagel. they're really the new kids on the block. if you will. in the foreign policy team. we see them over there with a portrait, a painting of a naval ship. presented to the former navy officer in vietnam. these are two vietnam veterans, they've got a lot of military experience between them. but the real issue now is what should the u.s. do.
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should the u.s. as john mccain has said, and martin indic, one of your former colleagues said, do a limited no fly zone and do stand off action. air strikes. that's something you've been writing about. >> form follows function. and the reality is that the military power is an instrument. it's an instrument to achieve an end game. without a clear sense of what that end game is, we have to correlate quite precisely, or as price prooe sizely as we can, what are we trying tie cheev. if you want to overthrow the current government of syria, the president should declare that is a vital national interest and design a military strategy to do so. but what i don't want to see is america getting stuck with a check on this one. and the reality is, we are uniquely positioned to get stuck with that check. we're coming off the two longest wars in american history. where the standard for victory was never could we win, but when could we leave. and extrication not the metric you want to use to measure the performance of the greatest power on earth. even with hundreds of thousands
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of american forces in iraq, on the ground, we couldn't achieve the end state with respect to a stable iraqi policy where sunnis, shias and kurds were getting along with one another. my view is -- the president is risk-averse. not risk-ready. and with good reason. >> is russia the key to this? and as long as vladimir putin is backing assad, is there no political solution? >> i think we have to get away from the idea of game-changer, cw, the introduction of chemical weapons was not a game changer. we're dealing with a conflict that has outcomes right now. not solutions. so kerry is going to go to moscow, try to press putin to press assad. but the reality is, putin is going to be hard-pressed to agree. i think kerry has one advantage, is that he isn't hillary clinton
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and that maybe given the fact that she really pushed the russians at times quite legitimately. but annoyed them, too. kerry may have a better chance at least of creating a reset of the reset of the reset, when it comes to the u.s./russian relationship. >> aaron david miller, thank you very much. >> always a pleasure. >> always a pleasure. we'll be right back. i'm a firefighter. i'm a carpenter. i'm an accountant. a mechanical engineer. and i shop at walmart. truth is, over sixty percent of america shops at walmart every month. i find what i need, at a great price. and the money i save goes to important things. braces for my daughter. a little something for my son's college fund. when people look at me, i hope they see someone building a better life. vo: living better: that's the real walmart. ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats.
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namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? after the latest jobs report where with we now on the economy? joining me is julian tet, assistant editor for the "financial times". >> it's great to be here. >> you looked at the jobs numbers, you had an intriguing column on saturday about hung anywhere america. and the fact that people are waiting longer to spend money on food. they're waiting for their food stamps. >> one of the key themes of the friday's jobs report is the question of quality, not quantity. america may be creating jobs,
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but are they the kind of jobs that are going to make people feel secure about the future and want to spend. one of the reasons i was looking at the the question, is if you talk to big food companies these days, what they're saying is since 2007 and 2008, the great recession, you've seen a big shift in how people are spending. they're not spending throughout the month in a stable way any more. in a way that indicates they have enough savings to smooth over their spending patterns. instead they're living paycheck to paycheck. >> and food stamp to food stamp. creating a volatile climate for the food companies having to try to adjust their supply kmans. it means for millions of american people, life is pretty precarious, they're scrapping to get by, even if there are more jobs out there in the economy today. >> to say nothing of the nutritional effects, because in general less expensive food can often be the things that are not as nutritious. >> the tragedy is, if you are literally living from paycheck to paycheck and buying food at the last minute, it's often more expensive that way, than if you have the luxury of planning
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ahead and going to the sam's or warehouses and getting things in bulk. >> gillian, what are we seeing with the jobs that have been added? is this a, to continue the food analogy, is this a sugar high? a false hope? >> well it's very interesting. it really is about quality of jobs, not just quantity right now. what the jobs report numbers on friday showed, is that the actual rate of unemployment has come down 7.5%, that's the good news. but all the growth within the service sector, not in the manufacturing sector or construction sector. what you're increasingly seeing is the bifurcation between the nice jobs for the wealthier people and some pretty lousy jobs for in the service industry and elsewhere. and even, i mean today we just had warren buffett come out and say that he thinks the economy is improving. well, yes it is improving. but it's very telling if you see where he sees the actual growth right now. it's things like net jets, which is a corporate jet sector. where the wealthy are spending money. which warren buffett owns. if you look at what the middle
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class of america are doing and spending their money on right now, it's hard to say we're seeing much of a vibrant recovery. >> what about what's happening in europe? >> well, europe is one more thing. adding to the sense of headwinds for the american economy right now. because in the sense, the problems in europe are on ice. yet again, the european central bank has kicked the can down the road by providing a bit of stimulus, but in europe, as in america, essentially what the central bank is doing is allowing politicians to avoid taking the tough decisions and really getting on with reform, is delaying the moment of reckoning. so once again, ordinary households are looking at this and saying i look to the future, i see politicians trying to duck the tough questions. you know, why should i go out and spend a lot of money. >> gillian tett, congratulations on the 125th anniversary of the "ft"? >> absolutely. >> you've been lighting new york city up pink. we see the empire state building there, beautiful. >> absolutely. we've celebrated our 125th
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anniversary. at a time of a lot of change in the media world, it's an anniversary that we're pretty proud of. and we're looking forward to another 125 years. >> cheers to that. here's to more print. >> thank you. and president obama trying to inspire thousands of buckeyes at ohio state university this weekend at the commencement on sunday. telling the graduates that they can be a positive force for the nation's future. hear, hear. >> you've been tested, and you've been tempered. by events that your parents and i never imagined we'd see when we sat where you sit. and yet, despite all this, or perhaps because of it, yours has become a generation possessed with that most american of ideas -- that people who love their country can change it for the better. ch fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings
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engagement with lawmakers of both parties and in particular, republican senators to see if he can find some common ground on some of the challenges that confront us. >> so which political story will make headlines? it will be the golf game. the bipartisan goff game. chris cillizza is back with us. the president only once before has hit the links with members and that was with the speaker, john boehner and now we've got him going out with saxby chambliss and bob corker, to republicans, as well as mark udahl, a democrat. >> i did a little research thanks to my old boss who has played boss with jim clyburn a few times. by far the only one that got publicity was john boehner. >> and he was the only republican. >> here's what's fascinating. my colleague a few weeks back
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said as a suggestion, he put it in a piece, saxby chambliss very active golfer. mark udall is an excellent golfer. he should take them out and play golf. don't play golf with the same three or four people you always do. that would go a long way. i give him a lot of credit. the most important thing to take from this is the announcement in the report that there would be a photo opportunity on the first hole. what does that mean? it means the white house wants to make very clear over the one in congress and out of congress that he is doing this. he is reaching out. he is playing golf across party lines. he is doing the dinners. he is doing all these things in hopes that we see some sort of grand bargain on debt spending issues. he is reaching his hand more than halfway basically daring republicans to reach back. >> well, the fact that he usually goes out with his aides and with close buddies rather than with any members of
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congress doesn't do any business on the golf course that anyone has been able to tell. we've got an election. we've got the south carolina congressional election tomorrow. mark sanford. and alley weinberg from nbc has been covering it had this extraordinary bit with sanford who is daring people. he was answering a question of alley's about the trespassing question that had been raised by his former wife. and that then proceeded to be sanford trying to prove that he really does have the support of women voters. let's watch. >> we're trying to find her a woman who hates me and she can use in her tv show. >> he proceeded to go from place to place asking women, do you really love me or hate me or hole it against me? it is beyond humor. it could be a good segment for colbert except his sister colbert bush is the candidate on the other side.
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>> here's what's amazing. in 2009 people were talking to me, chuck todd, you, about the idea of mr. sanford running for president in 2012. it is remarkable to me he is where he is now. i would say where he is now honestly, he has a 50/50, maybe i'll put a pinky on the scale for him. he might have a little better than 50/50 chance of winning this special election tomorrow night. i can't find one national republican strategist who is happy about the prospect of him coming back to congress. but it shows. this is a district that romney won by 18 points. a district mark sanford frept from 1994 to 2000. on fiscal issues, on debt and spending, he is much closer to the district than is miss colbert bush. but he brings a suitcase after suitcase of personal baggage. >> and we've got a lot coming up as well with john kerry on the plane to russia. our reporter is on the plane with him and we'll have full
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coverage. great to have you back. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." tomorrow on the show, house homeland security chair michael mccall joining us with the latest on the boston bombing investigation. and remember, fall the show online and on twitter. thomas roberts has a look at what's next on "news nation." >> thank you very much. developing news, one of the three suspects arrested in connection with the boston bombing is due in courtney minute now on rls charges he lied to investigate. plus, where to bury tsarnaev. the family is running out of options. and israel claims its air strikes this weekend were aimed at keeping weapons away from hezbollah and not meant to weaken the assad regime. we'll take a look at the politics of syria involving president obama now and that red line that some say is growing a little too fuzzy. all coming up next on "news nation." ♪
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i'm thomas roberts in for tamron hall. news is up folding in syria. first some major developments in the boston bombing investigation. right now lawyers for one of the three new suspects are appearing in court. they're arguing for the pretrial release of 19-year-old robel phillipos saying he had nothing to do with the attack and is not a flight risk. federal prosecutors say they don't object. meanwhile the family of the dead suspect tamerlan tsarnaev is trying to find a burial location. the mother wants the body back in russia but the uncle says he needs to be buried in the u.s. and the funeral director wants a decision. >> tamerlan tsarnaev. there is no other place to be buried. there is no other place who would
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