tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 11, 2013 11:00am-2:00pm PDT
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. good saturday afternoon. call... you are watches "the place for politics." we begin with the benghazi and ask an insurance expert about all our benefits today, backlash. >> first question for hillary clinton, how in the hell were like our 24/7 support and service, because at liberty mutual insurance, the marines? >> there it is. big question. we believe our customers do their best the uproar about four dead out there in the world, so we do americans or is this about the everything we can to be there for them when they need us. politics of 2016? >> beware of microphones. plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to $423. >> speaking of 2016 what about call... america's happy warrior joe biden. he has not said she running but today. then again he won't either. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? >> that does not mean that i would ever put party before my state or party before my country. >> on the other side there's chris christie who has stoked more speculation this week. the man accused of kidnapping i'm goining to dream about t that steaka. i'i'm going toto dream about thatat tiramisu.u. three women is in jail. she under suicide watch.
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ariel castro imprisoned, whwhat a nightht, huh? but, u um, can thehe test drivie be over nonow? tortured and raped lee girls for head b back to the d dealership?p? more than a decade. [ mamale announcncer ] it's praractically y yours. rescued monday. but we stitill need yourur signaturere. yesterday. the last of the three women, volklkswagen sigign then dririe is back. michelle knight, was released anand it's nevever been eaeasir to get a a passat. from the hospital. she told police castro that's's the powerer of german n engineerining. impregnated her several times get $0$0 down, $0 0 due at sig, and caused miscarriages. $0 depososit, anand $0 firstst month's p pt on any n new volkswawagen. nbc's ron allen is in cleveland. vivisit tododay. what do we know about michelle knight's whereabouts? >> reporter: not much, craig. as you know weren't just out here yesterday? >> a good saturday afternoon to >> i was. a few hours ago. you. i'm craig melvin. >> reporter: yeah. you're watching msnbc. i thought so. in my event we -- unfortunately we begin with the backlash from we don't know a lot about her ben zba zi. situation. her situation is a bit unique >> it was inexcusable and it because she was apparently estranged from her family back should preclude her from holding in 2002 when she was abducted. higher office. she was the first woman taken. >> who is rand paul talking she is a bit older. about there? she was a single mom back then. the family dynamic there is very hillary clinton. is hillary or the truth about complicated, shall we say. there's a lot of concern now in ben zba zi really the truth this community because while here.
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they were a happy family >> ten weeks after the sequester taking effect, the economy and reunions for 2 other two women released there was none of them the most vulnerable in this that for michelle knight because society are continuing to she didn't have anywhere to go. experience its effects. we are not sure who is taking care of her. >> who are those most i assume it is a social service agency or nonprofit group. vulnerable. think head start, think after school programs. people like that who step into we're going to meet some of the this void that exists in her people in the middle of the sequester fight coming up. life. so that's all we know at this point about her circumstances. will is a facebook page out will. people are trying to express their concern. >> ladies and gentlemen please we understand the hospital where welcome your governor, chris she was at, there is a -- vigil going on, rally, formulating so that people can show their christie. support for her because there's >> what the hell is this? a lot of concern about her case chris christie never one to shy because it seems to be -- it is a little different than the away from poking fun at itself. other two. >> i understand you also talked first we've got some new to one of the 911 dispatchers information right now from that took amanda berry's call. cleveland, ohio. what did she have to say? >> we talked to the radio gina da hay sus and amanda night dispatcher. not the one that took the call. this is a woman who has been have been in touch with each working for the police for 10, other since her release from the 11 years. hospital yesterday. she was involved in dispatching the man accused of kidnapping police to the house who were
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the women is behind bars under involved in the rescue. a woman have sfr from the community and knew instantly she suicide watch. he allegedly held them for more heard the name aamanda berry come over the two-way system than a decade until their rescue something special was happening. on monday. like so many other people in the community. here is a bit of sound from her nbc's ron allen is in cleveland. i know this is a developing as to what her reaction when she heard the name amanda berry in situation but do we know anything about the kind of kmup occasion between the two women the police radio transmissions. and what more can you tell us have a listen. about michelle knight's >> i couldn't believe i was condition? >> reporter: well, craig we didn't know a lot about this hearing her voice. to actually hear her voice, even communication. we just know that the two women as hysterical as she was, to were apparently in contact, hear her voice was -- it was the perhaps a phone call. i can't imagine that they were most gratifying moment of my visiting each other. career. it was joyful. it stands to reason that they it was a joyful moment. would be because these women we were crying and clapping. it was -- even still today, it endured such a unique ordeal together. gives me chills. they're being approached by all types of people, attorney's >> reporter: unusual perspective to hear from the police civilian employee who was there involved mental health professionals. in the rescue behind the scenes. we have some tape that we can show you that a rally that was we asked to talk to the police who were involved in this. held for michelle knight just a the department declined because of the nature of the case and few minutes ago here in cleefd. because there will be a trial or dozens of people came together
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legal process atom point. at the hospital where she was that woman's interview gives you undergoing some treatment until some sense of just how moved very recently. they're concerned that her people were by what happened situation is very different from the other two women. here. >> and how many folks in that she's es staininged from her community are deeply affected by family. all of this. she's now a an undisclosed ron allen in cleveland. we will come back to you throughout the afternoon. location. she didn't have a happy thank you, sir. let's go ahead and turn to homecoming reunions in the cases the political headlines now. slight scare at the white house that we saw of the other two today. federal agents evacuated the women because of some west wing early this morning significant differences that when they saw smoke coming from she's had with her family that a mechanical room near the oval date back to the time before he office. was abducted. they called the fire department and turned out to be an there's people in the community overheated transformer. that have started a facebook no one was hurt. the white house was also on its page and are holding the rallies heels yesterday as it was to focus the attention 0 o on revealed the obama her e, all three women and the administration was involved in child of course but her in tweaking those talking points particular an other missing that ambassador susan rice used. woman who are out there. when talking about last year's there's some report that there benghazi consulate attack. are 34 young teens and women who jay carney says the edits were have acest disappeared around stylistic and cia and state ariel castro's home in the past department were also involved in the edits as is typical. ten years. he has not been died no any of those on the recent dna tests >> there was an interagency possible chess is always the case because lot of agencies that the state conducted.
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have stakes, have a stake in again an outpouring of support matter like this. for all four survivors and >> kentucky senator rand paul especially michelle knight. was in iowa last night speaking >> i also understand that you to a very friendly crowd of talked to the police dispatcher republicans who might not mind who sent police to les cue if he decided to run for amanda berry and the other two women and the other girl as well president. >> i was in new york the other on monday. day. driving down the road. what did the dispatcher tell you? >> this was a very unique perspective on that whole res kau operation. now we wanted to talk to the the police -- this is an easy crowd. cops and all that but they can't because of the ongoing court >> back to benghazi. case. but this is a woman who had been who knew what when and why it there for ten years. matters. hose questions are at the center she coincidentally was there of the investigation of the september 11 attacks on the u.s. when the da hay sus family consulate in benghazi. called in to report their some republicans want former secretary of state hillary daughter miss. he was there the night the clinton to testify again and rescue happened and dispatched speaking before 12500 republicans in iowa last night, the police to the scene and knew again, kentucky senator rand immediately when amanda berry's paul who is exploring his own name came up they were talking presidential run went after clinton. about the missing woman. here is her reaction to hearing >> there's no excuse in the six that name on the police radio months leading up to this when your people on the ground, traffic and her thoughts when he military people, state heard this. >> i couldn't believe i was
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department people, are asking for more help. hearing her voice. to actually hear her voice, even they are asking for security. her pleading for security ask had got nothing. as his steer call as he was, to it was inexcusable and it was a hear her voice it was, it was dereliction of duty. it should preclude her from the most gratifying moment of my holding out our office. >> joined by jake sherman, career. it was joyful. i was a joyful moment. "chicago sun-times," lynn sweet. we were crying and clapping. it was even still today it gives good to see all of you. lynn, let me start with you. how much will this ongoing me chills. investigation into the attack >> reporter: jennifer daunch hurt hillary clinton's future chances of running for that was. there are so many people in the president? >> it will only hurt community that knew about amanda significantly, craig if it really is shown that she did berry being abstukt ducted. some followings the developments something wrong in this tragedy. the back and forth over talking day by day. that little bit of sound was an points i think will fade in indication of how deeply time. affected some people were by the and rand paul is actually doing her a favor because the more he rescue of these women and the goes to iowa on a political little chierld here the other night. >> on the west side of mission to talk about what he cleveland, ohio, ron. thought with her failings in thank you. this case only makes it much do appreciate you. >> to our political headlines, easier but the democrats to say he's just politicizing. the situation.
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>> jake, the white house again now admitting it was involved in president obama is playing golf. the 12 rounds of edits or so they evacuated the west wing the that went into rice's talking morning when they saw smoke points when she talked about the incident a few days after it coming from a mechanic kl room. happen. white house spokesman jay carney it turned out to be an over insisting the edits did not headed transformer. significantly change what the public was told about the no one was hurt. reports surfaced yesterday attack. >> fact that there are inputs is that the obama administration always the case in a process like this. but the only edits made by was in fact involved and editing anyone here at the white house talking points to describe the were stylistic and attack. republicans have known this for nonsubstantive and corrected the months and nothing improper was description of the building done. where the facility and benghazi >> the republicans have choz nn from consulate to diplomatic the latest iteration of their effort toe politicize this to facility. >> is the white house changing its story significantly? >> it really doesn't even matter provide, you know, leak this what the white house says at this point. this is a pretty easy issue for information to reporters, information we provided months americans to understand. four people are dead and there ago to republican lawmakers to is a lot of confusion about just the community and republican what happened. and the problem for hillary leadership as well as democratic. >> a friendly reminder folks, in clinton and broadly the obama administration is that this case you forgot mother's day is
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isn't going away. republicans and:keep this live. tomorrow. in honor of that kate edwards they will hold hearings in the house and senate. hillary clinton's name will be has an editorial in the post. in the mix of this for the entirety of this investigation. when you put together the so it doesn't really matter rand thousands of little stories and paul is going to iowa or people the traits they embodied you get getting speeches -- giving a portrait of the woman i most speeches about this. this will be on every cable network every time as members of admired in the world. you get a picture of my mother. congress continue to dive into this issue. >> earlier in the week, the with me now for a unique perspective, former u.s. oversight committee held the hearing, you contend we didn't learn a whole lot of new information but you also ambassador mark ginsberg. reintroduced the standdown i'm so glad you could come in question. what is that? why has that slipped through the today, mr. ambassador and cracks? >> well, there have been various hopefully shed some light on the permanent yeahtations of a noise. i want to goat your general take question of whether anyone said on what's going on on capitol you should stand down. hill reporting the attack in first questions about whether the cia said it to the bengha special -- security person whole benghazi. >> so much of it has been showed up and died, that dash pollicized. there are several substantive that hasn't borne out. the current question is who in stories that are getting lost here in the republican effort to take pot shots at the white the military -- chain of
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house over rhetoric when reality command, this part is complicated and easy to politicize. who told the small security is the substance of the benghazi attack and why it happened and force they had available not to take an earlier plane when they would have been there for the what could have been done to mortar attack in benghazi. prevent it. >> what do we know about the substantive? >> well the substantive issue is and -- the -- it is a -- compelling question. first and foremost why was the reason i say it is impossible to scrub away is that we knew that security requests of the in october before the election, regional security officer consistently denied by the under panetta talked about the chain secretary of state for of command decided not to send management and the staff of the state department. more forces there and had seven that has not -- that's been lost people ready. one medic. four people who were ready to in all of this because had those requests been honored and abided deal with it. we know know they didn't have a by, there's a very good chance ton of arm -- had they been that ambassador stephens and september we may have talking that staff would have been about a situation which 11 or 8 alooifd today. >> how common is it for any amendment to put oun talking americans died. when gregory hicks talks about the corn whole was thinking points on issue concerning about going, being denied national security like this? >> it happens all the time and mishly, we don't think about whether that was a good frankly it is not surprising. strategic decision. >> and the revisions. we talk about the shame of the >> there's always revisions that military man being told he can't take place. the context of all of this is go into the fight. very important, kraig. remember, libya was the success standdown, trying on get it out
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story when the administration of him. it is emotionally powerful. interkreend with nato to get rid whether or not -- sending the military, holding back the military, prevented a larger of ker nol ka daffy. disaster. >> the white house continues to say the republicans are leaking this information about the edits, political gain. so clearly it was a terrible they contend gop was informed embarrassment for the amendment to see what took place in libya about them months ago. in the first place. and only choosing to reveal them that has been lost in all of now. take a listen. this. >> where does the benghazi story >> ongoing attempts to poll it go from here, or does it? sides a tragedy that took four it seems as if it's got legs american lives, we are now right now. >> i think clearly the seeing it resurface together republicans are going to try to hold the former secretary of with, you know, sort of -- state accountable for what took political assertions by place and i'm frankly less disposed to buy into that republicans. >> if republicans did know about because i served in the these edits a long time ago and management bureau of the state department and i understand how are indeed behind the leak, the system works. she would be the last person to what's the point of leaking the information now? be making decisions about how >> well, you know, goes with the much security to be provided and hearings. the -- point isn't whether what talking points to be issued by the state department. whether and where these leaks >> are our embassies, are our came from. i don't know. but what jay carney is trying to do is just as interesting. he is trying to say to you that consulates all over the globe,
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are they adequately se cured. it is -- therefore not for. that's the distraction, >> no there's no way that all of deflection. them are adequately secured. and that's part of the art of when i was ambassador in mora being a press spokesman. you have to keep your eye on the ball in terms of what happened and are these changes cothere was also a concern. this has been the big problem in significant and it seems like the state department. that is an open question. how do you basically provide the i agree it doesn't seem very resources to protect embassies substantive. especially more compelling that are clearly more dangerous questions about what happen than other embassies. order a day of the attack. i think that what is the -- is in the case of libya, we already the thing on watch is how the had notice that the regional white house tries to deflect security office of that embassy on -- dealing with whatever is determined that there was less will and trying to answer a security at that embassy and it question and make it go away. needed more security which the the questions are legitimate. state department denied. whether or not they released or >> what should the white house had done differently if anything, in terms of the handling of some of the not. >> thanks to all three of you. backlash, some of the fallout? >> well i think at this point in appreciate your time. he was america's most wanted. time the white house probably should have recognized pretty 16 years on the run. immediately that this was a terrorist attack and frankly, whitey bulger's story. giving the take over these talking points, really masked the fact that i'm sure the what's america's fascination president and the staff were the with prince harry? last persons to know exactly
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the royal visit just ahead. what the security situation was on the ground in libya. that is left to the state department to manage and the diplomatic squurt bureau and the secretary for management. >> good to have you. thank you so much for that insight. >> sure. >> britain's prince hairy in colorado springs right now attending the warrior's games. he was on hand to light the torch at the last hour at the opening ceremonies as we showed you. mike, first first of all, where does the prince head after today's event, after the warrior games? >> reporter: i think where he wants but he's going to stay in colorado springs. this is not the prince hairy who is the prank ster type. this is a guy that's very serious about the reasons he's here. he's not here because he's a prince. he is here because he's a soldier, an active soldier.
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he was wearing his fatigues today for the air corps. he used to say and he said this to several reporters when he was employed that he's one of the guys. he presents himself that way and the people who have spoken to him say that's really the way he is. that's the attitude he take to this. in remarks by a brunch that was covered by pool, so not all cameras had it, he knows firsthand the bravery of the troops. he said it's the same bravery they take from the moment of injury, in many cases injury that's life threatening through the hours and days of months of intense rehab. he's here to support that effort. he's done that before this day as well, wanted to be on hand today to help light the torch of a rely of torch bearers. was right behind the stage. he didn't stop to talk with me, but he kid what hae came here to
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do. now the prince has left the building for parts unknown. he didn't tell me where he was going to be going. >> we'll let you leave the building as well. thank you for your time on this saturday. >> okay. >> up next the cost of the sequester cuts. how it's hurting average americans right now. we'll take a look at that. plus a little bit later, chris christie unplugged poking fun at himself and that famous fleece. all business purchases. so you can capture your receipts, and manage them online with jot, the latest app from ink. so you can spend less time doing paperwork. and more time doing paperwork. ink from chase. so you can.
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dramatic search for the boston bombers is not first high-profile manhunt in bean town recent memory. back in 1995, whitey bulger pled the city and after 16 years at she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. large and 12 years on the fbi's and she's not exactly tidy. ten most wanted tujtive's list even if she gets a stain she'll wear it for a week straight. he was arrested in california so i use tide to get out those week old stains june of 2011. and downy to get it fresh and soft. as his trial approaches this june, a new book is out. since i'm the one who has to do the laundry. i do what any expert dad would do. whitey bulger, america's most wanted gangster in the manhunt i let her play sheriff. that brought him closer to i got 20 minutes to life. justice. it is written by "boston you are free to go. globe's" kevin cullen along with [ dad ] tide and downy. his colleague. they covered it for some 25 great on their own, even better together. years. good to see you. >> thanks. >> first of all, were any of the boston officials who were at the center of the bulger case --
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were they also involved in the manhunt to find the boston bombers? >> no. there is a real gap between that. at at the time very tlend was a small -- very small multi-agency task force. really came down to an fbi agent. neil sullivan. they were able to find him in the end by actually putting out a series of ads a woman sitting in her in iceland recognized them as this couple, him and whitey's longtime companion on the road with him. a come named kathy greg. this woman from iceland knew them from santa monica and used to stop and take care of a stray cat. she thought -- she liked her. she didn't really like him. that's how they found him. >> bulger on the run for so long. featured on "america northeast wanted" 16 times. depicted jack nicholson in "the departed." you and your co-author write in the book, quote, we aim in short
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to present whitey in full. maybe descriptions of him and much of the lore about him have traded in caricature. whitey was more complicated, compelling, more frightening than that. how so? >> i mean, he is a guy of contradictions. he is charged with 19 murders. several of those murders involve him, the allegation, as he put a gun to the back of a head of a human being and blew hair brains out. after he did that on several occasions he went upstairs and took a nap. we found people that he knew on the run, initially they were in louisiana and they were in cajun country. they ate dinner with them all the time. what this family had a litter of sequestration. it's a bigger word and it is upies and one of the puppies was having a big effect on many so developmentally disabled they americans. who's being hit the hardest? were advised by the vet to put joining me now nancy cook, the dog down. when the cajun fellow took out economic correspondent, glen his gun to shoot the dog whitey looked away and couldn't watch
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the dog be shot. when the shot rang out he began bailey, executive director of to weep. the center. this is a fellow who could weep ron i want to start with you. over a puppy and yet the had head start started to feel allegations out that he did the the effects of the sequestration same thing to human beings and yet? >> absolutely. was so casual about it he could go upstairs and take a nap after there are slots that are not doing. >> it different kind of evil being filled, there are head start programs who have had to cut their hours, services allegedly. you are part of the team that outed bulger as an fbi informant diminished already. children who would normally be in 1988. what kind of immunity has he had or does he feel he's entitled getting nutritious meals aren't. so at a time when childhood to? >> i personally think whitey hurng is a problem in the country, it's going to increase. watched too many jason bourne movies and cannot get immunity the kinds of medical exams that to murder a u.s. citizen. it doesn't happen. children would get they're not he wants it both ways. getting, medical exams are not he is trying to claim she not an occurring. on top of all of this, parents informant because where he came from there's nothing worse than need head start so they're able being a rat. to go to work. nothing worse than the irish in many cases they're not able consciousness and being an informer. he was an informer. part of our book relies on the to go to work because the services of head start have been 700 page informant file in which cut. the material we went through he >> and no one has stepped in -- would have you believe the fbi to this point no one has stepped made it up. in to fill in some of the gaps
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the information was nothing that yet? an fbi agent would know. >> no. stuff from about his gang or his it seems as if head start is you own people and was about his viewed as collateral damage in competitive gangsters upon whitey knew this information. the fight occurring in congress. when he said he wants -- you there is no sense of sutterurge believe he was an informant and the government liked him so much they gave him to immunity to murder human beings is nonsense reward of $2 million had been resolve this. this lifeline has been cut for offered for information leading to his capture. that amount second only to osama 70,000 children. it's a hell of a mother's day bin laden's capture reward money card to send to 70,000 women in on the fbi's most wanted fugitive's list. how did he's cape for so long? this country. how did he remain on the run for >> glen, first for those so long? involved familiar with your center swb what is it and have >> first year of any fugitive the sequestration started to investigation is crucial. as shelley and i point out in affect your organization and how the book, the fbi took control so. >> we run an emergency food of the investigation when he took off to find him which was a pantry and a thift store that joke, blatant conflict of gives away free stuff here in interest. not only was it a joke the fbi salt lake city. what we've seen, because we had anything to do with it, the don't have a lot of government very organized crime squad that money involved in our program, he corrupteded, who he gave is that other programs that our money to these agents, he socialized with these guys and clients delay on are now ate dinner at their homes, and
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they were supposed to find him experiencing cuts and that's and didn't find him because they going to get worse. weren't looking for him. by the time that -- interagency there was an emergency food task force was put together two pantry in salt lake county years later, the trail had gone that's been closed adds a direct cold. so the fbi was corrupted and was result of the sequestration. >> nancy when congress passed totally corrupted by whitey bulger and not only looked the other way while he murdered people, they actively blocked legislation to bring by air trachg controllers you wrote an law enforcement efforts to find him and to bring him to justice interesting piece prchlts they're planning to rev up their for these murders. the same fbi protected him while interested to rev up the cuts by he was on the run. a few billion dollars here or that's why he was out there for there. the actions of the farks aa the 16 years because the fbi was totally corrupted by this guy. past week offer a play book for >> the whole thing sounds other to use as they too seek fascinating. 2 new book is out. thank you so much. exceptions. have we started to see any of do appreciate your time. the other groups to lobby to harry's u.s. tour. undo some of the effects of the how he is paying tribute to your sequester. >> what we started to see since wounded warriors. i wrote the piece was really what do we hope to learn from there are more and more agencies the benghazi attack? that are not going to furlough employees. one of the house members questioning the witnesses at this week's hearing will join me so the department of education in just a few minutes. said this week it's not going to copd makes it hard to breathe...
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but with advair, i'm breathing better. furlough any teachers, the so now i can help make this a great block party. justice department isn't furloughing people. we're seeing more and more ♪ people sort of getting some [ male announcer ] advair is clinically proven kpemss or finding money elsewhere. to help significantly improve lung function. the problem is that we haven't necessarily seen that for unlike most copd medications, programs for low income people advair contains both an anti-inflammatory which i think your other guestings have talked about. and a long-acting bronchodilator there's no big push for instance working together to add -- to help improve your lung function all day. >> nancy, is that because a lot advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers of these groups don't have -- if for sudden symptoms they have lobbyists at all they and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair don't have as many lobbyist or may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis the high powered lob lobbyist is and some eye problems. that what's happening here or is tell your doctor if you have a heart condition there more to it. or high blood pressure before taking advair. >> people who have been unemployed for six months or ask your doctor more have seen their federal if including advair could help improve your lung function. check cuts by the sequester and [ male announcer ] advair diskus those aren't people that have a lot of advocates looking out for fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder. them. i think that's part of it. get your first prescription free >> ron, do you guys have a and save on refills at lobbyi lobbyist? get your first prescription free ♪ will you actively lobbying
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congress. >> yes, we spend a great deal of even superheroes need superheroes, time working with congress. as nancy said, there's no way in and some superheroes need complete and balanced meals the world that we can compete with 23 vitamins and minerals. with some of the larger organizations. purina dog chow. we don't have the deep pockets help keep him strong. dog chow strong. that folks on wall street have or the deep pockets that the pharmaceutical companies have in and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. this country. we are at the end of the line the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. when it comes to someone taking [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor us seriously unfortunately. before you begin an aspirin regimen. i says a great deal about a go talk to your doctor. country when if you have had you're not indestructible anymore. belief in the part of the bible when it says what you've done to the least of me you've done to mine. for the young children, the program that works so well, when you cut it and you cut services that presprent 70,000 people, 70,000 families from having this service, it is one of the most dishand rabble political acts i've ever seen in this country. >> glen, has the amendment, as the obama administration tried
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to help your group. >> no. we're watching the other groups in town that do get significant government money. we're looking al cuts to affordable housing with utilitying, head start, wic, meals on wheels. all of these things are going to be rolled out and the longer the situation continues the more obvious will impact is going to become. >> ron wu how about you? any other help in the administration. >> not at all except suggestions about how you can make the cuts. it's almost as if growing up when you had shoes that were too hit, instead of getting shoes that fit they say take a razor blade and cut the side of the shoe. there is no ar generalcy in resolving this problem. we don't sense it when we're talking now about cutting weeks of service, cutting the number of children sefbed. there does not seem to be anyone in washington, d.c. who is saying we are going to solve
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this, we're going to resolve it. we made the mistake, now we're going to fix it. britain's prince harry is in we get no sense of that at all. colorado springs at this hour. >> who pays the biggest he is there to attend the political price as the sequester warrior games. it show cases wounded and continues to unfold or will there be a price. injured wounded service members. >> the polling has shown that both congress and the president at this point are sharing the our man in colorado, mike blame and that's polling from taibbi in colorado springs the pugh research center. hanging out with prince heir write on a saturday afternoon. both parties are taking the hit. always good to see you, sir. what's on the prince's agenda? it's not justing on can be the >> reporter: well, he going to be here. republicans or the white house. we are not sure whether he will they're sharing the blame. be outside here or whether he a lot of americans still haven't will be inside. little bit of rain coming down seen the effects of the sequester show up in their daily now. i'm no meteorologist but know how to look at a cloud. lives. so until more americans see it there's weather in these clouds. there's going to be less they may move the opening ceremonies which is scheduled to political pressure to do something about it. >> people don't feel it until start in a few minutes indoors. they themselves feel it. prince harry has been here since last night. a reception for him last night in denver. nancy cook, economic correspondent at the national he was greeted as not a hero journal within glen bailey, necessarily but someone that's greatly admired and certainly a executive director of the
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celebrity who will bring much more attention to these warrior crossroads urban center in salt lake city. a big thanks to all three of games now in their fourth year than they had at this point. you. even more than last year when a milestone at the world michelle obama and the first trade center. lady was here. we eem take a look at that, prince harry himself is for to plus, missing chris christie's these games not just because he is able royal although that's for for the press coverage but beloved fleece jacket. because he also is, as you the boisterous governor goes pointed out, regular army. viral. new car! aerl air corps to be precise. apache attack helicopters and spent would tours in afghanistan. not one. four-month tour in deadly helman province in january. he knows firsthand what the soldier's life is like and with the risk it is soldiers are. he is at these games because he always supported wounded warriors and now the warrior games as projects and issues that are close to him and he wants to come here and show his support. he will be here for the opening ceremony write and here tomorrow for the first full day of competition. just so you know what it is, hey! [squeals] paraolympic type events. ♪ seven eventings ranging from archery, cycling, track and [ewh!]
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[baby crying] field, basketball, volleyball. the great thing about a subaru is 260 competitors in all five u.s. you don't have to put up with that new car smell for long. service branches. and from the uk this year. first for the warrior games. introducing the versatile, all-new subaru forester. harry will spend -- prince will spend with his the u.s. service love. members and his compatriots. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. lot of attention being paid in geico and we could help youo colorado for this visit. save on boat and motorcycle insurance too. everybody happy to have the prince here. other insurance companies are green with envy. he's -- kind of not was just regular celebrity but he is a oh, no, no, no...i'm sorry, but this is all wrong? royal most likely party. he is the guy who is a prankster i would never say that. who occasionally gets into writer: well what would you say? gecko: well i'd probably emphasize the savings. mischief that makes the prompt ya know...lose that green with envy bit. rubbish. pages of the tabloids in london it's just a reference about my complexion. but also -- by every account a writer: but the focus groups thought that the... mice guy that genuinely cares gecko: focus groups. geico doesn't use focus groups. this issue and made it a point uhh...excuse me. to show his support for them. no one told me we were using focus groups. >> mike taibbi as we wait for vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you prince harry there in colorado fifteen percent or more on car insurance. springs. mike, thank you. are republicans playing politics when it comes to benghazi investigation? tex must have town, connecticut,
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parents talking about what to do about sandy hook elementary school. should they tear it down? all business purchases. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting so you can capture your receipts, to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t and manage them online with jot, the latest app from ink. have the security you need to get you there. so you can spend less time doing paperwork. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. and more time doing paperwork. ♪ ink from chase. so you can. [ male announcer ] start with a dodge dart. now give it a "tiger shark" engine and 41 mpg. good. now add some of this. and that. definitely him. and her. a little more of her. perfect. time out. how we doin'? [ car accelerating ] okay, let's take it up a notch. give it a heap of this, one of those and that. got anything with grappling hooks and a plane? [ explosions ]
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yeah, that'll work. ♪ by earning a degree in the field maof counseling or psychologyth. from capella university, health. you'll have the knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others. let's get started at in our political playground today. new jersey governor poking fun at the fleece jacket he wore during hurricane sandy. he created a video that's going viral. it includes john bon jovi. christy is serming for his lost fleece and his political mojo. >> what now? >> sir it's missing. i have so many pictures. big deal.
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way too much -- >> i don't think think you understand. >> how are you governor? next week at the book signing are you coming? we're talking about one man, gof chris christie, the man who had the midas touch. >> ladies and gentlemen please welcome your governor, chris christie. >> what the hell is this? hey, jon, it's chris. >> heerp's that guy again. he ain't nothing without his yeah, that'll work. fleece. >> hey, bonn no, no it's not what that's great. it won't take long, will it? mary pat. nah. okay. it's chris. she didn't give you the fleece this, won't take long will it? did she? no, not at all. hey, bruce, i know i shouldn't be bothering you again but did how many of these can we do on our budget? you happen to see my fleece? more than you think. >> no, governor i don't know didn't take very long, did it? anything about any kind of this spring, dig in and save. that's nice. post it. fleece. already did. more saving. hey, hey, hillary, he's looking more doing. that's the power of the home depot. for that fleece jacket, you know
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show mom why you're her favorite, with a 12" infinity color bowl, the one that you liked that goes a special buy at just $14.98. so good with that yankees cap you have. i'm not going to say nothing. i played dumb. i'm not going to say a word. as many as 40 people were yes, ma'am. >> the video came out a day killed in turkey today when two car bombs went off in a town after chris christie announced mere the syrian border. he had under gone weight loss another 1700 were injured in that blast. surgery in february. we are still learning more about he's reportedly lost 40 pounds the story. since that surgery. it is raising concerns that the violence in syria could now be ahmed buzz of a 2016 spilling over into turkey. i'm craig melvin. presidential run, he says the good saturday. a quick look at some of the surgery had more to do with his other top stories make nugs now. incredible story out of physical health. bangladesh. a mayor rack lows rescue, 16 rescuers there pulled a woman alive out of the rubble from days later we've got this video. that factory collapse yesterday. she had been trapped for 16 the brain trust on the politics days. of the benghazi hearings. more than a thousand people died we'll talk about what cleveland when the clothing factory says about america. collapsed last month. back here new development in you're watching msnbc the place west texas. for politics. authorities arrested a volunteer paramedic for possession of an left it under the hot desert sun, explosive device. attached a febreze car vent clip, they will not say if there is a and let in real people. it smells good.
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connection to the fertilizer plant explosion last month. like clean laundry. the lawyer says his client had, like driving through beautiful tropical... quote, no involvement whatsoever palm trees with like fruit hanging. in the explosion. i wish my car smelled like this. [ both laugh ] the new start for sandy i could sit in this all day. [ laughs ] hook. proof. community leaders in newtown, febreze car vent clips connecticut, decided late last eliminate even the toughest odors. another way febreze helps you breathe happy. might they will tear down sandy hook elementary school build a eliminate even the toughest odors. what that's great. new sandy hook in its place. it won't take long, will it? nah. okay. the obama administration this, won't take long will it? leaked e-mail showed officials no, not at all. trying to remove references to how many of these can we do on our budget? terrorism in the talking points more than you think. immediately following benghazi attack. four americans died, including didn't take very long, did it? ambassador chris stevens, on this spring, dig in and save. september 11, 2012. that's nice. post it. an at i shall sue the possible already did. more saving. involvement of the white house more doing. that's the power of the home depot. in sanitizing the talking points show mom why you're her favorite, with a 12" infinity color bowl, and the bureaucratic in-fighting between cia and state department a special buy at just $14.98. over what to say about the attack. congressman blake joins me live now.
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it is good to satisfy you on a saturday afternoon. >> good afternoon to you. >> the white house insists it had minimal involvement in crafting these talking points. what's your take on that? >> e-mails that have come out tend to point the other way. a lot of the talk originally was we have to protect the cia methods and operations but it was the cia pushing for more transparency and the state department and white house saying let's not call it an take and go back to the store by the youtube video which has proven to be false. that's the one thing we did learn out of the benghazi hearings we had on wednesday from day one, everybody on the ground said it was an attack. >> the white house says that the e-mail between the white house and state department insist that these e-mails were made available to congress months ago. by bringing them up again, it is accusing republicans like yourself of playing politics. i want you to listen to press secretary carne write and talk about it on the other side. >> republicans chosen in the
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latest iterations to politicize this. to provide -- leak this information to reporters and information that we provided months ago to republican law make from the relevant committees and the republican leadership as well as democrats. >> if that information was provided to republicans months ago, why now? a great cup of coffee should be easy as one, two... >> i didn't get the information months ago. well, just one. it didn't come to me. >> okay. >> and -- the timing, i think, new single serve cafe collections from maxwell house now available for use in the keurig k-cup brewer. is -- appropriate because of the always good to the last drop. committee hearings that we recently had on benghazi. we are getting to the truth now. we have months of stonewalling and now here we are getting to whistle blowers out in front of the cameras and out testifying to congress so we can find out what happened so we can -- give peace to the family and victims and we can make sure something like this doesn't happen again. i'm really concerned by the fact that we didn't get more help to those people quicker. will were mistakes made in there following a hostage situation in and we need to look at that as
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well. >> "the washington post" grabbed trenton, new jersey. this has been going on for more this page from the national than 24 hours now. republican congressional the police are negotiating with committee website yesterday. i'm showing it to our viewers a suspect inside the home there. we don't have a lot of details right now be but the trenton now. police are working with the fbi to try and end the standoff piece fli. that looks like poyltsation meanwhile the nbc station in philadelphia, they're reporting that there are multiple hostages there. it looks like they are trying to inside that house, including politicize a tragedy mop? children. >> listen, i'm on organizing for again this is a hostage standoff in trenton, new jersey we're america mailing list. i get e-mails from them what's happen something the news as well, asking for money and asking me to take action. following. we'll update you on the story as it is the way fund-raising works. us tie on to what happens in the we can. an amazing story out of news. >> try to raise money off of it. >> both sides do it. i don't like it. bangladesh. rescuers pulled a woman out but it is, unfortunately, the way the game is played. alive. they pulled her out yesterday. >> rand paul last night, i'm she had been trapped for 16 sure have you seen or at least heard about rand paul there in days. more than a thousand people died iowa, talking about benghazi. when the fact tri collapsed last specifically going after hillary clinton over benghazi. month.
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are you worried at all that the postal service lost $1.9 billion in the last three actions like that -- speeches months. like this, that that may make it that's actually better than the seem as if the republicans are same period last year when the trying to politically benefit? >> listen, here is the truth of post office lost a whopping 3.2 the matter from my standpoint. build on. but the post master general says clinton is a possible the post office is going to presidential candidate. continue to lose money if it she is somebody responsible for does not get help from congress or raise its prices. this if she is the people in it is now the tallest building that had a problem with it the language, in gash in the building in the western talking points with susan rice, hemisphere, the second tallest on the face of the weather. i want to know had a and i think everybody wants to know that so they can decide whether or not they want on vote for or the the construction crews put the spire on top of the world trade democrat side of the primary, center yesterday, one world republican side in the general trade center. the build is 1776 feet and it is election. set to open next year. >> congressman, thank you for your time. well we've been reporting with more now on the throughout the afternoon about the new concerns over how the benghazi blame game, let's go to the war room. obama administration may have richard goodstein and boris tried to downplay terrorist epstein good to see both of you. involvement in the attack on the thank you for being here. >> good morning. >> it is not morning. u.s. consulate in benghazi it is afternoon. it is morning somewhere. september 11. richard, let me start with you we want to take it to the brain since you know the time of day.
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house minority speaker pelosi trust. was on msnbc a short time ago evan, white house correspondent and asked specifically about the for buzz feed and fran chess ka partisan nature of the benghazi conversation. take a listen. chambers. we should remind folks that what >> the obsession that some of my we do on a saturday amp, we have republican colleagues have in the discussion for a while. at the end we crown the biggest the house is -- doesn't look brain. like it is on the path to they get 60 seconds or 90 finding a solution but to seconds to go on with what they keeping an issue alive. like. there's a big cheek too. >> are republicans obsessed? i made up the last part. there's no check but we with do give you some time to rant. >> is that a straight question? >> yeah. >> the fact of the matter is let's start with you. the white house says there's nothing new here, it's all about that if -- all you do is watch politics. fox news and read drudge and go this is press secretary jake to certain donors and have karen any friday. colleagues that have a certain take a listen. point of view and staff kind of >> republicans have chos chosen view, you are convinced to a certainty that this really is to politicize this to provide, the crime of the century. you know leak this information to reporters, information we remember, this isn't the onliably to watergate. that was sill indsilyndra. provided months ago to republican lawmakers from the relevant committees and republican leadership as well as the problem here for the
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republican party, not taking kind of -- lessons from me is democratic. >> are will you concede that at that after the 2012 elections least part of the benghazi where they tried hammer the controversy is plain old fashion issue to no effect. i thought the lesson was they partisan politics, at least part got beat bad that we need to -- of it. >> i find it hard to make that regroup and have a new message and this is just doubling down argument at this point though. on something that didn't work the latest attacks wront coming before because at the end of the day we know what the factses are from republicans. the questions he was getting that independent panel came out with them, department said they were going to adopt all the yesterday were in correct recommendations and we didn't relation to a nbc story that was learn a darned thing that was published that day. i find it hard to blame what new at that hearing. >> it is difficult. happened recently on it is -- difficult to disagree republicans. >> angela, part of it partisan with that one. >> it is easy for me. >> well, what did we learn -- politi what new information, new politics. >> all of it is partisan politics. substantive piece of i will compare this to the information, new nugget, from attacks that folks experienced the hearing on wednesday? >> the fact there was a -- in the bush administration with really concerted effort by the the weapons of mass instruction argument. it's a little different and white house to cover up or to change some of the wording in here's why. with weapons of mass destruction the talking points is something it's about the capability of another country and what it can we learned. here's not the most for thing. do to us. much of solyndra there was this is about questioning the fortitude of our national wrongdoing in both of those. we are following up on those --
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that. security and our ability to protect other americans. this is not gus g news for it is dangerous. democrats. certainly not for hillary it's absolutely partisan because clinton when she testified folks are scared of hillary herself she was overly emotional and tried to stonewall the clinton. they need to be concerned with committee in being -- screaming what they're doing to our national security. >> it is curious last night to and yelling as you see now. but not giving any answers. hear rand paul in iowa go on aeb what the congress wants to see, on about hillary clinton. republicans want to see democrats should as well, what did that not strike you as a bit actually happened, what the -- odd. >> republicans i think do have what the secretary of state do, some concerns about what the why was there not help sooner? state department knew, when it knew it and geb these recent rounds of revelations about the politicizing it. should rand paul be going after talking points that were changed for various reasons that took her? >> should we be raising money out the reference to acts of from it? terror, i think there's some >> no. >> take a listen. legitimate questions to be asked about what was changed and why >> she was asked directly by and what the state department myself and others did you read new and when it knew it. the cables. >> what about the fund-raising did you read the request for effort that was launched using help. she said no. the hearings as a tool to help she says i'm busy. raise some money rchl well, you i get lots of cables. know, i personally can't speak i say, look, i don't expect you to that. to read every cable from you know, i don't work for the bulgaria or estonia but i do party and yobt know what they're
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expect you from one of the five trying to accomplish with that. most dangerous countries in the that does make it look more like world, libya, to be reading the a political issue. i'll concede it for you there. cables. >> hillary clinton's name was >> not concede for me. mentioned more than 30 times at that hearing on wednesday. rand paul goes after her last concede for the the sake of a night in iowa and we know how for the hawkeye state is when it fact. jam carney held a brief comes to picking presidents. why does it seem as if yesterday. you talked with bush secretary republicans are going after about that. you wrote in part, he knew from hillary far more than they are going after the white house on this? the moment that the reporters >> well, looking at your watch, last year in 2012, same facts. started tweeting out the issue, that white house has lost the obama was the target. now, of course, obama is not going to be running again. issue. >> if you ask arry niesher, very hillary clinton might. 2013. we can expect, frankly, until a badly. lot of the people take their he's a bush guy, not a huge fan last breath, they will be of the white house palsy wise. convinced to a certainty but what he told me and i think something catastrophic here. what i heard from some other good news for secretary clinton people and other reporters who is we had an independent panel and ambassador picker iin ingpi were around washington an around the white house yesterday was kind of the timing of this at all the facts, made a lot of briefing that the white house had. recommendations which the they had this background secretary of state said they briefing. it's a standard thing. would implement every single one they do them all the time. of them. so i -- may message to senator i mean i've been in some of
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them. paul and everybody else is keep they bring you in and they talk it going. fact of the matter is the people to -- you talk to senior administration officials about you are speaking to live in a stuff. but the timing of this one which certain bubble everybody else happened right before the doesn't see it the way you do. i think that everybody else see scheduled white house daily briefing that's televised on the it is issues in a different record, the timing of this light. >> presenting both sides of the particular briefing made it look like the white house didn't really want to talk on the issue. this is not played ought -- has record about the benghazi played out all over the major allegations that had come out networks and getting a lot of earlier that day. air time. not just republicans that watch i think his point and point fox news. folks along the political maybe well taken is that it spectrum who are learning more and more about what happened in appeared that the white house didn't really have a great benghazi. is there blame to be put on secretary of state clinton? strategy going to manage the is there a political game? day, which is a very important part of what the white house of course. for over 200 years now -- does, manage the day day, >> i think the question is has message the messaging. the political gain or the -- is the politicizing of it, is that the timing of the briefing suggested that maybe the whout now overshadowed what -- perhaps wasn't on point with how to deal with this particular issue. >> really quickly. at some point was a -- a follow up here. legitimate discussion over the i would like to ask this merits about the facts. question because i think it's >> it shouldn't do so. eds for us to get inside bottom line is ambassador died, baseball. is this something that the four americans. public, is this an issue that ambassador working directly for the secretary of state. the public really cares about or
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the questions need to be asked, is this more just beltway wrang is there a politicization for ling. any side of the political >> i think the specifics of being in a briefing or not is spectrum? there is not. probably not the kind of thing >> at what point does this back pyre and at what point does hillary clinton start to look that the public cares about. but the idea of what the like someone who is being appearance of how it appears to the public, that's it. unjustifiably attacked? the reason why jake karen any is >> look, you know, i think she there every day doing a and people around her and televised briefing and the white democrats generally have very much gone out of their way not house is putting out tweets and to point out the dozen attacks viens and tumblers and press on u.s. embassies and compounds releases every day, they want to under the bush administration where dozens of people died community kate with people of because the fact of the matter america all the time and around is dash. the world all the time. >> you just did. we have to watch how they do >> no. i'm saying that they have not done that because that's to that job. politicize it and i really if they don't do it successfully think -- >> you just did so. it impacts what the president is able to do. >> i tryly think hillary clinton >> will you at least concede on the fence whether to run on that the white house perhaps or not. could have handled this a bit i believe if i'm hillary clinton and i look at this as like differently. >> i think there are a number of really is this your best punch? things that could have been you have to throw at me? handled differently. come on. i almost think this would but the most important thing encourage her to -- not clear here again is not holding public her name but -- the feeling is really is this all you got? things that have to do with our didn't work in 2012. >> those hearings, though, you national security.
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there are documents that are see how emotional she got. classified for a reason. take this very seriously. it just doesn't make any sense when i comes to again weakening you should, too. us from the a national security thank you so much. perspecti >> sage advice for the class of perspective. if it was a republican administration we wouldn't be 2013 at howard university, seeing that kind of behavior. you have to step back and look washington d.c. at the long term, the long term former president, bill clinton, offering keys to their success. strategy here and whether or not it really makes sense. i just don't think it does. >> virtually all of you have the rand paul said yesterday this should be her last, talking about hillary clinton, this power to choose what you will do should be the last high office to earn a living. that she holds. it's clearly political, no it may sound self-evident but question, ifs ands or butts act most people that ever lived including hundreds of millions, it. >> you will only be graded today even billions of people on the based on our next conversation face of the earth today, never because you've been talking had that choice. about benghazi for several days. they simply did whatever was at when we come back we'll talk about cleveland and what it says about all of us. hand and whatever form it ♪ presented itself. to put food on the table and if [ male announcer ] the distances aren't getting shorter. they had a family to support their families. ♪ the trucks are going farther. you have a choice. the 2013 ram 1500
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evan mcmoral san torah and fran what's the big idea? says ka chambers. all eyes were on cleveland this week as details emerged about a program that works with the horrors that three women students around the develop their communication skills and went through at the hands of one as a result the confidence. neighbor resident. joining me now u.s. program this is what the washington post director anna smith. good to see you. >> hi. thanks good to see you, too. has quote as much as we rejoice >> how did this get started? how did debate mate, how was it in the freedom of the captives born? >> well, our ceo was learning in cleveland we have to wonder how it was possible for their that there was such low social presence to go undetected for so mobility in the uk and realized long. dash researching that and they were held in a neighborhood of houses. realized that the skills not too far from where they all debating can teach you the disappeared. where were the heros before now? confidence, communications skills, of speaking and what does this say about us as listening and teamwork skills and those kind of things, really neighbors, angela rye, perhaps helped to break the cycle of poverty. she at the same time realized even about us as a society? that her daughter and her >> sure, craig. private school had a really i think that in your neighborhoods we're taught to amazing relationship and dynamic look the owe bay, u ear taught with her debating mentor. to mind your own business and and so she thought that if that that kind of thing and i think kind of program could be most importantly we have to ask
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available in public schools, that it could have a really where were the heros that are in amazing effect and so she decided she should start debate uniform. many communities in color, mate which actually started really small with about 30 particularly those underserves in low income, law enforcement schools and grown to about 180 is not the friendly neighbor. across the uk. >> and here in this country as law enforcement doesn't look officer friendly like so many of well. now, too, you mentioned margaret us grow up in elementary school. mccain at one point she said in officer friendly is the officer part, i set up the charity stopping and frisking you. because if you are born poor, in new york they report that 50% you are likely to die poor. of african americans an 30% of and i wanted to change that. how does -- how has it worked in latinos are stopped and frisked on a regular basis despite the terms of breaking down that point that over 80% of the barrier? >> well, we think that, you people stopped and frisked are know, a lot of times it is about innocent. the way students see themselves we think about in seattle, and goals they set for washington, the department of themselves. when they are learning debating, and all of the empowerment that justice had 0 to come in and comes with that, about being able to speak with confidence, settle cases. understanding how to listen to we is have to begin to ask the others, and then also this tough questions and have the really challenging weekly interaction with university stuntmen tore, we found a lot of students start to conversations. >> one of those held, michelle feel really empowered about changing their own ideas for knight, he was removed from a their future.
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and thinking about, you know, database of missing people 15 options for universities for themselves and may not have considered before debating, months after her disappearance before -- having their 16 weeks with their mentor going to london school of economics or in three because they were harvard for their debate unable to contact knight's competition. >> what is next for you guys? mother by telephone to verify what's the next step? that her then 22-year-old >> well, right now we are hoping to expand in the united states daughter was still miss. right now. we are in boston and chicago. however. police department's written we want to be in more schools policy at the time describes a than those cities. between want to be in -- looking different verification process. it states that an officer must to expand to san francisco and new york and really anywhere go and see that a missing person that has a need because we see has been town. evan, did cleveland's police act the need for debate mate across aggressively enough on the the united states. at this point it is about missing women's cases? funding, getting the funding so >> well, you know, i have to say we can maintain the quality of there are a lot of people in our program. cleveland who where are asking and expand as many cities as that question right now. there is a citizen's council, a possible. >> fantastic program. citizen's advocate group along with a city council person there again, it is debate mate. who is putting together a task >> it has information how we force trying to answer that very started and what we do in the uk question. this whole case is just and what we do in the u.s. and absolutely amazing and eye internationally. the middle east, nepal, jamaica,
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opening, flabbergasting every rwanda, the list goes on. kind of word you can think of to >> ladies and gentlemen, again, it is called debate mate. describe it is not big enough. it is a big idea. one of the things that's very anna smith, thanks to you so breasting about the case is the much. keep up the great work. notion of michelle knight having >> thank you so much. what does chris christie's gone missing, people didn't weight loss surgery mean for really believe that she had gone 2016? that's next. i want to make things more secure. missing with some people thought she had run away, maybe she was [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] knocked off this list. i want to treat more dogs. there is a lot of questions that ♪ the police have to answer. our business needs more cases. you know in with all of these [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? cases there's always sort of a i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting mixture of here roism and to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t questions that need to be answers. have the security you need to get you there. there were neighbors that were call us. heroic and rescued these women. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. but now there has to be investigations and inquiries to ♪ make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again and what lessons can be learned from such gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, a case. plus a 50% annual bonus. >> francesca is this case about and everyone but her... no. no! the lack of resources available no. ...likes 50% more cash. but i don't give up easy... in poor urban areas in general. do you want 50% more cash? yes! >> no, i don't think so at pull yes?! you have to look at two keys ♪
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things. >> not at all? not at all. >> no, i really don't think it [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus does because of two key things. on the cash you earn. first ol of all, this occurred it's the card for people in an area of cleveland that's actually one of the better parts who like more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? of cleveland actually. why? no i, it didn't. and we've hit the why phase... i was there. >> that's not true. >> that is not true at all. i was in that neighborhood for three days. >> my understanding is that it. >> your understanding is wrong. >> well, cleveland generally all over the place isn't a great area. let's start there. but -- >> what. >> all of the areas in cleveland, this is one of the better areas. but the really key fact about this is that those neighbors, those heros that we're talking about, those neighbors did try to call the police multiple times other a two to three year period. at one time the police did not respond to the call. several other times police came and knocked on the door but they didn't go into the house. so the neighbors had been trying for several years because they had seen things that they were concerned about. >> there has been some disputing first of all, i don't even know
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where to start with what you just said. >> right. >> but there's been some dispute over whether the neighbors called and whether the police responded. there's been no dispute about the neighborhood and the fact that even by the standards in that part of cleveland the unemployment rate considerably higher, poverty considerably higher. i don't know how you can say that this is not -- that the fact that it happened where it happened didn't have some sort of effect on the outcome. angela what were you about to say? >> i just want to say for the record it is not a fair point at all based on any type of data point, truth, no statistic indicates that cleveland overall is a bad metropolitan area. that's a hoarable thing to say. not based on any fact. craig, as a side note, great reporting in cleveland. can't leave that hanging out
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there, though. >> really quickly, the fbi's national crime center database, more than 80,000 active missing person's records as of 2012. any idea why they get so little attention in this country. >> volume of these things -- i think the more important thing to talk about with this case, you maengsed earlier why didn't people know about it earlier. live pictures from colorado this is the kind of thing that i where britain's prince harry is think rational normal people attending the warrior games. don't think could be happening in their neighborhood, don't you can see right there, there think about happening around he is there on stage. them. i think if we lived in a world we have also -- you can also see some america's wounded vets in which we thought behind every door was a scene like this it starting to file in for those would be hard to come out of your house. warrior games. it would be hard to do anything. again, warrior games, so i think with these missing person cases and with all of paraolympics of sorts, for the wounded warriors in this these sort of cases and these country. prince harry continuing his crimes that happen, it's american adventure. important that when these kind we are going to continue to follow this story throughout the of things happen and when these course of the afternoon and keep kind of cases are found and you updated what's happening in solved, that we all take stock colorado springs. news of new jersey governor chris christie's weight loss and learn what can learn from this to apply to the few her.
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surgery has, of course, renewed speculation about a possible 2016 presidential bid. because i don't think the right answer is to say you got to christie says he had the weight believe all of your neighbors loss surgery in if ebb because are doing heinous things behind of personal reasons. their doors. the right thing to do is look at he insists that his decision had what happened here and try to figure out what police can do nothing to do with politics. he talked to brian williams of differently, what anybodies can rock center last night. do differently, what governments can do differently. >> when we come back we'll crown the biggest brain. >> ran as a candidate for united stick around. don't go anywhere. all business purchases. states, how would you survive a primary process in the current set of the republican party? >> listen, i think very well. so you can capture your receipts, i will worry about the presidency if and when i ever and manage them online with jot, decide to run for it. but if you are saying to me how the latest app from ink. do i feel as a republican? so you can spend less time doing paperwork. i'm a damned good republican. a did conservative republican and more time doing paperwork. who believes in things that i believe in but that does not mean that i would ever put party ink from chase. before my state or party before so you can. my country. >> jake sherman is back and so is the "chicago sun-times" lynn sweet. good to have both of you. lynn, you know, many said his weight would be an issue if he
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decided to seek the higher office. does this take it off the table now? >> for now, yes. because weight is seen as something that is not only does the cosmetic issue but a health issue. and every person who runs for president usually discloses some medical information to show that they are in good enough health to take the job. yes, it may or may not take it on the table depending as if he keeps the weight off because he still has some work to do. >> you can't tell yet he even lost any of the weight. >> right. he still -- you know, the -- lap band surgery system, beginning on an end, we will see what happens with it. >> jake, you know, he was on letterman two weeks before the surgery mocking his weight. eating a doughnut. we all saw that. at the time we did not know he was having the weight loss surgery. this is what he told brian williams about that last night. >> doughnut incident with letterman was my good-bye before -- >> curtain call. >> it was.
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dave obviously didn't know that nor did anybody else. i needed to do something. i did not want to take the risk of becoming unhealthy and ramifications that would have for mary, pat and my four kids. i still have children in elementary school. i have a long road here as a pear and i don't want to miss any of it. >> once the governor does get to a healthy weight, jake, what are some of the other hurdles that he's going to face? >> listen, he has to govern the next couple of years. have you take him at his word. that was a pretty amazing feat, that doughnut. he has govern. they ride to use weight against him when he ran originally in 2009 that there was an ad that said he was throwing his weight around and didn't exactly work. even more importantly than his weight or any other peripheral issue, this guy has sky high approval ratings in a really democratic state. so he is an incredibly successful politician and his brand of conservatism, which is cutting deals, and not, you know, comb pleatly ignoring the other side, has been rewarded and that's not the kind of stuff
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we see here in washington too often. his brand of republicanism could take off. >> thanks to both of you. appreciate your time. we are polling the latest developments from cleveland as well. we con to learn more about michelle knight. the first girl taken captive. she was released from the hospital yesterday. we were also one step closer to paying tax owes just about everything we buy online. will that become law? we will discuss it next. to let one of our regular brain trust members have a moment. time to find out who is the biggest brain among the brain trust. today it was fairly unanimous for obvious reason. francesca you were eliminated. but i want to give you 15 seconds at the end of the broadcast to appeal to the people of cleveland in case you run into one of them on the street. angela rye you are the biggest brain. take it away mpl thank you, craig. in the irs investigation
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recreptly they missed a legitimate challenge. last week the biggest brain talked about the koch brothers then air roll. i want to talk about their pet projects, the alek. received part of the koch brothers $24 million contribution in to 1 to further that you are efforts to crushing democracy. some members of congress are up in arms and calling for investigation because ro cently om junior level irs employee es spent an obscene amount of time last year making groups go through additional hurdles if their names included tea party or patriot. however they missed a spot. many of us are hard pressed to understand how the american legislative exchange council has been able to maintain its 5013 c. throughout the union to prevent
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or severely restrict our right to vote after the double standards of the stand your ground laws have jeopardized the lives or livelihood of our citizenry from trayvon martin to marissa alexander and too many other to name. after the all out assault on workers rights and labor unions with, after its efforts to limit democracy, justice and fairness for the american people, al rks k remains tax exempt and able to receive tax deductible contributions despite its obvious ability to pass the test with the irs. this organization and it task forces provide legislation to state legislators, which is more than lobbying and is doing the actual job of the legislator. as you prepare for your hearings, members of congress to investigation the irs and its
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activities, i hope you will also cham minute whether the alek, given all of its activities should remain a nonprofit of the internal revenue code. >> congratulations. we are going to restrict you to the time limit that is generally allocated. >> sorry. >> but we enjoyed your points. thank you so much and congrats again. second time biggest brain. francesca do you want to in any way, shape or form explain or mend what you were saying about good saturday afternoon. the city of cleveland? >> sure. actually what's funny about this you are watching "the place for i mean in no way to be politics." offensive. i actually called up a friend the obama health care plan take two. >> 70 new members that do not earlier today to ask him what he have the opportunity to vote on thought about the case an the area. the president's health care. he agreed with all of these points. prankly, they have been asking >> you should defriend him. for an opportunity. >> even if they don't repeal it, how refusing to fully implement it could derail it and what that he is no friend of yours. could mean for the folks getting
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their health care through obama care. >> he's so obviously not my >> bottom line is i have month friend. tolerance for this. >> no he is obviously not your >> that's president obama friend. and he doesn't know talking about the shockingly cleveland well. >> or maybe he just stays in high rate of sexual assaults in certain parts of cleveland. the u.s. military. we will talk with two people who >> cincinnati. are working to change that. >> impact strategies, francesca chambers, evan mcmorris san more than three weeks after torah, appreciate your time on one of the worst industrial this saturday afternoon. accidents a criminal that is going to do it for me. investigation is now under way i will see you back here in the town of west p. texas. tomorrow 3:00 eastern. i've got to end this thing on what it manassas ahead. we will get to all those stories time. the premier of the any, the ahead. we are hearing that two of the brand new ed show. kidnapped women in cleveland have spoken to each other. nbc news confirms that gina ed schultz is standing by. stay tuned. this is msnbc. dejesus and michelle knight are we've all had those moments. in communication since michelle's release from the hospital yesterday. this has 52-year-old ariel castro, the guy accused of kidnapping and raping the the three women over a decade is in jail. she reportedly under suicide watch. nbc's ron allen on the ground
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for us in cleveland following the developments. i know that you are still working and getting more information but at this point what can you tell us about the communication between these would women? >> reporter: really not much, craig. only that this apparently happened at some point in the last 24 hours or so. since michelle knight was released from the hospital. we don't know the extent of it and don't know a lot about it. just -- makes sense they would be in touch. all of them would be in touch. when you lost the thing you can't believe you lost. families as well as they try to sort through this very difficult when what you just bought, process. they are being -- getting a lot just broke. of requests for interviews and or when you have a little trouble in touch with mental health a long way from home... ex-persons and in touch with the authorities and investigators. as an american express cardmember lawyers who are approaching you can expect some help. them. it makes a lot of sense they would all be in some kind of but what you might not expect, communication at some point is you can get all this perhaps to sort of compare moats and to try to go through this with a prepaid card. together since they had such a spends like cash. feels like membership. very unique experience. unique horrible experience, obviously. >> looks like there's -- once again activity at the house behind you there. can you tell us what's happening there? what will be happening the next
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couple of days as the castro home? >> reporter: this has been going on now for a couple of days. there are workers down there. you can see behind me who are erecting a huge ten-foot tall or so fence around the property. they are boarding it up. boarded up a couple of buildings here, couple of the homes here. they are trying to seal it for investigators who we think finished collecting the evidence they need there, 2 had 00 items, we are told might immediate to go back, trial and other legal proceedings are going to take time. they are also concerned about vandalism and concerned about arson. there is a city council here earlier today who said that there had been credible threats he had received and was aware of. that some people were so angry about what happened and they wanted to burn down the house. now we don't know any specific information about that. but, again, there is a security concern that police have turned off the utilities in the area and they are trying to seal this thing down and try to -- protect the house as a piece of are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. evidence. they want to open up the street at some point so that life -- to
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some extent can return to normal here at least on this street. and as the whole process continues to unwind. they have been at it for a while. it is probably going to take a while to finish but just want to preserve that place and as i the first technology of its kind... said protect it as well. mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. >> es ron, we will come back to you later. thanks again, sir. siemens. answers. let's get to our political headlines on this saturday afternoon. attack on the u.s. consulate in [ pizza dodging man's mouth ] ♪ benghazi was front and center again at the white house yesterday. ♪ republicans are accusing the obama administration of downplaying how severe the attack was. [ camera shutter clicks ] citing the white house's role [ male announcer ] fight pepperoni heartburn and talking points that have and pepperoni breath fast been made public. with tums freshers. democratic leader nancy pelosi talked about that on msnbc this concentrated relief that goes to work in seco and freshens breath. morning. >> we certainly have to give the ♪ tum...tum...tum... tum...tums! ♪ full attention of benghazi tums freshers. fast heartburn relief and minty fresh breath. deserves. but we cannot let it soak up all of the congressional attention. what would be the purpose of
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we want ed. that? >> rem congressman tom price we want ed. we want ed. decided not to run for the seat we want ed. being vacated by retiring we want ed. senator chambliss in 2014. we want ed. >> you know what? price says he wants to focus on we're going back to work. his role as vice chair of the house budget committee. democrats are hoping to take a and going around america is a big part of telling the story. run at winning that seat in the traditional red state. fire in the hole. congress is set to vote on repealing obama care next week should be talking about again. infrastructure investment. it has been voted on nearly 40 >> a tlooifg rising midding times. house majority leader eric class -- >> invest in education. cantor says it is for to do it >> -- and a dynamic cutting edge again so that new members of congress have a chance to cast economy. >> and going round two on health their vote. kentucky republican rand paul care. >> i'm going back with a serious talked about the health care bill last might in iowa. note and kind >> i know you heard some bad things about obama care. i haven't been a big fan of obama care but you know, just want to take care of you. they don't think you are smart enough to make these decisions, okay. >> with more now on the obama care vote and the fate of obama
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care and generally -- ed o'ke e o'keefe. good to see you. ed, we were actually trying to get a count this afternoon before the broadcast and we gave up. no one seems to know how many times republicans tried to vote down obama care. but they continue to insist that it is a valuable use of time. this is house speaker john boehner talking about it thursday. >> we have 70 new members that have not had the opportunity to vote on the president's health care law. frankly, they have been asking for an opportunity to vote on and it we will give it to them. >> really? is this really an issue that republican freshman wanting to vote on? >> absolutely. depending who you ask, somewhere between 33 and 37 different times in the house and senate. mostly as republicans try to undo at least a part of the bill
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and this latest round is that. three dozen freshmen republicans who are eager to put themselves on the record as being wholly opposed to the entire law and eager to do away with it entirely. but had is also designed to get those votes to then vote for a different bill. house majority leader eric candor would like to see passed which would take money out of the health care law and put night one for people with pre-existing conditions and part of a bigger agenda that he has that is focused on more kitchen table issues and knows that in order to strip away just part of the law, first a bunch of the freshmen need to vote on repealing the entire law. they at least can then go home and say i voted to undo all of it. i also voted to undo just part of it. >> i got you. that makes sense to me. here is the thing. ed talked about some of the republicans who are opposed to this. there have been a growing number of democrats who appear to be distancing themselves from the
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controversial will as it starts to take effect. who are some of the more prominent democrats who are start thing? >> well, people mentioned senator max baucus who said he see as train wreck coming this was implemented properly. and some democrats are feeling anxious that this law won't be implemented well or properly and so they are nervous about it. they are not saying that they are against the law. they are just concerned about the way it could be implemented. you are going to have a lot of different programs and deadline is coming up. enrollment starts in october. a lot of work that needs to be done and a lot of the public just doesn't know a lot about the provisions and these particular requirements and programs. >> here is the thing. not only do a lot of folks not know about a lot of the provisions in the new health care bill. congress has absolutely refused to spend another dime on making folks in this country aware of some of the provisions. what that -- what might that in turn do to the bill? when. >> when it is done it forced the
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secretary of health and human services captain sibila that start calling a round to different health care companies and different non profit groups to see if they would be willing to put up some of the money to make sure that people can get enrolled. my colleague sarah cliff has this on the front page of "the post" talking about she had made calls to different folks in the health care industry saying if there is my way you can help foot the bill that would be helpful. congressional bean counters believed it is going to cost between $5 billion to $10 billion to pully implement the law. republicans are opposed to the law and would never vote to fund it. it is caused the obama administration to go cap in hand to some of the people that will be most directly affected by it, companies providing insurance or actually providing the medical care to see if they are willing to help make it happen. >> how real is the possibility when these exchanges come up when -- when they get launched in october that this is not going to go well? >> i mean, it is definitely a
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possibility. it is a heavy lift. and expect to see a big pushes especially in the summer ahead of these exchanges opening up to educate the public. it could be a bureaucratic nightmare and even president obama earlier this week when he convened a bunch of mothers at the whoys to talk of the law and encourage mothers to encourage their children to enroll, he mentioned, you know, work is not done. it is going to be difficult. even he is acknowledging that it is not going to be this easy transition. >> good to see both of you on a saturday afternoon. thank you. >> thank you. the number of sexual assaults in the military is absolutely shocking. coming up, what's being done about that. we will talk about that. also, why your purchase owes the internet may like just about everything else be taxed. right now in colorado springs, a live look opening ceremonies for the wounded warrior games. prince harry is on hand. so are wounded soldiers from all
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over this country. they are there and gathered to compete today. we will have a lot more of prince harry's royal visit to the united states throughout the afternoon. this is msnbc. the place for politics. ♪ [ female announcer ] almost nothing can dampen a baby's mood, when he wakes up dry in pampers. unlike other diapers, pampers has 3 absorbent layers, for up to 12 hours of protection overnight,
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days of avoiding sales tax by shopping in in our shorts on the couch should soon be coming to an end. new internet sales tax bill passed the senate this week with -- wait for it -- bipartisan support. but it is going to face stiff opposition in the house. the new law would require most retailers to collect sales tax on items sold online. some republican law makers in the house say it is not going to happen because here's a tax in.
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j.j. is the host of msnbc's "your business." another expert. good to have both of you on a saturday afternoon. >> thank you. >> here is the thing, state governments say they are getting hosed. they claim they are losing a lot of money to the internet. 2012 states lost out on a collective total of more than $23 billion by not being able to collect taxes on internet sales. why shouldn't you pay sales taxes on things you buy online? >> let's just give little history to this. in 1992 the supreme court ruled that basically if you are a retailer and you sell to another state someone in another state, that retailer does not have to collect taxes for that state. now you are supposed to personally report those taxes but in effect, of course, nobody does that. did you ever -- bought something in north carolina -- >> tough to keep track. >> yes. basically now what is happening
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is they are saying okay, let's figure out way to collect the taxes. mob is self-reporting. let's figure out a way on get had a money to the states. >> zachary, you write in your column, the proposed law is entirely about raising taxes. the question being is rather -- these are taxes that ought to be raised. this is the way to raise them. you asked the question -- what's your answer to that question? >> i think that, look, we live in a world where government requires revenue and we require government to do a series of things for the common. an entire area of commerce and the st fastest growing area of commerce. and it is not just cannibalizing from brick and mortar stores. boutique opens. they have a website. it augments their business. i think it is entirely appropriate for them there to be some revenue collection aspect of this new economy. we vice president figured out a way to do it. i think this is taking an old law, shoehorning it into a new
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level of commerce, doing so in a way that's both infective and probably harmful to the businesses that it is collecting it from. >> if the law does pass, again, it has a steep client climb there are a lot of folks that say it may not happen now but in a few years it could be reality. fit passes retailers are going to have to collect the tax and then remit that to the state where the product was delivered. how heavy of a burden is that going to be especially for small businesses? >> okay, lot of people have been saying this a big burden. indeed there are thousands and thousands of tax municipalities. not just states. local taxes as well. i personally don't think that will be such a problem. there are so many rep entrepreneurial companies out there, amazon has to do it right now in all of the states where they have nexus basically they have a presence. they are having to collect taxes. i think that software can do this. anything for a small business is hard. but this is just simply placing numbers. people are going to aggregate
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this and get it done easily. >> i think, yes, a software -- bill mandates each of the states to develop harmonious software. i'm more skeptical the mandate will translate into good software. >> i don't know if the states will do it but there will be somewhere. ebay, google, amazon, somebody who does the back end of a lot of the online companies. >> one who does the heavy lifting for them. >> i think part of the problem this exposes is in an e.-commerce world, state-level tax that's should be -- and you i live in a state. we have a residence. businesses have that kind of physical location whereby they are deriving the commons from the local police force and fire department. that's part of the problem. lot of people talk for years about collecting a vat which every other european and -- value added tax. much more both simple and way of distributing the tax burden among sellers, wholesalers, and customers. it ain't going to happen. >> i was going to ask you about
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political feasibility. >> as of someone writing and putting ideas out there, it is worth talking about. >> how strong is the opposition in the house going to be to this idea? >> it is pretty strong. republicans are saying this is a tax and there are people saying that anything that is a tax we are not going to support. so it is strong but it is possible that it will pass. it has a lot of support as well. >> if not now some point of the future. at the end of the day we are talking about -- we are not talking about a few million. talking about $25 billion. that's probably a conservative estimate. >> in an industries that growing significantly. >> did you made an interesting point i hadn't thought about. the fact that a lot of the businesses do not rely on traditional services that are provided to brick and mortar business >> again, what this does expose, unfortunately, in my mind, is that this was co-sponsored by a republican in the senate which is unusual. just a way of, like, tacking on something to an old piece of tax sxlegs without really -- most effective waying to collect
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revenue in a world where a lot of commerce is online and increasingly things are national and how do you help states meet their tax obligations. this doesn't do anything. >> i have enjoyed our conversation. you will have to come back. bring your family, too. you can catch j.j. tomorrow morning, "your business," 7:a.m. on msnbc. live look at prince harry saluting u.s. vets at the warrior games. just about to get under way in colorado springs. you can see prince harry there sitting there and that -- blue beret on stage. here he is lighting the torch a few moments ago. one of america's wounded vets. again, for folks not familiar with the warrior games in colorado springs, this is akin to the paraolympics of sorts where our wounded veterans compete against each other.
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prince harry, of course, in the military and in the -- army. whirlwind american tour. we will take you back to colorado springs in a few moments. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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and more time doing paperwork. ink from chase. so you can. spent much of the week report prosecuting the west side of cleveland, ohio. less than 100 yards from the investigators say a man held three girls in a torture chamber the past decade. like many of you, i also wondered how, how could amanda, gina and michelle go undetected in a residential neighborhood so long? how did they manage to summon the will to survive the beatings, rape and psychological torture? how could the accused, 52-year-old ariel castro, play in a band, barbecue with buddies and come and go like a civilized human while allegedly leading the most despicable of double lives? after a while cleveland started to remind me a bit of boston.
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it is difficult to ever really know someone, to ever really know your neighbor, to know what they are doing or know what they have done. look at boston and the tsarnaev brothers. a boxer and wrestler. friends, family and a wife who seemingly had no idea the kind of terror they were plotting. here is a thought. it will always be difficult to comprehend the evil that can consume a person but one thing remains predictable. neighborhoods, families and communities will always rally around the survivors. look at boston. too many shows of support large and small to mention $30 million raised for the dead and the healing. in cleveland this week, neighbors, businesses, and the city vowing to help the three young women restart their lives, promising to do whatever it takes. p the tragedies disheartened are collective response time and time again should help renew our fate in the goodness of our
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fellow man. just a thought on this saturday afternoon. when we come back, more violence breaks out at the syria/turkey border. what's next there? our richard engel is on the ground and you are watching msnbc. the place for politics. [ female announcer ] can a body wash go beyond basic cleansing? olay ultra moisture body wash can with more moisturizers than seven bottles of the leading body wash. with ultra moisture your body wash is anything but basic soft, smooth skin with olay. ♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle.
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two explosions most likely car bombs in a town along turkey's border with syria has reportedly killed about 40 people. another 100 people were hurt. while the details of the attack are still coming out today's attack raises fears that syria's brutal civil war may be crossing into neighboring turkey now. nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel with more on that with this report. >> reporter: this incidents that possibility of becoming quite significant because of the tensions between turkey and syria. turkey is supporting the opposition against al assad,
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syrian government feels that turkey is trying to undermine its ability to control the country and turkey hosts, refugees in this country, and it was in that area, southern turkey, where many of the syrian refugees are now living that these two -- at least would explosions took place. according to turkish officials there were two car bombings in the town in southern turkey. it is right on the turkish/syrian border. tens of thousands of syrians, people who escaped the fighting in syria, are living in this town. according to a turkish official this morning, the first of the explosions was a car bomb that exploded near the municipal building, killing at least four people, wounding at least 18 others. and the other explosion also a car bomb not very far away in the industrial zone. will have been no claim of responsibility or month way of knowing exactly at this stage who carried out these attacks
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but the suspicion at least in this town is that this was organized by the syrian government. by syrian intelligence agents and already some turkish youths were venting their frustration and smashing cars that have syrian license plates. and also some turks were going around roughing up syrian refugees. tense situation because of the volatility in the area and volatility between turkey and syria. richard engel, nbc news, istanbul. here is a quick look at some of the top stories making news on this saturday afternoon. right now britain's prince harry is in colorado at the paralympic style warrior games for wounded servicemen and wounded service women as well. prince harry, captain in the air corps, warrior games are just one stop on the prince's seven-day tour of the united states. repairs of the space station today nasa space walkers are
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trying to fix an ammonia leak at the space station's coolant system. nasa says the leak at this point is not putting the space crew in danger but left unfixed the glitch could cause more complications later on. check this out. in case you haven't seen it yet. this new addition to the manhattan skyline. construction crews put the spire on top of one world trade center yesterday. the building now stands at an emblematic 1,776 feet. the highest skyscraper in the western hemisphere now. the second highest in the word. set to open next year. both sides of the aisle in congress do agree on one issue. something has to be done about sexual assault in military. several members of congress are introducing legislation to prevent violent sexual assault in the armed forces including
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new york senator gillibrand. victims to bring complaints to a special military prosecutor instead of their boss. this comes after a new pentagon report this week that shows unreported sexual assaults in the military went up from 19 to 26,000 last year. the number of reported assaults, these are, again, the reported assaults. those rose 6%. 3, 3,074. >> i have no tolerance for this. we find out someone is engaging in had stuff they have to be held accountable, stripped of their positions and prosecuted. court-martialed. fired. dishonorably discharged, period.
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>> sherry is a victim of military sexual abuse. thanks to both of you for being with me on this saturday afternoon. let me start with you. let's talk about gillibrand's proposal which would allow victims to report assault to specifically train train prosecutors rather than to their boss. how would that help? how would bypassing the chain of command help victims? >> we have been working on the bill with senator gillibrand for weeks and has been a real leader in terms of acknowledging that will's institution alibi yaz in the criminal justice system in the military. today when you report it is your commanding officer who is determining whether or not the case goes forward to trial and selects the jury and judge. in a couple of high-profile cases could even overturn sexual assault conviction. you have bias throughout the entire criminal justice process
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and professionalizing the system which senator gillibrand's bill would do. would cause the system to be much more like the civilian system, attorneys and judging making the decisions. >> why is that not the system now? good this is over 200-year system which is so obsolete and needs reinventing. >> no one million now has thought you know what, this doesn't seem to be working. maybe we should try something new? >> i think it is a tipping point of women like myself and sherry served now for hundreds of years. but we have had enough. it has been decades of survivors banging down doors in congress and being ignored and we reached a tipping point in the last ten years and fighting and dying for their country, violating tensions in the military. >> you are the ultimate raped bn barracks. how difficult was it for you to get yourself heard after that? >> it was very difficult.
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i reported it right away. actually right after it happened. i went through my chain of command. and it was very hard to get them to take it serious and get me help. >> a new 238 convictions last year. i assume i got that figure right. >> very few convictions. when you start out with over 3,000 reported cases. remember that's 3,000 out of 26,000 that actually happened. very few women and men are even reporting it because as they expressed in an anonymous survey they don't feel the climate is supportive. they will is so intimidation in the system it is not safe to report. >> why does it seem as if these numbers are on the rise? not declining. >> some of it is the attention that groups like ours and veterans like us have brought to the issue. we have been -- again, banging down the doors of congress and pleading with military leadership to finally speak passionately and emphatically on
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this issue as the president -- took the president five years to do this as well. >> sherry, if there was one thing that could have helped you at that time, what would that have been? >> i think that right away they knew to get me a counselor in there to help. somebody outside of the system. i had to go to my chain of command and i had to talk to a lieutenant at the time to help do the statement. and actually they ended up leaving me and having me do my own statement. so i think going outside the system, if there was a social worker or someone at the time that could help me or outside prosecutors, i believe canada, uk, australia, they all have an independent prosecution, and i think that would help a lot instead of going lou the chain of command. >> when you took it to your chain of command what was their response? >> literally they -- told me that it was going to be hard process to prove. i was told her basketball
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players and it was base you cannily my word against theirs. >> they discouraged from you continuing? >> yes. a lot of retaliation afterwards. >> how common of a response is that? >> it is extremely common. i think that -- officers in that chain of command fail to understand what the average service members are going through. vast majority of the victims are junior enlisted and don't have the power to fight back bass they don't want the institutional power. how would you feel safe reporting to your own boss or boss' boss when something so traumatic has happened? >> how much of this is emblem atic of not just a problem in the military but a problem in american society? >> i think it is endemic to american society with this issue very much related to the steubenville case where you have what any young woman who knows is raped, what hopefully their mothers and fathers know is rape but you have violent crimes being held something other than
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that. even in the military where you have the air force chief of staff referring to rape culture and very inappropriate way as hookup culture. this isn't a matter of men and women hooking up in the military. it is a matter of men violently assaulting women and other men in the military. it has to stop and has to be treated as a crime and not as a problem of unprofessionalism. >> has anyone in the military -- not that this really in any remote way make it -- have they apologized? have they tried to make it right? >> no, sir. >> how frustrating has that been? >> it is very frustrating. i ended up leaving the military when i would have loved to have stayed there and make it -- would have loved to have been a lifer. it is very frustrating that they were able to stay in and i ended up having to leave because actually just fearing for my life. and my mental situation there. after it happened. so, yes, very frustrated they haven't come and said i'm sorry
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had you to go through this or try to make it right. >> sherry kurtz. thank you for coming to this saturday afternoon to talk about it. appreciate your time. >> thank you. we will be right back. okay. this, won't take long will it? no, not at all. how many of these can we do on our budget? more than you think. didn't take very long, did it? this spring, dig in and save. that's nice. post it. already did. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. show mom why you're her favorite, with a 12" infinity color bowl, a special buy at just $14.98. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief
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protect your family... and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. the facts thanks in part to this trial. i'm glad to say are out on the table. they are out of the safe. just as the pentagon papers are out of the safe and at the same kind of and can't be put back in the safes. >> that was daniel ellsberg, former pentagon analyst who leaked critical documents to "the new york times." those documents which later became known as the pentagon papers showed that the white house had, in fact, been less than truthful about the war in viet ma'am. on this day in 1973 the charges against ellsberg were dismissed. it was also on this day in 1996 that america witnessed one of the worst airline accidents up
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until that day. it happened outside of miami when low cost carrier valujet suddenly and tragically became synonymous with disaster. here's kerry sanders report of the sorry of that night on "nbc nightly news." >> reporter: valujet 592 crashed ten minutes after takeoff. it went down 15 miles northwest of miami international airport. the d.c. 9 on its way to atlanta crashed in the florida everglades. the pilot radioed west of the airport that there was smoke in the cockpit. he then told the tower he was turning back. the tower watched him on the ray czar and then he disappeared. there were 105 passengers onboard, four crew members. all 109 are presumed dead. they are there is little sign of the wreckage. most of it is believed sank into the four-feet deep water here. >> the negative press that followed the disaster of plight
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592 was too much for valujet. the small carrier eventually folded and later merged into air tran in 1997. now here is another look at just one of the commencement speeches being given today. here is some of what tom brokaw had to say to the graduates in new orleans earlier today. >> judgments of historians will not be confined to barack obama or governor jindal. to the tea party or the nra, not to god help us, those judgments will not be confined to the kardashian or lindsay lohan. they will ask the enduring question of history. did good men and women act on the challenges of the day or did they stand idly by? the american dream is in your the american dream is in your hands.
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had a was the horrific scene april 17 in the town of west, texas, when an explosion at the west, texas, fertilizer plant killed 14 people. now texas officials say that they have launched a criminal investigation into that blast. that announcement came as federal agents say they found bomb making materials belonging to a paramedic who helped evacuate residents the night of the explosion. paramedic has denied the allegations. also denied any involvement in the blast. more on that from gabe gutierrez in west, texas. >> reporter: a west volunteer pair medic who helped evacuate residents the night of the april blast. >> he lived as if tomorrow was not an option. >> reporter: even spoke at the memorial service for the 12 fallen first responders, has been arrested. bryce reid is charged with possessing a destructive device. court documents allege that the 31-year-old paramedic admitted to possessing the components of
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a time bomb. including a 3 1/2 inch pipe, fuse, and chemical powders. federal officials say that in late april, reid gave the materials to a friend who became suspicious and called the local sheriff's office. nbc news has not been able to reach reid's attorney for comment. crystal has been the paramedic's neighbor for at least three years. >> i just don't believe it. i don't believe it. i mean, i don't think that he had anything to do with the fertilizer plant at all. >> reporter: authorities say that they will not speculate whether the arrest has any connection to the plant explosion. on friday, the texas department of public safety and the local sheriff's office announced they were launching a criminal investigation into the blast that killed at least 14 people and injured more than 200. until now the fire and explosion last month at the west fertilizer company had been largely thought of as an industrial accident. >> our thanks to gabe. initial report into what caused
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that disaster is not expected for at least several weeks. more now on the story from micheling. labor reporter for "in these times." he has been following the story closely since reporter for in t times. how does the criminal investigation affect the over all probe into the fire and explosion or will it? >> it's unclear at this point. this is pretty plate breaking news. it broke yesterday. at to point auz we know is there within an explosion that occurred. we have no idea why it occurred. it should be stated, this is important the state, that this plant they do know that the cause of what made the explosion so big was ammonium nitrate. it's known at this point this plant did not take the proper -- they were required to conduct blast walls and they kid not
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have those. we do know that not enough was done to protect the nearby community. >> can we speak all the to the likelihood that this was accidental or were there more indications that it could have been criminal. >> it's tough to say at this point whether it was accidental or criminal. who knows why bry ce had back making materials. the fire that started started in a nearby shack and it spretd to the local white house there. we really adopt know at this point. the chemical safety bort and the atf are expected to give a report to the senator on may 16. we'll know more then. >> we dead get a statement a short time ago from the lawyer of the arrested paramedic and it says in part that again his client had no involvement whatsoever in the explosion. that's coming from his attorney. i want to talk to you about the ma kro issue here. you've been following this entry
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and the work to workers at plants like these. what if anything has changed since that april 17th blast? >> well, not much really has changed. osha is currently reevaluating how they might look at the plant in the future. the chill call safety board is investigation. there has not been major changes. indeed the dallas morning news had trouble getting information about how many plants in texas have this amoan yum nitrate. >> why ask there or why does there at least seem to be a great chasm between what actually happens inside aat f these plants and what we know about what happens inside these plants? >> well the reason there's such a big chazment is there's not enough inspection for explosive risk or security risk, people
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brooking into the plant, maybe putting a bomb in there. the republic for this is regular laters are severely underfunded. osha is so severely underfunded it would take them 131 years to inspect every plant in the country. >> it's probably a wonder that there haven't been more accidents like the one we saw in west, texas, huh? >> it's literally a ticking time bomb and every day 1300 workers die on the job. a report concluded that over the last two decades workplace deaths have steadily reclined but workplace deaths have steadily rose. so i think this says something about the economy right now that due to this poor economy, so many chaens companies are willing to cut safety. you're seeing deaths go up. of course no company wants to see a worker die on the job, but if the a worker does die on the
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job the cost is not very high. i did a story on a construction worker who was child on a serious safety violation. it cost the company a$,000 fine on the death of the work r. i interviewed the wife of the worker. he said basically somebody put a price tag on my husband's head. we're not going to see serious regulation in this country until people start going to jail and there are some serious fines. >> keep us posted, sir and come back. >> thanks ben. >> who is paying the price. how americans are suffering from the sequester. [ jackie ] it's just so frustrating... ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor
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