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tv   Lockup  MSNBC  May 11, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. a special response team overcomes an apparent act of sabotage on a fight call. >> there was so much water and soap on the floor. it was meant for us to slip and slide. >> a female inmate accused of misconduct. >> stand me and accuse me of stealing, give me a lie detector test. i will pass it. get me a lie detector test.
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>> accuses an officer of misconduct. >> don't make me put my hands on you and show you how bisexual i can be. >> charged with murder, faces the judge and -- >> shot him in his back -- >> the victim's mother. i hope you get what you deserve. >> in the heart of downtown cleveland, sits an 11-story tall half block wide symbol of law and order. the cuyahoga county correction center. >> face the wall! >> about 30,000 men and women
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from the city and outlying areas are booked in this jail each year. majority will be released within 24 hours. but about 2200 occupied beds here for an indefinite period, most are only accused of crimes and are awaiting trial for resolution of their cases. and like cleveland itself, the jail can be said to have tough neighborhoods of its own, especially the tenth floor. >> maximum security floor, for the most part we house or problematic inmates, inmates in some type of displenary lockup and we have our individuals that are here on high profile charges. >> the floor is managed by the special response team, trained in the use of riot gear and controlling high risk inmates. >> we like to keep them close to our problem. they manage the floor.
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>> the problems do occur here. >> sert is called to a fight. little do they know, they might have been sabotaged. >> be advised, wet floor. >> proceed with caution. >> for us to slip and slide on. i mean, it was beyond mopping a floor. >> nobody on the response team was injured and the apparent sabotage did not prevent from quickly retraining the combatants, one is scott, the other is antwaan timberlake. the fight occurred in his locked cell. >> in here? >> yeah. >> inmates sometimes finds ways to open up doors and sometimes they tamper with a lock when ugsed properly, a hard object can sometimes jimmy a lock. >> in this case there was a chess board and he was able to pop it from the outside.
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>> officers separate two men to get their versions ever what happened. >> what's going on? >> nothing's going on. >> nothing? >> i'm up here for nothing? what happened? >> just fighting man. >> how did you get in his cell, it was lock? i don't know how [ bleep ]. >> who popped it open? >> he had to. >> what were you fighting, outside? >> outside then inside the cell. he pulled me in. >> take him down. >> the officers then move to timberlake's cell and question him. >> i was just laying in my bed trying to read and i heard and thought it was a co and seen a dude coming in here just seen my door shut and no time you never left this cell? >> hell no. >> never fighting in the haul and you pulled him outside. >> no, it's my room. >> the chess board's location outside the cell led officers to
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a preliminary conclusion as to which inmate was the aggressor and which was the vakt. >> timberlake was a victim because they popped his door and fought with him. >> scott will remain confined while officials investigate the cause of the fight. timberlake is moved to a new unit as a safety precaution. >> i'm strong, i'm a big boy. i pretty much handled it. >> in another part of the jail, tony goodwin was recently alleged to have been involved in a separate fight. >> he's known, wherever he goes, he's known. he's a member of two street gangs, one called the starter boys and other the heartless felons. >> heartless felons is the largest gang and most recruited in county juvenile facilities. goodwin himself only recently transferred from the jail's juvenile wing to an adult housing unit when he turned 18. but he was first arrested 18 months earlier at age 16.
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he's charged with murder and has pled not guilty. >> been here so long, it's hard to cope. when you get around other people that ain't doing as much time as you is, sometimes you snap. >> see somebody coming here three or four times and i'm still sitting on the same case, it bothers you sometimes. take life for granted. >> sam mccollaren has known goodwin since he arrived and wants to speak to him about his alleged role in the fight. >> tony, we're here to talk about the incident that took place on jail 19b, altercation involved two individuals. tony, it's stated that you were there. >> i wasn't there.
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>> you wasn't there? why did they say you were there? >> i have no idea. >> they come out of the room holingerihol hollering at each our. which cell were you in. >> i was in four. >> came out, grabbed his shirt, i feel a certain kind of way. you stepped into cell 15. from there, now tony you did not hit him, you did not get a chance to fight him. >> i didn't touch him. >> but you were there. >> come on, tony. >> guilty by association? >> no, sir, guilty because you stepped in the cell. >> the state says you did. give me your version. >> i ain't know nothing happened until they came and got me. >> come on, tony. >> what did i tell you could happen? receive up to how many days in lockup? 15? possible criminal charges can be
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brought against you. anything else you want to say before we close this? >> no, i'm all right. >> thank you. >> all right. mr. goodwin denied anything or taken part of the altercation that took place on 9 b pod but with the witnesses we have and statements they gave, clearly he did promote gang activity and take part in the activity that was going on. >> mr. goodwin back from talking to the investigator. >> he's an individual that i think if he have taken a different road many people would look up to him. he chose the path he took. the more he takes part in incidents like he did on 9-b, the farther he's going down that he can't return. >> goodwin's future will soon come into focus. he's on trial for murder and if found guilty, could face life in
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prison. >> coming up -- >> i'm going to do it until the day i die. >> targeted by other inmates. >> what are you accused of? >> being a gang member and having swastikas. >> i see how much hurt she has in her face and how much pain she's going through. >> tony goodwin sees his mother before a jury decides his fate. learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i've been with bp for 24 years. i was part of the team that helped deliver on our commitments to the gulf - and i can tell you, safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge safety equipment and technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all our drilling activity, twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. safety is a vital part of bp's commitment to america -
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like many large urban jails, they usually have more inmates than it was built to accommodate, that's due in large parts to inmates whose drug use led it other crimes and reinvolving door relationship with the jail.
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some like lorraine are more memorable than others. >> lorraine green has been coming here since before i started and seen her come back many times. >> heroin has led her to several convictions, now awaiting sentencing on two counts of -- she worked as a nurse's aid for 15 years but funds her addictions for prostitution. >> still a prostitute? >> until the day i die. >> until i'm crippled and my -- my ass and hurts my neck. >> green says she made up to $800 a day as a prostitute. >> i may be old and have a lot of regulars and make a lot of money. i use condoms for everything.
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i don't like spit, other people's spit. don't let them kiss me. grosses me out even thinking about it. i don't like it. >> she has a strong aversion to her cell accommodations. >> my toilet is disgusting has pop on the inside. and this is what it is right here. if you look over here, these are mine. if you look how nasty it is. they don't care about you. they could care less. >> she must be more of a mellow inmate and usually you see it the opposite, come in more aggressive and mellow out. she's done the opposite. >> most of these are pictures of my children, who are they talking to disrespect me. >> as she's gotten older or tired of coming back and forth, she's become more aggressive. >> green was recently placed in a 23-hour observation after inmates reported that she had stolen food from them and part of a white supremacy gang.
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>> what did they tell you you're being accused of? >> being a gang member and having swas tis kas. >> i have tattoos but no gang -- >> you have some on your neck. can i see those? >> a cross, my mother and grandmother died. >> what is this on your arm. >> smile now, cry later. >> that's stated that you are supposed to be a leader of a gang unit or white supremacist activity. >> i have black children. my whole family is black. my whole entire family is black and white and puerto rican. >> i'm just asking. i'm telling you, i'm not -- if i was prejudice i wouldn't have mixed children. >> also accused of allegedly possibly involved with commissary theft. >> why do i have to steal from anybody? >> i'm not accusing -- >> i'm stating a fact, my own commissary, don't need to steal from anybody. prove it.
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give me a lie detector test and i would prove it. >> it's has to prove it. >> get me a lie detector test and i will pass it. i'm not a thief. >> i steal at stores at home, yeah. >> i'm talking about here. >> no. give me a lie detector test. >> let them say what they want to say, their girls. how they talk. >> they never called you that. they are accusing me of being a thief, dude. give me a lie detector test. >> and claiming you were a white supremacist active. >> those girls are young. i'm not a gang member. i'm not a supremacist. >> we'll do a follow through, okay? all right, ma'am. >> thank you, sir. i like to have a lie detector for all three questions you asked me. i pay for it. >> you got money? >> yes, i do. >> thank you. >> all right, thank you. >> green women remain in
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segregation at least until officer mclaren can conclude the investigation. over in the men's segregation unit, tony goodwin is dealing with bigger issues, currently on trial for murder. >> my judge told me if i were to lose trial my minimum sentence would be 23 to life and maximum 33 to life. >> goodwin, who was 16 at the time of his arrest is accused of fatally shooting a 20-year-old man. >> i was basically i want to speak from the heart. to the victim's family whatever part i played in the situation, i apologize for it and want them to know i'm sincere about it. >> what are you sorry for? >> the part that --
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>> tell me what that was? >> no. i know what i'm guilty of. >> 18 months before his own arrest, goodwin's older brother was fatally shot while standing at a bus stop. >> people take losses different way. some people find god, religion, family. i chose the streets. i went to the streets when i lost my brother. people do things differently. streets helped me cope, i guess. the pain i was feeling. >> goodwin has at least one person who understands his pain. >> is it possible i can see tony now? >> yeah. >> my mother, she is a strong individual for the simple fact she supported me through this case and how she cope with
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losing her son. >> eleanor goodwin visits her son as often as possible. >> you know this here is hurting my back side. they feel hard. >> she's joined by her family's minister, loretta freeman. >> i kept telling your mom, she will not bury you in penitentiary that's what the lord told me. >> doesn't he answer my prayers? >> yes, he does. he was little, don't pray for me. >> i used to always say that. i'm going to pray for you. don't -- please, mom, pray for me. >> i look and see how much hurt she got in her face and how much pain she's going through. and sometimes it's hard to look at her. >> your precious holy name i pray, amen. >> if i get convicted, she feels she will lose another child. >> my god, i love you so much.
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>> i love you too, mom. >> coming up, tony goodwin is called back to court. this time, to hear from the jury. and -- >> he says, don't make me put my hands on you and show you how my hands can be. >> lorraine green accuses an officer of misconduct. whwhat a nightht, huh? but, u um, can thehe test drivie be over nonow? head b back to the d dealership?p? [ mamale announcncer ] it's praractically y yours. but we stitill need yourur signaturere. volklkswagen sigign then dririe is back. anand it's nevever been eaeasir to get a a passat. that's's the powerer of german n engineerining. get $0$0 down, $0 0 due at sig, $0 depososit, anand $0 firstst month's p pt on any n new volkswawagen. vivisit tododay. what makes a sleep number store different? what makes a sleep number you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. if you want a soft bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs.
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recently, the special response team at the cuyahoga county correction center got more than it bargained for when responding to a fight between scott and timberlake. >> there was so much water and soap on floor. it was meant for us to slip and fall. >> the officers could not prove who might have sabotaged them but none was injured. timberlake received medical treatment for his eye. >> came in my cell and picked a fight and then punching and put his whole hand in my eye and pulled my eye back, you know. the whole thing -- >> who is this person to you? >> nobody. >> scott, who is a member of
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jail's largest gang, the heartless felons, didn't have a lot to say about it either. >> for real, but -- >> later however, scott admitted to jail investigators that he popped timberlake's cell with the chess board and initiated the attack. >> you can get into the doorway and pop open a lock like on the street. it takes more effort but it can be done. you need something hard and straight and you can tell it was used the way it was crimped. >> inmate scott waived his right to be present at this hearing. >> scott will receive time in isolation. how much time is up to the jail's disciplinary committee, who will take timberlake's injuries into account. >> how seriously injured was this guy? >> he had a black eye his left eye was swollen. i don't know if he had lacerations or not. >> it was a little swollen when
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i saw him and he said that scott tried to gouge his eye out. he said i was trying to reach inside. he had scratch marks. >> what was this about? what was the reasoning why? >> there's been -- no, there's just been some issues with timberlake and the heartless felons in there because timberlake does his own thing. he doesn't want to associate with them. and he just believes that the gang is ridiculous. >> still, timberlake is known for causing problems as well. >> timberlake has an anger issue, been there for a long time. we've dealt with him. we've had numerous lockups when i dealt with him. >> a little punk that's all. only the strong survive. you come in here like a little chump, run you to hell early. if you're strong and stand your
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ground, they know not to mess with you, you know. this is jail. nice way or the hard way, either way we're locked up so -- >> timberlake who has prior convictions for burglary and theft recently pled guilty to attempted robbery and awaiting sentencing. he says this offense sounds worse than what it is. >> six pack or something -- i'm a good person. i just happen to be in the wrong places at the wrong time. i wasn't out there holding nobody at gun point or snatching old lady's purses or stealing cars. everybody is my friend, all of them. >> everybody thinks he's a
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[ bleep ]. >> coming up -- >> take it up with me. >> antuan has a conflict with staff. and later, the jury reaches a decision in tony goodwin's murder trial. the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaucoma, or can not empty your bladder, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells. toviaz can cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness and decreased sweating. do not drive, operate machinery or do unsafe tasks
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until you know how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. talk to your doctor about toviaz.
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a hostage situation in new jersey is in the 31st hour. they are negotiating with the suspect inside a trenton home and wcau reports the hostages include children. the same who survived 17 days in rubble is now in good condition. the 19-year-old was dehydrated and suffering from inso many mia but suffered no major injuries. back to "lockup." due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised.
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>> inside cleveland's cuyahoga county correction center lorraine green, currently in jail in drug possession charges has been in segregation pending an investigation from part of another inmate's claim she is part of a white supremacy gang. >> here i sit in the county freaking jail, the worst hell hole you could be in. >> at least today, green will get a bit of good news from gang investigator sam mclaren. >> we have to have something solid or proof and we don't have none of that. so we're going to let her go. case closed. >> green is moved back to general population where she can be around other inmates and have privilege restored. after moving in the new cell, she has come forward with a allegation with a male officer that confronted her in segregation. >> he said i was kicking -- he
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says don't me put my hands on you, i can show you how bisexual my hands can be. who are you talking to like that? that's a sexual comment he shouldn't have been. >> the officer in question, corporal mets, along with the female officer both deny making any such comments. >> make accusations and allegations. that one i still can't figure out that accusation. but, you know, we deal with it all the time. it's our policy here at the sheriff's department, interaction between male officers, female inmates, we always have a female officer with us during the interaction. >> after he was alerted to the allegation, associate warden ivey meets with green. >> i hear you have an issue you wanted to talk about. >> when i was in my cell in
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lockdown, corporal metz came in my room because i was kicking around girls with an attitude and maybe i was smart with the co. he said, i heard you were kicking and yelling and treating my cos bad and i look at him, yeah sure. i put my feet over my head. sure, whatever. he says, well, don't make me put my hands on you and show you how bisexual i can be. >> i don't know, it seems like something missing out of that -- >> i figured you might say that. >> was that a talk or outtalk -- the only way we can get an understanding, i don't understand what the bisexual piece come in at. >> he said he was going to -- you were offended by that. >> he told me, don't make me put my hands on you and show you how bisexual my hands can be. >> you were offended by that?
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>> i was. >> there anyone i can talk to? >> your co, bryant. >> i gave it to them and they were supposed to give it to you. it said ward. >> when you write a grievance in you look in the handbook, it shows you how to write a grievance. any time you write a formal grievance, you're going to place it in an envelope and stamp it and mail it out. that makes it a formal grievance. the writing on the back of the -- >> you don't have one. >> i threw it away. >> read the handbook so you're aware of the rules and policy in the right protocol to follow when you have things like a grie grievance. >> why didn't they tell me? >> that information was given to you and you had access to the information and you threw that away. i'll address this issue and see if i can get to the bottom of it. >> i know cos and corporals stick together and i'm still
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fighting my grievance and getting my lawyer. and i am going to press charges on that man -- >> i would like to follow-up -- >> while you do what you have to do in here. i've already talked to him. >> it's not parent that we are going to like each other. but we respect what everybody has to do. >> exactly. >> do we have an understanding? >> yes, we do. >> have a good day. >> you too. >> i will speak with the witnesses that she gave me. hopefully we'll get to the bottom of this. >> up on the tenth floor, an tuan timberlake is waiting for an answer as well. getting impatient. >> i got to go what's going on. >> timberlake recently pled guilty to attempted robbery.
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he was due in court for sentencing three hours ago. he's anxious to know why. >> you think i'm a -- i want to know what's going on. >> i don't know. >> you're not taking the time to know. you're too busy being an a-hole to me. >> timberlake likes to get on my nerves and we try our best to be professional as much as possible. he has to wait like the rest of us. >> you're going to have to wait. >> we're about to tear it up in this [ bleep ] i've been trying, but you can't. all right? cool on that? we got an agreement? >> start acting like that. >> you need to sit and wait like
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me. >> got called to the courtroom so you can figure it out. >> you can do it. >> i'm supposed to have court at 10:00 and evaluation at 1:00. i ain't been called for none of that. >> if they need you, we'll get you up there. >> ain't no way you can call down there. >> the judge might have been involved in another case or something like that. i can look and see if there's anything else put in the computer. >> we don't want to either but -- until the judge says they need you, we can't take you up there if the judge doesn't want you. >> i just want to know what's going on. if they are challenging me or what. i'll let you know. >> a lot of inmates don't want to listen to cos, they think just because the supervisor is around, that they can give them
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the same information that i can give them but because it comes from me, it's a better answer. >> corporal johnson checks for updates in the court schedule but finds nothing new to report. >> i'll go in and tell them still showing you're supposed to be sentencing today and when they set a new date, i'll let you know. other than that, that's where it's at. >> it is what it is. >> later that afternoon, tell bur lake did get news, the judge delayed it for another two weeks. he will remain in jail until then. >> one time however, delays almost never occur, when a jury has reached a verdict and that time has come for tony goodwin. >> me a false hope of freedom. >> goodwin, who was arrested as a juvenile but being tried as an
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adult, has been incarcerated for the past 18 months while on trial for murder. >> i got to find out what my fate hold. >> if the jury finds him guilty, they must choose between murder or aggravated murder. the latter carries a longer maximum sentence, 33 years to life. >> i'm a little nervous. i came back and -- the other day. >> goodwin testified in court that at age 16, he shot 20-year-old dwayne, who later died from his wound. but his lawyers presented a defense they hope will sway a jury to acquit goodwin. >> i don't know what the verdict going to be. i'm hoping that it's a good one. but if not, i don't know.
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i can't even tell you what i'll be thinking. >> coming up, a surprising defense strategy that tony goodwin's lawyers hope will get him off and the jury hands down the case. >> we the jury do find the defendant tony goodwin -- theres a guy on the window! do something, dad! aaaah! aaaah! what is happening? they're rate suckers. their bad driving makes car insurance more expensive for the rest of us. good thing there's snapshot from progressive. snap it in and get a discount based on your good driving. stop paying for rate suckers. try snapshot free at [ clang ] my house is where plants came to die. but, it turns out all i was missing was miracle-gro potting mix. it's got what a plant needs like miracle-gro plant food that feeds them for up to six months. you get bigger, healthier plants, guaranteed.
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[ male announcer ] advair diskus fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder. get your first prescription free and save on refills at . inside a holding cell at the cuyahoga county criminal courts building, 18-year-old tony goodwin is about to find out if he will be convicted for murder. goodwin's mother is already grieving for an older son who was murdered. she's hopeful she will not lose tony to life in prison. >> he's a great young man and strong young man. right now he's in a lot of pain and lot of stress and confusion. he's hurting right now about his brother.
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tomorrow is his birthday, jerry's birthday. >> your son who was murdered? >> yes. >> goodwin's attorneys acknowledge that he shot the boy who was killed by his wounds. the prosecutors would only accept the murder plea. in ohio the murder conviction requires precalculation but intent to murder and defense set out to prove it did not exist. they say two years earlier, when goodwin unexpectedly saw him, he shot him, not to murder but stop him from fleeing. he was struck in the but tok and fell to the ground. despite having a loaded gun, he then only punched grim in the face in order to break his jaw. they can only hope the jury will have understood the importance of this distinction. >> ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it's my understanding that you have reached a verdict, is that true? >> yes, your honor.
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>> grim's mother and other family members are also in the courtroom. >> thank you. >> all right, count one, we the jury in this case being duly em panelled and sworn, do find tony goodwin, not guilty of aggravated murder as charged in count one of the indictment. we the jury in the case being duly em panelled do find tony not guilty of murder. we the jury in this case, do find the defendant photony good of firing a firearm, signed by all 12 jurors, that he did have a firearm on or about his person and displayed it and brandished it and indicated he used it to facilitate the offense and
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finally that the defendant did cause a substantial risk of serious physical harm to dwayne grim. ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is this your verdict? >> yes. >> goodwin was acquitted of the murder charges that could have sent him to prison for life. he is guilty of illegally firing a gun. for that he could get up to 14 years when he returns to court for sentencing. >> i want to thank you all. okay. >> all rise for the jury. >> court is adjourned. >> what went through your mind? >> there was a changed young man. >> are you scared? >> no. >> you aren't fearful about a guilty verdict? >> no, ma'am, honest to god, no. i was not scared. i was just was prepared. in god were to sent him down with 25 years, that's between god and him. tony know that. i was prepared. >> until he is sentenced, goodwin will remain in jail.
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>> everything be going good today. let's keep that positive energy and keep doing that. it's hard. >> it's all about the choices. >> when i got to the verdict, it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. i thought i was -- i wanted to look like, did he really say that? i was kind of shocked. i was just just waiting, i'm sorry i read this wrong. i was waiting. just thinking of getting let down. i didn't have a reaction. but i was happy though, for real. >> in a very different matter, associate warden ivey has also reached a decision regarding lorraine green's allegation that a male officer made an inappropriate remark to her. >> he says well, don't make me put my hands on you and show you how bisexual i can be.
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what is is that? >> ivey questioned the male officer and female officer with him when the comment was made. >> i want to see mrs. lorraine green in c pod. thanks. >> lorraine green. i'm going to see if she has additional witnesses to speak to because at the end of the day when you allege something you have to have witnesses and somebody for me to talk to and some way to prove the statement you're making. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> i'm good. >> i'm okay. >> was there any witnesses that you would like for me to talk to? >> the only person there, me, your co, ryan and -- >> i spoke with the corporal and also spoke with the officer that was there at the time, corporal has read a statement saying at no time did he make any comments -- any sexual -- >> he did. i bet he did. >> let me finish what i'm saying. >> you guys are agreeing to each
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other. what is the sense of it. i'm looking like the idiot while your ceo agreeing with each other he never said it when he did say it. what's the sense of speaking more about it. >> it's over. >> i'm going to continue with what i have to say, when i'm done talking, explaining to you the outcome, then you at that point you're more than welcome to comment or more than welcome to do whatever you feel is necessary. >> i'm going to -- >> to resolve this. as i was saying, i spoken to the corporal and denies stating that at no time did he make comments of this nature to you. the officer that you said that was present during this has also read a statement stating the same thing. so if you have no further witnesses for me to talk to, there's no way i can prove what you're saying to be of any truth or whatever. i'm going to conclude at this point that the grievance is resolved. if you would like to follow with
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your attorney, whatever else you like to do. >> and i will and do a lie detector test too. >> whatever you feel necessary to do. >> you guys are sticking together and i respect you're the warden and everything, all i got your co and corporal in there. >> how do i prove it if i don't have witnesses. >> this is all a bunch of crap right here. because your corporals -- it's the code of honor. >> what can i -- it doesn't matter, i'll get me a lawyer. i already spoke to one. i'm going to get me a lawyer. i already talked to one and have lie detector tests taken, prove to you and your corporal how wrong they are. i got this. >> okay. >> i got this. >> any way, i'm done. have a good day. >> you too. >> take care. >> she's a very difficult person to even communicate with because she doesn't -- she wants to say what she has to say and see
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things her way and thinks that everything is a conspiracy and makes it perfectly clear how she feels about law enforcement and correction officers and things like that. as far as i'm concerned, i'm done with it. >> coming up. >> that was my son, my child, you lost somebody but that was no reason for you to carry a gun and shoot another person because you lost your brother. >> the mother of tony goodwin's victim i mplors the judge to gie him the max. i've been with bp for 24 years. i was part of the team that helped deliver on our commitments to the gulf - and i can tell you, safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge safety equipment and technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all our drilling activity, twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely.
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after his sentencing for attempted robbery was postponed, antuan timberlake went before the judge and this time got good news. >> the judge held mercy on me. i'm happy for that. i got one year on probation. i believe freedom is a blessing
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so anything to stay away from this wreched ass place i will, i'll do anything to stay away. >> timberlake will remain in jail for a few more days until the proper paperwork is filed. but there are higher stakes on the line for tony goodwin. >> got sentencing today. >> yeah. >> nervous? >> a little bit. >> good luck to you. >> goodwin is on his way back to court to learn his sentence for illegally discharging a firearm. an act which led to the death of 20-year-old duane. he's eligible for 14 years in prison. >> i hope i get the minimum but i think i'll get the max. basically i think the judge don't -- try to get some sort of comfort, we'll have to wait and see. >> goodwin's mother and mother of his victim are also present in the courtroom. >> mr. goodwin, as you will recall in this case following a
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trial jury returned a verdict of not guilty on counts one and two. but guilty as to count three, discharge of a firearm on or near prohibited premises. before the judge announces his sentence, he asked the victim's mother, beatrice to address the court. >> shot him in the back. and they said you're not guilty. i don't have no -- he deserves the max, whatever he can get because it's not right. that's my baby. that was my son. that was my child. yes, you lost somebody, but that's no reason for you to carry a gun and shoot another person because you lost your brother. that's not right. that's no justice. and when you went really go down the road, i hope you get what you deserve because my son didn't deserve to be shot in his
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back. >> is there anything you would like to say before sentence is pronounced? >> yes, your honor, i would like to satisy i apologize for everything that happened in this case and apologize to every last one of you all for the situation that took place. i really want to say i'm truly sorry and with that, your honor, i would like to say i'm here today to take full responsibility of my actions as a man. >> we have a serious felony, what you did did cause the death of a victim in this case. accordingly, i don't think the maximum sentence is appropriate. and on the other hand, i cannot impose the minimum. i'm forgsed to compromise, keeping in mind your youth and lack of prior record an the fact you did cause the death here.
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i'm going to sentence you to lorraine correctional institution for six years. and to that will be added three years mandatory on the firearms specification for a total sentence of nine years plus court costs, you do get credit for the time you've been in jail and we'll have to calculate that. deputies, we'll have the paperwork done shortly. >> goodwin will return to jail until his transfer to state prison. for the victim's mother, nine years is not enough. >> i was hoping he would get more than nine years. when he go down that road, that's when the real world starts for him. you know what i mean? he's going to get what's coming to him. >> goodwin thinks prison could be a chance to turn his life around. >> i didn't have no life expectancy for me when i was out. it was just -- i feel like i
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wouldn't wouldn't be 18, living life that there wasn't no tomorrow. and taking people for granted and you have to stay away from the gang stuff and you got to be your own man. >> officer henderson, has known goodwin since he first arrived at age 16. >> nine years is a long time but he's still young. hopefully he makes good choices. if he gets around the wrong people, he's going to have a hard time to do. if he go down there and be positive and be a man and stay out the way, he'll do good. so, 50/50, it's all on him.
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. there are 2 million people behind bars in america. for the next hour, we open the gates. "lockup." the number of units here at san quentin has grown beyond the capacity of this prison and what it was designed for. >> free us. free us. >> i took sociology in college. and you can stack a bunch of rats together. eventually they start eating each other.


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