tv News Nation MSNBC May 13, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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the search moved to applicants seeking to, quote, make america a better place to live or criticize how the country was being run. there is no indication of any white house involvement and today the president called the details in the reported o outrageo outrageous. >> this is pretty straightforward. if in fact irs personnel engaged in the kind of practices that have been reported on, and were intentionally targeting conservative groups, then that's outrageous. and there is no place for it. and they have to be held fully accountable. >> meanwhile, today, tea party favorite in florida senator marco rubio called for steven miller to step down. he said, quote, it is clear the irs cannot operate with even a shred of the american he's amendment confidence under the current leadership. and it is drawing criticism from the democrats as well.
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the actions of the irs are unacceptable and unamerican. virginia senator tim kaine said there's no excuse for ideological discrimination in our system. the flood gates have open. i have senator shaheen with a comment. senator warren, ron johnson as well. so aed in gate of lawmakers now commenting on this irs scandal from both sides of the aisle. >> absolutely. that flood gate will surely open up to investigations that will be conducted by the senate and the house. chairman baucus saying he will use his committee in order to look at what happened at the irs. the house republicans stating the same, including speaker boehner. it is very interesting. for a lot of republicans, they feel this is a huge win because they had been claiming this for a while. going back through old testimony, mr. doug schuman who used to be under the irs, his term ended in 2012, he testified
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before a house committee last year saying this type of improper behavior did not happen at all. so republicans are pointed at. that's something they're going to use. what becomes interesting is moving forward, the president was very careful to say, look, the folks responsible for this are low level staffers. this is no way an indictment. the entire omplgs republicans think it is an indictment of the entire organization. mitch mcconnell just said that he sees this as the beginning. this is obama's effort, the administration to go and silence their opponents. he sees the same thing going on at the sec, the fcc, all these types of government organizations. what it really shows is that for at least the next six months, at least as long as mitch mcconnell is there, republican there's use this as a way to try to hurt the president. try to say that this is something that is indemic of all facets of government and something that will be interesting to see how it plays into the second term agenda. >> as indicated in the report,
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the ap exclusive report. it says here, the agency blamed low level employees saying no high level officials were aware. also, according to the report that is coming out very soon, there is no indication that the white house knew anything about this. but to the issue of the leadership, which you've pointed out. the irs leadership did know that this was happening nearly a year. they had a year to deal with this. so this notion that this was just low level employees, the irs did know its specialists were searching for tea party style groups for nearly a year. i think that's the wrinkle for a lot of people. >> absolutely. and it is fascinating in terms of how the white house has approached this. president obama did say today at the press conference that the first he knew about this was from news reports on friday. it shows the degree to which the irs was not making this information out there public. politically though, it is an issue that both sides will go
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after it. they realize they have to. the irs is supposed to be tim partial referee. it is something that a lot of folks say if people don't trust the irs in any capacity, they think it is a political arm of the obama administration, it will have dire, dire effects in terms of the ability for any bipartisanship to move forward. i go back to what i said before. this is for the obama administration extremely damaging. because it feeds this conservative idea that government is to blame. the government is corrupt. that they're directing government in a way to personally target republicans. and republicans feel that they don't think it is in any sense playing and there is no type of deal to be made on immigration, the debt. they think the system is rigged. fascinating to see howett plays out. >> as you point out at the time the irs commissioner was a bush appointee. so his term ended in november for those who believe it is all one-sided there. greatly appreciate it. now let me bring in elijah
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cummings, the ranking democrat on the oversight and government reform committee. thank you for your time. i want to talk to you about benghazi but i want your thoughts on this irs situation. the president said if these things took place. we know the agency has apologized and they are not disputing this information coming from the report. i'm not sure if it is an if scenario as much as, we know it did happen. what needs to happen next? >> it certainly sounds like it happened. because there has been that apology. and let me say from the very outset that this is without question outrageous conduct. and i believe that americans have to be treated fairly. and that the irs must be impartial. people already don't trust government. a lot of people have concerns with regard to the irs. but let me be clear. i think we need to wait and see what the i.g. report says. a staff briefing was just held earlier today. and the authors of the report
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which shall be released laerl on have told our staff, democratic and republican staffs, that this was a low level situation. in other words, this is a bottom up type situation. and i think that we're going to see that it does not reach very high. there were some employees apparently in the cincinnati office that were doing things improperly. this is coming from the people who actually wrote the report. so we'll see. and again, ways and means in the house, i understand, will be taking this up on friday. and i'm looking for it, to seeing what they come up. i really want to see that report and look at i very carefully. >> let me transition to benghazi and the president's latest comments. during that joint news conference, let me play what he had to say. >> the whole issue of talking points, frankly, throughout this process has been a side show. we have been very clear about
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throughout was that immediately after this event happened, we were not clear who exactly had carried it out, how it had occurred, what the motivations were. it happened at the same time as we had seen attacks on u.s. embassies in cairo as a consequence of this film. and nobody understood exactly what was taking place during the course of those first few days. >> congressman, you've got congressman mike rogers saying, and he is the chairman of the house intelligence committee on sunday, that he believes more so-called whistle blowers will come forward. his call was i think we'll see more whistle blowers. certainly my committee has been contacted and i think other committees have been contacted. the president said there is no there, there. i know part of what you would like to see if there is going to be more testimony, that it be made public. that thomas pickering and retired admiral mike mullen not be taken behind closed doors as
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requested but be before the public if this is going to continue. >> keep in mind that pickering and admiral mullen did the only independent investigation to date. and then been yesterday on nbc, of course, chairman issa said they did not go far enough. they didn't interview enough witnesses and also really made some statements that i think were basically saying that they were dishonor to some degree. we've got, i think when you have a situation like this, you've got to bring those folks forward. the folks who did the report. who looked into this. and let them tell us what they found. and be given an opportunity to defend themselves. when it came time for the whistle blowers to come forward, i welcomed them. and by the way, if there are other whistle blowers, i welcome them, too. as a matter of fact, tamron, we
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had whistle blowers, one that came and he had no prior interview. we had not hardly any information about him and had never interviewed him. so if you've got the people who did this report spend hundreds of hours working on this project, why not let them come in and be able to talk about this report and let's have clear transparency. let's not just have one side over here and you have to go behind closed doors. but this other side. we're going to put it all out there. >> what do you believe is the motivation? that congressman issa would like to see as you point out, some testimony over here, not before the public, and others, these so call whistle blowers before the public. what is the motivation in your opinion? >> i think it is very political. not to see that. but tamron, the thing that i guess concerns me is that we have four americans, members of
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our diplomatic core including an ambassador who have died. i want to get to the truth. i want to make sure that we get the total picture. not just the piece of a picture and i want to make sure we address the security concerns. i want to know exactly why didn't we have the security that we needed there and i want to know what has been put in place and how do we put in place those folks in key areas so that when we have these emergencies, they can get there quickly. throws the things we have to answer. so i'm not going to be distracted from that. but at the same time, if we want to look at what went on between the points, between state department and the cia, again, i go back to the talking points. the general has said to us, the head of the cia has said that's the best information they had at the time. that's what they gave to, you know, that's what happened. >> congressman elijah cummings, thank you for your time, sir.
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greatly appreciate you responding to the developments in both stories. joining me now, michael smerconish, nbc contributor and washington chairman april ryan and chris kofinis. a lot of attention paid to the president's words saying there is no there, there. also noting that he believes this is a side show at this point. that republicans hung up on points. it shows this is politically motivated. what else did the president say? >> well, the president is basically saying we don't need to make a circus out of this. this is not about politics. this is about, he said, also basically that he doesn't want the names of those to go down in vain because there is a political circus going on. so he wants to focus on the real issue that has happened in benghazi. the deaths of those four who were in service for this country. particularly the ambassador and the other three.
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now you have to remember at the same time, that this white house has worked with the embassies around the world and they are also saying right now, and this was behind the scenes. they're sarah that many of the embassies that are at risk in the world, where our u.s. service people are working, they are saying that they have stepped up security there. that they are working to embolden security to make sure that we don't have the same situation that security cannot get to in time if there is a situation. >> let me play a little of the exchange between congressman issa. >> ambassador pickering, his people refused to come between us and the committee. >> i said the day before the hearings, i was big to appear. to come to the hearings that he excluded me from. >> please don't tell me i excluded you.
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>> i think that and changes captures so much. you have got the assertion and thomas pickering saying that's not true. we see this back and forth over the memos. i think people are so ingrained in their opinion of what happened and we are seeing no movement. may it be from those on the right, the story line that they want to pursue and even those on the left here of i think that exchange captures. so you don't know what is up or down and the political motivations at this point. >> there is a little something in this for everybody. for example, what i took away having spent the weekend looking at the 11 or 12 versions of the points is that it looked primarily to me like a scrimmage between state department and the cia. not so much with the political motivation about who would win the 2012 election but a little cya from each of their perspectives, making sure they didn't take hit for benghazi. >> i looked over and i think a lot of people pulled that same
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opinion or viewpoint out of those memos. but escalating to where we are now with congressman rogers saying more so-called whistle blowers will be brought out. as if there is some underlying explanation we have not heard. perhaps there is. why isn't it on the table right now? why allude to this? and what congressman cummings said. if pick serg going to give another testimony and be questioned again, why in private? put it all on the table so we do not continue for the next two years leading up to the next presidential race, still have all of these ambiguities regarding this investigation. >> i would like to get to the bottom of it. i would like to know all the answers in terms of the death of those americans. the idea that a 2016 presidential campaign commercial aired over the weekend tells you a heck of a lot. >> i guess you were so great, the music had to play for you. great theme characters have
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their own theme music. there you go. let me get to chris kofinis on this. switching to the irs there, the first read team and others have that, this is a gift horse if you will for the right wing. why in the world would you target organizations who are already distrustful of the government, glen beck and others who are salivating and perhaps rightfully so, looking for a reason to say exactly, this is what they're doing. and they go after these groups. what had been talked about in that office? do people have just the blank moment? did they have a brain freeze? what that there? >> i can't come up with a logical explanation. it really is an outrageous story. the president's statement today was very strong and smart and forceful. i think to be frank and honest -- >> i hate to say that because the president said if this happened. well, the irs has apologized. it happened. the hotel said if it happened
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then people need to be held responsible. it happened. >> it happened. ? i think people will be held responsible. >> when something like this happens, you have to come out forceful and strong and one of the mistakes white house made to be brutally honest, on friday when jay carney had a chance when this story was really breaking to come out and really put this story, not to bed but to really lay down exclamation mark. he waffled and talked about independent agencies. you cannot talk about that when you're talking about something like the irs launching political attacks. i don't care if you're a democrat or a republican. every one should be equally outraged. if this was a republican administration and this happened, i can guarantee you you every democrat's head would be exploding with anger. >> funny you should say that. in 2006 we know that the naacp and i have the "washington post" article from that time, they criticized president bush during that time. they were audited looking into
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the federal law that requires tax-exempt nonprofit organizations to be politically nonpartisan. at the time lawmakers were outraged that this investigation into the naacp, the chairman at the time said it was an enormous threat. he was absolutely worried about the outcome because it would reduce their income remarkably. that was part of the statement. did it happen and there was outraining. >> i think the problem where this is going to become a real headache for the administration is, you're now talking about congressional investigations at both the house level, the senate level, and that becomes such a powerful distraction. and i don't think, i don't think the republican there's dare to suggest that anyone in the white house had anything to do with it. but nonetheless, you have clearly -- >> wait a minute. you really believe there are republicans who would refrain from saying the white house had nothing to do with it? you think there won't be a republican who says that? >> i think they will suggest it. i do not think they'll be stupid
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enough to suggest it without any evidence. but maybe. you know what? it won't be the first time i was proven wrong. i think the republicans have enough fodder here. they don't have to go that extreme. they'll be hammering this fact. at the end of the day, who likes the irs? >> well, behind the scenes, the white house is saying many officials around here saying it did not come from here. the directive did not come from here. so they're already saying that. and they're outraged as well. >> thank you very much. i greatly appreciate all three of you joining us. and michael, thank you for bringing your theme music with you as well. we'll talk to you later. thanks, guys. coming up, our first look at o.j. simpson in more than four years, he is back in a las vegas courtroom trying to overturn his conviction on robbery and kidnapping charges. o.j. is arguing his attorney was incompetent. we're expecting to hear from o.j. simpson when he takes stand. and join our conversation on twitter. you can find us @tamronhall and "news nation." prefer the taste of gevalia house blend
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right now o.j. simpson is in a las vegas courtroom looking somewhat older and heavier than the last time we saw him in court more than four years ago. that's when he was sentenced to serve 9 to 33 years for leading the armed robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers in the las vegas hotel. now everything seeking a new trial and is expected to testify later this week. something we did not see him do in that 1995 murder trial in los angeles. nbc's leeanne gregg joins us live. we didn't hear him take the stand in '95. he could by wednesday. all eyes will be in that courtroom. he is arguing that he had a lousy attorney when he was convicted of this latest crime.
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>> reporter: some people call it a hail mary. they say it is highly unlikely in cases similar to this that they win but with o.j. simpson, you never know. this hearing has been underway for a couple hours. the judge has agreed to consider 18 of 22 questions cited in the appeal where simpson claims that his attorneys were so bad that he deserved a new trial. he said his trial attorney never told him about a plea deal that he would have taken. he said he knew about the plan to retrieve what he thought were his personal items from the hotel room ahead of time. the first witness today was a psychiatrist who said simpson's perceptions, and what happened may have been hampered by football brain injuries. from having too many cocktails before the heist. his daughter also took the witness stand today along with one of his close friends who questioned the credibility of one piece of key an audio tape of simpson and the others he was with during the confrontation that night that ended up putting him in jail. so simpson has already served
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four years of his maximum 33-year sentence. he has to serve five more until he is eligible for parole. by then he would be 70 years old. it is up to the judge to decide whether he will be granted a new trial. this trial could last the whole week. >> michael, thank you for your time here. o.j. simpson again may take the stand on wednesday. what are his chances in getting a new trial? he is saying his attorneys did not tell him about a plea deal that he would have taken if it was on table to his know? >> it is not unusual as a trial lawyer, a criminal defense lawyer to be brought in. it is the only remedy the defendant has left in terms of trying to challenge his conviction. his best argument is that yale england galanter, his trial lawyer, became a material witness in this case. and didn't disclose that to the court. as a result of that, it affected
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his ability to represent mr. simpson or properly advise mr. simpson of his rights. one of which was the plea negotiation that was on the table, the two-year plea negotiation that was on the table that was never communicated to mr. simpson. secondarily, the right that he had to get up on the witness stand and testimony in his own defense. so the fact that he may have had a bias, the trial lawyer in this case, and was a material witness in the case because he was here at the time of the events. may be mr. simpson's best opportunity here. >> let me ask you about the fact that he could bring in the possible brain injuries as a result of playing football. how would they bring that in as a relevant element to this case and trying to get it overturned? >> i don't think that is his best argument in this post conviction writ. that's more of an issue at trial. the argument may be that mr. galanter should have brought that up at the time of the trial. but i don't think that is mr. simpson's best argument here.
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he is already exercised some of those remedies on direct appeal and they were denied. the best and most material issue for this post conviction relief is whether or not mr. galanter was a material witness. whether or not he was biased in this representation. and as a result, whether or not it affected mr. simpson's ability to get a fair trial. >> thank you very much. greatly appreciate it. we have some breaking news out of philadelphia. our nbc station is reporting a jury has reached a verdict in the trial of a former abortion doctor, kermit gosnell. he faces first-degree murder charges in the deaths of four babies and an adult. he faces 268 counts overall. if convicted, he faces life in prison. rehem a ellis. it was just earlier the jury was deadlocked on two of the counts. >> reporter: we're told the jury has reached a verdict. it was this morning that they been there and told the judge as
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you point out that they couldn't come to an agreement on two of the charges. and the judge did what judges do in cases like this. he instructed the jurors to go back into the deliberation room and to try to come up with a verdict. it is a jury of seven women and five men. and this is the tenth day that they have been deliberating this case. it has gone on a couple of years. dr. gosnell was picked up and in jail since january of 2011. so the case is one that a lot of people in philadelphia and around the country are watching very closely. particularly now to see what the verdict will be of. >> michael smerconish is joining us based out of pennsylvania. you've been informing this case for people who need a little back ground, kermit gosnell ran a women's medical center for more than 30 years. the fbi shut it down after a 2010 raid which was focused on, michael, the high volume of
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painkillers being prescribed out of that. and authorities instead came upon these abortions underway of late at night and then you started to hear allegations of the filthy conditions. and ultimately these charges that he faces right now, michael. >> reporter: the case as you well know is based on the most heinous of facts, regardless of whether he is ultimately convicted. unfortunately it has become a political football of sorts in the debate between the pro-life and pro-choice communities. what is interesting to me as a trial lawyer, is that when all was said and done, dr. gosnell did not testify in his own behalf and he certainly doesn't have to. but nor did his attorney put on any evidence. essentially jack mcmahan who is one of the best defense lawyers in the city of philadelphia stood up and said to the jury that the prosecution had not proven its case and put everything on the line with regard to his closing argument. which is quite a risky move.
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maybe it paid off. maybe it didn't. gosnell never presented a word. he presented himself as amiable in court despite there were these grisly images and the damage indictment put down. >> you're absolutely right to note, this is, certainly the fiber of this case, it is a criminal case but it has spilled over into politics. a lot of folks on the right have linked this to the debate over abortions of even though of course, these charges are criminal charges and if convicted, shows that he was in violation of the law. as you pointed out, the details of what were found in that facility, as well as, and we cannot forget the allegation that the death of a 41-year-old woman was the result of his actions of. >> you're right. he is facing a third degree murder charge and four
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first-degree murder charges, three additional first-degree murder charges were thrown out by the court at the conclusion of the prosecution's case. and it hinges on the most grisly of evidence. because the defense in this case with regard to the four first-degree murder charges is that those babies were not born alive. and the prosecution responds by saying, yes, they were and there was evidence put forth that the spines were actually snipped after delivery. so when you get into those kinds of facts, i think you realize why initially some of the media didn't have a high tolerance for reporting all of it. >> which is what you've written about as well. i'm going to get rehema to stand by. we'll continue to monitor the breaking news. the jury has reached a verdict in the case against kermit gosnell, the former abortion doctor in philadelphia. right now we don't have a time line of when that verdict will be read but we'll bring you the latest developments in this big case that has captured this
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attention. coming up, what many see as defending the indefensible. new spines ariel castro plan to fight kidnapping and rape charges against him. he now has a new lawyer specializing in sex crimes. is castro looking at an insanity defense. [ musick ] i knew there were a lot of tech jobs available out there. i knew devry university would give me the skills that i needed to make one of those tech jobs mine. we teach cutting-edge engineering technology, computer information systems, networking and communications management -- the things that our students need to know in the world today. our country needs more college grads to help fill all the open technology jobs. to help meet that need, here at devry university, we're offering $4 million dollars in tech scholarships for qualified new students. learn more at was a record collection. no. there was that fuzzy stuff on the gouda. [ both ] ugh! when it came to our plants... we were so confused. how much is too much water? too little? until we got miracle-gro moisture control. it does what basic soils don't by absorbing more water,
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>> she was saying that she needed help. that they were in danger. she just kept hugging the cop and telling them, keep me protected of. >> nbc's ron allen is live for us in cleveland. in addition, we know that castro's brothers have also spoken out. >> reporter: there is also one other bit of news. we're just learning that the attorney general here, mike dewine has completed an analysis of ariel castro's dna comparing it to a nationwide pool of missing persons cases. and there is no match. a similar analysis was done with cases in ohio last week but officials were wondering if he could be linked to some other cases in the country and now we know the answer to that is no. yes, you're right. ariel castro's brothers, pedro and onil were arrested with him. they've been speaking out. basically disavowing him as his whole family has. they said they had no idea of what was going on in this house
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behind me which they had visited on a number of occasions and they're basically saying we disavow him. he is a monster. we think he should rot in jail was one of the quotes from the brothers. we're also learning more about ariel castro himself. today the police department release ad number of police reports dating back to the 1980s that chronicle a series of a number of events that castro was involved in. in one, beating his common law wife at the time of nine years. smashing her against a wishing machine. there are other incidents like that detailing a very violent past which no one here is surprised by. there are reports of this kind of behavior over the years when he was a school bus driver. and now some of that has come to light in more detailed reports being released by the police. >> live for us with the latest develop many out of ohio. regarding the information from the ohio attorney general mike dewine. thank you. of store management started as hourly associates. there's opportunity here. i can use walmart's education benefits to get a degree, maybe work in it,
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philadelphia. a verdict has been reached in the capital murder trial against former philadelphia abortion doctor kermit gosnell. the jury of seven women and five men have weighed more than 250 charges against gosnell with the most serious being four counts of first-degree murder. we are still awaiting timing regarding the reading of that verdict. when all parties will be back in court. we will bring you the very latest information. obviously, a big trial out of philadelphia. national attention. and the verdict has been reached despite the fact that earlier in the day, the jury told the court that they were deadlocked on two counts. we'll have the very latest and keep you up to date on the gosnell trial. we return to the white house with more on president obama's joint press conference with british prime minister david cameron. the president today fielded questions concerning benghazi and the growing controversy over the irs targeting of conservative groups. also high on the agenda for the two world leaders, the worsening humanitarian crisis in syria.
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specifically articling the rebels amid allegations being used by the assad regime and how to get russia more involved in ending the war. >> there will be no political progress unless the opposition is able to withstand the onslaught and put pressure on assad so he knows there is no military victory. >> russia has an interest as well as an obligation to try to resolve this issue. >> nbc's peter alexander is at the white house. obviously, we thought that syria would dominate that press conference. nevertheless, the president and cameron addressing this ongoing issue of what to do about syria. >> while syria may not have dominated the press conference, it was most significant topic these two men were speaking about in private given their shared desire to have the transitional government.
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to do what they can to help produce better outcome for the opposition in that country. the two men pledging their continued support for the syrian opposition today. i think he used some powerful language syrian's history has been written in the blood of her people. cameron appeared to be willing to go a little further than the president was in the outset of his remarks, referring to 80,000 dead, 5 million people displaced. he also earlier today made reference to the fact that secretary of state john kerry who just returned several days ago from a meeting with president putin of russia made in the words of david cameron, a real breakthrough there. across town within the last half-hour, the spokesperson for john kerry said the effort to have a peace conference between the syrian government officials and members of the opposition, that they were hoping might happen as early as this month, the month of may, is likely to
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slide. the spokesperson saying they had that will happen as soon as possible. but it won't happen before the end of the month. david camron did, however, say no decision has been made in terms of arming the opposition. however, they did say they would double the aid that they are providing to the rebel groups, to the opposition groups in that country, recognize the u.s. gives more aid. another $100 million recently provided to make more than a half billion provided by the u.s. to those in the opposition in syria. >> thank you very much. and coming up, we continue to follow news out of philadelphia where a jury has reached a verdict in the trial of kermit gosnell. we'll have the very latest for you after the break.
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10-year-old girl and a boy. three people are still in critical condition. surveillance video released by police shows the chaotic scene as other possible republican appears to shoot right into the crowd before running off. authorities are offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to that man's arrest. this is just the latest in a string of shootings at new orleans celebrations, including one at a martin luther king jr. parade and another in the days before mardi gras. joining me, the "times picayune" reporter. do we know if what happened leading up to this shooting, was this a random attack in the people in that parade? what do police say? >> police do not believe it was a random attack on the people at the parade themselves believe this was a calculated move. it happened to be at the parade. possibly a retaliatory shooting. that's not confirmed by police but that's what police sources are saying. and they might have chosen to perpetrate the attack at the parade because they knew the target would be there.
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however, 19 people were caught in the cross fire. >> obviously, this draws attention to crime in new orleans. we've talk so much about it before katrina and certainly after it now. and we've seen these shootings. are you seeing an improvement as far as police and at least attempting to secure, not just a touristy areas of new orleans but those other neighborhoods where people try to live, good people who don't deserve to be the victim of these crimes, certainly. >> there are definitely efforts to curb the violence but we haven't seen the numbering down very much at all. last year we had just under 200 murders. and we've had around that number for the last couple of years. so the mayor has launched a number of initiatives to get these at risk young men who are the primary people being shot and perpetrating the shootings.
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into programs and into more positive ways of life. so far that hasn't borne fruit yet. >> back to that surveillance video, it seems as if when you look at i, police are working with at least some decent images. he is standing there and everyone else is going in the opposite direction, it is safe, i'm assuming to say that is the individual, at least one of the shooters if there was only one. >> police believe there were three shooters. however, that is the most clear cut suspect osly from tilages you can see. witnesses told me that they saw a man come out of a nearby house as the parade was passing by. there were about 200 people estimated to be in the block at the time. so there are believed to be three gunmen. at least two guns were used. police said, witnesses said one had a black handgun. the other had a silver handgun. >> thank you very much. we appreciate you joining us with the latest details on that
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shooting in new orleans. >> our gut check on conservative groups reportedly threatening to sue the irs after being targeted by the agency. that's a new develop many within the last hour. we'll be sure, of course, to update you on the news out of philadelphia. if you would like to like the news nation on facebook, go to our facebook page and like us. [ female announcer ] doctors trust calcium plus vitamin d to support strong bones. and the brand most recommended by... my doctor. my gynecologist. my pharmacist. citracal. citracal. [ female announcer ] you trust your doctor. doctors trust citracal. woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this?
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they do have a verdict. so wire waiting for them to be brought into the courtroom. you can understand they're trying to bring all the parties together. it was early this morning that they notified the judge that they were deadlocked on two of the counts. the judge told the jurors to go back into the deliberation room and try and reach a verdict on this case. they are now looking at the question of whether or not this doctor will be found guilty or not of four counts of first-degree murder involving the death of four babies who the prosecution alleges were born alive and then killed. also a charge of third degree murder against 41-year-old woman who the prosecution says was given an illegal amount of painkillers following an abortion procedure in the doctor's clinic. this case has gone on for five week of a trial. ten days of deliberation. and now it looks like there is a verdict in this case that we suspect we will hear from the jury shortly. >> okay. thank you very much. and time now for the "news nation" gut check.
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politico reports that tea party groups are now threatening to sue the irs. that's after the agency admitted on friday it had targeted conservative groups. politico quotes an attorney who represents a half dozen of those group saying, quote, given the sheer scope of the malfeastance at the irs, there may be a legal recourse. they maintain that laws were not broken. meantime president obama has vowed to hold irs staffers, quote, fully accountable for their actions. what does your gut tell you? should conservative groups targeted by the irs sue? that does it for "news nation" today. "the cycle" is up next. ford c-m. c-max one. c-max two. that's a super fuel- efficient hybrid for me. and a long range plug-in hybrid for you. now, let's review. introducing the ford c-max hybrid and
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>> another case that saw the administration won't go away. possibly the largest security breach in american history and a fundamental question about the society we want to be. this hour, the story of wikileaks like it's never been told. >> it was written, you can't go home again. it was proven wrong. some much needed color is injected into the conversation. and it is monday. we can all use a good laugh. the white house investigation. the benghazi attack and the irs targeting the tea party. both topics dominated what was supposed to be a nice joint press conference this morning with british prime minister david cameron on the the economy, the upcoming g-8 and
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syria. >> if in fact the irs personnel engaged in the kind of practices that have been reported on, and were intentionally targeting conservative groups, then that's outrageous. and there is no place for it. i've got no patience with it. i will that tolerate it and we'll make sure that we find out exactly what happened on this. with respect to benghazi, the whole issue of talking points frankly throughout this process has been a side show. there are still diplomats around the world who are in very dangerous difficult situations. and we don't have time to be playing these political game in washington. we should be focused on what are we doing to protect them? >> more and more and more congressional hearings are on the horizon it's a details of white house talking points emerge and cries of potential cover-ups grow. with the irs, there is no direct link between white house and the
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