tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC May 17, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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death in taxes. let's play "hardball."ç good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with this. call me a charlie rangel fan. today i watched him at the hearings on the irs mess. i heard him say everything i believe. it's this. if you have a problem in a company or on a team or in a government agency, you deal with it. you get rid of the bad apples. it's the one sure way, only sure way to convince people what they're seeing as bad has been removed. now, if you want the company or teamgency o government, itself, to look back, hoot and holler. don't fix the problem, don't get rid of the bad apples. let them sit there and smell up the whole barrel. let them stink up all the apples. the republicans have a lot to holler about here. they have their fat target.
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what i'm impressed by is the lawmakers who sees the problem, wants to actually fix it because he, like me, believes in what government can do positively. i have two members of the house ways & means committee joining me tonight. and u.s. congressman dave reichart is a republican from washington. i want to start with congressman reichart. sir, put this in perspective. we're going to look at the tape from the media. let's look at the tape first and react to what we saw. here's something from today's hearing on the ways & means. let's listen. >> the reality is this is not a personnel problem. f the irs problem. being too large, too powerful, too intrusive, and too abusive of honest, hardworking taxpayers. >> is this still america? is this government so drunk on power that it would turn its full force, its full might, to harass and intimidate and threaten an average american who
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only wants her voice and their voices heard? >> you get a letter from you folks, or a phone call. it's with terror you look at it. now this kind of reconfirms that, you know what, they can do almost anything they want to anybody they want, any time they want. >> the bottom line is for those looking, this is an audit, and it's helpful, but it's the tip of the iceberg. it's the tip of the iceberg. >> let me go to congressman reichart. is the problem, as you see it, the fact that we have an irs, the fact we have an internal revenue service that collects the federal income tax from individuals or corporations, or is the problem is you've got really bad culture in there where people can look you right in the eye and say, i'm not prejudice, i'm not political, but they are? what is the problem? >> well, i was hopeful today to hear some straight answers from mr. miller. it didn't happen. so as the viewers watched and as the members of congress participated in the conversation
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andç the exchange in questions and answers, it became very obvious very quickly that mr. miller was not there to take responsibility. in fact, he said, look, i'm not comfortable with the word "targeted." that didn't go on. he offered an apology. but then he offered excuses immediately after that. he wouldn't even in my questioning acknowledge the fact that certain groups were treated differently. he answered, in fact, he answered no to that question. then what i asked him, is it not your responsibility to provide the information that you knew about this situation to congress? he would not answer that question. so, chris, you know, today i think was really a sad day for america as people watched this interview, because the -- it starts with the leadership. and the leadership, today, in the irs, showed arrogance, showed a lack of concern and
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brushed the, in my opinion, just sort of brushed the issue aside. >> congressman, thank you. you've been around. i don't know what i saw. i certainly saw a disconnect today. that mr. miller guy. i don't know what -- it's like he didn't see what he knew people certainly right, left and center could see, that when you target particular groups, you're targeting particular groups. i mean, if this were on the other foot, andç this was a george w. administration, they were targeting groups that were calling themselves progressives, i would say it's prima facie evidence of targeting. i don't think it's complicated. what's your view, congressman? >> my view is that the criteria were very inappropriate. there was terrible mismanagement. i think there was very terrible oversight. and there was a failure to be in touch as they should have with the congress. but the i.g., the inspector general, when asked was there any political motivation for the
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people in the exempt organization in cincinnati, the lower level people who were working on this, he said no. was there any outside influence? and he said no. so when the chairman, and i brought his languaglanguage, st off his opening remarks saying it's the latest example of culture of cover-ups in this administration, there was no evidence today to support that. it was politicization of a very, very sad chapter by people who were works and who misworked. >> let's take a look. here's steve miller. he fell back on a familiar response in washington, mistakes were made. he said any mishandling of cases by the irs had nothing to do with partisanship. let's listen. >> as acting commissioner, i want to apologize on behalf of the internal revenue service for the mistakes that we made and the poor service we provided. i think that what happened here was that foolish mistakes were made by people trying to be more efficient in their workload selection. the listing described in the report, while intolerable, was a
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mistake and not an act of partisanship. >> congressman reichart, i respect everything you're doing here. i'm just questioning some of the thinking by the chairman of the committee, mr. levin mentioned. is there any evidence on your side of the aisle that there was interference from the white house in the irs mishandling of these cases? >> well, i think it's important to remember that what we heard in the committee hearing today was that this is an audit, and that the investigation, although the -- mr. george could not confirm verbally in the hearing that the investigation was continuing. i think that's the impression he left upon all of us in the committee. there is an ongoing investigation. now, the audit occurred. now the investigation occurred. you can draw your own conclusion. so can your viewers. when you listen to the testimony of mr. miller. mr. miller can't even remember his -- the names of the people who are in his chain of command. he can't even remember who he talked to last, what was the
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conversation about. did he talk to anybody in the secretary of treasury's office? he can't even remember dates, times and çplaces. and finally, he couldn't remember when i asked him, who did you talk to about this? who came up with the criteria? he finally gave me the name. >> chris, can i break in? >> he finally gave me the name, chris, but he could not remember what she told him. now, look, this isn't somebody reporting -- this isn't somebody reporting late to work, chris. this is a serious issue that addresses civil rights. >> mr. levin, is that true? did they find out who was the one who said look for patriot groups, calling themselves patriot groups? look for groups that have tea party in their names. do we know who that was now? >> i don't think we have all the names. the people who did that were mistaken. it was a serious mistake. but you asked mr. reichart a question. was there any evidence of this hearing to support the statement
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by chairman camp? and, again, i read it. "it was part of a culture of cover-up in this administration." there was no evidence whatsoever at this hearing. the i.g., when asked, said it was not politically motivated. and there was no outside influence. and there is no evidence of corruption. so you ask mr. reichart a question, the answer is no. there was no evidence. these were serious, serious mistakes made in the exempt organization people -- >> mr. levin, when the witness cannot answer the question, cannot even remember who he spoke to -- >> that's a good çpoint. i agree. you made the point that mr. miller didn't respond to your very good question. who came up with the idea of coding these people? my question to you is, in the day of hearings and anything before that in terms of your committee investigations, have you come upon any evidence that the white house was involved? >> look, the -- >> the answer to that is no. >> i'm asking mr. reichart. mr. reichart, is it yes or no? >> i think the question was
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addressed to me. and i -- >> and what's the answer? >> then answer it. >> mr. -- >> go ahead, mr. reichart. >> if i'm allowed to answer it, mr. levin, thank you very much. i think mr. camp may have information that i don't have. and so that would be a question you could put to mr. camp. all the members of the committee different levels of information that they have access to. >> yeah. >> but, but over the course of this investigation, we will learn the answers to those questions. and the fact that this witness today represents the united states government, our white house, our secretary of treas y treasury, the fact he can't remember a thing, highly suggests to me -- >> that's a good point. okay. i agree. if mr. levin is correct and the i.g. is correct, because he did stipulate this as well, he found this, that there was no evidence of white house influence or obama campaign influence, if that's correct, is this still appropriate of your chairman to keep saying culture of corruption throughout the government and this is an
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example of it if it had nothing to doith the presidential influence at all? >> i don't think that's proven yet. plv >> sure you do. okay. here's the question. if you have no efs dense right now this friday of any white house involvement and don't have any evidence next week and the week after that, when do you stop accusing the white house of being corrupt in this regard? >> i'm not accusing -- >> at what point do you say, we don't have evidence? >> chris, i'm not accusing the white house of anything. i haven't made that statement at all. >> the culture of corruption from this administration, what's that mean? >> that's not coming from me. i didn't say that. what i'm saying is, look, i'm an old cop. i want to base my, what i say, on facts. and so -- >> good. >> -- today i was looking for facts from mr. miller. mr. miller did not provide any facts, chris.
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listen to the testimony. >> could i say -- let me say a word. >> there were no facts, mr. levin, that mr. miller provided to this country -- >> okay. >> -- as to why and how this criteria was applied. >> mr. reichartreichart, you di job here. what do you want done here? i personally want to see the bad apples thrown out of the barrel. i'm not going to be satisfied watching this. as a typical person, if you have a big problem, there has to be ç big solution. two people walking isn't enough. the american people are still going to believe, if they see the same people there, they've got the same problem there. only, as charlie rangel said today, mr. rangel said there's a cancer here, you got to remove it. do you agree with mr. rangel? >> i think there has to be action. look, i was the first democrat to say that mr. miller should be relieved of his responsibilities and so miss lerner. i said that a few days ago. i believe absolutely we need to get to the bottom of it. just don't throw apples at the top if you have no evidence to
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support it. and in the hearing today, there was no such evidence. we should have a nonpartisan hearing, not look for political points. >> okay. let me agree -- thank you, both, for coming on. mr. reichart. thanks for coming on. i think we made two points. i think we heard ships passing in the night. the one point, mr. miller, the acting head, did not answer the questions which were appropriate. he must have known they were coming. give us a sense of your chain of command. give us a sense of your structure so we can identify who made the decision to code the various organizations trouble. and then also i think there is a real challenge here to the chairman of the committee who wasn't with us today. don't keep accusing this white house of corruption if you can't find the smallest bit of evidence that this president or his people or his campaign staff had anything to do with this. you can't just keep saying it. we had a guy on theç other day turner, who said, i'm going to have an investigation to see if i know what i'm talking about. you can't make accusations before you even have any
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evidence of wrongdoing. i think it's common sense. coming up, the the scandal that wasn't. benghazi. thomas pickering headed the investigation into the benghazi incident. he's been eager to testify in public. this afternoon he's learned he's going to get his wish. he's been subpoenaed to testify next week about his investigation. we're going to hear from him, however, first, and hear it tonight coming up next. also, republicans are gleeful in their outrage over the irs and other stories so much so that the influential heritage action is urging republicans to not bring up any legislation, in other words, pass nothing of worth to country, just keep the scandal industry going. but it won't work if president obama plays his cards right. if he's got something positive to do and all they have is trouble to make, they're going to go with the positive. plus our series, "the unkindest cut." how sequester cuts are endangering critical medical research that could affect you and your family and your health at the national institutes of health. if you believe evolution is a lie or you can stop being gay because somebody told you to, then the republicans' senate
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primary in georgia is made for you. wait until you hear these points of view. this is "hardball." the place for politics. we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know. don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you. in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up free account alerts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working around the clock to help protect your money and financial information. here's your temporary card. welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] when people talk, great things happen. available out there. i knew devry university would give me the skills that i needed to make one of those tech jobs mine. we teach cutting-edge engineering technology, computer information systems, networking and communications management -- the things that our students need to know in the world today. our country needs more college grads to help fill all the open technology jobs. to help meet that need, here at devry university, we're offering $4 million dollars in tech scholarships for qualified new students. learn more at
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would hillary clinton keep virginia blue if she runs for president in 2016? sure looks that way. check the "hardball" scoreboard. according to a new quinnipiac poll, secretary clinton would defect senator marco rubio, leading republican right now by 13 points in virginia. it's clinton, mrs. clinton, 51%, rubio 38%. against former vice presidential nominee paul ryan, clinton by 10. 50%-40%. barack obama won virginia in by the way, that's when i knew he was going to win that night. v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle.
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welcome back to "hardball." this week the white house tried to put to rest talk of some massive politically motivated cover-up on benghazi. releasing 100 pages of e-mails. there they are. showing exactly how and by whom the talking points for that appearance on sunday morning's "meet the press" by susan rice
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was put together. republicans seem far from satisfied. >> you don't have to be sherlock holmes to figure this out. the story of benghazi, if accurately reported, would undercut the narrative bin laden's dead, al qaeda's on the run and they manipulated the evidence to help their political re-election. that's pretty obvious. >> that was lindsey graham of south carolina speaking after the white house released all those e-mails showing it was actually the cia whoç played t largest role krasti icrafting t talking points in the end. one man who knows more about what happened in benghazi than anyone on the planet is thomas pickering. he co-chaired an independent review of the attacks. a legendary career as a diplomat serving republicans and democrats in the world's hottest spots. his review of benghazi didn't sugar coat what happened concluding there were systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at the state department. yet republican congressman darrell issa strongly criticized the record and issa wants the
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ambassador to answer questions but not in a public hearing. let's listen to his rationale for that. >> the fact is we don't want to have some sort of a stage show. we have fact witnesses. they testified. we have the ambassador and admiral mullen who conducted and oversaw the arb. we're inviting them on monday. we'll go through not in front of the public but in a nonpartisan way questions and answers and then obviously a hearing to follow in an appropriate time. >> this afternoon u.s. congressman issa took the next step issuing a subpoena for ambassador pickering. he wrote the "in light of your continuing refusal to appear voluntarily for a transcribed interview, however, i found it necessary to issue a subpoena to compel your appearance at a deposition." thomas pickering joining us. >> chris, i've jtct seen this. certainly i'm consulting with the state department and the lawyers there. my response, i hope, will find a way to move ahead. i've always wanted a public
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hearing. apparently that's not going to be in the offing. i think that's a serious mistake. and this is a serious step. and obviously i take it that way. i'm interested in finding a way to make sure that our report is defended, that i answer all the questions. my hope is to do so in public because the public deserves to know. >> when you think, when you're explaining to people who really seem to have -- i didn't know the gentleman. everybody loved him. ambassador chris stevens. he struck me as a dashing foreign service officer. a diplomat willing to take some reasonable calculated risks. willing to go into areas that aren't completely protected. and we can't put a bunch of uniformed men into a country we don't have a post-colonial or historic connection to anyway like libya. you can't have lots of people around, especially if you're protecting or covering a cia facility. lots of factors here. do you think there was any way to have protected him short of him not having gone to benghazi that day? >> yes, i believe there was, and
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i in our report listed the shortcomings that may well have helped in that regard. this is only a guess. chris was a wonderful am ambassador. chris worked for me for two years. i admired his work. he had(acsolutely the right concept. americans need to get out and talk to people and understand what things are happening in these countries overseas. >> yeah, i was a peace corps volunteer, too, and i think it's wonderful when these guys and women become diplomats because they don't hide in the compound and eat hamburgers and watch super bowls. they get out and meet people. you know what i mean. he wasn't a striped pants guy. i've got david corn here of "mother jones." he and i were talking, mr. ambassador. >> i have a question for you, mr. ambassador. you put out a thorough report. unclassified version. there was also a classified version of your report which i don't expect you to talk about right here. but is there a way to fully understand what happened in benghazi and the security challenges there without really
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knowing what was going on in what you describe as the annex, which i assume was covered in the classified version which has been publicly reported as a cia facility? it seems like we're only getting a part of the story because a lot that was going on there was classified. >> yeah, to the best of my recollection, action at the annex was also covered in the unclassified report. particularly in the discussion of what happened on the night of september 11th, 12th, 2012. and i would ask you to read that. i think it was done with care. it avoided the classified, but i think it's there. certainly that action was important in looking atç the whole picture, and we reviewed it. >> but in terms of the security position there, and what was happening before the attack, and whether there should have been more security or less security and why these sites are targeted. i mean, those sort of questions. it seems, you know, you have to tiptoe around some very important issues here. >> well, i didn't in the
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classified report, obviously. but i think it -- our report was heavily focused on the state department facility. that's correct. i think it is important to know that in our report, we listed a number of shortcomings. we held people responsible. it was a tough report. it was not an easy report for us to put together. all of that, if there are people who have questions, and if chairman issa has questions, i want to respond to all his questions. but i would certainly prefer to do it in public just as the criticisms of our report were made part of the public report. and my sense is that we have answers to those questions. i've spoken in a number of places about them. i'll be glad to speak to you about them here. >> you know, mr. ambassador, with all respect, and i think i do -- i do have rp fespect for . i'm not using it in the usual term where people don't mean it. i mean it. there are two questions that loom out there for the average person who reads the paper. why wasn't hillary clinton examined by you since she was apparently on the phone several
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hours after the first attack? let's start with that one. why tnt didn't you çinterview her? >> there are two pieces there. one, we had a good discussion with her just about a week before we wound up. that discussion took place after we had completed a number of our findings, including the fact of who made the decisions that affected security in ben gaugha and who reviewed those decisions? they did not go to secretary clinton. the second piece was on the night of she had meetings. we reviewed a number of the events at those meetings with the people who attended those meetings. had we had any additional questions, we would have asked them. there were no additional questions with respect to that. and i believe that we covered that thoroughly. >> the strange thing is, and we cover the news here almost 24/7 around here, and i didn't know that hillary was emven on the phone with tripoli until a couple days ago. wasn't that important to you to make sure that was highlighted? she was, in fact, engaged in the early troubleshooting here? in fact, after the tragedy was
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exposed? >> i believe that was covered in our report. certainly it was something we knew about. it was my understanding at the time that it had been in the public, but i could be wrong there, chris. >> okay. let me ask you the profound political charge made. david, with one last question here. the republican argument here, i generalize here, there was some sort of coverup in the way this tragedy which cost the lives of our people over there was presented by the administration. the charge is made that the white house made a point of puttingç susan rice, who is almost to me very much on the verge of being considered for secretary of state, put her on national television on "meet the press" with the idea of carrying the case, somehow this was not a case of terrorism so close to the election, but it was, in fact, a demonstration against a movie out in california, a controversial, in fact, i would say trouble making movie. it was really about that and turned into a riot and turned into a tragic attack on the facility there. and it was really all along
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known to be anshar sharia, all along known to be one of several attacks on our facilities over there and clearly a case of terrorism. it was covered up by the white house. your response? >> yeah, chris, our report did not cover the question of criminal culpability here. that was the fbi. so the question of who did it, when they did it, why they did it, and whether there are criminal charges against him is part of the fbi report which is ongoing. second ical secondly, our group did not review the question of the talking points. that happened after the fact. i don't believe it bore any relationship to the principle security questions under the law we were required to review. and i have to tell you that i'm not the expert on that, and i have really nothing to offer. i hope to clarify the questions you've got. those are questions obviously the people involved should respond to. i think they have by presenting the documents, but that'sç noty area of endeavor. >> okay. thank you, thank you very much. >> thanks, chris, very much.
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>> thomas pickering for coming on "hardball." thank you, david corn, as always for helping with this zblvrnl. h coming up, when you're right, you're wrong? the candidates in the senate primary in georgia are tripping over each other to say the most extreme things down there. we'll be back with some of the craziest. this is "hardball." the place for politics. ♪ [ agent smith ] i've found software that intrigues me. it appears it's an agent of good. ♪ [ agent smith ] ge software connects patients
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makes me feel even better, that's what i take. sorry, we take. [ male announcer ] centrum. the most recommended. most preferred. most studied. centrum, always your most complete. ha! back to "hardball." now to the sideshow. this past week was a banner one for minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann with the 37th house vote to try and repeal obama care. on top of that, bachmann's first 2014, you got it, 2014 campaign ad hit tv screens in minnesota. 17 months before the election out there. any guesses on the subject matter? >> great news, the u.s. house just passed my bill to repeal obama care. obama care promised us lower costs and a better health care
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system, but the truth is just the opposite. passing my bill is just the first step toward lower costs and improved health care. >> look, i've beenç watching these for years. i know what her problem is her. her pollster person is telling her she has wickedly bad numbers on the issue of effect ifness. she's trying to prove she's doing something but she isn't. next, georgia senate candidates. "mother jones" found whoppers in the quote file for the three republican candidates down there. paul brown, phil gingrey, and jack kingston, all currently u.s. congressmen. here it goes on the subject of why same-sex parents should not be allowed to adopt children. "if they wanted a babe by bad enough, they could make that choice." do you believe it? it's the 21st century. in other words, just don't be gay. next on the subject of evolution, jack kingston said, "i believe i came from god, not a monkey. i don't believe a creature crawled out of the sea and became a human being one day." is that what evolution is? finally, before obama care was
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passioned paul broun said, "if obama care passes, that free insurance card that's in people's pockets is going to be as worthless as a confederate dollar after the war between the states, the war of yankee aggression." that's a race to keep your eye on down there in georgia. i don't think can win there. karen hend l will be joining that race. she resigned from the susan g. komen foundation last year after her involvement in the decision to cut grants to planned parenthood. catch this headline from thç "washington post." "even obama's umbrellas are a scandal now." at yesterday's press conference with the turkish prime minister, the president called on marines for some cover when it started to rain. >> i am going to go ahead and ask folks, why don't we get a couple of marines, they're going to look good next to us, just because i want -- i've got a change of suits, but i don't know about our prime minister. there we go.
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that's good. you guys, i'm sorry. >> i thought he handled that well. how did the umbrellas become a point of debate? people like sarah palin who tweeted, "mr. president, when it rains, it pours, but most americans hold their own umbrellas." apparently palin doesn't always put herself in that most americans category. let's flash back to a drizzly day in 2008 when palin was the republican candidate for vice president. here she is exiting a plane, but thanks to that guy in front of her, she's not getting wet. how's that happening? oh, he's holding the umbrella for her. anyway, up next, republicans are desperate to keep those controversies alive, of course. now they're being advised to not bring up any legislation that would actually take the focus off benghazi, the "ap" and the irs. in other words, don't govern. grandstand. you're watching "hardball." the place for politics. ust woul. i was spotting, but i had already gone through menopause. these symptoms may be nothing... but they could be early warning signs of a gynecologic cancer, such as cervical, ovarian, or uterine cancer.
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i'm jane wells with your cnbc market wrap. stocks end the week on an up note. the dow jumps 121 points to finish at yet another all-time high. the s&p adds 17. also hitting another record in the nasdaq at 33. consumer sentiment a bright spot this month. it rose to its highest level since july of 2007. and a report from the labor department shows hiring is improving. unemployment fell in 40 states last month. that's it from cnbc. first in business worldwide. now back to "hardball." welcome back to "hardball." a crisis is a terrible thing to waste, of course. the gop knows that. you better believe they do. about 1/3 of all house committees are now investigating the obama administration in one form or another thanks no part to a trio of administration
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missteps. i'll call them that. the thing is that doesn't take away any of the major issues facing this country. then things like immigration, tax reform, the debt ceiling, the economy, jobs. but faced with a choice of doing something on those issues, versus doing nothing byç keepi the scandal drumbeat alive. some conservatives are pressing the party to take the path of least resistance. do nothing. just where will that take them? john feehery is here. he's a republican expert. nira tanden is the president of center for american progress. your group wasn't tagged by the irs. american is apparently not a word that causes trouble. >> we started in 2003 under the bush administration. it's all good. >> this is a draft. anyway. this is what i'm talking about. the conservative heritage action for america group, is urging republicans to stay on the scandals. in a letter to house leaders john boehner and eric cantor, "it could be imprudent to do anything that shifts the focus from the obama administration to the ideological differences within the house republican conference. to that end we urge you to avoid bringing any legislation to the
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house floor that could expose or highlight major schisms within the conference." little catholic word there. schisms. john feehery, i want to start you. is this good politics to focus entirely on the drumbeat? irs, fbi going after "ap" and benghazi and don't allow immigration to come up which will be divisive and don't focus on things, anything else that might be divisive, like a jobs bill. >> i think it's a bad strategy. i think at the end of the day the house republicans have to govern. i think they have to get things done. i think immigration is very important. i think john boehner has said they're focused on jobs. i think if anything, where this comes with irs, link it to obama is going to be a big issue. it would be good if they came up with an alternative to obama care. >> alternative? it's in law. >> they have to repeal it. >> 38th time. >> before you slip over to that ba baby, you can't repeal unless the senate agrees to repeal then you have to get the president's signature. >> they'll repeal it at some point. >> they're going to get a 2/3 vote in both houses?
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when is that going to happen? >> last point. this irs thing shows that there's a need for fundamental tax reform. i think the president, this would help get the president out of this thing. >> how would it work? >> you know what, simplify the tax code as much as possible. maybe two or three rates. and get rid of all those loopholes except for some -- >> what about the tax exempt status of501cs? >> you want to form a political organization like yours, you should have to pay taxes. >> how about paying taxes on all the political contributions we all make or people make? i can't make them. everybody else makes them. >> if you make a political contribution, you don't get a tax break for that. >> i know you don't. why should these groups be tax-free then? >> they're got giving campaign contributions. >> oh. >> what they're doing is they're exercising their fundamental -- >> in other words, if it doesn't go for the candidate -- >> you're talking about -- >> here's the question. are the republicans smart to focus on the democrats when they're down on the irs? i think the irs is a problem
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unless they fire a lot of people and a are pleased of this. that's my thought. do you think something big has t to be done at irs? >> they should find out who did what wrong and those people should be punished. absolutely. democrats and republicans. fired. they should be fired. absolutely should be fired. >> as long as they're still. >> they should be heard. the issue with this letter, it's great advice to the house republican congress, is it represents exactly what people hate in washington which is only focus on partisan posturing and ways to hurt your political opponents instead of doing your job to solve the country's problems. i think you're seeing that with the polls out today which is people think jobs and the economy is what's really important and they don't think irs or all these other issues. with all due respect, the irs issue is really about the fact we have a campaign finance system that's been run amok by a supreme court -- >> you guys need reform. i've never believed in long-term reform. let me ask you about current
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questions. i hear from everybody in and out of the republican party they know they face a problem with hispanics. they've lost the african-american vote for years. that goes back probably to the '60s. the problems they had back then with civil rights not supporting enough. your party was good in civil rights in certain cases. certainly the passage of the '64 bill. you have to get the hispanic vote back. if that continues to grow over time and grows all democrat, 90% like the black vote is, you're finishe"hin terms of winning national elections. is it better for you to get an immigration bill that shows your party is fair and open to immigration, or fair to keep beating the drum on scandal? if you have to choose. the republican party may be split on immigration. is it gbetter to do immigration reform? >> in 1998 we focused on the impeachment of clinton. we lost seats because of it. we have a vested interest in getting hispanics, more into the middle class so they can vote for republicans. i think not only that, this is
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the whole point. you have to pass immigration reform because it's a long-term strategy. if you focus completely on scandal, it's a short-term loser. >> is he right? >> absolutely. i mean, i remember '98, bill clinton, second term, third election. picked up five seats. that happened, five seats in the house. that happened because republicans overreached. this is something that has benefited -- >> i'm going to hit you with a question. >> go ahead. >> part of my closing remarks. somebody said, a football coach, b best defense is good offense. if the democrats were talking jobs, jobs, jobs, immigration, the engine would be moving. something would happen. they seem stuck in the water right now. >> i think the president today was -- he was talking about jobs today in baltimore. >> does he have a big jobs bill? >> this is a big thing. >> you don't have a big jobs bill. the biggest mystery in thisç administration -- no. you're great. but the biggest -- you can't change the president but i can criticize him. i do occasionally. you know when i criticize him? he's not doing what every
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democratic president ought to stand for. create for jobs. fight for them in the government, what the private sector is not doing. people have to work. that's the number one thing in this country, have a job. stop the drumbeating on the bad side. your good side. you do have one. nira, you do, too. thank you. up next, the latest report on our series "the unkindest cut." we have a real hero coming here tonight. francis collins. he's coming to talk about health research which affects all of us like my mom who died from alw s alzheim alzheimers. pancreatic cancer. we have to deal with these issues. doris taerbaum finished her first marathon at 50. not everyone peaks in their twenties. throughout their lives. passion keeps them realizing possibilities. an ally for real possibilities. aarp. find tools and support at
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where the little things mean everything. well, we have new polling data for some of the hot races coming up. let's check the "hardball" scoreboard. first to massachusetts. a new ppp poll shows u.s. congressman ed markey with a seven-point lead over republican gomez in the special election for the u.s. senate. it's markey 48%, gomez 41%. that election takes place at the end of june. next to the governor's race in virginia. a hot one down there. a quinnipiac poll shows terry mcauliffe leading over republican attorney general ken cuccinelli by five amongç registered voters. 43%-38%. a republican leaning poll, cuccinelli is up by eight. these polls are all over the place. 44%-36%. that's among likely voters. this is too early, but we'll be right back. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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[ male announcer ] home insurance that saves you money for not having a claim? that's allstate home insurance with claim free rewards. talk to an allstate agent... [ doorbell rings ] and let the good life in. back to "hardball." our series with the the unkindest cut." we have showcased the way congress's arbitrary across the board spending cuts has had real world negative effects on people across this country, like cuts to head start for children, meals on wheels for the home bound. we look at cuts for funding for medical research. cutting funding for the national institutes of health. the largest supporter of biomedical research in the world means delays to the universal flu vaccine that could fight every strain of flu. no more rolling of the dice hoping your type of flu is covered by the flu shot. cancer drugs, developments that would isolate the disease and cause less trauma to the rest of
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the body and research on drugs that could lessen debilitating effects of old age. i guess we're awarded for the human geno project. one of our regular guests is joy reid. dr. collins, i've met you a number of times. so short-term, long-term effects, when i hear pancreatic, alzheimer's, i know we're in trouble with somebody. somebody's in real trouble. what's going on right now in all of these areas? >> chris, this is the paradox that research in pancreatic cancer, bdiabetes is at a remarkable pitch. amazing progress being made at an expo nen initial rate and yet we are here where the science is moving as fast as it has and the
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support for that science because of the sequester is under a greater threat than it ever has been. and the risks in terms of slowing down a remarkable advance in medical research, many are quite substantial but people may not feel that today. >> who's going to tell them? we have to tell them. you are telling them. the suns cutting back on medical research at a time when other countries are ramping up their fund. look at this bar chart. this is stunning. china and india increased their spending 20% between 2011 and 2012. south korea, brazil, up 10%. germany is up 9%. the united states has been cutting by 5%. they are down and we are all up. >> isn't that amazing? they read our playbook. they looked at the american success for the last 60 years where our growth is coming from science and technology and now it's bio med that is leading that and we seem to have forgotten our own story. >> joy, you step in with your
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thoughts. every time a dictator has power in the world and gets sick, he comes here. this is where you come from the state-of-the-art medicine, state-of-the-art science if you're trying to extend your life by a year or two. we're doing the peer research and somebody else doing the applied research. why do you think this is happening? >> chris, it goes to show you the blunt instrument of the sequester and how hard it hit across programs like poverty programs, science programs. where were the constituents and members of congress? it used to be a bipartisan belief that we need to invest in science. bobby jindal tweeted while we were in the break that democrats and liberals don't believe in the dynamic power of freedom. there's only certain things that the government can do. when the levees broke, that was a government. no private company is going to take us to space. that was about science and
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improving the human condition and that used to be a bipartisan thing. we used to all believe that america should lead but now we're just cutting away all of the things that are the best that our country's government is capable of doing and it's really sad that no one stood up and talked about this when the sequester was going into place. >> tell me about diabetes research. >> well, gosh, my own lab work is on diabetes. i know a lot about this. >> so do i. >> i know you do, chris. we have made more discoveries about the causes of diabetes than any time before that. we've learned what the genetic factors are that place people at risk and point us to new pathways waiting for the next drug development to achieve. we're waiting for an opportunity now to build an artificial pancreas to supply people insulin that feeds back your gl glucose levels. >> in my time?
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>> it should be in your time but when we lose $1.6 billion because of the sequester, we swallow a poison pill. it slows down everything. >> on dementia, how much are we slowing down because of these cuts? >> dementia, we just had this report, figuring that the united states is spending probably $200 billion a year on care of individuals with alzheimer's disease and how much are we spending on the research? oh, about 500 million and now it's 5% less than that. just at the point where we were trying to ramp this up and their great new ideas about the science of alzheimer's in terms of figuring out ways to do prevention and treatment. but you know what i worry about most, the young scientisting coming into the field and they are looking at this landscape in the united states and going, well, maybe there's not a career here for me. >> the best people do something else. >> or move to another country where they'll get better -- >> joy, last thought here, politics are pretty damming.
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>> absolutely. at the time when we're talking about cutting long-term health care costs, this is short-term thinking. we're speeding towards the time when half of the country will be seniors. we need to cut the medical spending and the only way to do that is with scientific research. >> thank you both. francis collins, thank you. nih. he's heading it. we want to hear more about cuts that are affecting you. tweet us at unkindestcut or go to we'll be right back for a minute. ♪ ♪ wonder if i gave an oreo to we'll be right back for a minute. who i didn't know ♪ ♪ would they laugh after i'd gone? ♪ ♪ or would they pass that wonder on? ♪
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jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature's cool like that. citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. let me finish tonight with this. i believe the best way to deal with this week for the president is to adjust the way he does business. this is his second term. it's a dangerous time because it tends to be when presidents get into trouble. think of iran contrawith reagan, think back further to roosevelt's term when he tried to pack the supreme court. what happens is you get surrounded by people afraid to challenge you, maybe they think you are too great because you've been elected president twice. well, the problem is, the people who survive in the second term can include cheerleaders who don't help you when you need help, when you're on the verge of doing something wrong. this president needs an offensive team for a way of finding ways to get things done,
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like making health care actually work, creating millions more jobs. he also needs a defensive team that enforces solid, honest progressive action by the government agencies and troubleshoots problems. he shouldn't have to read in the paper that some agency is screwing up, shouldn't have to learn what the justice department is up to. offense and defense, he needs a team that will deliver on both. and that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "politicsnation" with al sharpton starts right now. thanks, chris, and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lied, republicans creating so-called scandals instead of jobs. republicans are on a mission to make a scandal out of anything. but at a factory in baltimore today, the president made it clear that he's not using controversy to play politics. instead, he's trying to try to fight for jobs in the middle class. >> ino
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