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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  May 20, 2013 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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good morning, i'm chris jansing. congress gearing up for another big week of hearings on the irs scandal. tuesday it is the senate finance committee, wednesday the house committee on oversight and government reform. this morning we're learning more about the timing. senior administration officials tell nbc news that the white house's chief lawyer learned about the audit weeks ago. white house senior adviser dan pfeiffer trying to clear the air doing five sunday talk shows. he said the administration will deal with the irs issue but republicans are going too far. >> we've seen this play book from the republicans before. what they want to do when they're lacking a positive agenda is drag washington into a swamp of partisan fishing expeditions, trumped up hearings. we're not going to let that happen. >> the controversy isn't hurting
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the president's poll numbers. they're up slightly in a cnn poll, similar uptick from another gallup poll. it's not stopping republicans who seem to be uniting under a narrative of this is what happens under big government. >> this is arrogance. this is big government cronyism and this is not what hard working taxpayers deserve. >> big government was promised to be able to deal with these issues and solve these problems. that's being brought into questions. it's good to see both of you. happy monday. i guess the big question is who knew what when? carney said last week the office
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was informed in late april but she didn't tell the president. is that one of the key outstanding questions? >> i think that that's what the republicans are going to continue to hammer home. as this investigation continue, how far up did it go and who knew besides the white house counsel and when the president said he learned it and when the news broke and who else in the white house knew and why didn't they act sooner? those are the questions the republicans are going to continue to hammer. if the white house wants to get beyond the news story, it's going to have to do a better job of getting all the information out. if it continues to dribble out piece by piece, it will hard to get back on message. >> it is interesting to see the polls and see the president tracking slightly upwards. at least at this point it hasn't hurt him. the politico headline is,
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obama's political foundation is starting to crack and those tremors are being felt by house democrats who have been fordsed to defend these abuses of power. you wonder if it's firing up the republican base. >> the democrats certainly have cause for concern in that area. mid-term elections tend to skew more conservative, older and have demographics that favor republicans anyway. 2010 obviously was a huge year for republican gains in the house and senate and there was a -- a notion coming out of 2012 that democrats would be able to kind of hold their own in the mid-term elections. obviously barack obama won very handily but scandals like this, especially the irs scandal, which seems tailor made to really boost energy among the tea party, what greater villain is there than the irs for the tea party.
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something like that really can galvanize the movement and cause republicans to flood to the ballot boxes next year. >> i thought it was really interesting, manu, to that point when i was reading about this weekend's virginia state republican convention, so many of the speakers talked about how angry they were over the irs scandal and apparently every time they just said irs, the crowd roared. >> right. that's right. i mean, i think the movement senses an opportunity to rejuvenate it was after what we saw in '12. mitt romney was not really a tea party guy. they lost two seats in the senate, lost seats in the house. i think there is an effort, an opening by the republican base, by the activists to try to seize this scandal, take its momentum forward and give itself an opportunity to actually impact in '14. but, look, there's still a lot of time until those elections take place. i think the most immediate impact that may be felt is on recruiting, if both in the
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senate and the house democrats have a harder time finding candidates because they feel that the environment is ripe for republicans, that may actually have a bigger impact on the electio elections. but whether this is actually an issue come next november is very hard to say. >> on the flip side the white house doesn't want to give up whatever momentum it felt it had on things like immigration, the economy doing much better. if you look at the unemployment rate, which is going down and the stock market which seems to keep going up. the "new york times" reporting today that dennis mcdonough, who is a directing white house -- he's the president's chief of staff is directing white house staffers to spend no more than 10% of their time on these issues. >> right. i mean, i think that was, you know, a calculated decision both to show that we're not going to be deterred from our agenda for all of this. let's keep in mind that this could be very good for the tea party and for republicans, but it could also represent an opportunity for the tea party
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and the conservative base, as it often does, to overreach. we're already hearing talk about impeachment hearings. i think that most americans, as you showed, president obama's numbers are already up. i don't think most americans think this is an impeachable offense. >> some republicans are already saying quit talking, it's not watergate. >> exactly. as rhetoric like that continues to spread, i think republican elites are going to try to tamp down some of that enthusiasm a little bit. >> i want to bring our congressman polis, the democrat from colorado. quote, we like to play in democratic districts. >> this has nothing to do with governmentic congress.
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democrats in congress want to get to the bottom of this as much as republicans. i agree completely with president obama that it's outrageous. i think most house democrats feel the same way. i think the other question, who directed this effort, where did it start? let me play for you what two republican senators said. >> i have a very hard time believing this is something cooked up in cincinnati from mid-level employees at the irs. >> i find it very hard to believe that lower level employees here in cincinnati, ohio took this on themselves. >> how do you begin to answer that question and do you want to get to the bottom of that? where did this all start? >> absolutely. house democrats, myself included, are committed to getting to the bottom of it and figuring out how it appears like organizations were looked at or evaluated differently because of their name. this is something that strikes at the core of kind of the trust of the irs as a fair agency to oversee our tax system. again, house democrats agree completely with president obama
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that it's outrageous, there's no excuse for it, let's get to the bottom of it. frankly, i'm happy one head has already rolled, the interim director of the irs. >> i want to talk about a bill that you and justin amash has introduced that would stop federal agency from seeking phone records without a court order. would that what happened with the associated press? >> most likely. this would have probably been the main story for the week had it not been for the others. looks like over 100 reporters have asked for their records to be turned over about a leak without the right controls. the government would have to go to a court rather than have j administrative subpoena. it needs to be targeted. they can't cast a broad net and have a fishing expedition like it appears they did in this case.
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>> there does seem to be a perception often that there are these issues that come up, whether you want to call them scandals or not, there are hearings that are held and not very much gets done. >> well, you know, it's sometimes tough in this town as you probably heard. we have to look for the silver linings. if the upshot of the a.p. scandal is it allows for more republican support for advancing civil liberties, let's try to get a bill to president obama's desk to make sure the press corps can maintain its integrity. >> congressman polis, thank you for coming on. >> let's fautalk a little bit at benghazi. republicans continued to beat the drum. let's me play a little of mitch mcconnell. >> the administration kind of made up a tale here in order to make it seem like it wasn't a terrorist attack. i think that's worthy of
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investigation and the investigations ought to go forward. >> wants the investigation to go forward. after the release of e-mails by the white house and certainly no smoking gun in there, is this one at least losing steam? >> yeah. it was interesting, we had three scandals we were dealing with last week. i spent some time listening to conservative talk radio and even with these two new controversies with the irs and with the justice department subpoenas, benghazi still was getting the most play on conservative talk radio. >> is it because of the hillary factor? >> i think it is. i think that's a big issue. last year the political motivations behind the benghazi investigation and there are real concerns there as well, but the political concerns were with trying to derail obama's reelection. now the target is hillary clinton. she represents the biggest threat in 2016 to the republicans taking back the white house and i think we're going to continue to see them beat this drum as long as they possibly can to try to drag
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hillary. >> caller: -- hillary into this mess. >> we saw republicans try to flip it over because they say she didn't change the narrative. >> i think they are trying to portray this as a partisan witch hunt. i think the best they can hope for is to win the public relations war. these investigations will continue, there will be more hearings, maybe hillary clinton will come up to the hill. >> do you think? >> there may be more revelations that could make it uncomfortable for the administration. i think the white house really wants to try to make the case that this is republican overreach, republican witch hunt and see that maybe they can win the battle of public opinion on this matter. >> do you think they'll try to
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get hillary clinton back on to capitol hill? >> i think they'll try. if i were betting on this, i will bet she has not come back. she's done her duty, she's been there. unless some other smoking gun emerges, i don't see any reason for her to come back. >> good to have you on the program. thank you. >> what a mess. the threat of severe weather isn't over yet. at least one person was killed, 21 injured when storms ripped through several states. take a look and listen to what some torn doado hunters working with the weather channel's jim cantore found between edmund and torres, indiana. >> okay, windows up. windows up. >> don't drop down! >> it is crossing the interstate
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right now! >> those storms were so violent in kansas, they forced the weather team there off the air. >> in 20 years i've never said this but i think it's our time to go. >> we're leaving the radar image up but it is time for all of us to get to shelter. get to shelter right now. ryan newton now! everybody, let's go! >> fortunately everybody was fine. we'll get a live report coming up in our next half hour. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent travel purchases. and with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what's this button do? [ electricity zaps ] ♪ you requested backup? yes.
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some of you are graduating suma cum laude, some of you are
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graduating magna cum laude. i know some of you are just graduating thank you laude. >> that is president obama speaking at commencement at morehouse college sunday. about 65% of grads are left with a tough reality, student loans to pay. the numbers are astonishing. student loan debt tripled over the last decade to $1.1 trillion. that is nearly 9% of all consumer debt, second only to what we owe on our mortgages. and when paying off loans, significant numbers of young people are putting off buying a house or a car or having a family. economists are increasingly worried about what that means for the national economy. i want to bring in neal irwin, author of "the aleichemists."
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65% of graduates take out student loans and the average debt is about $26,000. we hear about people coming out of law school $100,000 in debt. what is the immediate impact of these loans on the economy? >> you think about it, you're starting out in a career, you're trying to build a career, trying to buy a house, get a car, get on a pathway toward your life. if you have that overhang of debt, it harder to do that. if you have trouble getting a job, you end up in default and can't get a mortgage for many years. the challenge is for these young graduates is can they become fully fledged members of society with this debt overhanging? >> senator kirsten gillebrand offering a bill that would force
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institutions to refinance. three quarters of all student loans carry rates of 6% to 8%. >> it could help. as the government has subsidized student loans, it's gone into higher college costs. if rates come down, does that translate into higher tuition and the same total debt burden for students? the trick is to find a way to reduce college costs not just in terms of tuition rate but the actual tuition students are facing. >> and then institutions will generate $20 billion in loans. will they want to give up those profits? >> is there some way to make sure the profits are going to help people be educated and be
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able to get on the path to homeownership and life more generally. >> have there been any studies about how this impacts the kind of jobs people take. a study showed 6 in 10 graduates regretted the college finance but once you've done it, you're stuck with. >> if you have $200,000 in law school debt, you have to take a commercial job that's going to pay you well so you can make those payments. it's true on a smaller scale for und undergraduates. if you're going to be a teacher and you're sitting on a $50,000 student loans, that's difficult to do. >> i think my first radio job paid $90 a month. if i had a big student debt, that would not have happened. neal irwin, it is a very
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important and fascinating topic. thanks for coming on. >> appreciate it. >> president obama gave a very personal address to the nation's only historically black college, all male. he reflected on his own struggles. >> and i will tell you, class of 2013, whatever success i have achieved, whatever positions of leadership i have held have depended less on ivy league degrees or s.a.t. scores or g.p.a.s and have instead been due to that sense of connection and empathy, the special obligation i felt as a black man, like you, to help those who need it most, people who didn't have the opportunities that i had because there but for the grace of god go i. i might have been in their shoes. i might have been in prison. i might have been unemployed. i might not have been able to support a family and that motivates me.
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to politics now and right now the senate judiciary committee is still working on the immigration bill. these senators have to deal with a new wrinkle today, a union representing 12,000 government workers is now publicly opposing the gang of 8 bill. in the letter the president of the u.s. citizenship and immigration services writes "officers are pressured to rubber stamp applications instead of conducting diligent case review and investigation." congressman ed markey is out with a new campaign ad going after his opponent on gun laws. >> gomez is against banning assault weapons and banning high capacity magazines like the ones used in the newtown school shooting. >> i don't believe you should have a limit on high-capacity magazines.
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>> the local web site minpost report they're looking into allegations campaign financial gagss in michele bachmann's campaign. >> ask a man to flex and you can find out more about his political muscle. wealthy men with large biceps were less supportive of social welfare programs than rich men with small biceps. and amy poehler showed up on "saturday night live" to crack a few jokes about the irs. >> really tea party? you are surprised you're targeted about the irs? you named yourself after a group of people who proudly and historically violated tax laws. if i had a vanity played that said weed 420, i might expect to get pulled over now and then. >> if you had that license plate? >> not now. >> if you read only one thing
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this morning, my must read is about a proposal in california based pretty much on this proposition: if a bus driver is subject to random drug testing, after all he's got your kids' lives in his hand, well, shouldn't a doctor? let me know what you think. it's up on our facebook page at facebook/jansingco. have a gooood nig. here youou go. you, , too. i'm goining to dream about t that steaka. i'i'm going toto dream about thatat tiramisu.u. whwhat a nightht, huh? but, u um, can thehe test drivie be over nonow? head b back to the d dealership?p?
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[ mamale announcncer ] it's praractically y yours. but we stitill need yourur signaturere. volklkswagen sigign then dririe is back. anand it's nevever been eaeasir to get a a passat. that's's the powerer of german n engineerining. get $0$0 down, $0 0 due at sig, $0 depososit, anand $0 firstst month's p pt on any n new volkswawagen.
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senator rand paul is taking his presidential ambitions to new hampshire today. the first term senator delivering the key note address at a gop dinner in the state with the first primary. he also has plans to visit south carolina and nevada, which play host to the following two nominating contests. but with the buzz over candidates like paul, marco rubio and ted cruz, will republicans shut out the independent voters they need with that move to the right? i good to see you, gentlemen. good morning.
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>> good to be here. >> good morning. >> if those are the candidates serious about running and they certainly are giving some indications that they might be, is there a turn to the right that's good for the republicans in the primaries maybe but better for the democrats in the general? >> you know, that's a great question. i think that the key for republicans going forward is we got to have solutions to these problems. we just can't be against thing. we just can't be against barack obama. i think if you look at the gentleman that you are talking about as a potential candidates, these new senators, they're younger, they have pressure ideas, they're thought approximately. i know ted cruz, he's a thoug thoughtful, well educated guy with solutions to our problems. as conservatives can be seen as answering the questions what can you do to solve the problems the country has, people all across the spectrum will look at them. >> they have also at times taken the lead at critics.
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particularly let me give you the example of senator paul criticizing hillary clinton about benghazi. >> i think it's pretty important that she accept blame for not providing security. she was asked repeatedly to provide security in benghazi on several occasions, including direct cables and she says she never read the cables on security. i find that inexcusable and a dereliction of duty. >> in a poll last week hillary clinton led all the other democrats by at least 50 points, that's 5-0. but i don't know that we're going to see any let up on them going after hillary clinton, the republicans going after hillary clinton. could that damage her? >> no, it will damage republicans. look what happened to her husband. republicans right now in congress are marginally more popular than syphilis. the more they go after the president and the more they go after hillary clinton, the more it will lift them up. last week obama's numbers went up.
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they show you they have a pair of 2s and then they push it in and go all in. these guy does not know how to play poker. >> let's take the example of at the time cruz. i think, matt, here are some questions that are going to be raised given by some moderates, some independents. he voted against hurricane sand rerelief, he voted against the violence against women act, john kerry's nomination. where does that put him with the middle that the republicans have got to have if they're going to win the presidency? >> i think you have to characterize it in this way, which is this country is still a conservative country. by far ideologically the largest block of voters time and time again about 40% are conservative. to be able to count on their support is the most important thing to be elected president. and then of course you have to reach out to those who would consider themselves independents and moderates. if you look at someone like marco rubio, someone like at the time cruz, they're offering
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solutions to the problems that the nation -- >> voting against the violence against women act? >> that was not a vote against violence against women. that bill was great lily expand and went into all issues, including civil libertarians. >> voting against hurricane sandy aid? >> do you know how many trillions of dollars we are in debt? these are legitimate questions that middle america wants to us focus on and get answers to. >> senator rubio has been busy with immigration reform, which some suggest has laid the groundwork for a 2016 run. just last week he was very vocal on the irs controversy, an issue that has reignited the tea party. he was the first republican to call for the chief of irs's resignation. how do you rate him in terms of positioning for 2016? is he doing some of the right things? >> he's in a box because he appeals to the independents that
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you spoke of but you can't get theut n going through the tea party now. and in a january poll republicans said that they liked the irs more than they like the tea party. the tea party is death in a general election, but they're the only way to a republican nomination. so rubio isn't trusted by the tea party right now. that's why he's trying to play politics with the irs scandal. that's why ted cruz and rand paul are the odds-on favorites to get the nomination and lose by historic margins against hillary clinton. >> we are just beginning. we'll have you back, especially during the immigration back. thank you. >> oklahoma is bracing for another round of severe weather as another storm system takes aim at that state, the national weather service says tornadoes and baseball-sized hail are a good possibility later today. that threat extends from texas through missouri. it comes, of course, just one day after tornadoes ripped through the midwest. one person was killed.
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we are live in hard hit shawnee, oklahoma. what are you seeing? it does not look good behind you. >> hi, chris. it's really a heart breaking scene. this home belongs to the brickers. they have lived here 28 years, raised two children, have frequent visits from their grandchildren. this home is a total loss. what they have now is a small armty of friends and family making a trash pile and a save pile. this is a scene being repeated all over this region today. you know the nature of tornadoes. they'll hit one home and destroy everything and i can see half a block away from here, chris, another home that's virtual li untouched. and the race is on because as you indicated, we're expecting perhaps even stronger storms for a wide area but specifically dallas here to oklahoma city late this afternoon. so they've only got a few hours to do their work. can you really see from the aerial pictures the devastation. it did take out a mobile home
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park. we have one confirmed death here in oklahoma, 21 injuries, three or four of those are said to be critical and we are again expecting more weather later today -- excuse me, i've got dust in my eye from the particles. everything is floating around here. but we are racing the clock because this region could potentially get hit again and that would just be awful for these people who are really trying to pick up the pieces of their life at this point, chris. >> yeah. let's hope as that storm goes through it doesn't have significant impact there. janet, thank you so much. take care. >> checking the news feed this morning, a new york city man is being held without bail for allegedly shooting a man point blank after yelling gay slurs. police say 32-year-old mark carson didn't do anything to antagonize the suspect. he was pronounced dead at the hospital. saturday's shooting is the latest in a string of bias attacks against the lbgt community in new york.
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mayoral candidate christine quinn is helping to organize a vigil tonight. >> and john kerry will press for peace talks between the syrian government and the opposition. his biggest challenge may be from russia, which continues to provide president assad's regime with aid. >> and analyst says launches from north korea appear to be weapons test or an attempt to get u.s. attention. it only further deepens the north's isolation. >> jody arias could be back on the stand as early as today as jurors consider whether to season terse her to death for the murder of her ex-boyfriend. in a post-conviction interview, she said death is, quote, the ultimate freedom. even if the jury gives her the
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death penalty, there is an automatic appeal. >> tens of thousands of new york commuters are facing a travel nightmare after a train derailed and crashed into another train over the weekend. 70 people were hurt. some of them are still in the hospital. without train service, the governor warned roads will become parking lots. >> and an emotional good-bye for soccer superstar david beckham. he finished his career yesterday with the french team psg. after 22 years beckham said he wanted to retire on top. and that he, did becoming the first english player to win championships in four different countries, including with the l.a. galaxy. >> yahoo!'s billion dollar debt. kay kayla, they bought tumbler for more than a billion bucks. >> that's right.
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and yahoo! promised not to screw it up, an interesting comment that startups often after that once they sell to a big company, the atmosphere changes. they have over 100 million blogs hosted on its site. it's yahoo!'s biggest purchase if over a decade. it's also a move similar to yahoo!'s rivals like google and facebook, both of which have been moving to buy social businesses for years. david carp started tumbler at age 20. he's now 26 and he still has a majority stake in that business, chris. >> i read he could get $200 million out of this. not bad at 26. maybe he's going to want to look at this estate in greenwich,
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connecticut. it went up for sale just this past week and it's now believed to be the most expensive listing in the entire united states. how much are we talking about here? >> let's just say david carp could barely afford this estate. it $190 million, it's the price tag of this waterfront estate in greenwich, 12 bedrooms, seven full bathrooms and two offshore private islands. the property sits in total on 50 acres and apparently is a fixer-upper according to one report i read. apparently the kitchen is a little bit shoddy. only a handful of properties have listed above that $100 million price tag. apparently what they're trying to do is split up the 50 acres into several smaller estates. still pretty pricey. >> now why would you?
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only $190 million. 0 million. could you have your privacy. >> "star trek" into darkness went boldly where its predecessor went in 2009. the see kwquel took in $70.6 million. the iron man $35 million. "the great gatsby" was third and pain and gain was fourth, "the croods" was fifth. i don't like to golf. i love to golf. ♪ [ grunts ] yowza! that's why i eat belvita at breakfast. it's made with delicious ingredients and carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts... we are golfing now, buddy! [ grunts ]
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...all morning long. i got it! for the win! uno mas! getting closer! belvita breakfast biscuits -- steady energy to do what i do all morning long.
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to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. that was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again, and now i gotta take more pills. ♪ yup another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] this may, buy aleve and help those in need. lawmakers are going after some predatory lenders who they say are going after members of the military, gouging them with double digit, even triple digit interest rates. a new report from pro publica found one marine sergeant took out a $1,600 loan. after fees and interest, his annual percentage rate was 4
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ho4 -- 400%. the total cost, over $17,000. that's shocking. but then you've got a company in texas you write about charging nearly 600% interest to borrow $400 for five months. you heard about an army purple heart recipient who lost his car after taking out one of these loans. is this legal? >> it's legal as long as you kind of shape the loan in a certain way. so congress passed a law back in 2006 that said we're going to target pay day loans and other short-term loans that keep people in the debt cycle. but they define it narrowly. >> so how do they targ the them? how do they get them in? >> you go to net base, we visited bases in georgia, texas. you don't have to look very hard. they're right outside the base, they line the entrance to the bases. >> i think you actually have -- we have a map. seven lenders are set up within a mile and a half of the
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entrance to fort benning, georgia. >> right. they're lining right up. and some of them specifically target service members, they have military-type sounding names. some only lend to military families. so it's clearly what their business is. and you have a lot of young soldiers there, there's like a major concern about this sort of thing. they haven't had to tweak their products to get around the law. >> people who may not make a lot of money and may not have a lot of experience with this stuff. what are lenders saying about this? >> i did talk to some lenders and representatives. they make the same argument they make for anyone and that is we offer fast cash with discretion. as a concern for some of these soldiers because it can be a pretty big problem for them, they can lose their security clearance -- >> they can lose their security
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clearance if they end up with bad credit? >> yes. and their commands are get involved. we heard from the soldiers this is the reason they went to these places. it starts out as a small problem and ends in a much larger problem when you lose your car because you get one of these loans. >> what are lawmakers doing about it? if you're getting to the point where superior officers are getting involved, people are losing their security clearance, obviously this is a serious problem. are there proposals to fix this? >> the pentagon is going to conduct a survey, get an idea of what products are out there and what new rules are needed to capture some of these products that got around the law very easily. >> is there any indication at these bases there's help available for folks who do get in trouble? >> there are resources on base. that's what makes this problem particularly vexing. they have these aid programs where they can get a 0% loan, but they -- sometimes it does involve getting their commanding officers involved so they want to avoid that process.
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but military personnel have options that civilians don't. so, you know, the arguments that the industry often makes if you take these types of products away people won't have anywhere to make a loan that, doesn't fly as much with military personnel. >> and after they get into trouble, is there help for them? >> well, we talked to one commanding officer who has commanded officers in iraq and afghanistan and he says a big part of being a commanding officer is you end up being somewhat of a financial counselor. you have to work with your soldiers, you have these young soldiers that get into these situations and you have to help them out. there are lawyers on base. >> it was fascinating but disheartening to read. thank you so much. >> today's tweet of the day cites a new report saying "more
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poor live in suburbs that in urban areas. poverty shift has left more urban agency unprepared. so what do you smell? beach house and you're looking out over the ocean. some place like, uh, hawaii in like a flower field. take your blindfolds off. aw man! [ screams ] [ laughs ] that smells good. i wouldn't even just put it in the trash, i'd put it in every room. stick it to eliminate odors anywhere. new febreze stick & refresh. breathe happy. hodoes your dog food have?s stick it to eliminate odors anywhere. 30? 20? new purina one beyond has 9. the simplified purina one beyond. learn more about these wholesome ingredients at still doesn't feel real. our time together was... so short. well, since you had progressive's total loss coverage, we were able to replace your totaled bike with a brand-new one. the tank, the exhaust... well, she looks just like roxy!
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you know, i'll bet she's in a better place now. i'm sure she is. [ ethereal music plays ] [ motorcycle revving ] getting you back on a brand-new bike. now, that's progressive.
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in florida, they are looking to take action after the state shortened the length of yellow lights. a recent inspector general report questioned whether the placement of red light cameras was for safety reasons only. in san diego they've eliminated those cameras all together. we're here with the drill down on this coast-to-coast controversy. a lot of people wishing all those cameras would go away. >> a second can be millions of dollars. when it comes to yellow lights, one, two, three seconds, the shorter they're on, the more tickets are issued. now a report from florida station wtsp says yellow light times are getting shorter. at 35 miles an hour the standard is a yellow light on for 3.6
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seconds. at 45 miles an hour, 4.3. but wtsp found times cut by a third or entire full second in some florida communities, below federal standards. this is a form u ula used to calculate yellow light times the shorter yellow times yielded $50 million more dollars last year and perhaps more this year. the controversial summary ignites another controversy, surrounding intersections with red light cameras. because that is where many yellow light times have been reduced. >> when traffic violations are enforced, violations go down. >> they are designed to steal money from innocent people. >> now critics argue shorter yellow light times exacerbate tickets given to those who stop just over the white line, who didn't quite clear the intersection before it turns red or turns right on a red.
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but the city of albuquerque saw a major drop in tickets over five years, going down by almost 80% and the insurance institute for highway safety says red light cameras nationwide cut crashes by a quarter and fatalities by 17%. what's unknown is if shorter yellow light times makes intersections safer or not. >> but we do know it puts more money into the pockets of -- >> oh, yes, 50 million in florida. >> tornado ripped through five states, killing five people and injuring more than 20 others. we'll take you live on the ground in oklahoma. then pleading for her life in just a couple of hours, jodi arias will be back on the witness stand, this time in the penalty stage of her trial. and as the white house plays defense on the irs and other scandals, the president's approval ratings remain high.
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what will republicans do next? we'll talk with johnny isaacson coming up. and a man is shot in the face in new york city allegedly for being gay. are hate crimes on the rise in one of the birth places of the movement? that's coming up. stick around. which is good for business. because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. ♪ diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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oh, my god. >> that's damage. >> that's damage. >> are you shooting it? >> i'm all over it. >> we are being littered with debris. watch out, guys. windows up. windows up. >> you're witnessing this incredible up-close view of one of the tornadoes that did all of this damage. the damage stretching through several states today after tornadoes tore through the nation's heartland. hi, everybody. many of the same areas on edge, expected to be under the begun once again. one tossed this 18 wheeler on a highway like it was nothing more than a match box toy. the storms sent meteorologists
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from one of our affiliates under cover. >> in 20 years i've never said this but i think it is time to go. >> we're leaving the radar image up but it's time for to us get to shelter now. ryan newton. now, ryan. let's go! >> one person is dead, two dozen are injured. people across the midwest are telling stories of just how close they game. >> no sooner had we gotten in the basement than we saw hard or heavy wind and heavy rain and after it subsided we came out and saw that we sustained quite an bit of damage. >> adding insult to injury, mother nature isn't quite done yet. there's a real risk severe storms will pummel the states' mid section.


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