tv Lockup World Tour MSNBC May 24, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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can't get the video. maybe somebody else gets the video. maybe the mayor takes a question first time in a week. who knows. until the video surfaces, and you know it will, it is the maybe crack smoking mayor of toronto versus gawker, versus toronto star, versus crowd funding power of crackstarter eager to see that video and eventually something will have to give. and while we are waiting for that something to give, you have to go to prison right now. seriously. three, two, one. prison. go. due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. only slightly larger than the state of new jersey, israel is a country where the ancient world meets the modern. it is a nation of contrasts whose gleaming cities and resorts line one of the world's most volatile regions. where centuries old conflicts can explode into unthinkable violence.
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and those same countries are reflected in the nation's prisons. >> i am a bedouin, you have to respect all the customs even if it is to die for the custom. >> it's a place where muslims are held with jews, where organized crime families challenge correctional staff for authority. where nothing is taken for granted. >> there was an event where a motorcycle passed by and threw a grenade in the direction of one of the guard towers. >> now three israeli prisons open their doors to our cameras and we reveal unexpected sights inside. ♪
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located on the mediterranean coast, tel aviv is the israeli version of the city that never sleeps. it is the nation's financial capital and draws millions of tourists each year. 30 miles to the northeast, however, is a considerably less popular landmark. rimonim, israel's largest maximum security prison. >> translator: the prison holds about 1,200 prisoners. here we have criminals convicted of murder, robbery, rape, and many serious things. that makes it a difficult place to manage. >> while state terrorists are
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segregated in other facilities, rimonim houses those accused of violent crimes. as a result, security systems here are constantly evolving. >> translator: today we have the highest level of technology in israel. and the aim is to have the highest level in the whole world. we are always improving and always progressing. >> rimonim security system includes electrified fences, 700 surveillance cameras, a central system to control every door and gate in the prison, and an enclosed dog run where a canine corps patrols the perimeter 24/7. but a collection of confiscated shanks to rival any american prison proves there is little to stop inmates determined to commit violence. >> there is a greater risk of violence here, more than in a other prisons because this population, all in one way or another, has blood on their
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hands from outside. >> translator: i think if you are trying to pick an average, there is a fight every week. in most instances they do use some kind of object. it is either a shiv or some times a shaving razor. >> but there is another factor s a shaving razor. >> but there is another factor at rimonim that keeps staff on constant alert. a violent inmate population mixed with political and religious tensions of the middle east makes for a potentially incendiary combination. >> translator: a few years ago there was an event when a motorcyclist threw a grenade in the direction of one of the guard towers. on the edge of the prison. we found out one of the inmates wasn't happy with the treatment he was receiving so he gave the order to one of his henchmen to throw the grenade. >> translator: this month there is to be declaration of a palestinian state. we have residents from the occupied territories here as well as arabs from israel. something can develop between the arabs and the jews in a wing.
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we have wings mixed with both minorities and this could be the start of it. >> while rimonim is always braced for violence -- officials say, they control it by not only accommodating religious and ethnic customs, but by trying to make life relatively comfortable for its inmates. a palestinian muslim, serving life for murder, has done time at five other israeli prisons prior to rimonim. >> translator: when i came to this prison, i felt like i was in a hotel compared to where i have been previously. we have everything. nothing is lacking. we have a television, we have a radio. cd player. dvds, fans, shelves, there is a cabinet where we put all our clothes. a shower. nothing is lacking. >> rimonim has two-man and six-man cells, all of which more resemble college dormitories
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than american prison cells. while most american inmates are not allowed to bring personal items beyond wedding bands or religious medallions with them, israeli inmates pack their bags before coming to prison. >> translator: you bring everything with you when you turn yourself in. clothing, shoes, electrical appliances, cigarettes, hot plate, coffee, everything. you are allowed to bring everything. >> and for this man, who is serving 19 years for murder, the comforts of home go beyond material possessions. he shares his cell with three cousins and two brothers-in-law. and has other family living on the cellblock as well. >> translator: there are almost 20 of us here. it's normal. there is no problem with this. >> translator: there is no policy here that family members won't be together or all the family members will be together.
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so long as it doesn't threaten the order and the rules it could be that we'll let members of the same family serve time in the same cellblock. sometimes even in the same cell, if we feel it contributes to the inmates' security and to our security. >> translator: you feel like you're at home. here we live together. without all sorts of nonsense. we take care of each other. >> while israeli citizens, they are muslims of arab ancestry. but they're not just any ordinary family. >> translator: the arabs are organized around known crime families, gangs. someone who belongs to one of the families will be more dominant. he's influential. he gets a lot of respect from other prisoners. while this is a very dominant prisoner he belongs to a very dominant family. >> when we walked into their cell, they greeted us, offered refreshments, which we are not allowed to accept.
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but for me it was like being at the sopranos' house. it was just a very festive environment. it was a very social environment. but then you know that these people are capable of murder. >> this prisoner freely admits to the murder that brought him to rimonim. >> translator: it was an assassination. my cousin was murdered. in our family it is a custom if blood is spilled it needs to be spilled on the other side also. so the guy was killed. i am a bedouin. my grandfather is also a bedouin. the customs are very strict. you have to respect all customs, even if it is to die for the custom. >> translator: no, no, it's very hard. because with us, we respect the elders. that's basic. they say a word, it's holy. the truth is, my family is
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certainly proud. i told you already, it's our custom. >> inside rimonim, the family have gained a reputation as a formidable crime family. >> translator: when i came to prison, everyone knew our story. which family i belonged to. we have a background. we are a large family. a lot of members. there are almost of 20 us here. where we live, we have a very high status. and everyone respects us. >> i feel like i was in a film, in a scene like from "goodfellas," all of them spending time, cheerful, the family. they're cooking, they're proud. they carry themselves with a lot of pride for what they did. >> translator: we try not to put two clashing families together. we separate them to eliminate
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problems. >> they can't put two or three different families in the same cellblock because everyone feels he is the top dog. that can escalate into a fight with very bad results. so it is preferable for them to put one family in each cellblock. they manage their own affairs and their people as needed. >> the rimonim staff also sees a strategic advantage to keeping crime families together. >> translator: the moment i have dominant prisoners in the cellblock, i know when needed how to send them a message that they have to be straight and keep their people in line. and when there is a crisis, i use them as a mouthpiece to reach the rest of the population. >> but this prisoner maintains he plays a larger role in the prison than merely a mouthpiece for officials. >> translator: at any second there can be a problem between inmates. and that can turn into a fight. if there is an argument they have to come to us. we adjudicate. and someone who breaks the rules --
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>> translator: gets punished. according to our language. according to the law. i prefer not to say. >> the commander has a different take on who maintains order in the cellblock. >> translator: we are the ones who maintain order, not the prisoners. even though they may say otherwise. there is a very clear organization. there are rules for behavior for order that are very clear. and the prisoners know them. >> coming up -- inside rimonim's prison religious wing. a former israeli soldier recounts his role in a military gang rape. >> translator: i held a cocked gun towards him. >> we discovered the surprising benefit many israeli inmates enjoy. >> the idea of some one that committed a violent crime and
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had a long sentence, being released for a few days was really surprising to us. >> later, we head north for an exclusive look inside israel's only female prison. what makes a sleep number store different? what makes a sleep number you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. if you want a soft bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. the sleep number memorial day sale. not just ordinary beds on sale, but the bed that can change your life on sale. the sleep number bed. this is your body there. you can see a little more pressure in the hips. take it up one notch. oh gosh, yes. oh, yeah!
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located 30 miles outside the modern bustling city of tel aviv, rimonim, the israeli prison houses inmates from a variety of backgrounds and ethnicities. still there are plenty of reminders that it is located in the world's only jewish nation, a place where religion is paramount. one such reminder -- attached to every doorway. >> translator: it is a piece of parchment. with two sections of a prayer. we believe it protects the door and the place you enter. people here have fought for them to be on their door posts. we do our best to have one on every room and public place so everyone who enters or exits will have this good feeling that
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there is somebody in the heavens to looks after him. >> while most american prisons have chapels and offer some form of religious services, rimonim has a housing unit devoted to the study and practice of judaism. >> translator: the religious wing is intended to provide an option for religious prisoners who request to, a, live a religious life on a high level, and b, to offer an inmate to sit and study and develop on a spiritual level in order to offer him the tools of rehabilitation, not only during his imprisonment, but also after his imprisonment. >> inmates must apply to live in the wing and go through a probationary period to weed out those whose motivations are not religious. >> translator: the religious wing is a kind of sanctuary for a lot of the prisoners who do not get along with the regular inmates.
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all of a sudden they want the religious inmates because they are more easy going. there are inmates who only want to come to the wing because it is a good place and it is quiet. we only give this chance to those who deserve it. >> one of the inmates who has been accepted into the religious wing. >> translator: once i had no idea about god and wasn't willing to hear such a thing that there was a god. >> he was originally sentenced to six years for being an accessory to a sodomy rape of another male soldier during his basic training in the israeli army. >> translator: it took place at the army base. a few friends who were part of the case with me grabbed this one guy and i was actually the guard of the tent. and the other guys did what they did to him. and i just, i held a cocked gun towards him. and in fact, i saw the incident and didn't prevent it.
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>> he began his sentence under house arrest. but he then committed a robbery and was sentenced to an additional five years and sent to prison. >> translator: as someone who was addicted to drugs, one of my things was a need for excitement. and today, in essence, the only excitement that i get here is through religion, through the torah, which gives me the tools i need for life outside. >> in the religious wing, he is shielded from the potential violence between jews and arabs that exist in other parts of the prison. but some inmates at rimonim have benefited from putting the conflicts of outside world aside. >> translator: to resist someone because he is a jew, a muslim, a christian it doesn't work inside.
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>> he is palestinian. his cellmate is jewish. both are serving life sentences for murder. >> translator: we eat together. we play together. we work together. i love him a lot. he is better than a biological brother. not everything you see on television works the same in prison. in prison we are disconnected from politics. we do not deal and concern ourselves with politics. what interests us is our life in prison. >> given the situation outside, palestinians, israelis, animosity, the conflict. i was actually very surprised to see how the two get together and actually became brothers. it was actually a pleasant surprise to see this. >> he discovered what a good friend he was, 11 years earlier when both were housed in another prison. >> translator: i had an incident with a fellow jew. i stabbed someone who harassed me. as punishment they sent me to segregation. someone else came to mess with my things. and he stood there and insisted nobody will touch my belongings.
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>> he even stood up to staff. a move that landed him in segregation as well. >> translator: we stayed together in segregation for six months. and what he did for me i don't think anyone else would have done. >> coming up, how the unusual relationship between israeli prison staff and inmates even extends to the kitchen. >> the officers were not at all concerned about the inmates tampering with their food. >> and -- >> translator: we usually improve the food they give us. >> a young man faces decades in rimonim for killing his sister. a family honor killing. >> translator: she met someone through the internet and i didn't like that. vo: traveling you definitely end up meeting a lot more people but
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a friend under water is something completely different. i met a turtle friend today so, you don't get that very often. it seemed like it was more than happy to have us in his home. so beautiful. avo: more travel. more options. more personal. whatever you're looking for expedia has more ways to help you find yours.
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>> you know, sometimes i get to a place that it is forbidden to smoke. they say, don't smoke in here with a cigarette. i say okay. and they think i throw it. it is in my hand. >> his sleight of hand skills have proven useful in other ways as well. >> sometimes i show officers, i took their mobiles and they didn't feel. i give it back. when i bring it back they laugh and say thank you. they've don't have it -- another choice. >> but he is not in rimonim for pickpocketing. he is serving a 30 year sentence for murder, but still has an easy going relationship with officers whose cell phones he occasionally pilfers. >> having worked on lockup for a while now, the relationship he had with the staff at rimonim was remarkable to me. there is still division between the officers and inmates. but there was just a friendliness about it. it was like watching two neighbors greet each other. they would shake hands. in american prison we don't see that. there is a lot more animosity from the inmates to the prisoners.
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>> one reason why, even though rimonim inmates are among israel's most violent criminals, rehabilitation is a major goal of the prison. >> i think one of the keys of understanding the israeli prison system and why inmates live so comfortable with each other even in a maximum security prison, like rimonim, is understanding the size of israel. israel is a really small country. those inmates one day are going to return to society. and the prisons don't want to release, hardened, angry prisoners out there. because they will have to live with each other and they will have to live within the small israeli society. >> translator: we treat the prisoners in a respectful manner. we treat them as human beings. >> and nowhere is that respect and trust better demonstrated than in the staff cafeteria. corrections officers eat here every day. and the food is all prepared by inmates.
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>> the officers were not at all concerned about the inmates tampering with their food. not a single officer expressed fear. they had complete trust. and they even were complimentary of the food. >> inmates also cook the three daily meals provided to other inmates. but most rimonim inmates, including this one, cook for themselves with the food they purchase from the canteen in kitchens located in housing units and in some cases inside individual cells. >> translator: the food is -- reasonable. let's put it like that. we don't like everything. usually improve the food they give us. they bring for instance, turkey breasts some times. we take it. make it with onion, mushroom, vegetables. make it like a stir fry. i'm cutting with a piece of metal because we don't have
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knives here. knives are forbidden. so we improvise. i don't want the deputy to see me. >> seeing him and his friends cooking in prison made it seem like we were in a fraternity house rather than a maximum security prison. he was always laughing and playing around with his friends in the cell. but when we asked him to speak about his crime, that brought us back to the reality that we are in a maximum security prison and we are dealing with a different set of cultural issues. >> he is serving 27 years for murder. the victim was his sister. and the crime was considered a family honor killing. >> he grew very serious. he told us it was the first time he has ever spoken about his crime. and some difficult ones. but, through it all we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our history matter to you?
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integrity. collapse of a bridge in washington state shifted attention to the nation's infrastructure. a federal database says the bridge was functionally obsolete. 18 people injured when a shuttle bus and tractor-trailer collided near atlanta's airport. none of the injuries life threatening. back to "lock up." due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. israel's rimonim prison strives to rehabilitate some of the nation's most violent criminals. but their efforts must overcome the influences of a wide range of cultures. this prisoner is serving a 27 year sentence for murder. a family honor killing which, until now, he has not publicly spoken about. >> translator: i am serving time for the murder of my sister.
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it is something that is hard for me to talk about. it is something very sensitive for me. >> he says he shared a close bond with his sister who at 22 was only a year older than he was when he killed her. >> we asked him to speak about his crime, he grew very serious. his whole demeanor changed. he asked to clear the room of his friends. he asked to shut the door closed. he said this is the first time he will speak about his crime in such details. >> translator: she met someone through the internet. and i didn't like that. i said if the man has good intentions and all that, let him come to our house. everything will be fine. she continued with it. i opposed that. until one day i raised my hand on her.
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she went to the police and made a complaint. they took me, questioned me. and since then she didn't return home. they took her to a shelter for battered women. three years passed like that. >> but he says his extended family felt his sister's actions shamed them. and that she deserved to die. >> translator: my uncles and all that, they put pressure on me. they decided that because of me this problem happened and i need to do it. only me. i come from a bedouin family. for the bedouin it is not allowed to disrespect the family honor. she disrespected the family honor. in order to return the honor of the family, it was necessary to kill her. because she talked with a guy and she also ran away from home. >> it took months but he
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eventually located the shelter where his sister was staying. and lured her to him. >> translator: i tried to set up the meeting with her in a quiet place with no people. and that's where i kidnapped her. and i killed her. >> he says his actions still haunt him. >> translator: i miss her a lot. a lot. there isn't a night that i don't think about her. i have other sisters, charming, most of them married.
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they come with their children to our house, sit, happy. we have a warm and loving home. she could have been there, too. >> today, he is housed in the domestic violence therapy wing of the prison and is receiving treatment and dealing with the consequences of his crime. >> translator: when he arrived he was a bit more introverted. now he seems like a different person. a person who is more open, talking, laughing more. >> translator: our main function is to watch over the prisoners that the court has decided to convict in accordance with our legal system. but this isn't the only thing we do. we also need the imprisonment to be secure, pleasant, and in good conditions. in order to return them to the community and society as changed people. >> and that commitment to rehabilitation is reflected in the name of the prison itself. rimonim is hebrew for pomegranate. >> translator: it is a fruit that contains many seeds.
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it demonstrates unity, being together. there are positive prayers in judaism that say may we have as many privileges as a pomegranate has seeds. the name was chosen after a strong fruit that symbolizes goodness. and with the hope that we will always symbolize goodness in this facility. >> rimonim is not the only israeli prison whose name holds a special meaning. there is only one prison in the entire nation that houses female inmates. its name neve tirza, means oasis of strong women. >> the most striking thing about neve tirza is it is the only female prison in israel. it has 215 beds. to give you perspective, the state of virginia has the same population as israel and six times as many female inmates.
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>> we have all types. long sentences. short sentences. minors. old women. everybody is here. every kind of crime you can think of. murderers, sex offenders, drug dealers, white-collar. >> you have white-collar criminals with someone who has committed murder? >> right. >> like rimonim, neve tirza places an emphasis on rehabilitation. and in certain areas, could be mistaken for a college campus. but to this female inmate who shares a six-person, one bathroom cell it is definitely prison. >> translator: it's a very small room. it is insanely hot here in the summer there is only one fan that's it. >> the cell was very homey. each of the inmates had sheets. personalized their own area, they even had a fish tank.
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>> she is serving a two-year sentence for stabbing her ex-girlfriend and new lover with a penknife. >> translator: i have no idea how this happened. i guess everybody has the fuse that just waits to flare up. if it happened to me it can happen to anybody. >> she stands out among other inmates because of her tattoos which are forbidden by judaism. >> translator: i have this one, which is say my name bitch. it was in "american pie." from a movie. i almost died laughing. i am a silly person like that. so i did the tattoo. >> she also stands out for her popularity with other inmates. she says she had never been in trouble with the law prior to come to neve tirza but was able to make herself at home here. >> translator: after about a month, i think, i became the queen of the wing.
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i do a lot of things here. first of all, i have a job. i serve the food to people here. so you already have contact with everyone. i also help with the education. and i sing and dance. and as soon as i start dancing. everybody comes to me and says, teach me. teach me. i want to dance. and besides that i'm a lot of fun. i'm funny. my prison time goes by like that. so i make it smooth for other people, too. >> neve tirza not only has a rec room for dancing, it has one other unusual facility. one we have never seen in any other prison. a petting zoo. >> what we found is that -- treating of animals is something very therapeutic for them. some of them were victims, their parents' victims. so that helps them deal with those issues. people who have violent
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offenses, learn how to be gentle and they learn how to respect a living creature. and there is a darkroom in there, there is comfortable chair and an aquarium with fish that glow in the dark. and supposed to be a place for relaxation. >> translator: something inside of me really enjoys the silence. because for many, many years i lived in a very difficult and emotional storm. >> this prisoner is serving 25 years for aiding and abetting murder. she and her boyfriend killed an elderly woman during a robbery. they were drug addicts and needed a fix. >> translator: i brought the rope that he used to tie her hands. i held her mouth with a shirt when he stabbed her. afterwards i cleaned all the fingerprints. >> she has been in prison for more than nine years and says she changed during that time. and that the petting zoo has
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played a large role. >> translator: everyone connects to one of the animals. me, it's my bird. he reminded me of myself. he was really aggressive. just like i was when i came here. he used to attack. he just took out flesh from the girls. and with me, somehow we found a common language. and now we have a love affair. and the fact that i come and take care of them, it's a responsibility. >> her progress in prison made her eligible for one of the more surprising privileges available to israeli inmates. they call it vacation. but it is actually a furlough program. that allows inmates to leave the prison and stay with approved relatives up to several days at a time. she visits her sister. >> the idea of someone who committed a violent crime and had a very long sentence being released for a few hours or few days was really surprising to us.
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but the focus in the prisons was on rehabilitation. and the idea of vacations is to help reintegrate inmates back into society. >> now i go out every 21 days. i have leaves of three days. i love every moment. i love tastes. i love food. i love the experiences. the smells. people. they look at me in a different way. they don't see a person with horns. they see me as a human being. >> coming up -- >> translator: play pens, cribs, for babies, strollers, they painted for us and drew for us and they really put in a lot of effort. >> motherhood in prison. and later. >> i have never heard you describe yourself as wrong. >> it's not like i stabbed her and left. >> a 73-year-old inmate tries to make sense of his crime inside one of israel's most unusual prisons. with the spark cash card from capital one... boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, please?
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locked behind the gates and razor wire of neve tirza, the only women's prison in israel, are three people who are unquestionably innocent. >> right now there are three children here. one was brought here with the mother when she was arrested. two were born here. the mothers were arrested when pregnant. they gave birth here. they live here with the babies. >> at neve tirza, babies can stay with their mothers until they turn 2 years old. pregnant inmates are released to civilian hospitals to give birth but then must return as soon as they are able. maria is here with her 2-month-old son.
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>> translator: we don't feel that we are in prison here in this room. it is very different from the rest of the rooms. play pens. cribs for babies. strollers. they painted for us and drew for us and they really put in a lot of effort. we're comfortable. it's pleasant for us. >> still, she says being a mother in prison is difficult. >> translator: the truth is, it really is heart breaking. you look outside the window, you see even a tree, a car, noises that you are used to. they're not here. you are isolated. it's really, really painful. really. >> she was one month pregnant when she committed the crime that led to her four-year sentence for assault with a deadly weapon. she stabbed a young woman, her former roommate, in the neck and face during a heated argument about an ex-boyfriend. >> translator: i don't have the strength to explain it really.
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it's long. it's complicated. in short, it was a case of jealousy. >> this is not her first involvement with prison. she was conceived in a russian prison during a conjugal visit between her parents. >> translator: my father was addicted to drugs all his life. his whole life from the age of 12 he goes out, goes in. goes out, goes in. when my mother gave birth she was visiting him. her water broke. when they went to the hospital, they let my father out of prison. it was the same when i gave birth. two guards, my father and my mother. if she participates in therapy and maintains a good behavior record, she could be out of prison in a little more than a year. until then she must cope with being separated from her boyfriend, the father of her child.
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>> translator: there is no shoulder to lean on, you know, to tell him the child did this, did that, the child smiled. it is impossible to share. sometimes i think if only he would see this. what he does or something like that. >> but the couple does have visits. >> translator: every two weeks a half-hour visit. once a month. 12 hours, when we go to a room with a double bed, and then, you know. >> inmates who prove they're in established relationships may have one conjugal visit per month. >> translator: i'm a little bit stressed. of course. to go once a month for a conjugal visit is -- now. another half-hour. i don't think so. all he cares about is breasts. just breast milk. he still doesn't understand we are going to see daddy. poor guy, huh.
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he has to see all these things. he didn't do anything. he just came into this world. >> coming up, after stabbing his wife, a 73-year-old first time offender gets a visit from his family. >> translator: she was stabbed in the back and in the stomach. it is a nightmare for us. [ male announcer ] frequent heartburn? the choice is yours.
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rehabilitation is a major focus of israel's maximum security prisons. such as rimonim and neve tirza, both of which are located near city of tel aviv. but in northern israel near the sea of galilee is another prison that officials say goes even one step further, hermon. it might be a prison but staff refer to it in different terms.
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>> it's the largest therapeutic community in the country. >> this woman is a social worker. >> because hermon is a therapeutic community, we look at the inmates in a different frame of mind and we call them residents instead of inmates because they're in a community where we feel there is more respect for each other. >> the 600 men serving their sentences at hermon are divided into three residential therapeutic programs depending on their offense. there are wings for alcohol abuse, drug abuse and domestic violence. and everyone is required to attend daily group therapy sessions. physical activity is also encouraged.
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>> hermon was like being on a college campus. there was a lot of freedom of movement. there were very few heavy doors. if it weren't for the razor wire and orange jump suits you would never know you were in a prison. >> translator: but this prison, don't make a mistake, it is a prison just like every other prison. there is a mantel of very strict security. we have fences. we have a canine unit. we have camera and television and closed circuit. we have patrols. we have a patrol on foot. and we have an outside vehicular patrol. >> even though hermon is centered around its therapeutic programs, officials here don't take them lightly. >> the treatment is not easy. it requires from them not only courage, but also desire, motivation. many prisoners break down and prefer to go to a normal prison in order not to stay and undergo pressures. those that complete the treatment usually are the prisoners we see integrate into society and will not see them returning to prison.
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and those are the prisoners we want. >> it might be a tough road for this 73-year-old man, six months shy of completing his four year sentence. today is family day at hermon. and for the prisoner it is a chance to repair his relationship with his children and grandchildren. his family was traumatized after he stabbed his wife several times during an argument in which he was drunk. his wife survived the attack. but is not here today. >> translator: i have to tell you that one of the things that is so special about family day is the opportunity to see all of you with a child in your arms. to see this family connection is simply critical. >> he only recently entered the alcohol treatment program.
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>> translator: coming to terms with what you did isn't just about whether your family accepts you or doesn't accept you, the question is whether you are able to stop and tell them i acted in a violent manner. i stabbed, i drank. >> i already said that. >> translator: you think everything is all right if they sit next to you. >> it is enough. admit it. we can go on. everybody will love me. everything will be okay. >> she says that his rehabilitation must begin with him accepting responsibility for his actions. it's been an uphill battle. >> translator: i have never heard you describe yourself as wrong. >> translator: it's not like i stabbed her and then left. >> translator: what does that matter? you stabbed her. >> translator: i stabbed her. but i don't want to be responsible for her having to go to the hospital. >> my mother is fine. thanks to god. >> she is one of his eight children. >> she was stabbed in the back
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and in the stomach. everything is all right. she lives with me. but he is still my father. i have to support him. because i know how he raised me. what he did for us. and he did everything for us. he is a warm grandfather. he spoils his grandchildren. and it is very hard for him. but it is hard for all of us. it is an event that ruined the family. it is a nightmare for us. >> at his advanced age it is difficult to say what his life will hold in store for him when he is soon released. but this 34-year-old is optimistic about his future. he holds an inmate job at the hermon prison shoe factory. >> translator: it is a privilege to work here. >> he is serving two and a half years for drug dealing and domestic violence against his girlfriend. >> translator: he arrived in the community very much afraid with no confidence. he only knew violence and how to react in violence.
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he had no way of expressing his feelings. he didn't even know how to describe what he felt. it was kind of -- i would say very hollow inside. a lost soul. >> he says his therapy in hermon helped him rediscover the one thing he did love. >> translator: you could say that every moment with the guitar for me is joy. a holiday. i don't know. i think it is medicine for the soul. and i will have it for the rest of my life. i have discovered my feelings. when i came here i was like ice. nothing moved me. today -- today it is a new world. that's because of this place. and because of the group and the counselors and everyone. they save lives here. ♪
8:00 pm
tonight on "lockup: world tour" -- >> i will [bleep] murder you. >> i slashed people. >> we meet a killer with a sadistic streak. >> what do you do with fires? >> and the interview takes a startling turn. violence erupts inside a maximum security prison in belgium. >> he's a crazy man, a murderer, but i'm not scared, you know? >> but in this pso
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