tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC May 28, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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voted joe one of the most fashionable men -- >> seriously? >> you got to be tripping. >> you know what, seriously, the socks. what did you learn, mika? >> there will not be another hangover after this one. >> bradley e-mail t way too early what time is it, mike barnicle? >>s if the's way too early, it's time for "morning joe." but right now, kristen welker. >> good luck. see you later. >> have a great day. thanks, guys. boardwalk bound. amid a wave of washington woes, president obama's first trip after memorial day takes him to the jersey shore to help governor chris christie kick off the summer season. this morning, we will talk to the president's communications director, jennifer palmieri. in florida, george zimmerman is heading back into court at this hour to decide what evidence can be used in his defense in the case of trayvon martin's shooting death. we will go live to the courthouse. you and dozen the senate need
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saving? find out why olympia snowe felt it was time to say good-bye to the world's greatest deliberative body last year a very good morning from washington, d.c. it's tuesday, may 28, 2013, this is "the daily rundown." i'm kristen welker in for my friend chuck todd. i hope odd great memorial day. we are watch a courtroom in sanford, florida this morning, a pretrial hearing for george zimmerman in the second-degree murder death of trayvon martin more than year ago. it is getting under way this morning.. zimmerman is not attending. he pleaded not guilty and the trial is set to begin on june 10th. but first, the judge must rule on a number of issues this will shape that trial, including rules regarding the jury testimony and evidence. one of the biggest questions is whether newly released images and messages from trayvon martin's phone should be admitted. kerry sanders is live for must sanford. kerry, what more will the judge be deciding today? >> quite a number over issues
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but let's talk first of all about those photographs that were taken from the cell phone that trayvon martin had with him the day he was shot and killed. some of the images could suggest to the jurors about the character of trayvon martin because, as you can see in some of these pictures here that have now been filed with the court as part of the discovery process, you show -- they show trayvon martin letting some smoke out of his mouth. there's a photo of a marijuana plant. there's even a picture here of a pistol and then, of course, there are text messages on his phone. among the text messages on the phone is one that talks about what appears to be an experience of back and forth and fighting and we can tell you the text message here it is somewhat translated into some sort of text back and forth but bottom line, the message here indicates that trayvon martin or the
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person he has been talking to has been involved in two or three fights and his friend, or trayvon martin, not sure who is sending who is receiving, saying that he should not be involved in that many fights. the question for the judge is any of that pertinent in the reason that comes up is george zimmerman who admits he shot and killed trayvon martin, buts he did it in self-defense, was not privy to this information sew didn't know anything about the character of the person that he shot and killed and without that information to george zimmerman, then why would any of this be pertinent? so it will be an involved all-day hearing. among the other questions are whether -- not only whether the text messages and the photographs should be include bud whether the jurors should be sequest sequestered, six jurors and whether they should be allowed to go to the scene, walk the scene and see the scene, a lot
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of questions that judge debra nelson is going to hear. unclear whether she is actually going to rule on all of them today. cristen? >> thank you so much, kerry. we will keep our eyes on the hearing and bring you more throughout the hour. we should note, george zimmerman has sued nbc universal for defamation ant company has strongly denied his allegations. republican senator john mccain spent his memorial day in syria meeting with rebel leaders in an apparent attempt to force more decisive action on the part of the obama administration. joining me now, jennifer pal mary, who is the white house communications director. thank you so much for joining us today. >> happy to be here on your standup spot, where we normally see you. >> that's absolutely right. i want to get to in john mccain's visit to the serious. jen, did president obama know about this visit? did john mccain make him aware of it? and did the president sign off on it?
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>> he made him generally aware of his trip and something completed, we look forward to hearing from him, a follow-up as to the developments he saw on his trip. when you say generally aware, how many days' notice did senator mccain give? >> that i'm not aware of, but something the state department and the white house were both aware of. you know, like i said, we look forward to hearing from him about what he learned on the trip. >> senator mccain met with opposition forces, they want president obama to get more engaged in syria, they want him to send weapons to opposition forces, possibly to create a no-fly zone. does senator mccain's trip put pressure on president obama to take some of those actions? >> i don't believe his trip puts more pressure on us. all of the options you described are what the administration is
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considering in terms of how we deal with syria and secretary kerry was in russia over the weekend discussing the issue with his counterpart there, hoping to have some talks in geneva about this. so we continue to put a lot of thought, a lot of effort into it and it's, you know, constantly evolving evaluation on our part. >> okay, jen, i want to move to the department of justice. as you know, it has come under a lot of criticism for seizing journalists' records. president obama ordered the attorney general to review his own policies. this is what senator lindsey graham had to bay say about tha over the weekend. take a list un >>. >> a good time for a special counsel to come forward or independent group look at t beginning to criticize journalism and i think that should worry us all.
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>> should there be an independent review in addition to the attorney general reviewing his policies? >> i would say, as you know, this san issue that the president is personally concerned about and thinks that you know, reporters should have the right and the protection of doing their job without fear of being prosecuted just for doing their job and part of your job is to prod in areas that, you know, the government may not prefer to have information made public. we obviously have a serious concern about national security los angeles and continue to prosecute them but the president is concerned about what this means for reporters being able to do their job. i think that having the review is happen within the department of justice probably gives you the best chances for actually having whatever the recommendations come out of the review implemented. i mean, these are -- these are processes and policies implemented by the department of justice and to have them
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involved, to have them be the ones that are reviewing this and actually developing the -- where these revisions need to happen and developing them in coordination or at least in consultation with the press, i would add that's the best with a i do actually change this rather than doing something outside of the process. >> howe jen, how is it not a conflict of interest for the attorney general to essentially be reviewing his own policies? >> well, because he is the one who is in charge of the policies. it is up to him to implement them and it's up to him to shape them and the president has made clear what his concern he is are and the attorney general has said that he shares those concerns and understands, these are -- the policies? place have been in place 30 years, so, it is something that probably needed to be looked at anyway the attorney general understands the concerns the
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press has and the president understands this as well. they will spend 45 days looking into this, talking to the press about how they think the best way to handle that is and at the end of that review, a report that comes out with recommendations for what to change. we can wait and see what comes out of that process and the press and others, as i'm sure you know, will make appropriate judgments about how you feel that process has gone. >> jen, i want to get to -- >> make sense. >> jen, thanks and i want to get to the president's trip today before we run out of time. >> yes. >> to the jersey shore. he is going to be meeting and greeted by governor chris christie. i want to play a little bit of sound from governor chris christie on the "today" show a few days ago. take a listen and i will have you respond on the other side. >> what people in my state want more than anything else is for me to do my job. and the fact of the matter is he is the president of the united states and he wants to come here around see the people of new jersey, i'm the governor, i will be here to welcome him. >> so jen, does the president have any concerns that his trip could hurt christie politically in the future moving forward and
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did he discuss that with the governor before deciding on this trip? >> no, he hasn't discussed any political concerns with the governor and i think that the president views this trip in the same way governor christie said, which is this is both of them doing their job for the families and the businesses of new jersey, particularly the jersey shore that were hit so hard. you know, on sunday, the president was in oklahoma with governor fallon and other republican governor, working with her to help the community of moore, oklahoma, and this is when the government comes together at its best under the leadership of fema to help these communities in recover. the president wanted new jersey to know he is really committed to seeing them through. we know that job is not done. >> great. jennifer palmieri of the white house communications department, thank you so much for joining us today. we really appreciate it. i
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>> it's a pleasure kristen. >> the president's trip to new jersey today will give him another opportunity to show he can rise above the fray of controversy and partisan politics, jen was talking about that or avoid it for a while. republicans, however, say the fallout from the last few weeks raises questions about his ability to govern. take a listen. >> i think the is conspell lation of these three scandals ongoing really takes away from the president's moral authority to lead the nation. nobody questions his legal authority but i think he is really losing the moral authority to lead this nation and he really needs to put a stop to this. >> nbc's deputy political director joins me now with today's first read. domenico, let me get your reaction to what rand paul was saying,s this does this undercut the president's ability with the second term agenda? >> the controversies we have seen the last couple of weeks, we have moved past the white-hotspot light. republicans will try to keep that going. we have seen some efforts by the
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republican national committee. praubens to try to push, get more discussion, in particular, rand paul wanting to talk more about drones as well. >> the president is traveling to new jersey today, he was in oklahoma over the weekend. this is sort of a tale of two presidents now as you point out some of these other headlines are shifting away and giving way to these new headlines. >> i think tragedies tend to be able to reset what the priorities are. and i think in going some place like oklahoma, the president is reminded of what happened in joplin and what happened in moore and what the role of government s and i think president obama, if anything's been undercut most by the last couple of weeks, it's the discussion on the role of government and wanting to give the president more ability to, you know, let the government do more. so let's say on immigration or implementation of health care, well, that undercut, that message is undercut when you see
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what happened with the irs, now with what new jersey, sandy recovery and places like moore can highlight for the president is government when it's needed doing its job well. >> and we had some interesting political optics on this memorial day. former secretary of state hillary clinton appear ted same parade as governor andrew cuomo. is this perhaps a preview to 2016, domenico? >> two potential political power players who could -- who could run in 2016, as you know. the thing is hillary clinton really is like the weather in the 2016 election, because whatever she decides to do is what's gonna happen. you know, she hangs over what's happening there. she is democrats' best chance to hold onto the white house f she doesn't run, all of a sudden, the skies open for a lot of other democrats if she does run, that probably clears the field. >> domenico mon ten narrow, thank you so much for joining us. >> sure. much more to come in today's show, including a look at how may airs cross the country are
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calling for more eye persfficie government. and actual we will duke mayor nutter, from my hometown. and olympia snowe and advice for her colleagues on how to break through the gridlock on the hill. today's politics planner. you are watching "the daily rundown" on msnbca busy day for president obama, he heads to new jersey and then an event this evening at the white house. stay with us. i think farmers care more about the land than probably anyone else. we've had this farm for 30 years. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us.
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this month to find new ways to make the government more efficient, engaged and transparent through technology at their annual innovation summit in philadelphia. joining me snout president of the conference of the mayor of my hometown of philadelphia, mayor michael nutter, how covered extensively when i was a local reporter. thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you, thank you, kristen. >> you talked about improving transparency through technology s it really realistic to think about expanding technology at a time when so many cities across the country are actually cutting back on their budgets, including philadelphia, as you well know? >> it's also, quite frank lakers time for investment as well. the government never stops, as you well know, kristen. and philadelphia, we are actually starting to make some progress in a variety of areas and investing in technology is something not only been talking about but actually doing. in the course of the recession, certainly cut backs in a variety of areas but that that never means you can stop innovating, stop moving your city forward.
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for us, just yesterday, forbes magazine recognized philadelphia as the number two city in the country with growth of new businesses in the city. so, we are pretty excited about that but we certainly have much more to do the mayor's innovation summit, a tremendous success. u.s. conference of mayors, temple university, google, just to name a few who were big spoon so far as this event, mayors all across the country, getting information, sharing information about how we use technology, how we use social media to better communicate in this fashion, get innovators and entrepreneurial community engage in the business of government,er is verse and certainly making money. >> okay, mayor, i want to bring it back now to transparency is in washington. as you know, that has been a big topic here with the irs, the doj, the benghazi con throw verse says that have royaled washington and this administration. i want to play you a clip from
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over the weekend from bob sheaver and get your reaction on the other side. >> sure. >> i am glad the president has asked the attorney general to review whether his investigations into leaks is having a chilling effect on journalists. this it shouldn't stop there. it is hurts his credibility and shortchanging the public. >> is that a fair assessment? the president need to review his policies? >> not sure what mr. schieffer was saying on the first part but clearly, president obama takes this issue very, very seriously, he reck nirzs the fine line between naturally keeping national security, classified information out of the wrong hands. he believes in transparency and
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an open and free press. they will get to the bottom of this situation. i have tremendous confidence in president obama and certainly attorney general eric holder to figure out what happened here, what went on we want to protect journalists who are doing their job, who are not breaking the law, but certainly, we have to be very, very mindful that if you leak classified information, that is break the law and that there are certainly consequences that come as a result of it. so, certainly version fine line, the president and the attorney general both doing what needs to be done and the president has tasked the attorney general to get him a report, i believe by july 12th. >> and you mention that report. a lot of people have criticized the fact that how account attorney general actually investigate himself? do you understand why people might have concerns and skepticism about the fact that this investigation might not be clear and open and therefore, that raises larger questions about transparency? >> we are never surprised by some of the political statements that get made out of washington,
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d.c. i don't think anyone has ever raised any question about the integrity and the commitment of attorney general eric holder. his credibility stands on its own. at the same time, it is his department. he wants to know what happened, what went on, and how do you best prevent that kind of situation and make sure that you don't have the chilling effect of an investigation involving leak he is. so is a very delicate balance, the attorney general is in charge of the department of justice knicks policies or procedures that need to be changed, anyone who needs to be held accountable, he needs to be the person to do it and he will. >> okay, let's talk politics in your backyard. are you ready to endorse any of the potential democratic governors' candidates yet? >> the governors' election is in 2014. i usually try to take them one year at a time.
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they are about 2013. my primary focus is getting additional funding to our children here in philadelphia. we have particular challenges with funding public education for children that is my main focus and also getting city budget done. the 2014 governor leeks cycle will take care of itself in 2014. >> mayor, as you new york the president heads to the jersey shore today. is that a good example of government efficiency? a lot of people in philadelphia head to the jersey shore this weekend once the summer starts? >> working with governor christie, a republican, and the president, a democrats, that is the bipartisan leadership that people want to see all across the and why of america, two individuals doing their jobs on behalf of the public, not engaged in nonsense cal partisan activity. we could use a little more of the former, a whole lot less of
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the latter. >> all right. mayor michael nutter, thank you so much for joining us on this tuesday morning. we appreciate it. >> thanks, kristen. >> we will have much more to come on today's daily run down. we will go back live to sanford, florida, where a judge right now is deciding what evidence the jury will see and hear when george zimmerman goes on trial in the shooting death of trayvon martin. but first, today's trivia question. how many bills did anthony weiner and mark sanford co-sponsor when they served together in congress in the first person to tweet the correct answer to @daily run down will get an on-air shoutout and we will have the anticipate coming up. and more on why some political come backs succeed and some fail, check out our website, run down. stay with us. my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen.
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and we are still keeping an eye on the situation unfolding in sanford, florida. a judge is in the midst of determining a number of key issues that will shape the upcoming trial of george zimmerman. so far, the judge has ruled on several motions. you're looking at live pictures, by the way, from inside the courtroom. among those motions, she ordered george zimmerman's wife to sit for a deposition n addition she has ruled in favor of the state in blocking hearsay statement and limiting discussion of martin's school disciplinary records or his involvement in fights. nbc's kerry sanders live for us in sanford. we also have joy ann read, managing editor of and msnbc contributor. thank you for joining us. kerry, i want to start with you. what can you tell us about what has happened in court in the past several minutes? >> i think the key here trayvon martin, the 17-year-old shot and killed by george zimmerman, that's the fact. the question is who provoked whom on that day, that rainy
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night in february? the family of trayvon martin said they knew that this trial would eventually be a blame the victim case. and so what the judge is going through right now is that background information on trayvon martin that could suggest to a jury that somehow, the victim was responsible for what happened. now, is the defense said that's indeed what happened, trayvon martin was the one who was the aggressor toward george zimmerman. the question of for instance, you point out the school records that show he had been suspended or that marijuana use and chronic marijuana use, as the state investigation said, whether that will be presented to the jury or not. the judge is considering each of those on a line by line. we just heard something that was rather interesting in that we had not seen this before. the defense for george zimmerman, the attorney, mark o'meara, says there are videos of trayvon martin at school
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fights, also refereeing fights, and that somehow, he would like the opportunity to show that trayvon martin was involved in fighting to the jury. the judge rules those videos, videos we have not seen, will be perhaps presented later at trial but not presented in the opening statements. so my question is when are we going to see those videos because traditionally in florida, all the evidence is prevented to the court, open to inspection on both sides and we have yet to see that -- those pictures and those videos in the discovery filings. so i suspect we may actually see them later today. >> kerry, thank you so much. now way tonight turn to joy ann. i want to read this statement from the attorney that's representing trayvon martin and get your reaction to t they said the pretrial release of these irrelevant red herring sass desperate and pathetic aconcern. by the defense to poe lout and sway the jury pool.
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what is the significance of these text messages and pictures, joy ann? >> well, i smoke with mark o'meara, george zimmerman's attorney last week, what he said to me and said is to the judge is depending on how the state presents its case, he want the opportunity to sort of mitigate against what would be the narrative of trayvon mart certain pure lit victim, george zimmerman is the perpetrator here. he wants to present in their mind, there has been a history of violence, drug use and may mitigate against what his client admitted to doing, which is shooting trayvon martin what the family of trayvon martin is saying that mark o'meara knows most will not be admissible you knows the judge will probably not allow him to develop into trayvon martin's background at trial so that getting the information out was a quay to create in the minds of potential jurors a negative impression of their son. so, that is what they are saying about the case. now, you saw the judge today really limit what actually will
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come in out of those documents that were released last week, she said essentially if the opening statements, mark o'meara cannot go into trayvon martin's history with regards to fights can not use the text messages in regards to drugs and these things won't get n i smoke to a couple of legal experts last week, fairly smart lawyering on mark o'meara's part he has gotten some of the narrative out, which is what he is trying to do in service of his client. >> you are been following the case slowsly from the very beginning. as you know it has elisted intense debate and emotion. do you expect to see that continue during this phase of george zimmerman's trial? >> i think this case has been incredibly:divisive. the people demonstrated innish any sanford, in their minds, the case had been decided by the police rather than in a courtroom a lot of ways, you talk to the martin family this is what they wanted. they wanted this to be ajudge
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kated in a court of law and you not decided by the sanford police. i think in that sense, just having this process has been a safety valve, has let some of the tension out, particularly in sanford, but i think that these presentations of evidence that are, in a sense, as kerry sanders said you can sort of putting trayvon martin spotlight rather than george zimmerman, have the potential to reexacerbate a lot of that attention. >> joy-ann reid, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. up next, doling out advice. former senate majority leader and gop presidential nominee bob dole says the republican party needs a serious revamp. we will talk to former senator olympia snowe about that. plus, her ideases on how to sa the senate. you are watching "the daily rundown," only on msnbc. wn? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age.
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where over seventy-five percent of store management started as i'm the next american success story. working for a company hourly associates. there's opportunity here. i can use walmart's education benefits to get a degree, maybe work in it, or be an engineer, helping walmart conserve energy. even today, when our store does well, i earn quarterly bonuses. when people look at me, i hope they see someone working their way up. vo: opportunity, that's the real walmart. what do you think of your market the republicans today? >> i think they ought to put a sign on the national committee doors that says closed for
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repairs. >> working in the senate has been described as herds cats and over the last few years, the dysfunction on capitol hill has reached new levels but one former republican senator has some advice for both sides of the aisle on how to fix the broken system. joining me now is the former senator from maine, olympia snowe, who is out with a new book titled "fighting for common ground." thank you so much for joining us this morning, senator snowe. >> thank you for having me, kristen. thank you. >> well, you just heard bob dole say that he thinks your party should undergo repairs. how much responsibility do you think your party bears for the dysfunction on capitol hill and do you agree with bob dole? >> i certainly do agree with the former imagine joshity leader, bob dole with whom i worked when i first entered the senate and who was a consensus builder and understood what was essential
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and important for the republican party band what was important for america and that unfortunately has been lost today on capitol hill and yes, republican does bear responsibility and do the democrats, you have to work together and obviously, the republican party is undergoing some, you know, significant and serious changes and they are going to have to rethink their approach as a political party and how they are going to regroup and become a governing majority party that appeals to a broader group of americans than they do today. >> well, one of the last big issues that you played a key role on was health care. here's part of what you wrote in your book. i'm going to read it to you and get your reaction on the other side you said "the president called me after the conclusion of the mark up. he began by telling me a great states person once said when history calls, history calls and said i could make history by supporting health care reform when it's considered on the senate floor. you could be a modern day joan of arc, he offered. i laughed and replied, yes, but
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she was burned at the stake. i added, i don't mind taking the heat, but i have to believe it's the right policy for america. the president responded, don't worry, i'll be there with a fire hose. so, knowing what you know now, there's obviously a lot of concern about the implementation of health care, the house has voted to repeal it a number of times. do you think that it is the right policy today? >> well, i have some serious problems with the policy in the way it will be implement and that was one of my primary concerns. i just happen to think it was moving in the wrong direction because it became too big in scale and many of the facets of it have not been either examined very carefully and many questions were not answered, such as the issue of affordability. how much were the plan gassing to cost in health care exchanges? that was one question i really sought to get answers to but regrettably was not able to from
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the congressional budget office because i thought it was important to know that costs and also on a state by state basis. many of the issues today regarding the implementation, the ones that i had recognized early on and i thought we should repair that bill, fix it, and then it would have been a different story that we never got into that posture, never had the ability to change, modify, or amend the legislation on the floor of the senate. >> it strike mess that you have that conversation with president obama. as you know, he has been doing a a lot of outreach to people on the other side of the aisle. do you wish he had done more of that when you were in the senate? >> yes, at the outset of his own administration and that's something that i, you know, we had discussed in the first meeting i had with president obama when he assumed office back in january 2009, shortly there after. i met with him on the stimulus. the best advice i can give to you is based on my experiences
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with previous presidents and president reagan came in in tumultuous circumstances, internationally and dom messily and he and his team figured out how to work aggressively with the democratic house of representatives to blood coalition for support of, you know, his budget plans, which were important to restore the economy. >> senator, i want to get you -- >> would have worked as well. >> senator, one other point, currently there are only six senators who served more than 20 years by 2015, less than 25% of the senators serving will have been elected before september 11th. do you think that this lack of institutional knowledge is part of the problem here? >> at a that certainly doesn't help that is something i say in my speeches to audience, you have a whole new group of lawmakers that no no other environment than hostility. not knowing how it used to work
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not understanding what your role is as a legislator to solve problems for your constituents and for the country. i think that purpose has been lost. and what we have to restore. >> i know you are critical of the senate now, but are there days when you miss being there? >> i missed the people i worked with, my colleagues and everything, i loved the senate in the way in which it worked because it made everything possible. you knew that there was always potential for solving something and the mystery of how to solve it. what would be the best solution in drawing from the best ideas of both sides. that's what it was always about for me that's what was lost, legislating, the way i knew it and what the country knew. what we have to concern. i thought i could contribute my voice to reaffirm that direction and galvanize the american people that's one part of the bipartisan policy center now, so we can have a call to arms and
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have a movement toward, you know, solving real problems, creating incentive in the system for bipartisanship and compromise. >> senator snowe, thank you. >> our website. >> thank you so much for joining us this morning. we really appreciate t again, the book is called "fighting for common ground." coming up, our postmemorial day gaggle takes a look at one of the few legislative bright spots in washington. but first, the white house soup of the day, turkey lentil. we will be right back. music ... music ... music...
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the governor of arkansas, jim guy tucker, has become the first arkansas governor to be convicted while in office of a crime. again, two of the seven charges against the governor, the jury returned guilty verdicts i. >> daily flashback to this day in 1996 when president clinton's former business partners in the
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whitewater land deal, james and susan mcdougal and arkansas governor, jim guy tucker, were convicted of 24 counts of fraud. we ask how many bills did anthony weiner and mark sanford co-sponsor when they served together in congress in the answer, 11. all during the 106th congress, which is the only time the two served concurrently. thanks to our friends at the hotline for that one. we want to congratulate today's win, returning champion, ben goodman, who won last week as well, congratulations, ben. if you have a trivia question for us, e-mail us at and we will be right back. [ female announcer ] now you can apply sunblock to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection.
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justice department and more has unfolded at the same time as a major policy issue has actually made progress as a bipartisan bill headed to the senate floor but not everyone is convinced the legislation is enough. >> i don't expect myself -- my only -- my concern is about the security. we're in this position with 11 million illegal immigrants because there was not adequate security. 8 senators coming out of a room saying there's going to be security is not enough. >> let's bring in headerson, robert and the former white house hispanic media director for president obama louis. i want to get your reaction to the representative's comments. is this going to be a major sticking point, still. >> there are people that will never be satisfied with the amount of border security so it
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will be one of the issues, less so in the senate but definitely when the house takes up immigration reform. it will definitely be one of the most con tententious issues. i'm sure enough republicans will look at this in the right way. you have twice as many troops on the ground than ten years. more resources there than you do combined for atf, dea and several other law enforcement, $18 billion a year but it will never be enough for a lot of people. >> robert, we had all controversies in recent weeks. sit possible that that actually helped to move immigration reform forward. >> i'm not sure about that. what i'm watching from the conservative side is this bill is going to come out of the senator. who beyond is going to give conservatives in the house to vote for the bill. that's not enough to get
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conservatives to back this thing. the house judiciary chairman is going to try to back the bill so you need conservative cover in the senate. >> it went out of conference 13-5. is that a strong start and how do they get it through the house. >> it is a strong start. it's about like walking a toddler start to walk. you feel like it could fall apart but you also feel like the proimmigration side has their stuff together. they learned from 198 6 and learned from 2007. they're making the underlying argument being this is good for the party and good for the country. i do feel like they haven't gotten their mojo yet. on one hand they're making the argument that this could be amnesty and economic argument and also saying this will create millions of democrats. we'll have to see but robert is right. is he going to be a force for the far right to send a signal
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to those house republicans? >> i want to talk about the fact that the president heads to new jersey today. he will be greeted by chris christy. as you know he got criticism the first time the president went there. >> they can't stand the cameo appearances on the jersey shore. if he wins re-election he'll head into 2016 very strong. they'll want someone that can win in the northeast and he could be that candidate. they may look over this whole obama appearance at the shore in a few years. bull we'll see. >> this trip comes at agood time for the president. he's trying to shift the narrative away from the negative headlines on his administration here. does this show how government can work? >> it's a positive for both of them. there needs to be more chris tis
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on the democrat and republican side. they need to come together to fix problems so it's a plus for both of them. >> what's your take. >> every time i see chris christie i'm looking for signs that he has actually lost weight. that will matter going forward. this is good for him. he'll win that race, win governor. he's up by 30 points. i was at dinner with democrats that love chris so i do think she strong going into 2016 but there is lingering resentment among conservatives with this bromance he has with the president. >> it's time for shameless plugs. >> i'm going to plug you. you have done a fantastic job. i'm glad i'm here for you debut. i hope i'm able to come back. >> i'm glad you're here. >> i'll promote national reviews all righters that have done a great job covering the obama irs scandal and everything. >> i'm going completely
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shameless. i have a new website for my consulting business. >> thank you all for being here for my first time filling in for chuck. i appreciate it. thank you for joining us. that is it for this edition of the daily rundown. we'll see you here tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. coming up next, chris jansing and company. take it away chris. this is the business travel forecast. thunderstorms widespread could cause air traffic delays and down pours over a large area of the country from the central plains to great lakes and areas around washington d.c. and baltimore. southeast, you remain dry as temperatures continue to warm up. beginning to feel like summer across the country. something completely different. i met a turtle friend today so, you don't get that very often. it seemed like it was more than happy to have us in his home.
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and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? good morning. this morning, pressure is building on the obama administration to take another look at getting more involved in the conflict in syria. first, senator john mccain's secret visit yesterday. he crossed the border where he met with syrian rebels. he's the highest ranking u.s. official to visit that country in two years. second the european union is lifting it's arms embargo on the rebels paving the way to send them weapons but according to the mork nork times a senior russian diplomat said that will endanger the prospect for a peace conference next month and
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today john kerr have meeting with the russian foreign minister to try and workout a deal for the peace talks. here's what he said on saturday. >> we are committed to this. we both want to make this conference happen if possible together with many other countries that joined up and today we talked through a number of issues. when the conference might take place and obviously that depends on the participants and the decisions that need to be made together with our friends and allies and the united nations. i want to bring in the national journals correspondence chris and jackie. good to see both of you. good morning. >> good morning. >> chris, the administration had no response to mccain's trip and we haven't heard anything specifically about that from john kerry. so when we look at mccain's surprise trip and the eu decision, is there a chance that those two things toget a
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