tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 1, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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all easier to manage on the share everything plan for small business. connecting more so you can do more. that's powerful. verizon. get the blackberry z10 for $199.99. good evening, americans, welcome to the ed show live from new york. let's get to work. michele bachmann is not going to be returning to congress. i find it sad and tragic. >> i fully anticipate the mainstream liberal media to put a detrimental spin on my decision not to seek a fifth term. >> we've got them on the other side so worried about their own camp being on the wrong side of issues and being divided. >> she looks at the role in washington different than those -- like john mccain. those dirt bags remain.
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>> i promise you i will continue to continue to fight to protect innocent human life. >> michele bachmann is out there trying to scare people over obama care. >> let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. >> traditional marriage. and academic excellence. >> her position is to work tirelessly to end slavely, that's not true. >> running for president really, one series of humiliations after another. it's also an educational experience. >> facts and logic have no place in the republican party. that's why bachman is the perfect fit. >> my core conviction on these principle issues will continue. >> tell these people something they don't know about me.
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♪ >> this person right here, that person, she is the poster child for what is wrong with congress and in washington, d.c.. good to be with you, folks, let's talk about us for a moment americans who are con sit u vents, expectations of elected officials. they work for us, they advocate for us, they try to get things done on our part, we tell them what they want, they go to washington and try to get it done. luckily for america, michele bachmann has announced she's not going to be seeking a fifth term in the united states house. i think about the people in the minnesota sixth district, can they look in the mirror and say, this person, they got their money's worth? there's no question about it, they got their money's worth,
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right? bachmann used her seat to do one thing and one thing only, that was self-promotion. she used her power to make herself a celebrity of sorts by saying things like this. >> now that we've moved into the realm of gangster government, we have gangster government. >> planned parenthood is a billion dollar a year entity, they want to become the lens crafter of big abortion. >> it's a sad light. it's part of satan to say this is gay, it's anything but gay. >> it leads to the personal enslavement of individuals. if you're involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it's bondage. >> our nation may very well be experiencing the hand of judgment. our nation has seen judgment not once but twice on september 11th. >> we now have aroun imperial presidency. >> i want people in minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue.
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>> our fathers thought taxation without represent resin taking was bad, what will they think of representation with taxation? i don't know what's going to happen. >> there isn't one study that can be produced that shows the carbon dioxide is a harmful gas. >> there's a woman who came up crying to me tonight after the debate. she head her daughter was given that vaccine. she told me her daughter suffered mental retardation as a result of that vaccine. >> what you have done is nothing short of remarkable. and the shout around the world -- >> i haven't had a gaffe for something i've done that's caused me to fall in the polls. >> what all of you out there in tv land need to know is that is just a smidgen of the archives here at msnbc, we save everything. she plays into the culture. the culture of cable. basically, in our business, folks, when we ask somebody to
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come on the air, we are asking them to say something. she knew that, she used it as a vehicle of self-promotion. whenever the camera was on, it was just to say wacky stuff. it didn't have to be the truth or not. or factually based, it just had to be a moment where she would have an opportunity to say it, in many of those memorable moments, earned bachmann countless appearances on fox news. during her failed presidential run, which didn't get out of iowa, she appeared on fox news 73 times. and in that six-month period, she spent over nine hours on fox news trying to advance these wacky agendas she was pushing. bachman isn't calling it quits without another web video to further advance her celebrity status. in the video she laid out her
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accomplishments in congress. >> we're working in a bipartisan way to build a long overdue bridge in our district. working to reopen a much needed regional airport in the district. being the primary sponsor of the bill that recently passed in the house to repeal obama care, to flying to london to be one of three people to represent the united states of america at the funeral of prime minister margaret thatcher. working to alleviate all the stifling economic restrictions that banks and businesses must now endure since the enactment of dodd frank legislation i called out the terrorists for who they are, and for the evil that they perpetrate upon our people. and i've demanded that this administration never under any circumstances subordinates our national security for the administration's weak version of political correctness.
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i've identified at the outset of the so-called arap spring, this administration's foreign policy blunders and how those blunders have contributed to turning the middle east into a devastating evil jihadist earthquake. >> those are accomplishments? going to a funeral is an accomplishment? bachma bachmann, of course, spent next few minutes of her video slamming the obama administration, here's a video she never mentioned. the number is zero. that's the number of bills michele bachmann has sponsored and become law, zero. michele bachmann has no legislative accomplishments during her seven years in congre congress. she's got one more year to go, probably not going to get anything done there either. this is the poster child for washington, d.c.. it's not about michele bachmann, it's about what she represents.
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she is the reason why the art of compromise has vanished in washington. compromise is what we do on a local level, a regional level, we're americans, we get together on things. she has no bipartisan accomplishments. here's another number for you. 23,000. that's the amount of money michele bachmann could earn every year from her government mention starting in five years, $23,000 a year. let's think about this, michele bachmann goes to congress for eight years and gets nothing done but she gets a pension. would she present a bill that everybody in the private sector in america who works for just eight years getting 23,000? feeling good about it all now folks. is that fair? are we getting our money's worth? did the people of minnesota in the sixth district get their money's worth? she is so unlike minnesota. she's taken the term minnesota
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nice and turned it upside down with all of her hatred toward the president. why? because he wants to begin 30 million people health care? let's be fair to michele bachmann, let's just say she's really sound in her principles as the tea party darling, the tea party, they're really concerned about the federal budget deficit. i am wondering if michele bachmann would step forward and say, you know what, i'm going to forgo this pension because i didn't get anything done in congress. all i did was go after the president, circumvent everything that was good for people. she never advocated anything for anybody. it was all about her and her self-promotion. let's be fair to michele bachmann about another number. one. she's proud of her crown accomplishme accomplishment. >> being the primary sponsor of the bill that recently passed in the house to repeal obama care.
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when do we count the road to repealing obama care wasn't successful. she tried to scare the american people. and she's still doing it. >> it's the crown jewel of socialism. it's socialized medicine. >> socialized medicine is going to kill the country. >> socialism is a principle that i reject and i will work to eradicate socialism. >> socialized medicine is the heart and soul and the crown jewel of socialism. >> america will never be the same. that's why we're here. we're saying, repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. >> actually, congresswoman, obama care will save lives.
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this is the way michele bachmann plays ball. she's a fear monger, a pedestrian letter of hate, she hates everything that she doesn't like. she tries to scare americans into believing her backwards ideology is the best way for america, the best path forward. this person thinks it's morally correct to steal health care from 30 million americans, after two elections of a president who advocated for it boldly, because, you see, the government is paying for it. but then when it comes to michele bachmann getting her cash, her government mention, i guarantee you, she's going to be right in line. we're not going to treat her like a veteran at the va and make her wait months and months and months, she's going to get her pension right away. ironically, the republicans and the conservatives hate unions, they hate workers, wage earners, collective bargaining, they hate guaranteed pension, guaranteed
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health care. they're the first ones to take it, they're in the best union on the face of the earth. they get to vote their pay raise, they get to vote their benefits, they get to call their time off. they can do whatever they want to do. so what about you and me? we're constituents, we expect people in washington to represent us, all they give us is deadlock. michele bachmann is a perfect example as to why the middle class in the country is crumbling, they are stuck in the ideological country, they don't want to move. they're all about power, the republicans like michele bachmann, they don't give a damn about your pension, they want to take your health care away, they always have. they want to concentrate the wealth, they want more corporate power. what have republicans done for you sitting at home about your health care other than take it away from the poor. this is who they are, it's not michele bachmann, it's not personal, it's who they are, and
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what they represent, and what they don't deliver for the american people. pension or health care, they're not there. republicans like her are on a mission to make thenselves famous in front of cable television to build up their brand and they will destroy the middle class in the process, and they don't care. because it's all about them and their selfishness and how self-centered they are. liberals, look, i know this is -- a time where where not all politically engaged, but i can tell you, these folks are dangerous, there's no time and no room for political exhaustion right now. you need to make sure who's running in your district. you need to make sure where they stand on health care, where they stand on the big three that's under attack, and are you going to do your duty to get involved? because we've defeated citizens united once, we can do it again. i want to talk about selfishness. i think there's something
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terribly impure in our political system that we allow people to go to washington and have absolutely no accountability whatsoever. and they do nothing on behalf of constituents, they only promote themselves. let me give you a number. zero. zero net jobs in the sixth district in minnesota. let me give you another number. one, the number one district in the state of minnesota is the one she represents that's number one in foreclosures. talk about public service. did michele bachmann ever work with anybody on trying to reverse the number of foreclosures? that would be people being moved out of their homes because they can't make the payments? does she ever go down the road to work for people? and talk about public service. this elected official would have been the perfect spokesperson last week to talk about bridges and infrastructure in america. because you see, in minnesota a bridge fell down several years
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ago that killed 13 people, not far from her district. she would have been the perfect representative to step out in front of america and say, now is the time we all understand the severity and the lacking of stability in our infrastructure in america. she would have been the perfect person, but you know what she did last week? she was talking about the internal revenue service and how to take down obama care, to take away health care from 30 million people. this is who they are. i think it's sad that she's leaving the congress, because we need an example day in and day out of who they are and what they really mean for america. now, this is why i believe bob dole came out last week and said that the republicans need to get behind closed doors and figure this thing out. my favorite michele bachmann story, is that when she was a state senator in minnesota, she was caught in the bushes
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observing a gay rally. when she was outed she said she lost her contacts. this is how she operates. she will leave the congress and she will be labelled a failure with no accomplishments, no job creation poor record on foreclosures and no record of public service when it comes to doing what elected officials should do, and that's advocate for the greater good. now, the inside information now is that tom emer possibly may run for the house, a right wing talk show host, ran for governor, i mean, this guy, he's worse than her. jim graves has decided he's not going to run on the democratic ticket, this seat is wide open. let me give you a taste of what emer is all about. >> i believe our government is too big, too intrusive and too expensive. i know the core principles that made our country great are
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limited government and economic freedom. >> you see why we can't afford to have any political exhaustion? remember to answer the question at the bottom of your screen. we always want to know what you think. rick perry finally remembers the third thing he wants to eliminate about . our rapid response panel takes on the issue that my radio listeners are on fire about. that thick creamy texture, i was in trouble. look i'm in a committed relationship with activia and i've been happy and so has my digestive system. now i'm even happier since activia greek showed up because now i get to have my first love and my greek passion together, what i call a healthy marriage. activia greek. the feel good greek. ♪ dannon
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>> i do not want to be in trouble with michelle. >> our number three trender. president obama gives collar. >> is that speak. >> i just want everyone to witness. >> the president had some explaining to do at a white house event honoring asian-americans. >> i think i know the culprit, where's jessica sanchez. it wasn't her it was her aunt. where is she? auntie right there, look at this. >> michele bachmann exits stage far right. >> i will not seek a fifth congressional term. >> so long farewell. good night. >> the republican party adds another quitter to its ranks. >> i will not seek re-election as governor. >> i honestly believe i can do more on the outside than the
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inside about. >> my future is full, it is limitless. >> a former republican senator. >> the congresswoman looked to calm any rumors surrounding her departure. >> my decision was not in anyway influenced about concerns about my being re-elected to congress. >> i beat jim graves last year by a huge margin of 1%. >> it reminds me about the shakes speer line, thou protest too much. >> make what americans buy, buy what americans make. >> the state is looking to buy supplies or items. >> boots. >> the texas governor vetoed a buy american bill which passed unanimously in the texas state house. >> would you criticize texas companies for outsourcing a job? >> you want to live in india or texas? >> for real? >> perry really did throw up all over himself.
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>> thoughtful analysis, brett, thank you. joining us tonight, james hoffa, president for the teamsters, we have a lot of conversation in america about jobs, about make it in america, about buy american. here we have a republican governor from the great state of texas. vetoing a buy american bill. how do we figure it out. >> it's incredible. this country is being inundated and flooded with foreign steal, foreign iron, foreign products. and that's why we have so much unemployment in this country? what better to have a bill that says buy american, what's wrong with having american steal? american iron, american things that go into what makes a texas strong or makes our country strong. and it's incredible that he would veto such a bill. i'm encouraged because the numbers were so overwhelmingly hopefully they can come back and
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override his veto, i hope the texas legislature does that next week. there's an opportunity here to make a statement about what's good for america. as a labor leader, we fight this battle all the time. there are people right now that say, we shouldn't have a buy america in any type of legislation. what's wrong with that? the average american says, we should use that, we should have our steel mills working, put people to work. make sure our iron factories, make sure our products are made here, so we won't have 20 million people unemployed that's what america is all about. other countries think that why, why don't we? >> other countries have a sense of loyalty of what their workers are doing. but it's not only washington weapons, it's now into the thought process of governors who try to be heavy handed. and perry is on the list of republican governors up for re-election next year. how are the teamsters going to mobilize to knock this ideology off this pedestal?
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>> we fight this battle every day, we fight it in trade bills. there's a partnership bill, guess what they want to do? take out buy america, we fight the pentagon, the military wants to take out buy america. what do they want to do, get their tanks in china? what are they thinking out there, and we have to basically make it stronger and mobilize people in the congress and house and senate, and the people, the good people of texas, to make a stand to say, hey, let's buy american. let's put america to work, let's be proud of who we are. >> the republican governor's association has not been on record pushing the congress to go down the road of infrastructure, the president made a push for infrastructure spending in his weekly address. here it is. >> congress should put more americans to work, rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges. we'd all be safer and the unemployment rate would fall faster. >> your drivers are on the road in america, on innear yore
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infrastructure, your thoughts? >> absolutely, you know what, we are not doing enough to rebuild our infrastructure, our bridges, our tunnels, our roads are falling apart, you're on the road, i'm on the road, we see it every day, when we do do it, let's be proud to build those spanls that says made in america on it. let's put america back to work. >> they not only talk against it, they now veto it and vote against it, james hoffa, good to have you with us tonight on the ed show. hollywood met reality this week. >> i'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the eiffel tower out of metal and braun, that's what kind of man i am. you're just a woman with a small brain. a brain the third the size of us. it's science. >> a must see rapid response panel tackles the talker of the week. and republican obstruction hits home for workers.
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larry cohen is here with the latest for folks who take a shower after work. next, i'm taking your questions, ask ed live is ahead. i'm in my work van, having lunch, next minute i'm in the back of an ambulance having a heart attack. i was in shape, fit. i did not see it coming. i take bayer aspirin. [ male announcer ] so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. see your doctor and get checked out. about the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. breyers, vanilla? it's for the kids. sure it is! okay, that price? walmart will match it at the register. i didn't know that. oh, wow! that's the walmart low price guarantee! save time and money this memorial day. bring in ads from your local stores and see for yourself.
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throughout their lives. passion keeps them realizing possibilities. an ally for real possibilities. aarp. find tools and support at welcome back to the ed show. it's our ask ed segment of the program. the first question is from brian hollingsworth, why do the republicans hate this president so much? well, first of all i do think there is an element of race involved here for some lawmakers, generally speaking it's the philosophical fight in america that president obama believes that government plays a limited role in helping the economy and in helping people's lives and creating opportunities. he is against the privatization of all of the things that the
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republicans want to do. the republicans are about concentrating the wealth. the republicans have no record of helping the middle class. the republicans think that the corporations should get all of the tax breaks and they have ice in their veins when you talk to them about maybe rich folks paying their fair share. big divide there, that's why they hate the president. one of the many reasons, i could go on for hours on that one. that's why i have a radio show from noon to 3:00 monday through friday. where was the tea party when george w. bush to a record surplus to a record deficit? >> well, the tea party didn't go going until barack obama, the black guy got going in the white house. he became the focal point of everything that was wrong in this country. they are concerned the tea party about federal spending and i visited with some tea partiers over the years that do have a problem with bush. did have a problem with the way
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he was running the economy. if they had a choice of doing bush all over again or obama right now, they'd take bush all over again. you know how smart they are. ♪ [ male announcer ] tenacity plated in chrome. determination covered in mud. fight firing on six cylinders. the new ram 1500 with best-in-class fuel economy. guts. glory. ram.
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moms and how they're tearing apart society. did you know that? almost every caller on my radio show wanted to talk about the sexist segment on fox, and here are the highlights. >> in reality it shows us that's the truth. >> something going terribly wrong in american society, and it's hurting our children, and it's going to have an impact for generations to come. i don't see how you can argue this. >> this is a catastrophic issue, and sadly, no one on the left, right or center is dealing with the breakdown of family structure. we're losing a generation, bottom line, could undermine our social order. >> it's more difficult for republicans these days, they're scared of the war on women, and raising this issue, it sounds anti-women. >> a couple of lou dobbs's co-workers fired back. greta van susteren asked if they had lost their minds.
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>> the male of the species tends to be the protector, the dominant one in that regard. when we forced ourselves to this point in society, where they have to be, that's not a good healthy thing for society. you can't have it all, and they're making compromises, and i'm not judging them, and no one should. >> you are judging them. >> to ignore the fact that we have marriages breaking up, shattering in this society and we know that that reduces by at least -- >> why are you attributing that to women in the workforce. >> let me just finish saying what i want to say, oh, dom plant one. >> excuse me? >> so far, none of the male anchors on fox have come out in defense of bread winning moms in america. let's hear from our all female panel. joan, reaction? >> i love him, that was awesome.
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these guys are so used to going to their man cave at fox where they're stroked and petted and their egoes are boosted, and their views are widely shared. everyone knows that's the truth. for lou dobbs and erick erickson to go there and be confronted with not just a woman's point of view, but science. the actual science, she brought up the study, she had the data at her fingertips, that's usually not allowed on fox, it was a thing of beauty. >> destruction of the family? >> it's ridiculous. we're not talking about prifl th, we need to talk about the fact that only some women have the option to stay home and take care of their kids when they're young. a lot of women -- poor women are only making $23,000 a year on average. they dorn the have that choice. >> can i just say, if those three are the option, i'm going with single motherhood, and so would every woman and work three
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jobs, they would do whatever it took to make sure those bread winers were not part of their lives at all. >> social order, how archaic is that? >> they talk about this all the time, i mean, the thing that's really scary about these guys, men should be up in arms. i watch the whole segment, and one of the things that erick erickson is trying to get across to her, is that the feminists have ruined the family, by saying women don't have to be dependent on men. and men don't want to work any more. the right wing view of men may be worse than women. if there weren't gals having babies and clubbing them into doing their job, i don't know what you all would be doing. >> selena, you are ready to get out of law school? >> i graduated last friday. >> congratulations, i knew you were very close. how does -- did they really want you to go to law school? did they want you to have any
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measurable success in society whatsoever? >> i like to cook, i like to read and you can't -- it's like this one dimensional view of what women should do. we need to be baking cookies at all times. it's fine to be a feminist, be smart, be a lawyer, and bake cookies. you can have it all. erick erickson said you can't have it all, you can in certain things. >> this cuts to the political discussion we had last fall, the war on women, isn't this proof positive there is a mind-set within the conservative moment in america, that for lack of a better term, women are a cheaper cut in society? >> absolutely, women are a cheaper cut, erick erickson has defined a woman's rules, his website would only endorse pro life anti-choice candidates. they broke that with scott walker. oh, wow! great. he has an agenda, it's a strict
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agenda this is not -- i don't know what world they live in -- >> who would be attracted to a political ideology like this? this is the destruction of the political party. >> they say they're going to have their autopsies and rebranding and look at why they don't appeal to women. this is why they don't appeal to women. who does it appeal to? it appeals to frightened people. who think women are compelled to be with them, that we'll choose not to be -- as they said in the case of erick erickson. >> it's the last gasp of white male privilege. when you see them so freaked out about having a woman at the table to hear her point of view, to have her making decisions with them and more importantly, for them sometimes, this is how they respond? i don't want them making any decisions, it's frightening. >> they want all of you to get barefoot, pregnant, get in the kitchen start cooking and turn on fox news.
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that's where they're at. to say the destruction of the family, i find that amazing. educated women do not contribute to society or to the structure of the family. >> it's a choice for many women to go to work. it's also a necessity for most women. it's the disappearance of manufacturing jobs, it's the erosion of unions, it's the erosion of male wages as well. it's not just like women -- >> male centered -- >> michele bachmann? >> i was just in minnesota, and i stayed an extra day on the day she announced because there were parties in the streets. there were parties in the streets. >> mardi gras. >> yeah. >> she leaves with no accomplishments, fair statement? >> zero, 58 bills she's proposed, zero. her accomplishment is -- >> what does it say about elected officials that go to washington instead of working on behalf of people, but only to promote themselves? >> it is scary. you have a seat in congress,
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people put you there, you can do some good for your side, but what everybody's goal seems to be, jim demint leaves and takes over the heritage foundation, and makes it worse than it was, there's a payoff for -- you have democrats going into investment banking. there's -- congress isn't a place for certain people. >> what do you think her next move is? >> i think she's going to make a lot of money on the speaking circuit, she's going to hook herself up with welfare, there's always some millionaire out there willing to write a check for these people. she's going to get very wealthy. >> the question comes up, does the conservative movement back people that are going to washington to do nothing but obstruct with the clear intention not to get anything done, but only to stop the progressive liberal movement, it's almost like they are targeted elected officials to go there and gum stuff up. >> yes. >> we'll count on a few we backed to get elected and screw everything up. >> what's so fascinating, they have no historical knowledge of
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their own party. not only does it block the progressive agenda, they are blocking republican agendas that go back to nixon and reagan. that's what's crazy. >> one of the things, the left has extremes, the right has extremes, they elect their extremists, that's why they get there, and they don't do anything. we're wondering why nothing is getting done. >> next subject. cheerios is getting backlash over this commercial featuring an interracial family. what about this? >> she's really cute. >> she's so cute. >> let's all go out and buy cheerios. the ad caught my eye because she's adorable. >> some conservatives are saying america is not ready for this picture. >> our president is biracial. i'm sorry, racists, you're having the worst time ever.
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>> i'm always shocked when i see commercials, there are so few interracial couples. corporations are probably afraid of this, i hope cheerios doubles down and we get every imaginable racial combination with multiracial fruity cheerios and -- >> great to have you on the ed show, thanks so much. >> thank you. tonight i asked you, should michele bachmann give up her government pension? 90% of you say yes, 10% of you say no. if you're a tea partier vote again. still to come, a conservative has a new plan for latino outreach. we'll share this pretenders advice next. discover card. i wanted to ask you a couple questions. i've got nothing to hide. my bill's due today and i haven't paid yet. you can pay up 'til midnight online or by phone the day it's due. got a witness to verify that? just you. you called me. ok, that checks out. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with payment flexibility.
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made it her mission to destroy the equal rights amendment? she broadened her scoop beyond women's issues, to share her prescription for republican success. >> one of the big issues here is the republicans trying to figure out a way to connect with hispanics, and president bush did it, but what is your suggestion for them? >> well, i think that's a great myth because the hispanics who come in like this are going to vote democrat. and there is not the slightest bit of evidence that they're going to vote republican. and the people of the republicans should reach out to are the white votes that they -- the white voters who didn't vote in the last election, and there are millions of them. >> yes, return to the good old fashion bigotry conservative, which, of course, the conserves know so well. get rid of the pesky inclusion plan. the republican party should just
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reach out to maybe just one kind of a voter. after all, there's only one kind of american. she needs a reminder of how that worked out in the last election. >> the demographics are changing, white establishment is now the minority. >> even backwards bill can see the truth through his tears. if schlafly thinks the divisive gop is a winning strategy she can keep on pretending. you hurt my feelings, todd. i did?
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when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instead of "strength training with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgraded experience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be. [ pizza dodging man's mouth ]
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welcome back. here is the story for the folks who take a shower after work. we focus on that every week on the last part of the show. you know, when you clock out after a hard day's work, the last thing you want to hear about is, what, the filibuster? after working a double. it's hard to keep up with the conservative obstruction going on in republicanfilibusters
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threat have resulted in 79 judicial vacancies. while you're outdoing your job for a living, the gop made the 112 congress the least productive on record. the vacancies on the national labor relations board could leave workers across america without vital safeguards, and the gop's refusal to confirm judicial nominees threatens exactly what makes us american what republicans are doing is an affront to democracy itself. they have taken a process. our democratic process, and rigged it to be a one-sided game of obstruction. harry reid is said to be reconsidering the so-called nuclear option to revisit the
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filibuster reform if the senate gop blocks three upcoming key nominations. reid passed on his opportunity to change the senate rules, this time americans need to stand up and say enough is enough. this goes far beyond labor. this is not just about judicial seats. this is about democracy. this is about republicans doing everything in their power to block the will of the people and this president and denying the last two elections even took place. i'm joined by larry cohen, president of the communications workers of america who spent countless hours trying to get harry reid to change the rules of the senate so we can move on as a country. explain to viewers why this is such a threat to democracy. >> we elect a president by an overwhelming majority. and then his nominees can't get through? if they do get through, it's months or years later. there's never been obstruction like this. republicans are playing extreme
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politics. too many democrats are playing by 20th century rules. the two don't work together. we need to step up. democrats need to say enough is enough. >> they haven't done that? >> they haven't done that. they can do that at any time. the constitution says it loud and clear. the senate makes it's rules. particularly on nominations, this is a no-brainer. they need to act. they need to make it clear that this president's nominees have a right to a vote. that's all we're talking about. >> let's get down to it. harry reid could not have won re-election against sharron angle had he not had labor boots on the ground. what is the holdup? lack of loyalty here or he's afraid of the next session? >> it's not just harry reid, it's four or five democrats in his caucus. all of us, whether we're label, greens, students fighting student debt that is extraordinary or consumers, there's no consumer financial protection bureau director confirmed. we need to stand up together and
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say to democrats which side are you on? if you don't fight for the president's nominees now, in the next two months, you have no use to us. there are democrats who have said to us how will i get my funding for my next election? we say to them you're not going to get your votes for the next election. you're done. >> wow. it's come to that. there's such a level of frustration amongst progressive workers in this country, you're almost threatening lawmakers to move on this. >> wouldn't be threatening. it would be about democracy democracy means we can run primaries, too. if they don't step up and have a 21st century democracy where we can get up or down votes on the president's nominees, what use are they? it's not just the republicans here. democrats need to decide which side are they on? the chamber of commerce and corporate law firms that are rejoicing every day with new opportunities, or are they on the side of the american people? that's what's at stake today. >> why should we care if the
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national labor relations board doesn't get staffed. i know why. i want to hear it from you. >> 80 million workers, whether they have a union or not, that's the floor they walk on every day. they could be fired just for speaking up. whether they're in fast foods or professionals at work. this is the only defense there is for american workers. now we have corporations attacking even the regional labor boards, that they don't have no standing. >> why won't the republicans fill out the board? >> it's the attack on working people across the country. they believe in 19th century kap capitalism, markets only. we believe in rights, not just markets. what's the next move in trying to get the nlrb functional with only one person sitting on it now? >> the next move is that tom harkin's committee has cleared
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the nominees. the next move is senator reid will put at least one of them up for a vote. if the republicans block the vote, he will need to go to the floor and say we're changing the rules. if the democrats can't do that what are they in business for? larry cohen, thank you very much. that's "the ed show" join us tomorrow night right here at 5:00 eastern. ittle girl...she loves to help out on big jobs. good thing there's bounty select-a-size. it's the smaller powerful sheet that acts like a big sheet. look! one select-a-size sheet of bounty is 50% more absorbent than a full size sheet of the leading ordinary brand. ♪ i got it! [ mom ] use less with the small but powerful picker upper. bounty select-a-size. and try bounty napkins. [ male announcer ] the distances aren't getting shorter. ♪ the trucks are going farther. the 2013 ram 1500
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[ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? >> ooh, yeah, baby, ooh, yeah. >> they are out of control. teens attacking teachers. fighting, hazing and beating each other to a pulp. >> yeah, man! >> they videotape -- >> they knew there was going to be this fight and they came with a video camera. >> then upload the footage to get their 15 megabytes of fame. >> they somehow think that by posting it on the internet, it's taken the criminal aspects out of it. >> but sometimes big brother is watching, and the teenagers get caught. >> the videotape is a critical piece of evidence that is
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