tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 3, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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term in office come 2014. >> i'm not announcing a retirement. i'm announcing today that i will be continuing on my mission to do the right thing where ever i can. >> well, the flag on top of the u.s. capitol building is half-staff in senator lautenberg's honor. it will now be up to chris christie to appoint somebody to serve out the term in office. joining me now on the phone, steve kornacki, host of "up." also senior political writer at let's talk first, the reflections, how people are going to remember the senator, his time and service to our country. >> i think of transportation issues might be where he left his biggest mark.
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if you've driven through north jersey, you've probably seen the frank lautenberg station. it's a hub just outside new york city. rail transportation was a passion of his. i know there's this big issue a couple of years ago where he's been, he dedicated himself to create i creating a new tunnel to correct new jersey. a rail tunnel to connect new jersey to new york. it was going to be one of the largest transportation projects. cement years putting it together. but when christie came to office and canceling it and a high profile move, but those are the issues that mattered to frank lautenberg. >> you talk about chris christie, he's said he would cancel his campaign activities today in light of the news of the senator passing. also, he's not going to be available for comment, but we know this is going to be a big test for the governor in terms of who he appointed to fill in for the senator. are there any names or people
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that might come to mind? >> there are a few usual suspects. just to back up for a second, this is something you know, sadly, i think that the new jersey political world kind of knew was coming. frank lautenberg's term is up at the end of 2014. i think that was a bipartisan sense that he would resign, something like this, but we were all sort of thinking in terms of what happens if he tuz not duountil the end of 2014. chris christie will get to make an appointment. the republican bench new jersey, a couple of names that might be out there are joe carallios. he ran last fall. chris christie will appoint one of them, but there will have to be a special election this year as well. >> steve kornacki, thanks so much. we want to switch now and joining the conversation is democratic new jersey congressman bill pascrell.
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what's your reaction and your reflection of the type of senator and the man that he was in dealing with new jersey politics? >> well, thomas, this guy was a great guy. not only for new jersey, but the country. not so much because the issues. we came from the same town, we drank the same water. he came from nothing. he loved his parents so much, deeply. grew up in patterson. moved to several other cities. other towns. he certainly wasn't born with any golden, any silver spoon in his mouth and he made it. because he was not a spectator. he was not going to be a spectator for life, he was not going to be a spectator in politics. he was going to get his two cents in there. thank god he felt that way because today, you know, we have the inaneness of the congress.
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we have a mentality of don't ruffle feathers and same place and we can't get much done. that wasn't frank lautenberg. he wanted to get something done. whether it was business, his personal life, whether it was in politics and we are going to greatly miss this man. believe me, we're going to miss him. it's not just a passing of a politician. this has nothing to do with liberal and conservative. it has to do with our humanity because he believed in our humanity, he believed in everybody. >> we've got reaction from senator patty murray saying from his work to prevent gun violent, to end smoking on planes, he was a champion for the underserved and underrepresented. the mayor of new york sayinging senator lautenberg stood tall in the fight against guns. his strong voice will be missed and when we talk about that strong voice as we were speaking with steve kornacki about the test this puts on chris christie to put an appointment person in
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to fill out the remainder of this term, who do you think could be best appointed dood that? to carry on the work that would be reflected of senator lawt lautenberg? >> i don't want to get into the politics of it. i don't think this is the right time, but let me say this. i pray for the governor that he'll use wisdom, select the right person and hopefully, within means, have the election, which is necessary to get off the -- because frank would want it in other way. in other words, this is the day and these are the times that we will, we will look at each other and think about him and fill up in our emotions and the next day, when we can talk about the politics of the situation, so i pray for the governor, that he'll make the right decision and his wisdom and have new jersey first at heart. that's all i want to say about the politics of it. >> congressman, i'll ask you to stick around because the white house is facing this long, hot
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summer of scandal. another week of tough scrutiny for the irs is beginning just hours from now with a new hearing on capitol hill. the new head of the irs will make his first appearance before a congressal -- troubles that include this embarrassment from over the weekend. a video that surfaced showing irs employees line dancing for an in house training video. the cost, $1600. then you pile on top of that, a report that will reveal the agency spent nearly $50 million in taxpayer money on more than 200 employee conferences in a two-year period. this weekend, house oversight committee chairman darrell issa levelled some scathing criticism and jay carney. >> and the administration is still, they're paid liar, spokesperson, he's still making up things about what happens and calling this local rogue. it's because this is a problem that was coordinated in all likelihood right out of
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washington headquarters and we're getting to proving it. >> jay carney's predecessor fired back with this statement on "morning joe." >> first of all, darrell issa should call jay carney and apologize this morning. this kind of discourse is why people lose confidence in their institutions. the notion he's in charge of quote government oversight might be the biggest joke in washington. bill pascrell stayed with me on the phone to talk about this. we've got this new report on the irs conferences that cost $50 million between 2010 and 2012, including one in anaheim that cost about 4 million bucks. we've got videos that are spoofing movies, speakers that i had $17,000 a pop through leadership, art. the irs acting chief daniel we areful is going testify today. does the white house need to start cleaning house to restore faith in the irs?
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the irs is already a place most americans have a visceral reaction to and this is just going to compound that. >> thomas, this is one of a few problems facing the white house. i would not be quick to judgment as mr. issa has been, or continue to be forever, but fact is that we need an explanation. now, irs is under the jurisdiction primarily of the ways and means committee and so, we're going to have our own hearings on this to find out who they were investigating. rightfully so or not rightfully so. and we get to the bottom of it because we believe in a transparent government in america and it can't just be lip service and can't be platitudes and empty words, so we need to get to the bottom of this. there's no question about this. you cannot just slug it off. and these conferences that they have, i want to see if they're meaningful or not and i believe
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this is going to mean some clean out in the irs regardless of who the president would be or the circumstances. there's no denying this. but the irs is always a pin cushion. so we want to come out of this with something meaningful. we want to get to the bottom of it. to make the irs better placed to work and a better place for an agency in the united states government, so i'm looking forward to the next couple of weeks and to call the press secretary, the president a liar, and not have any specific things to refer back to. that can't be accepted either. >> sir, thanks for joining me. i appreciate you taking the time now for us. >> thank you. breaking news, the justices issued a major decision a short time ago rules police can take a dna sample from someone who's been arrested without a warrant. this has huge implications for law enforcement across the
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country and joining me now, tom goldste goldstein. the justies, they were divided sharply because the ruling came down 5-4. it was seen as a major battle over privacy rights in this country. so what can we learn from this ruling and talk about the specifics of the case. that the justices ruled on here. >> this is a case from maryland where a person who was arrested for a violent offense had his dna taken by a cheek swab when he got to the police station and they were able to match that against a database that showed with someone with the same dna profile committed a rape in the past. he was then convicted and appealed. they threw out the conviction, taking the swab and checking the dna violated his right to privacy and the justices reversed that edition saying this isn't much of an instrugs. we just take a bit of dna and
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your privacy rights aren't that important here precisely because it doesn't do that much to you, but it's a big benefit to law enforcement. so by a hair's breath, the supreme court upholds the dna testing. >> i was going to say that comparison to fingerprints will catch a lot of people. yeah, this is kind of like the new fingerprints of the 21st century and if you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to hide. was that one of the bigger oenlss of the argument here in if police can take your fingerprints -- to link you to past crimes. >> i think that's how the majority looked at it. the decent said that's not why we use fingerprints. we use them to figure out who you are. the majority simply couldn't find any principle difference and said this is going to be an incredibly useful police tool to solve serious cold cases. tom, great to have you on.
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thanks very much. >> still ahead this hour, the man who admitted to covertly taping senator mitch mcconnell during a campaign strategy session. why did he do it? i'm going to ask him and a bhoel lot more. plus this. >> it appears that he could not get out of the way. and basically the tornado picked up his vehicle. >> three storm chasers killed when the tornado they were racing after turned on them. i'm going to talk to a close friend of one of those killed, who is also a professional storm chaser and that leads us to our big question for you today. storm chasers. is the information they gain for all of us worth the risk to their own lives? when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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breaking his silence. he wrote an essay in which he admits to taping the meeting and leaking that audio to mother jones. here's one clip that starts with mcconnell proclaiming that it is the quote whack a mole part of the campaign and then later on the tape, talks about using ashley judd's mental health, which she has talked about publicly as a potential weapon against her in a political campaign. >> all three of the campaigns -- >> and she's -- she's emotionally unbalanced. suffered from suicide sicidal tendencies, had a mental breakdown in the '90s. bill found this, which is frit revealing. >> curtis morrison joins me now to talk about this. and explain first of all why the decision to come forward like you did on friday? >> thank you for having me,
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thomas. one of the reasons i didn't come forward initially, i didn't wabt want me to be part of the story. so i released it without saying that i made the recording. then the spin that mcconnell put out was so far from reality that i knew i couldn't fix it that day and i needed some time to reflect on it and to articulate it and that's what this window of time has been. >> so now after this window of time, you have said this recording cost you a friendship. your job. you got kicked out of your apartment, forcing you to sleep in our own car. when you thought out this plan to record this conversation or try to catch a private conversation between mcconnell and his aides, did you have any what you were going to get that would cause so much havoc to your own life? >> actually, i didn't have
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anything to lose. i didn't really consider the consequences to my own life because when i decided i was going to take up this cause, i was passionate about it and it was my priority. so the konz yenss to myself are not that important and no more inconvenient than the suffering of kentucky families since mcconnell's been in office. >> did you expect the reaction it seems to em bolden mitch mcconnell and it seems to villainize the left. it also forced ashley judd to come out to say she's not interested in running against mitch mcconnell. >> well, actually, ashley judd said this that she wasn't interested before i released the recording, so i didn't cause that. i did cause him to go on a hysterical rant and fund raise saying that he was wiretapped, which just wasn't right.
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that didn't happen. >> under federal law, we talk about wiretapping, it is illegal to electronically record people without their knowledge if the person recording it is not part of the conversation, so when you decided to do this, did it occur to you that you were breaking the law? >> i wouldn't say that it occurred to me that i was breaking the law. it felt as if i was hearing a tyrant go on like he shouldn't be and that the voting public deserves to know how he is. that was my concern then and that's still my concern is for people to understand his techniques. >> you said you were very passion about this. how did you do it? how did you bug the room? >> i did not bug the room. that's a word that he's introduced. i was walking down a hallway of a public office buildinging where his headquarters was and
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they were speaking so loud, what they were saying was coming on the other side of the wall andal i had to do was turn on a camera and i also turned on a phone, too, so i would have back-up, and i was able to record what they were saying. >> so, you just overhead a loud conversation and you recorded it. do you still feel passionately about how the person who might take on mitch mcconnell because you don't want to see mitch mcconnell remain, correct? >> that is extremely correct and i'd love for ashley to get back in the race. i think that would be great. but we have a deep bench of candidates who could beat mcconnell. >> thanks for being so honest with me today. i appreciate you taking the time out. >> thank you. >> still ahead, the danger of storm chasing. three scientists killed when a tornado left them no room for escape. and coming up, i'm going to talk to reed timer about the deaths of his three colleagues and about the risks that chasers
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take. also ahead, mitt romney returning to the political stage with a big retreat in a matter of days, but is he still relevant? our panel is going to be in to weigh in on that one. i turned 65 last week. the math of retirement is different today. money has to last longer. i don't want to pour over pie charts all day. i want to travel, and i want the income to do it. ishares incomes etfs. low cost and diversified. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. i've always had to keep my eye on her... but, i didn't always watch out for myself. with so much noise about health care... i tuned it all out. with unitedhealthcare, i get information that matters... my individual health profile. not random statistics.
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it also brought heavy flooding to missouri and oklahoma. the weather channel reports this past month is the wets may on record in oklahoma city. companies like the weather channel are reassessing their policies after three storm chasers were killed tracking one of those tornados. that packed winds of 165 miles per hour. tim samaras, his son, paul, and their colleague, carl young, were well-known for their efforts to study dangerous weather. tim samaras was founder of the project and was featured in "storm chasers." he phoned into the cycle friday afternoon shortly before that tornado hit. >> tornado alley is famous for these types of weather systems coming through. it only happens maybe two, once, twice or three times in an entire year. we get days like this where the systems and the ingreend yets come together just right.
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that generate these incredible powerful storms and today is no exception. >> joining us right now, storm chaser and meteorologist, reed timmer. first of all, we're so sorry about the loss of your friends and these colleagues about the storm. the news has shaken up the storm chasing community was tim was someone who was not wreckless, had a lot of experience in doing this. for you in your perspective, has their loss, has that made you rethink what you're doing in the field? >> i'll keep on storm chasing, de definitely, but you know, tim has always been safe. never reckless. always in control of the situation. and just a freak accident. now, when i first heard about it, i thought this must be some kind of hoax. not only is he safe, he has
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pioneered our field and has saved countless lives with data he's collected through reporting storms and even just calling in right there gives people a heads-up that a tornado's coming and he's definitely a hero and all three, i know him very, very well. great people, too. i'm going to miss talking tornado science on the side of the road at random gas stations with carl, tim and paul and it's just a tragedy. >> these deaths, they've certainly shined a spotlight on the hazards of people when they place themselves in the path of lethal storms like we saw over the weekend. literally, thousands of them now are living in the u.s. and they work this way. "usa today" points out there are tour companies like extreme chase tour groups that offer to take anyone to the doorstep of a tornado at the right price. they can go for as much as 2500
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bucks. we had bill karins talk about the dangers of storm chasing today on "morning joe." take a listen. >> anytime you see a storm chasing video of the tornado that close to the storm chaser or the storm chaser in the tornado, they screwed up. they messed up. they put their lives at risk. they're not supposed to be that close to the storm and you know, some of the people like the three people that did pass, 20-year veteran was tim, he was doing research on this. i would say 95% of the people out there chasing these storms are there for the adrenaline rush, to get their youtube videos and then they get on tv and sell their videos after their done. >> so, is this a big cautionary tale? not just for people within your own community, but as bill points out, for the people who see this as a way to make a splash with the youtube video or just the adrenaline rush of actually being out there chasing a storm? >> yeah, if people are in it for
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an adrenaline rush, they shouldn't be storm chasing at all. you need to know what you're doik and if somebody goes out there that lacks expeernts, it's a deadly situation. and in this case, this team had 20, 30 years of experience and it seems like there are more and more storm chasers out there all the time and they're just go out there and get that video, the thrill seeking type of video. you know, it's -- it could lead to more loss of life, but this is the first time this has happened. a storm chaser losing their life directly from a storm and i think it's just shocking that it's time and it's sad and it feels like a nightmare that it just still hasn't sunk in and you know, it's sad. and he was doing ground breaking research and i know that at the time, he was probably calling in reports and dropping his probes
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and collecting that information that we need to better understand tornados and his work will save countless lives in the future down the road. but the researchers out there, we need them. and you know, even video of -- the visual part of the science is also needed, but people need to be trained like take skyward training courses. if you don't know what you're doing out there storm chasing, they shouldn't be out there on the roads. there are other ways to seek adrenaline. >> again, we are so sorry about the loss of your friends, but thanks for joining us. the hosts of the cycle are going to pay tribute to tim samaras today at 3:00 p.m. in southern california, 2,000 firefighters are trying to get a handle of the power house fire burning out of control 65 miles outside of l.a. six homes have been destroyed. nine others damaged. smoke from this fire has been
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on his way to a baking convention. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. progressive legacy. senator frank lautenberg passes away at the age of 89. what does this mean for the world of politics? scathing report. republicans getting a lashing from the young guns of their own party and romney's return. mitt romney stumping for some gop colleagues, but can he move the needle? those are just some of the topics from our agenda panel today. joining me, amy davidson, peter goldstein and corey day for the root. it's great to have you here and we start off with this sad new about the pass ofg senator frank lautenberg today. i know that all of you are familiar with this wonderful senator. long serving man of our country who's been well thought of all
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morning long in certain. people showing their reflections, but you wrote something up on his progressive legacy. explain to all of us the reflections, how he will be thought of when people look back on his term in service. >> he just has such a huge progressive legacy from making sure we don't have cigarettes on airplanes to domestic abusers not having access to handguns. on a personal note, my family and i immigrated from the soviet union and it was an amendment in 1989 that frank lautenberg allowed jews who were persecuted to come over to the united states. that's a wonderful legacy to leave behind and just another addendum to i think what is his great progressive legislative kre denables. >> and while every takes time to reflect and remember the man, we've known for some time that the senator was in ill health and not being in d.c. for certain votes.
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but this does put a lot of pressure on chris christie. at least for people politically watching the choice that he's going to make for an appointment. do we have an idea where christie would go on this? he's been getting checks from top donors, george soros, halls of the university of california berkeley. if he wants to sea that cash continuely come in, how important is this decision for who his appointment is? >> it's huge and it's hugely about chris christie. if christie was a democrat or maybe if there wasn't an election in 2016 that he had some interest in, an obvious name would be cory booker, but that's not the case. i think the fact there's no obvious republican puts more pressure on christie. he might want to be thinking about what happens to the primary in 2016 and he might
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have more problems in that realm, sort of establishing himself, especially after the support he gave to obama's handling of sandy. he might feel he has more work to do there than he does in getting money from democrats, but you know, it's going to be a really interesting few days for him. >> as a republican, he has high numbers in new jersey. a lot of people are going to be looking to him to maybe lead the republican party out of the dull drums they're in because the youth contingent has come back. the college republican national committee report talking about the gop survey revealing they support progressive policies and when it comes to immigration reform and marriage equality. how do you think the higher ups within the -- the older members are going to be able to drink this in and utilize it to pivot? >> it doesn't come as any surprise to republicans. it really doesn't come as a surprise to anyone who's
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followed politic over the last few years. the question is whether or not they can use this to actually move some of these complaints or issues into the broader national platform of the party. now, the interesting thing about this report is it basically lays out the idea that young republicans agree with pretty much nothing that the party has put forth as far as their issues on many issues, particularly social issues. gay marriage, same-sex marriage, gay right, even issues involving immigration reform. going forward, the report, not going forward, but what the report doesn't do, it comes right up to the door, but doesn't kick it through. it doesn't come with ways they suggest the party shift and so, what this shows is that the party is going to have to be very specific and very smooth in its ability to shift on these issues to actually get this younger generation on board.
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and that is diametrically opposed. >> i think a lot of people would say that the republicans have been the party of no when it comes to social justice issues. certainly struggling to meet people in the middle. but when it comes to the economy, i thought it was interesting the reflections that young republicans have on the republican brand buzz and also war hawks. >> here you see they don't think lower taxes are going to create more jobs. they think wealthy people should pay more in taxes and it's really, this is the second report that has reached this kind of conclusion and it really u underscores the point there's a new electorate. young people. african-americans. hispanics and if republicans are going to continue to win election, they have to appeal to these voters and they've got to move on some of these issues. t not enough to change the rhetoric or the box. the report calls it changes the
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pizza box and not the pizza. this makes it clear. they need to change the pizza, who they are and change a lot of these policy positions to appeal to the larger and new electorate. sfwl meanwhile, the machin who' poking his head out, mitt romney is trying to broker the relevance divide. according to the "wall street journal" in the interview he gave to them, i don't look at myself as the person best equipped to describe where the party should go going forward. meanwhile, he's holding a three-day summit for leaders in utah. a retreat. i don't understand. this is almost a walking contradiction as he walks back on to the stage. >> i think it might be that the real names, the romney summit, are romney names, but chris christie is going to be there and that's going to be because of what we've just been talking about with lautenberg, that's going to be all the more interesting that he's there.
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paul ryan will be there. rand paul will be there. so it might be that romney is retreating a little bit as a deal maker rather than as a leader, which he never really was in a real populous sense. >> so maybe now, he's a king maker. he can look at the rand pauls, the paul ryans, the chris christies and maybe help try to sculpt their futures. >> he could be the person who gets the people in the room together. that's what he was good at in his business career. and that might be what he does now. my favorite part of the romney summit though is that you have an opportunity to go skeet shooting with paul ryan play golf with -- or horse back riding with ann romney. they don't really care anymore what people think of them actually having to appeal to voters themselves. >> ann romney was on cbs this
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morning talking about getting back into riding and that she has partial to paul ryan. that she and mitt like him come 2016. thanks to all three of you. i really appreciate your time. so if you didn't get enough from our agenda panel, you can find more from them on our website. just follow the link to my name. here's a look at some stories topping the news. more than 100 people were killed by a fire at a poultry processing plant in china. survivors telling local media the front gate was locked when the fire broke out. the cause is still under investigation. openinging arguments are underway in the trial of bradley manning. he pleaded guilty to sending probes of classified materials to wikileaks. faces 20 years in prison, but the government is pushing for a charge of aiding the enemy, which carries a life sentence. angelina jolie made her first appearance on the red carpet since revealing her double
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mastecto mastectomy. she greated fans and thanked everyone for their support. kim kardashian and kanye west have revealed they will be the proud parents of a baby girl next month. kim making the announcement during the season premier of her show, keeping up with the kardashians. well now i'm her dietitian... ...and last year, she wasn't eating so well. so i recommended boost complete nutritional drink to help her get the nutrition she was missing. and now she drinks it every day. well, it tastes great! [ male announcer ] boost drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones, and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. and now boost comes in two delicious, new bars. look for them next to boost drinks. [ dietitian ] now, nothing keeps mom from doing what she loves... ...being my mom. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting
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now. good to have you and certainly, this is a gripping tale for boston and the country in general. a lot of people outside of boston may have heard the name, but aren't familiar with the details of his life, but when you start following the story, it reads like something out of the godfather. what was it that intrigued you most about the story? >> here in boston, we're calling this the trial of the century. he's calling his upcoming trial the big show. and a chance to you know, clear his name. but the feel is that his alleged victims are saying finally, a chance to hear the whole story and hear what he has to say about his corruption relationship with the fbi. but i think for whitey, who has spent a lifetime cultivating this relationship as the good bad guy, what he wants to try to refute is the claim they was a long time fbi informant and that he killed two women who were among his 19 victims because
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good bad guys don't rat on their friends and kill women. >> explain what the facts dictate or at least what they reveal so far about the true relationship he had with the fbi. >> i had done many interviews years ago with john conley, the fbi agent who cultivated whitey as an informant in 1975. john conley grew up in the same boston housing project. he considered his older brother a mentor and a friend. john tells the story that whitey preferred the word liaison or strategist, but that he was considered an invaluable informant and some of his own friends. now, there are also allegations in this federal indictment facing whitey that conley leaked the identities of three fbi informants who were cooperating against him and they ended up
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being murdered by his crew. so, here in boston, if you went to the fbi with information about whitey, you had a problem. >> when we talk about the trial, what are the predictions about how long it will be? >> well, they're saying it will last through the summer, probably into mid september. they're planning on calling more than 600 people. prospective jury ors to try to get it down to 12 jurors and six alternates. the government says it will call about 80 witnesses. he plans to take the stand himself and call about 80 witnesses, including myself and my co-author. he plans to call the head of the fbi, former governor of massachusetts. there are quite a few people on his list. >> sounds like must see tv and we're be talking about probably another book coming from you after this is all done. >> certainly in paper back. >> thanks so much for joining
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me. >> thank you very having me. >> we asked and you answered, the question being storm chasers. is the information worth it? it's up to them. they are thrill seekers and must know the them. i applaud thundershower guts and appreciate the information they prefecture. it probably saves lives. >> trevor davidson wrote in yes at one time the risk was worth it. but with technology that we possess now, i believe it's not worth it. and another response, that's the best way of getting information on tornadoes, they save lives, god bless them. the conversation is going on right now on twitter or facebook. we'll be right back. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit,
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john kerry talking about the death of his former colleague in the senate, new jersey's frank lautenberg. the 89-year-old was the senate's most senior member. joining me on the phone is the democratic senator from new jersey, bob menendez. your reaction to the passing of your good friend and colleague? >> well, thomas i'm shaken by the loss of my colleague, my friend, and a great ally, frank lautenberg loved his job and the people who elected him five times. and who trusted him to always be on their side. and he always was. he was a tremendous fighter for new jersey. and one of the greatest generation, the last in the senate to have served in world war ii. and you know, frank is just an incredible american success story. he was a man who joined two of
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his boyhood friends to found a successful business. he did well. and along the way. he gave a lot back to the state that he loved. and i admire him for what he did. and you know, his tenacious in his fight for the issues he believed in. and that tenacity you know, won him a lot of respect. admiration and acquired a lot of landmark legislation that leaves a lasting imprint for a long time. >> elected five times, are you going to be speaking with governor chris christie about your thoughts of who is the proper employment to replace the senator and see his vision through his term? >> well right now, i'm just thinking about frank's passing and my thoughts and prayers are with bonnie and his family. and making sure that he has a fit and justing memory to his
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tremendous success. that's not anything that i'm thinking about right now. >> sir, thanks for taking time out for me, new jersey senator bob menendez, we're sorry for the loss of your friend and colleague. thank you, sir, that's going to wrap up things for me today. i'll see you back at tomorrow, 11:00 a.m. "now" with alex wagner comes your way, next. humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call...
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this morning, the senate lost one from the greatest generation. now, it's up to chris christie to fill the vacancy. it's monday, june 3rd, and this is now. this morning at a new york hospital, new jersey senator frank lautenberg died from complications relating to viral pneumonia. he had battled stomach cancer for several years. at 89, lautenberg was the oldest member of the u.s. senate. a democrat, he served nearly three decades in congress and was responsible for major
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legislation aimed at ensuring public safety. in certain ways, lautenberg's passing represents the end of an era. "u.s.a. today" writes that the new jersey democrat was the last of the greatest generation in the u.s. senate to serve in world war ii, as a member of the u.s. army signal corps, from 1942 to 1946. in the senate, the senator championed some of the nation's most sweeping health and safety laws. working to ban smoking on airplanes and in federal buildings and setting the national drinking age at 21. lautenberg was also a powerful advocate for gun safety. in 1996, he shepherded through congress a law that denied gun ownership to people who had committed domestic violence. more recently, lautenberg voted in favor of enhanced background checks for gun purchases and to reinstate the assault weapons ban. but in february, after 30 years in congress, lautenberg announced he would not seek a sixth term. a move that made many democrats nervous about losing their slim majority in the senate.
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