tv Politics Nation MSNBC June 4, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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we're getting to proving that. he's charged the president with something and then admitted he hasn't proven it. he's getting to proving that. it's polluted politics, polluted by so much hatred of this president that all it takes to make a charge is the obsession to do it. and that's "hardball" for now. thanks for watching. "politics nation" with al sharpton starts right now. thanks, chris. and thanks to you for
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solutions for american jobs. the podium directs people to the gop's job website. and just in case that wasn't enough of a clue, the wallpaper behind him is covered with the word "jobs." republicans don't have a plan to create jobs. all they can do is gin up scandals and try to block the president from doing what he was elected to do. joining me now, richard wolffe and krystal ball. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thanks for having us, rev. >> krystal, the president is doing his job. what are the republicans doing? >> they have no idea what they're doing, honestly. they have this knee jerk
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instinct. darrell issa, chairman of the house oversight committee, he basically made it his mission in life to try to harass this administration, originally to keep the president from getting re-elected. well, that obviously failed. because there was no there there as the president has pointed out. now they still have this knee jerk gut reaction of going after the president, even when it's utterly baseless. as you pointed out, since they don't have a plan of their own and since they are lost in the woods as a party and they have no ideas to offer, it's the only thing that they can hold on to right now. >> richard, when you look at the fact the president talks about the hypocrisy he's up against, listen to this. >> the fact that republican senators are now pushing a proposal to reduce the number of judges on this independent federal court also makes no sense. when a republican was president, 11 judges on the d.c. circuit court made complete sense.
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now that a democrat is president, it apparently doesn't. eight is suddenly enough. people are laughing because it's obviously a blatant political move. >> i mean, the hypocrisy shows this is, as the president stated, a plblatant political move. how do we get beyond this? how do we get somewhere where the american public benefits? >> a little bit of humor does go a long way. these are complicated things. the cases that the d.c. court deals with, district circuit deals, are arcane pieces of challenges to government dchpow. so unless you are immersed in the bureaucracy, you don't care. really what needs to happen is all those business interests that support the gop and chamber of commerce, they're the people who are challenging stuff. these cases are not getting heard. these appeals are not getting
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heard. and it is ridiculous. but this president, you know, the gop wants to turn this president to president clinton. they actually want to not just do the investigations, they can to block everything he's done and then they want to take credit for it. ifi] you think this is bad abou the judges, you wait until they start taking credit for the sequester for putting the jobs back in place. because of their policies that they now oppose. whichever way it is, it's all short term. it's not related to what's going on in government. and it's certainly not related to going on in this court. >> now, the fact is, krystal, though, that people -- is blocking jobs. and it's blocking services. give you an example. a new study analyzed that 14 states with governors will oppose medication expansion. those states will lose $8.4 billion in federal funding. it will cost them $1 billion for
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programs that compensate medical providers who care for the poor. and it will deprive -- here's the point of people. 3.6 million people of health coverage. so the end of the day, we're talking about not hurting the president, we're hurting real people. >> we're hurting real people. and frequently the republican governors that we're talking about are looking over states that have a higher percentage of people who could use health insurance, who they have higher levels of poverty in their states than the national average. texas is a prime example here. >> right. >> so you're absolutely right about that. but, again, they just -- they don't know what else to do. i think going back to the court issue and the nominations, this is such an important issue. and it's really not a partisan issue. if you win an election, you ought to have an opportunity to put your plan for governance in place. to give it a try. if it doesn't work -- >> which is what people voted for.
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>> that's what elections are for. exactly. now we have a situation where the republicans are not in any way letting the president even get his people into the positions that he wants them to be in. that's unprecedented. and, yes, democratic presidents have also filibustered, they've also obstructed. but not anything close to the level that we're seeing today with republicans. >> well, the president said it's taking, richard, three times longer for him than his predecessor. at the end of the day, nothing is moving forward. and, again, i challenge, what is the end game? are we there? republican or democrat, to move the country forward, to help people? you lost the election. what's the goal now? >> not talking about what people care about, which is jobs and health care and education. they're way out of line if they think they want to take back the senate in the next cycle. >> right. >> more important than that it contradicts themselves. this is a party that complains all the time about activist
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judges. as if judges who deal with politics are a very bad thing and no conservative would ever to it. remember, what they're doing now with these judicial appointments is politicizing the entire federal bench. >> right. >> so every judge now is going to be treated like it's -- it's a treasury secretary. that's crazy. that is exactly how you get activist judges. the only way you're going to get anyone through is as if you're treating each one like a partisan fistfight. which means you're going to have to have supermajorities, break filibuster. that means the bench only ends up being political. >> only with activist judges. >> uh-huh. >> when you look at the fact, krystal, that there's a report coming out on friday about jobs, a big job report this friday, and the president has now created a net positive of more nan 1.6 million jobs so far, since he's been president, 1.6 million, president bush only
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created 1.08 million jobs in all eight years. now, we're talking 1.6 million, president obama, in five. and we're still counting. at the end of president bush's total, 1.08 in all of his eight years. now, how can the gop still be hitting president obama on his job record given that the numbers -- numbers don't lie. we can have different opinions. but we can't have different facts. >> of course, those numbers are in spite of their efforts to hold back the economic recovery. i mean, we would have even stronger gdp growth. we would have even stronger job growth if we hadn't been forced into this premature austerity that the republicans have -- have made the country go into. if we had continued with the sort of policies that the president wanted and that he started with with the stimulus, we would have an even stronger economy right now. but, you know, the republicans love to throw around the term the obama economy.
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i think that we should start owning that term. >> well, krystal ball, richard wolffe, i'm going to have to leave it there. thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> don't forget to catch krystal on "the cycle" weekdays at 3:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. ahead, tea party groups with the nerve to ask the american public to pay for their dirty work. today. amazing. caught on camera. a shocking and disturbing video shows two police officers in texas slamming this woman to the ground. she joins us live tonight. and we've got hollywood royalty in the house. award winner -- academy award winner morgan freeman is here. he's talking movies, gop obstruction, and advice for president obama. stay with us. >> i look back on the way i was,
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we asked people to share their favorite freeman film. we got a ton of great responses. karen says, loved him in "shawshank redemption." lisa picked "driving miss dai daisy." kevin said "lean on me. requests stick around later in the show to hear all about the legendary actor's newest project. we want to hear what you think, too. head over to facebook and search
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the right's held hearing after hearing after hearing in an attempt to gin up any scandal. but now the cracks are beginning to show. today conservative and tea party groups testified about the scrutiny they faced from the irs. make no mistake about it. no group should be targeted for political reasons. but democrats were honest about what this is really about. >> what happened to you was
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unfair. it was unfair. and incredibly inconvenient. but it was a mistake. anything else like the circus that's happening in the oversight committee or here is simply political theater. >> this is political theater. and what's more, some of these groups deserved scrutiny. they were looking for tax exempt status to qualify organizations must be, quote, operationed to promote social welfare. they could not have direct or indirect participation on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate. tell that to the tea party who testified today. they sponsored a training for get out the vote initiative dedicated to the defeat of president barack obama. another group says their issues include stopping obama care. as well as sharia law. these are groups that wanted to
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be tax exempt. for taxpayers to cover this nonsense, how about the controversy in that? >> each of your groups is highly political from opposing the president's health care reform to osha restrictions to gay marriage. you are all intrenched in some of the most controversial political issues in the country. and with your applications, you were asking the american public to pay for that work. >> joining me now is the congressman you just saw at the hearing today, representative dim -- jim mcdermott, congressman from washington. thank you for joining us on the show this evening. >> my pleasure, al. >> congressman, clearly no group, no group should ever be targeted by the irs. as you pointed out, some of these groups filing for tax exemption or tax exempt status were highly political. what do you make of this circus
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today? >> well, the republicans are looking for a conspiracy to attack the right wing and the tea party and god knows what else. and so they totally ignore the fact that when organizations came forward and asked for a tax exemption, they opened themselves up to being questioned about what they were doing. now, i said many times in my -- my talk today that the irs used bad questions. i wouldn't -- i didn't agree with the questions. but that they were there and had to be questioned was absolutely. you can't argue that. if i come forward or you came forward and said to the government, i want people to contribute to jim mcdermott, i want their names to be hidden, and i don't want anybody to -- i want them to be tax exempt if they give their money to me, it's tax exempt. right now if you politically
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contribute to me, it's not tax exempt. you have to pay taxes on it. >> right. >> but they wanted tax exemption. you're asking for the government to look at that. >> right. and that is why they have designations for 501-c3s, 501-c4s. i've seen it with groups i've known, been involved with, church and civil rights groups all having to answer questions, some of which we felt were targeted. but let me bring you back to another group that sought tax exemption. marriage, which was highly political. internal documents from the company said to, quote, expose -- this is what they say about themselves. they want to expose obama as a social radical. and said the strategic goal of one project was to drive a wedge between gays and blacks, two key democratic constituencies.
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that sounds very political, very partisan to me. this has nothing to do with social welfare. >> they want to say that's education. but, in fact, it is political manipulation. it's propaganda. and they want the american people to give them a tax exception to pay for their political manipulation of the -- of the issues that are before the american people. in my state, we had a vote on the issue of marriage equality. and these groups were trying to sway the people away from that, and simply they were -- they were using their tax exempt money or trying to use tax exempt money to make political changes in the society. and that's not what the tax code should be about. >> now -- >> this tax code was set up for charities. >> and, see, i want to get through to the people that are watching us why this is, in my opinion, so egregious.
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because what they are d these are the people, now, that hate government. yet they want government to make them tax exempt. and have all the benefits. these are the ones that oppose and hate government. this we need to make it very clear that we're talking about people that are using government =ó is that right, congressman? >> there's no question. and there's a real -- i mean, it's funny if you look at it. the people, the tea party, that wants to tear down the government, make the government not work anywhere, not any place at all, they come to the government and say, please collect taxes from the good taxpayers of this country and give us that money so we can put on an ad campaign to tear down the government. i mean, it is absolute nonsense. and that they should have the gal to ask for that, in my view, is just -- they opened themselves up to that. they can say anything they want. i believe in the first
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amendment. you can say anything you want. but you shouldn't ask the taxpayers to pay for it. >> congressman, that's why we're going to stay on this. congressman jim mcdermott, thank you for your time this evening. >> see you again. ahead, the star power is here. academy award winner morgan freeman joins us. >> this is the time to build our nation. you elected me your leader. let me lead you now. you say men are superior drivers?
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the right wingers have lots of different conspiracy theories. but one of their favorites is that muslims are taking over america. >> this administration has so many muslim brotherhood members that have influence. >> now, usually they try to attack the left with this stuff. but now they've turned on one of their own. anti-tax guru grover norquist. just check out this video of a right wing speaker taking aim at grover. >> grover norquist is trouble with a capital "t." as you see, he has a beard. and he's showing signs of converting to islam himself. >> that's right. apparently you can tell grover is converting to islam because
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he has a beard. makes me wonder about a few other bearded guys i know. like ben bernanke. we could hear about his muslim brotherhood ties any day now. what about zz top? we know they're rockers, but could they be radical muslims, too? how about santa claus? what's he hiding underneath that jolly beard? and don't forget about uncle sam. those stars and stripes aren't fooling anyone. the whole thing is a joke. did the far right think we didn't know how they're peddling this nonsense and trying to smear one of the world's greatest religions? nice try, but we got you. i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs.
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karika shay dig ls to the jail for a $400 unpaid traffic ticket. there's no audio on the surveillance video. but it appears to show her and the police officer getting into an argument. the situation quickly escalates. the video shows another officer slamming her head into the counter. he has a fist full of hair and is repeatedly yanking on her head and wrestles her to the ground. a second surveillance camera shows the incident from another angle. you can see the second police officer walk up and handcuff her. he's the one who grabs her head and slams her into the counter. it's the same officer who drags her along the floor by her ankles, pulling her into a jail cell. ms. diggles was charged with resisting arrest. but after this video was released, that charge was dropped. also after the video became
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public, the two police officers were fired. all of this happened in a town made notorious by a horrific hate crime back in 1998 when three white man chained a black man named james bird jr. to the back of their pickup. they dragged him more than two miles until he was finally decapitated. the atrocity led to the hate crimes act signed by president obama in 2009. this new incident is bringing back some painful memories to the people of jasper, texas, and raising serious questions about what changed, if anything, in that town. joining me now is the woman shown in that video, shay diggles, along with her lawyer, kenny bernson. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thank you for letting us be here, reverend. >> i should note the day we reached out to the jasper police and they declined our request to
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comment. shay, first of all, let me ask you, how are you doing after going through all of that? >> i could be better. >> i can imagine. >> mm-hmm. >> how did it happen? >> just basically i was supposed to be paying a ticket that supposedly had went into a warrant. and they wanted their p4ñrmoney guess. so i kind of got the opportunity to be able to come and try to get the money. and then i wasn't able to get the money. so there was a problem. >> and it escalated to a verbal argument, and then as we saw on the tape, they -- it got very physical on their side. >> yes, sir. >> now, what were you thinking when the officers did what we saw them do to you on that tape? >> i was scared.
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i thought they was going to kill me. i mean, i thought i was going to lose my life. that was it. >> now, did you suffer any injuries? >> yes, sir. i have a bald spot on the right side of my head. i don't have any hair. i have bruises and lacerations from the handcuffs. i have a broken and shattered tooth. my bracket is gone off my top tooth. >> braces. >> yeah. >> you and the officers were just arguing about a traffic ticket. >> yes, sir. >> and the payment of a traffic ticket? >> yes, sir. my fine was $150. i had to come up with $150. but i didn't -- my mom didn't have enough money. >> so $150, and they go like this as we see on tape.
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i understand you have questions, talking about the tape, about the lack of audio on this tape? yes, reverend. i mean, it would be a lot -- it would be very helpful for everyone concerned if we had the audio. from what i understand from other law enforcement personnel that i know, this tape should have audio. and mysteriously, it is missing. and, you know, we don't exactly know why they came and arrested her from her house. they arrested her at about 8:30 in the morning on sunday, may 5th. got her out of bed on sunday morning. and so we haven't -- we still haven't gotten a straight answer as to exactly why she was there that day. but what we do know is that she was trying to work out getting her mom to bring some money to her so she could get out of jail. instead the police officer hung up the phone and then obviously he is the aggressor. the cops are the aggressor
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throughout the entire thing. they shove her. slam her head into a counter. then body slam her. and then drag her by her feet into a darkened cell, handcuffed, where they leave her for several hours without providing her, even offering medical attention. >> they went to her house sunday morning, 8:30, and arrested her about a parking ticket? >> approximately 8:30. again, they -- the parking ticket has been used. we don't exactly -- we haven't gotten a straight answer as to why they were there. we think it was for some type of traffic citation ticket. but that is yet to be determined. >> now, what was your reaction yesterday when you heard the police officers had been fired? >> i was excited. i was happy. but i still don't feel like everything is done. i don't feel like that's it. was done. >> cade, do you think there should be a criminal investigation of these two
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officers? >> absolutely, reverend. we -- you know, to add insult to injury, and i believe in an effort to cover their tracks, they charged her with resisting arrest. after the video> cade, if this video hadn't been made public, would these two police officers still be on the job? >> reverend, that's the most disturbing point, i think, of this whole thing. that but for the courageous actions of basically a whistle blower who released this video nearly a month after this beating occurred, if that had not happened, but for those actions, those policemen would still be on the streets patrolling. and ms. diggles would still be facing a resisting arrest
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charge. >> cade, do you plan to file a civil lawsuit? >> reverend, we're in the process. we absolutely believe there is a history and a -- and i don't have to tell you. i'm preaching to the choir. but there is a history and a pattern of police abuse directed specifically at african-americans in the city of jasper, texas. we believe that that policy and pattern, we will be able to show it. and we believe her civil rights were violated. and we are going to fight for her, and we are going to shine a spotlight on that city and on that police department and hold them accountable. >> now, we all remember, shae, the horrific murder of james bird jr. back in 1998. i came down and spoke at that funeral. how are race relations in jasper today as compared to then? >> nothing. hasn't anything changed. everything is still the same. when you left, it's still the same way. hasn't nothing changed. and i was little.
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i don't quite remember everything. but i know there hasn't nothing changed in the city of jasper. >> we're going to keep watching this and monitoring what happens with your situation. shae, your prayers are with us. shae diggles, cade bernsen, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend. it's an honor to be on your show. coming up, academy award winner morgan freeman joins "politics nation" on movies, on the president, on the march on washington. get ready. morgan freeman is next. >> forgiveness starts here, too. forgiveness liberates the soul. it rewards fear. that is why it is such a powerful weapon. she's always been able to brighten your day. it's just her way. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right.
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confidant of a southern jewish woman over 25 years in 199's "driving miss daisy." >> hoke? >> yes. >> you're my best friend. >> oh, go on now, miss daisy. >> no, really. you are. you are.fá >> yes. >> his performance as red, a wise and entrepreneurial inmate in "the shawshank redemption" earned him a third oscar nomination in 1994. but it wasn't until over a decade later that freeman took home his first oscar for playing fighter turned trainer eddie scrap iron duprey.
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he's played south african's first black president nelson mandela in "invictus." >> forgiveness starts here, too. forgiveness liberates the soul. it removes fear. that is why it is such a powerful weapon. >> and he played the president of the united states, preparing for an asteroid's collision with the earth in "deep impact." to an even higher power in the 2003's "bruce almighty." >> i'm the one. creator of the heavens and the earth. alpha and omega. >> oh, i see where this is going. >> bruce? i'm god. >> and now freeman is turning to nd producing eeman is turning to the fourth season of the discovery science channel's
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"through the worm hole." but this is no ordinary science show. freeman studies controversial topics like, do we have free will? did god create evolution? and when does life begin? >> hugo's research has led him to believe that a baby cannot be conscious until it is about 25 weeks old. so is this when life begins? >> i think before consciousness has developed, you are not a person. actually, i think this is the time when life begins. >> but one child psychologist thinks the beginning of life comes much later. later than you could ever imagine. >> it's an honor to welcome the host and executive producer of "through the worm hole," academy award winning actor, director and all around legend, morgan freeman. thanks so much for coming in and
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being on the show tonight. >> great to see you again, al. >> now, "through the worm hole," you've been producing it and hosting it for four seasons. >> mm-hmm. >> what was your interest? what made you interested in science and understanding how things work? >> i don't really know. when i was in high school, i had physics. it was just the most fascinating subject. i was an "a" student. but i couldn't pass a test and get an "a." i got my "a's" from asking questions. >> is that right? so you've always had that inquiring, inquisitive mind. >> always had that going on. so my partner and i, my business partner and i, we formed a company some years ago. it didn't go. but in it we were going to have a channel on outerspace.
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and discovery channel got word of it and thought, that's still a good idea. and, well, they offered us a shot at making this show, so we did. >> now, i'm looking at the titles of some of the things coming up. and you know the controversial side of me, i look at you doing one on can you hack minds. which is i know is going to -- for a lot of us into civil liberties and all, it will be very interesting. >> of course. >> what is that going to be like? >> that -- there are scientists right now at m.i.t. and at berkeley who have figured out how to see brain patterns and tell what you're thinking. no what you're looking at. >> let me show the audience a little clip on it. >> go right ahead. >> our brains are biological computers. vulnerable to data theft.
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computer hackers can read our e-mail. brain hackers may some day read our minds. and even rewrite our thoughts. hacking into our thoughts requires decoding the logic of our neurons. science is getting close to achieving that goal. one day soon, our innermost thoughts may no longer be our own. >> i mean, this is fascinating stuff. >> yeah. these scientists are into so many different areas of our lives. because i think one of the things -- you know, we're always going to be exploring one thing or another. we always are. and i think we have to prepare for tomorrow on some level other than the one we're on. people are talking about, well,
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will we be able to survive the end of the earth? will we be able to survive that? well, if we don't start thinking about it, the answer is no. >> yeah. >> so how could we -- how can we start manipulating our environment, ourselves? and that's what they're getting into. now, of course, you're right. all this has to be watched very carefully. >> oh, yeah. what do you most want people to know about the series. >> i think people just want to know, we're asking questions, and we're coming up with all kinds of different theories. not necessarily answers. you can't answer all of these questions. >> right. >> but there are things that we're thinking about, you know? >> very, very interesting. >> yeah. >> let me ask you this. this is "politics nation." you've been a big supporter of the president. you gave $1 million to one of the pacs last year. what do you most hope to see him do before he leaves?
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he and his wife have talked about science, have talked about learning. what would you most like to see him dogg8] as one that has been supportive of him? >> i think what he most wants to do is get our country back on track. that's probably rebuilding our infrastructure. and getting our educational system squared away. i think if he manages that, he'll be happy enough. >> and you -- and that would be your advice to him, to focus on that? >> well, i don't presume to give him advice. that would be -- i know that's what he wants to do. those are two of the things that he's desperate to accomplish. >> you've been vocal about the people blocking the president and -- and obstructing the country. and i'm sure you took heat for that. but i sense that you're not political as much as you're just concerned about people. >> exactly. i'm not very political at all.
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but i am very concerned. and i think that president obama is -- he was a good choice. otherwise we wouldn't have r re-elected him. and obviously he's succeeding against some serious odds. so he's a good man. >> this is the 50th anniversary of the march on washington year. you've seen a lot in the entertainment world, in the country in general. are you hopeful in terms of people coming together, racial differences and -- >> reverend al, this is america. always hopeful. always. you got to be hopeful here. this is the place where you can be hopeful. i don't care how low we get, how dirty the politics get. we always are going to be looking around and up, i think. we've got people like you and me
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here. >> yes. and we've got to keep it going. and we've got to ask the right questions that you're doing in this series even if we don't have the answers. >> there you go. >> sometimes the answer is to ask the right question. >> there you go. >> i think it's a very important thing. an honor to have you. you've been to me a tremendous, tremendous person in our lives. >> thank you so much. that's very kind. >> thank you. morgan freeman. "through the wormhole" premiers tomorrow night on discovery science. coming up, i'm opening up my mail bag and answering your e-mails. friend or foe, i want to know. next. ♪
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3:57 pm
oh, hey. using night-vision goggles to keep an eye on my spicy buffalo wheat thins to make sure nobody touches them. who's gonna take your wheat thins? um, i don't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot, ted from next door. hey, could you get the light? i love you. [ loud crash ] what is going on?! honey, i was close! it's a yeti! ted! check it out! a yeti! [ male announcer ] must! have! wheat thins! we've been getting some great letters from you in the "politics nation" community. now it's time to answer your e-mail questions. remember, friend or foe, i want to know. james writes, i need to learn more about obama care. i am low income and need insurance. when will your program be
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helping the people like myself to learn about obama care? well, james, we're happy to help you with this tip. the department of health and human services has an easy to use website. health ca there you can take a survey to determine your health insurance options. there's a map with state by state breakdowns of the law. it's all online at go there and check it out. and we know there's been a lot of effort by some to obscure thr many positives of the president's health care law. but we're determined to keep getting the word out about the good law that will bring millions of people a lot of help. dawn asks, reverend al, how can the republicans in congress whine about the irs wasting money on a trip to anaheim when they've wasted over $50 million symbolically repealing obama care in vain?
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well, it's very clear. it's another example of hypocrisy. they want to focus on one thing, right or wrong, that is minor up to a redundant, 38, 39 times wasting money on something they know they would not overturn and should not overturn. do what i say, not what i do, is how we used to say it. next e-mail. jerita wants to know if congress does not legislate, can they not get paid? all the jobs i've been on are no work, no pay. well, i'll tell you one thing. if we were able to do that to congress, we'd probably get a lot more done. i agree with you. they are not working. they're just blocking. they're filibustering. and now running around creating scandals connecting them where they don't connect. maybe we should use that don't get paid if you don't work.
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roger asks, will you run as a candidate again for president in 2016? well, roger, that's a long way off. all i can say is those that say don't know, those that know won't say. right now i'm trying to run for trying to do the right thing to make this country go forward the president will have that we've already elected and re-elected, we'll see what happens with the next one when that time comes around. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right thousand. mud ball. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with this. i can't remember a time in american politics with anything that happens becomes a chance to throw mud at the president of the united states. whether it'sn
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