tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC June 7, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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don't do that. stick around, chuck todd straight ahead. have a great weekend. taking the friday cat thing too hard. the may jobs report shows 175,000 jobs added last month. unemployment rate did tick up slightly again. much more on what the new numbers mean. governor christie taps a close confidant to send to the u.s. senate. there is one huge beneficiary of every move christie has made besides christie this week. it's his pal, cory booker. and 20,997 days to deep dive with the man who is officially the longest serving of congress ever. more than any senator or house member in history.
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hear what john dingle has to say abo about serving, leading, winning and losing. good morning from washington. it's friday, june 7th, 2013. let's get right to my first reads of the morning. new jobs numbers are out for may. it shows steady hiring, but not enough to put a real dent in unemployment. 175,000 were added last month while the unemployment rate ticked up slightly to 7.6%. there were some revisions to the march figure. that was revise up from 138,000. net change over the last two months was a net negative of 200,000 jobs. the pace has slowed down in spring. 255,000 jobs have been added. that's down from 233,000 over the winter. it remains to be seen how this will impact the public's view of the economic recovery.
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it's been recovering, but it's been slow. accordinging to our latest nbc news "wall street journal" poll, people are getting on board, but slowly. possibly believing the recovery is more fragile than it appears. of course, that's the highest number we recorded in seven years. 58% of people believe the economy is still in recession. not a small number, but that's down six points since december an the lowest number since president obama took office. record highs on wall street haven't convinced people we're on the right track. nearly seven in ten americans say the dow's performance is a sign that the rich are getting richer, but doesn't necessarily mean the economy is getting better overall. we're going to talk more about the economy with the white house later this hour. now to this story that's been dominating washington the last 48 hours. if you've placed a call or sent an e-mail, pretty likely the u.s. government knows about it. nbc news has confirmed the
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national security agency and fbi are tapping directly into the computer service. in order to monitor data in realtime. code name -- had not been made public until now. officials are reel iing after ts leaks. the newspapers obtained copies of a 41-slide powerpoint presentation classified as top secret, which according to the guardian was used to train intelligence operatives on the capabilities of the program. among the data collected which varies by provider, e-mail, audio and video chats, file transfers, video conferencing and personal logins. now, the slides describe prism as the leading source of raw
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intelligence in the president's daily intelligence briefing, which has cited 1,477 dimfferen items last year along. the nine companies cooperating are microsoft, yahoo!, google, facebook, pal talk, aol, skype, youtube and apple. late thursday, some of the companies named in the post story responded, insisting they don't provide any government agency with are direct access to their services. james clapper defended the program and said quote information collected under this program is the most important intelligence we collect and added the unauthorized disclosure about this program is reprehensible. a senior administration official says the program quote involves extentive procedures approved by the court to ensure this only
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non u.s. persons out the u.s. are targeted. use search times designed to produce just 51% confidence in a target's foreignness. that's their word. programs are legal under the protect america act, which was passed in 2007 in the fisa amendments act of 2008 and they were launched in the wake of president bush's warrant list domestic surveillance program. revelation of the program came just hours after the news of the secret program, the government collecting details on every call made in the united states just as we expected, reaction on that one was split. members of the senate lined up for and against the program. senators demanded information about the program from attorney general eric holder, who was on the hill. holder promised that the fbi was
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not listening to their own phone calls. >> i'd been more than glad to come back in an prominent setting. >> the correct answer would be no, we stayed within our lane and i'm assuring you we did not spy on members of congress. >> i'm verizon customer. it doesn't bother me one bit for the national security administration to have my phone number because what they're trying to do is find out what terrorist groups we know about and individuals and who the hell are calling and if my number pops up on some terrorist's phone, i'm confident that the -- >> the chairs of the senate and house intelligence committee also defended the program. >> we have debated this several times in the intelligence committee. it has been the subject of
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judiciary committee hearings. it is been the subject of extensive floor debates and votes. there is nothing new in this program. >> within the last few years, this program was used to stop a program, stop a terrorist attack in the united states. we know that. but a coalition of libertarians in the senate, mostly western democrats and tea party republicans are appalled by what they've learned. >> i'm appalled. absolutely opposed to the government sifting and sorting through millions of innocent people's records. >> to have a fisa court give a perpetual court order to get telephone records, not only of foreign calls, but also domestic calls, i think goes against what this country's founded upon. >> jeff merkley called this quote outrageous brief -- and
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did everything short of leaki i classified information to stop it. a massive invasion of american's privacy saying when law-abiding americans call their friends, who they call, when they call and where they call from is prift information. the administration released a 2011 letter from the assistant attorney general saying this, quote, intelligence and judiciary committees have been briefed on these operations multiple times and that access to the copties of the court orders, but widen has a compelling argument that the government did mislead the public. he pointed to this change with james clapper at a hearing in march. >> does the nsa collect any type of data at all on millions or hurricanes of millions of americans? >> no, sir. >> it does not? >> not wittingly.
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there are cases where they could inadverte inadvertently, but not wittingly. >> clapper responded in an interview saying what i said was the nsa does not voierristically go through e-mails and they stand by that. didn't seem to be what the version of the question was, but he added this. quote, in order to provide a more thorough understanding of the program, i've directed that certain information of the act be declassified and immediately released to the public. but there's no doubt this is a ding on the president and the senate as a candidate and as recently as several weeks ago talked about the careful balance he wanteded to strike between national security and civil liberties. the obama administration needs to explain why these tactics need to be so secret some of
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them, if they are legitimate. what part of giving the public more insight on what the u.s. government is doing will provide terrorists are tactical information on programs they didn't know are going on. does appear there's a lot more secrecy than is necessary here, which is the point of a lot of critics this morning. turning to politics. chris christie announced one of his closest friends and long time advisers will serve as the state's caretaker senator. >> i appoint jeff chiesa to be the next senator. he has chosen not to seek the office of united states senate. he will not be a candidate in the primary or general election. >> going the caretaker route was not christie's first choice, but he struck out in finding a consensus candidate to run. it was a reminder of how skeptic they are about their chances are
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of winning the seat. none were eager to give up their current jobs. some can stay in their jobs and run for the temporary seat, but none of them wants to give up for the temporary battle. he headed christie's chain, then served as chief counsel. the relationship goes back 22 years when the two work eed at law firm together. he also spearheaded the state's aggressive gun buyback program and was asked about the votes he'll be taking beginning with one on immigration reform likely this summer. >> it's something that's new for me and my first concern is the border security. that will be part of discussions i have as i get to learn about my new job. this is all pretty new and i need to learn about the issues in a way before i can make any meaningful judgments. >> now, at the news conference
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in trenton, christie defended the cost of the special election, i don't know what the cost is and i quite frankly don't care. >> we would have been sued for 2014. the democrats have made that clear. $12 million cost will not insubstantial is i don't think something in the context of a $32 billion budget, something that should dissuade us from getting a senator down there as quickly as we can. >> republicans have yet to step up and say they're running. you have former bogota mayor running who ran against christie in the 2009 primary. he became the first republican to get in the race on wednesday. other names b that have been mentioned as possible candidates include the lieutenant governor, and former state senator, the deputy executive director of the port authority of new york and
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new jersey. looking at chris christie's moves this week, there's one unmistakable beneficiary and that's cory booker. on paper, christie's decisions have essentially gift wrapped this seat for booker. needed multiple challengers. needed a quick process. oh, and he didn't want to have to share the ballot with christie and he got that, too. finally, the president is gearing up for a two-day summit near palm springs, california. the larger strategy to shift focus back to the asia pacific region. it's 200 acre historic estate and ranch which has hosted seven presidents. obama will be the eighth. the location is aimed at fostering an open and wide range
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discussion. op on the agenda, north korea's nuclear program, but the white house has made no secret of the -- cyber attacks linkeded to the chinese government and now, awkwa awkwardly, nbc news has unveiled new revelations about how extensive this chinese cyber spying operation is and was. in fact, it penetrated obama's 2008 campaign including a direct hit on computers in his chicago campaign headquarters. >> hackers gained access to e-mails in range of campaign files from policy position papers to travel plans. >> what we didn't know is that u.s. intelligence actsies quickly traced the attack to china. mccain campaign was also targeted. officials also got a phone call complaining about a private letter that had been released from mccain to taiwan's new president. the b problem is is, the letter
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had not yet been delivered. it's something they found on an e-mail. david plouffe spoke to michael isakoff about a call he got which led the campaign to hire a private security firm to stop the cyber attack. >> he says we have reason to believe that your campaign systems have been penetrated. we think by a foreign entity. >> it was really designed to get in and to stay in and to get data and keep getting it. >> nbc news national investigative correspondent michael isakoff reported this great story joins me now and obviously, this issue of cybersecurity and what the chinese government supports is going to be among the big issues the president wants to discuss. >> absolutely. it's sort of risen to the top. a lot of people tell us this 2008 incident was in some ways,
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a wake up call to just how awe the campaign has been. at the time, the idea that chinese foreign government would enter a political campaign was usual. certainly was unprecedented, but there you had right smack in the middle of the campaign, the fbi discovers that both campaign computers had been penetrated. the viruses are much more serious than anybody had imagined and they were swiping data. swiping campaign data. e-mail frs people who are going to be, whoever wins, in top foreign policy positions in the u.s. government in just a few months. >> it was an unbelievable stuff and i'm sure it will come up with weekend.
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great reporting. thank you, sir. there's more on the website. should check it out. all of my supporting. still to come, my one-on-one with the man who's making history today. hear john dingle's take on where the current president steps up. what the current speaker does, but first, a look ahead at today's politics planner. busy day for the president out in northern california. before he gets to southern california. we're going talk a little bit about what he's doing today in san jose after the break. can acne cleansers be tough on breakouts
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and be good for your face? [ female announcer ] now there's new neutrogena® naturals acne cleanser. acne medicine from the wintergreen leaf treats breakouts. no parabens or harsh sulfates. for naturally clear skin. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® naturals. before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page... before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time... before he could even think about planning for his daughters' future... mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now.
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road today trying to sell his health care plan. boy, does he have a lot of selling to do. according to the latest poll, the law remains unpopular with the american public. perhaps growing more so. poll shows 49% of americans believe health care reform is a bad idea. compare that to just 37% who say it's a good idea. 38% of respondents believe they will be worse off under the law compared to just 19% who say they will be better off and there's a deep division between the two pearties on how they think they'll fair. 67% of republicans say they'll be worse off compareded to just 4% who say they will be better off. let's bring in our gaggle. president of american bridge and former spokesman to harry reid. republican pollster kristen anderson and nbc correspondent kelly o'donnell. >> morning. >> morning. >> health care's unpopular. that's not news, kelly, but i think the fact that it is a
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growing gulf. it's a little bit, it's always been a challenge imp menation, much more so and the president's doing an event today, a rare event when it comes to health care. >> people have been saying these last couple of years, the rollout would be a challenge an we're seeing that and it's complicateded by things like the irs issue. certainly conservatives are jumping on that saying boy, you cannot deed of trust that agency to help implement this. in one case where people seem most happy are the 26-year-olds who get to stay on their parent's plan, a very tangible way people seemed to access that benefit and seemed to like it. but when you get to the complication of it and at a time when people are weary about government, there seems to be a more physical attention about what's going to happen. >> what's debatable is how much impact is it really going to have on most people. now, we asked people how they get their insurance in various ways so we could slice it up a little bit. not surprisingly, those who
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self-insure are paying a lot more attention and they believe that they're going to be worse off versus better off and frankly, if you look at the numbers to self-insured, if you're healthy, you are. but this is a very, very small slice of the public. so will that really have the long-term impact politically? >> if the affordable part of the affordable care act is not a reality, then absolutely. i think more than what president obama can say in a speech or what conservatives can say, more than how that will matter is how it's affecting somebody's bottom line. do they think it's fair. do they think it's a result of obama care and if they think they personally are being negati -- >> i would argue the biggest problem democrats are facing is that there has been a monsoon of money against health care. i'm going to put up a number here. $475 million has been spent on health care. since 2010. i believe the break down is 400
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million against health care. 75 million in favorite. it's been run all over the place. before i get you to respond to that, i want to play an ad up this week against mark pryor. watch a clip. >> when senator pryor was the deciding vote for obama care, it was a huge let down for the state of arkansas and people haven't forgotten that. >> jeanne shaheen cast the deciding vote for obama care. now, employers may cut your weekly work hours from 40 to 29 to avoid the new taxes and penalties. >> of course, people might be confused. is it mark pryor? jeanne shaheen? >> it's been the democrats inability to be funeral fied in support of this. is that right? >> actually, i don't think that's it. you know, if you voted for it, you've got to lean into it. in 2010, i think there was a lot -- first of all, going back to the poll, i was going back to this poll over the last couple o
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years. it only broke 40% once. july of 2012. if you look back at the last midterm, about 36, 37% and there were a lot of democrats wondering whether or not this was popular enough to run on. people like harry reid said guess what? we spent the last year half working on it, we're going to lean into this thing. harry reid leaned into it, said i voted for this thing. hear the great things about this. wee going to work to fix anything that doesn't work. >> stick around. we've got a lot more to talk about. still to come, alan krueger, he joins us from one of his last tv interviews as a senior white house economic. but first, the longer serving member plays favorites. is speaker boehner one of them. but first, today's trivia question. how many second ladies have become first ladies? first person to tweet the connect answer gets the
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shoutout. we're going to make you think for at least a few minutes before you google this. little harder to google. time for the your business entrepreneurs of the week. new moms allison and allison realized they didn't have a good place to take their babies in new york city, so with their husbands, they opened apple seeds, a clean, unique play space in manhattan. it was a big success and has since expanded globally. ♪ i' 'm a hard, hard ♪ worker every day. ♪ i' ♪ i'm a hard, hard worker and i'm working every day. ♪ ♪ i'm a hard, hard worker and i'm saving all my pay. ♪ ♪ if i ever get some money put away, ♪ ♪ i'm going to take it all out and celebrate. ♪ ♪ i'm a hard, hard worker... ♪ membership rallied millions of us on small business saturday to make shopping small, huge. this is what membership is.
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now the final day of pretrial hearings in the trial is just getting under wa. the two will debate the voices on the 911 calls the night tr trayvon was kailled. the judge must decide whether who's voice was on screaming. on thursday, the judge denied a defense request to shield the identities of witnesses after some were concerned with their safety. george zimmerman has pleaded not guilty to the shooting death of trayvon martin. jury selection begins monday and
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sim merriman has sued nbc. those may jobs numbers, did they bring me excitement the white house was hoping for? we'll find out what they're seeing over there at 1600, but first, a deep dive with the history making congressman on the day he breaks into the record books and later, what mitt romney has to say about hurricane sandy you're like you can't believe what he said on this one. you're watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. hey. they're coming. yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four words... scarecrow in the wind... a baboon... monkey? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. deep dive, congressman john dingle, doing something no one's done before. today, he serves his 20,997th day in the u.s. congress. just 29 years old when he won a special election to fill his late father's seat, 1955, he was elected to his first full term the next near.
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he's been elected more than 29 times. he's served with 11 u.s. presidents from eisenhower to obama. his favorite wassierry ford and described bill clinton as a wonderful guy with one fault. i asked him what he thought of the current president and here's what he said. >> you know in all fairness to this president and he's a good man. he'll go down in history as a good president. i think he had the smallest role dex ever when he hit down and he had moved so fast, he never had a chance to build the scar tissue to learn politics, to be hurt, because you've got to be hurt in this business so that you toughen and learn. because that's a very important learning device, getting hurt. he's had to kind of fight his way up fast without the experience. i don't think that he's had the
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kind of eclectic advisers that truman had or that roosevelt had or that johnson had. i don't think he's had the experience. he moved too fast. now, this hasn't taken away from him. this is a good president and a good man. president obama said in a statement a few moments ago, he looks forward to congratulations dingle next week. dingle says his favorite was sam ray burn, the man sworn in in 1955. here's what he had to say about john boehner. >> he's a gentlemen. and really a fine individual. and if he could get his party to follow him, which he can't do, this place would be much better. to be a leader, you've got to be a reader. but second of all to be a leader, you've got to have
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followers. john boehner's problem is he doesn't have followers. they're not, everybody says this congress is so busy with democrats fighting republicans, it's not democrats fighting republicans. it's republicans fighting democrats or rather fighting republicans. they don't have time to fiddle with us democrats. >> when congressman dingle was sworn into his first term, hawaii and alaska weren't states yet. now, nearly 57 and a half years after he arrived in washington, i asked him to look back at his historic career. what does it mean to you. longest serving member of congress in history. >> all daddy taught me is not how long, it's how well. >> all right. how well? >> i've done my best. there's a tombstone out in kansas somewhere that said he did hit damnest. >> proudest accomplishment.
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>> i think civil rights bill in '64. we solved a terrible, searing problem. the most appalling injustice. almost cost me my job, so i remember it very well. >> you were here during that contentious period. we claim this is a very contentious time in american politics. you've seen both. tell us, compare the era what you saw then, that bitter political fight that took place -- >> good yes. >> how is it compared to today? >> it's a good question. >> two things you see. first of all, is the public, the forces outside of here. then you see the forces inside of here. there's a very nasty time. bitterness, anger, very terrible. but trouble all kinds and you
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may not see it quite as bad outside, but there's with the nastiness, unpleasantness, lack of understanding, hatred and irritation today, but inside the place is different. then, there was great concern over that issue. and it was a small amount of anger, but today, it's far worse. there's much more bitterness and anger and truthfully, i think it's the worst i've ever seen it. >> do you have an explanation as to why? i'm sure everybody comes up to you and says why is the place broken? >> i think there are almost as many reasons for that as there are people. first of all, it's an angry time. people are scared, they're concerned. they don't know really what the future is. we have all the uncertainty of terrorism, two wars going on, a deficit. these are serious matters.
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but, beyond that, the climate out there is not good. the media encourages this kind of behavior. >> you were known for years, every newcomer that you introduced, a new health care bill. when president obama pursued this, you had prominent place when he signed the health care law. when you look at how it was done, could there have been a better way of done it or is this swrus not possible because of where we are today with the two parties? >> i think a good part it was an attitude problem here in this institution. house and senate. that becomes a problem amongst the public, but i was on the inside in that. frankly, we tried every which way to invite our republican colleagues to participate because we knew that the bill would not become the law with good will and would not have the
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public trust to do that. >> and it doesn't have the public trust. >> well, it doesn't, but it does. and it has its enemies, many of whom were its enemies to begin with. but if you look, you will find there's a tremendous wave of public trust. if you'll do what the british will do, they understand if an issue has to be solved, then it becomes the duty of everybody to work together to make it work. haven't seen that. so, the result is that we are having a series come down on this matter. >> so, if you were given the magic wand to fix congress, what do you do? >> well, i'd make them stay here. on monday, tuesday afternoon, buses, 6:30 and the first thought when the staff meets is now, when are we going to be done on thursday or friday so i
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can head home. members don't get to know each other. >> so, keep them here for three, four weeks at a time. >> well, not three, four weeks of time. as long as it takes to do the business. >> when do you say i've done enough? what's your measuring stick on that? >> well, people have said, my wonderful wife, the lovely deborah, my best friend, she and i sat down in january of election year and we start talking. do we want to go again? is there something more we need to do? social security, medicare, environment, whatever it might be. saving the auto industry. and do we want to.
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and the age i am now, we take a look at the health. i go to the doc. he says, you're okay, go make it. >> thanks very much. thank you. >> was a real treat, living histo history, if you will. check out my entire interview with dingle and what he would be doing if he had never run for congress. up next, one of the last times as the presidents chairman of the counsel of economic advisers, allen krueger joining us on the latest jobs numbers just out this morning. but first, white house soup of the day. it's friday. so it's seafood. seafood gumbo, we'll be right back.
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no votes are expected today. the numbers are in now for the may jobs report showing hiring was steady, if not spectacular. markets are up. as you can see there, short-term, but some of them were, some of them were back over 15,000. we'll see if they stay that way today. bring back the panel. if you were writing the press release for harry reid, how would you write it? >> i'd stay it's steady. >> kristen, republican side, how do you write this? >> it's depressinging that this is the new normal. >> there you go. kelly, is that how the press release? >> yes, and then you get analysts who would say more people are trying to get into the job market now, so maybe that's a long-term curve of encouragement, but not robust. >> now, i'm going to go to alan
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krueger, chairman of the president's counsel of economic advisers and alan, you're inside today thanks to the weather. sorry about that. and this is one of your last jobs reports in this job, so let me ask you, how did it look today and is it better than you thought it was going to be? worse or about what you expected? >> i try looking at the big picture and the big picture is we're continuing to dig our way out of the deep hole caused by the great recession that began in 2008. this is progress, but more work needs to be done. >> you know, in our latest nbc news "wall street journal" survey, we still have a majority of the country that believes we're in a recession. now, we know what the technical definition is, but when you have 58% of the country, why do you think 58% of the country think that it feel like a recession? >> listen, we went through the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes and if it weren't for
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the actions of our president and the federal reserve, i think we would have slipped into another great depression, so i think people are right to feel traumatized, but we're slowly digging ourselves out of that mess. we're seeing signs in the housing market and energy sector. just yesterday, the federal reserve reported that the $16 trillion worth of wealth that was destroyed as a result of the recession has been rebuilt, so we're slowly making progress and the president wants to build on that progress. the biggest threat we face now is congress not doing the kinds of things that would help strengthen the recovery. invest in preschool education, invest in research and development. >> you brought up the federal reserve. given the report yesterday, what appears to be while it's slow, a steady, economic growth here, steady job gains. are you comfortable if the fed
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decides to stop in bond buying program? >> i won't comment on fed policy. we have a tradition in this administration of not commenting on fed policy. i think that helps to reduce volatility. i think if you look back at some previous administrations that didn't follow that policy, that caused unnecessary volatility. >> does that mean maybe in a month when you're no longer in the administration, i can get you to comment on that? i'm kidding. i want to thank you for coming on. it's been a pleasure to have you on almost every month and i look forward to seeing you when you're out of government as well. >> thanks, chuck. i've enjoyed it. >> trivia time. how many second ladies have become first lady? the answer, 11. we've had 14 vice presidents who became president, but jefferson, van buren and arthur were all widowed during their vice presidentsy, so only 11 women. congratulations to today's winner. matt bergasi.
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wish the hurricane had not happened when it did, because it gave the president a chance to be presidential and out to show s sympathy for folks, which is one of the advantages of incumbency. >> bringing back our gaggle here rodell kristin and i will make you defend this. romney, and we play ded a short bite. >> did you hear the heavy sigh. >> and asked about the whole politics behind christie and all of this stuff and we know that the romney advisers said that last week it decided the whole
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election and when mitt romney is asked about it, he said it didn't happen, because it allowed him to be presidential. >> and it was a pundit asking him, and he gave that answer, but it is the wrong answer to that question. >> not nimble. >> and does that sum him up in the nutshell of the campaign, and never nimble, and whether it was the 47% -- >> you can explain the answers, but when they need explaining, that is part of the problem. >> what is the saying, if you are explaining, you are losing. >> exactly. >> i am sure that the people of my home state wish the hurricane didn't happen either. >> right. and many of us wish it didn't happen, period. >> and cory bookerer and i began the show talking about chris christie and nobody benefited more than cory booker and you slightly disagreed and why? >> if i had to rank it. this is who benefited. chris christie looking out for himself, and then after that democrats in general, because of the way it was set up. i don't necessarily think it is cory booker, because you are looking at somebody who thought
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he would run in november 2014 and now he's got congressmen who can run and not have to worry about giving up their seat. so he has a primary that he would not have had if this was november 2014. >> and now, kristin, my contention is that every decision that christie made this week is the guy who benefits the most potentially is booker? >> well, i agree with rodell, because the decisions have benefited chris christie. >> no doubt, he has won on the beneficiary lead. that on cede, but it seems that booker does not have to run against christie or the central democratic committee picking the nominee, and maybe would have picked pallone? >> well, are there things that he would have done with the rest of the term in newark that would have helped the bid? >> how many senators are you working? >> a handful. brian shats of hawaii and tim
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scott. >> up to four, maybe? >> well, a youth movement in the senate, the, you know, the average age is dropping. >> they are peers now. that is what we are going to keep it at that. shameless plugs, kelly? >> personal this time. my dad is recovering from surgery, so i am glad he is bouncing back and early happy father's day. >> go dad. >> speaking of youth movement, earlier this week, i came out with a report 95 pages of how the republicans can win young voters at and i want to shout out to my alma mater university of dayton and gave me a lot of opportunities, and i am excited to go back to the college reunion. >> go dayton flyers. >> yes. >> and go to the front page where you will see more on chris christie and the seat left open by the death of frank lautenberg. on monday, we have an incredible story that you have probably not heard about which has to do with one of the only
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u.s. senators ever to commit suicide in the u.s. senate office building. it is incredible book and coming up monday. coming up next is chris jansing. bye-bye. i'm meteorologist bill karins, andrea's rains will be long gone saturday afternoon and just a little bit left in new england. and we will go to a more summer pattern. on the west coast temperatures and the central plains, that is where we will see it occur especially up there in northern plains v. a great week. we went out and asked people a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ i want peacocks. peacocks? walking the grounds. in tuscany. [ man ] her parents didn't expect her dreams to be so ambitious. italy? oh, that's not good. [ man ] by exploring their options, they learned that instead of going to italy, they could use a home equity loan to renovate their yard and have a beautiful wedding right here while possibly increasing the value of their home. you and roger could get married in our backyard. it's robert, dad.
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[ female announcer ] come in to find the right credit options for your needs. because when people talk, great things happen. because when people talk, [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play.
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and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. good morning, i'm chris jansing, the scope of the information this the government is ga thering about is getting wider. it is not just phone records, but they are mining your information on the internet. the code name prism is collecting data from the who's who from silicon valley, and yahoo! pal talk, and skype and google and apple according to the washington post. several companies are saying that they are insisting that the government not tap into the servers, but we are told that they can monitor traffic in real time looking for suspicious e-mails and pictures and documents and intended to cover communications that originate outside of the u.s.
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