tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 7, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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looking at every corner of your digital life, and we have it covered for you. i'm thomas roberts and topping the agenda, spying on your e-mails and internet searches and you name it, the nsa can see it, and now we are learning that they have direct access to nine major internet companies including google, facebook and apple. it is part of the top secret program code named prism. these companies deny knowledge of the nsa's operation, and apple saying it has neverç hea of it, and facebook, we do not provide any governmental organization with access and google saying it does not have a backdoor for the government, and here is the guardian's glenn greenwald who broke the story. >> there is a massive state that the u.s. government has built up that has extraordinary imxlagsings for how we live as americans and in the country. >> james clapper reacting with this quote, information collected under this program is among the most important and
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valuable foreign intelligence information that we collect. and this is senator angus king on "morning joe." >> we ought to have an open debate and people should have a general idea of what is going on and argue about it in whether it is appropriate and necessary to protect the country or whether it goes too far. >> and king's colleagues senator dianne feinstein who confirmed the data collection slammed the force collecting classified information program. >> this is a three-month program under seal that was leaked. >> should the leak be investigated? >> i think so. i think that we have become a culture of leaks now. >> culture of leaks, and a culture of investigators. and joining me is new york democratic congressman steve israel. it is great to have you here in person and i0want to show you the cover of "usa today" saying that dianne feinstein calls it
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protecting america and rand paul calls ate enastounding assault on the constitution, and you are a scyber security expert, and what do you make of this? is this necessary for protection of americans and the best interest for us? >> well, thank you for having me on first of all and this tension of protecting the personal privacy and the national security is as old as the republic, and the alien sedition acts, and the patriot act and now this. there is always a profound tension between protecting the personal privacy and the national security, and this is exactly why we must have checks and balances. this is exactly why we must have oversig oversight, and i want to make sure that when you have this tension, congress is conducting oversight, and we have those vital checks and balances to insure that the government does not go too far. >> do you believe in the prism program? >> i believe in elements of the prism program that are vitally important, and as we pursue the vital work that we know where the bad guys are, and
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intercepting the plots against us, and in this case, we know that the terrorist plot was resulted as a result of prism, we don't capture innocent americans in the dragnet. that is why you have to have checks and balances. >> you look at the cover of the ""huffington post"" that says george w. obama. and is thisç really the fourth term of george w. bush on the guardian. >> this is what george w. bush stood for and he didn't run against the policies, but the moral compass and he has gone to the right of the george bush and cheney's policies that i cannot but applaud his tactics. >> and so there is a scathing op-ed saying that president obama has lost all credible, and this morning the playbook
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reveals that that credibility was changed thursday night to add on this issue, and so to make it very specific, but the question that people had about bush and now with president obama is who is watching the wat watchers, and how are we supposed to believe that the oversight is being allocated and done so properly? >> the group that is supposed to be watching the watchers is the foreign intelligence surveillance courts the fisa courts, and what i want to know is if they are working and we have to open up the process more. we have the check and balance in the case of prism, and in verizon, it was a fisa order that allowed that and that is supposed to be the check and the balance and we have to know more and have a review of how the fisa courts are operating. >> so the tech giants areç denying this involvement, and google says they don't have a backdoor to provide user, and we only provide what is required by law, and gofacebook, we do not
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provide information and the same with microsoft, so how does the public who want to have trust in you and our leaders and what do we make of this? >> well, that is why you need the debate. i'm not suggesting that the americans believe one way or another, but in a democracy where you have a historic debate how to keep my constituents safe from the foreign attack, and still want to keep my constituents safe, you need transparency and debate. in is not about finger pointing or comparisons between bush and obama. this should be about how you get that balance between national security and privacy as a matter of policy and democracy. >> all right. meanwhile, i want to bring your attention to the nsa's newly opened $2 billion facility in bluffdale, utah. these pictures are amazing and according to "time" magazine, the compound is five times larger than the u.s. capitol. all store big data, and can you
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confirm to us if american data is going to be stored there? american citizen data stored there, and $2 billion for this i do not want the government to have one more vow of information that they need about me or any other private citizen. >> how do they provide that and have access to that? we are voluntarily giveing it to them. any of the e-mail accounts now, and we are vol untarily giving that stuff over. >> that is why you have the fisa courts and the third branch of government and the judiciary and
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in this case, the fisa courts that are supposed to be sure where the credible threat is vitally necessary to protect us, there is probable cause and a court order to allow for the gathering of that information and that is what i am saying, thomas, i want to make sure it is not endless or infinite and the fisa courts, themselves, that we understand how they are operating and more transparent than they have been. >> congressman steve israel, thank you for making time for me, i do appreciate it. developing now,)q debate over where the economy is standing after the jobs report has been released today for may and showing that employers added 175,000 jobs which is slightly higher than expected, but the nation's unemployment ticked up to 7.6% because more people began looking for work up 0.1%. >> the big picture, we are continuing the dig out of the deep hole that was caused by the great recession that began in 2008. this is progress, but more work needs to be done. >> so house speaker john boehner
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said that the job growth is as potive sign, but we can do better. joining me live is the chief economist for joe biden, jerry bernstein who is now a msnbc contributor. jerry, the economy adding 175,000 jobs for may, and what does that number tell you about the state of the economy? because 175,000 is less robust than we have seen in the past. >> it tells me that the economy is slowly improving and that the job market is getting better, but at a rate that is too slow to really knock the unemployment rate down, and the fact that the unemployment rate ticked up 0.1 last month going from 7.5% to 7.6%. what is going on, thomas, is the game of musical chairs where labor demand and employers are adding the chairs burk at t ini same time, we have a lot of people coming into the labor market, so with the supply and demand, job growth is not fast enough to absorbç the folks coming into the market at least in may. >> if we drill down and look at
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where the jobs hqe6kare, 57,00 added in proegs iffal and business services, and 43,000 in leisure and hospitality jobs and retail and health care and construction and jobs lost in manufacturing and government down by 14,000. do these numbers indicate the proper growth in the right sectors? >> yes, and no. i can explain almost all of the numbers. check it out and see if you agree. i think that in the consumer sector, the restaurants and the leisure and the hospitality, and while wage growth is fairly tame because of the high unemployment rate, 2% year over year, inflation is really quiet, only 1%, so there are real wage gains and probably powering some of the consumer sectors and manufacturing is hurt by a grow growing trade deficit and the government piece that is of concern in these numbers and over the past three months the f federal government is down over 40,000 jobs and those are the sequester months and this is a report where we will see the sequestration fingerprints. >> i want people to see the
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further breakdown. unemployment ticked up for young men, but up for young teens and jumping 0.4%, and by race jumped up the highest among after can americans and not as robust as the administration would like to see it. jerry bernstein, thank you. i appreciate it. >> thank you, thomas. this hour, george zimmerman back in court withç jury selection in a matter of days and will that jury hear key evidence including the all important call to 911. plus this -- >> we are asking for a change in a policy that is flawed and that is currently excluding somebody from being on the list. >> senator pat toomey's plea on the behalf of one little girl who needs a life-saving transplant and now we are learning of a second case like little sarah and it is a little boy. is the current donor system stacked against kids like this? on the lead story the prifrm scandkan -- prism scandal, do you believe the companies who are saying
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developing now, voice experts are testifying about what could be a critical piece of evidence in the george zimmerman trial in florida and the judge is expected to rule by the end of the day whether jurors will hear testimony about whose voice analysts believe was screaming on a 911 call seconds beforeç zimmerman shot and kild 17-year-old trayvon martin last year. >> i think that they are yelling help, but i don't know. just send somebody quick. >> okay. does he look hurt to you? >> i can't see him and i don't want to go out there and i don't know what is going on. >> george szimmerman is pleadin not guilty to the shooting death of trayvon martin and claiming
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he was in self-defense. also in disclosure, he has sued the msnbc news outlet. and now joining us is tremaine lee who has been covering this trial, and i want to start with you, and give us a sense of what is happening, because we have several analyses of who is yelling on that 911 tape. some say trayvon martin and others say george zimmerman and the state witness who testified so far today a person named tom owen who has given analysis for our own politics nation with al sharpton says it is common for this to happen, the muddying of the waters. take a listen. >> mr. owen, as far as the conclusions that you reached, is it uncommon in your field for scientists to disagree as to their opinions of what evidence may show? even if they apply generally
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speaking to the same ç methodologies? >> yes, they do disagree. >> all right. so how do you think that this is going to impact the judge? because basically the experts are trying to be discredited as experts as analysis that makes them worthless in the court of law? >> this is clearly one of the great mysteries of the case. there is so much that we do know, but this is one of the elements that we don't know. yesterday we had an fbi technician say that it is clearly impossible to glean enough from that short amount of time, and the voice recognition is so muddy in terms of scientifically, that it is hard to pull anything off, so that the judge has to decide if the bar that the fbi uses is the same bar she will use in the trial. >> okay. paul, what happens if the case of the 911 case is not admissible? >> well, it is likely that you will still hear the audio information. so you will still hear the tape that we have all heard and that is likely to be admitted, the standard that the court is using to evaluate whether or not, the experts are going to be allowed to testify and whether or not their information will come in,
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the court uses a four-prong test. so what the court evaluates is whether or not the information and testimony would be relevant. and then they evaluate whether or not that information is necessary. so with what the experts have to say, would it help a trier of fact come to a conclusion. and then also, are there exclusionary rulings in regard to the expert, and then the expert's qualifications, so tht1 the moving party has to lay the foundation and the qualifications as to whether or not this expert and what their opinion is going to be would be relevant to this case, and so that's the argument na we are hearing back and foth. >> and what it is going to boil down, paul, is what you are saying that most likely, this tape will be heard. and the jury will have an opportunity to hear it, but maybe not the opportunity to hear analysis testimony about it. >> yes, thatjloo÷ is what i bel is going to likely happen. a lot of fighting, because nobody wants to give up the experts, but the judge is in a situation as to whether or not hearing back and forth from the
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expert swis common in big cases to have experts on both sides whether or not that expert testimony in and of itself is going to be necessary, and if it would help that trier of facts and this jury that we have not picked yet to make a determination about what they are listening on the audio tape. >> all right. trymaine, several defense motions under question whether to ban clothing and whether to extend zimmerman's curfew to travel to meet with lawyers and as a reporter covering the case from the beginning, the defense team has been sensitive about how mr. zimmerman is portrayed in the public. that has to be a big concern moving forward? >> it is a concern, but this speaks to the tone that this case has been embroiled in from the beginning the tit-for-tat, and the war over characterizing
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prosecutor paul henderson, thank you so much for joining the conversation. we will cover more as the trial continues. and anthony weiner's comeback, and he is hot on christine quinn's trail in the new york mayoral race. and coming up, christine quinn is going to talk to talk to us about that and also her new book. and also, we will have a panel weighing in on the story that has everybody talking coming up. change makes people nervous.
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javier is the second child who has beenç placed on the adult list for organs. a judge temporarily made an exception for sarah moynihan to be placed on the list. so now there is a ruling for children under 12 years of age to be placed on the same list as adults. joining us is a bioethicist from stanford university, and also, howard from the gift of life organization. howard, why are children not under the age of 12 allowed to get adult lungs? >> well, the concept was that kids need kids' organs and typically the organ has to fit inside of the child, and that is the most important part, and not only how sick they are, but how the organ fits into the child. and i think that the concept was that to put them on the adult
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list was be superfluous, and there are some cases where the organs have been cut down, but they are very, very rare operations. >> david, if we look at the statistics right now out of roughly 1,700 people waiting for a lung transplant, 16 of them are children under the age of 11, so is the judge doing the right thing to make these exceptions or setting up the potential that the judicial system is going to be seen as playing favorites here, and the same issue thatç secretary kathle kathleen sebelius had raised? >> this is a disaster and it is really, really important that the people who donate organs believe in the system and fair system which does a good job of marshaling and stewarding this incredibly scarce source. in situations like this, we are talk about the young patients and the possibility of getting adult organs put into them, it is a difficult issue as are all of the allocation issues and ethcysts and surgeons and
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experts on the different organs find a lot of time to find the exact policies and they change them and revisit them over time, but that is the right way to do it, experts and not congress and not a judge. >> howard, from your organization's standpoint that we need to revisit, because right now, because of this controversy and especially in regard to the government's role in insuring life saving access to health care, do you believe that the cases show an area, because there needs to be something shown up that we are missing out on something, and that we need to revisit why these kids are falling through the cracks? >> well, the biggest issue, thomas, is the shortage of organs and what we need to do is to get the public to see that this happens everyday. there are 118,000 people waiting and 6,500 in the philadelphia region alone. and if we had more organ donors and more organs available, many of the issues would not occur.ç certainly what david says is absolutely right, the optn has been thoughtful about this.
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and the models that have been developed have been done by experts in the field, and it is a very transparent policy, and certainly, if there needs to be a review, i'm all ears and i think that the rest of the community is, but i think that the real issue is organ donation, and organ donors in our, and for people to register. >> i want to make sure though that we hear, because lawmakers are weighing in on the issue and i want everybody to hear from pennsylvania senator pat toomey who had this to say on the senate floor yesterday. listen. >> i am not asking secretary sebelius to make an exception for one individual, but asking for a change in a policy that is flawed and currently excluding somebody from being on the list for, to be an organ donor recipient that ought to be on the list. >> david, he is asking for overall here, and where should they draw the line here on this and other medical issues, and you believe they are opening up a can of worms here? >> yes shgs s, it is the wrong
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develop policy. we have a situation of a lot of media and concern for a single individual, and now congress is weighing in, and the way to develop allocation policies is to have the experts work through it. they have done it very successfully and they have changed recently the way in which the kidneys are ale located, but it is a complex process that allows people with expertise to really looking at what produces the best results to do a good jobç of marshalli this very, very scarce resource. >> gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us. david magnus and howard nathan and it is important for us to continue talking about this, because there are a lot of parents out there who would like people in washington, d.c. to make some decisions that would be helpful for their kids. thank you, gentlemen. we will be back with the panel after this.
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the rates are set to double in a matter of weeks, but congress can't come to an agreement. those are the topics pitched by today's panel of writers covering progressive issues. aaron colon is a reporter for, and monica is editor and chief of mother jones, and we have a lot of to talk about, and the story that everybody is talking about around the water co cooler, guys, the nsa stuff, and basically, the intelligence agencies looking at everything that we are doing. pretty much all of the areas of our life, tech companies are now involved although they are saying that they are fully unaware of the data mining that is going on. monica, i want to talk to you about this, because you say that this is not anything new. we have been a country fully involved in this type of data mining for a long time, and so why are we just feeling the outrage today, so much more than before? >> it's new, and of course inasmuch as the reflations that we are hearing today are
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breaking and real scoop, but what we did know before and what has been going on since shortly after 9/11 is that, you know, we keep getting the revelations starting with the total information awareness starting in 2002 and the warrantless w e wiretapping in 2005 and the at&t scandal in 2006 and over and over the same story of government accessing big data, and huge data sets about all of us so as to find patterns that might point them to terrorist activities, and what we have not really ever come to terms with, and the question is really whether we will now is whether we are okay with the government keeping an eye on the communications that all of us have with each other. >> right. >> so as to pick out what they say are a few bad guys. >> and it is, you know, to protect us all, and which are the bad apples in the whole bunch and in the çarticle, 90%f internet and service will be
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accessed without accent more than other private information. erin, because we are a society addicted to the smartphones and our twitter accounts and facebook and e-mail and the bank services on apps, are we supposed to give away the civil lib er tis for the easy access of technology? >> well, i mean, i think that unfortunately what we may end up seeing is that the average person is willing to make that trade off. when we have elected officials defending the reach of the program and the scope of it and how unspecific, and untargeted it is and when you have people believing that it is taking place, it is a normalization of some type of hypersecurity state that we have seen since 9/11 and a couple of weeks ago the president gave a speech saying that we don't want to live in a constant war of terrorist state and live in an extraordinary circumstance where everything is possible to be surveillance e s that is what we are living in.
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unfortunatel unfortunately, it is like the air we breathe i don't anticipate a lot of people are going to be unset about this except for the civil libertarians and that is a shame. >> and now we go to the leak investigations and who is whistle-blowing and what is going on with the nsa. >> that is what it looks like will happen. you had yesterday diane stein stein who isç the chair mman oe senate intelligence committee pretty much saying right after this came out that she believes there should be a leak, and lamented that -- sorry, investigation into the leak, and she lamented that we are a culture of leaks. it was really remarkable the stark contrast yesterday in a press conference with her, and senator chambliss, and their attitude is this is nothing new and it has been happening for a long time, for seven years and you compare that with the astonishment of americans who don't quite grasp the breadth of the information. >> and what about leaks in washington, because they are a
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culture of surveillance seekers and one thing is feeding the other. >> yes, that is absolutely true, and you can draw a straight line from one to the other. >> and there is big work, policy work that needs to take place in washington, d.c. and we are talking about immigration reform, and there is a debate going on right now about whether the senate should bring up the immigration reform for debate and the debate about the debate and the senate won't hold any votes, but as we look at a new poll from the latino decisions on immigration being the most important facing the latino community that should be addressed by the president and congress and 55% feel it should, and that surpasses the jobs and the economy and the rest, and that is the high number, erin? >> thomas, political and human rights issue that the republicans are poised to screw up. i mean, they have a series of unappealing çoptions, and in t past week they have shown that they want to choose the most explosive and the most xenophobic options out of all of those. they know if they let immigration reform pass, they
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will have to answer to the xenophobic immigrant-hating base, but they know they can't win a national election without those latinos who value immigration reform, so instead of figuring out a way to navigate the path, this week, they looked at more extreme measures such as looking at ways to deny and discriminate immigrants when it comes to health care and voted yesterday to deport the dreamers, so it is really clear that they have chosen the path as to do exactly what they have done before which ended up alienating latino voters. >> and marco rubio does not have the votes in the senate side or votes in the house. so where does it go from here? >> well, it is not clear that he doesn't have support in the senate. what the question is how, you know, how many votes the senate bill will get and it seems likely that something will pass out of there, and it is, you know, it is not clear where we go from here, and what he and other republicans are pushing for are much, you know, much stronger border enforcement, and stronger triggers and some of these are the sort that
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democrats are not going to be on board with, because they are the kinds of things that raise the bar so high that it might jeopardize the ability of the people who are here undocumented to get eventually legaç status and ultimately citizenship, so it is, i think that it depends and in the battle right now that is not just between the pro immigration or the anti-immigration factions of the political party, but the battle is between the district and the states and the next election, and party strategists who are concerned with the party's long term viability as a, you know, national party in the long run. >> so many calculations that are going into what policies are getting done or not getting done and in is a big concern for people with student loans set to double on july 1st, and the student loan rates are 3.4% and by july 1st, 6.8%. i mean, this is just insane, monika, and you said that the student loan debt will surpass
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mortgage debt. so the nest egg is the house, and that is why we take our mortgage, but now it is the student loan debt is going to surpass that? >> well, it has surpassed credit card debt because we have less credit card debt, but also because the cost of a college education is just through the roof. you know, even adjusting for inflation and everything else and getting a little bit more expensive, it costs 2.5 times as much to get a four-year degree. that's structurally a problem that, you know, is long past. nobody is going to let rates double this summer, because that is just political suicide. but çlong-term, we have a huge problem of having taken wrungs out of the ladder of social mobility. >> right. o july 1st is coming up, and it seems we don't have a lot of time, but there is a lot of time. >> yesterday, there was a bill to freeze the student loan rate at 3.4% for two years and fund
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it by closing a variety of unpopular loopholes for oil and gas and offshore tax havens, and ultimately the republicans filibustered it and said we don't to rebuke our absolute taxism, and so you have democrats negotiating from a strong position saying this is what we want and we want to bring the taxes into the fight, because we want to highlight how far the republicans will go to protect the stance on taxes. so, republicans really want this issue after of the table. they know that they have very little credibility with the young voters, and they want to close that gap. >> and democrats expose them. >> yes. >> for certain. thank you so much all of you. if you didn't get enough from the agenda panel, you can find more on our website or my name. and this is the dow jones industrial average is up on the
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news that hiring picked back up this is a quick look at some of the other stories topping the news now, and millions are getting soaked as tropical storm andrea is zipping up the east coast with a potentialf of high flash flooding today. meteorologists predict flash flooding from florida to maine. and john mccain's fact-finding days are far from gone. he is headed to gitmo with white house chief of staff denis mcdonough, and the top senator on the intelligence committee diane finestein. and vladimire putin and his wife have announced their near 30-year marriage is over. they make that announcement ob the russian television saying it is a joint decision and the two rarely see each other anyway.
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make that conscious decision everyday. >> but when it comes to your decision to run for çmayor, its not political, but personal, and nyc is not for sale and launched several ads against you called anybody but quinn claiming that you are a bloomberg junior. i want to show everybody. >> sure. >> virtually all of christine quinn's decisions were made in rooms just like this, with her friends in the 1%. when christine quinn does not support our values, how can you support her for mayor? >> mayor bloomberg says jump, and christine quinn says how high? for the first time in my life i would vote for a republican over y you. >> and how do you feel when you see that and what makes you different from mayor ploomber ploomberg -- bloomberg and what would krou do if you win and become mayor of new york? >> these expenditures and the special interest ads we see them all of the time now in national politics and they are unfortunate to be part of what is happening here, and new york, be clear, because these ads are
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funded by a special interest group and i did not pass a special piece of legislation that they wanted and now they are trying to affect the outcome of the mayor's race and it is unfortunately politic as usual and i am incredibly proud as speaker over the last 7 1/2 years ayear yea years, and at times that is working the mayor to get seven budgets balanced and on time, and working in the recession to get jobs, and toç pass unprecedented legislation to protect new york's tenants, but at the other times when i have disagreed with him with cruel and unemployment policies i have respectfully said i won't do that and when he refused to back down, i took him to court and i won. i protected homeless new yorkers, and so it is not who you work against or run against, but it is what you get done for new yorkers, and i will work with anybody on any day if they
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are working for the good of new yorkers, but i won't speak out against them, but i will stop them, and that is what i have done. >> and let's talk about somebody who is working to take that may mayor's job away from you and that is anthony weiner. recent poll results are five points behind you, and obviously, some people are take him seriously, and how worried are you that it affects the foundational base that you walk into? >> well, the new yorkers that i take serious in the race is not who i take seriously, but the voters out there. this race is about making sure that the voters' voices are heard, and making sure that the voters hear from the candidates what our records are of getting things done for them, and what our vision is of making the city better. no matter who enters the race, no one, in the race or anyone on the horizon has the record that i have çpreventing 4100 schoolteachers have being laid off and keeping every fire house in this city open even during
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the recession, and expanding the length of some of the middle schools to give us more time in the day for children to learn reading. >> he does not worry you? >> he does not extensive. no one else has it and i have the most specific plans moving forward for how to build housing, for how to keep our schools better and how to keep our city safe. >> you certainly are one of a kind. thank you speaker christine quinn. congratulations on the vote. >> thank you. >> and the book is called "patience and fortitude." >> named for the new york public library lions. live pictures coming in fro san jose, california, we're awaiting remarks on the affordable care act, we'll carr those live, stick around, back after this. i'm a conservative investor. i invest in what i know. i turned 65 last week. i'm getting married. planning a life. there are risks, sure. but, there's no reward without it. i want to be prepared for the long haul. i see a world bursting with opportunities. india, china, brazil,
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the obama administration to prove obama care is working, despite growing criticism about that law. and asç the president preps to speak our latest nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows support for obama care is at an all-time low. nearly half of americans say obama care is a bad idea, up from last year when the supreme court ruled in favor of the law and an increasing number who say they will be worst off under obama care. 39% say obama care won't make much of a difference. nbc white house correspondent kristen welker is traveling with the president and joins me from san jose, california. explain how the president and the white house want to use california as a role model to exalt obama care? >> well, thomas, i expect that you're going to hear president obama highlight a couple of things that are happening here in the state of california. for one, a public/private partnership between the california and endowment and latino media groups here in california, which is aimed at getting latinos to sign up for
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health insurance. the obama administration estimating that by 2014 as many as 10.2 million latinos could be signed up for health insurance. i also expect that you will hear him tout something that was announced two weeks ago here in california. which is that premiums are actually be lower than expected. about s di $3ç 21 lower. >> kristen, thank you so much. we're waiting for the president to come out. that's going to wrap things up for me today, i'll see you back here monday at 11:00 a.m., but don't go anywhere, "now" with alex wag anywhere comes up next, stick around. of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting.
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it's friday, and this is "now." joining me today, white house correspondent and editor at "huffington post" and the msnbc contributor, sam stein and editor of business week, joining us is democratic senator from oregon, senator, thanks so much for joining us today. i have to say the president is scheduled to speak in san jose, any moment now. so we may have to interrupt our conversation to go to these remarks. i want to start out talking of the story of today. this is the revelations regarding the nsa and here comes the president, we'll be back to you shortly, senator, president obama in san jose.ç >> nor, i think we have a couple of minutes, i'm getting conversationi i conflicting statements from the control room. regarding the breadth and depth of the surveillance.
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as someone who has called attention to the civil liberties issues at the raert of our counterterrorism operation, do you think we have have a broad public debate about this. the debate over this will inevitably happen behind closed doors, how do the american people have a say in this? >> we have in the law a requirement that the collection of data is tangible things the standard for how those words interpreted could involve a very small limited people if you will, or it could be a barn door. the doors are wide open to any information. certainly what we're discovering now is the administration and the fisa court have interpreted that language to be the barn door. any information, any time. by declassifying the interpretations of those words by the fisa court then we can have the debate over whether that's what congress intended and that's
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