tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 12, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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keith alexander will face tough questions. ron widen is calling for public hearings. he and seven other senators also introducing legislation that could partially lift the veil. >> it's not possible for the congress to do the kind of vigorous oversight that the president spoke about if you can't get straight answers. >> the aclu meanwhile has filed suit against the director of national intelligence. they claim the secret surveillance giving, quote, the government a comprehensive rourd of our associations and public movements revealing a wealth of detail about familial, political, professional, religious associations. and then three tech giants are seeking permission to publicly disclose the requests for information that they have received from uncle sam. a lot of moving parts and a lot to catch you up on. joining me is jameel jafer.
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let's take a look at what the lawsuit is claiming. violations of free speech and it exceeds authority under the patriot act. aclu is claiming the programs are equivalent of requiring every american to file a daily report with the government. and we've seen similar cases dismissed on the basis that they would reveal state secrets or because plaintiffs cannot prove that they had been monitored in the first place. so explain what makes this case so different. >> sure. one thing that makes it different is that the government has now acknowledged the existence of this surveillance program, verizon in particular to turn over three months of call data. so there is no question the surveillance program is going on now, has been going on for seven years at least. the other thing that makes it different is we, the plaintiffs here, the aclu, can show that our own communications have been monitored because the aclu is a
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ver rye stoci monitored because the aclu is a ver rye stoczon sub kriscriberu. so the two problems are secrecy and standing. neither of those at least on the surface seems to be a problem here because the plaintiffs can show that their own communications were monitored under a program that the government itself has acknowledged. >> so we talk about it acknowledging it, but the government has defended the heldity much the program saying congress has been briefed, knowing all the details and in doing so still reauthorized the so-called business records provision of the patriot act. so doesn't it seem like there are -- >> a few different things about that. one is that congress can't sanction a violation of the constitution. even if congress had authorized all of this, there is still the question of whether it's constitutional. and that's something for a court to decide. and many members of congress dispute the notion that congress authorized the program including
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one of the legislators who was one of the authors of the patriot act said this is not the sink that it was meant to authorize. senator widen has said that this is a program not meant to authorize. so there is a question whether everybody the patriot act which has broad parameters authorizes the kind of surveillance program that the government has put in place. >> joe klein has an opinion piece out tigs titled civil liberties freakout. the idea that our government is some sort of conspiracy, intent on robbing us of our freedoms. isn't there a time when national security trumps privacy? >> this idea that the critics of the program are alleging some kind conspiracy, i think this is
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a straw man. nobody is alleging a conspiracy. what we're alleging is that the national security agency is collecting information about every single american's phone calls. and that is something that the president himself has confirmed. so i don't know what joe klein is talking about. but as to your question about national security and civil liberties, absolutely sometimes there are hard questions and we have to draw lines. but the problem here is that no line has been drawn. the government is simply collecting everything. and to arc that this strikes a balance between national security and civil liberties i think is ridiculous. there is no balance at all here. this there is nothing in place to protect civil liberties. everything is elected. >> all right. jameel, thanks for your insight. joining me is jon tester, member of the homeland security subcommittee and on the secret law gang of eight right now. great to have you here. you and seven fellow senators
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have sgro sintroduced a bill th would declassify some aspects but some argue it compromises national security. how do you respond to that? >> i don't agree with that. i think if we're going to have a discussion on the issue of what the fisa court is doing and what nsa is doing, we need information. it just brings transparency to government. they can redact information if it's information that compromises our national security. so i just think this is an opportunity to shed a little light so we can have a discussion on this. and that's where the problem is. the problem is we've never had a healthy discussion on what the court's doing and if they're abusing their powers or not. and when i got here six years ago, they were talking about
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targeting. target people they're gathering information on. now we're at a point where they're doing broad sweeps. when did that change and how come it changed. and we need to have a discussion on that as we move forward. >> so as i mentioned earlier, keith alexander will appear before the senate appropriations committee. but back in march, james clapper gave an answer during a senate intelligence hearing that he acknowledges wasn't the whole truth about the nsa surveillance program. so what makes you so sure that you'll get straight answers today? >> well, they better give straight answers. the fact is if they come back and we're not getting straight answer, there will be ramifications to that. and so that's a concern coming down every time you have a hearing. the fact is it's not much of a concern on mine. they're testifying before major committee in the senate, truthfulness -- if they're not truthful, we have bigger
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problems than i think so. >> and it's not just though dsn under fire. congressman king says the journalist should be punished, also. >> if they knew that this was classified information, i think action should be taken. especially on something of this magnitude. there is an obligation both moral and legal against a reporter disclosing something which would so severely compromise national security. >> sir, do you agree that reporters bear responsibility and do you think snowden himself should face prosecution? >> no. the information they wrote about was just the fact that nsa was doing broad sweeps of foreign and domestic phone record, medidata. first of all, snowden probably shouldn't have done what he did. but the fact of the matter is i don't see how that compromises the security of this country whatsoever. and quite frankly, it helps
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people like me become aware of a situation that i wasn't aware of before because i don't sit on that intelligence committee. and it allows us to have a debate and hopefully have a debate eventually on the senate floor about what the fisa court is doing, the criteria they use to make their decisions. and if it's the right move to make. i'm of a belief that we have to fight terrorism, use the tools we need, but we have to protect our civil liberties, too. i think we can do both. but we have to have an honest debate about this issue. >> senator jon tester, sir, great to have you on. thank you. still to come, george zimmerman back in court for day three of jury selection in his second-degree murder trial. will finding an impartial jury be a mission impossible? benjamin crump joins me live. and plus in turkey, very different scene from yesterday's dramatic clashes.
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is this situation just a pot set to simmer or ready to boil back over. we'll take a look. and then today's big question for you about the nsa leaks, should journalists be prosecuted for publishing classified information? we've been bringing people together. today, we'd like people to come together on something that concerns all of us. obesity. and as the nation's leading beverage company, we can play an important role. that includes continually providing more options.
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you have the opportunity to review the questionnaires with your attorneys for the new group of people? >> yes, your honor. >> murder suspect george zimmerman undergoing a round of questioning by the judge this morning as jury selection goes in to it third day. potential jurors have been asked their opinions about this case and how much publicity they were exposed to before the trial. so far today, attorneys questioned a woman who said she lived down the street from where the shooting happened but didn't have an popinion on it.
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people are sympathetic on both sides. >> you talked about being careful. one of the things that i'll bring up, i realize that the way trayvon martin was dressed caused speculations about him in the situation. my son dresses the same way. >> he wears what, a hoodie? >> a sweat shirt with a hood. so we caution him about that. >> being a sending gingle paren two boys of my own, i'm very strict with them. i don't want to judge, but this could have been prevented. >> mr. zimmerman has pleaded not guilty in the shooting death claiming self-defense and he has also sued nbc universal for defamation. joining me right now is benjamin crump, attorneys for the pattres
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of trayvon martin. are trayvon's parents satisfied with the proceedings so far? >> they're relieved to finally be at this point where the killeder of their son if face a jury, they have faith that they will get a fair and impartial jury that will render a verdict based on the evidence and nothing more. and they believe if that happens, then the killer will be held accountable for killing their son. >> right now the onus is finding an setting that jury pool. attorneys are specifically asking individual jurors about pretrial, but later they will be brought together as a group, asked more probing questions. explain to all of us, is this unusual in the jury selection process in the state of florida? >> this certainly isn't normal. jury selection is normally a lot shorter. but it's important that we get a fair and impartial jury
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especially when you think about the precedence that will be set in this case whether everybody in america gets equal justice. it's ironic today is the 50th anniversary of the killing of medgar evers and so this trayvon martin case is certainly a litmus test of how far we have come in america as to everybody getting equal justice. >> based on that, how difficult do you think it will be to find an impartial jury? >> well, i think certainly it's one of the top news stories in the world. therefore, everybody has heard something about the killing of trayvon martin. however, we only ask that people are fair and honest and candid about their biases, about their perspectives. and if they do that, then we believe they will follow the
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judge's instructions and that the process works. now, it has to be transparent. it has to be fair because everybody in the world is watching this case to see how far we've come in the matter of equal justice for every american. >> the zirm man family has been speaking out. i want to play for everybody george zimmerman's brother, robert. >> we're very confident in the outcome of the case and we're very confident that the state will not be able to meet its burden. and it's a two fold burden here in florida. not only do they have to prove that will this was a murder, they also have to prove simultaneously that it could not have been self-defense. >> so they are confident the state will not be able to meet its burden. how hard will it be for the state to make its case? >> well, the evidence is overwhelming. a lot of people say this is a complicated case. if you change the dynamics of this case and you have an african-american man getting out of his vehicle with a .9
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millimeter gun chasing and killing an unarmed white teenager, nobody would say this is a hard complicated case. so why is it a hard complicated case when you change the dynamics? that's what this is about. how far have we come as a society where everybody can get equal justice based on the american constitution. and we honestly think the evidence is all there. it is not a hard case. >> mr. crump, thanks so much. we'll let you get back inside. the ten minute recess has -- time is up. court is back in session, sir. so we'll let you go. thanks so much. >> thank you, thomas. still ahead, newtown families back on the hill, their renewed push for background checks. what role will vice president biden play in all of this about that we'll take a look at that. and then immigration. everyone is trying to put their stamp on the bill. but first, a man posting
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snapshots of all your precious moments only to have them pop up with another website with a different intention. that's what happened to sarah, who started a blog about her son jack. she then discovered a fake blog use her son's pictures to pay tribute to a fictional boy who died of leukemia. read my facebook page. ♪ [ male announcer ] moving object detection. ♪ blind spot warning. ♪ lane departure warning. safety, down to an art. the nissan altima with safety shield technologies. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪
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♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle. we want to say thank you and we appreciate all your support that you show towards our grandfather and your father because my grandfather is father of the nation. he's embraced by entire community. so we appreciate the support. >> that was nelson mandela's grandson speaking to reporters outside the hospital where his grandfather is being treated.
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meanwhile, there are new reports that nelson mandela is responding to treatment. the 94-year-old was hospitalized on saturday suffering from a recurring lung infection. we understand his ex-wife has just left the hospital after her second visit there to see mandela. turkish police last night clashing with protesters clearing a central square the focus of two week of protests against turkey's prime minister. our foreign correspondent is here. why have things calmed down now? >> the police have gone in and cleared the square and essentially has gi minutished the number of protesters there. but there is always that underlying tension that can bring protesters back into the square. >> so while we watch these
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images and some of the earlier images from yesterday were certainly very disturbing with the violence that was displayed from forces that were sent into clear the square, so what is it that the protesters are trying to seek? because we know that there are tensions certainly between the prime minister and the younger vision of what people in turkey would like to see from their government. >> i think the protesters right now it is more about an expression of anger and frustration. i don't think they have a clear list of demands. p this was started because of a plan by the government to build in the square. >> build a strip mall, right? >> to build a shopping mall i guess in it an area that is considered iconic for several reasons. but the underlying problem is that the protesters feel the current government is rolling back some of the secular and personal liberties of individuals in turkey. so the concern is that this government has really once again overstepped, overused either power. a lot of anger is directed
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towards the prime minister himself on a personal level, not just in the current government's form. >> and as you've covered the arab spring, that was dominated by social media. we've seen the prime minister speak out against social media basically calling it a menace. is that how the people that want to gather to protest are communicating at this point is this because the media coverage has basically been blacked out. >> turkey is a very open society in general, but other the past several years, the government has put some restrictions on freedom of speech and that's what has the white house concerned and a lot of people in turkey concerned. there is no doubt social media have played an important role in expressing the grievances and that's why you're seeing it gain the kind of traction. there are similarities, but turkey is very different than what we've seen in other parts of the arab world. >> thanks so much. here is a quick look at some of the stories topping the news. crewses in colorado are fighting five separate wildfires today.
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fires have burned across thousands of acres destroying dozens of homes and thousands of residents in five dichfferent counties have been evacuated. ariel castro has pleaded not guilty. he was arrested last month after one of the women broke free and was able to get help. southern baptists could soon cut their ties with the boy scouts. some church leader respect are unhappy with scouting's decision to allow openly gay boys to join the scouting organization. southern baptists are expected to vote on a resolution on that issue. a mother's conviction reaction may have saved her daughter's 8 month old. both mom and daughter suffered minor injuries. a base withdrawbrawl betwee dodgers and diamondbacks. it started when the pitcher hit dodgers with pitches. punches were thrown, benches cleared. diamondbacks manager, pitcher
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and a few others were ejected. e. you can get a tax write off for those. a programmable thermostat, very smart, saves money. ♪ cash money sorry. i see you have allstate claim free rewards, for every year you don't have a claim, you'll get money off your home insurance policy. put it towards... [ glass shatters ] [ girl ] dad! dad! [ girl screams ] noise canceling headphones? [ nicole ] that's a great idea. [ male announcer ] home insurance that saves you money for not having a claim? that's allstate home insurance with claim free rewards. talk to an allstate agent... [ doorbell rings ] and let the good life in.
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so breaking news to pass along now. the pennsylvania girl whose case sparked a national debate about organ donation is reportedly having a lung transplant right now. 10-year-old sarah murnaghan has end stage cystic fibrosis, needed the transplant to survive and her family petitioned the courts and sued health and human services secretary to make sarah eligible for an adult lung donation. but again the a.p. is reporting that transplant is happening right now. expected to take several hours. so we'll keep you posted on how that operation and procedure goes for little sarah. back on the hill, the families of some of the newtown victims are meeting with lawmakers to renew their push for gun legislation. and the aclarence thomas, is he
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hypocrite when it comes to afternoon affirmative action? sabrina, earl and igor join me. gang, great to have you all here. and i want to start with what we understand to be taking place right now and as we've seen this week the newtown families have returned to washington, d.c.. as we understand it, there is an 11:30 meeting happening with senator man chip achinmanchin. we all remember the manchin/toomey bill that failed back in april. sabrina, your article talks about nsa senators who back nsa spying oppose gun background checks for infringing rights. it really sets up this hard contrast about those who are willing, are our elected officials willing to give up our privacy rights but not willing to talk about much needed gun reform in the country.
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>> right. well, what lawmakers are essentially saying is it's okay to collect data from americans in terms of their call records and possibly even electronic communications to keep the country safe from the threat of terrorism even if those americans aren't actually suspected of any wrongdoing. and then just a couple of months ago one of the major arguments against the background checks amendment was that it was in-springiin infringing upon rights of gun owners even though it banned federal registry. so we're saying that we're willing to keep americans safe and do anything that it takes to do that, but there are a lot more gun related deaths every year than americans whose lives are lost from terrorism. so it's a real threat. we're talking about more than 30,000 lives lost each year. so why don't we bucket that under the notion of keeping americans safe. >> we put it in that context if we look at begun deaths since newdown, there have been 4924 or
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more. this is from putting out that figure. but when we look at the work of the have nvice president who is leading on this issue, and now we understand biden will restart the white house push on guns, an ept coming up on the 18th, is there really the appetite in d.c. to start this back up again? >> i think it's on the back burner right now, waiting for immigration. biden wants to keep this momentum going so that's why sewer seeing the newtown families again on the hill. but ultimately the decision rests with senate majority leader harry reid and whether he can find enough support, enough votes. senator manchin has said that he expects there to be more votes for this bill, but i think ultimately it will have to wait for immigration, for debt ceiling later this year. >> you bring up a great point
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about immigration because we certainly are anticipating maybe some movement on this as both sides seem to be warming up. but really there is a mark and we've been saying that the senators want to have their access to to be able to put their mark on immigration reform and basically the biggest flaws that some people have been talking about are border security, benefits and faxes, who can apply for status, refugeeasylum. earl, talk about the fact that the biggest issue for some on the right is border security. but as we look at certain democrats, they're talking about the big issue of the fact that we're not going to have thought out benefits for marriage equality and if the supreme court comes down on that coming up on one of the next couple mondays here in june, then it is a reality and it doesn't seem like that will be the comprehensive immigration reform that we really need. >> well, the issue has been muddied all along by unfortunately many of the gop.
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but even before the immigration reform bill came up, border security all along has been really the sticking point by many gop senators and le legislators. they over and over said we won't have comprehend then suffer immigration reform, we won't have any deal whatsoever in terms of who is admitted, how, and all the other issues. we understand a number of amendments will be put forth during the debate about border security. and one of the amendments that could be very, very interesting and we'll see how far it goes is as we well know, home land security now is responsible for border enforcement. however, now some senators that are making the big deal about border security are saying, no, congress now should step in and have the responsibility of presumably enforcement measures, too, about border security.
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that's going to be a very interesting -- really debate on that. congress versus homeland security. and all of the issues involved in border security. >> and when we talk about border security, some are saying that while that is a sticking point, it might be a red herring to what really is the largest sticking point and that's president obama. here is senator menendez talking with my colleague yesterday. take a listen. >> i think he has obama phobia. i think ted cruz is fixated on this issue and it's amazing to me representing a state like texas that he doesn't understand that a pathway to citizenship is really what is desired. >> so sabrina, is that really the bigger issue here, that there is some sort of obama phobia? and if we look at the larger picture, the fact that this is really hurting any chances of crafting a position for marco rubio to have some type of substantial legislation to run on come 2016. >> right. well, there actually have been record deportations under the obama administration, so
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republicans continue to hone in on the idea that the border isn't secure enough and they act like president obama actually hasn't done enough with respect to deportation even though that's actually not the case. so with marco rubio, there is an element of him being in a sensitive position and he has at times tried to distance himself from the white house during this process because he is the salesman to conservatives who continue to oppose the pathway to citizenship. and that's why you see trying to quell some of the concerns by beefing up the bill and introducing an english proficiency amendment yesterday. and that's sort of how he's trying to balance his role as part of the comprehensive effort this both trying to get it through the senate, but also appealing to his conservative base. >> the last thing that i want to touch on is something that has sparked a lot of conversations. that's your article on claire rans thomas saying affirmative action's biggest beneficiary and biggest hypocrite in regard to
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him. you note that there are been -- thomas is considering the vote to uphold fisher's case which is the case about abby abigail fisher against the university texas in which she claims race was the primary reason she was rejected for admission. you say he's not paying attention to his own history of where he came from to get where he is. >> one of the thins many people can't federal government out about clarence thomas, here is a fellow that has had all the benefits going back to yale law school, assistant secretary of education, a position on the federal judiciary and supreme court. every step of the way, he's had let's just say patrons. every step of the way, he's had the benefit of affirmative action. what many can't figure out, why the vehemencp. obviously many people have issues about affirmative action.
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but the passion, almost the pathological need to really hit at affirmative action, that's the thing that has puzzled so many people and including me. and we'll see it manifested. he's already tipped his hand how he'll vote in the fisher case. but it's still going to be and ongoing issue. many people will continue to ask, mr. thomas, you have benefited so much from a program over time. why do you want to deny so many other people the same benefits of that. and quite frankly, i think it's a fair question. >> a fascinating read. thanks to the panel today. great to have all three of you here. a new republican led push to ban abortions at 20 weeks hits the house. we'll get reaction from congresswoman jackie speier who talked about her own abortion two years ago. and the woman that edward snowden left behind, she calls
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the self described nsa leaker a man of mystery on her blog and it seems to be accurate. can his girlfriend help provide any answers. how many simple ingredients does your dog food have? 30? 20? new purina one beyond has 9. the simplified purina one beyond. learn more about these wholesome ingredients at
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take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ the republican led push to ban abortions at 20 weeks have once again reached the halls of congress. the bill will likely clear a full committee vote today after passing with full republican support yesterday. the bill will be put for a vote on the house floor next week. and franks initially wanted to have the ban apply only to where i am who live in washington, d.c.. he recently broadened the with an ban to cover every woman in the country. if a woman's health is endang endangered by the pregnancy, it includes exceptions. joining me now is congresswoman
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jackie speie rflt. a lot of people are saying that even though the bill is likely not going to pass the senate, what's your biggest concern about the fact that it was able to make this far in congress? >> my biggest concern is that it violates every principal that the foremost medical professional organization, the obstetricians and gynecologists who we should be relying on, have opposed this kind of legislation because roe vs. wade makes it clear. that number of 24 weeks was not plucked out of the air. it was sicientifically determind that's when there is viability of the fetus. this is not only dead in arrival in the senate, it would be dead in the courts of the country. and once again the republicans are looking at ways to try to mar begin alize women and not focusing on the jobs in this country. >> texas governor rick perry is pushing legislature to pass a
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similar 20 week ban and if this happens, texas would become the tenth state to do so. and then you have states like arkansas and north dakota which recently passed fetal heart beat laws, and trap law which is make it harder for abortion providers to offer services. how do lawmakers like yourself stop the statewide efforts? >> that's a great concern because there are now 41 states across the country that do limit abortions. and the question is are they being limited at 24 weeks or are they now trying to roll it back to 12 weeks or 20 weeks. i mean, it is truly i think abhorrent to anyone who feels strongly that, first of all, we have to protect the woman's life and health. secondly, that incest and rape should not be grounds for which a woman would have to take fetus to term. and abortion continues to be legal in this country. >> i want to get your thoughts
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while i have you here, i know you've been heavily involved in the fight to kish military sexual assaults and carl levin made a surprise decision to remove a measure from a defense spending bill co-sponsored by senator gillibrand that would at that time cases out of the chain of command. moments ago senator murder wi addressed the crisis at a hearing with chuck hagel. take a listen. >> it is absolutely unconscionable that a fellow service member, the person you trust to have your back and be there for you, would commit such a terrible crime. we need a cultural overhaul. we need to create a system where the protection and safety of victims is unquestionable. a system where those who commit these crimes and those who allow for this behavior are punished. >> as i understand it, you've introduced a similar measure. so what is your reaction to senator leavin's move and is
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chuck hagel doing enough in his new role? >> i think all of them are concerned, but concern is not going to be enough. we have a problem here that is not going to be fixed as long as you keep it in the chain of command. there is a gross conflict of interest. and other countries on which our system is based, both uk, canada, new zealand, all are taking it out of the chain of command. so this focus on somehow keeping it in the chain is not going to help victims at all and is going to just put us in the situation where we'll be reviewing another scandal in another circumstance months or a year. >> thanks very much for taking time for me. appreciate it. i'm the next american success story. working for a company where over seventy-five percent of store management started as hourly associates. there's opportunity here. i can use walmart's education benefits to get a degree, maybe work in it, or be an engineer, helping walmart conserve energy. even today, when our store does well, i earn quarterly bonuses. when people look at me, i hope they see someone working their way
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welcome back. more on the breaking news coming to us out of philadelphia. the pennsylvania girl whose case sparked a national debate about organ donation is reportedly receiving that lung transplant. 10-year-old sarah murnaghan has cystic fibrosis, needed the transplant to survive. joining me is dr. gaston of
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university hospital case western. explain what you understand about this case and how quickly once they get the go-ahead for the transplant to happen how quickly this >> yes. thanks for having me. so it can be quite a lengthy process in terms of identifying whether or not the donor lung is okay, but that will have to be harvested and taken often between hospitals, sometimes even between states to be brought to sarah to be put in. there are some things that it's not uncommon that a child will go to the operating room to get a lung and in this case it will be two lungs, that the lungs aren't satisfactory. there's a lot of steps that happen between now and the time the surgery is done.
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>> doctor, one thing i want to show we have a facebook posting coming in saying, god is great. sarah got the call. she'll be taken book to the o.r. in 30 minutes. please pray to sarah's donor, her hero. may god grant them a peace that surpasses understanding and then senator pat toomey of pennsylvania had also put out a statement in reference to this thing. i'm deeply grateful to the organ dope nor and his or her family for the potentially life saving gift to sarah. our prayer would help. we pray sarah's body accepts the new organ the way doctors believe it can. that is the biggest concern, is sarah's little body being able to accept this pair of lungs. >> right. i echo her mom's prayers and senator's prayers. i think that's exactly right. there are a number of different steps and until they've actually
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decided to put the lung in it remains a little bit up in the air whether she would go ahead. there are things they can identify that would be wrong. do you happen to know, i haven't seen the posting. is it an adult or child? >> we don't have the information yet. what is the duration of the surgery? >> it can be quite a time consuming, it can take four to six hours, sometimes even longer. there are a number of considerations having to do with the size of the lung, if the lung is too big. if it's an adult, they'll take the part of the lung and getting the size right can take time. depending how stable she is, she may need to go on bypass pumps, sometimes that happens, sometimes it doesn't. all of those things can happen. >> dr. ben gaston of university hospitals case western, thank you for joining us. i appreciate your insight.
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>> sure. we have new developments in the nsa whistle-blower case. two days after leaking classified information we're hearing more from edward snowden. in an interview with the south china post, i'm hoping to ask people from hong kong to decide my fate. meantime, we're learning about the woman claiming to be snowden's girlfriend. lindsay mills, the woman seen in this amateur video pole dancing has been releasing videos. caroline linton writes with what mills digital footprint says about her and the man at the center of the latest national security debate. lindsay mills, quite a debate we're learning about. we haven't been able to confirm these.
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i have lost my compass and find myself adrift at sea. what more are we learning about snowden based on lindsay mills' social media account. >> hi, thomas. thanks for having me. it's really interesting what we're learning about their role in social media playing in this. at one point she says she writes to forget, to silence the memory in my head. it's interesting to see how they feel getting the word out there is so important to them as a couple. >> we've seen there are signs in her digital footprint that she might have known that he was about to leak this kind of information and potentially, you know, set the world on its heels like it has. >> yeah. she refers to him as her mystery man. she writes that he's going off on trips and she told the guardian that it's not unknown to go away for weeks at a time
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and that comes across in the blog. >> so the father, her father, lindsay mills' father has confirmed their relationship. do we know where lindsay mills is? >> no. >> "the daily beast," caroline lindsay. thank you for making time. >> thank you so much. >> that's going to wrap things up for me. thanks for your time. i'm going to see you back here at 11:00 a.m. "now with alex wagner" is coming up. >> senator carl levin delivers a significant blow. we'll discuss boys' clubs and the chain of command with kelly o'donnell, jonathan cape hart, curt anderson and ryan grim. plus, congressman keith ellison joins us with the hoo, what, when of the nsa surveillance information and congressional oversight. richard engel and a man mow had a dean bring us the latest analysis on the volatile situation in turkey.
8:56 am
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carl levin is falling in line. it's wednesday, june 12th and this is "now." one step forward, one giant step back. last night the fight against military sexual assault faced a major set back when a measure to remove prosecution of sexual assault cases in the military's chain of command was blocked in the senate. the measure sponsored by kirsten gillibrand was aimed at one of the key obstacles. the fact that today commanders with no legal training can decide whether an allegation should or should not be investigated. keeping this in the chain of command is what has allowed
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colonel willkerrson to walk away. he maintained that he was a, quote, doting father. senator gillibrand's request was simple. prosecutors with legal training, not military commanders without it, should handle these cases. since 1991 an estimated 500,000 men and women in the military have been sexually assaulted. last year alone there were 26,000 sexual assaults in the military, up 26 thoirks last year. less than 1% resulted in a conviction. it appears some senators cannot abide by a break in the chain of command. carl levin said he would replace gillibrand's measure with one that would require senior military officers to review them when they refuse to prosecute a sexual assault case. on monday he made his case within the chain of command saying
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