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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  June 13, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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in the case of the breast cancer gene. the supreme court rules that human dna cannot be patented. >> court said sorry, that's a product of nature and you can't patent a product of nature. >> nbc's pete williams is live at the supreme court with us on how today's decision will expand the field of medical research and all genetic testing from now on. two for the price of one? hillary clinton returns to the clinton global initiative on president obama's home turf of chicago, a city she now also calls home. >> i listened to my friend, mayor emanuel, reference the blackhawk games. i can remember listening to the blackhawk games on the radio when i did my homework all those years ago. and my father and brothers and i were big blackhawk fans. but three overtimes?
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really? >> but there he he goes again. billion clinton slamming the president's syria policy, siding with obama critic john mccain according to politico. plus, senator claire mccaskill joins us to explain why she's siding with senator levin against senator jigillib d gillibrand's proposal to take sexual assault prosecutions out of the chain of command. >> we've also heard no data that would indicate that by removing the command completely from any role here that that is going to have a positive impact on retaliation. and bri-wi, you've got some competition. jimmy fallon has found another new jersey boy to slow down the news. >> this is not about planned politics. it is about doing the right thing. >> you are in line, c.c. now look at you, sounding all presidential like.
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you got something you want to announce on the show right now? >> come on, jimmy. do you really think i'd come on this show to announce a presidential run? >> say whatever you want, but we all know in 2016 -- baby you were born to run! >> this election sure, the people will choose. ♪ >> that is how you slow jam the news. >> oh yeah. >> give it up for governor chris christie! >> oh, yeah. good day, i'm andrea mitchell in washington. and important news today -- the
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supreme court has issued a unanimous ruling that will have far reaching effects on medical research. most immediately it will lower costs for gene testing for women who suspect they have inherited a genetic predisposition to developing breast and ovarian cancer. nbc's justice correspondent pete williams joins us. i know we have other big decisions to come before the end of the term but this affects not just women, because as i understand your reporting, pete, this will affect all dna going forward. >> reporter: that's certainly what the people who challenged and brought this case to the supreme court are saying, andrea. this specific case involved a company called myriad genetics in utah which claimed a patent on two human genes known as brca, standing for breast cancer, brca-1 and 2, which were the genes that were tested to see whether there was a mutation that would indicate a greater chance ever guesting either
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breast or ovarian cancer so that anyone in the country that wanted this test had to go to myriad genetics. today the supreme court said that myriad could not patent the human gene. the supreme court unanimously said you got to hand it to myriad, it was a lot of work that they did to identify, isolate the genes that are responsible for this predisposition to these two kinds of cancers, but just being clever isn't enough to get a patent. you have to deal with something that is an inventionmerely claiming a patent on a human gene is not enough. the aclu is already saying they should make this cheaper. the same thing they say could happen with certain other genetic tests, those that look for neuro muscular diseases, like spinal muscular atrophy and certain kinds of heart diseases. they say that will be the immediate effect here. it could also open up more research on genes and advance the cause they say of genetic
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medici medicine, andrea. >> of course, this was very much in the news most recently because of angelina jolie and her decision to have preventive mastectomies. this brought to mind the fact that the expensive testing really made it out of the reach for many women across the country. thousands of dollars had to be spent for that test. >> that's right. she did use that test. anyone else would have to. what the supreme court said today is that if a company isolates a gene it can't patent that but if it makes a synthetic version of that gene, for example in developing genetic drugs, those potentially could be patentable. already, andrea, about one-quarter of the genes in the human body have been patented so this decision today now opens them up to court challenge as well. >> big decision, one that will affect all of our lives. thank you very much. a windy day there on the steps of the supreme court. pete can handle it all.
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bill and hillary now back in the spotlight. today the former secretary of state said that as a private citizen she can now be a force at the clinton global initiative around the clinton foundation. but speaking of bill clinton, we've learned from politico that he apparently sided with john mccain this week, slamming president obama's policy on syria, although the clinton folks are pushing back on that. so here for our daily fix, "usa today" washington bureau chief susan page and maggie haberman. you broke the story. tell us about this event. it was tuesday night at the metropolitan museum of art in new york. bill clinton's staff says that he said a lot more and that this story is taking it out of context. give us whatever context you can. >> sure. the context is there and the context is in the story and they said yesterday context is important was there pushback. when i asked what is incorrect
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about the context here i got no response. so i think that they had felt the remarks were truly taken out of context there would have been more explanation. this was an event where mccain was doing a q&a with bill clinton. mccain was asking the questions, bill clinton was answering them. i think bill clinton generally likes john mccain. he gave him a platform in 2008 at the global initiative when mccain was the republican nominee against barack obama. there is history between of two of them. it was a long event and a -- clinton spoke quite a bit. one ge. context of the decisions bill clinton made about kosovo and bosnia, how does bill clinton see what he views in the world now. mccain said specifically the middle east, how do you view what's going on in various parts of the world in terms of large-scale killings. clinton gave a very long answer. then he brought it back to saying that, if he had -- essentially, if he had governed
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by polls, if he had governed by telling the american public that congress was just so opposed to it that he would have looked like "a total wuss." and americans expect their presidents and members of congress to lead and that's what they elect them for. he got asked another question about the middle east, not specific about syria but what the u.s. role should there be given this post-arab spring climate. his response was again very long but he said very clearly a lot of people say that we should stay out of syria, it is a mess. he said we shouldn't overlearn lessons from the past. he compared syria not to iraq or af afghanistan of the last ten years but more like afghanistan of the 1980s when president reagan got credit for helping defeat the soviet union, and then stick around to "cash in on the gains." people who say you should stick around. he said to mccain, i agree with you. it is not at all ambiguous.
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john mccain is the administration's strongest critic in public in terms of what he sees as a lack of decisive action on syria. clinton went on to explain that sometimes it is best to get caught trying. so the best you can do it sort of sell it pot american public, hope they understand and that things go well. >> maggie, we've been showing some pictures that bill clinton and john mccain talking. this is bill clinton, quoting your piece. and another -- if clinton had ever blamed a lack of action because there was a poll in the morning paper that said 80% of you were against it, you'd look like a total wuss," he said, "and you would be." susan page, we've been through this before, seeing bill clinton expressing real profound regrets. he said this to me in past
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years, that he had not acted on rwanda. so he has this very top of mind. and we know there have been reports that hillary clinton and leon panetta were both real forceful in some of the interagency debates with president obama over whether they should have been helping the rebels a long time ago. >> we know our syria policy reflects the attitudes of president obama and foremost. that's natural. but against the opposition, pushing back against top advisors who have a different viewing. can you imagine something that the obama white house might like less than john mccain and bill clinton agreeing on a syria policy against him? bill clinton knows it's harder to be president than it is to be an ex-president. he's been pretty good especially while his wife was secretary of state of not making comments like this. she's not in the administration anymore. he may feel a little freer to speak his mind than he did. >> jay carney responded.
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this is the week, by the way, we expect some possible shift on policy on syria. we had a principals' meeting yesterday. here was jay carney at yesterday's briefing. >> obviously a lot of people who have expertise in the matter, both outside of government in congress and inside of government have perspective to add and opinions to contribute and analysis to provide and the president welcomes all of that. >> that's why jay carney gets paid those big bucks, to answer questions like that that he didn't want to get today. so going forward, this is obviously the bill clinton factor, no matter what hillary clinton decides to do. >> no question. i would take two things coming out of that. jay carney's response proves that maggie's reporting is right, in that he is essentially saying, we understand bill clinton has a different view on this than we do.
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the president welcomes all views. number two, look. this is what we ran into in 29 how to 8 campaign as well, is that you cannot separate bill clinton from hillary clinton politically. hillary clinton from bill clinton politically. that if she does run, he, as he was in 2008, he wound up being i think largely a negative factor for her in 2008 but he is a big factor when he speaks. whether it's good reporters like maggie ferreting it out in closed press, whether he is talking at open press events. when it speaks he is going to make news and he is not always going to agree with the current president or with his wife, even if she is running for president in 2016. fascinating dynamic. >> maggie, you've been covering hillary clinton for a long time. how complicated is it with bill clinton out there having very strong views? >> it is always going to be complicated. as you noted, what was really striking about this is that he has been very quiet on issues especially foreign policy issues while his wife was serving in the administration.
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i think we are seeing more of -- he clearly feels freed up and i think this is a bit different. i think he was comfortable. i think it was a closed press event. i do think he is more controlled than he used to be. however, i think you are going to hear more of this. but on this one, again, we are talking about a policy that you get the sense that his wife generally agrees with, just based on what she had been working on before she left. the areas where we see a split between what he sees and his wife sees are obviously always going to generate stories. i don't think we're there yet. >> maggie haberman, great reporting and thanks for joining us today. and chris cilizza and susan page. a storm is taking aim at the mid-atlantic today. it's already been raining in washington, d.c. with a threat of strong storms firing up later in the day from virginia to new jersey. play was even suspended today for two hours outside philadelphia on the main line because of downpours there. this is the same system that spawned more than dozen possible
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tornadoes and caused widespread power outages in the midwest yesterday. to support strong bones. and the brand most recommended by... my doctor. my gynecologist. my pharmacist. citracal. citracal. [ female announcer ] you trust your doctor. doctors trust citracal. there was this and this. she got a parking ticket... ♪ and she forgot to pay her credit card bill on time. good thing she's got the citi simplicity card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate. ever. as in never ever. now about that parking ticket. [ grunting ] [ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card is the only card that never has late fees, a penalty rate, or an annual fee, ever. go to to apply.
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welcome back. the senate armed services committee rejected a proposal from senator kirsten gillibrand to take sexual assault prosecutions outside of the chain of command citing with the brass. the decision divided women senators who have been pushing for reform. committee member claire mccaskill sided with levin to prevent commanders from overruling jury verdicts which has been a major problem. senator mccaskill joins me now. direct question -- why did you decide that not only your proposal, but the levin approach and the approach of the military was better on chain of command and reject senator gillibrand's proposal to take it away from
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the chain of command? >> i was focused on two things. effective prosecutions and protecting victims from retaliation. as somebody who had's handled hundreds of these types of cases in the courtroom, i honestly believe that when you absolve the commander of any responsibility, you heighten the likelihood of retaliation against that victim when she rejoins her unit. so this is a way where, if the commander disagrees with the lawyers, which was kirstin's proposal, that it would be just the lawyers that would decide, if the commander disagrees it goes straight up to the civilian secretary of the branch. so we are taking it out the uniforms and we're putting it in the civilian side, but we're continuing to force that commander in accountability for retaliation. further, our proposal went even further that kirstin's in terms of creating a crime of retaliation. so now if anyone is retaliated against for coming forward with
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reporting this horrific crime, whoever retaliates against them is guilty after crime under the ucmj. >> one of the problems is that the people -- the very people who were in charge of these programs themselves, several of them, got in trouble. doesn't that mean that there won't be trust, women and men -- this does affect both genders obviously -- that people will still be afraid to report these crimes? >> i think we have to face one reality. no one who has been victimized in this way wants to talk about it. it doesn't matter where they work or who they are. coming forward is difficult. it is heightened by the and impact that it would have on your career if you are in the military. that's why it is important we put all the other protections in these historic an very aggressive reforms, making sure the victims have more counseling, more legal support, making sure that they have the ability to move out of the unit or they can force the perpetrator to move out of the unit.
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making sure that inappropriate evidence is never considered by a commander, either how good the scandal was or their prior sexual conduct. we took hours and hours visiting with military prosecutors and victims and i think the package we came up with is going to be the best possible solution to protecting these victims, encouraging them to come forward, but also holding these commanders accountable. by the way, we're not going away, andrea, we're going to watch this. we're not going to let this culture go back to what it was. we're going to keep pressing the envelope and making sure that these crimes have their day in court and that these predators are put in prison. >> senator, the argument from the brass has been that you can't destroy the chain of command, that unit cohesion and everything depends in the military on chain of command. but doesn't rape and rampant sexual abuse do more to destroy the chain of command and military cohesion than anything else that could involve these reforms.
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>> i don't pay much attention to the command when it is all about you cannot disrupt our command. more importantly, i paid attention to the reality of what is going to happen to that victim. if a victim comes back to a unit when a bunch of outside lawyers have said to file the case, the chances of retaliation against her go dramatically up. on the other hand gb she goes back into that unit after the commander has signed off on the case going forward, that gives l level of protection she'd never have with a bunch of outsiders making that call. >> would you fight this on the floor when senator gillibrand will try to make another run at it before final passage? >> kirstin and i talked again today. we are absolutely focused on the sail result and we agree, our passion and our focus is identical. i will never allow this to be characterize as a fight between us. i have an honest disagreement with her about the best way to protect victims and i will defend that through the process. and by the way, it is a chance
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for historic, aggressive bi, broad consensus. that's the best way to bring the military to heal on this subject, make sure this doesn't become a partisan or left-right argument. >> senator mccaskill, i know it is a busy day. thanks for joining us with the clarification. appreciate it. you are looking at live pictures of the george zimmerman trial in sanford, florida. this is the fourth day of jury selection. right now there are 20 jurors who have entered the potential pool for the case. we'll keep you updated on the very latest throughout the day right here on msnbc. [ male announcer ] running out of steam?
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danchts nelson mandela is spending his sixth day in the hospital. south african president says that the 94-year-old ailing leader is responding well to treatment for a recurring lung infection. joining me now from pretoria, msnbc's chris jansing. chris, at least this is some
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good news, it is the second day we've heard that he is beginning to stabilize a bit. what else are you hearing? >> reporter: yeah. that is good news. it is the second day that president zuma has officially addressed parliament and the condition of nelson mandela and by extension let the world know how is he doing. despite the good news, there's also a note of caution because he remains in the intensive care unit. about six people from his family came to visit him today, including his wife and some of his grandchildren. on a historic note, this is the 49th anniversary of when nelson mandela went to the infamous prison where he with a 27 years. that's where he contracted tuberculosis which has been the lingering cause of some of his health problems in recent years. the government has been under pressure from south africa. they want constant updates on his condition, even hourly. he's pushed back against that. but if we are likely to hear more, it could be tomorrow when
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the president zuma is scheduled to celebrate youth day in soweto. that's where he was for many years on the run underground, where he went for 11 days after he was finally released from robin island. that would come essentially overnight east coast time tomorrow morning here in south africa. andrea? >> chris jansing in pretoria, thank you so much for being there. cnbc now confirms that media tycoon rupert murdoch and filed for divorce from his third wife, wendy. now a media figure in her own right. they wed he in 1999. they have two daughters. she earned a permanent place in the public eye when she body blocked a protester's pie attack on her husband while he was testifying during that british phone hacking inindustriry.
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his second divorce was settled for a $1.7 billion agreement. [ female announcer ] your smile... every day you stain it... and stain it... and stain it. so every day, use crest 3d white toothpaste to remove up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days. no wonder crest 3d white is the number one whitening brand. after all, every day counts. life opens up when you do. to rock a whiter smile in just two days, use these products together. ♪ ♪ ♪
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iranian presidential candidates have wrapped up their final day of campaigning ahead of tomorrow's big election. they choose a successor to president ahmadinejad. here's the latest from tehran. >> reporter: this is the tehran mayor giving his first and only rally in the country's capital. a large crowd has gathered here to hear him speak and his campaign has gathered momentum. but in a country with no accurate opinion poll, it is very difficult to tell who is going to win this election. >> translator: i am vote in vot.
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>> reporter: supporters for one candidate chanted for him wearing purple bracelets to show their support. he's a centrist and has been endorsed by the country's leading reformists. he is not a reformist, though he is the closest thing in this election. >> translator: he is close to the supreme leader. he is the only choice. >> translator: he will stand proud on the nuclear issue and against america. interpr interpret. >> reporter: it is not hard to find the skeptical and disenfranchised. this woman told me she's not going to vote because it won't make any difference. when i asked her why she came to the rally, she told me she was funneled into the square by the police on her way home. these girls were encouraged to attend the ral i had but told me that they were too young to
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vote. tomorrow the iranians go to the ballot box and it will be clear if the voter turnout is low or high. if there is a big turnout, it could favor the man backed by the reformists. if not, it could favor the hard-liners. and if it is too close to fall, it will go to a second round next week. >> ali, you've got this dichotomy between the candidates. all of our reporting from this side of the equation seems to be that rohani. >> reporter: if there is a lot of apathy towards the vote tomorrow, he won't stand a chance. big think that's playing in his favor is the two big reformist candidates, former president
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khatami and former president rafsanjani have thrown their weight behind him and that packs a lot of punch for voters in iran. that might get people enthusiastic about it. it's been sold to them, you are life could become a lot more difficult so come on out and vote. we'll have to wait until tomorrow and see how much of the crowds gather for the candidates. >> profoundly a question as to whether it makes any difference since all the real power and certainly the power over decisions over nuclear issues and foreign policy rest with the supreme leader. >> reporter: that's a very good point, andrea. let's not make any mistake. iran is a theocracy with democratic institutions and elements. by the rules of the constitution, the supreme leader is the most powerful man in the country, followed by the president.
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but the president plays a very important role. he sets the tone nuclear negotiations with world powers. he is the face around the table talking to presidents and prime ministers around the world and he is the one coming back, advising how these meetings have gone. so he does play an important role. but at the end of the day, all matters of state, foreign policy and nuclear issues are ultimately decided by the supreme leader. >> al aruzzi, thank you. kareem, you've been watching this for so many years. will this election make any difference in terms of the nuclear program, in relations with the u.s. and obviously in the region? and also the life of the iranian people. >> andrea, i think the elections do make a difference to the iranian people because what happened when you have a new president in tehran is actually somewhat similar to when have you a new president in washington. there is a whole new team of people, team of personnel that
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come to staff the bureaucracies. and when iran had a reformist president, mohammed khatami, he brought in folks more politically tolerant and more democratically capable. it made a difference. khatami was not calling for a dialogue of zicivilizations whe ahmadinejad will be known for holocaust denial and diatribes against israel. for the iranian people it does make a difference. not a terrible difference, but i think as allahi alluded to earl, when it comes to nuclear policy, iran's role in the region, its hostility for israel, its support for assad and its resistance against the united states, it is still the supreme leader to has to decide, not the president. >> kareem, we've seen a complete breakdown of the talks that they tried to hold the last couple of months and a ramping up of military action and also iran's proxy role through hezbollah,
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very actively obviously in syria propping up the assad regime. this has gotten so much more complicated. it is no longer just about nuclear weapons. if we can at all talk about nuclear weapons and not being the possibility of developing nuclear weapons is not being important, but this now is so complicated throughout the region. >> you know, you're absolutely right, andrea. if you think about it, if you look at the world from the oval office, iran has become integral to at least seven major national security challenges. you have afghanistan, iraq, israeli-palestinian conflict, syria, terrorism, energy, and then the nuclear issue, as you mention. so i think from the vantage point of president obama, there's very little interest in a military conflict with iran because you're going to exacerbate all of those aforementioned issues. i really think that if john kerry or chuck hagel or president obama could push a button and resolve this conflict with iran, they would. but it's very difficult to make
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amends with a regime in tehran, sp particularly the supreme leader, who almost needs the u.s. for his own internal legitimacy. >> thank you so much, kareem. always good to talk to you. we will follow up after the election and the results. in her last public appearance before she is scheduled to give birth next month, kate middleton officially christened the cruise ship "the royal princess" in south athens today. still no word on the gender of the royal baby. she's looking beautiful and we wish them well. my husband has his confidence back. and he can enjoy the laughter of our grandkids again. i can have fun with my friends again. feeling isolated? ready to reconnect? the aarp hearing care program provided by hearusa can help. call hearusa at ...
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i'm trying to look at the resume background for this individual who had access to this highly classified information at such a young age with a limited educational and work experience, part of it as a security guard, and ask you if you're troubled that he was
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given that kind of opportunity to be so close to important information that was critical to the security of our nation. >> i do have concerns about that, other the process, senator. i have great concerns over that. >> senators yesterday continued to press nsa director general keith alexander about the contractors and the government employees who have access to so much sensitive classified information. the new generation of internet savvy individuals that have become the faces of major leak investigations is the focus of this week's "time" magazine cover story. joining me, "time" executive editor radika jones and "washington post" diplomatic correspondent. in the cover story you woint out these leakers are very different. this is bradley manning. this is this new generation. you can sort of call it the nerd patrol but they have serious consequences. you also have a poll which shows that americans are really divided, half think that snowden
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did the right thing -- more than half, and more than half think he should be prosecuted. >> i think in a way those contradictly poll results say it all. people are very divided about what kind of -- how much information should be visible and transparent and who is in a position to talk about it. but as we see, you're right -- 53% of people in our poll said, yes, even if we think that edward snowden did a good thing in revealing this information, it was still illegal and he still should be prosecuted. there is a real discomfort in the age we live in, the information age, about we have massive amounts of data, how many people have the clearance to see it, what are they doing with it and is there any way really for the law to keep up with them. >> ann gearan, we had testimony from general alexander yesterday that there were dozens of plots averted by these programs. he hasn't provided any details public publicly, but this is what he
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had to say about that. >> the information out there about us listening to american phone calls is incorrect. this is a meta data program. these programs are to help us stop terrorist attacks. >> he was back on the hilda. that's he surround by mike rogers from the house side intelligence committee. leadership there -- bipartisan leadership is supporting him both in the house and the senate but a lot of questions are being raised about whether these programs ought to be narrowed. do you think they will be? >> well, i think we'll probably find out a lot more about the way some of these programs operated. alexander promised to declassify some details of the findings and not so much the way that they programically operate. in his view to justify his
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contention we just heard there, that this is a -- it is helpful to national security and not as harmful to privacy as it has been portrayed in some places. whether or not it will be narrowed will be in some measure up to congress. you did hear a lot of skeptical questioning of him yesterday. you heard more skeptical questioning of robert mueller today. but yet congress has signed off so far, at least in one case, for seven years running on the scope of the program as it stands. >> we saw yesterday, first reuters broke the story and we all started digging back through the background again of snowden. we saw that even before he went to the cia on message boards he was a very complicated guy, let's just put it that way. he had a lot of strange postings. he talked about the patriot act. he talked about the government. you wonder how did the cia ever hire him. how did he get through the background check because he was obviously very skeptical about the government and about the government's role here. >> i couldn't answer that
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question. we would probably have to ask the cia. >> sure. i was just wondering whether this raises big questions about that. >> i think it does. i think that what he has in common with a lot of other leakers who leak other kind of documents in other fields is this creed that he has that information needs to be free. and it's a strangely simple thing for people of that generation, but remember, they grew up in the age of sharing and the age of information and i think we'll see more of it in the future, not less. >> ann gearan, the intelligence community is really almost in a defensive crouch here and also, you know, as the head of jns described it to me last weekend, it was a gut wrenching experience for them. they've never seen this kind of tore rent of lea torrent of leaks. we know "washington post" has
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had its own publications. snowden surfaced yesterday talking to the south china morning post in hong kong. he's clearly staying in hong kong and now telling people publicly that the u.s. has been hacking into china's computers. that is not at all helpful to u.s. policy. >> i mean it sort of hands china something to whack the united states with on an issue that's been heretofore something the u.s. could go after china with, the question of cyber espionage and cyber hacking. but this notion of a hacker culture and that both snowden and bradley manning are in some way a product of it is deeply worrisome across the government, certainly within the intelligence community at the moment, particularly, because those are the people they hire, not necessarily the bradley mannings of the world but the people who are tech savvy, who are young, who are conversant in a variety of technical fields
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are the people who are, by and large, seeking the kinds of computer literal jobs that are enty level and in many national security agencies. >> in fact, it was really extraordinary reporting on rachel maddow's show the other night. she showed that general alexander not in uniform went to a hackers convention to say to the young computer guys and women, we want you, we are recruiting you. and even indicating that they weren't that concerned about their background. these are the kids who really know how to do it. ann, that really gets to what you were describing and what radhika has in her cover story. >> yeah. there is a certain anarcic quality in the way they communicate with one another. that can be very attractive from an intelligence and international security perspective on one hand because they see things differently,
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they do communicate differently than certainly their much older superiors do. but it also -- it's potential vulnerability, clearly. >> radhika, this is just the beginning i think of a whole revolution that we are just catching up with but you've captured here in "time" magazine's cover story. sgli think that's right. >> radhika jones, thank you very much and ann gearan from the "washington post," thank you. you all recall that yesterday we marked the 50th anniversary of the historic day when alabama governor george wallace stood in the doorway at the university of alabama to defy a federal court order allowing two black students, vivian malone and james hood, to enroll in the segregated university. we featured clips from the documentary "crisis -- behind a presidential commitment" courtesy of drew associates. if you're interested in seeing the movie, "crisis," it is available for rent on itunes. [ phil ] when you have joint pain and stiffness...
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chris, i want to talk about a man who was in to see the president, john dingell. this afternoon there will be a ceremony at 3:30. john dingell cthe days in congress. it's being noted by the whole congress. the remarkable thing about this whole man he represents the best tradition of bipartisanship. a real fighter. takes strong positions on very controversial issues, whether we're talking about social issues or guns, issues important to his district over the years. but from the time i first covered him as chairman of the energy and commerce committee and when i knew him on the subcommittees and all these other years since, he works with republicans and democrats of all types. that's what makes him so
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different from the new class of people, the younger, new members, some of them, who come to the hill. your thoughts. >> andrea, the thing i'm amazed by, the 20,000 number, there are so many numbers with john dingell in terms of of his time in eye that's eye-popping. i feel it's one of these records that may never be broken. the one i'm always struck by is he has served with 11 presidents. barack obama is the 11th president of the united states that john dingell has served with. just try to wrap your mind around -- it's a remarkable, sort of, commitment to public service. people forget, his father held the seat before him. so dingells have been in congress for the better part of the 20th and now the 21st century, is just a remarkable achievement that i -- the house, as you mentioned. the house and senate will be honoring him later. i wonder if in this day and age 24-hour news, twitter, whether
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we'll ever see someone with that kind of tenure again. i guess you never say never in politics. i've learned that lesson before. just a remarkable record of achievement and accomplishment. >> indeed. he was 29 years old when his father died. and then a week later, he was appointed. and then ran for the seat. and he was, of course, first serving under president dwight david eisenhower in 1955. that tells you everything you need to know. >> remarkable. >> and still active, as active as he's ever been. thank you, chris, it's been a big news day. we're on top of it here on msnbc. that does it for "andrea mitchell reports." thomas reports as a look at what's next on "news nation". thousands without power, thousands of flights canceled after a massive storm continues to move east. 60,000 people in this storm's track. we'll track it for you, bring
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you the updates on bad weather. destructive wildfires. zero containment in colorado. it's one of the worst in the state's history. we have new pictures from behind the fire lines. potential juror in the george zimmerman murder trial. not hiding what she thinks. you'll hear what the woman said about trayvon martin and why george zimmerman should, quote, go home. it's all up next on "news nation ". [ male announcer ] here's a word you should keep in mind. unbiased. some brokerage firms are. but way too many aren't. why? because selling their funds makes them more money. which makes you wonder -- isn't that a conflict? search "proprietary mutual funds." yikes! then go to e-trade. we've got over 8,000 mutual funds, and not one of them has our name on it. we're in the business of finding the right investments for you. e-trade. less for us. more for you. the fund's prospectus contains its investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information and should be read and considered carefully before investing. for a current prospectus, visit a body at rest tends to stay at rest...
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several breaking stories. two wildfires out of control in colorado as they say it's record breaking. a live look at the radar as a second wave of fast-moving storms is threatening thousands today. heavy rain, wind, hail hit the mid-atlantic, knocked out power to thousands and more than 600
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flights have been canceled along the eastern seaboard. this afternoon near philadelphia, play resumed at u.s. open after weather forced players and golf fans to take cover. brand new video from ohio. one of many states where people are cleaning up from the same storm system that moved through yesterday and overnight. the storm created golf ball sized hail, flooding rain and winds upwards of 80 miles an hour. 18 tornadoes were reported yesterday. right now the weather service is surveying more reports of funnel clouds. nbc meteorologist dylan dreyer here with conditions. >> the whole threat has pushed a little further south. that's the latest coming out of the storm prediction center in norman, oklahoma. we had a line of real heavy rain move through earlier this morning across parts of new jersey and even in the new york city area with now heavy rain up across new england. but, it's that area to our south and west near west virginia into virginia where that is now going to be the area of concern for