tv News Nation MSNBC June 14, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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or an annual fee, ever. go to to apply. hi, everyone. i'm tamron hall. the news the nation is following new details concerning the direct military support the u.s. plans to give to syrian rebels. president obama did not comment himself a couple of hours ago as he hosted a white house luncheon ahead of father's day. he left it again to deputy national security adviser, ben rhodes, who made yesterday's announcement regarding arming of the syrian rebels. we're just not going to be able to get into that level of detail about the type of assistance we provide publicly here. in terms of time lines, this has been -- we've established these pipelines. i think you should see this as a continuum. so there is already material that has been flowing into the opposition and that will
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continue to be the case in the weeks to come. we don't anticipate this is something far off into the future. yesterday, officials announced that u.s. intelligence determined president assad had used chemical weapons against his own people. joining me now emmet amadin. what kind of weapons are in the pipeline is part of the key conversation. you have headlines that say it is too little, too late. talk to us about the significance of what these rebels want and what we are providing? >> the free syrian army has been asking for weapons that help tip the balance in their favor. the regime clearly has superior air power. they have been looking for weapons that can stop these
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tanks. >> that's not what the u.s. is planning on giving them? >> we don't know yet. if the u.s. gives heavy weapons to the rebels or the free syrian army, we are not sure where they will end up a year from now. could they be used on the road against u.s. interest. that is a major concern for people who are advocating given weapons to the rebels. >> we heard ben rhodes saying these weapons are in the pipeline that they are on the verge of being there? >> it doesn't necessarily mean the u.s. is going to deliver the weapons. it could mean other u.s. allies, whether it is turkey, saudi arabia, qatar, they are the ones acquiring and transferring the weapons. >> are your sources telling you the rebels are, i don't know if the word would be appropriate to say, encouraged by the small arms or if they see it again as too little too late given that the balance of the war has tipped in the favor of assad by all accounts? >> they are more concern with the fact that the u.s. has come
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around to acknowledging that the regime has used chemical weapons. that is mormon ue monumental. they want more political diplomatic pressure to stop the roux jeem cutting off supplies to the regime from russia, iran, hezbollah and others. what they are most from us sfus about is that they are not doing enough to stop the killing. >> they may see more of what these rebels want. is that a possibility? >> it doesn't seem like the rebels and the free-standing army have been able to come together. that's what scares everyone giving more weapons. you are breeding more violence inside syria making it are month of a proxy war. that's why everyone is concerned about this next chapter. problem is, the killing has not stopped. >> thank you very much, ayman
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let me bring on p.j. crowley, joel rubie and anna palmer. p.j., let me start with you. i want to play some of the questions that ben rhodes took today in the daily brief. he was specifically asked about this game changer of chemical weapons. let's play it, guys. >> the use of conventional force against civilians is what led us in the first instance to say that bashar al assad had to step down to put in place a sanctions regime to recognize the coalition for the syrian people and to try to mobilize international response. at the same time, the use of chemical weapons violates clear international norms. >> so he was asked, p.j., why 150 dead by chemical weapons is a game-changer but 93,000 dead by conventional weapons did not cause the u.s. to act? >> well, sure. i think there are multiple
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issues at stake. obviously, the chemical weapons are one. as we just talked about, the shift on the ground is where the regime now has greater momentum taking back territory, the opposition is on their heels with hezbollah being all in. you have a very real possibility that the conflict may extend beyond the borders of syria. one of the u.s. objectives, as tragic as it is, is to contain the conflict within syria and try to prevent it from being a wider, regional apair. now, all of these things are coming together. the administration finally understood the current course of action is not working. >> there has been a course of all kinds of reaction from bill clinton, the sound that was played yesterday, politico and msnbc talking about what he said regarding president barack obama. i want to play what senator angus king said regarding the government's decision to arm these rebels. let's say it. >> i'm reluctant and cautious
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about this. i want to know what the end game is. we've done this before. we've done it three or four times before. it's just not so easy to go in with some kind of surgical strike. the question is, once we get in, how do we get out? what's our mission? >> anna, that's a question that people at home certainly can relate to when you look at the latest wall street journal poll, it shows 15% support the u.s. taking military action in syria. 11% support arming the rebels despite some of the back and forth over public opinion does not matter. we certainly know it does, anna. >> absolutely. i think what you're seeing is how difficult it has been for obama to thread the needle on this. he has huge pressure from the international community trying to force america to get into this. at home, there is, obviously, going and having boots on the
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ground which they aren't doing yet or seeing whether or not this will make a big difference. on the other side of the coin, you have senator john mccain saying, today, on the senate floor, this potentially could be too little, too late. >> that's the other cloud that's hanging over all the decisions that will be made by the president and his decisions. let me play what bill clinton said on "morning joe" when asked about the initial comments he made at the event with john mccain and the administration's response being seen as lame if they did not act sooner. let's play it. it looks to me like this thing is turning in the right direction now. the white house has made it clear they intend to do more, they are exploring their options. they don't want to talk about the details. i don't blame them. the less they talk about the details, the more likely their increased assistance is likely to be effective. >> president clinton may not blame the administration for not giving details but at some point, joe, we are going to have
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to hear from the president regarding the direction, the end game down to what kind of weapons, the commitment this country is going to make here? >> yes, tamron. this is a real military, political dell limb political dilemma. what the administration is trying to do is raise the stakes for those inside syria or their supporters on the outside, russia, iran. president clinton spoke to that the other night as well where he spoke about taking actions that would drive towards a solution. we need a sustainable solution. the killing needs to stop. the region needs to know this is not going to spread. what the administration is doing with these efforts is to try to raise the temperature, shame some of the supporters of assad and get that process really back in earnest. >> this brings us right back to where we started which was the question that was posed to ben rhodes regarding the game change
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of red line. if the deaths of 93,000 people and the continued blood shed did not solve some of those concerns, you just laid out, it did not bring in russia and china to act more in line with what the u.s. would like to see, who are we to believe that the deaths of 150 people through chemical weapons would change and the president might see some progress even as he heads into this g.h. summit. >> the challenge is to get russia not only to acknowledge that the intelligence assessments made by the intelligence community are accurate but to then take action with that. there is, again, pressure on russia as well. international support for syria and these chemical weapons does not exist. it violates all norms. to have russia on the side of that is going to be damaging to it. this is raising the stakes in that discussion that the president will have with flat
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me vladmir putin next week. >> how soon will we hear from the president regarding this new decision and reassuring the american public it is based on accurate intelligence that is solid? >> i don't think that intelligence is necessarily the challenge here. we can see it plainly that the tide has turned against the opposition. if you want to create conditions for a political settlement, you have got to reverse that tide so that the syrian regime itself, their supporters, hezbollah and iran, are paying a higher price and they see it in their interest to pursue and negotiate settlement. the problem is that neither the opposition nor the syrian regime think they are losing. they both think they are winning. that does not create conditions as we've seen to get to the geneva conference. that does not create the right conditions for a political settlement. it is using the levers that are
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available, as imperfect as they are. we want to get back to a situation where a political settlement becomes feasible again. >> it is interesting with regard to whether the rebels are concerned. we certainly know from the reporting that they do not believe these mall weapons are the weapons that may be in the pipeline, are the game changer they need when facing what assad has been willing to do and continues to do from tanks and from the air? >> absolutely. the pressure is on the administration. i don't think that providing just small weapons will be enough. i don't think that we're going to get to anti-aircraft weapons. that poses a broader damage. i think we have to get strong consideration for something like anti-tank weapons that could make a fundamental difference inside of syria. >> anna, of course, the sunday morning programs including meet the press, will have a round robin of lawmakers here. as far as the president's
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allies, who are the key folks to watch as he presents this case eventually to the american public. >> sure. i think you are going to be looking at senate leadership they certainly are going to be out there speaking forcefully and trying to help him kind of make the case that this is necessary. to the american people and why it is necessary, because, as you pointed out earlier, right now, there is so little support behind getting into another country and having more involvement here. it could be really difficult for him to actually make that sale. so far, you are seeing just his aids doing it. it will be in the next couple of days or weeks when he goes before the american people. >> p.j., please have a great weekend. we will see you all soon. >> the wildfires out in colorado now turn deadly. officials say it appears a couple was killed just as they were trying to escape the fire. we'll get a live report from behind the lines. plus, a new kaleidoscope of color. you have heard the report that
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in just three decades, whites will be the minority. we will have more on what this means for programs like social security and medicare. the online criticism against jep bush after he said today that immigrants are, quote, more fertile than native-born americans. what he was trying to say and the reaction to his actual words coming up. join our conversation on twitter. you can find us @tamronhall and @newsnation. you can find our comments during the breaks. send them to us. go to e-trade and roll over your old 401(k)s to a new e-trade retirement account. none of them charge annual fees and all of them offer low cost investments. e-trade. less for us. more for you.
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most destructive in colorado history and has been raging uncontrolled for days. authorities say the two victims killed by the fire were in their garage and appear to be fleeing the area when the fire caught up with them. they were on the phone as the flames engulfed their home. 38,000 people have been evacuated and the governor has declared a disaster emergency. nbc's miguel almaguer is live in colorado springs with the latest. as i said, they think they have turned the corner. what's the latest? >> reporter: tamron, certainly, it is what you don't see behind me that's really an indication of how firefighters are doing. we've been at this live position for the last couple of days. nearly all of our live shots have been filled with those huge plumes of smoke behind me. you don't actually see that right now. that's an indication firefighters are certainly making progress. they haven't quite yet said they have turned the corner but they are right there, very close. containment, the lines that firefighters have built around the head of the fire is only at
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5%. that number is low. they would like it to be higher. they believe they are making steady progress on this fire. the fire was making dramatic runs, many towards homes fueled mostly by the bone-dry conditions in the droughtlike environment as well as the gusty winds. we have had good news weatherwise. the winds have not been much of a factor. they are just kicking up now for the first time. we just returned to the front lines where we have been positioned over the last several days. our crews have been roaming. we weren't able to find any significant fire or smoke. no real action in terms of firefighters rushing to different locations. that's another indication that crews are beginning to turn the corner here. the air attack is still going to be very important, because this fire is burning in remote regions where crews can't get to by foot. that air attack will happen all day long. if those winds kick up, that will be a problem for firefighters. they are watching the situation closely. they are not ready to say they
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have made complete progress but it looks like they are and they hope to turn the corner in the next 24 hours. still ahead, the philadelphia building inspector that committed suicide after last week's building collapse reportedly left behind a video message telling his family the regrets he made regarding the inspection of that building. plus, signs that attorneys in the george zimmerman murder trial could be one step closer to seating a jury. we have a live report out of stanford next. [ mrs. hutchison ] friday night has always been all fun and games here at the hutchison household. but one dark stormy evening... there were two things i could tell: she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her what our other cats love, purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was healthy, happy, and definitely part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. always there for you.
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the jury in the george zimmerman trial could be one step closer to being seated. when court opened this morning, the judge told 23 potential jurors that had already been question to go home, come back tuesday. that may mean attorneys almost have the 40 jurors they want to move on to the next round of
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questioning. george zimmerman has pleaded not guilty in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin. he claims self-defense. martin was unarmed. nbc's kerry sanders is in sanford, florida, with more for us. give us a little more update. this could be some encouraging news as far as moving along with this process. >> exactly. i think the other thing to pointous is that the judges announce that the jurors will be s sequestered. they will not be able to go home at night on weekends until there is a verdict. by sequestering the jury, the judge has said the trial will likely take 2-4 weeks, not what was initially suggested of a 4-6 week trial. while she didn't specifically say that, that may be because she is considering doing some weekend days of actual testimony. that would speed everything up. it also creates a hardship for those selected to be on this jury. in this case, it will be a
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six-person jury plus alternates. the hardship is that people have their lives. we have heard from some potential jurors saying, well, i have teenage kids and as much as i would like to say my husband can help out, he can't do it alone and i don't have family in the area, so, no. this would present a hardship. the reason i use that example because trayvon martin's family would love to have on the jury somebody that has experience of having a teenage son. the 17-year-old is the one who died here. george zimmerman has admitted to shooting him and killing him. he says it was a matter of self-defense after he claims that trayvon martin attacked him. so picking a jury, they will go to this group of 40. if everything works out as they hoped, next week, they will, around tuesday or wednesday, they will begin interviewing those 40 to whistle whittle it
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down. joining me legal analyst, kendall coffey. we should mention, george zimmerman, has sued nbc university, the parent company of this network for defamation. is it a surprise the jury will be sequestered once they are seated? >> i didn't think it was likely. sequestering juries is rare unless you get into the deliberations. as this judge was hearing from the jurors, she made a conclusion with the extent of media exposure, she wisely decided in view of everything that's happened in the past four days, that there should be an order of sequestering the juries. it is a big, personal hardship for the jurors. it is a public expense. it is one thing that can be done to increase the likelihood of a fair trial. >> to your point, some of the questioning today, one woman, a jury identified as g-29, discussing how she heard about the case itself, which happened
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to be on an opinion nated talk show. she referred to it. let's listen. >> did that individual ever express an opinion about the case. did you say it was favorable to mr. martin? >> the way i gathered, i believe he was probably more favorable toward mr. martin. >> did that sqway you in any wa in getting you to favor one side versus the other? >> i know him to be pretty bias on his opinions. >> there you have it. she went on to say, she mostly avoids talk radio like the plague. she heard about this case, as you pointed out, like so many others, either watching the news or on radio or twit he or facebook these days. >> that's what is the judges working through. there has been such a downpour of pre-trial publicity. almost everybody has gotten damp and some have gotten drenched. as we are getting closer to tuesday, we can assume that the judge thinks sometime tuesday, she is likely to have 40 in
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effect, the 40 finalists. so there will be an additional round of questioning about causes for challenge. then, at some point, we will get to the fascinating question of the peremptory challenges, who will be the jurors that each side chooses to strike and eliminate with the automatic strike that each side is entitled to exercise. >> i want to get your thoughts on a heated back and forth between the defense attorney and another potential jury. let's take a listen to what happened today. >> all i'm talking about is how you feel based upon what you know so far. >> i don't have a fully formed opinion. that is how i feel. >> i don't want you to think that i'm arguing with you. that's not what i'm trying to do. what i'm just -- what i'm trying to do, maybe not so well, is figuring out how you feel now based on what you've learned about the case. i would say it is an unfortunate circumstance that we are even here today obviously because of
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the loss of life and his life being up rooted the way it has been just from having to be here obviously. >> i don't have an opinion as to whether or not he is guilty or innocent because i don't like to make those opinions based off what i've heard and hearsay. >> why wouldn't that be a good juror? he says i don't have an opinion. i have not fully formed one. >> i don't think that is a juror you could disqualify for cause. at the end of the day, you have to rely on what they are saying. one of the huge challenges, no matter what they are saying, it is difficult to speculate what are they really thinking? the prosecutor, they are listening very closely and watching the body language and trying to get somebody that says, yeah, i can be fair and see, if inside, that person is somebody who has probably already decided one way or the other. one of the great challenges and mystery of the trial process. >> kendall coffey, thank you very much. we will see what next week
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brings. still ahead, a tale of two conferences. paul ryan and rand paul addressed the conservative faith and freedom coalition. chris christie is speaking to a different audience taking the stage with bill clinton in chicago. we'll get the first read with dominica montonero. edward snowden is not welcome, they made it clear, within their boreds. we will have more on the warning u.k. officials have given. he was asked, why hasn't snowden been charged. we'll have the latest. ready? happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in!
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story that's getting a lot of attention involving one of the gop's top prospects for 2016 and his comments about why america needs more immigrants. we'll get a look at the eventful week in washington. i sitting in my desk certainly had the authorities to wiretap anyone from you or your accountant to a federal judge to even a president if i had a personal e-mail. >> he is a traitor. the president outlined last week these are important national security programs to help keep americans safe and give us tools to fight the terrorist threat that we face. >> the notion that we are trolling through everyone's e-mails and voier is stickley reading them or listening to everyone's phone calls is on its face absurd. we couldn't do it even if we wanted to and i assure you we don't want to. >> even if we didn't have a single illegal immigrant, we need to do immigration reform
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because we must modernize our legal immigration system and it must reflect the 21st century. >> congress needs to act. the moment is now. >> i voted to proceed to the bill. it is important to address the issue. the status quo is completely unacceptable. >> he had special interest on top of writing this big monstrosity. >> i do not support removing the authority of commanders to prosecute sexual assault cases. >> take it from the victims who have said to us over and over again that they do not report because they do not trust the chain of command. >> we will be assisting the syrian rebels in syria by providing them with weapons and other assistance. i applaud the president's decision. >> joining me now nbc news deputy editor, dominico
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montinero. i feel like it is every week. every friday, we look back and say, all that happened just this week. no question about it. there has been a lot going on. immigration reform is the big thing on capitol hill that you are hearing about. certainly, a lot that president obama wants to be able to get done but, of course, some of these other distractions on the irs scandal and some of the other things really taking a lot of the attention away from some of the priorities that he has. >> certainly, syria is not a distraction and i know you don't mean that. here you have the attention on immigration. a lot of those same members of congress and the senate focused on immigration will have to at least pivot to what to do with syria, speaking specifically, john mccain. >> no question, syria is not a
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distraction as i was getting at, some of the controversies of the last three weeks. on syria, absolutely. the white house says there has been a red line that has been crossed. it talks to how a white house, how the president has to wind up multitasking on foreign policy and domestic priorities. >> let's talk about what's happening in your town. jeb bush today, a twitter firestorm. he is at the faith and freedom coalition conference. we'll play what he had to say and we'll talk about it on the other side. let's play it. ten years from now, we all hopefully will be ten years older. that's my plan. i hope it is yours as well. if that's the case, then we're going to have fewer workers taking care of a larger number of people that the country has a social contract with to be able to allow them to retire with dignity and purpose.
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we can not do that with the fertility rates we have in our country. we are below break even. immigrants create far more businesses than native-born americans. immigrants are more fertile and they love families and they have more intact families and bring a younger population. >> the national journal headline, jeb bush says immigrants are more fertile. jeb bush tells conservatives to welcome more baby-having immigrants. laura ingraham says, el legal have more kids so let them in. what's going on here? have we heard a clarification from jeb bush? >> reporter: the irony of his speech is that over about six years or so of covering his speeches, this was the least red meat speeches i have heard from any of these 2012 or 2008 candidates. he went out of his way to be serious, sober, thoughtful,
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about a lot of these issues we have been talking about. on this issue, we talk about entitlements and how much entitlements are blowing a hole in the deficit. a big problem is because our birth rate has decreased and you wind up seeing there are fewer people able to support a retiring segment of folks who are getting entitlement benefits. so because of that in a very clumsy, awkward way, he was trying to explain that you have hispanic immigrants, hard core procatholic, very catholic, having a lot of kids, more kids than the birth rate of the rest of the country, kind of like the way italian and irish immigrants did years ago. in generations later, a fewer number of children as they assimilate more into the american culture. a real clunky way to get to it and distracted from his larger point where he was trying to push to comprehensive immigration reform, trying to talk about family in front of a faith and freedom coalition
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group that's very pro-family. talking about the economy and energy, and all of that stuff winds up not being covered or paid as much attention to because of this clumsy line and because of really from the right and left, the left wants to pick up on something like that and say he is not serious but then the right wants to say, we don't want immigration reform and here is something he said. so let's push that. that's sort of the political wings that he winds up dealing with. thank you very much. the british government is going out of its way to make sure former nsa contractor, edward snowden, does not show up there any time soon. u.k. authorities issued an alert warning airlines not to allow the self-confessed leaker on any britain-bound planes. he is believed to be still in hong kong where two lawmakers announced they are petitioning president obama on his behalf. >> i and gary fang decide we should write a letter to president obama in our capacity
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as to hong kong democratic legislators that mr. obama should consider letting go of mr. snowden all together. >> when asked about possible charges for snowden at a meeting in ireland, attorney general eric holder told reporters, i can assure you that we will hold accountable the person who is responsible for those extremely damaging leaks. joining me now, nbc news national investigative correspondent michael isakof. i don't know if people expected charges 24 hours after snowden said he is the leaker here. you hear kind of a pause from eric holder. certainly, no motion in charges. >> well, i can tell you, tamron, when this story first broke, the attorney general and the people around him were not eager to immediately launch a leak investigation. remember, at the time, they were taking fire for all the disclosures about the leak investigation that led to this
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seizure of the a.p. phone records and the naming of the fox news reporter as a potential co-conspirator in violation of the espionage act. they were taken aback by that. the attorney general was trying to mediate with the media, suggest that he was going to go easy on some of this stuff. he was not eager to jump back into the fray. i think the attorney general's comments indicate how much heat he has been getting from the u.s. intelligence committee to vigorously investigate this case and prosecute it. they are very upset. so now you are starting to see the attorney general respond. but it is not for all the brazenness of edward snowden's leaks. this is not by any means a slam-dunk for the prosecution. you have a big chunk of the country from rand paul on the right to john conyers on the left who think he did -- he revealed some very significant
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information that has led to a morrow bust, democratic debate about the nature of surveillance. that's going to come into play in any prosecution the justice department brings against snowden. >> we know that snowden and a reporter from the guardian said that more is to come. there is more on the horizon. do we have any indication if snowden is prepared to release some of the other information he claims to beholding on to? >> they haven't so far. that may be an indication that either there is not as much there as they suggest or that they are being a bit judicious about it. he made clear he was not out tosh another bradley manning and just release willie-nilly, all the information he had. he was only releasing that which he thought the public ought to know about. you can argue that so far he has
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stuck to that. we will have to wait and see. could i also point out that we've got really a public relations battle going on right now? the intelligence community and the intelligence committees are trying to get out the word to show how valuable these programs are, supposedly on monday, we're going to be getting a list of thwarted terror plots. at the same time, we are learning more and more about the nature of these programs and one very significant document that we have just learned about in the last few days. an 86-page opinion from the fisa court dated october 3rd, 2011, which found that the surveillance programs were unreasonable under the fourth amendment to the constitution and had to be remedied. there was a judicial finding of illegality by these programs that they had to be changed.
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that's a very significant document. we haven't seen it yet. there is going to be a lot more public pressure for that to be released. >> this would be seen, certainly, michael, as a smoking gun if that is the case? >> we haven't seen it yet but it is suggestive that there is a lot more we don't know about those programs that the court has found was wrong, illegal, violated the fourth amendment to the constitution. >> michael isakoff, we'll see if that document surfaces nothing like this scene four years ago when massive protest and chaos broke out. we will get a live report from tehran as voters choose mahmoud ahmadinejad's successor. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor.
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visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there. iranians voted for a successor on president mahmoud ahmadinejad. six candidates are running to fill his seat. no clear front-runner. this is iran's first
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presidential election sinks 2009. the disputed results of that election set off mass protests with ballots still being counted. no matter who wins, the outcome is not likely to change rauiran relationship with the u.s. ali arouzi joins us. we don't expect any major shift in policy but a new president will set a different tone. if it is a reformist-packed president, he may soften his approach and try and make a deal. if it is a hard-lined president, they are going to stick to their guns. he is going to tow this very, very hard line. right now, it is very, very difficult to tell who is going
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to win this election with no accurate opinion polls and things spread out among some very vast country. it is almost impossible to guess, it looks like there are three frontrunners. this downtown tehran, the two hard liners seem to be splitting the vote and they can't decide who to vote for. a lot of people came out to vote. earlier in the morning, there wasn't much of a vote for turnout. in the afternoon, a massive kurnlg surge in crowds. if there is a big turnout, we may get the results as early as tomorrow. >> ali arouzi live for us in tehran. what caused a massive collapse in south florida. 24 people in miami are
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recovering this afternoon after the deck at a sports bar collapsed into biscayne bay. officials say about 100 people were watching the nba finals on that deck when it gave way. from a video made by the building inspector. the inspector indicated in the video, the 52-year-old admits that he never inspected one of the sites in the collapsed building even though he reported no violations were found. in the minute-long message he says in part, quote, it was my fault. i should have looked at those guys work and i didn't. i should have parked my truck and went over there but i didn't. i'm sorry. coming up, yet another sign of the changing face of america. students in one iowa school now have the option to take half their classes in spanish. we take a qulocloser look at th report you may have seen. what it says about the changing
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earlier in the show, we played controversial comments made by former governor, jeb bush, regarding immigrants and fertility. they coincide with new estimates by the census bureau, by 2043, white americans will no longer be the majority. tom costello has more on this historic shift on the demographics of this country. >> reporter: far from the '50s, a new kaleidoscope of doll or. think of the country like a maternity ward with each baby representing 50,000 people added to a racial group once you take away the deaths. for the year ending july, 2012, the asian population expanded by 530,000 people. african-americans added 560,000 and the hispanic population grew by the most, 1.1 million people.
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nonh nonhispanic whites were the nondominant group. for the first time, deaths by a slim margin outpaced births for white who saw their gains coming completely from immigration. in just 30 years, explosion in hispanic and asian growth will make whites a minority and the implications are huge for programs like social security and medicare. they have to be ready to make their mark. as these older white people retire, they are all we have got. >> reporter: take any west liberty iowa in a state whose hispanic population is only 5%, students here have the option to take half their classes in spanish. the town's meat packing plant means 52% of its 4,000 residents are hispanic. virginia senator tim kaine gave a nod to his spanic constituents by speaking their language on
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the senate floor. >> we need mixtures and variety. >> reporter: a multi-racial mosaic that is already here. >> that was nbc's tom costello. the population of u.s. children under five is almost already majority, minority. so that means the class entering kinder garden this fall is 49.9% minority. that does it for this edition of news nation. thanks for joining us. the cycle is up next. y card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate, ever. because she's got other things to stress about. ♪ go to to apply. ♪ in parks across the country, families are coming together to play, stay active, and enjoy the outdoors. and for the last four summers, coca-cola has asked america to choose its favorite park through our coca-cola parks contest. winning parks can receive a grant of up to $100,000.
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12:00 pm
a new group of entrepreneurs have a dream to turn cannabis into cold, hard crash. they are not just blowing smoke. i wau you want answers? >> i think i'm entitled. >> you want answers? >> i want the truth. >> you can't handle the truth. >> we want the truth. we are waiting for the supreme court to decide what the truth is. only two weeks left until the traditional end of the high court's term. decisions in 19 major cases are still locked behind the court's marble columns. big cases including affirmative action, same-sex marriage. the court has more opinions to issue by the end of june than any any recent terp. wh mike sax, supreme court correspondent at the "huffington post" and host and producer of a very nice little show, called huff p
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