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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  June 15, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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these people think they've won a new laptop. but instead, they're under arrest. this fisherman thinks he hooked a shark. but it's the shark who's hooked him. caught on camera, a cop caught off guard. a driver on a dangerous path. a sky diver crashing to earth. >> oh! >> uh-oh. >> unexpected situations. >> oh, my god. >> unpredictable endings. improbable suspects. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. and what in the world is this car thief doing on a golf
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course? >> he's going to steal a golf cart now. hello, i'm contessa brewer. "caught on camera: surprise." hello, i'm contessa brewer. welcome to "caught on camera." when it comes to sky diving, you may want excitement, but you don't want surprises. certainly not at thousands of feet in the air. but surprise is what one instructor gets. not once, not twice, three times in one day. all while heading straight for the ground below. >> pull down. [ screaming ] >> it was really not my day. i should have stayed in bed that day. >> oh, my gosh. >> adrian "wildman" thuma is a skydiving instructor who takes
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adventurous people on jumps in australia. on january 12th, 2007, he's getting ready to head up again and joking from behind the camera with his next passenger scott. >> ready to go? >> i'm set. >> did you see my last one? >> no. >> good. >> good because it hadn't been perfect. that was when thuma got the first surprise of the day. his main parachute developed a tension knot in the lines as it unfurled. >> so the lines have slack in some stage. so they went through themselves and created a knot like this. >> you're always prepared for your main parachute to go wrong. about one every thousand jumps that happens. >> thuma cut away the main parachute and used his reserve. >> i landed on the ground thinking i had my bad luck for the day. >> but the day isn't over yet.
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less than an hour after his first parachute problem, theuma and scott head to the drop zone at 14,000 feet. then they jump. it's captured on a video camera attached to his left hand. >> we fall perfectly. >> at 5,000 feet he releases the main parachute. for the second jump in a row, surprise. there's a problem. again, there are tension knots in his lines. he tries unsuccessfully to clear them. after falling for over a thousand more feet. he knows he has to turn to his reserve. >> sort of looked fine coming out of the bag. it sort of comes off and looks like a streamer almost. >> but as the parachute starts to open up, theuma sees he has a nightmare situation on his hand. there are tension knots on the line of his reserve, his last
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option. >> as soon as i seen the knots, that's when i knew we were in big trouble. >> the knots are on one side causing the parachute to go off kilter and keeping it from inflating properly. >> i was really trying with everything i could to fix the problem. >> theuma tries pulling on the brake lines to break the knots, but parachute enters a dangerous spin. the pair is hurdling toward the ground now less than 3,000 feet below. theuma pulls on the opposite brake line hoping to stop the parachute. that doesn't work either. >> i did everything i knew how to do and we're still spinning the other way. i had a moment of going, i think this is it. you know? >> theuma instructs scott who doesn't know anything has gone wrong with the reserve to hold the brake lines while he reaches higher up on the line to try to
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balance out the spin. >> i had to have him help me adjust the line. >> the plan works. >> it was above our heads, so i knew that we were in a lot better shape than what we were spinning. this was as good as it was going to get. >> but theuma has no control over the parachute and they're traveling at a high rate of speed. no matter where they land, it won't be pretty. >> i thought you got to be joking. the train tracks. >> if he doesn't change the course, they will land on the train tracks or caught on the power lines alongside them. but the only way to steer the parachute is to let it spin again. theuma decides it's worth the risk. they're now just a thousand feet above the ground with only seconds before impact. >> i managed to get it to stop spinning again within 800 feet. i looked down and now we're going to land in a backyard. i didn't have much say in that. so we just sort of braced for
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impact. >> theuma and scott come smashing through a tree taking out a branch and then smack into the ground. somehow scott escapes injury. but theuma isn't as lucky. he's fractured his back and hurts his tailbone. six months later he's back jumping out of planes and off buildings. despite the accident that could have claimed his life. >> it was a freak occurrence. sort of treat it like that. treat it with respect, but it's not going to stop me doing what i love. coming up, a fisherman becomes shark bait. >> i didn't think i'd ever see the boat again. >> and later, danger on the road. >> it actually was coming directly through the center of my chest. >> when "caught on camera: surprise!" continues.
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a fun day out on the water suddenly turns into a surprising life and death struggle between man and shark. >> i didn't have time to take a breath. it happened so fast. i didn't know i was going in. >> august 31st, 1997, massachusetts. jimmy deambra and friends take off on an annual day fishing trip with a friend on an anniversary present from his wife. the group brings a video camera to record the outing. it's a perfect day to be out on the water. >> on our way there, there was no wind. the ocean was like glass. nice and smooth. >> on this day, they're fishing
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for blue shark. >> there it is. >> adult blue sharks can be from six to 12 feet long. and weigh up to 450 pounds. he's gone out for this powerhouse of a fish before and knows what to expect. >> shark fishing is exciting because it's like hooking your fishing pole up to the bumper of a car trying to bring it in. it's unbelievable the strength and power of these fish. and they're beautiful. electric blue. they, like, glow in the water. >> he started shark fishing in 1991 when he was diagnosed with nonhodgkin's lymphoma. >> i was on chemo. i kind of didn't think i was going to last much longer so i just wanted to have fun. i didn't care what was going to happen to me. i was going to die anyways. >> deambra survived and kept on fishing. on the boat, they joke about the danger. >> don't put your hand in the water. he's going to love you. >> when we go out fishing, we
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were alms joking about how dangerous it is, and nothing ever happened, so it's easy to joke about it when you don't really experience it. >> where'd that shark go? >> he's not going anywhere. >> he's waiting for someone to fall off. >> just before taking a turn at the reel, deambra was joking with his friend steve. >> i said to him, steve, be careful. i heard about a guy who went over. they never found him. >> and we all laughed. and i was the next one up. >> deambra sets up with a harness that resembles a big leather belt. the butt of the fishing rod sits in a plastic cup and hangs down between his legs. it's then attached to the harness with two clamps. >> they don't want to lose the pole because it's worth a couple thousand dollars. so you're attached to the pole but you can walk around the boat while you're fighting the fish. >> which is exactly what deambra begins to do when he hooks a shark who's been attracted to the boat by a giant tuna head in
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the water. immediately he notices something isn't quite right with the reel. >> it was stuck and the pole is, like, bending in half. then it would give out line. i'm like, there's something wrong with this. >> but deambra caught up in the moment keeps fighting the sharks, eventually getting him to the back of the boat where the first mate can lean over and cut the line. the plan is to catch and release the fish, but the shark has other ideas. >> he went crazy when he seen the boat and took off and went straight down. >> as the shark dives, he's pulled right over the side of the boat. >> when i felt myself going over, it was like that feeling you get when you're having a nightmare and you're falling off a cliff or falling off a bridge. i felt like when i went in the water, i was going down a black tunnel. >> as the shark drags him down, deambra tries to unhook himself from the reel. but he can't break free. seconds pass as he fights for his survival.
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on board his friends search the water. then suddenly the reel spins out line and deambra swims for the surface. the boat's captain and his friends try desperately to grab on to him. but just when they think they have him, the shark pulls down on the line again. and that's not the only shark to worry about. >> there's four or five sharks swimming around because of the chum in the water. i was kicking them so they and wouldn't bite me. >> after a struggle, the guys heave deambra back on the boat, he lays there exhausted, trying to catch his breath. >> i almost didn't think it was real. it was like a dream i was back. i didn't think i'd see the boat again. >> but despite deambra's death, it's not long before his friends start teasing him. >> i knew i should have taken an insurance policy on you.
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>> love it. >> not for nothing. how was the water? >> i'm laying there and now i'm getting angry. i can't believe this fish pulled me over. >> i'm trying to unhook the reel. >> that was great! >> back on his feet, deambra's still got the fight in him. he's looking to show that shark who's boss. >> i said, give me that pole, i'm taking him in now. >> with four guys holding tightly now, deambra reels in the shark. >> there he is. >> and the captain's like, what do you want to do? he said, i would stuff him and put him on my wall. he released me so i released him. >> i think this is something you'll never forget. >> that shark almost had italian food for dinner. >> all joking aside, deambra is taking his close call in stride, but the others on board seem to
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have lost their appetite for shark fishing. >> most of the guys just wanted to end the trip. they didn't want to come out on the deck anymore. >> deambra has now taken up fresh water fishing competing in bass fishing tournaments and sticking to slightly smaller catch. but he still would go out to deeper waters if anyone would dare join him. >> if a friend of mine called me up and said, we're going shark fishing next weekend? i'm going. but for me, i don't have any of those friends left. they're all afraid of sharks now. coming up, a drive takes a sudden turn. >> it is coming through the center of my chest. >> and look who's at the wheel of this stolen car. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> when "caught on camera: surprise!" continues. [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] zzzquil™ sleep-aid. [ both snoring ]
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every two weeks. now our plants get the food they need while we water. dinner's ready. come and get it. no one goes hungry in this house. so they're bigger, healthier, and more beautiful. guaranteed. with miracle-gro anyone can have a green thumb. and a second helping. [ both laughing ] when you feed your plants... everyone grows with miracle-gro. a mother's life is nearly shattered. >> it sounded like a gun shot. >> when a surprise on the road comes smashing through her windshield. >> it was actually coming directly at me.
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directly through the center of my chest. >> april 1st, 2011. mother of two wendy cobb is on her way to work in shelby, north carolina. >> i was a couple hours late going into work so traffic was lighter than usual. >> despite the light traffic, cobb is blocked by two trucks driving ahead of her playing a dangerous game. >> one would speed up and the other would slow down and they wouldn't let either one get over. >> the one truck isn't letting the other truck over. cobb takes out her iphone and goes to record the logo of the truck on the right so she can report the dangerous behavior to the company. the other truck has no visible company logo. cobb's own action taking out her phone and filming the scene isn't exactly safe either. but she feels confident she's in control. >> i had the camera here and aimed toward the truck in the
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lane. but i was still watching the road in front of me. all i intended to do was get the logo on the video. but i got a whole lot more than i bargained for. >> then cobb sees a two by four from the side of the median come flying at her. >> i saw him hit it and it was like slow motion. the whole time i'm thinking, that's not really going to hit me. >> but in a split second it does. >> the impact was amazing. amazing. it sounded like a gun shot. and then the echo which i don't know if it was real or in my mind. but it was deafening. i know that. >> the two by four hits the front hood of the van leaving a long dent, burst through the glass and smacks into the front dash. >> it hit right here. and that's what pushed it just far enough away that it missed
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me. >> there was not an inch between where it hit and my arm. >> when the wood punches through the window, glass flies everywhere. >> there were glass shards in my little girl's car seat. i remember watching the glass sink around me. it was like snow. even the next day when i would shake my hair, glass would fall out. >> after the impact, cobb is so stunned she can't even scream. >> i remember my chest hurting and i remember shaking. it was all i could do to wipe the glass off my phone to use it because my fingers were shaking so hard. >> cobb mostly unscathed from the accident pulls over to the side of the road, stops the recording and dials 911. when the first police officer arrives at the scene, she plays the video she just captured. >> i showed them the video and they said, you realize you almost filmed your own death? >> looking back at the video, what frightens cobb the most is not what did happen but what
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could have happened. >> 95% of the time when i leave home i have at least one child with me. my 8-year-old now that he's big enough he likes to sit in the front. had i not just taken him to school he would have been right there when it happened. the fact nobody was in the passenger seat is a miracle. >> critics complained it only happened because she was busy filming when she should have been paying closer attention to the road, but cobb says -- >> to me it was no different than someone taking a drink or smoking a cigarette or all the other things people do when driving. it happened so fast that i don't think there was any reaction at all that would have changed anything. not for the better, i mean, it could have gone worse. for what it was, i was really lucky. a car thief falls right into a police trap when she takes off in a bait car. >> she decided she was going to take a car that day and picked ours. >> come on, open up the door. keep the hands visible.
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>> but it's the suspect who catches the police by surprise. >> i was a little taken back on the operator of the vehicle. totally out of the norm. >> july 28th, 2008. arlington, texas. detective jesse minton of the arlington police department auto and theft unit is alerted that a bait car has been broken into. bait cars rigged with cameras and gps tracking equipment are used by police departments nationwide to catch thieves in an area where car thefts are a recurring problem. >> we pick a car that looks like cars that are most stolen. we lock the doors remotely. record everything inside with video cameras and microphones. then we deploy the cars out to a la case where we either have a crime problem or persons are stealing those types of cars in that area. and we're basically fishing with
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the bait. >> the bait car, a red chrysler sebring is stolen just down the road from the station. an automatic alert is triggered when the doors open. >> once that activation is received, all i know is it's moving 20 miles an hour west on division street. >> the bait car is headed towards james greenwell. and when the suspect drives by greenwell's cruiser, the officer is surprised to see who's behind the wheel. >> as it goes by i see who was in it. i was quite shocked. the suspect was an elderly female. obviously an elderly female, totally out of the norm for an awe though theft suspect or somebody taking a bait vehicle. i was double checking my facts to make sure that was the right car. >> as seen in this video shot with a camera embedded in the dash of the bait car, the suspect enters the car and after finding the keys left lying on the seat and placing her shopping cart in the back, drives off. greenwell follows behind her and
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when he peers in the car window and she peers back, it's a moment of mutual confusion. >> she definitely turned and saw me. we made eye contact. >> no. oh, my god. oh, my god. >> i could see her making motions. she was talking to herself. obviously i didn't know what she was saying. maybe she was shocked that the police were there so quick because i was that it was her in the vehicle. >> when greenwell starts flashing his lights, the vehicle pulls over. >> the vehicle pulled over onto the right shoulder and then we pulled in right behind it in textbook fashion for pullovers. i gave her verbal commands. for the most part she obeyed commands. >> let me see your hands. open up the door. keep your hands visible. stay right there. turn around. face the other way. >> got her secure. >> now walk backwards.
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>> turn around. come on back. walk back to me. walk back to me. >> backup arrives, and the officers surround the car. >> call out to the vehicle, nobody else responds. nobody else responds. you always anticipate if there's one suspect, there's always another. >> but in this case the suspect acted alone. officer greenwell transports the senior citizen to booking and she doesn't go quietly. >> she was mad at whoever left the keys in the car and for us arresting her. she called me an agent of the devil. and it wasn't her fault. it was whoever left the keys out there. we should be arresting that person and not her. >> but the evidence is clear. the suspect 69-year-old sandra turner, can't deny what's captured on the bait car camera. she's convicted of unauthorized use of a vehicle and is sentenced to 24 months probation. the arlington p.d. says this car
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snatcher is their older on record, and she's one suspect the officers involved won't soon forget. >> i never in my wildest dreams anticipated a 69-year-old woman taking the -- stealing a vehicle. coming up, another day another bait car and another unsuspected twist. >> he is going to steal the golf cart now. >> when "caught on camera" continues. copd makes it hard to breathe... but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can help make this a great block party. ♪ [ male announcer ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory
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i'm melissa rehberger, here's what's happening. a firefighter has been injured in a fire in indianapolis. a plant caught fire before it spread to a nearby distribution center. the mother of the 10-year-old girl who sued to get her daughter on the adult transplant list said it's been a rough day but sarah and her family continue to fight. and musicians took place in honor of queen lelizabeth's
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birthday. now back to "caught on camera." welcome back to "caught on camera." i'm contessa brewer. just like our last video, a thief is caught on camera inside a bait car. but this time the suspect makes a mad dash for freedom. and leads police and a television news crew and a may want nance worker on a wild chase across an 18-hole golf course. bet you never saw this kind of drive to on the fareway. may 5th, 2008. las vegas. metro police have placed an unlocked bait car in the parking lot of the angel park golf club to lure car thieves who've been targeting the area. it's early in the morning but someone's already bitten. the car thief finds the keys in the center console of the cadillac escalade, gets into the driver's seat and quickly takes off, checking to make sure he
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isn't being followed. but unbeknownst to him, authorities are tracking his movements. and they're not the only ones. high overhead, the crew in the action 13 newschopper is making its morning rounds monitoring the traffic and the police scanner for any interesting stories. and boy, do they find one. when aerial photographer jason harvey starts hearing excited voices through his headset, his ears perk up. it's the police broadcasting the bait car description and general location. harvey relays the information to pilot paul hollenbeck who flies to the scene. >> we decided, we'll see if we can find it and we'll see what happens, because you can never tell. >> the suspect starts driving the wrong way down a multi-lane road. and the police who have full control of the vehicle decide they need to shut it down quick. >> control 267, turn that car off now. >> i got him. there he is. >> about that time we saw the vehicle. >> with the car stopped and the
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doors automatically locked, the suspect knows he's in trouble. but he's going to try and make a run for it. >> somehow after banging on the locked door with what appears to be a laptop computer, the suspect makes his escape. but he doesn't get far. hollenbeck and harvey track the suspect as he runs from the car and hops a fence on to angel park golf course. >> i start talking to the producer. get us on air. we got a guy running on the golf course just jumped out of a possibly stolen car. >> as soon as he got over the fence, they started to break in. >> what have you got, captain? >> we've got a car here that just fled a bait car. he tried to steal a vehicle. he's trying to run away from police who just responded to the location of the vehicle. >> hollenbeck continues to narrate the event.
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and then just as they're about to cut away from the live shot and back to the studio -- >> he's going to steel the golf cart now. this will really get him going. >> the determined suspect hops on the golf cart and takes off at full speed. >> okay. now we're going to be chasing this guy in a golf cart, so we'll keep an eye on this and see exactly what happens, but i don't know how far he'll get with that. >> the anchors back at the news desk take their best shots at the absurdity. >> he's not the smartest club there in the bag. >> as the suspect continues to weave across the manicured green and twisting pads, the eyes in the sky spot someone hot on his tail. >> it looks like somebody is in pursuit of him, it looks like another golf cart, and it may be -- yeah, there it is. he's a worker. he's going to chase him down. >> golf course employee john howard is opening the restrooms
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by the fourth hole when a coworker flags him down. >> all of a sudden i hear, my cart, my cart! he stole my cart! i look you wanted and he was going like this, my cart, my cart, he stole my cart! i looked over and the guy was right there taking off in the cart. so i ran and jumped in mine and went after him. >> howard pursues the thief as he heads toward a tunnel that will take him under a roadway and out onto another section of course. it's a high speed golf cart pursuit. well, as high speed as it gets for golf carts. overhead, the chopper swings around to get a better angle on the continuing action. >> we got around to where we could see the cart, it was there, but it was empty. so now we started looking. >> howard is looking too. >> i parked my cart behind his and got out, grabbed a ball marker fixer to go after him. i couldn't see him. he was hiding. >> the thief's taking a little rest under a nearby bush. >> then once he saw me still coming after him, he jumped up
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and ran up the hill. >> howard is trailing the suspect who seems to be running out of steam as he heads toward a fence separating the course from a busy road. >> i almost had him and he jumped over the fence. that fence was eight feet high and i wasn't going over it. >> howard gives up his chase, but even though the suspect's completely exhausted, he still runs on right onto summerland parkway risking life and limb. >> oh! >> he makes it across, but waiting for him on the other side, officers from the las vegas metro police. >> he's face down on the ground giving himself up after his horrendous pursuit in a car and also in a golf cart. this is awesome stuff this morning. >> he's happy to be arrested at this point. >> i'll tell you what. he's tired. >> it's a disappointing day on the links for the 25-year-old suspect larry stidum. he pleads guilty to grand larceny auto and is sentenced to
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a mechanics maximum of eight years in prison. for hollenbeck and harvey, it's an interesting morning in the skies of las vegas. >> steal a bait car and hop over a fence onto a golf course and steal a golf cart. it's not something you hear about or read about every single day. coming up, a surprising fall from the sky. >> it's going to blow up! >> and a bounce house filled with children goes airborne. >> oh, my god. >> when "caught on camera: surprise!" continues. fiber cang and one thing only... and those people are what i like to call... wrong. take metamucil. sure it helps keep you regular but it doesn't stop there. metamucil has psyllium, which helps lower cholesterol, promotes digestive health, and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. it can multi-multitask... look at it, it's doing over a million different things right now. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits,
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>> i looked up and noticed we were going down. >> and heads straight towards a crowd of spectators. >> get out of there! is there somebody in there? >> racers ready! >> it's may 9th, 2011. the second day of the buffalo bill downhill race. a long board competition at lookout mountain just above golden, colorado. skate borders come from near and far for a chance to race down lariette leap road at high rates of speed up to 40 miles per hour. but today, the thrills aren't just on the pavement. a helicopter with a pilot, co-pilot and cameraman onboard is covering above the last hair pin turns on the course preparing to cover the final fleet of the race. todd comes for a day hike but is captivated by the race and joins the crowd of spectators lining the twisting road. he was shooting the riders
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speeding by when the helicopter arrives on the scene. >> first he game right over our heads along the road. i was filming him a bit because the helicopter was there. everybody is cheering getting a little bit of that, and then a couple more of the racers start coming down, so i switch to them and started to lose altitude and started coming back down. >> other spectators also catch video of the helicopter swiftly losing altitude and dropping to the side of the road. >> it looked like he tried to land in the switch vent. >> the chopper clips a pine tree with his row or thes and crashes down on a slope. part of its tail snaps off. >> the rotor was hitting the ground as it tipped forward. there was just bark and chunks of wood flying around it. didn't know what was coming off of it. was the rotor going to come flying off or pieces? you're so close that you'd never see it coming. >> jillet and the others run for their lives afraid the
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helicopter would explode. >> is it going to blow up? >> but what about the three people inside the aircraft? >> the way it landed on the side of the hill and going forward, the first thing i thought was people would have hit the windshield. >> film maker jeremiah whitlock is behind the camera inside the chopper as it goes down. >> the only thing that i felt as the chopper was going down was a slight sinking feeling in your stomach as you go over the top of the hill really fast in your car or the top of a roller coaster. >> after following the racers from a distance from the start of the course, whitlock wants to get in closer before the last series of turns before the finish line. >> the helicopter was moving into position to cover them better. >> he is focused on the racers below, not the position of the chopper. >> that's when the helicopter started to lose power. we started dropping quick. that's when the rotors starting clipping the top of the tree. i didn't really have time to think. i just held on to my camera until we hit.
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>> the impact is surprisingly gentle, but they're not out of danger. fuel is leaking from the chopper and the fear is it could blow any minute. >> i was worried something was going to catch on fire. >> the pilot instructs everyone to stay in the aircraft until the rotors stop spinning, but the co-pilot jumps out before the blades come to a complete halt. luckily, he isn't hurt. whitlock stays put while his camera continues rolling. after a few seconds, the pilot tells him it's safe to get out. >> emergency workers stationed at the end of the race course are on the scene within seconds. >> is somebody in there? >> amazingly, nobody is injured in the crash. >> we all came out without a scratch on us. >> as soon as he clears the chopper, whitlock brushes himself off and starts shooting again. >> i wanted to shoot the helicopter i just came down to
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kind of separate myself from the crash. maybe to give myself a bit of a buffer. >> the fire department quickly secures the scene and the leaking fuel is controlled. whitlock is grateful to the pilot whose quick thinking, he says, averted a more serious situation. >> we were coming down right on top of the road where there was a lot of spectators on the road. he pulled it off on the last second and put it down on the hill where he did. if he hadn't of done that, there would have been a lot of people hurt. >> this was whitlock's first time up in a helicopter and certainly a memorable trip. and despite the close call, he says, he'd fly again. >> i have my one get out of jail free card. i think statistically i should be good. a giant inflatable slide goes airborne at a children's soccer tournament. >> oh, my god. oh, my god! >> and frantic parents rush toward the scene. >> it was just chaos.
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>> it's june 4th, 2011, in the town of oceanside, new york. the teams of the ocean side soccer club are playing the last games of the season. just past noon, screams can be heard coming from one end of the large field. >> uh-oh. >> jean is filming her daughters when she turns to capture a scene unfolding. a gust of wind has flipped a slide and two bounce houses into the air. set up as entertainment, they're now tumbling across the field. >> the slide really took off. >> it went right through the crowd of people. >> oh, my god. >> the slide goes airborne again. >> oh, my god. >> before crashing back down. >> stay here. stay here, girl. >> they had been tethered to the ground with happy children jumping and sliding. >> the initial reaction was get there. when you hear screaming, you
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could see it just rolling and see it roll through the crowd and it's not stopping. >> michael mazako heads toward the tumbling slide. >> it took a lot of them to keep it from moving again. >> behind the slide, one of the bounce houses is still rolling. parents continue to descend on the scene, after after securing all three inflatables open up the velcro seems or whatever they have to do to deflate the giant balloons and get to the trapped children. >> everybody worked together to get it down to make sure everyone was safe. >> in all 13 people on the ground and inside the bounce houses are hurt. one woman seriously with head and spinal injuries. but remarkably, most of the children escaped with relatively minor injuries. like the rope burn on laura's neck. >> the rope dragged me over. then it finally got off. >> it's a scary end to what started as a joyous celebration. >> oh, my god.
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coming up, a robbery interrupted. >> he went ahead and decided to rob the store with a cop behind him. and these people think they've just won a new laptop, but surprise! police have something else in store for them. >> what's going on? when "caught on camera: surprise!" continues. join us at
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"caught on camera." there's a surprise in store for a police officer and a suspect. when the officer unwittingly interrupts a robbery. >> the first two seconds was what's he doing? he can't be doing this right in front of me. >> dayton, ohio. december 16th, 2010. shortly before 6:00 a.m., police officer joshua campbell walks into this walgreens pharmacy following up on a reported
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robbery that happened just hours earlier. >> we had the tape we were going to get for evidence. >> as seen in footage, officer campbell waits patiently to collect the video from the cashier who appears to be ringing up a customer. but seconds later it's clear to the officer that this is a robbery in progress. >> as soon as i had turned around and looked at the teller and i saw her put her hands up, back up, take off running. >> officer campbell can't believe what he's seeing. the suspect seemingly oblivious to the officer standing inches away reaches over the counter and grabs money from the register. officer campbell approaches guns drawn. he tells the suspect to get on the ground. ? . >> he's not doing that. he's telling me he didn't do anything wrong. that nothing is wrong. i'm still telling him get on the ground. >> but the suspect isn't about to give up. >> i tried grabbing his left wrist trying to sling him to the
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ground. he was able to duck that, basically. and remained standing up. >> with his weapon drawn, campbell only has one hand to work with as he tries to subdue the suspect who's pulling away from the officer toward the door. campbell's able to hold the suspect away with his left arm just long enough to holster his gun. >> put both hands right on the collar of his jacket. and with all of my might, just basingly force him down to the ground, threw him down. >> when the two hit the ground campbell radios for assistance. >> i'm able to get on the radio say i'm at the walgreens, i'm fighting one. that's about all i could get out. >> then the braise up suspect starts hitting the officer landing several punches to his head. the suspect again makes a run for the door but campbell reaches out and grabs at him. this time as the two have at it right in front of the open door, officer campbell can feel the suspect pulling on his holster.
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>> i could feel him tugging at my gun. i basically pushed him down, landed on top of him ch that's when we got outside. >> outside and partially out of view of the cameras, officer campbell and the suspect continue to struggle. >> got, like, my knees and my torso and everything on his body. he's flailing. he's got his hands on my holster. trying to grab for my gun, i believe. >> within seconds, two walgreens employees rush to campbell's aid. >> they were able to grab him by the legs, keep him from kicking, pretty much help me get control of him. >> when police backup arrives, another officer helps cuff the suspect. 55-year-old donald cotton. cotton is later charged with robbery, aggravated robbery, and assault on an officer. he pleads no contest and is sentenced to two four-year terms to be served concurrently. for officer campbell, walking in on a robbery is one surprise for the storybooks. >> the crazier thing about it is i thought he saw me and yet he still went ahead and decided to rob the store with a cop behind
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him. and finally, caught on camera. these people in cookville, tennessee, think they've hit the jackpot winning a free laptop computer, but they're in for quite a surprise when they come to claim their prize. it's july 12th, 2003. and the dekalb and putnam county sheriff departments have come up with a creative way of getting people with outstanding warrants to give themselves up. >> as sheriff i was looking for innovative ways to do my business. every sheriff's department in the country has numerous warrants that are outstanding. people become difficult to find.
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>> the inspiration for the operation, a fake giveaway used by the federal marshall service years earlier. >> we sent out letters to someone telling them they won a laptop computer and they would need to show up, claim their laptop computer. >> these people have been calling us for all these years, it's our time to con them. >> the sting is set up at a rented warehouse meant to look like a new business, cbi computers. as cameras roll, detective lip don powell runs through the details. >> we've already got customers outside waiting to be arrested. the way that the operation is designed is in the location we'll have two to three cbi employees at this point. >> the office is staffed with members of local law enforcement acting as cbi employees. once the undercover officers confirm the identity of the person coming to claim their prize, another employee leads them to the room where they
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think they'll be picking up their new laptop. when the lucky winners pass through this door, they're greeted by uniformed officers ready to place them under arrest. surprise! >> they come through the door, you'd see them and it was like all right, i won. and sometimes the color just drained from their faces. it was, like, oh my gosh, i have be had. they were all very surprised. >> some people are bewildered by the overwhelming show of force. >> what's wrong? what? >> i don't know what's going on. >> you're under arrest. >> i understand that part. but i mean, what outstanding warrant? >> many more are just confused. >> what'd i do? i don't have a clue what it could be. >> for this woman, excitement at winning a big prize quickly
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turns to shock as plastic handcuffs are tightened around her wrists. and this couldn't have happened to her on a worst day. >> she was actually on her way to her sister's wedding and she told us she was going to give her the laptop as a wedding gift. >> i was going to my sister's wedding today. >> by the time she was processed and appeared for the judge, she did not make it to the wedding. so that one was probably the saddest. >> more than 650 letters were sent out. and in the end, 70 arrests were made. >> we got about 10 to 15% of the people we were looking for. which was a little bit disappointing. i mean, i would have liked to have gotten them all. >> all of these laptop winners later have their day in court where the guilt or innocence is determined. >> any time you can clear old warrants out, it's a good day. >> they didn't see it coming. but thanks to the cameras, we did. i'm contessa brewer. that's all for this edition of "caught on camera."
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> america's prisons, dangerous, often deadly. there are 2 million people doing time. every day is a battle to survive and to maintain order. >> down on your feet. down! >> located in the deep south, holman correctional facility where most are serving life sentences. we spent months documenting life on the inside where the prisoners have nothing but time and nothing to


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