tv Politics Nation MSNBC June 17, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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with whom we have diplomatic relations? shouldn't we have to make a decision here? shouldn't the elected congress be making it? should or should we just let people in washington do what they feel like doing? that's "hardball" now. thanks for being with us. "politicsnation" with al sharpton starts right now. >> thanks, chris. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, president obama moving forward. republicans are stuck in reverse. today the president traveled to northern ireland, scene of some of the worst strife in the past century. he went to talk about expanding rights and opportunity and peace all over the world. he addressed a room full of irish school children, and gave a tough, personal speech about progress back here in america, where we're going and where we have come from. >> when i was a boy, many cities still had separate drinking fountains and lunch counters and
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washrooms for blacks and whites. my own parents' marriage would have been illegal in certain states. someone who looked like me often had a hard time casting a ballot, much less being on a ballot. >> that was the status quo 50 years ago. but people fought for change. and in some cases, people died for that change. the result was a better country. >> malia and sasha's generation, they have different attitudes about differences and race. than mine and certainly different from the generation before that. and each successive generation creates a new space for peace.
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and tolerance and justice and fairness. and while we have work to do in many ways, we have surely become more tolerant and more just and more accepting. >> more tolerant, more just, more accepting. this is the path forward for the country. but republicans are trying to take a step back. later this week, conservatives on the supreme court may decide to roll back the clock on affirmative action, voting rights, and gay rights. and tomorrow house republicans will debate bills to cut billions of dollars from food stamps and scale back abortion rights. that bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks, except for cases of rape or incest. it was sponsored by trent franks, the lawmaker who said, quote, the incidents of rape resulting in pregnancy are very
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low. he is such an embarrassment, that gop leaders won't even let him manage his own bill on the house floor. they have asked a woman, marsha blackburn to do it instead to create better optics. republicans are on the wrong side of history, and they'll keep losing elections until they realize it. they should remember what reverend dr. martin luther king jr. said just four days before his assassination. he said the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. joining me now joan walsh and former pennsylvania governor ed rendell. thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, reverend. >> governor, let me start with you. the president is talking about expanding rights while the gop is trying to roll back rights. don't republicans realize they're on the wrong side of history? >> well, patiently not. they talked about changing the message, but they have to change their values, rev.
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changing the message or the messenger doesn't matter. charlie, one of the last moderate republicans from the lehigh valley here in pennsylvania, charlie dent, he got it rite. he said the stupidity of this is simply staggering. he said he begged leadership, republican leadership not to bring to it the floor because job market is stagnant, the economy is hurting, and they're debating rape and abortion. and look, charlie dent is a good guy. but the democratic argument against charlie dent is sure charlie dent is a good guy. but he is going to vote for john boehner for speaker, and they'll control the agenda. so if you get rid of charlie dent, there is a chance we can get a new speaker who won't be bringing things like these. so the republicans don't get it. they should listen to the few people left like charlie dent. >> you know, joan, when you look at the fact that as the governor just quoted charlie dent, this bill that has gone to the floor, they're trying to pull back the
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sponsor because of his outrageous statement. but they're still dealing with the bill and having congresswoman blackburn manage this bill on the floor. >> right. they've decided that they're going to put a woman's face on the bill. and congresswoman blackburn is no friend of women, reverend al. she recently really embarrassed herself by saying that equal pay is not an issue for most women. >> wait a minute, the lady congresswoman that is managing this bill. >> yes. >> they're debating it tomorrow, in fact. >> yes. >> she once said equal pay -- >> not a big deal for women. not a women's issue. >> really? >> yes. she said that. >> and it was recently? >> it was about two weeks ago, i think, governor, right? >> stunning, stunning. >> yeah, stunning. so they think this is going to trick women. they're putting in exceptions for rape and incest into a bill that will never become law, mind you. but the language in their platform is the same. they've always refused to put in an exception -- always since 1992. so their extremism is not diminished. they're moving on these
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anti-women bills anyway. having a woman be the front of it is not helping anything. >> you know, the show you -- the way this is really not getting through to them that the country has changed, governor. arizona. i was in phoenix on friday, one of the federal court hearings there where clearly even the judge in arizona is saying they've got to stop the profiling. and then today the supreme court even came back and struck down arizona's law requiring people to show citizenship in order to register to vote. after the supreme court did this and which clearly underwrites the rights of people in this country with voting, senator ted cruz tweeted, quote, i'll file amendment to the immigration bill that permits states to require id before registering voters. here you have the supreme court saying no, you don't go through
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all of for people to register to vote. cruz brings up voter id as his answer to the supreme court. >> right. and voter id i think could have -- you can make a case, rev, that it cost governor romney the election, because it fired up the democratic base in a way that president obama's reelection effort couldn't do. when you try to take people's vote away, and they're going to come out and vote with a vengeance. that's what happened in ohio and pennsylvania and michigan and pennsylvania, a lot of different places. >> i traveled a lot of those place, and that was real. people stood in line, governor, not only to support the president, as clearly many did, but they stayed seven, eight hours because they were offended that their right to vote was in question. >> absolutely. >> well, joan, when you look at the fact that on the right -- well, let's just look at the faith and freedom conference this weekend. >> yeah. >> let me give you a sample of
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what happened there so you can see that this party not at all looking forward. watch this. >> we've lost our history. we're the party of equality, freedom, opportunity. it's our party. >> the left likes to think that we are the -- that we are the fringe. guess what? you, us, we are the mainstream. >> this is the most aggressive pro-abortion president in the history of america. >> how do you reach out to blacks, asians, hispanics, and other minorities? my answer is same way you reach out to white people. >> yeah. you talk their interests. that's true. if you talk their interests and what would enhance them, that is a way to reach out to them. that's how they reach out i assume to others on the right. >> well, yeah. and they are the fringe. they're just a very, very powerful fringe. and they have learned to
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leverage that minority power that they have to block the president's agenda, to block the democratic agenda, to block an agenda that would help people of all races, including white people, including a lot of white people who sadly vote for them. they've gotten very good at playing dog whistle racial politics. and now they're being left behind by a country that is transforming demographically, reverend al. you see this, but they're not changing. i mean, reince priebus had to go there and say i'm a christian in front of this crowd, when we don't have any religious test for government or for participating in the politics. >> this is a democracy, not a theocracy. i don't even know that they talked to whites about their interests. >> right. >> because their policies don't help anybody in this country when you really get down to it. >> perfect example of that, reverend, is the s.n.a.p. program, the food stamp program. in pennsylvania, the vast majority of the people in pennsylvania on food stamps, 1.2 million are white. and yet they try to position food stamps as an african-american and latino
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problem. it isn't. and they just don't get it. it's not the message. it's the values. and until they change the values, they're not going win. >> and 60% are women. so, again, that's a women's issue too. >> absolutely. >> they don't talk anyone's interest. that's how they should learn to talk to everybody, including white voters is people's interest. but they so far have not got that message. joan walsh, governor rendell, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> thank you. ahead, a dramatic day in the george zimmerman trial. we've got some news on that pivotal 911 tape. and what does dick cheney know about credibility? the answer, of course, is nothing. so wait until you hear what he is saying about president obama. and sarah palin isn't a punch line. she is a force in the gop and could actually have impact on president obama's agenda. and i love hearing from you. send me your e-mails. reply al is coming up.
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for a store near you go to have you joined the "politicsnation" conversation on facebook yet? today everyone was talking about the big supreme court ruling striking down arizona's proof of citizenship requirement for voter registration. brenda says voter suppression won't work. nice try, arizona. we got your number. sunny says we're still fighting for voting right misin this country. that's ridiculous and shameful. i agree, sunny. bill says so far this june my scorecard says supreme court, 2-0. let's hope they keep the winning streak going. let's hope so.
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stick around to hear my thoughts on the supreme court's big decision today. but first, we want to hear what you think. please head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. all business purchases. so you can capture your receipts, and manage them online with jot, the latest app from ink. so you can spend less time doing paperwork. and more time doing paperwork. ink from chase. so you can.
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911 call made by a neighbor the night trayvon martin was killed. >> i think they're yelling help, but i don't know. just send someone quick, please. >> okay. does he look hurt to you? >> i can't see him. i don't want to go out there. i don't know what is going on. they're sending. >> do you think he is yelling help? >> yes. >> what is your phone number -- >> there is gunshots. >> the defense is trying to keep the jury from hearing the testimony of the state's voice expert who wrote this in his report, quote, the other male speaker was identified tentatively as trayvon martin from the audio track of a digital video file present on mr. martin's cell phone. his voice is younger and generates much of what some observers have called screams.
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today judge nelson heard testimony from an expert for the defense who talked about the technology used in that voice analysis. the judge hasn't ruled on this yet. it's a key question. who is screaming on the tape? what experts will the jury hear from? whatever the judge decides could have a huge impact on this trial. joining me now is former prosecutor mar marcia clark, color of "killer ambition." and former criminal prosecutor faith jenkins. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> marcia, the hearing over the analysis of the 911 call has stretched over several days. how crucial is this to both sides? >> oh, it's critical. it's critical. if they get this admitted, the prosecution gets this admitted, it's going to be really damning evidence, because it will establish that the aggressor was zimmerman and not trayvon martin. on the other hand, if it doesn't come in, it will be a big loss to the prosecution. there is no question. this is a very big deal.
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i'd be surprised, though, if the judge keeps it out. >> faith, the fact is we know that they're going to play the tape. >> that's right. >> the question is whether they're going to have the expert witness. and without the expert witness, will the jury be able to come to the conclusion that this expert witness is that this is likely trayvon martin? >> so the jurors are going to hear this tape, and they'll be able to listen to it and try to come to a conclusion on their own using their layperson skills. who is screaming on this tape. that's also very powerful, because the tape in and of itself is very emotional. it's a very powerful thing to hear. and it sounds like a young man screaming. with the expert testimony, it just shores up the state's argument that this is indeed trayvon martin. and what that means is as marcia pointed out, that is such powerful evidence that trayvon was not the initial aggressor. he was begging for his life when he was killed. >> isn't it also problematic that whoever was screaming and this expert says it was trayvon,
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stopped screaming once the shots were fired? if you were the guy that was shooting and was screaming, why wouldn't you stop screaming afterwards? wouldn't you say oh my god, i had to shoot him. >> there was absolute silence. as a jury, when you come into the jury room, you don't leave your common sense at the front door. you bring that with you. common sense may tell you the person with the gun is in a position of power. why would the person be screaming from the very beginning anyway. >> marcia, talking about common sense. juror h-27 admitted, this is perspective jurors during the selection process today. he admitted he donated money to zimmerman and his defense fund. but he didn't disclose that on the jury questionnaire. listen to this. >> he came to the conclusion that this man was being framed or he was innocent. and you decided based on what you knew from the media you wanted to contribute to his campaign fund. >> correct. >> you have a stake in this. you have already contributed to his cause, correct?
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>> correct. >> the trial. and you still think even though you have already contributed to his defense that you can sit there and just want everybody to disregard the fact that you have contributed to his defense? >> i didn't say that. >> do you think that is fair? >> i said i can keep an open mind. >> here is a guy that on the questionnaire, marcia, and you've been a prosecutor. you understand this better than i do. did not reveal he had donated to the defense of the defendant. and when it comes out at this stage i can keep an open mind even though i donated to the defense. and what it causes a lot of concern to people around the country have been e-mailing me is are there other people that may have slipped through the process that have real biases here or real opinions? >> i can promise you they did, because they always do. and one of the biggest, scariest things about these high profile cases is that people come in with an agenda, and they don't want that agenda exposed. on one side or the other, to be
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fair. it could be either side. >> right. >> but in this case, we know what side. i can promise you that juror is toast. he is not going to be sitting there very long. so he should not get comfortable. but nevertheless, you're going to have people who have done things like this. somebody who has donated, for goodness sake, donated money to the defense, can keep an open mind? really. okay. >> and by the way, i want people to know marcia when she says he is toast, she means he won't be on the jury. >> oh, no, no, no. oh, thank you. >> i know a lot of nerves are frayed in this one. another juror, faith, brought up the fact that she heard mr. zimmerman had followed trayvon martin. watch this. >> have you heard any discussion whether or not george zimmerman trayvon martin after being told not to do that? >> i heard that. >> what did you hear about that? >> i heard that he was told not to by the dispatcher, and he did
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follow him. >> what makes you convinced, if that's not too strong a word, that george zimmerman followed trayvon martin after being told not to do that? >> well, what convinces me is that trayvon martin has died. >> now this is something the defense is trying to keep from the jury in opening statements. look at this. these are actual words or expressions that the defense have said they don't want used in opening statement. they don't want the word profiled, vigilante, the phrase self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, wanna-be cop, and the phrase "le he got out of the car after the police told him not to and he confronted trayvon martin." now the judge has not ruled whether she will eliminate any or all of these statements. but defense does nott want any of these statements or words brought up. why? >> they don't want them brought up in opening statements, opening statements is supposed to be a preview of the evidence. and you're making conclusions
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when you make those statements. i actually think it's more powerful for the prosecution to go in and describe the conduct that zimmerman actually did instead of using the word profile. describe to the jurors what he actually did step by step and let them come to their own conclusion. because the inference is not that zimmerman profiled trayvon because he didn't like the kind of candy he was carrying but because he noticed his clothing and became suspicious of that. >> beyond the profiling and other issues, to deal with the fact that this radio dispatcher from the police told him we do not need you to follow trayvon, and he did anyway. >> absolutely. and just because the defense is trying to keep these things out doesn't mean the judge rules in their favor. the opening statement, faith is right, it is supposed to be what you intend to prove. if what you intend to prove is that he profiled, that he didn't listen to the dispatcher, the dispatcher told him not to, if that's what you intend to prove, you can certainly say it.
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i would be very surprised if the judge rules that all of these things can't be said. they're basically trying to script the prosecution's statement. they can't do that. >> handcuffing your arms behind your back and say let's have a fair fight. >> exactly. >> marcia clark and faith jenkins, thank you both for your time tonight. and full disclosure. in civil court, george zimmerman has sued nbcuniversal for defamation and the company has strongly denied his allegations. ahead, i know it sounds like a joke, but dick cheney is talking about president obama's credibility. amazing. and governor bob mcdonald is all about fiscal responsibility, right? wait until you see what we caught him spending taxpayers' dollars on, next. i'm tony siragusa
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♪ ♪ go on take the money and run ♪ go on take the money an run >> do you remember virginia governor bob mcdonald heading into 2012? he was a gop star. he was always out preaching fiscal responsibility. >> what we've got to do now is set priorities. and we've got to cut -- cut spending. >> cut that spending. that kind of talk had mcdonald
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reportedly in the running to be romney's vice presidential pick. he even gave the republican response to the state of the union in 2010, getting cheers for lines like this. >> the circumstances of our time demand that we reconsider and restore the proper limited role of government at every level. >> limited role in government. but lately governor mcdonald's run into trouble. the fbi is reportedly investigating his relationship with a campaign donor who paid for catering at his daughter's wedding. and now "the washington post" reports spending records show the governor and his family charged the state for personal items. that's right. taxpayers were on the hook for vitamins for the family dog ginger. yes, you heard that right. dog vitamins. and state employees ran errands for the governors' kids, like
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picking up a box for his daughter's wedding dress. they charged taxpayers for things like body wash and dry-cleaning for the governor's children's clothes. and this one takes the cake. a digestive system detox cleanse. what more can i say after that? now these were not items that were very expensive. in total, how much did the mcdonnells charge for personal expenses? less than $600. and when they were asked, they repaid $300. but what was it governor mcdonnell said about government? >> the circumstances of our time demand that we reconsider and restore the proper limited role of government at every level. >> but i guess government shouldn't be limited for picking up the tab for your dog vitamins and detox cleanse. did governor mcdonnell think we
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it's time for reality check for the gop. what happened on this day 41 years ago was a scandal. >> one of the most fascinating and exotic stories ever to come out of washington, d.c. is the talk of the capital today. five men were arrested early saturday is while trying to install eavesdropping equipment at the democratic national committee. and it turns out that one of them has an office in the headquarters of the committee for the reelection of the president. >> that president, of course, was nixon. and those arrests mark the beginnings of the end of his presidency. it came to light that hush money was raised for the burglaries. evidence was destroyed. the president even tried to stop the fbi from investigating the crime. that was a scandal. but the so-called scandals the
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gop is ginning up to take down the president, they're not watergate, of course. that doesn't stop republicans from invoking it. >> somebody the other day said to me this is as bad as watergate. well, nobody died in watergate. >> this makes watergate look like child's play. >> this is far worse than watergate. i mean nobody died in watergate. >> get to the bottom of it like we did in watergate and iran/contra. >> if you have watergate and iron-contra together and multiply attention or so, you're going get in the zone of what benghazi is. >> here is a news flash for the gop. it's been shown time and again the president did nothing wrong with the irs or benghazi. but now, if you can believe this, the last person who should be talking is out on tv pointing fingers at the president. >> i don't pay a lot of attention, frankly, to what barack obama says. i find a lot of it in other areas, for example, irs, benghazi, not credible.
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in terms of credibility, i don't think he has credibility. the problem is the guy has failed to be forthright and honest and credible on things like benghazi and the irs. so he's got no credibility. >> really, dick cheney. he thinks the president is not credible. oh, the irony. the same dick cheney who told us that iraq had wmds, who said that saddam hussein had a role in 9/11, that dick cheney. that's a funny person to be talking about credibility. joining me now is former congressman patrick murphy, democrat from pennsylvania. he is the first iraq war veteran elected to congress. thanks for coming on the show. >> thanks for having me back on, rev. >> dick cheney thinks the president has no credibility. i mean, is he serious? >> rev, you would think that ten years after dick cheney got us into an unnecessary war in iraq that caused 4,486 americans
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their lives and tens of thousands injured an hundreds of thousands of iraqis to be killed, you would think ten years later that he would have the decency to keep his mouth shut about credibility of elected leaders. >> now, you were an iraq war veteran. so you're one of those that went over at the risk of your lives and certainly those that you served with on cheney's policy. i mean how do you feel when you hear this man just stand there and make these kind of -- sit there and make these kind of statements. >> it really gets my irish up, to be honest with you reverend. here is a guy that basically lied to the american people, that said we have full confidence that they have weapons of mass destruction, that we have full confidence that they're going fob nuclear weapon. it was a shell game, reverend. he basically said, look, 9/11, look, weapons of mass destruction in iraq. we should focus there.
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look, 9/11, there is a connection to 9/11 with iraq. both of which were not true. and rev, my problem with this is the same shell game that is gone on now, because now they're saying look, the president doesn't have any credibility on the nsa because look at benghazi. look at the irs. the president had nothing to do with neither one of those. every single testimony has shown that, rev, the testimony of secretary of defense leon panetta said the white house didn't make this call. in fact the president said do whatever is necessary to keep our troops, our people safe. >> right. >> wherever they are, including benghazi. but, reverend, panetta testified. secretary gates testified on it. and secretary gates said anyone that said the president didn't protect our troops is cartoonish. that's secretary gates, who served under george bush and barack obama. >> that's what he said. now cheney also, congressman, went after susan rice. he said she was peddling
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misinformation. listen to this. >> she appears to have been part of the cover-up. i just question whether or not somebody whose judgment was so flawed that they took what was apparently very bad information and peddled it as aggressively as she did. >> i mean, she was given information by the cia. and now she is the peddler of misinformation? i mean, this is about as crazy as you can get. >> and it really goes after the character of a truly great public servant. as you know, rev, susan rice is a testament to the american dream. she worked her way through -- i mean one of the brightest people we have in government. and to attack her service. and she was honest. she was basically given the facts presented to her. she was given to the american people. and to call her character in question is really -- from someone like dick cheney, by the way, who had no problem cherry picking the intelligence.
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when our own intelligence agencies were going forward and saying hey, we don't know where he got this. this is against what we're telling the commander in chief and what we're telling folks, and he is saying something different. he is going off a different sheet of music. i have a real issue with that. >> don't forget that in a recent documentary, i'll play this as i let you go, congressman, when dick cheney was asked about how he viewed his own faults, let me show you what his response was about his moments of reflections on his own faults and flaws. >> what do you consider your main fault? >> my main fault? well, i don't spend a lot of time thinking about my faults i guess would be the answer. >> there for a lot of self-inspection and reflection. patrick murphy, thanks for your time this evening. >> thanks, reverend. i appreciate it. great to be back on. ahead, news on president
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obama's approval rating and what it means for his agenda. but first, from punch line to power broker, sarah palin is a real force in the gop. and democrats better take her seriously. that's next. >> i say until we have someone who knows what they're doing, i say let allah sort it out. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? with centurylink visionary cloud a brinfrastructure,
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as i mentioned earlier today, the supreme court struck down a controversial arizona law that required voters to show proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. in a 7-2 decision, the court ruled the 2004 law is unconstitutional. this is very good news. i applaud the court for getting this one right. this law disenfranchised american minority voters. often these laws are masked as ways to prevent voter registration fraud. today we saw the legal system protect the right to vote. but we still have a long way to go, and we won't stop fighting to protect our rights. all business purchases.
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& freedom conference roaring. if you thought that whole rebranding idea was failing before, now comes this. >> our government spied on every single one of your phone calls, but it couldn't find two pot smoking deadbeat bostonians with a hotline to terror central in chechnya. really? you know what i wish congress would do? man, just for a week perhaps, just put themselves on cruise control -- ted cruz control. i say until we know what we're doing, until we have a commander in chief who knows what he is doing, well, in these radical islamic countries aren't even respecting basic human rights. both are slaughtering each other as they scream over an arbitrary allah akbar. i say until we have someone who
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knows what they're doing, i say let allah sort it out. >> so this is a nightmare for the republican party. whatever you think about sarah palin, she has a loyal following. and now she has the platform to sound off again. >> governor palin, welcome -- welcome back to the couch. >> that's right. after an ugly five-month split, palin is back with fox news. >> mayor bloomberg. now what he is saying, wherever you live in new york city, you've got to separate the food scraps from the regular garbage. >> dude, new yorkers feel like you're just a bunch of little babies with thank goodness you got this nanny over you telling you what to do every day. and heaven forbid not, otherwise you couldn't get through the day. >> bias alert. cbs news has compared the iranian new president to the tea party. >> in u.s. terms it was as if all the presidents for the candidacy came from the tea party. >> okay. >> thank you for that, elizabeth.
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>> elizabeth, you just put the bs in cbs. it's things like that that people here see and realize how out of touch the mainstream media is. >> good luck, gop. what could possibly go wrong? joining me now are dana milbank and angela reid. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thank you, reverend. >> dana, here we go again. whatever you think about palin, she is a force. how does her comeback inpack the gop? >> above all, it's great news for the media busy, because she has been a great source of enjoyment and headlines for us for years. i'm very delighted in a personal way to have her back. what it means for republican party is basically they went on this experiment for the beginning of the president's second term here, and that was could they behave in a more responsible way. but what you have seen is when people do that, when marco rubio tries to cut a deal on
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immigration, when jeb bush tacks toward the moderate middle, they basically get ost stra sized from the party. so i think what you're hearing is a little bet of backlash to that conciliatory effort. and i think fox news is recognizing that. they love being in opposition. so they want to restore that platform for sarah palin. >> and aside from the platform, you know, she has power on the right. for example, gop posted kellyanne conway tells national review, quote, she flourishes when she is within her element and among people who believe in her message and want to hear red meat with a soft touch. amy kremer says, who is the president of tea party express says her support if anything has grown. she is a rock star to the conservative movement. so the fact that there may be some republicans that want to
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try to bring about a moderate stand and make the republican party more open, the fact that this, quote, rock star of the far right is something that really might stand in the way of the republicans at least doing that easily, not only will she stand in the way, a rock star is not what they need. they need serious policymakers. so the fact that they even think her platform is going to help them in any kind of way is laughable. the problem is the jokes she continues to make are the lighthearted nature in which she treats real, legitimate issues are highly problematic. the joke she made about the boston marathon bombers and the whole terrorism issue is terrible. the fact that she made this joke about allah akbar and all of these other things related to islam is terrible. we have american citizens in this country who worship, our muslims. >> and isn't someone saying that about a christian's belief?
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it's unheard of in a country to mock someone's religion like that. >> not only that, but it's horrible to think that this is someone who could have potentially been the representative of -- or been a representative of the united states government. she was on a vice presidential candidate. i'm very glad that she didn't have her opportunity to be in the vice presidential mansion. she is not a good reflection of diplomatic efforts in this country. she makes light of very serious matters like our national security. she is just not a legitimate policymaker. and while she could be a king or queen maker for the gop because of sarah packing the money she raises, i really wish they would start asking her tough questions. at the end of the day, rev, loose lips sink ships, and perhaps parties as well. >> when she was running for vice president, we asked some not so tough questions and she didn't know the answer. >> or that. >> but dana, the fact is she is not only taking shots at those on the left or democrats or
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people's religion, look what she said over the weekend challenging jeb bush about immigrants. look at this. >> let's not kid ourselves in believing that we can rebuild our majority. by the way, by passing a pandering, rewarding the rule breaker, still no border security, special written amnesty bill. i think it's kind of dangerous territory, touchy territory to want to debate this over one racist fertility rate over another one. and i say this as someone who is kind of fertile herself. >> i mean, that kind of stuff is really a problem for them, dane. that. >> it is. the reason she can get away with this is because she's not really in politics now. nobody expects her -- nobody is talking about another presidential run. nobody expects her to hold an office. this is about riling people up. i mean she is in the ann coulter category of that kind of entertainment. what is interesting is something
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like fox news trying to bring her back into the mainstream again. you would think because the economy is getting better, americans' satisfaction with the way things are going is up. usually that doesn't play very well for a sarah palin, a glenn beck, a rush limbaugh. so it is rather interesting play that they think that there is still enough angry folks out there, very angry about the direction the country is going that they still think they can make some money at this. >> angela, as you stated, she is a little more than ann coulter. she was the vice presidential nominee on the republican ticket in 2008. you can't dismiss her as just an ann coulter when this woman ran to be a heart beat away from the presidency on the ticket of major party. >> yeah, you can't dismiss her. and the fact that she snuck in, it was definitely a wild card and surprised everyone, i think including some of senator mccain's staffers, it's highly
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problematic because she has tremendous influence over a certain arm of the party. i think to dana's point about there being enough angry folks, i actually do think there are enough angry folks there are still people talk about taking their country back. she words used like amnesty, talking about this very serious debate on comprehensive immigration reform in the senate and now in the house this week. well need people who are not just spewing out sound bites and using hateful rhetoric talking about people who are actually american citizens or on the pathway to citizenship to reach out to the parts of this country that the gop said they want to reach out to with that $11 million outreach plan. so she's not helping their cause, to your much earlier point. and i think she should take a back seat for a little while. >> i'm going have to leave it there. dana milbank and angela rye, we'll be following this one. thanks for being here with us. >> thanks, rev. >> thanks, rev. coming up, obama care. the president's approval rating,
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it's time for reply al. we've got plenty of great e-mails to answer tonight. so let's get right to it. carl asks are you concerned that president obama's recent drop in job approval polls will affect his ability to fight for his/our agenda? i think polls go up and down. i think that a lot of what we're seeing is reaction to some of the spin that has given by the right wing. i think that any of his fights for our agenda has been difficult. i think they will continue to be. but i think the polls will go back up because i think the president will keep his eye on
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the prize and keep moving forward. km asks it seems that the gop is ignoring the will of the american people and continuing to do what they want instead of what we -- what they were elected to do. how can we let them know that americans do not agree with their politics? we must vote. we must register people to vote. we must come out to rallies. we must raise our voices, e-mails, calls. we must never give a moment's rest to those that don't give us a moment of fairness in this country. johnny asks i want to know what it was like seeing james brown on stage in his prime. well, you know, james brown took me in when i was a teenager and became like a father to me. and i traveled around, saw him at his prime, saw him as he got older. he was a force of energy. i was close with michael jackson and others, but nobody commanded a stage like james brown. no one had that energy.
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i would see him do shows for hours and then go to the studio for hours. he was one of a kind, and i love and miss him. continue to send all your questions. e-mail me at ask remember, friend or foe, i want to know. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. before we get into another war, shouldn't we have a vote or something? let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with this. we americans enjoy our traditions is u.s. open in philadelphia this weekend, the nba championship heading back to miami. the stanley cup. we had another tradition called democracy. it's cald
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