tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 18, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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here we go. they have a tip on jimmy hoffa's body. we thought we would visit all of the unsolved ones. the limbberg baby, what happened to it. maybe you still have some of that ransom money left willing to share. how many licks does it take to get to the center of a to thety pop. >> that is the biggest one. >> how do they gram all the gram into golden grams. and where do my socks go when they don't come out of the dryer. >> you have a bonus? >> one more. michael writes hey shactman, straighten your time, this isn't a fraternity house. >> people think i'm simple or something, but the bottom line, my collar was too tight and i was asphyxiated. my cheeks were getting red. let's go to "morning joe" right now.
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>> should this be transparent in some way? >> it is transparent. that's why we set up the fisa court. some people say obama was this raving liberal before, now he's dick cheney, dick cheney sometimes say, he took it all lock, stock and barrel. my concern has always been not that we shouldn't do intelligence gathering to prevent terrorism, but rather are we setting up a systems of checks and balances. >> it's the top of the hour. why are you laughing? >> something barnicle said. >> okay. >> he was reading aloud. >> barnicle said something. a lot of great news out there. >> i still can't get over brian shactman being asphyxiated. that's a serious condition. >> he says it makes things a lot more intense. i never really get what. >> oh, come on. it is 6:00 in the morning.
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>> i -- >> you choke yourself to like, what? i don't get that. >> oh, no, no, no. >> rerack the tape and start over. >> like bacon. it makes everything better. >> all right. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. >> tuesday, june 18th. holy cow. who's on set with us, mika. >> with us on set msnbc contributor mike barnicle, msnbc and "time" magazine senior political analyst mark halperin, and in washington, pulitzer-prize winning columnist and associate editor of the "washington post" and msnbc political analyst eugene robinson. and we have a big show today. we're going to be talking about his piece in the post. chris christie will be on the show. >> that's great. >> also, justin rose, do you know who that is? >> yes. >> the new champion of the u.s. open. he'll be here on set this hour. so some guests coming up among many others. a lot of news to cover. >> a lot of stuff to cover. a lot of things going on. >> no. >> i'm not trying to -- what's
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this "new york post" story here? >> whatever it is mark halperin says it's disappointing. >> it leads nowhere. >> better off reading cindy adams. >> a lot of that going on around here. go ahead. let's talk about what's going on. >> thanks. all right. it's day two of the g-8 in ireland where the talks are expected to hinge on trade, transparency, and taxes and things got off to somewhat of a frosty start for president obama and russian president vladimir putin. >> look at putin. look at putin. >> doesn't look happy. >> the guy steals people's rings first of all, but he always tries to act as disinterested. you see that first shot. unbelievable. >> still, it was better than the event putin held with prime minister david cameron the day before where the russian president accused western powers of arming syrian rebel who eat human body parts. oh, lord. but, both the u.s. and russian leaders agreed that while they differ on a political
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resolution, they both want to find an end to the violence and in an interview before he headed overseas, president obama pushed back on the idea that more could have been done earlier to avoid the bloodshed. >> this argument that somehow we had gone in earlier or heavier in some fashion, that the tragedy and chaos taking place in syria wouldn't be taking place i think is wrong. i don't think that anybody would suggest somehow that there was a ready-made military opposition inside of syria that could somehow have quickly and cleanly defeated the syrian army and one of the challenges that we have is that some of the most effective fighters within the opposition have been those who, frankly, are not particularly friendly towards the united states of america and arming them willy-nilly is not a good
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recipe for meeting american interests over the long term. >> i think there's some false choices there. first of all, if we had gone in earlier, 80,000 people wouldn't be dead. not saying that there wouldn't have been a lot of americans dead. and he's talking all this time later about going in willy-nilly. we're not going in there. you wrote about syria today. >> yes. >> this is one of the more vexing problems, because we do have a reason strategically to go into syria. they're one of our two major enemies in the middle east. my gosh, most americans don't want to go there and after a decade of war, i think it will be a bad choice on our part. but there aren't any good choices, are there? >> no. there are no good choices. you know, my column this morning tries to figure out what we're doing now. i mean, we have a huge reasons to be interested in what happens in syria. i'm not so sure we had a huge reason to go in earlier an i'm not sure we have a huge reason
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to go in now, simply because we don't have good options. and it seems to me that what the president is doing now, we're giving some light arms and maybe some heavier arms to one of the opposition leaders who is said to be more moderate, i mean it's like an old-fashioned proxy war. we've got our side and the russians and the iranians have their side and we're going to fight it out. this is not going to help in any sort of humanitarian way the syrian people who, if anything, are going to see more death and destruction in the short term and in the long term, i'm not sure -- as a matter of fact, i doubt, we're as invested in the outcome of this war as putin is and as assad is and the iranians are. you know, so if we're not going to go in, you know, guns blazing which i don't think we should do, i'm wondering why we're going in at all. >> yeah.
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>> so mark, the president, it seems to me the president's position on syria is like the president's position on the nsa. is the president's position on just about everything right now, and he's the law professor. well, some of this, however there's some of that and it's terribly frustrating for both sides. >> yeah. look at the long interview he did with charlie rose. you characterized it just right. he's great at explaining why we shouldn't go in, why we might go in, but there's an indecisive quality to it that really is getting a lot of his critics up in arms on both sides and all these issues people on the left and the right who are unhappy. you've got people who are -- want to be involved in syria on the left who say we've got to stop atrocities, critics on the right who say he's not been tough enough on that and i understand intellectually where he is on that but this is a time when it appears gene's concerns notwithstanding, he's got to
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step up his role and the president has to explain it better than he has. why is it different now. why must we go in despite all the reservations he's laid out? >> all right. the head of the -- did you want to say something, barnicle? >> it's curious in reading the transcript of the interview, i'm wondering why the president doesn't speak more to these issues. because it's fairly understandable what he's talking about when you read the transcript. i did not see the interview. i was speaking yesterday with someone who's fairly high up in the food chain in the intelligence apparatus of this country and this person told me that if you look at syria and look at a limited decision to provide arms to rebels on the ground, that it's the clearest case you would ever want to make for background checks for weapons because we don't know -- we don't know who we're giving the weapons to really. >> that's the problem. if you want president obama to do more, you to be specific about what that means. what would you have him do at this point in time? do you want to send in tanks,
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create a no-fly zone. a lot of people say yes that's the answer. the president said no yesterday. not enough to say we need to help stop the bloodshed. that has real practical meaning. what would the united states do and at what cost to us? >> yeah. >> and also, just to throw in, i mean, you know, the precipitating event was supposedly that we found out that assad used chemical weapons and that's the prn bhe reason b doesn't seem the best way if you're going to punish assad for using chemical weapons, do a couple missile strikes on his airfields or something like that, you could do a one off to say don't do that again. this doesn't seem to be commess rate or effective punishment for breaking that international rule. >> think about the math, gene, because that's also sort of quizzical too. 90,000 people have perished in this civil war and the sarin gas, at least what they know, has maybe affected 100 to 150.
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it's all horrible but i don't understand why that -- why was that red line drawn. you know. >> yeah. you know, i think it's just because we -- the international community such as it is has decided that's a line that shouldn't be crossed and -- >> okay. >> i can understand the logic behind that even though the math clearly doesn't work out. but why do this? i mean, is this going to help the syrian people? >> we'll talk about this more coming up. to other news now, the head of the nsa is set to testify on capitol hill today. this as president obama says the government's surveillance programs are not nearly as intrusive as some critics claim. >> what i can say unequivocally is that if you are a u.s. person, the nsa cannot listen to your telephone calls, and the nsa cannot target your e-mails. >> and have not? >> and have not.
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they cannot and have not by law and by rule unless they -- and usually it wouldn't be they, it would be the fbi -- go to a court and obtain a warrant. >> that's what we've been trying to cover. i mean that is true. right? reporting through the "the guardian." >> he's saying i'm not dick cheney. his problem is when he was running all of these programs were just the worst things in the world. he wasn't a critic. he was one of the most vocal opponents of this thing. so now he's having to defend them. >> it's coming from both sides as we've been saying for the last couple weeks. he said in that same interview with charlie rose that it's ironic to watch republicans who rail against him now, talking about how these programs are indefensible when they defended them for president bush and now conservatives talking about black helicopters to use the president's term last night,
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when it's president obama but not when it's president bush. >> also the implication has been, has it not, mark halperin, that people have been spied on, their e-mails read, their chats have been read, isn't that what we think we're debating here and isn't that not the case? >> it's been overstated what it's done. there are a lot of people who are civil libertarians, journalists who have -- >> up in arms. >> a lot who would normally be up in arms who think this program is constitutional and legal. one of the things the president did that interview that hasn't gotten much attention, he asked clapper, the head of the intelligence, to see if more of the program can be declassified so more can be discussed and i think that's where the president's heart and head is in the right place, which is he thinks the programs need to be in place but he would like there to be greater understanding about them so people don't jump to conclusions about what they do and don't. >> they want to find one incident where they can actually reveal every aspect to show what was prevented but they want to do that in a way that doesn't
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jeopardize national security so it's more complicated than it appears. fair enough? >> well -- >> what? >> do you really want to hear what the guy who was talking yesterday about the program said in 2007 and 2008? i can't just sit here keep hearing you say this program is not as bad as we thought it was -- >> no, i'm not saying that. >> is a guy that ran around for two years saying george bush and dick cheney hated the constitution and tore it to shreds and now people on the left are going it's fine, there's nothing wrong with it. >> does it tear -- >> no, mika, i'm right here. >> okay. >> liberals were saying for years how evil george bush and dick cheney were. now that barack obama is doing it, a lot are saying and you seem to be no, much ado about nothing. >> i think this is one of those issues that most people at this point want it done. they want it done. >> yeah. >> they want it done. do they want their personal
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e-mails being read? listen, let us know if you disagree. do they want our personal e-mails being read and our phone conversations being listened into? no. that's not happening. >> most people wanted it done, mike barnicle, when -- >> be clear what i'm talking about. >> yeah, but most people wanted it done when barack obama was running around saying that george w. bush and dick cheney were doing great violence to the constitution. >> mike barnicle, there wasn't as this program. >> it appears, from talking to more than a few people about this over the past few days, most people, including us, or at least including me, have very little clue as to how these programs actually operate. >> right. >> very little clue. the other element of it, that is interesting, is that, you know, when you look at the program as a whole and you read the transcript of what the president said last night, you keep wondering why doesn't the president of the united states explain the difference, as he
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ought to, i would think at this point, in running for president and once becoming president. once you see what you have on your desk when you're elected you have an entirely different view of the world. >> the thing is mike, we were saying that before he got elected when he was running around being self-righteous. >> true. >> we were saying -- >> gitmo. >> first intel briefing. i guess, gene, if he hadn't been so self-righteous, if he hadn't been so above it all, if he hadn't had such contempt -- >> well now, come on. >> for what dick cheney and george w. bush were doing -- >> well -- >> well this is a great thing about living in the age we can live in. we can go back to june, july, august of 2008 or 2007 or 2006, when people were comparing verizon to nazi war criminals for taking part in this program on the left who are now sitting quietly by and saying -- >> joe -- >> the president is doing what the president needs to do. >> first of all, some of us are
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surprised and appalled at the scope of this program, did not know that all our phone records were being collected in this way, still don't know enough about how they're being stored, how long they're being stored, exactly what's happening with them. so no, it's not true that everybody on the left has just rolled over and said it's okay if obama is doing it. second, if you really want to compare the obama record on civil liberties and human rights and information security with that of bush, well, fine. this is a negative mark for obama, but remember, george bush was doing this without warrants, totally illegally, and they went to court, john ashcroft's hospital bed, to try to get him to sign off on a patently illegal -- >> warrantless wire taps. >> listening program. >> on the heels of walking us
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into war and many would agree that one of those wars were on preconditions that turned out not -- the whole atmosphere was completely different. i understand the hypocrisy you talk about and i'm probably guilty of it so i don't want to start a fight here -- >> i'm focusing more on the president than anybody else. >> you know exactly what i'm saying. >> it would be nice for the president -- he's not going to. how is the president doing in the polls? >> not well. >> let's talk about it. overall president obama has lately seen an erosion of his support, particularly among some -- >> i just wanted to change the subject. >> that's why you want to change the subject. okay. among some of his previously strongest backers. a cnn/orc poll shows his approval rating down 8 points, an 18-month low. his disapproval rating up 9 points than a month ago. a month ago 65% of 18 to 29-year-olds approved of his job in office. a month later that number down 17%. for the first time his presidency, fewer people are willing to call president obama
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honest and trust worthy than those who would not. >> mark, what's behind these numbers? >> well, this is a snapshot like all polls and not like the sky is falling. he's been lower than that. this is a dangerous time for him because if he doesn't start getting stuff down now, it's hard to see later in his term -- >> what's he going to get done? i mean -- >> background checks, 90% approval rating he can't get it through the senate. four democrats don't even go along with him. he's not going to get immigration. immigration is looking -- poor marco rubio is getting skewered out there. there's no place for him to run. no place for him to hide. >> well, i mean marco rubio's problems are distinct from the president's obviously, but they are connected which is we're in very polarized times. when bill clinton or george bush on occasion, particularly bill clinton, had trouble on both his left and right we called the trian gulation. he figured out a way to elevate himself above both the extremes
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and capture the middle. the president if you look at the poll numbers and as mika pointed out the erosion is, he's in a voice, getting hit from both the left and right on the happiness of the big issues of the day and if you look at second term, reagan, clinton, scandals really were problem for him in the second term. for george bush, the war in iraq was a real big problem. and this president again, the window for a second-term president it's now. if he's going to get stuff done and have momentum, it's a heck of a lot harder to get stuff done at 45% than at 53% and the young people who probably turned off by a variety of things, but the privacy stuff matters a lot to a lot of young people. >> supporters have always had opinions on what the president should do. what are they saying? what do they want him to do? how does he get out of this? how does the president get out of this bind he's in? >> he needs to continue to try to build relationships with congressional leaders and convince them on big issues like
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the economic and budget they should strike a deal. >> they did a charm offensive for a week or so. are they still doing it? >> they got to get immigration moving. they have to create a sense of momentum. while the stuff the president is doing overseas is important, it doesn't really rise to the level of bigness that i think can have an affect on getting stuff done back here at home which is still what most voters in this country would like to see. >> if he doesn't pass background checks, 90% approval rating, i don't think he's going to pass immigration through the house, what's he do? what's next for him? >> i still think if they get a big senate vote as senator schumer said, 70 votes or so in the senate, i think they can get it done in the house because i think the republican leadership in the house would like to get it done. again, if you look at the other things on their domestic agenda, none of them are nearly as good a chance right now as immigration. i think they have to do it. it's so much harder with poll numbers like that. so much harder. >> coming up on "morning joe," governor chris christie joins us here on set. also, nbc's david gregory.
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we'll talk to golf's u.s. open champ justin rose. later from hbo's "curb your enthusiasm" actress susie essman, apparently the latest chapter of our sears -- no, it is. the latest chapter of our series from arianna huffington's bed. we do interviews in her bed. politico's john harris is here to take us through the morning playbook. you're watching "morning joe" brewed by starbucks. the verizon share everything plan for small business
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lets you connect up to 25 devices on one easy to manage plan. that means your smartphone, her blackberry, his laptop, mark's smartphone... but i'm still on vacation... ...still on the plan. nice! so is his tablet, that guy's hotspot, the intern's tablet. the intern gets a tablet? everyone's devices. his, hers, oh sorry... all easier to manage on the share everything plan for small business. connecting more so you can do more. that's powerful. verizon. get the blackberry q10 for $199.99. at 24 past the hour, let's take a look at the morning papers. the montreal gazette, the mayor of montreal canada was arrested and charged with 14 counts of
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fraud and corruption in connection with real estate deals he was involved with back in 2006. applebalm becomes the latest canadian mayer to find himself in hot water. remember toronto's mayor he's been under fire for allegedly getting caught on tape smoking crack. >> the "l.a. times" new reports show red meat consumption is shown to tie to diabetes. they studied diets for 16 years. even those that had as little as half a serving of red meat a day had a 48% chance of contracting diabetes. those who decreased their intake had only a 40% chance of developing the disease. diabetes affects 26 million people in the united states today. dallas morning news, the pentagon is set to announce women to allow to join the special elite operation forces. the navy s.e.a.l.s and rangers.
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general standards will be put into place for admission in that is program. >> from "the boston globe" professional hitmen have feelings too. the trial of whitey bulger admitted assassin, john martin rhino said he when he learneded his best friend was an fbi informant it, quote, sort of broke my heart. during his testimony he implicated bulger in as many as six murders in the 1970s, a number that is expected to rise when he takes the stand again today. >> to the "wall street journal" gm expanded a recall to include an additional 200,000 suvs citing possible fire concerns. the recall includes five models, including the trail blazer and envoy. the company recommends owners of the vehicles park outside to avoid garage fires. >> all right. to willie right now with politico playbook. willie? >> look who's here in studio, mr. john harris. how do you like this, right here
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in new york city. good to see you. >> hey. >> screaming headline if front of, piece by you and maggie haberman, the clinton paradox, not talking about former secretary hillary clinton, we're talking about bill clinton. >> bill clinton. maggie and i spent a couple months looking at all his speeches, the paradox is, bill clinton's never been more popular, gallup shows that. listen to him over the course of the spring, he's never been less political. bill clinton is in full mode, telling stories about his youth growing up in arkansas, his great grandfather's tornado cellar and the snakes down there. telling stories about his travels in africa. he's talking about things that are important to him, nongovernmental organizations, reducing inequality, completely removed from the political arena. >> how strategic is that? >> it's not strategic. it's where bill clinton is in his life right now. he's going to be 67 later this summer. i thought it was interesting, because we've often wondered if hillary clinton did become president what would that be
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like? bill clinton, hyper political creature, hyper kinetic guy in the white house, wouldn't that be strange? i don't think it would be that strange. the things that bill clinton is talking about these days, actually are very similar to what first ladies have traditionally talked about. i think he would slide seamlessly into a kind of a first gentleman role and it wouldn't be that weird if hillary clinton does decide to run if she wins, a couple big ifs. >> we've seen he does have influence when he does step out still and talk about major issues as he did about syria a few days ago. that grabbed a lot of attention. >> totally. >> when he made a backhanded critique of president obama. >> but he's total out for the moment out of the partisan mode and far more effective. the worst period -- one of the worst periods in his ex-presidency when most political trying to run hillary clinton's campaign, making these partisan comments. they love the idea of bill clinton as a unifying figure and nonpolitical figure.
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>> if hillary clinton runs for president how will you keep bill clinton behind the scenes standing and waving politely and telling stories about his youth in arkansas and take politics around from him? >> as he campaigned for the last democratic nominee he was political but he has the ability now, in part because of his reputation and image, to talk about politics in way that is not as polarizing as almost anybody else. so i think he can probably find the balance and unlike when he was campaigning for her last time, i think he's a little more aware now of being in the game and what politics is like in this decade as compared to when he was running for himself. i've got -- i'd say he's probably founds the right balance to figure out how to talk about politics in a nonpolitical way better than anybody else. >> become an old sage, hasn't he? >> exactly. >> john harris with plitco, great to have you up here. >> see you, willie. >> coming up next, golf's newest champion, justin rose joins the table in new york fresh off his
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welcome back to "morning joe." joining us now, the champion, that sounds pretty good, the 2013 u.s. open, mr. justin rose. congratulations. great to see you. >> thank you very much. thanks for having me on. >> you brought the trophy. >> look at some of the names on that trophy, is it staggering to have your name etched on there. >> absolutely. that's who i've read about in history books, grown up watching on tv, that's who i've idolized and i'm sort of part of that club and that i found surreal. >> you were talking in the break about the gravity of it having been father's day and you watched a lot of your friends win and to have the moment of hugging their dad you didn't get that physically but it was a nice moment to look up and think about your connection to dad? >> absolutely. i think a lot of us come from great men and that was my first moment in a meaningful situation to be able to honor my dad. he gave me -- he gave up so much for me to be a professional golfer and he dedicated a lot of
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his life to me being a professional golfer. we had so many quality times together on the golf course growing up and obviously he left too soon. i was 21 and -- but he -- i feel like when i look back at our life together we had quality, not quantity. i'm grateful for that. one moment to soak? >> people who don't know your back story or the casual fan remembers 1998 when you were a pimple-faced 18-year-old at the british open, had an amazing shot, came in fourth, and then you sort of i won't say disappeared but you faded from the forefront and when you were struggling in your 20s, was there a point that you thought this is never going to work for me. that was the high point? >> i think disappeared is a nice way to put it. i fell off the map, missing my first 21 cuts, when you're young and naive, 17 years, finish fourth in the open and think you're ready. maybe in the long run, the best thing that could have happened
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to me was that tough start. it made me humble. i guess the game of golf can make you look pretty foolish at times, but i kind of just believed in hard work and went back to the drawing board and worked my way up. so there were definitely times where this seemed an awfully long way away. and you know, no matter how good you get, there's a lot of great players throughout history who have gone their whole career without winning a major. although i believed i could do it and hoped i would do it the fact of having done it is just such a relief in a way. >> was the course merion, shorter, narrower, than most of the courses you people play? was that the biggest opponent? >> absolutely. i think it was -- for such a short golf course i never hit so many long irons. i mean, you know, when i -- brought ought these new clubs, the rocket blades, and i figured when i put them in my bag that's the clubs to help you win the masters because of the par 5s.
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never thought of merren i would be hitting so many lines. >> why were you? >> the short par 4srs, hitting irons off the tee when not a short par 4 it's a long par 4 and the par 3s are over 200 yards. a lot of 3 irons into the par 3s. i feel that part of my game is what helped me to win the championship. merion teased everybody. step on to a par 4 that's through 350 yards, and if you're trying make up ground, guys are on a push to get back into the tournament. those were the guys getting caught up in the rough. the fact that i was at the top of the leader board gave me the ability to stay patient than the guys trying to make up and kept me out of trouble. what i felt at merion i was trying not to make a double bogey all week. >> i usually try not to make a double bogey on every hole. talk about sitting in the clubhouse and watching phil mickelson coming in there, did
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you have any good luck charles? >> yeah. >> what were you doing? >>. >> cloo early i want to win the golf tournament and hoping he doesn't chip in, but you have to feel for phil -- >> it wasn't "caddie shack," miss it. >> newnan. >> that is the great thing about golf, right. i actually learned the hard way. last year in dubai i finished -- i was playing the 18th hole with a two-shot lead, rory stinl still on the gourg, birdied the last five to beat me. i was not being premature about things. i did walk off the golf course thinking i had done enough. i was praying and hoping this is going to be my time. but definitely got to give a shout out to phil and six times second place in this great championship and tough one for him. >> he ae's got plenty of majors >> that's true. i'm a beginner at this. >> a lot of people have been rooting for you since the british open 15 years ago. happy for you.
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congratulations. >> congratulations. >> thanks, guys. i appreciate it. >> thanks for giving this to us. >> yeah. i figured some morning coffee out of that. >> yeah. >> like putin, we'll take it. justin rose, thanks so much. coming up next, mika's must-read opinion pages. watching "morning joe" brewed by starbucks. want to save on electricity? don't use it. live like they did long ago. or just turn off the lights when you leave a room. you can conserve energy wisely. the more you know.
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[ man ] her parents didn't expect her dreams to be so ambitious. italy? oh, that's not good. [ man ] by exploring their options, they learned that instead of going to italy, they could use a home equity loan to renovate their yard and have a beautiful wedding right here while possibly increasing the value of their home. you and roger could get married in our backyard. it's robert, dad. [ female announcer ] come in to find the right credit options for your needs. because when people talk, great things happen. at 42 past the hour time for the must-read opinion pages. we'll take this from the national review. it's called rubio's foley continued. it is painful to watch marco rubio's maneuverings on immigration. he's refusing to say whether he will vote yes on his gang of eight bill after spending months drafting defending and helping shepherd it to the floor, he has supposedly discovered that the
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enforcement provisions are inadequate, although he has done countless interviews touting that the bill contains the toughest enforcement measures in the history of the united states which is what his website says. at the same time rubio declares the bill 95, 96% perfect. >> we're seeing this, mark halperin, you cover iowa an awful lot, we're seeing iowa activists come out and tell him not to bother to come. the most powerful radio voice saying don't even bother coming here. the national review has a regular rubio's foley column. erick erickson red state being openly critical and seems like marco is responding by sort of bouncing back and forth. what's he doing? what's his strategy? >> he's thrown himself into this. done lots of media interviews on the right. he believes this -- the basic premise of the senate bill is
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strong and needs to be passed. he's got a lot of allies. he's got a lot of business allies, a lot of republican allies, and he is showing, i think, a fair amount of courage in not backing off and trying to finesse this thing through the senate. >> is he not backing off, gene? sounds some days like he's backing off. >> i guess one of the conservative outlets said he would say one thing to spanish speaking entirers and another thing to english speaking interviewers. >> that's kind of a problem. there's only one way for him to go on this really, and it's forward. it's not as if this is some sort of political death sentence historically at least. john mccain was for comprehensive immigration reform and got the nomination. george w. bush was for it he got the nomination. it's not that you can't ever get the republican nomination if you're for immigration reform and gone so far -- i don't think he can back up on this.
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>> we've got two other republicans in the news getting slammed. a new report in "the washington post" says va's governor bob mcdonald has billed taxpayers for a number of items that should have been paid for by his family. spending records show the republican governor and his wife used taxpayer money for body wash, sunscreen and dog vitamins. >> you can't do that? >> state workers -- >> i have to go back and amend quite a few financial statements from the '90s. >> state workers were asked -- >> stay clean and doing that for the people. you have a sick dog, stay home and take care of the dog instead of doing the people's business. >> state workers were asked to run personal errands for their adult children including trips to the dry cleaner. mcdonald's spokesman said the governor has made a constant effort [ inaudible ]. >> okay. >> that's interesting. >> save that for later. >> have you heard what the reports are on cornyn. >> he's creative.
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>> he's creative in terms of how he puts together his pension. senator john cornyn of texas apparently been collecting three pensions. >> not one, not two. >> but three. >> on top of his salary according to the national journal, the number two ranking senate republican collected $65,000 in pension benefits in addition to his $174,000 senate salary in 2012. according to a national journal amended financial disclosures revealed the pensions date back to when he served in the texas judicial system and when he was the state's attorney general. >> so nothing illegal about that, right? >> in texas we do everything bigger. >> yeah. >> three pensions. >> he has three pensions. only thing he's amended it now. he wasn't originally telling people he was -- >> he -- >> that's good. >> massachusetts. >> mayor quipbied a three pensions. >> snow white and the seven
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jobs. >> i've got one more. this is on the new york city mayoral race. this is by frank bruni. "new york times" lesser lights big city. last week's candidates forum in the bronx, anthony weiner alone shot to his feet whenever it was his turn to speak, an overeager suter and overwearing nar sistist. when it wasn't weiner time he made no pretense of caring -- >> come on, you don't have to do that. >> you write for "the new york times". >> come on, man. >> come on. >> listen to what his rivals had to say. for weiner rudeness this isn't an oversight. it's a coat of arms. he's a sad spectacle that may make him the perfect mascot for the mayoral race which so far doesn't reflect the greatness of the city whose stewardship is up for grabs. this contest feels crass, it feels small and it feels all the
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smaller because of the constant reminders of how large a figure michael bloomberg is. >> i think frank makes the important point -- michael bloomberg whether you like limb or not was such a massive and remains such a massive presence in this town, not just politically but in business. anything that comes after him will look small by comparison. >> seeing tiny -- >> i think maybe we should move on before we destroy our careers. >> that's a great idea. >> let's go to break. >> i'm sorry. >> come on, frank. you write for "the new york times." >> sometimes a mayoral candidate is just a mayoral candidate. >> what time did frank say it is again? >> weiner time. >> i missed that. >> i'm tired. >> he might make the runoff but seriously, so many people that live in this big, great city, that are looking at these candidates and saying, is this it? especially after you have, you know, love him or hate him and a lot of people are on both sides, rudy giuliani, a big mayor, he
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came in, he and the police commissioner and the city counsel and an awful lot of people did remarkable things, turned this town around. i was skeptical when mike bloomberg came in. didn't think he could keep the town safe and clean. mayor bloomberg has done an extraordinary job. these two guys together, my gosh, you just -- you just as a new yorker, you just sense that this is your right. this -- to have a big, powerful, strong mayor that's big enough and commanding enough to take care of a city this massive. >> this is a field of midgets running. >> it is. >> you keep wondering -- >> is it too rate for ray kelly to get in. >> ray kelly flurry a few weeks ago. toughest jobs, president of the united states, mayor of new york city, and morning joe people. >> you need compassionate people. >> when is the filing deadline?
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>> oh. >> past or close to past. this is the field. one of the people will be the mayor of new york city. >> that's it? >> that's all you got. >> i'm moving to ske neckty. >> chuck todd joins us live from ireland when he's covering the president's trip to the g-8 summit. up next willie revisits the daytime emmy awards. it was like the worst produced -- did you see it, willie? >> yes. >> exactly. >> i do? >> exactly. >> it's in news you can't use and it's next. >> i do? >> it was a hot mess. it was fantastic. >> tell me about it. >> you will. people join angie's list for all kinds of reasons. i go to angie's list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you
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this is going to be good. >> news you can't use. >> mika is at home on sunday. >> i was. >> watching the daytime emmy awards. >> i did watch it. >> okay. at night. >> there was a reason that happened. because i don't -- you know i don't do that. >> okay. >> so mika -- >> i was medicated. >> mika brought with her to work today highlights from that program on sunday night. apparently a lot didn't go as planned. >> it might have been better when i was watching it. go ahead. >> because of the drugs. >> let's watch what mika saw the other night.
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>> congratulations doug davidson. >> cheryl, thank you. >> things to do with your emmy. i use mine as a whisk. >> robin? >> get it from you in just a second, sam. >> what a song. >> like. >> song. >> ♪ the baby you brought home was someone else's too bad ♪ >> there's steamy heat or is that just giada? >> i don't know if you know we're not making a show anymore. i know. sorry to bring a downer. >> i'm bare foot. >> oh, [ bleep ]. i'm on the me morium list? >> there is always the alternative. at least i made the [ bleep ] list. >> oh. interestingly enough, this winner is not in this category but it's exciting to see. if i read it out i'm going to
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give another category away. i'm going to put it back in the envelope and -- >> um, there was more. >> that kind of show -- >> what do you do? >> apparently we bleeped that. >> that happened. i heard that. i thought i dreamed it the next morning. >> and it happened. there it was. >> it really happened. >> classic bernstein. he's encourageble. >> he is. >> did we win thing? nominated for anything? >> i'm sure we were. >> any word on that? >> i don't know they lost the envelope. >> it was a fantastic confluence of disastrous events. all in one live telecast. -- and had mika clued to the screen. >> gene, of course -- >> the hunk. >> the hunk with john stamos in the early '80s. >> yes. >> and it was so fortunate to have him with us now. >> thanks, gene, for being on today. >> thanks. and mika, fantastic confluence
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of catastrophic events or whatever you said. that sounds like a great book title. >> it's true. >> maybe that should be my next one. >> after obsessed. >> exactly. >> thank you very much. new jersey's republican governor chris christie joins the table coming up on "morning joe." >> he's here. >> oh, lord. we're in trouble. >> we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar
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welcome back to mck to "mor joe." look who's here. >> republican governor of new jersey, governor chris christie. you're looking great. how are you doing? >> i feel good. things are going well. >> another week and a half you'll be walking around the jersey shore in a speedo. >> we don't want to subject the people of jersey shore to any more tragedy. >> i was going to say. already been one natural disaster why follow up with another natural disaster? >> these people need to have some time to recover. >> willie, i think you're right. they have been through enough. >> too ugly already down there, really. >> you look fantastic. >> i feel good. thanks, mika. i feel good. >> all right. >> so -- >> bill clinton. >> yeah. i wanted to ask about this. you had a chance, you could have gone down to faith and freedom coalition conference in d.c. >> right. played the base. >> good thing to do if you want
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to run for president. or hung out with bill clinton at cgi. you chose bill clinton, why? >> because of the topic. the topic was he wanted to talk about leadership in a crisis after sandy and i thought -- >> this is not going to help you with the base. come on, man. >> again. >> you know, it's kind of unusual for me but i think my job is to do my job. >> really? >> and i think share some of the lessons we learned from sandy and still learning was a good thing to do. president clinton's always been very cordial and nice to me and when he called and asked for me to be there, i said yes. >> you acknowledge you were taking a risk being with him, saying that after he sat next to you at a basketball game, he was thinking, this guy's political career is over. >> well, i think that's the overdramatizing the president for my benefit but the fact is we've always gotten along very well and when he called and told me this is what he wanted to talk about, i thought it was a great thing for me to do.
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we went out there and did it. for those people who saw it we had a very substantive conversation about not only what we did in the aftermath but how you rebuild. >> you got a lot of heat recently for calling a special esfleex it's called christie's self-serving stunt by the "new jersey star ledger" editorial. >> i'm so stunned to be called by the newark star ledger, now they're funding stuff to build -- >> do you understand the point? >> i don't agree with the point. >> why is that? >> the fact is, without getting too deeply into the weeds. two conflicts statute once that said hold it november 13 and one november 14th and the only two things consistent my rights call a special election and i calleded it. it's been sustained by the courts. >> explain why you couldn't have done it the same day that you're up nor re-election. >> and save money. >> first of all, i love the fact
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that there are people who have been overspending new jersey's budget for decades and running us into debt who are now complaining about $12 million for an election. these are the same people who, by the way, wanted the insiders to pick who the candidates were going to be and didn't want any kind of election at all. i decided not to do that. i would let people vote. i have no regrets about it at all. the idea that people are to the going to come out and vote for the united states senate seat is crazy. >> they could have voted for you on the day they're voting for governor. >> we wanted to get someone down there quickly as possible. the fact that these immigration debates are going on in real time as we speak i have an appointee i have great faith and confidence. let somebody get down there as quickly as possible. i worked within the statutory dates they gave me. >> i didn't pick when senator lautenberg passed way. >> not hurting you in the polls. >> i don't think so. >> those numbers aren't bad. >> one criticism the star ledger make -- >> you got to stop reading the
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star ledger. i stopped a long time ago. >> a lot of people said this, you didn't want to be on a ballot where the cory booker vote would come out it would cut into your margin of victory and hurt your political aspirations. what do you say to that. >> it's not about me, that if my margin is large or smaller if i win on november 5th, but you as the leader of the party have to think about the down ticket as well. that wasn't what i made the decision based on. i was confronted with a legal decision i made the legal decision i did. booker, you know, and his race for the united states senate, he's going to stand up or down on his own two feet. along with the people that we have running. it wouldn't have mattered to me one way or another if i had been on the same ballot with cory booker, doesn't matter. >> fourth of july is coming up in a couple weeks. new jersey, devastated by sandy. how much has been poured into the reconstruction in the jersey shore? how much more needs to be done? what's the tab going to be to the taxpayer.
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>> listen, i think we'll probably wind up getting somewhere between 20 and $25 billion in aid when you go all across the board from the federal government. and a lot of money that we'll be spending on the state level as well, hundreds of millions of dollars on the state level. 20 to $25 billion that in the end will be spent, but the damages to the state were about $39 billion and so it's going to take a while. i think the good news is that businesses started to come back and i was just saying earlier that about be -- seaside heights is saying they're about 70% of where they were a year ago which i think is actually pretty good given what we've seen down there. real effort now is housing. 365,000 homes were severely damaged or destroyed. >> where are they living? >> people are living with family members and friends, people are living in apartments, they're living in rental houses. and there's probably now less than 30,000 families that aren't back in their own homes. some of the homes were lost were also second homes.
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so there's about 30,000 or so families still out there. they're warm, fed, being taken care of either by the government or by family and friends and it's going to take a while to rebuild those homes. we've started to destroy most of the ones that needed to be taken away and carted away and the rebuilding will start. fema came out with new maps yesterday favorable to the state in terms of rebuilding costs and people will start to make decisions when they want to rebuild or don't. we're buying a lot of homes out too. >> what, if anything can you do to help people frustrated with their insurance companies. it's not necessarily your role to intervene on your behalf but what can the state do? because some are not getting their claims met, not getting enough money, told that the kind of insurance they had does not qualify in some cases. what are those people caught in between do? >> we set up for the first time a mediation program that the state is running that all the insurance companies are licensed by the state have an order to participate in. if you disagree about how much you have a mediation program to go into to try to immediate the
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disputes before you have to go to any lawsuits. but secondly, part of the problem is that most of homeowners coverages didn't cover this because they had flood exclusions. the insurance game in town is the national flood insurance program which is a totally government-run operation. and that's really been frustrating people. it's a good example of why this shouldn't be a government-run thing. let this go back out to the private sector. we would have more ability to work with those folks. talking to the federal government saying why aren't you paying this claim or that claim they're the only group that won't submit to the mediation is the federal government. all the private insurers submit to the mediation. national flood insurance plan says no thanks, governor. they keep saying that's a really good idea. >> and then they don't do it. >> which is what washington does. showing a poll a couple days ago, a 10% approval rating for congress. 10% approval rating and let's -- >> lowest ever, i believe. >> lowest ever. put your approval rating back up. you were talking, we had it up
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last time. latest approval rating for you, 70% approval. 25% disapproval. an yet you have a lot of people on the far right that want to dissociate you with the party. say you're a rhino. and you're doing this in new jersey. what do you say to them? >> i can't concern myself with that stuff, joe. my job is to do my job. i think when people look at my record overall, whether you're on the right-hand side of the spectrum, like i am, or whether you're -- >> but they say you're a moderate or a rhino. >> i don't buy it. >> why do they -- what makes you a rhino. >> republican in name only. >> never heard that criticism until i said nooig nice things about the president in the aftermath of the storm. some folks started to use that term about me. >> nothing to do with policy. >> look at my record. >> just because you didn't call the president a marxist or socialist. you were nice to the president. >> didn't wear my romney sweat shirt to the tour around new
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jersey. so i don't know what -- i've said this all along. i work for the people of new jersey. i was doing my job. i think the people of new jersey is evidenced by those numbers say he put us first and we appreciate it. we need more people in d.c., maybe the ratings wouldn't be at 10% if they put policy ahead of politics. >> i've never been in politics before -- tootoo. >> 30% lead in the governor's lead a healthy lead or not. >> unless you slap on speedos and go -- >> we're not doing that. we already laid that out there. >> try it and see what it does to your numbers. >> there's some things that i -- >> "the new york post" -- >> that i know would be bad. me in a speedo. >> "new york post" would love it. >> the headline writers would love you. >> sure would. >> take you to labor day with that. >> only way i would do that, even consider doing that, is if barnicle did it with me. >> i'll do it. >> that would be a story. >> see he would do it. with white sox, of course.
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>> because he's not running for anything. >> wow. >> he can afford to it. >> what if it raised a lot of money for the jersey shore. >> no, no, no. >> now you're giving my wife ideas. mary pat will be working on me to do this. >> she's running the thing. >> she's raised $37 million for hurricane relief. distributed about a third of that money. focusing on gap funding, to help homeowners who have a gap between, you know, the amount of money that they've gotten from their insurance company and the federal aid they're going to get and rebuilding their home and working on trying to help people with filling that gap so they can get back in their homes. >> so after the election, let's assume that you hold a 30-point lead and knock on wood, obviously republicans are going to start coming to you, some republicans, actually are interested in winning are going to come to you and start talking to you about running for president in 2016. what are you going to say to them? >> i'm going to say let me keep
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doing my job. when those decisions need to be made i'll make them. >> when do those decisions need to be made? >> probably not until 2015. >> kind of late, barnicle. shouldn't he do what most people do, get re-elected -- >> depends on the speedo. >> oh, my god. >> is it a color issue mike or style issue? >> you think you could get elected in this republican party in a primary in iowa, new jersey, south carolina. >> what you said is right, that, you know, republican party, we saw this in 2000, you know, after you lose two elections in a row nationally you want to win. i think our party should be focused on making sure we nominate the best possible candidate we can in 2016 to get elected. >> what's wrong with the national republican party? >> what are the candidates' problems? >> we've lost five out of six of the last presidential elections. the popular vote. why? >> i think because we're not doing what we're doing on the state level where we've been enormously successful.
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we've got 30 to 50 republican governors in this country. why? and i think that's because at the state level they see the republican party as being doers, we get thing done for people. and that we are prac ma tests, we bring people together and do so by not violating our principles at the same time. that's what we've done in new jersey and that's why people are responding i think in the way they are. >> is there a republican in washington or in office in this country that you think represents the future of the party? >> i mean that's not for me to decide. you just read something that accused me of being self-interested. you want me to answer that question. >> me? >> the star ledger. >> you think i want to answer that question then? open myself to be selfish again? >> i'm talking more about the health of the party. >> you go around every day, you see people every day, ordinary people, does it ever surprise you when you see some of the things coming out of the republican party in washington from the floor of the united states senate or the floor of
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the united states house of representatives in that it seems to be so far astray from the ordinary needs of ordinary people? >> well, mike, i would tell you i would broaden that. almost everything that i see that comes out of the floor of congress from both parties shocks me. i think what you've seen in congress is that, you know, people are in both end zones. you know. and nobody's playing in the middle of the field. nobody's trying to get things done. they're yelling and screaming at each other from both end zones. i will tell you, i see stuff that comes out of the democratic party on the floor of the senate and out of the floor of the house of representatives that shocks me as much as stuff that comes out of some folks in the republican party and sometimes even more. so i think that, you know, the fact is, that you need someone to take some leadership down there and i'm disappointed that the president hasn't done that either. and i heard you all talking on the way in about his early parts of his charm offensive. you know the charm offensive should have started in january of 2009. and the fact that all of a sudden now we're in january or we're in june rather of 2013 and we're just talking about a charm
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offensive and trying to get to know congress, your fifth year of the presidency. a little late in the dating game to start to get to know somebody. >> we're not going to get you to announce anything on this show today, i don't think. you are an ambition. >> i can announce i'm not wearing the speedo on the fourth of july. >> but you are an ambitious, driven guy. is there no fiber of your being that thinks to yourself, when you go sit down with president clinton or you spend time with president obama, this may come back to haunt me in south carolina four years from now? >> oh, god. >> you don't think about your future at all politically? into first of all everybody thinks about their future politically, anybody who tells you they don't that's in politics is lying to you. you think about your future politically but you can't allow that to be the only thing that helps you to make decisions. sure it's a factor. i factor it in. but if that's what rules your decisions you're not going to last in this business long. people will see you for the phony you are then. the fact is, i make these
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decisions based on the totality of facts of front of me and the best decisions i can. i'm not worried about it. i recognize there will be some people who try to use the fact that i've done my job against me. i'm willing to have that argument. >> we need two to the jersey shore this summer. >> yes, we do. >> that would be fun. >> come back to the jersey shore. hopefully like the last time we won't get you the worst weather day ever. that was the worst day, rain, cold. >> i've never really been on a beautiful sunny day. i want go. >> i was in long branch yesterday. great things. this is the hardest part about being governor. >> yeah. >> i had more young women coming up from the beach to come up and take pictures with me. >> yeah. >> and, you know, they stand around and take photos and this one guy, older guy looking at me with -- taking pictures and i looked at him and said, isn't governor being the hardest job in the world and the guy burst out laughing you have to have fun in this job and that's what i do. >> oh, my lord.
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>> people in new jersey having a good time too. good to be back in the jersey shore. mika, come any time. >> i'm coming. >> we love to have you guys back. no speedos though. >> no speedos. >> fully clothed. >> no speedos. >> barnicle, you promise? still ahead, nbc's -- thank you, governor. great to have you on. >> happy to be back. >> chuck todd joins us live from ireland with new details on the president's meeting at the g-8 summit. also the moderator of "meet the press" david gregory joins the conversation. first here's bill karins with a check on the forecast. >> good morning to you, mika. everyone in atlanta, you got about 10, maybe 15 minutes before we're going to start to deal with the showers coming into the western portions of the suburbs. as far as the weather goes today, everyone on the east coast needs the umbrella. we're going to have showers and thunderstorms at some portion of your day. not going to rain the entire day. you can see from the radar crossing over the border from alabama into georgia. one cluster towards athens and other clusters that will arrive in atlanta. the forecast today, probably going to have airport delays
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especially this afternoon. the heaviest rains will be focused north carolina, virginia, south carolina and it's also very humid up there around washington, d.c. so you will get some heavy downpours too. i think the big weather story out there, is alaska. these incredible temperatures, this is going down as one of the hottest weeks in alaska's history. 94 degrees yesterday in mcgraph. today 87 in fair banks. they're looking at 80s near 90 all week long. that doesn't happen often in alaska. we leave you with a shot of a hazy, humid washington, d.c. some tropical downpours later on this afternoon. you're watching "morning joe" brewed by starbucks. she promised them... a tropical paradise. but the mutiny is already in full swing. just wait till they tell everyone back home...
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court. some people say well obama was this raving liberal before and now he's dick cheney, dick cheney sometimes says yeah, he took it all lock stock and barrel, my concern has always been not that we shouldn't do intelligence gathering to prevent terrorism, but rather, are we setting up a systems of checks and balances? >> all right. 21 past the hour. joining us now, someone who thinks joe's pants are funny. >> i'm just saying. >> don't make fun of my pants. >> look at the way i dress. >> moderator of "meet the press." >> just striking. i hadn't seen joe -- >> wouldn't know if he has pants on. don't know if he's one to say. >> david gregory? >> yeah. >> a lot of times when he's in washington, he's dressed like that wait up, boxers waist down. >> really. >> wow. secrets from washington. >> l.a. dodgers. l.a. dodgers. how are the dodgers doing? >> not well. >> what's wrong with them? they got magic running the
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thing. they're spending so much money. >> one of the things i said early on, not the dodger way go out and try to replicate the yankees and buy all this talent and think they're going to come and play. that's not how we did it back in the '70s and '80s. >> not in your day with ron sea and steve garvey. you need a disciplined guy like steve garvey. >> but i mean the red sox we dumbed a lot of these guys off. >> exactly. >> seemed like a good idea. >> and then -- >> $250 million and now -- >> the nats have to start hitting as well which is another problem. mika wants to jump off as a bridge as we keep going. >> it's okay. i find it to be fascinating. so interesting. everything you have to say. >> what are you talking about? >> i have no idea. >> a dodgers fan. >> long time. >> with us from ireland, nbc news chief white house correspondent chuck todd. >> i have a question for cluck. >> take it away. >> i have an important question for you, what's wrong with the
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dodgers? >> hey, man, first of all can we reflect on the moment that tonight at yankee stadium. >> that's big. >> dodgers/yankees the first time the dodgers have played at yankee stadium since 1981 in game six of the world series. >> is it really? >> what happened then? >> that's about all david and i have left. look at the best player on the team right now, somebody from the farm system, not somebody bought from the red sox. >> that's right. >> as we're all learning how to pronounce. >> the return, mika, one more thing, donny baseball to the bronx. >> yeah. don mattingly. >> chuck todd, can we talk about president obama's meeting with vladimir putin on the issue of syria? >> he's got a lot of opinions. >> yeah. >> how was putin? did he -- we love the body language. he sits in the chair.
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>> they don't seem to like each other. >> he's just like -- how is that body language? did he give him a full putin yesterday? steal his wedding ring. slouch, act disinterested. >> look at them. >> i think he flexed. he did flex at one point. putin is always flexing. it's what you have to remember. sits there always showing the upper body strength. >> look at that guy. >> this is the fourth time that the president and putt vn met one-on-one, and the first time was in moscow. that meeting didn't go so well. it was a little bit better at camp david. not so great in mexico. by putin/obama standards yesterday was actually went off quite swimmingly. they actually smiled when the cameras were on. putin didn't talk about cannibalism, so that's sort of a way of lowering the bar but -- >> that's good. >> that was a bar of successful. i mean they didn't get what they wanted out of putin, which was
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some sort of pathway for him to stop supporting assad. that's the goal here. but the administration folks believe they made some progress in convincing putin that obama's intentions aren't to overthrow the entire regime in syria, simply to get rid of assad and making that argument having putin hear it, at least made putin feel as if we could dial back the rhetoric he used 48 hours earlier. >> mark halperin. >> do you think you've covered a lot of foreign trips by presidents, do you have a sense the white house is focused on sending back images and themes to a domestic audience on this trip or purely about doing the business of foreign policy. >> well, i think it's a mixture. on this as chuck said, they certainly would have liked something a bit more tangible out of putin on syria somebody i heard yesterday made the point pledging lethal aid the president is opening up a more robust diplomatic track.
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secretary kerry is working that hard. the key to that is the russians to put pressure. we're not seeing that. we're seeing some standing on ceremony as they're providing their own aid and setting up the proxy war. of course history is fraught with aour recent presidents trying to get something tangible out of putin going back to slovenia when the president said he looked into his eyes and realized this is somebody he could trust. i think they realize these things have their real limits especially with putten. >> go ahead. >> chuck, what is the administration's response or what is their thinking when it comes to with regard to syria, getting to the negotiating table when they've announced the principle point of negotiating, assad, has to go? i don't understand that. how can you have a negotiation over something that, perhaps, the other party doesn't want to negotiate? >> well, that's the problem.
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they're hoping somehow the russians will take their side on this issue that maybe the russians will agree that assad not being -- that assad having to go, that he's lost personal legitimacy, will force this situation. assad gave this interview yesterday to one of germany's largest newspapers and, you know, he is as defiant as ever. they thinks he's winning. he calls the rebels terrorists. refuses to believe it's -- refuses to acknowledge that this is a full-fledged civil war. believes he was putting in reforms in place. so he's not going anywhere. and the russian government last night, after all of this sort of what looked like, you know, okay body language and putin sort of seeming maybe agreeable some day in the future between him and obama, the russian government reiterated, you know, what we're for negotiations but assad going is a precondition we can't support. i don't know how they plan on
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doing it hoping that they turn the tide and assad looks like he's losing again. >> going back, going back to your point, mark, the administration is not focused on creating imagery around this because they don't have a big plan to mobilize the american people around doing something in syria. you're not going to bring at least to say a war weary public into a civil war as to what we're prepared to do. we're talking about keeping a diplomatic track open. nobody is talking about, as your father did last week, about what really is the strategy? what happens when you take your first five steps and they don't work out well? >> there's not a strategy. >> the president, david, this is a great point, by the way, 54% of americans don't want us to send direct military aid to syria. seems me the president would just like this problem to go away. he doesn't want to talk about it. a great point. why have stage craft to sell it to other countries when you really don't want to get
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involved. >> they want to buy time. like to make a difference on the margins. by the way, this is a little bit similar to what is the big goal here of foreign policy, keeping iran from getting a nuke nuclear weapon. the bush administration didn't want to have to deal with that militarily either nor does the obama administration but they realize this is an explosive situation, no good choices, the president has said as he said in the new republic, how does the united states make a difference. for now they have concluded we got to stay in the game enough to keep diplomacy alive. beyond that, any more robust involvement. if the agreement is assad has to go but we're not prepared to actually force him out, then you're on the sidelines and you're trying to tap dance a bit. >> it is fascinating that syria provides the greatest test to what the president's position is on whether he's a neocon or realist, no doubt about it. he believes in sort of subers have covert warfare, but he's a realist.
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he does not want to send american troops to war. >> a huge change from the past -- >> there's no good -- there's no good decision. >> you know, there's always that madeleine albright and colin powell had the huge debate in the '90s during the balkan debate, colin powell said my first instinct is to stay out because of vietnam. >> yeah. >> madeleine albright said my first instinct is to go in because of the nazis in world war ii. >> if you have this military why not use it. we've been using it. >> but there's no doubt that barack obama has fallen on the colin powell side of that ledger. first instinct, stay out. and if there are no good answers, your default answer is stay out. >> where do you go in? >> chuck, before you go, apparently the president made news on ben bernanke. can you explain? >> he did. charlie rose asked him about whether he would reappoint ben bernanke and the president dodged the question and then talked about bernanke as if
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his -- he was already planning on his retirement, talking about he's served through one of the toughest times in history for a fed chair, compared it to what robert mueller had to go through being the fbi director during the 9/11 and the run up of the new ways of surveillance and investigation. bottom line, all this jives with what we've been hearing and the scenes, bernanke has made it known he isn't interested in another term. his term as fed chair expires in january, but if you're going to deal with this, you got to have confirmation hearings in the senate probably before october 1st, before the big budget and dealt ceiling showdowns. fed chair confirmation hearing with the tea party republicans, rand paul, ted cruz, this isn't going to be easy. >> going to be exciting. >> laying that groundwork is going to be fascinating politics. >> my nominee, mike barnicle. >> compromise candidate. >> he's compromised candidate. >> those hearings too. >> i think you handle your
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allowance very well. >> show them how i do. $100 a week and i spend more than i take in. >> baseball tickets. >> exactly right. >> you get a couple hot dogs, net out a good $27, 32 cents a week. >> new ter ted cruz right away by telling him you, too, can sit in the front row. >> david gregory, thank you as well. have you on the set here. >> dodgers and yankees how exciting. >> yeah. >> okay. on tomorrow''s show joined by nicolle wallace and jim cramer and joe manchin responds to the latest attack tomorrow on "morning joe." up next, the athlete formerly known as ocho cinco gets sprung from jail. >> it's about time. >> remember the butt slap? you know, he slapped his lawyer. david, the lawyer was a male. >> yeah. >> it was like a happy slap. >> yeah. >> like yo, awesome. >> way to go. >> got him back in jail but now he's out. more "morning joe" ahead. i am an american success story.
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and the money i save goes to important things. braces for my daughter. a little something for my son's college fund. when people look at me, i hope they see someone building a better life. vo: living better: that's the real walmart. bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button?
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step toward joining the elite forces of the u.s. military. u.s. defense officials tell nbc news that female troops will be allowed to train with army rangers in 2015 and with the navy s.e.a.l.s the following year. earlier this year, secretary of defense leon panetta cleared the way for women to serve in combat roles. defense officials are in the process of drawing up a blueprint for incorporating women in those expanded roles. commanders emphasize standards for special forces jobs and combat infantry assignments will remain the same for both men and women. a new study is raising renewed concerns for those of us who are getting far less sleep than we should be. can you tell i am? i can barely talk. according to the research people who sleep less than the recommended seven or eight hours -- are you kidding me? -- >> how about four. >> exactly. if i'm lucky. >> face a higher risk of harm to
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bodily systems. fantastic. that includes potential risk to the heart, lungs and kidneys and even brain function. >> specifically notice brain function. >> the study shows the risk of cancer may also be elevated. poor sleep is a risk factor for depression and substance abuse. wow. this is close to home, isn't it? >> keep going. >> and can affect growth patterns and hormone development in children. my kids sleep fine. all right. that's just absolutely depressing. >> not a great -- >> i don't sleep much, do you? >> they should stop sleep studies. we know. it's like -- look at me, i'm a mess. >> so bad for you. >> you're exhausted, you get up at 2:00 a.m. >> 2:33. >> i did overnights at cbs for 3 1/2 years with a baby on the way and a 2-year-old. i was up from -- my shift was
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9:00 to 5:00, the grave-yard shift, 9:00 to 5:00 a.m. >> off the topic of the lack of sleep. >> i'm so tired. i love talking about sleep. >> fight through the lack of sleep with onion rings. >> great. >> that's like -- >> that's like cure all. >> he wants me to talk about chad johnson. remember this guy, he's been released from prison early after apologizing -- see, that's what he did there. that got him more time. the judge sentenced him to 30 days in jail for doing that. and that was apparently when the judge had announced good news and he was saying thank you to the lawyer. that's -- he's a football player? >> yes. >> right. >> wide receiver. >> that's what they do? apparently they slap each other's butts. >> from chad johnson to ocho cinco and back to chad johnson. >> appearing in a courtroom yesterday in a tan prison suit and handcuffs, johnson said he was sorry for disrespecting the courtroom. judge kathleen mchugh accepted his apology and extended his
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probation an extra three months. >> he was celebrating with his own lawyer and he got punished. >> slapped him on the behind. >> i'm not going to say what i think. >> what did i do to you -- >> after a good asegment. >> not disrespectful, it's friendly. >> we'll stick with a fist pump. >> up next, it just doesn't help. my conversation with the always hilarious susie essman. doesn't everyone kind of want to be susie? >> i love susie essman. >> her character. i would love to speak that way and to unleash that way. my god. be amazing. she reveals the true nature of "curb" creator larry david next on "morning joe." [ male announcer ] erica had a rough day.
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we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know. don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you. in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up free account alerts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working around the clock to help protect your money and financial information. here's your temporary card. welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] when people talk, great things happen.
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the ones getting involved and staying engaged. they're not afraid to question the path they're on. because the one question they never want to ask is "how did i end up here?" i started schwab for those people. people who want to take ownership of their investments, like they do in every other aspect of their lives. that was nice of you, joe, to come to my women's conference. >> you know, i wanted to get in
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touch with my feminine side. i'm sensitive. >> you were very good, actually, at it. >> very sensitive. >> it was called the third metric redefining success. >> i care. >> we talk about the third metric in terms of women completing their lives and defining success differently than men do. we had a lot of really incredible women there. and we had it at arianna's home and went into her bedroom -- >> by the way, it's a big home. >> oh, my gosh. massive. hundreds of people there. got a picture right there we can show. >> it's like the staples center. like it's huge. >> ali wentworth and i went into arianna's room and the same thing with susie essman, two chairs set up but there's her bed. what did we do? shoe seemed so comfortable. >> what are you going to do. >> we got in bed. >> what the [ bleep ] is a metric? >> i don't really know -- >> because he's european and does the metric system. >> she's greek. >> they do the metric system. >> yeah. >> never caught on. why are we using it? >> >> that's a gad question. i have no idea actually but i
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love the conference. i guess it's a good point. >> how often do i get to be in arianna huffington's bed with mika brzezinski? >> exactly. >> mike barnicle's fantasy. >> everyone which woman wants to be you, and you know it. >> yeah. >> hear it all the time. >> they want to be susie green. where's the [ bleep ] head? >> i don't know. >> the kid is home, hysterical, because her doll judy has been decapitated. because you two sickos took the head for god knows what reason some voodo [ bleep ] you're doing. >> susie green's husband cheats on her and is angry all the time. >> can you please give me a little susie green? >> what the [ bleep ] do you want? i'm in arianna huffington's [ bleep ] bed. this what is my life has become. people want me to tell them to go [ bleep ] themselves.
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it's so bizarre. >> it's like -- it's seriously like, it's like the commercial where she's washing her hair going oh, yes, it's amazing. >> yeah. >> to watch you tell people off like that. >> but i'm not like that in real life. >> especially big, stupid men. >> i know you're not. >> you know what my fantasy is though? >> what? >> we do another season, really we should, larry, hello. >> come on, larry. >> if we do another season, susie needs to have the affairs with the pool boy and hot guy. jeff is having affairs left and right and me i get nothing. it's not right. >> you know what, what people are thinking when watching "curb" that susie, the one that everyone wants you to be, she's hot. >> thank you. >> that's the third metric. >> he's very me kurl, larry. one person i would never predict what he's going to do. >> is he needy. >> needy? no. he's lovely. you've met him. >> i know. >> he's the sweetest thing in the whole world. i don't want to ruin his image
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in public on morning television but he's incredibly generous and loving and caring and that jerk larry on tv that doesn't care what anybody -- how anybody feels, how he makes them feel, larry is sensitive to how he makes people feel. i'll bet he's a great lover. >> tell me about your opinion of men like your husband. you like limb a lot. >> i like my husband. >> is he needy? >> no. that's one of the things i love about him. really secure and not needy. i will say this, he tells long, boring stories, so basically i have to constantly say to him, glazing. which means that my eyes are glazing over which means he's boring the crap out of me. i'm a comic. punch line. points, punch line. he goes on and on. but he allows me to say that to him. >> oh. >> that's the beauty of my husband. >> that's so nice. >> i'm madly in love with him still, ten years later. >> that's a little susie to say glazing. >> yes. but it's in a kind susie. i guess it is, isn't? glazing. yeah, it is.
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>> i'm going to try that. >> don't say that to joe. >> joe shut the [ bleep ] up. somebody else speak for a second. glazing, glazing, glazinger, it's a new law firm. >> okay. that was fun. we have more. is that all right? are you all right? glazing. okay. up next, after mark feuerstein, still another one from the bedroom. can i bring it? mark feuerstein is here with a look at the new season of "royal pains". >> a great show. >> you're watching "morning joe" brewed by starbucks. with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card.
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[ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? [ crows ] they're coming. yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four words... scarecrow in the wind... a baboon... monkey? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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joe." it's 7:53 after the hour on the east coast. june 18th. by the way, happy birthday to paul mccartney. today is paul mccartney's birthday. but we have -- this is fascinating. i was asking chris christie about 2016. of course, people say, gee, that's way too early. plans are already being made by the big candidates. we're going to have some breaking news coming. some news at 8:30 but we're going to break it here first.
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fascinating on hillary clinton. >> telling at a number of levels. >> an aggressive super pac, ready for hillary, trying to encourage her to run in 2016. they will announce 8:30, claire mccaskill is going to say she's ready for hillary, going to support hillary in 2016. it's a big deal for a lot of reasons. remember in 2008 close to clintons but supported barack obama. one of the early symbolic supporters of barack obama. >> it caused a lot of consternation in the clinton camp. as you guys recorded in your book, in "game change" the clintons thought time and time again claire mccaskill was going to be supporting them. she even hinted that. then blind-sided by support of barack obama. very dramatic moment in that campaign. she is getting out first here. you say that announcement is coming at 8:30. >> early on, 8:30 this morning, claire mccaskill. look, she's a democratic senator. she's a woman from a red/purple state. this is part of, as i say, a
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very aggressive effort to say lots of people, including prominent women democrats, want to urge hillary clinton to run and create a ban wagon. >> who runs? what is it, waiting for hillary. >> ready for hillary. >> who runs ready for hillary. >> a bunch of people associated with hillary clinton. staffers and people like james carville. >> it's pretty obvious it's an arm of the future clinton campaign, right? >> remember how back a deal super pacs were in 2008 and 2012 for mitt romney in the nomination fight. hillary clinton's super pac could amass an enormous amount of money. again, people like claire mccaskill coming out early on. it's extraordinary to think open contest, no incumbent running. if hillary clinton wants this, if she decides to run. to have claire mccaskill and others coming out this far in advance to say this is who we want, we may see less a fight and more a coronation if hillary clinton wants to do it.
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>> so chris christie is going to wait until 2015. >> to talk about it. >> chris is waiting until 2015 to think about it and claire mccaskill is waiting until about 8:15. >> perfect analogy. >> by the way, people go why would you guys talk about this so early, because they are talking about it. i don't care what chris christie says. he's got people calling him the second after he's elected they are going to be trying to pull him in. hillary is working it. joe bind behind the scenes is working it. a lot of people are. >> a lot of people have called him. this is very, very big news on some levels, given the fact hillary clinton hasn't said anything about what she might do. there has got to be some communication happening. >> one element of this, a lot of obama people, skill people, politicians but also activists and strategists and tacticians are saying, this is who we want. the more the clinton people can get the obama people, nobody
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else can touch that in either party. >> there's nobody that can challenge hillary if she decides to run, is there? >> i wouldn't think so. i would think the vice president would not run if hillary clinton gets a full head of steam with endorsements. >> the biden angle. >> freezing assets, money people, it would be difficult. >> up next eugene robinson rejoins the conversation plus members of the band goo goo dolls on their long run at the top of the charts all ahead on "morning joe." we had never used a contractor before and didn't know where to start. at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors, where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list.
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good morning. it's 8:00 on the east coast, 5:00 a.m. on the west coast as you take a live look at new york city. back on set, mike barnicle and mark halperin and in washington eugene robinson. a lot of stuff to cover. >> a lot of things going on. i'm trying to figure out, what's this "new york post" story here. >> whatever it is, mark halperin says it's disappointing. >> leads nowhere? >> yeah, just a picture. >> adams. >> go ahead. lets talk about what's going on. >> thanks. all right. it's day two of the g-8 in ireland where the talks are expected to hinge on trade, transparency and taxes. things got off to somewhat of a frosty start for president obama
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and russian president -- >> look at putin. >> doesn't look happy. >> this guy steals people's rings first of all. he always tries to act as disinterested as possible. see that first shot. unbelievable. >> better the event uk held with prime minister david cameron the day before where the russian president accused western powers of arming syrian rebels who eat human body parts. oh, lord. but both the u.s. and russian leaders agreed that while they differ on a political resolution, they both want to find an end to the violence. in an interview before he headed overseas, president obama pushed back on the idea that more could have been done earlier to avoid the blood shed. >> this argument that somehow if we had gone in earlier or heavier, the tragedy and chaos taking place in syria wouldn't be taking place i think is
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wrong. i don't think anybody would suggest that somehow there was a ready made military opposition inside of syria that could somehow have quickly and cleanly defeated the syrian army. and one of the challenges that we have is that some of the most effective fighters within the opposition have been those who frankly are not particularly friendly towards the united states of america and arming them willy-nilly is not a good recipe for meeting american interests over the long-term. >> i think there's false choices there, gene. first of all, if we had gone in earlier, 80,000 people wouldn't be dead. not saying there wouldn't have been a lot of americans dead. he's talking all this time later about going in there willy-nilly. we're not going in there. you wrote about syria. this is one of the more vexing problems. we do have a reason
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strategically to go into syria one of our two major enemies in the middle east. my gosh, most americans don't want to go there. after a decade of war, i think would be a bad choice on our part. there aren't any good choices, are there? >> no, there are no good choices. my column this morning tries to figure out what we're doing now. we have a few reasons to be interested in what happens in syria. i'm not so sure we had a huge reason to go in earlier, and i'm not sure we have a huge reason to go in now simply because we don't have good options. it seems to me what the president is doing now, giving light arms and maybe heavier arms to one of the opposition leaders who is said to be more moderate, it's like an old-fashioned proxy war. we've got our side and the russians and iranians have their side and we're going to fight it out. this is not going to help in any
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sort of humanitarian way. the syrian people who, if anything, are going to see more death and destruction in the short-term. and in the long-term, i'm not sure -- as a matter of fact, i doubt that we're as invested in the outcome of this war as putin is and as assad is and as the iranian's are. so if we're not going to go in guns blazing, which i don't think we should do, i'm wondering why we're going in at all. >> so mark, the president -- it seems to me the president's position on syria is like the president's position on the nsa is the president's position on just about everything right now, he's the law professor. >> some of this, however there's some of that. it's terribly frustrating for both sides. >> if you look at the long interview he did with charlie rhodes, he characterized it just right. he's great at explaining why we
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shouldn't go in. great at explaining why we might go in. there's an indecisive quality that's getting a lot of critics up in arms on both sides. on all these issues, you've got people on the left and right who are unhappy. you've got people who want to be involved in syria on the left who say we've got to stop atrocities. a lot of critics on the right that say he's not tough enough on that. i understand intellectually where he is on that. this is a time when it appears gene's concern notwithstanding, the u.s. is going to step up his role. the president is going to have to explain it better than he has. why is it different now. why should we go in in spite of the reservations he's laid out. >> did you want to say something barnacle? >> in reading the transcript i'm wondering why the president doesn't speak more to these issues. it's fairly understandable what he's talking about when you read the transcript. i did not see it in the
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interview. i was speaking yesterday with someone fairly high up in the food children, intelligence apparatus of this country. this person told me if you look at syria and look at our limited decision to provide arms to rebels on the ground, it's the clearest case you'd ever want to make for background checks for reps. we don't know -- we don't know who we're giving the weapons to. >> that's the problem. if you want president obama to do more, have you to be specific about what that means. what would you have him do at this point in time? do you want to send in tanks, create a no-fly zone. a lot of people say yes, that's the answer. the president said no yesterday. it's not enough to say we need to help stop the blood shed, that has real practical meaning, what would the united states do and at what cost to us. >> just to throw in, the precipitating event was supposedly that we found out that assad used chemical weapons. that's the reason. this doesn't seem to be the best way to me.
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if you're going to punish assad for using chemical weapons, you could do a couple missile strikes on air fields, a one off to say, look, don't do that again. this doesn't seem to be commensurate punishment or effective punishment for breaking that international rule. >> think about the math, gene. that's also sort of quizzical, too. 90,000 people have perished in the civil war. the gas has affected 100, 150. it's all horrible. i don't understand why was that red line drawn? i mean, you know - >> you know, i think it's just because the international community, such as it is, has decided that's a line we shouldn't cross. i can understand the logic, even though the math doesn't work out. why do this.
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is it going to help the syrian people. >> we'll talk about this coming up. to other news, head of nsa set to testify on capitol hill. this as president obama says government surveillance programs are not nearly as intrusive as some critics claim. >> what i can say unequivocally, if you are a u.s. person, the nsa cannot listen to your telephone calls. the nsa cannot target your e-mails. >> and have not. >> and have not. they cannot and have not by law, and by rule, unless they, and usually wouldn't be they, it would be the fbi, go to court and obtain a warrant. >> that's what we've been trying to cover. i mean, that is true, right? reporting through the guardian.
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>> saying i'm not dick cheney. when he was running these programs were the worst in the world. he wasn't a critic, he was a vocal apont of this thing. now he's having to defend it. >> it's coming from both sides, as we've been saying if the last couple of weeks. he said in that same interview with charlie rose, it's ironic to watch republicans to rale against him now, talking about how they programs are indefensible and they defended them for mr. bush. you have conservatives talking about black helicopters, to use the term last night, when it's president obama and not when it's president bush. >> the indication has been, mark halperin, people have been spied on, e-mails read, chats read. isn't that what we think we're debating here and isn't that not the case? >> it's been overstated. there are a lot of people civil libertarians. >> up in arms. >> there are a lot who would normally be up in arms. they say this think this program is constitutional and legal. one of the things the president did in that interview that
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hasn't got much attention, he's asked the head of intelligence to see if more of the program can be declassified so more of it can be discussed. i think that's where the president's heart and head is in the right place. he thinks these programs need to be in place but he'd like there to be greater understanding about them so people don't jump to conclusions about what they do and don't. >> what they want to do is find one incident where they can actually reveal every aspect of it to show what was prevented but they want to do that in a way that doesn't jeopardize national security, so it's more complicated than it appears. fair enough? >> well -- >> what? >> do you really want to hear what the guy talking about what the program said in 2007, 2008. i can't sit here and say this program isn't as bad as we thought about. this guy ran around and said george bush and dick cheney hated the constitution and tore
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it to shreds. now people on the left are saying, it's fine. >> does this tear -- >> mika, i'm right here. >> okay. >> liberals were saying for years how evil george bush and dick cheney were. now that barack obama is doing it, a lot are saying, and you seem to be saying, much ado about nothing. >> i think this is one of those issues where most people at this point want it done. they want it done. they want it done. do they want their personal e-mails being read? listen, let us know if you disagree. do we want personal e-mails read and phone listened into, no. that's not happening. >> most people mike barnicle -- most people wanted it done when barack obama was running around saying george bush and dick cheney were doing great violence to the constitution. >> gene. >> with a program that wasn't as
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expansive as this program. >> it appears, again, from talking to more than a few people about this over the past few days, most people, including us, at least including me, have very little clue as to how these programs actually operate. >> right. >> very little clue. the other element of it that is interesting is that, you know, when you look at the program as a whole and read the transcript of what the president said last night, you keep wondering why doesn't the president of the united states explain the difference, as he ought to, i would think at this point, in running for president and once becoming president. once you see what you have on your desk when you're elected, you have an entirely different view of the world. >> we were saying that before he got elected when he was running around being self-righteous. we were saying wait until the first intel briefing. i guess, gene, if he hadn't been so self-righteous, if he hadn't
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been so above it all, if he hadn't had such contempt for what dick cheney and george bush were doing. this is a great thing about living in the age we're living in, we can go back to june, july, august of 2008 or 2007 or 2006 when people were comparing verizon to nazi war criminals for taking part in this program on the left, so we're now sitting quietly by and saying the president, let the president do what he needs to do. >> joe, first of all, some of us are surprised and appalled at the scope of this program, did not know that all our phone records were being collected in this way, still don't know enough about how they are being stored, how long they are being stored, exactly what's happening with them. so no, it's not true that everybody on the left has just rolled over and said, it's okay if obama is doing it. second, if you really want to
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compare the obama record on civil liberties and human rights and information security with that of bush, well, fine. this is a negative mark for obama. but remember, george bush was doing this without warrant. totally illegally. they went to poor john ashcroft's hospital bed to try to get him to sign off on a patently illegal. >> wiretaps on the heels of walking us into war. many would agree thatten wo of those wars were on preconditions that turned out not -- the whole atmosphere was completely different. i understand the hypocrisy you talk about and i'm probably guilty of it, so i don't want to start a fight here. >> i'm really focusing more on the president than anybody else. >> you can't -- you know exactly what i'm saying. >> nice for the president, he's not going to. how is the president doing in the polls? >> not well.
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>> lets talk about it. >> president obama has seep an erosion in support. >> i wanted to change the subject. >> that's why you wanted to change the subject. among his previously strongest backers. cnn/orc shows his approval rating down, 18-month lower, disapproval rating down from just a month ago. a month ago 65% of 18-29 years old approved of his job and office. a month later that number down 17%. as for the first time in his presidency, fewer people are willing to call honest and trustworthy than those who would not. >> mark, lets define these numbers. >> it's a snapshot like all polls. it's not like the sky is falling. he's been lower than that. this is a dangerous time for him. if he doesn't get stuff done now, it's hard to see later in his term -- >> what's he going to get done? >> background checks, 90% approval rating he can't get
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through the senate. democrats don't even go with him. he's not going to get immigration. immigration is looking -- poor marco rubio is just getting skewered out there. no place to run, no place to hide. >> marco rubio's problems are distinct from the president obviously, but they are connected. we're in polarized times. >> still ahead, explaining why born in the ul s.a. doesn't mean what it once did. more about growing equality. speaking of rock, hit band goo goo dolls, they will be here in the studio. first bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill. >> lets get everyone out the door today, prepare you for what's going to happen. rain is moving through much of the east. umbrellas are a necessity if you live anywhere east of the appalachians. right now crossing tennessee, kentucky, thunderstorms near atlanta. they sneak all way, shreveport, jackson, a humid day on the
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eastern seaboard. this typical summertime weather, smashing those afternoon showers and storms all the way from d.c. to philly, baltimore, right up through areas of new york city into boston. so where do we sit right now as we go through the middle of june, heading smack into the middle of summer. so far this summer, confined to the intermountain west. there are signs it's finally going to change. we haven't had any big heat waves across the country. seven days from now the weather pattern setting up like this. jet stream to the north, hot air expand across the country. in other words, enjoy the nice, relatively cool weather while you have it, especially in the midwest today. talk about heat, alaska is having just a record breaking week. fairbanks, 87 is very warm for you. a few spots could hit 90 in interior alaska. a rare heat wave. not just a one-day event. this is going to be the third day of it. looks like it's not going to end until thursday. we want to talk about extreme weather, that's the spot where it's happening right now. st. louis you're one of those areas that could be baking in
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unpop culture. >> she knows nothing. >> she said i'm cute to be unaware. >> let me tell you something, these guys are extraordinary song writers. >> i've been told. >> extraordinary song writers. i tell you what, i love them, my kids love them. if my grand mom were alive, she would love them. amazing through the years. >> their cd "magnetic" is out now. brian shactman with us now. >> you guys are a testament to great song writing. remember when peter frampton fell. why? he took his shirt off. no. he stopped writing great songs. i love peter frampton but you guys -- it all starts with the song writing. >> it all starts and ends with the song. the pants and haircut come later. it doesn't rather matter. >> exactly. look at that haircut. >> i heard actually you had
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had -- this could be wrong because i heard it a while back that you actually had writer's block, and it wrote when you wrote "iris" and extraordinary song. >> it did. >> talk about the frustration. writers have it all the time, staring out a computer screen and they freak out. the frustration of a writer's block. >> in my case what it really turned out to be was this sort of self-centered, egotistical kind of fear. it was like i was afraid i wasn't going to get what i want and i was going to lose what i had. >> right. >> it choked me up to write. i was too worried about the outcome. >> that's very honest. >> just made it big. it's before you rely -- you were afraid of the next step. >> i was afraid we weren't going to be able to maintain it. i felt like i had just won the powerball and everybody around me was like, that was amazing. do it again. >> it's about taking risks. you lost the ability to take risks. >> you lose the ability to take
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the risk if you worry about the outcome. >> how did "iris" break, how did you break through? >> you know what, i just moved to los angeles. "iris" was a unique thing. it was a song written for a film. i was playing a supporting role. i had my subject matter right in front of me. i just had to support whatever the director or unit supervisor wanted. >> made it easier. >> have something to write about, not pull it out of my head. >> we interviewed john mellencamp. he has a great musical out. he was saying for the first time, and all the songs he's written, he was saying it's so much better when somebody comes to you and says, this is what i want. this is what the scene looks like, and this is -- build it for me. >> yeah. >> can i just say inch congress, point of personal privilege here. one of my favorite songs for the 1990s, probably my favorite song, "black balloon." do you agree? extraordinary. >> asking the cameraman?
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>> i just saw somebody going like this. >> oh, my lord. >> where did "black balloon" come from. sorry to go through memory lane. >> that was sort of a darker song about a friend who was having a lot of problem with drugs. just sort of seeing what they were going through and what the people around him was going through. i don't know. i just wanted to write that for him. >> it was amazing. robby, tell me. what's it like, you're now -- this your tenth. >> tenth album. >> tenth studio album. >> how have you guys kept it exciting through the years? we see great bands. you two always talked about the fight to keep things fresh? >> i just think it's all about trying to, number one, keep things together, you know. keep the people in the room feeling like they should still be in the
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room. >> not punching the band members. >> sometimes the punch. >> alleviates stress. >> part of it is that. part of it, we started this band when we were kids. >> you guys are from buffalo. >> yeah. >> all right. >> we were much different people back in 1986 than we are now. >> oh, my god. >> so we try to keep -- we just try to keep moving forward and not feeling silly about what we do, at that particular point. i think that's how you make it work. >> the key is to keep adapting to whatever is coming up. you know that. you guys are, you know - >> ensemble. >> on the television. you're doing something. you have to change things up occasionally to keep it fresh, keep inspiration coming. >> it's not always like what's new and happening in the market. it might be what's new and happening with you. >> it's kind of got to sit in that arena more than what's new and happening in the market. >> same with you guys. to sustain something, it's
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really hard to do. but the serious question i have to ask is when did you know that sex maggots was not going to work? >> that was just a big joke that really just escaped. just be careful what you say in the world of the internet, you know. >> that's not true. >> don't ever google your own name. >> that's the key. >> you just -- those are our cardinal rules here. >> especially don't do it, because people are going to know you're doing it now. >> you've been involved in politics in the past? >> we both have. we both have. >> interested? >> not really all that interested anymore, because i'm sort of starting to see both sides of it sort of funneling into one blob at the bottom. >> one blob that drains into a sewer. >> yes. >> bile. >> you always hope for that.
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now sort of my thing is i'm really hoping for some sort of legitimate, viable third party that will really sort of extract the best ideas from both parties and leave the nonsense behind. >> starting to see the right and left meet in the back a little bit. you know, i think it's an interesting time. >> seeing some of the nsa stuff, libertarians and liberals coming together. >> human issues, man. >> we shall see. >> the album is "magnetic." it is out now. johnny rzeznik and robby from goo goo dolls. >> say hello to your father for me. i'm a huge fan. >> i'm going to say, dad, i met a goo goo doll. >> he's going to say what is that? >> previously they were -- >> thanks, guys. >> thank you for having us. [ male announcer ] we've been conditioned
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concierge department here like you do. building that from scratch isn't it easy. sometimes my mother said sometimes the best biscuits are already on the table. >> i'm from new jersey, so biscuits -- >> we want to buy it. >> that was a moment from season five of "royal pains." joining us now the star of the series. >> you're like a vip doctor. >> i'm a vip doctor. >> you got a problem, i'll take care of you, joe. >> the most vip section of america. vip doctor in the hamptons. this gets you into obviously some interesting situations. >> yes, it does. >> that's where you tell me what the interesting situations are. >> okay. okay. >> that gets you into some interesting situations. >> that was the thing i pick up on and roll with it. no, there are so many interesting situations on our show, joe. we treat the rich and the poor. last season at the end of the
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season, there was a big explosion because my landlord is involved in all kinds of interesting international espionage. >> can you spell that for us? >> no, i can't. that would be the end of the segment. >> involved in espionage. >> i flew, did the stunt myself, hit my head on the pavement. >> awesome. >> i had a craniotomy in the off-season and i'm recovering and you see where that goes in season five. >> so -- >> no, no, tv. looked like -- >> we blur the line from reality. >> you never know, like this show. >> right now i will jump in. >> sounds like a soap opera. >> brian has a medical problem. he was actisphyxiated by his ti >> self-asphyxiation. >> here is what's so cool about "royal pains." i've known jeff for a long time. crazy man. >> yes, i know jeff. >> jeff is one of our executive
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producers. >> so many connections to this show, even though that's not why we're on. her sister. >> works in our office. >> she's on "royal pains." >> is it an american show? >> it is an american show. barnac mike barnac . >> what's cool about this, you used to go out to the hamptons and hang out with the rich kids. >> yes. >> now like a dream come true for you -- >> when i was growing up going to long island with my friends, we would get kicked off the beach for the hamptons because you have to have a permit to park there and we didn't have a permit. now we go with our crew and take over the entire crew. so those people who sit in a shack in the parking lot who
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kicked us off, i say, i'm sorry, we're taking over the beach. >> you flip them off. >> there's something he does but he wouldn't do it on tv. >> that's correct. >> now your parents finally have got a place out there, so you actually film near where your parents live, right? >> yes, it's fantastic. >> that's crazy. >> it's awesome. >> you go in there and drink milk out of the carton and go back to the set? >> i love next door to my parents. we live in l.a. but i stay next door to my parents. at the end of every night i come home from a long day and my mother will leave a note on the door saying, will you come next door and have a salad. >> do you know each other? >> we were bonding here before the cameras rolled. we had a relationship about good names and how he's got a tough name. >> too much detail. >> that's fine. it sounds like a soap opera. does it play out as soapy as it sounds, the show. >> i wouldn't call it soapy,
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because it's filled with nuance and brilliant writing. >> is every commercial break like high drama or the arc of an hour. >> there's so serialized you have to watch every week and shows serial, each show is a self-containedentity. usa does a great job doing both. we have a medical scenario, introduce conflict and resolve by the end of the episode. there are story lines like my brother evan and new wife page and boris, i know you love that name. >> it's awesome. >> the big news dropped at the last episode that her character is pregnant. she told a great story. i don't know why i'm telling her story on national television but her mother or aunt called her and said, reshma, that was a joke, right? you're not really pregnant? >> sort of like mika that you were really --
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>> right. >> to prepare for dr. lawson, you sat in on a brain surgery. >> i did. a friend from high school invited me to sit in and watch a brain surgery. >> what was that like? >> it was incredible. to stand over a man who has a hole in his head and watch them go in and suck -- >> okay. all right. >> sorry, mika. >> you don't want to keep going in that vein. >> no, i don't. you can catch "royal pains" wednesday night on usa. i've heard great things about this show. clue in once in a while. just once in a while. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. this has been great. >> congratulations on everything. a great show. we're going to test e.j.'s theory linking rock and roll with in come equality. >> huh? >> huh? right here on "morning joe." we shall return. i am an american success story.
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about that, columnist e.j. dionne, and miles nadal. >> great to see you. >> great to be here. >> this is great. talks about how we live. >> e.j. looks at what the music industry can teach us about economic inequality. he writes this, you don't need me to tell you but it's a whole lot tougher leading a garage band than being a superstar. what you might not have known is how much harder. if you want an example of growing equality, try rock and roll between 1982 and 2003, the
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share taken home by top 1% of performers more than doubled rising from 26% to 56% of the rock world is simply a more extreme version of the larger american experience. the top 1% of families doubled their share of national in come between 1979 and 2011. their take went from 10% to 20% of the whole. we live in a superstar economy. >> e.j., we live in a superstar economy. you base your column in a speech that was actually given by alan krueger at the rock and roll hall of fame in cleveland. talking about the dangers of growing in come inequality. we hear it from the left and the right. alan greenspan says it's one of the greatest threats to american capitalism. what do we do about it? >> there's a number of things we can do about it. i thought the speech was very powerful because how do you get people to talk about inequality.
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putting it into the context of rock, the theme really is, it's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll. the difference between the top and the bottom is bigger. i think we're taking some steps already on taxation. i think we need to do a lot more to help people at the bottom end of the economy stay in school longer, go to community college. i think that's part of it. but we also need just a fair bargain between labor and capital. justin wolfer, the economist, put out some charts yesterday that showed not only in the united states but in a lot of other countries, the share of national in come going to capital as against labor is going up. it's more to capital. we've avoided big fights between capital and labor by having reasonable split between the owners and the workers. i think we need to figure out how to get back to that reasonable split. unions also, by the way, helped to do some redistribution of
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people who worked by bargaining. >> so thank you. i understand that. the problem, miles, is with this if we were leaving in the age, technology was 1963, lost jobs to europe, japan, china, we brought those back and labor and management could sit down and talk and we could create jobs that pay well. the fact is now when we bring those jobs back from europe, when we bring those jobs back from asia, we're paying $16,000 a year. the vw plant down south. instead of 45, 50, 75, $80,000 a year with great benefits. >> i think the opportunity being lost is about small business creation and the support that's necessary to support the expansion of small business in america. there's greater opportunity in this country than ever before to create your own business and to
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prosper. the challenge is that banks are not incentivized to lend money, so it's harder to borrow 5 to $50,000 than -- >> why is that? interest rates low, they don't make money? >> cost of capital is very low. they can deploy it on a much less risky basis on principle trading than they do from lending and there's no mandate to lend money to small business. but small business creation is critical. look, it's important to understand one statistic. the top 200 corporations in america, 80% of their business is outside the country. even when they are creating jobs, they are creating jobs for outside in brazil, russia, india, china, other emerging markets. so i think what's critical is to stimulate small business, i think there is upward mobility opportunity for people. but the difficulty is, as you say, technology has eliminated -- the level of increase of productivity is such
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that more corporations can do more with less. >> brian, technology, if we were where we were like today in 1992. >> right. >> we'd have 20 million, 30 million more factory jobs. >> the interesting thing, and e.j., i'd like you to respond to it. not to push back too much, you have home depots and wal-marts of the world making it hard for small business to stay in business. a lot of people keep money by passing it on. that's something emerging economy can't have access to either. they don't have access to wealth. e.j., how much does that factor in, passing on into the generations. >> getting rid of all estate taxes will make that worse. one of the reasons teddy roosevelt, a republican, wanted an estate tax was so you wouldn't have wealth replicating itself over generations. one of the disturbing things, and he talks about this in his
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speech is that we've always said for the united states we may be unequal but everybody has got an opportunity to rise. but our social mobility is down. there are other countries in the world. denmark, finland, norway, germany, that have higher rates and mobility. i think nadal made an interesting point, when you look at other countries, particularly germany, banking systems are much more localized, much more oriented toward helping local companies grow. i think we need a banking system that's more sensitive. >> the incentive. >> e.j. dionne, thank you so much. >> by the way, that's a great point by e.j., local banks have a reason. they have an incentive to invest in small businesses. it grows a local economy, makes them more money. great point. >> all right. today's business headlines. >> thank you, e.j. >> cnbc's michelle caruso-cabrera. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ]
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six months. it's accelerating now. >> how are we doing compared to canada, britain, other countries? germany is doing well. >> canada is doing okay. america has really got the greatest opportunity for economic expansion. >> isn't that something? >> you've got commodity prices declining. australia, canada, some of these other marketplaces are dependent on commodity prices. the american economy expansion is surprisingly better than people anticipate. >> lets do this, go to business before the bell with cnbc's michelle caruso-cabrera. do you have news that backs that up? >> yeah, i would say there are expectations of 3, 3.5%. i would say there are times we would have thought that was junky growth and not fast enough for what the american economy could do. >> sounds pretty great right now, doesn't it? >> absolutely. it's all relative, right?
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the other big story, what is ben bernanke going to say tomorrow, the dominant story. hold a news conference. what's he going to say about injecting the money into the economy like they have been doing for more than a year. we talk about this so much, neal irwin over at the "washington post" compares us to teenager girls gushing over justin bieber. he must be talking about cnbc, he says financial commentator. but, of course, we're the only financial network worth watching so it must be about us. >> all right. thank you so much, michelle. we greatly appreciate it. miles. >> look, i think the big issue is we've had easing so long. it's like a drug. the economy and markets become so dependent on zero interest rates. i think what bernanke is doing, this is my perspective, he's quickly introducing the idea we can't have zero interest forever and there will be easing. it don't think it happens 2013,
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it's a '14 event. >> up next, what did we learn today sfwh? g train. this ge locomotive can tell you exactly where it is, what it's carrying, while using less fuel. delivering whatever the world needs, when it needs it. ♪ after all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say? ♪ if you don't have something important to say?
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he's building his credit history, and mike has his apartment back -- for the most part. so i may be able to do this. yeah. [ female announcer ] let's talk about ways to help you establish and build your credit history. when people talk, great things happen. to help you establish and build your credit history. in parks across the country, families are coming together to play, stay active, and enjoy the outdoors. and for the last four summers, coca-cola has asked america to choose its favorite park through our coca-cola parks contest. winning parks can receive a grant of up to $100,000. part of our goal to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make... together.
5:59 am
bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? . i love the goo goo dolls. welcome back to "morning joe." what did you learn? >> i learned opportunity for small business. >> i plan to watch daytime emmys every year with mika.
6:00 am
>> music industry, rolling stones sold out the garden. people go for quality. >> brian. >> people prefer me with limited oxygen to my brain than look like this. that's all i have to say. >> it's way too early. what time is it? >> it's time for "morning joe" but right now it's time for chuck todd with the daily rundown. have a great day. >> thank you, guys. maybe we should call it the 2 g-80s. it's chilly between president obama and vladimir putin. the body language said much if not more than the actual words spoken. u.s. sending aid, russia objecting to arming the rebels. we'll talk about the next step with senate foreign relations chairman
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