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tv   Up W Steve Kornacki  MSNBC  June 22, 2013 5:00am-7:01am PDT

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rick perry doesn't want your gun, but if you live in connecticut, he does want your job. texas governor rick perry took a five-day swing through the northeast this week. his official mission was to convince companies to pack up and move to texas. but it was his stop in connecticut that attracted the most attention and the most controversy. the state is, of course, the home to sandy hook elementary
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school, site of a massive shooting last year. a sweeping gun control law one that upset the firearms industry. he visited one of the oldest gunmakers in america where he was presented with a custom engraved pistol and he made his pitch. >> the people at colt, the people at ruger, the financial industries, the pharmaceutical industries they will make a decision whether they want to stay. the states that have tax policy regulatory policy that fits into your scheme, if you will, are going to be the states that get ahead. >> later, connecticut governor dan molloy made a surprise visit to perry's luncheon with businessmen and women in hartford. >> i came to welcome the governor to the state of connecticut. we want him to understand what
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good, yankee hospitality is. >> i want to talk about what's going on with rick perry in texas maggie hagerman, basil michael and josh barro and mia wiley. so, this perry story jumped out at me for a couple reasons. but the main one is, you know, you have connecticut being a blue state and a state that enacted these gun control regulations recently, but also a blue state that has a real gun industry. and it seems, you know, an odd fit for these gun manufacturers, especially increasingly more of these assault weapon makers to be in the state, but if you're the governor of a state, you also want the jobs, especially in a time like this. josh, it seems almost like an impossible balancing act, though. >> i don't think it is. the gun industry has been in connecticut for north of 200 years.
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this long heritage on why that's there and gunmakers they care about firearm as laws and where you manufacturer them is not really a impacted by laws where you can sell them. so, i think this is kind of a publicity stunt. that said, you know, there are real reasons that texas is growing so much faster than the rest of the country and i don't think people go and get a personal appeal from the rest of the state. but i think it's partly the tax and regulatory stuff that rick perry is talking about. home prices are much more affordable in texas than a lot of the markets where he is going to campaign for texas. if you're a person earning a middle class income, what is important is that you can afford the home when you probably can't in the new york area. >> we should say kind of the interesting post script to this there is a company called ptr industries and it makes military-style rifle after perry was making his pitch that it's going to move to south carolina.
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another conservative red state which made a pitch and gave some sort of deal with tax incenti incentives, i think, to the company. but the president, the founder of the company said that 100% of our product line is illegal in connecticut. so, seemed to be bothered by the culture of the state a little bit. >> that's more politics than, in other words, gun manufacturers are putting more money into politics. they started making their political alliance with the nra formally back in 2005 and even previously in 1999, so, the fact that gun manufacturers are very specific about their politics has nothing really to do with where they locate. i think josh is absolutely right on this. one thing you should notice is texas is also 23rd in terms of gun deaths in this country and connecticut is 46th. >> maggie, rick perry has been aggressive when it comes to doing this sort of thing. he's had ad as in california and illinois and really aggressive,
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is it just a pr thing or something more to it? >> i think he's trying to bring jobs to his state but the pr component is hard to ignore. someone who came off a disastrous 2012 campaign. mitt romney might be one of them, but rick perry, this was terrible. the ultimate mitt romney and crumbled out of the gate. has to run for governor, again. he has made clear to many people he wants to run for president, again, whether he does or not is a different story. but this is a very easy and time warrant tactic to bone up on your conservative cred by hitting new york and this works well, i should say, for new york's governor andrew cuomo who gets to look like he is more liberal by comparison. this is slightly complicated for him, as well. because jobs are a real issue in new york. it is impossible to pull this apart from the political implication of it. >> and i can't, i've seen this in a few places now, this idea of rick perry running again in
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2016. i don't know if you've done reporting on this. but why? what possibly happened in the last campaign to make him say, try this again? >> look, he's embarrassed by what happened. in all seriousness. that's what the reporting suggests. he knows he should not have had back surgery six weeks before the race. he knows he should have prepared coming on to the national stage and none of this happens. he prides himself on the political resume and thinks he performed well under expectations and he also genuinely believes he has something to offer. whether that is true in 2016, we are watching the early shaping of the republican field for 2016. i suspect it will look different than what i think it looks like. i understand why he wants to vindicate himself. >> the other governor we're talking about, dan molloy in connecticut. first-term democratic governor. there was a poll that pitted him against his unlikely challenger
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in 2014. tough economy, we're talking about jobs in the state here. you're talking about somebody who molloy has made clear he might have his eye on the national stage a little bit. he has to get by in 2014. how does this issue affect him with perry coming in and maybe losing gun jobs a little bit. >> it's a choice he's going to have to make. between jobs and votes, really. when it comes down to it. i think he wins on the vote side. the national attention on this issue and at least in the northeast, perry will be vilified. i would love to see him meet up with chris christie. >> nobody is going to say that this year. >> it's a delicate balance that he's going to have to walk. i'm sure the nra is going to be going after him should some of these manufacturers leave. so, it's clearly an important calculation for perry to strengthen his national
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credential. ultimately i think molloy will be fine because he'll be fine on this issue and he'll bet support from around the country. >> i wonder how the et voers in connecticut would feel about it because the economy is not in good shape and if the headline is 500,000, whatever it ends up being gun jobs leave the state and hurt the economy, oh, no, look it's bad for the economy and say good ridens, look what happened to our state? >> i think this line will be bought by the voters because it's accurate. these manufacturers aren't leaving because of the gun laws, they're leaving because it's extremely expensive to live and do business in connecticut. molloy pushed through an income tax increase that probably isn't a direct driver of this, but i'm sure it will be tied to the loss of jobs politically. so, i don't think for molloy's opponeapoeopponents it's a ques running against the gun laws. personal economic policies that create jobs. >> at the end of the day, voters will base their decision on who
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will leave the state the best. there was this man, what was his name? he won re-election, jobs were really bad. obama a, president obama. so, first of all, it's not as if this is the only issue in which voters are going to vote and not going to vote just on what gun manufacturers are doing. based on who connecticut is. connecticut has some of the wealthest zip codes in the country and some of the poorest in hartford, in particular. so, it's dealing with the challenges of the entire country and what people are going to look at the end of the day is right. they're going to look at the record and how they feel about the direction, not just what the immediate jobs picture is. >> i'm just curious, how, the average resident of the state who just watched six months ago as this horrible atrocity played out with these children and make the regulatory argument and if gun manufacturers are leaving, it's because of that. voter and state, i don't want to think about that.
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i just don't want gun manufacturers in the state any more. >> when you see rick perry traveling across the country to try to lure jobs, they'll look at their governor and say, okay, well, this guy is trying to be a little more responsible and he'll go toe to toe with rick perry and sort of challenge him on why he's coming into his state. if he looks like the defender of connecticut and inspire enthusiasm from his voters, he'll be fine in the end. >> governor molloy taking political heat and enacting stricter gun control. another democrat took a stiff hit for voting against it. that's next. we should totally do that. (girl ) yeah, right. (guy) i wannna catch a falcon! (girl) we should do that. (guy) i caught a falcon. (guy) you could eat a bug. let's do that. (guy) you know you're eating a bug. (girl) because of the legs. (guy vo) we got a subaru to take us new places. (girl) yeah, it's a hot spring. (guy) we should do that. (guy vo) it did. (man) how's that feel? (guy) fine.
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so, a little over a week ago, michael bloomberg, the mayor of new york sent a letter to some of the top donors and he told them basically they should
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withhold financial support for the four individuals that voted against background checks. baucus, who is retiring. still unclear why he cared about financial care for him. but he said withhold money from him and the new york city fund-raiser this week. >> so, he was supposed to have a fund-raiser on monday hosted by peter solomon and it was suddenly canceled and no clear explanation why at the time. when i asked his aides about it, oh, it could be any number of things. i won't focus on any one thing. it had absolutely nothing to do with that. scheduling one thing that came up after i read the story diane coffee who is long-time adviser works for mike solomon. you can to the math or not do the math. i was skeptical about the letter that bloomberg sent because it included baucus who has plenty
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of money he is running for and i think these are the social circles that bloomberg travels. i don't think it will be a surprise to have, pushed back on why the fund-raiser was canceled. i think he is in a funky state, in a funky race. he won, you know, in seat that had been republican held for a very long time. he is among the tougher races the democrats are facing next year. i don't think this is particularly what he wants to be dealing with. i don't think we really know the effect of the bloomberg ads. a lot of difference of opinion. chuck schumer said he doesn't think these are working or effective, as you expect him to say. counterproductive in terms of getting gun control and there is some logic to that. for the individual senators, i don't think having a lot of money spent against you. >> when asked about what bloomberg is doing, asking to withhold support and actively spending money on ad as like in
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alaska. this is how he responded to it. >> this guy is a billionaire in new york and going to spend money on trying to undercut you in alaska. does that sound normal to you? >> no, i'll tell you alaskans don't like outsiders coming in and telling us what to do. i would say to mayor bloomberg, focus on what we can do. i have argued since day one on this debate that in this country there have been people deemed by the courts even the people under 21, even if they're under state law, 600,000 people in this country right now should be in the background check system, like it or not. >> i mean, do you buy that line that idea, hey, i'm sitting back in alaska and get these ads running against me and, oh, no, it is the billionaire from new york city. nobody is going to listen to him. do you buy that?
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>> no. if you believe that there is a tremendous amount of money in elections and nra spends money, then me as a new yorker who has dealt with gun violence in the past, don't mind mike bloomberg spending money to target these members of the senate. the political strategist in me, this actually can backfire, similar to what chuck schumer has said. it does matter. he has a challenge from the lieutenant governor right now and this is a very tough race. it absolutely matters. >> joe biden was talking yesterday, you know, joe biden stepping out and taking the lead on sort of a stepped up effort from the white house and it may be in congress, maybe the senate to revisit background checks and biden was suggesting new momentum there because of the backlash that some of the people are facing. are you hopeful in this congress, the next year and a half, the issue might be revisited and there might actually be action. >> i think the issue revisited. our problem is the house, as you know, on almost every issue,
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including guns. if you have grid lock in the house, i think there is ability to get agreement in the senate. i think the real issue here is bloomberg has made a decision to target on three issues. right? it isn't just guns. he has also been doing coschool elections and immigration. and immigration. so, you know, i think what we're seeing is efforts from folks who move issues, which i think is a good thing because these are debates we have to have in this country and the real problem is the grid lock in the house. >> the house actually votes on it, which is a whole separate measure. if they do, josh, suddenly new targets for bloomberg. >> i don't think these just thinking about the cycle. this asymmetrical issue where a lot of issues are very broadly popular but all the intensity of support is on the anti-gun control side.
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very few people go in the voting booth and say i'm picking the candidate because i care about the background check issue. so, politicians respond to that incentive set and he's trying to change it incentive set by saying there are consequences to you elect torally if you don't go along with the view on these issues. i don't think he'll make the change in that cycle. politicians actually start to fear the pro-gun control people and that makes them more inclined to vote. >> especially when you look at the flow of the money. the nra spending so much money on election. >> whatever they're saying, i don't buy there is no connection. this is too fishy to me. >> there either is or isn't. it could be all sorts of things. >> if they were concerned about the appearance, they would have gone out of the way to keep the fund-raiser on course. >> it could have been they were having trouble selling tickets. might not be a direct correlation to the letter. who knows? it is impossible to rule it out.
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>> it smells funny it me. i'm not buying the denials. how president odoma could finish a job started 75 years ago by fdr, after this. we're here at the famous tapia bros. produce stand where we switched their fruits and veggies with produce from walmart. it's a fresh-over. that's great. tastes like you just picked them. so far it's about the best strawberry i've had this year. walmart works directly with growers to get you the best quality of produce they've ever had. all this produce... is from walmart. oh my god. i'm shocked. (laughing) i know where i'm going to be shopping for strawberries now. get 2 full pounds of strawberries, just $2.98. backed by our 100% money back guarantee. walmart [ male announcer ] moving object detection. ♪ blind spot warning. ♪
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so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade. voted "best investment services company." when you're an elected official, you can answer to all the voters. republicans, democrats, independents, whatever. we all heard that and know that and it's kind of true. but, really, when you're an elected official, when you're a politician of any sort, you're answering to a political coalition. the people, the activists, the donors, the groups that worked and it turned out to put you in office in the first place. it could be a pretty tricky balancing act trying to mix the demands of each opponent group of your coalition because they don't always see eye to eye. think of the dilemma, he has environmentalist allies who hate
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it because it could mean a disastrous spill. the key here, the more idlogically diverse a coalition is, the harder these choices become. which brings us to a particularly wrenching dilemma that came for a president 75 years ago this week. the president was fdr and the issue was the fair labors standard act. a landmark legislation that established the minimum wage over 40-hour workweek. the bill worked its way through congress and landed on fdr's desk on june 25th, 1938. but there was a huge, gaping problem with it. jobs performed african-americans were left out. these were black women who cleaned houses, cook meals and raised children for other families, meant farm workers. together those two opoccupations accounted for two-thirds of the african-american workforce in the 1930s. they were left out of the bill because a major component of the democratic coalition of fdr's era was the south.
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the white south, the segregationist south. those white southern democrats were okay with the idea of minimum wage, as long as it didn't apply to everyone. as congressman martin who was a white texas democrat put it, you cannot sprib the same wages for the black man, as for the white man. so, in order to bring those southern democrats aboard, fdr chose to sign a law to help many workers who needed help even if it left out others who needed that help just as badly. fast forward a few decades. the party takes a first stand for civil rights and white southerners belong their long, steady migration to the republican party. this was enough for the democrats in the 1960s to extend the minimum wage to many farm workers. that still left domestic workers out in the cold until the 1970s. by then female and african-american democrats were beginning to make their way into congress. still weren't a lot of them, but more than ever before. they gave voice to those domestic workers and made their cause a priority for the party.
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the first black woman in congress and also the daughter of a domestic worker led the fight. she won over it unlike the ally. george wallace who was the face of the fading, but still sizable block of conservative white southern democrats. gunman had nearly killed wallace in 1972 and chism izvited him in the hospital. he couldn't figure out why, but he was grateful. when he asked for his help two years later, he came through. he wanted domestic workers included in minimum wage. they did and, democrats suddenly had a veto-proof majority and richard nixon had no choice but to sign the bill. and that should have been the happy ending. but there was actually a catch. most domestic workurs were covered by the new law, but one group was still left out. a small group back then. home care workers. women who bathed and fed and cleaned for the elderly and disabled. their work was grueling and thankless and vital. but when nixon's department
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invented the new law, lumped in the same categoryastinage baby sitters. they didn't get minimum wage and overtime protections. they're no longer a small group. home care workers now number 2 million, 2.5 million, actually. theirs is the second fastest growing occupation in america and they're part of what has become an $84 billion industry. and they still aren't protected by the minimum wage and by overtime rules. they also represent the heart of the new modern democratic base. which is why barack obama made a show of solid aarity with them. >> i'm ready to work. >> you're ready to work. >> i can work while i'm talking. >> i prepared breakfast for him and i helped to make the bed. i cleaned the house, did some laundry. >> i think the senator's doing a good job. he act like he knows what he's doing anyway.
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>> he end up doing the mopping, the sweeping and he did the laundry. >> she wouldn't -- >> in his president more than a year ago, obama called on his labor department to propose a new rule to exchange wage and hour protection to home care workers. >> even though workers like pauline do everything from bathing to cooking, they're still lumped in the same categoryastinagee aage agage aa babysitters. less than minimum wage with no overtime. >> the labor department finished its work months ago, but the rule stalled at a political agency inside the white house. the ball is in obama's court and most people assume he will act on this, but the clock is still ticking. when obama does follow through, if he does follow through, it won't just be a victory for home care workers. it will mark the final repudiation of the old coalition that democrats once had to rely on in an a emphatic embrace of
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the new coalition they now depend on. jan brewer from tea party hero to bipartisan champion of obama care. that's next. [ male announcer ] erica had a rough day. there was this and this. she got a parking ticket... ♪ and she forgot to pay her credit card bill on time. good thing she's got the citi simplicity card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate. ever. as in never ever. now about that parking ticket. [ grunting ]
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we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ republican governor jane brewer of arizona signed a law this week expanding her state's medicaid program, a key part of president obama's health care overhaul. it was a jaw dropping step for a tea party favorite. brewer's move capped a long battle to expand medicaid in a state where many opposed the president's health care reform. brewer fought over the course of months against conservative leadership of her own party in the state legislature and formed moderate democrats. >> standing with me is a coalition of -- you accomplished in arizona what the political commentators and experts just months ago said it was impossible.
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>> brewer held rallies with activists. she called a special session of the legislature and even made kn on a threat to veto all bills until lawmakers passed the medicaid package. remember, this is the same jane brewer that went all the way to the supreme court, which fought with the obama administration on immigration law. brewer has been so anti-obama when the president visited arizona in 2012, greeted him on the airport tarmac in phoenix and got in a verbal scuffle with the president. within a year things changed dramatically. obama care upheld by the supreme court and obama himself was re-elected. in january brewer announced to expand arizona's medicaid program in the annual state of the state address. >> it's a decision some would prefer not to face. they'd like to wish it away. we cannot. nor can we simply wag our finger at the federal government. trust me, i tried that once.
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>> few other republican governors have also broken from the pack and tried to expand medicaid in their states and they haven't had the same success. n n nick schneider watched as they adjourned for the summer without act aing on a medicaid extension bill that already passed the house. we're joined by business and economic correspondent for matt, i'll start with you. when you look at jane brewer, we all know her as the immigration governor, the paper please governor. were you surprised by her move and what do you make of it? >> in a lot of ways, the surprising thing about this is the fact that it has become surprising to see republicans embrace this. when the democrats were writing the obama care bill, they knew some states were more conservative than others. they knew republicans wouldn't be enthusiastic about this. they made the terms of medicaid expansion extremely generous. it's all federal money and the people who live in arizona,
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mexico or wherever are theying taxes to the federal government one way or the other and not expanding medicaid doesn't save any money. costs a bundle. when the bill was first passed i think no one thought this was so controversial and now jan brewer is doing what is simply the common sense solution and saying if the federal government is here, take my money. you take it. what is weird so many republicans don't see it that way. >> this wasn't, she just didn't pass this from rejections from republicans. calling a special session to the legislature. i noticed in michigan we talked about rick schneider and calling on him to do the same. they're saying bring him back into session this summer and try to pass it. he's saying, i'm not sure i have the power to do that. that is what it seems to take. >> i think it's asking, we're looking at states that have serious budget problems and we're looking at states where we're talking about 200, 400, 600,000 people in pennsylvania
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who do not have health insurance. who would benefit from medicaid expansion. it's both about are the people of your state going to be able to see it a doctor when they're sick? and are you going to do that at no costs to the taxpayers in your state. some of these states are getting more in federal subsidies than they pay back to the federal government and there's no question that it's the right thing to do. a governor like schneider is an interesting governor because he has been very nonideological. he has approached decision making in his state from the perspective, what do i think is best and what are solutions for our state. i think we will see people like that push forward and schneider should absolutely do that. >> with arizona having the medicaid expansion and 300,000 additional people are going to be eligible. if michigan had it, 450,000 there. what happens to these states if michigan doesn't end up expand aing it. what will happen in terms of
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their medicaid program and in terms of the affordable care act? >> this issue isn't going to go away. governors like brewer are making the difficult decision, i'll taken on my base and fight for this. next year the difficult position to be in is not having expanded medicaid. hospital systems coming back to you and saying we're going to close this hospital because we can't afford to operate it because we can't get the money from the new medicare patients. reduce payments to hospitals that have a lot of, that provide a lot of uncompensated care with the theory all these new people are covered so you should be providing less than compensated care. those republican governors are going to be under cross pressures and have business interests and health care interests saying you want to expand medicaid and people who are expecting to be on medicaid once people understand the health care law and there is available health insurance we can't get because of this political position. but they also still have pressure from the conservative base that really wants to resist
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obama care. even though it's essentially free money at the margin to the state, the overall objective of the conservatives is not to improve the state's finances as much as possible, but resist the health care law as much as possible. >> we talked about texas earlier. 1.3 million texans would benefit from medicaid expansion and that governor has said no. not only said no, but said i will also roll back eligibility so that fewer people will actually be eligible for the medicaid we have. so, i think we're seeing very different decisions. >> we talked about earlier rick perry probably likely running for re-election in 2014. if you look at the politics of it, that's somebody who isicating to a base at this point. what i want to foiind out what this means for jane brewer, what it means for her, her future, if she has one and the republican party. we'll talk about that after this. [ male announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance in sync?
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i just want to play a clip here. jane brewer we played a little of her state of the state from earlier. this is her sort of explaining her evolution on embracing the medicaid afford act. this was her back in january. >> try as we might, the law was upheld by the united states supreme court. the president was re-elected and his party controls the united states senate. in short, the affordable care act isn't going anywhere, at least not for the time being. >> at least not for the time being. it's upheld by the supreme court, the president has been re-elected. i mean, it is here. what i'm trying to figure out, maggie, at what point do other republican politicians feel safe to do something like what jan brewer, just to make the statement that jan brewer said. we're talking about it today because it's so rare to hear a republican talking in those terms and doing those things. does it take obama not being in office for that to happen? >> she said three very different
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things. one is, this is the law of the land. the other is, the president was re-elected, which was not the same thing as saying this was the law of the land and then a caveat for the time being. the couple things you take from that. the national republican party is still looking very much at repealing obama care. this is still something that riles up the base, as you said before. so, i think you're seeing republicans like chris christie take a switch position on expansion but you're not seeing republicans who are facing an uncertain climate next year. they're not sure what the economy looks like in their state or naturally and rolling along where we are and not a massive dip in the unemployment rate. that is where a lot of concern comes from. that's what you just saw with the farm bill last week and why it went down. a major club for growth victory. that's where the concern comes from. i think with someone that jan brewer did, i don't know what she's positioning herself for, but she's positioning herself for something beyond just being
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governor. >> she took over for janet napolitano. the dispute in arizona now is whether that counts as a term and she'll be term limited in 2014 or if she can run again. josh, it sounds like she's leaving it open. >> it seems like jan brewer and everyone who works for jan brewer think she's unavailable for re-election. one viewer said, no, she's eligible to run. she's been saying she's leaving the options open, that is partly not to be seen as a lame duck. i think her whole governorship has been like this. i live on this planet, i understand what's going on and she stands up to her party, when it's necessary because of that. for example, they passed a birther bill through the arizona legislature with unanimous support and she sent this message about how i never thought i'd be faced with a bill that might require candidates to the highest office in the world
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to present to the secretary of state of arizona. so, she vetoed this bill that had pass would the support of every republican in the state legislature there. one thing she did was push through a sales tax increase. governor norquest was out there saying she was a lousy governor and distract people from her billion dollar tax increase and got renominated and re-elected after doing that. fairly independent of her party all along and she's been saying these things, conservatives might not like them and they might not match republican orthodox but i have a state to govern and i'm going to live in the real world and do that. i think it presents a model for republican governors to have a way to be popular enough with the conservative base and win renomination without being captive to every whim of the tea party. >> i guess when you look at this, you were talking earlier, it is sort of surprising from a policy standpoint that the states would be this resistant but they are because the states are that strong. when do you see that changing and when do you think that will
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change? >> interesting to see what happens when the law is actually coming into effect. in my experience right now, a lot of health care providers at front line level don't have a ton of awareness of where the money is at stake and where the money is going to flow. when states start losing that federal money for unreimbursed scare they'll start calling up state legislatures and say, hey, what's going on here? can we think about this in slightly more realistic terms. governors as a whole have tended to be more moderate than republican state legislatures in terms of what is happening and in a lot of these states, particularly arizona, a very little staff. not a full-time job, but people are going with their gut. when people have a chance to look at it more closely and hear from more stakeholders, i do think positions will evolve over the next couple of years. >> there is also a difference from statewide office versus a local district. because of redistricting, what we've seen is more polarization. so, if yourve you're serving a
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statewide audience and you think of the republican party finally paying attention to latinos and immigrants. i mean, someone like jose who died at 41 because his provider stopped providing health care and he didn't earn enough money to pay for private insurance but also wasn't eligible for medicaid. before expansion rules. he would have been eligible under expansion rules died of stomach cancer because he delayed going to get care because he'd have to pay out of his pocket. now he has a wife who has breast cancer who doesn't have any health care and, at some point, we have to actually ensure that our politicians are actually thinking about the impact on real people's lives. that's one of the things that is more able to happen right now at state level or in the senate than in local -- that's where you're seeing some of the difference between a state level representative who is republican in some of these states versus
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what's happening in the house. >> the other thing, the interesting thing about michigan which we think of as a blue state, it is also where the democratic vote is packed into a geographically compact area. you look at the state senate there. control the state senate in michigan 26-12 because republicans have a land mass in michigan and democrats have voters in sort of the mote row areas and that produces the situation where the republican senate can look at the governor of their own party and say, hey, we're not going to do anything on this. we're taking a vacation for the summer. president obama having trouble with the legislature. he can't get republicans past the legislation in had house and neither can john boehner. that's next. ♪
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the farm bill, the primary legislative tool through which food and agriculture policy is made in america was rejected by the house of representatives after months of negotiations. house speaker john boehner first announced nine months ago in september of last year couldn't call a bill on the farm bill at that time among disagreements over the extent of the cuts.
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but then last month, a bill emerged from the house agriculture committee that would slash $40 billion from food and nutrition programs including more than $20 billion. supplemental nutritional program known as food stamps. democratic leaders propose the food stamp cuts and even then some democrats in the house willing to join republicans in vote for the farm bill. those cuts were still not enough for many conservatives. the advocacy group cut an ad with fred lucas of oklahoma. >> you can put a tuxedo on a pig and call it steve, but it's still a pig. and congressman frank lucas can call a food stamp bill a farm bill. but it's still a food stamp bill. lucas is working hard to pass a trillion dollar piece of legislation that he's calling a farm bill. but only 20% of the funds would go to support farmers. the rest, would go to bank roll
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president obama's food stamp agenda. >> when the bill reached the floor on thursday, an appeal to republicans to vote for it. but 62 of them, more than a quarter of the republican conference defied him. they did this after add aing an additional amendment to meet federal work requirements. that amendment, and another amendment scared off even more democrats as minority whip steny hoyer told eric hant cacanner o floor thursday. >> what happened today is you turned a bipartisan bill necessary for our farmers, necessary for our consumers, necessary for the people of america that many of us would have supported and you turn it into a partisan bill. >> so, my favorite feature of this. the final vote, by the way, 234-195. colin peterson the top democrat for this bill, they could deliver 40 democratic votes at
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one point. they ended up delivering 24. if you add aed the 16 cru, if you would have gotten 40, it would not have been enough for this bill to pass. my favorite from this the spokesman for eric cantor said this proved the democrats can't govern. >> sure. i think it was actually, yeah, i mean, look, the thing that happened here was if you look at the bipartisanship that happened on the senate side on the farm bill, right, which was, they actually really did come together and forge a bipartisan bill and they got it out and it got the vote. what happened here was, you really had the radical right of the party holding the rest of the process hostage. and, so, it really a was about this kind of ideological polarization we've been talking about around something like whether people who are low-income, struggling to feed their families get some help and eating at the end of the month. >> we're talking about it, the senate bill, the food stamps were much smaller in the senate
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bill and if this passed the house, there could have been a conference and they ironed out something. i look at this and $20 billion in cuts to food stamps. what is it that would satisfy the 62 republicans in the house? >> $20 billion over ten years is about a 3% or 4% cut to the program. not that that's good policy, but i think many republicans in the house would make a much more reduction in food stamps than that. this is a repeat of a situation that boehner is in over and over again. he needs to pass legislation through the house and two ways to do that. bill build a bill that is conservative enough that would have required much more than a 3% cut in food stamps over ten years. but when you build bills like that, you often get so far out on a limic thb that you are doi something that looks unreasonable and the house is trying to say we have an alternative we're sending up to the senate, the democrats can say, no, this is a highly ideological bill driven by the right of the party and it's not serious. or build a bill that gets
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democratic votes and then provide enough of his caucus to pass the bill. that's what we saw with the fiscal cliff and that's what we saw raising the debt ceiling and that's why they started calling nancy pelosi because they keep getting passed in this way, the democratic conference providing the votes and the legislation looks very similar to what's coming out of the democratic senate. maybe that's how the farm bill is going to have to pass, too. >> i heard that, but we're also talking if immigration gets through the house, that's the same model. put the pressure on the floor and 20 republicans and every democrat votes for it. how many cracks at this does boehner have? >> this does work. if the people on the far right of his caucus really don't want to govern constructively with the people who are there in the center of the house, this is what is going to happen to them. i do think it's striking in this bill, though, you look at what was cut as food stamps and you look at what wasn't cut. you hear that cruteak from the heritage foundation. this spends too much money
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overall. they say this pretends to spend money on farm subsidies but, really, gives money to poor people. if you look at it, farm incomes in the united states are about 10% to 15% higher than the average income in this country. farm owners are wealthier than the average american. farms have benefitted enormously from all the economic growth in asia, china, india, brazil and places like that. it's really sort of telling and p and we have to concentrate on poor people that eat food. >> i want to find out what a member of congress thinks about this. we'll talk to alan gray son, next. small businesses get up earlier and stay later. and to help all that hard work pay off, membership brings out millions of us on small business saturday and every day to make shopping small huge. this is what membership is. this is what membership does.
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walmart all right. we are talking about the totally completely surprising failure of the farm bill on the house floor this week. we're here with maggie haggerman and josh barro with and maya
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wiley for the center of inclusion. maggie maggie, i wanted to ask you about john boehner for a second. i mean this seriously. i'm not sure there is any republican in the house or in the country that could really be a strong speaker of the house and of the republican party right now. you know whatever that means. when i look at john boehner and the farm bill this week, remember the whole plan b debacle before the fiscal cliff at the end of the year. he had to promise republicans that he wouldn't negotiate with the president. why does john boehner want to keep doing this? he has been doing it for three years. >> it's a good question. i think that the answer is he has the job and no one else wants it. i think the reason he still has the job is because no one else wants it. what was striking is the way that the farm bill broke down aside from the policy reasons we were talking about during the break and before the break, this was a last-minute amendment. this was a failure in whip count and a huge embarrassment to gop
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house membership. it speaks, again, to why there is nobody waiting in the wings to take over. the plan b thing was a debacle because that was a pr stunt in the way it was broadcast to something that was a negotiating tactic. what was similar, outside groups that spend, like the club for growth do really well in that fight. they do really well in this fight. important to remember not many right wing groups that actually enforce this kind of thing in terms of primaries and in terms of the house far right gop caucus. i think why does boehner still want the job? i couldn't begin to get into his head as to why. he doesn't seem to be enjoying it most of the time. there is no other strong candidate waiting in the wings, which is why no one has taken him out. we hear this every few weeks. somebody will come for the speakership. >> they're smart enough not to want it. every time boehner makes one of the personal appeals and essentially telling republicans, guys, trust me on this.
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plan b was a perfect example. it was a total negotiating tactic and they said, no, we're not going to. >> boehner must want to keep his job. at the same time, he could have, he could have done, you know, as josh indicated, he could have said, no, i'm going to get the right bill that is a bipartisan bill that is not actually going to really blow up the democratic votes that we can get for this bill and he chose not to. that was a decision. there is one other thing we should note here because this isn't just about poor people who need food, it's also about family farmers because they lost big when that vote went down. some of these programs that were in the senate bill that folks were striking out of the house for ideological reasons were actually gutting subsidies that was helping black and latino farmers that were growing vegetables and fruit and farm, food to school programs and we're getting healthy food into schools and programs like
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farmers markets and native american reservations where native growers could get the fresh foods into the schools on the reservations. this is also about farmers. it's not who got hurt and who got hurt big. >> i want to bring in alan grayson who is joining us from orlan orlando. congressman, you voted no on this on thursday and we've been talking about the last-minute amendments and talking about the negotiation as really for the last few months. what was the breaking point for you? >> the $20 billion that they took away from hungry people. from hungry children. from the unemployed. from the working poor. why are we doing that? what kind of bill would it take for the republicans to support feeding the hungry. would we have to limit farm aid to fishes. it's a travesty. we have known for 3,000 years that a just society is one that shelters the homeless. that feeds the hungry. that heals the sick. why are they always against
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that? >> well, were you -- it looked like there were, first of all, 24 democrats who did end up voting for this and colin peterson, the democrat who was kind of managing it to get those 40 votes would say he would get 40 votes for it. what do you make of the fact that there were a couple dozen people on your own party willing to sign off on food stamp cuts? >> the gop struck down a gop bill. they're the gang that couldn't vote straight. they can't even get their own stuff right. >> yeah. >> congressman, i want to ask you about one of the other amendments that was voted on this week. josh barro. sugar is one of the most heavily ing and put tariffs which drives up the price and also encourages people to use corn syrup instead of sugar in consumer foods. harming the everglades by
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growing sugar in a place that isn't suitable climate wise. why did you vote to maintain that program? >> well, i didn't. you're miss informed. we didn't vote on the tariff. >> there was a vote on a reform of the sugar subsidy program, though, in the bill. >> well, no, the bill reforms the sugar subsidy program and replaces it with a minimum price. you really off base here. >> the other thing i wanted to get in there, though, where is, what will happen next now? we do not have a new farm bill and the temporary reauthorization that went through last year. is that the last step or a temporary patch-up job and hope for a farm bill? what is actually going to happen now? >> i think that what will happen is take up the senate bill. the democrats passed a bipartisan bill with
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overwhelming support. they know how to get the job done. it is the only a way forward now. that bill only cuts food stamps a little bit. something i'm still sad to see. something many democrats will be willing to live with to end the program entirely. >> representative grayson, this is maya wily and i wanted to ask whether you thought there was any possibility of just doing what happened in december, which was an extension for many groups, just having this extension was problematic because so many of the programs that were not included hurt so many low-income people, particularly farmers and in communities. is that something you see possibly happening again? >> it may. but at this point, it's not what the industry wants either. the industry wants to shift away from direct subsidies to floor prices. and that's what this bill would have accomplished. if we keep extending the status quo, that's not what the special interests want. i think you'll see a movement towards the senate bill. >> a lot of talk, also, congressman, about what this
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could mean for the other big legislative item and that's immigration reform and we were talking about it here a second ago. this idea that the senate bill and immigration, if one does get through and it's looking like one will, that the best hope would be for that bill ton up b boehner is violating the hastert rule and is there a lesson for immigration reform that you see coming out of what happened with the farm bill this week? >> i very much want to see immigration reform pass. we have about 80,000 undocumented in my district alone and it's just a shame to see how these people have to live. when theres a crime committed and they can't go to the police. when they don't get paid their wages they can't sue or tell the government about to. they live in horrendous conditions. i want to see this happen. the fact is the republicans don't want to see it happen because they're concerned that they will create at least 14 years down the road more democratic voters. that's what they're concerned
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about. to them, it's about politics and not 11 million people living in the shadows. racism on the side, as well. they don't want to let these people become because they speak spanish. i ran against someone who insisted that english has to be the official language of the united states. there is that strong current on the other side. they don't want to do anything that -- >> the question then, how do you get something through the house? what we just saw this week, nobody saw this coming and nobody saw this farm bill failing and it failed. if something gets through the senate on immigration, how do you get it through the house on these circumstances? >> i don't know, i'm skeptical that it's even possible, unfortunate as that may be. hispanic voters will remember that it was a republican majority in the house that ended up torpedoing a fair immigration bill that strengthened borders and delivered fairness to people who are living under horrendous conditions. don't get the minimum wage in
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some cases. people are going to remember that. and i don't take any pleasure in saying that, but i think the republicans in the house will be unable to pass this bill. boehner doesn't care one way or the other. the one thing boehner cares about is keeping his job. he is inefebtive as speaker because all he cares about is being speaker. he just wants to be something. that's the worst kind of person to have in a position of power. >> like i said, i can't figure out why he wants the job. my thanks to congressman -- >> i'll tell you this, when the time comes and he -- they're all going to be against him. >> my thanks to congressman alaen grayson, president obama is done waiting for congress on climate change. that's next. no. 1, 2, 3, 4! no! it's rated for class five white water. no! whooooooo! no, no! no, huh? yes!
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legislative action to combat climate change was hard enough
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to come by in president obama's term when his party controlled congress. since 2010, republicans took over the house, it's been pretty much impossible. no surprise there. we saw how the concept of reducing carbon emissions and stemming rising sea levels was treated at last summer's national convention. >> president obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans. and to heal the planet. >> so, now, president obama has apparently decided to go around congress and to tackle climate change with direct executive action. little more than a week ago, obama began telling closed door democratic fund-raisers to expect new proposals to reduce emissions in july. on wednesday, before the gate in berlin, he called for worldwide action. >> peace with justice means
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refusing to condemn our children to a less hospitable planet. the effort to slow climate change requires bold action. this is the global threat of our time. >> senior white house aide as say the president will set new limits from power plants. these electric power plants account for 40% of greenhouse gas emissions. the 2007 supreme court ruling gave the executive branch the authority to regulate power plants, meaning the obama administration has the ability to bypass congress on this issue. such a decision could have political ramifications. jean mccarthy has yet to be confirmed by protective administration. there are a couple different issues here but the reporting suggests that the regulations proposed are going to apply to existing power plants. that's the key, not future power plants, we were on track with that. existing power plants. what is the significance of that now? >> the significance for the climate is enormous.
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that's the largest single source of carbon emissions we have. something to be clear, the epa is legally required to do. litigation about this under the bush administration, you know, environmentalists won the case and said clean air act requires, and the process rolling out very slowly because it is politically very difficult to do this. any kind of tough standards on existing plants will raise electricity prices and the problem is if you do regulation through a new bill, you can put in some sort of tax or fee and raise money and you can use that money to offset economic harm to low-income families or particularly affected groups. it is harder to do that with a regulatory tool. a much blunter instrument. it becomes much more difficult for families and households to adjust. it could be, the president is not eligible for re-election, but sort of real political fireworks. >> that's the issue. if there are higher rates, higher utility rates, that would seem like the coal plants and
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talking industrial midwest, is that where this could have the most political impact? >> i think so. in terms of what the president is doing himself in his own agenda and i think everything matt said is absolutely right. it is hard to fault the president for doing it this way, given as you said what happened in the past and what we have seen time and again with almost every single piece of legislation. it's very hard to see something that is big that is going to really impact climate change and moving through congress, this is a piece of his agenda he has talked about a lot. something he wants to accomplish. the political implications over what it will mean over the next four years and as his party maintains power, it is not going to be positive. not the first time he upset his party and he is doing what he thinks he has a responsibility to do. >> this is linda banes johnson in 1964. this is where you say, i have to make a stand here. as a leader, this is the right leadership thing to do. anyone who saw the mitt romney
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clip should put a an ice cube on top of their hot stove and see what happens. that is what is happening to the polarized caps. if this continues and literally the projections are that in roughly 50 years south florida will be gone. so, this is not some -- there's nothing abstract here. there's hard science. 97% of scientists agree. this is -- we're going to see more hurricane katrinas and see more hurricane sandies and we'll see people dying and we're going to see people sick. this is about a leadership play. i mean, i absolutely agree with the politics. he's doing something he has to do to get something done. i also agree, much better to have leadership that was willing to legislate on this to actually realize that green jobs have, has been a faster growth economy, actually, than dirty jobs. and that if we think about programs that actually invest in community's ability to acatuatu
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and we'd solve two problems at once. so, it's not that there aren't solutions because we should care about folks that are working in the coal industry in the midwest. i certainly think they should work. i think they should work at jobs that don't endanger chair children and their families. >> the other environmental is the keystone pipeline. approval of the keystone pipeline. a lot of the reporting has suggested that maybe the white house sees sort of a compromise here where they take action on climate change and it's sort of political calculation, at least. the executive actions will help in that regard. but it will also, by doing that, soften the blow of approving the keystone pipeline. do you see that at work at all? >> that plausible to me. the opposition to the keystone pipeline is about carbon emissions. one way to discourage the use of petroleum products and if you had a sensible broad carbon policy, such as a carbon tax, it
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would be that the keystone pipeline uneconomicable. there was an interesting op-ed from bob englis from south carolina saying republicans need to get behind a carbon tax because carbon regulation one way or the other and we want to make sure it is a done in a way that raises revenue and where as, matt said, revenue can be used to compensate people in the economy who are harmed by those regulations. bob is former representative bob englis because he lost republican primary because of his views on climate change. maybe by taking this regulatory action. i'm sure the president will get political heat for it, and also creates pressure for a compromise where he can say to republicans, look, this regulation is here to stay. if you want to replace it with something else that is more economic efficient, i'm open to doing it. >> i saw an interview where he talked about how early in his political career he was basically a chiment change skeptic because he had the
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theory if al gore is for it, i'm against it. then he joined the science committee in the house which meant he took these sort of expeditions like the arctaic to actually see the effects of global warming. it changed his mind and he acknowledged it and he lost by 42 points in the 2010 primary in republican primary. red state democrat gave her early endorsement to hillary clinton. very early endorsement. that's next. a lot of people think fiber can do one thing and one thing only... and those people are what i like to call... wrong. take metamucil. sure it helps keep you regular but it doesn't stop there. metamucil has psyllium, which helps lower cholesterol, promotes digestive health, and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. it can multi-multitask... look at it, it's doing over a million different things right now.
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for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. the first official endorsement by a member of congress for a 2016 presidential prospect is in. claire mccaskill teamed up this week with ready for hillary as the superpak trying to line-up early support for the secretary of state and former first lady and new york senator and all that. mccaskill's announcement doesn't by itself tell us much what will happen three years from now. it probably doesn't tell us anything about what will happen three years from now. a good illustration of what the last few years have done to
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american politics. can be hard to remember now, but it really wasn't that long ago that democrats like mccaskill had very conflicted views, very different views about the clintons. let's go back to mccaskill's first campaign for the senate. running against a republican incumbent in a state that had voted for george w. bush twice. one thing that mccaskill needed was money and she was happy to turn to bill and hillary clinton on that front. the de facto faces of the republican party. a lot of faces in the party and bring in a ton of cash. she raised money with both of them in 2006. but the clintons were also symbols of polarization. intense political polarization. the white house years defined by relentless republican opposition and endless parade of initiated investigations and the midterm debacle of 1994 when democrats lost the house for the first time since the eisenhower years. it was impeachment and 2000 election when bill clinton's vice president couldn't carry a
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single southern state when winning his home state of tennessee would have been enough to win the election. clintons knew how to survive. they have proven that much in the 1990s. democrats were wondering, do you have to be so devisive? that was true in missouri. bill clinton carried missouri twice but its overall trend was towards the gop. mccaskill running for the senate in 2006 to be tied to the clintons would be tied to the name of the other party in fierce opposition. in public, mccaskill tried hard to create space, maybe too hard. >> you having bill clinton come in to raise money for you. do you think bill clinton was a great president? >> i had a lot of problems with some of his personal issues. i said at the time i think he's been a great leader, but i don't want my daughter near him. >> she later apologized for that, but i think her point was clear. in that same campaign mccaskill was unconflicted when it came to
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soliciting help both public and private from another big name democrat, obama. obama a in his only second year in the senate was actually the most requested campaigner by democratic senate candidates in 2006. blue states, red states, purple states, they wanted him everywhere. this was a big reason why there was so much clamoring by democrats for obama to run for the presidency in 2008. they figured with hillary they could win, probably. but with obama they dreamed of winning in a much bigger way. of blowing past the lines of division that defined the clinton years. polls like this one show that independents were much more receptive to the idea of voting for obama than clinton. it fed this thinking. obama himself fed the thinking, too, when he played up his marketability in red states. >> what i'm confident about, though, is that i have the capacity to get independent republican votes. i've done it before. if you look at, you know, my approval ratings in illinois
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right now, you know, i've got a 20% margin of approval versus disapproval, even among republicans. and part of that is the new tone, change in tone in our politics that i think people are hungry for right now. >> this is why democrats like clare mccaskill ended up siding with barack obama and hillary clinton in 2008. he could win and he could govern in a way that some would name clinton couldn't. look where we are now. obama's current approval rating with republicans is 13% and that's basically where it has been since the early days of his presidency and he won a second term, that's true. but building and mobilizing his own base, not by winning over the other side. now, i want to stop here for a second because i need to make it clear. i am not blaming obama for any of this. this is not about the president failing to reach out. this is not about him failing to take red states or take senators to dinner.
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the polarization that has defined the obama presidency is republican opposition and reinstruction and that opposition and onduction has made it impossible for obama to build the kind of electoral coalition that his supporters dreamed of back in 2008. also changed the way the clintons are seen. it was when republicans stopped attacking them and, instead, devoted themselves to taking on obama, that bill and hillary saw their poll numbers soar, even among republicans. turned hillary into the kind of white house prospect that a red state democrat like clare mccaskill will now go out of her way to endorse. republicans are figuring all this out. they've seen the polls, they're starting to attack hillary, again, and her numbers are starting to return to earth. which is probably just as well. because one of the lessons of the last five years is that any democrat who becomes president or who looks like he or she may become president will face the exact same partisan opposition that obama has faced for his entire presidency. we'll talk about whether hillary
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clinton really could unite democrats after this. nt to wear my favorite dress that i remember i should probably do laundry more often. yeah. yeah. cause' by the time i do there's all these mystery stains. i mean is it coffee? is it bronzer? did i play rugby at some point? could be gravy. i do like gravy. anyway, so my mom sent us these tide boost thingies to put in the wash with tide. together they're like twice as strong. yeah. so it's like bye bye stains, hello perfection. what? [ female announcer ] together, tide and tide boost double your power against stains that's my tide what's yours?
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talk about this claire mccaskill early, early, early endorsement of hillary clinton for 2016, for a noncandidate. well, that's interesting. there's a new story in "the washington post" we have that group out there. this is the group she teamed up wi with. james carville has done fund-raising solicitation for them. so there are some clinton people onboard with it. this new story in "washington post" say people around clinton, i'm not exactly who, but people around clinton are getting nervous about this group and the attention that hillary is getting for 2016 because they're afraid of what happened in 2008 where she got set up as the inevitable democratic candidate. they're afraid that's happening, again. >> she set herself up that way. i think it's very different than what is happening now. right now i think the train is
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leaving the station a bit ahead of her. i don't think she's unhappy about that. i understand some people around her are worried about stock market, the bubble grows too big and then bursts ahead of time. a lot of unknowns about hillary clinton's candidacy. the generational argument is the big one against her. that is the case regardless. i could certainly understand people around her being concerned about having seen this movie before where she was inevitable and we're looking at it, again. the difference in 2007, even though people didn't know barack obama was running, you knew he existed within a massive talent within the party. not anyone you can see on the horizon right now, anyway. what is interesting about this in terms of mccaskill is what is significant, "a" she's a woman, "b" a woman in the senate and "c" early obama supporter and these are all supposed to be of look how the party is coalescing around clinton. >> it's interesting. when i think back the vulnerabilities that hillary clinton had in 2008, the reasons in my mind it didn't work out.
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the iraq war, decade old heading into 2016. the second, this perception at that time if you were talking about polarizing forces in politics, you were talk aing about the clintons. whoever the leader of the democratic party is is going to be treated by the republicans as a polarizing figure. it worked out for the last five years that obama in, according to all the republican noise that we hear is the polarizing one and the clintons aren't any more and that's probably helped her, too. >> it has. but one wonders how much time will pass and people start talking about her as a polarizing figure, again. going back to your point, we have heard this story before and, in my mind, i worked for her and i'd be the first to support her. in my mind, how much of this is pens f penance, but want to get on this train right now and i also think, if there's not a particular person that we're looking at like obama, is there
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idelogically a person. is there somebody to her left or several people to her left. >> or a space created on the left. >> howard dean sort of put his name out this week, i thought that was interesting. he gave an interview to cnn and i'm watching it and reading it and it really seemed like he went out of his way to put his name, to get his name introduced into the mix. >> that's interesting. as governor of vermont, he had a fairly pro-gun record maybe it was long enough ago that he could evolve on that issue. >> although, that was part of his pitch, i remember, also, because in 2004 when he was running, part of his pitch was, hey, al gore lost in 2000. he lost the southern states and lost tennessee and missouri and west virginia in part because of guns. we need as a party to have a states rights position on guns. the line that got howard dean in trouble. >> i think dean's learned to talk a little better than he did back then. dean is also smart campaigner. this is a guy who created a 50-state strategy for the democratic party, which i think was a pretty smart thing to do,
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particularly if you want to make sure you're building a broader coalition. pay attention to all the states. i do think it was pretty obvious that people were going to be pushing hillary clinton theout there. she was the candidate to beat and no surprise there, only the endorsing. >> she also, i think the whole clinton brand. two things i would say, one about the 2008 issue. her main problem was not just inevitability and not just the iraq war. she was running on bill clinton's terms, right? she was running as the third term of bill clinton. voters didn't want the third term of bill clinton. it's not really clear to me she's running at barack obama's third term. is she running as her own entity. this is her third time coming out where she is completely separate in a lot of ways from her husband. >> are there specific policy areas? she's secretary of state and elevated herself away from day-to-day politics we haven't heard her on the great legislative battles of the last
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five years. we talk about the war vote, that's a decade old, specific policy wheres the left that have questions for hillary clinton that haven't been answered. >> partly what questions they have for barack right now because you see the softness of his numbers come from younger voters when you talk about the generation issue. a lot of these younger voters that got up into this movement with barack, but feel that some of the promise has not been fulfilled. that he may have journeyed a little bit more to the right or to the center. so, if they're upset with barack right now, they're probably going to be a little concerned about hillary. the question that i always have is does the barack coalition translate directly to her? i'm not sure that's true. >> the generational issue, too. i love this one. i think she'll be 69 in 2016. to look at the polls her top rival will be 74. maybe she's the young candidate in that mix. anyway, the polls close in massachusetts in 83 hours, but who's counting? wrapping up the special senate election, that's next.
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massachusetts will elect a new senator this tuesday. the special election in three years. unlike the upset that republican scott brown scored in 2010, long-time democratic congressman ed marquee seemed set for victory former navy s.e.a.l. and private equity fund manager gabriel gomez. marquee leading gomezby 20 points. a 2-1 fund-raising advantage. vice president joe biden will actually be campaigning for him this afternoon. gomezhad his last major chance to gain traction in this week's debate and definitely tried. >> also the only person here who is creative enough, the only political candidate to actually use the newtown massacre for political gain. that says it right there. you'll say anything to get el t electedman. that's what you've been doing for 37 years. >> mr. gomez, you haven't
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answered the question. where will a civilian need a weapon where you can shoot 100 bullets in just two minutes? >> so, it's a massachusetts election. we'll talk about it towards the end of the show here. but, i thought at the start of this, i believe that ed markey would probably win, hey, it's a blue state. i thought a little potential vulnerability because of his longevity in office. 37 years in the house and elected in 1976 and i've seen these, i grew up in massachusetts and once every decade or so a revolt against the idea of insider and the idea of entrenchment and a risk in nominating ed markey but gabriel gomez. >> we need to retire the phrase the next scott brown. i think scott brown was scott brown and a unique set of circumstances. every election is a unique set of circumstances to your point. a lot of people had concerns about markey.
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they were skiddish because of scott brown and what happened in 2010. they didn't want to see a repeat of that. but markey, a generational thing and he had not had a competitive race in a long time and had limitations. gomez had had limitations. he is pro-life running in massachusetts. that was not the same as scott brown. national republican money is not flowing in like water the way that it used to from outside groups. the expectation that outside groups, crossroads gps and the chamber of commerce and so forth will come in and support you. breathtaking story in "wall street journal" with a shootout between gomez's campaign and national groups. donors are very squidish on both sides, but much more so on the republican side. you cannot assume that the calvary is coming in. most republicans did not think this was a winnable race, at least the further it got along and little on that poll to suggest that they were wrong. >> i should point out, there is
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a new emerson college poll, emerson, they came out i think just today. you can expect that the gomez campaign will be flooding inboxes, hey, we're surging in the end. >> if you're bragging a poll that has you down ten points, the race is over. this is a senate race in massachusetts. democrats win senate races in massachusetts. the scott brown race was bizarre for a number of reasons, including him being extremely strong candidate and martha coakley being a weak, incompetent candidate. >> she went on vacation. >> and still almost won. that's a set of circumstances you need. and then the other thing, republicans know this seat is going to be up again in a year. so, even if you threw a ton of money at this race and found a way to eke it out, there is no way to, gomez would be a senator for 18 months and lose the general election next time around. >> as scott brown did last time. >> we're seeing this in new jersey. republicans have been burned over and over again spending a
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ton of money on senate races in new jersey. >> they're not even trying. >> they should try. chris christie is there and he's the face of the republican party in new jersey. so, why even try. >> this is a complaint the republicans are making, they're deprived of this great chance for 2014. that is absurd if you think about it. not absurd in the sense that, yes, in theory, you could find somebody who could be a good recruit and realistically, it's still new jersey. >> massachusetts, new jersey, 1972. >> i do think what's interesting here is the fact that, in both parties, because this is true both of massachusetts with gomez and new jersey now with the mayor of newark, the african-american. really this effort to find the folks who are going to be more mirroring the way the country looks. so, i think it was smart for gomez to run because nobody areally knew him. this was his first time out of the gate. it is a special election. no, they're not spending a lot
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of money compared to what folks are spending on markey. markey is elderly, let's be honest. they're building a pipeline. >> ed markey will have a place in history if he wins this election. i went back and researched as best as i can tell if and when ed markey wins this race the longest serving house member to go on and be elected to the senate after 36 plus years. he will break the record by 32 years who was the speaker of the u.s. house in the early 1920s or the late 19 teens, whatever you would call that. went on to serve a term in the senate. a preemptive congratulations to ed markey for breaking house longevity. what do we know now that we didn't know last week? my answer after this. on't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot. could you get the light?
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in just a moment, what we know now that we didn't know
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last week. but first, a quick update on our discussion last week on edward snowden, former nsa contractor who's taking credit for leaking information about the agency's secret surveillance programs. federal officials said last night that they have charged snowden with three felony counts. theft of government property, passing on national defense information, and revealing classified information about communications intelligence. the u.s. is asking the government if hong kong, where snowden is believed to have fled, to arrest him and to begin the extradition process. now, what do we know now that we didn't know last weak? we know that we've lost one of this generation's most talented actors with the passing of james gandolfini. the 51-year-old actor died on wednesday while vacationing with his family in italy. we know that when gandolfini was accepting one of those emmys back in 2003, he wore a homemade badge on his tuxedo lapel that baffled the hollywood crowd in the room and anyone who happened to capture it on television at
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home. it was a campaign button for his old buddy, joe renna, who was running for local office in nnk. it was even a surprise for renna himself, who had no idea that gandolfini was going to wear the thing on national television. the badge read, vote joe renna, three holder, union county. and despite gandolfini's national if somewhat subtle endorsement, we know that renna didn't win that race, but got a great story. we know now in extremely specific language how maine's republican governor, paul la paige, feels about democratic state senator, troy jackson. on thursday, jackson criticized the governor for saying he would veto the state's latest budget. when local reporters asked the governor about jackson's comments, the governor spoke his mind and then some. he said, quote, senator jackson, to be for the people, he's -- he claims to be for the people, excuse me. i'm already laughing at this one. but he's the first one to give it to the people without providing vaseline. he continued, this man is a bad person. he doesn't only have no brains, he has a black heart.
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la paige was told by a local reporter that his vaseline comment could offend people. he said, quote, good, it ought the to. i've been taking it for two years. we know these two men may not have to work together much longer, because on friday, la paige said he's considering running for congress, despite the fact that his political adviser has said that he is, quote, 1,000% unaware of such a plan. we know that while christine quinn maintains a small race in the lead for race for mayor of new york, her book sales are hovering around nonexistent. quinn's memoir, "with patience and fortitude," has only sold about 100 copies in its first weeks on the shelves. but regardless of the book's poor sales, writing a memoir is almost a prerequisite when running for office, just like printing bumper stickers. you tell readers why you were driven to a life of service, with a title to show that you are, quote, fed up, or that
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under no circumstance will you ever say you are sorry. for the cover, you find somewhere generically outdoorsy, fold your arms, and stare off into the distance. the unrelenting tradition of politicians writing their memoirs and the people that keep reading them, or not reading them. i want toochbd out what my guests know now that they didn't know last week. i'll start with you. >> i didn't know that james gandolfini wore that button on national television. i think we know decisively just in massachusetts the way that race is going to go after a lot of posturing that was very romneyesque in terms of, don't believe the polls you're looking at. >> so you're predicting that gabriel gomez wins? >> yes. >> i did not know that paula deen fondly remembers the civil war and i'm so glad she is not on food network right now or won't be in a month. >> well, now i know that all of canada is a real mess. i know a lot of americans is have been following rob ford, the mayor of toronto, two media
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outlets say they've seen video of him smoking crack cocaine. today the mayor of montreal was arrested in a corruption scandal. there's another big city outside of montreal where the former mayor is accused with begansterism, which is the actual fame of a crime in canada. they also have a massive housing bubble that's about to burst. >> the mayor of saskatoon is still clean. >> for now. >> we know we're going to be biting our nails for another week, waiting for supreme court decisions on whether adults who love each other can get married, no matter their gender, and about whether we're going to allow universities to ensure that our student bodies look the way our population does. >> we'll be talking about all that tomorrow. actually, thank you for setting that up my many thanks to maggie haberman, basel smichael, josh bear, maya wiley. thanks for getting up and thank you for joining us today for "up." join us tomorrow, sunday morning at 8:00. we'll have congressman hakim jeffreys and ana marie cox of "the guardian." and up next is "melissa
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harris-perry." coming up next, it's summer of blockbuster time and melissa is casting her own heroes and villains straight from auditions seen all week in washington, d.c. also, one nation under debt. time is running out and an entire generation is at risk. it's "melissa harris-perry." she's coming up next and we'll see you right here tomorrow morning at 8:00. thanks for getting up. but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can help make this a great block party. ♪ [ male announcer ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems.
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however, seeing this little beauty over international waters is enough to bring a traveler to tears. we're putting the wonder back into air travel, one innovation at a time. the new american is arriving. this morning, my question, what was serena thinking? plus, it's time for a bigger tent under the rainbow. and we are one nation under a mountain of debt. but first, john boehner is proving to be the most disappointing super villain of the summer season. good morning. i'm melissa harris-perry. it is summer blockbuster time and we love our summer movies.
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get out of the heat for a couple of hours, relax with some popcorn, escape to a world where the bad guys are bad and the good guys win. you know who the hero is. you know who the villain is. and there is no question that good will triumph over evil. just sit back and enjoy. but in real life, well, in real life, we sure would like to have clear villains and heroes. we want the villains to be zods, unquestionably evil, the real bad. we want every hero to be superman. above reproach. superman is right, zod is wrong. no nuance necessary. we want it to be that simple. it's in part while we love presidential elections so much. there's a good guy, your guy, and a bad guy, the other guy. they fight it out head to head and we can anticipate the big battle scenes, you know, they're always debates, and follow the action for months until the final climactic moment, election night. but summer politics in an off year, not summer


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