tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 22, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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night-vision goggles to keep an eye on my spicy buffalo wheat thins. who's gonna take your wheat thins? i don't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot. could you get the light? [ loud crash ] what is going on?! honey, i was close! it's a yeti! [ male announcer ] must! have! wheat thins! good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show." you mean i'm not fishing today? let's get to work. >> these governors that are highly successful across the country and it's really interesting, most of those governors are republicans. >> there is a war going on, a war against workers and the poor and public education. >> texas is calling. >> hello! >> you had me at hello. >> yeah, that's good. >> american voters are having, i think, buyers' remorse with radical republican governors. ♪ blame it on texas >> sorry, oops. >> remember that, rick?
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>> florida governor rick scott and texas governor rick perry. >> rick, rick, rick. >> republican governors are tripping all over one another. >> what's up, dude? >> i'm the dude. >> basically want to do what governor perry's done. >> i'll prove it. ♪ the stars at night are big and bright ♪ ♪ deep in the heart of texas >> talk about how you're going to turn the economy around. >> adios. >>. ♪ >> oh, sometimes i wish i was on the same stage with those guys. no, i'm not running. but i love to talk about them. here he is, again, he's back at it. slick rick perry. the governor of texas. it is all hat and no cattle. just wrapped up a five-day
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poaching tour for jobs in the northeastern portion of the united states. now, how many liberals are up in the northeastern portion of the united states believe a texas brain drain here. the texas brain wizard planted his cowboy boots here in new york city and in connecticut across the river hoping to rope in some business leaders to taking jobs to the lone star state. the governor's main message, very simple. no regulation and no state income tax. sounds really good, doesn't it? perry even put together this web video slamming new york and talking up texas. >> if you just took the book of rules and regulation in new york state. 49,000 pages and one reason small business owners tell us that new york is such a hard place to do business. >> a lot of the business owners tell us they can't afford to hire more people. >> new york city planning to outlaw sales of big sodas and other sweet drinks. >> don't have the right to dictate what people eat. >> to say it's against the law?
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>> why more jobs and businesses move to texas than any other state. >> our state is number one for business because we have no state income tax. texas was ranked number one for business for the ninth straight year by chief executive magazine. and has added more jobs than any state in the nation over the last five years. if you're tired of the same old recipe of over taxation and overregulation get out before you go broke. texas is calling. your opportunity awaits. >> you know, texas is a great state. great people down there, no question about it. they love the country. but just hang on a minute with what he's talking about. first, we should point out texas was ranked number one for business by who? chief executive magazine. i've never heard of this outfit. then after checking this out, this fine publication pushes like has obama painted a bullseye on your back? second, number one for business.
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what does that mean? that does not mean number one for workers. governor perry's message should be, come to texas and you can pay your workers minimum wage. and you can give them no health insurance. let's go over some employment facts about the great state of texas. texas has more minimum wage jobs than any other state in the country. texas has more people without health insurance than any other state in the union. rick perry recently vetoed a texas equal pay act for women. and he also vetoed the texas by american act. think about that. a texas governor would be against buying american. what is happening here? meanwhile, rick perry is just one of the many republican governors who has been imposing their radical anti-middle class agenda on the constituents. it's been my mission on this program to wake america up to what the six radical governors are doing and how they're trying
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to consolidate power off the same playbook in their states. now, the good news is, we have an opportunity here. 22 republican governors, their seats are up in 2014. two are up on term limits in re-election. this is where progressives have to win the game. including our own buddy scott walker. doing a great job. did i say that? scott walker has been doing a great job. yeah, of moving his state backwards. he rolled back public employees' rights to collectively bargain. wisconsin's economy is now ranked 4rank ed 49th out of 50 states. he can't put together a governor perry tape. just this weekend, his republican legislation passed a major school voucher program, which will take away taxpayer dollars from public schools. is that where you want to live? that's why their economy is tanking in wisconsin. wisconsin voters have taken notice and the post recent poll
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shows the governor is losing to ross feingold by three points and he hasn't announced if he's going to run or not. all the lefties saying you have to do it, you have to do it. walker's buddy to the southeast, that is john kasich, who i have quite a history with. he tried and failed to limit public employees in ohio collective bargain, and, of course, we beat him back on that. massive tax cuts for the rich in his state while increasing taxes on the poorest 60% of ohioans. now, the most recent polls show kasich is leading a possible contender in 2014 by nine points and a lot of this has to do with, he got a wakeup call after measure two didn't go his way. he has softened his position, so to speak, on labor. it's hoodwinked a few people, but, believe me, he's the same guy. republican governor tom corbin of pennsylvania. let me tell you, this guy is a dandy. corbin because of his controversial voter i.d. law and
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also privatized pennsylvania's state-run liquor stores and also the state lottery. looks like the people of pennsylvania really like their state-run lotto because the most recent polls have corbin losing to democratic congresswoman allison schwartz by ten points. this is as good of news as we can find for liberals in america right now because this guy, he's a bad dude when it comes to public education. then you have mr. private person himself. mr. private prison. this guy can't privatize prisons enough. governor rick scott of florida. scott is famous for his massive 2012 voter suppression effort and scott made headlines for trying to make welfare recipients take drug tests. >> but the money that went through the legislature were not. >> governor, you benefit from hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars every year. would you be willing to pea into this cup to prove to florida taxpayers that you're not on drugs, you're not using the money for drugs.
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>> i've done it plenty of times. >> would you pass this forward to the governor. we can all turn around. >> no longer explanation i can give you. >> governor, i hate to keep harping on this. >> excuse me one second. just one second. i'm going over here. you don't get to run this. >> drug testing the poor. that's something that came up in congress this week when they were talking about the farm bill. notice how they all operate out of the same playbook. rick scott is the poster boy for attacking the most vulnerable. the former health care mogul has made it nearly impossible for sick and disable aed floridians since day one. here's the good one, losing to charlie crist by ten points. now, up north, we have foul mouth republican governor paul lapage of maine. lapage as a reputation for saying absurd things but this week's remarks could take the cake. >> senator jackson claims to be for the people.
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but he's the first one to give it to the people. that comment is not politically correct, but we have to understand who this man is. this man is a bad person. he doesn't want to have no brains, he has a black heart. people like troy jackson, they ought to go back in the woods and cut trees and let somebody with a brain come down here and do some work. >> that comment about the vaseline is going to offend some people. >> good, it ought to. i have been taking it for two we years. >> classy guy. that sound bite pretty much speaks for itself. lepage once said his greatest fear in the state of maine is the newspapers. the printed word. this week the governor instituted a media blackout of all three of maine's major newspapers. the most recent poll out in that state has lepage losing in a
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two-way matchup by 13 points. and, finally, we have republican governor rick schneider of michigan. schneider has come under heavy criticism for enacting one of the measures in michigan's history. he instituted the financial city's manager act which could wipe out entire local governments and really make your local vote mean nothing and could do it with a swipe of a pin, depending on how the city's finances are. it's a government takeover and the people of michigan clearly don't like what snider is doing and how he's doing business. a recent poll show s lancinsing mayor leading by five points if virg jumps to the race. talk about jerry mandering this is the key. it has to be if the progressives continue their strong movement across the country.
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the 2014 gubernatorial races are important because of the gridlock in washington. governors have as much power as anybody in anybody's day-to-day life. the way washington's working right now. the final say on voting rights, health care, who's going to expand obama care, accepting federal money for jobs and the right wing hatchet jobs say no to federal money that hurt the job market in their state. the geri manderimandering and ts that affect you at home. all politics is local. focus on your nut jobs in the gubernatorial chair because that's where we can keep the liberal movement in this country moving and moving fast. these radical republican governors certain ly don't matc up what mark dayton has been able to do in minnesota. minnesota with a liberal of former senator mark dayton and
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raised taxes on the wealthiest people in the state. they delivered a balanced budget for the first time in ten years. they have mopped up the mess that tim pawlenty left in the tune of billions into a road to a surplus and funding education. so, there are clearly two paths to take. you can take the weighty governors in the states that we pointed out, or go to, how come we don't have minnesota up there? that's because he's a democrat. am i partisan? yes, i am. but i have the facts to back it up. when you attack workers, you lose. when you attack public education, you lose. when you deny obama care, which is going to help millions of people get health care in this country. you lose. and all of these governors, what are they? they're behind in the polls. the people aren't with them. there's one guy who i haven't mentioned that polls well. and that's because of a storm he has proven he has got a pulse and that's the big guy across the river, chris christie. he has been in the position
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where he's literally had to work with president obama. interesting how it hasn't hurt him a bit. get your cell phones out i want to know what you think about tonight's whole commentary. will the conservative attack on the middle class cost republican governors their job in 2014? text "a" for yes and "b" for no. go to our blog at we'll bring you results later on in the show. right now, i want to talk to a fire up guy who has been a fighter for jobs and workers since the day i met him about seven years ago. mayor of lansing, michigan. virg. good to have you on the program. >> good to be with you. you are fired up and hitting every nail on the head, as usual. >> brother, we can't fish every day, we have work to do here. >> look, are you going to run? what's happening in michigan? are you going to run?
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you ran against snider before and he outfunded you big time. protecting him, funding their campaigns. virg, what are you going to do? >> look, i'm not running. we have a great candidate. i do think it is a great year and i think the governor is being exposed, like these other governors you're talking about. the attack on labor. what we had in michigan was a much more careful candidate. he said very little. what we had was bait and switch. with a lot of these guys, bait and switch. the attack on labor with the so-called right to work and all out attack on public education and witnessing the corporatization and then the attack on mentions and retiree pensions all in order to provide a huge tax break for business and we don't see, what we don't see is a big increase in business investment in michigan. we don't see the results, we see the tax cuts. we don't see any results from it. >> are we getting buyer's remorse from the folks in michigan on snider? >> no question. like you mentioned the poll. all the polls show him down. not just against me but the
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candidate i'm endorsing, former colleagalolleague of mine in th. but, also, ed, you have to think about, what is keeping michigan's economy going is the auto industry. you know how proud i am of the cars we produce. >> let's talk about that. you were a proponent of helping the automobile industry. we know that the folks across the street and the conservative movement in this country were totally against any kind of help for the automobile industry which would have had a ripple effect and we would have lost million more jobs. i want to get your reaction and i want to play this clip of fox and friends this week praising american cars made in your city of lansing, michigan. here it is. >> today in our made in america series. everything you need to know about buying an american car. >> testing out the very best ones made right here in the united states of america. >> we're talking about the chevy traverse.
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this is tied for number one and assembled in lansing, michigan. >> engine from flint and it's a real michigan machine. >> amazing how many friends you can pick up, virg, if you stay focused. what do you think of that? >> talk about fare weather friends. these are guys, i battled with them over and over again. they were ready to sell us out and sell us down the river. all i heard was let detroit go bankrupt just like romney said. they didn't care about the american worker and we're making the things that make america great. gm is back. thank god the american people understand. it's worthy of investment, gm and chrysler. the last chrysler investment paid off. this paid off in terms of jobs, like you said. leading michigan's recovery. if we would have gone the way republicans wanted it, snider would have been 20 points down because we wouldn't have any economy left in michigan. we have the most productive workers in the world right here in america in places like lansing, michigan. i'd love it for you to come out and see.
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i'll take you to the factory floor. these are not the factories of yesteryear. we could compete and win against anybody. >> a real story to be told there. you're asking me to come to lansing, michigan. >> i'm there. ed show will be there and we'll do something on this program because that is an admission of guilt what you saw on fox news. they had no vision that that's where the automobile industry is going to be some day. you did. virg, great to have you with us. share your thoughts with us on "ed show" and twitter and we want to know what you think. a republican staffer thinks this is a healthy diet. the food fight continues in washington and congressman keith ellison is here to set the record straight. gubernatorial candidate e.w. jackson drops another duzy. >> i'm telling you that slavery did not destroy the black family. >> our rapid response panel takes on his latest claim, coming up. stay with us. with the spark miles card from capital one,
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bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button?
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time now for the trenders. that's right, here on "the ed show" we listen to you. every week before the program we check out facebook, twitter, blog. you decided, we're reporting. here is this week's top trender's voted on by you. >> meow, meow, meow. >> our third trender, yes, we cat. >> you know i don't speak spanish. >> mexican candidate morris hopes to follow in some famous paw print. >> that's right, a mayor cat. >> an active mayor as a joke by the town's 900 residents just after he was born.
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>> the number two trender, chris christie fumbles! >> my favorite football team are the dallas cowboys. >> the new jersey governor commits a personal foul with a giant endorsement. >> it's not the smartest thing for the governor of new jersey to want to be a fan of the dallas cowboys. >> athis week's top trender. >> food fight. >> the bill is not passed. >> it's silly. it's sad. it's juvenile. it's unprofessional. it's amateur hour. >> where the farm bill goes from here, nobody knows. >> republicans keep fighting in billions for cuts to food stamps. >> our amendment empowers the state to require work for supplemental nutrition assistance program. >> darn right we're going to stand in your way. >> snap out of it! >> from the amount of obesity in this country, my people we're told do not have enough to eat. >> then i looked at, the one who
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is unwilling to work shall not eat. >> well, quite an interesting week in washington when it comes to food. one republican finding to cut food stamps is texas congressman steve stocken. remember the name? good buddy of ted nugent. donny ferguson, he took the s.n.a.p. challenge in response to 26 democrats living on the s.n.a.p. budget. ferguson spent less than the allotted money and claimed he even gained weight from the food. well, guess what, we have exactly here on the ed set what this guy bought. oh, it's just great food, sfwht it? this is how you live on food stamps. he got cookies, sugary cereal, no value whatsoever when it comes to nutrition. you have rice and beans, peanut butter and jelly.
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sounds good, but, almost double the daily calorie intake for an adult more than double the amount of sodium intake. may i point out on this desk, no fresh vegetables, no chicken, no meat, very little protein, fatty foods, processed foods, subsidized foods, preservatives, corn syrup and everything that ma makes america fat. here's your farm bill, folks. right here. here's the food stamp program. now, some of the congressional members are complaining that there might be some king crab legs that might make it through the checkers aisle at the grocery store. i wish that was the case. what we need to do is increase the food stamp program so they don't end up with stuff like this that make americans fat. why don't they have a kind of a program that pushes forward for fresh vegetables.
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pushes forward for poultry and meat and real protein that helps kids get nourished. that's where we need to be focusing. but, you see, big conglomerates have taken care of that through their lobbyists to make sure they get subsidized to do this kind of stuff. 3,500 calories, no. that's not where america want to go. joining me now is congressman keith ellison of minnesota. one of the democrats taking part in the s.n.a.p. challenge. keith, good to have you with us tonight. how is it going for you on this? is it a feasible diet in any stretch of the imagination for americans? >> look you can take the s.n.a.p. diet and eat enough food to make your belly feel like you've had a meal, but you can't eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet that is going to enhance health and help you get stronger and better. particularly bad for a child. i mean, the truth is, is that this s.n.a.p. diet is not really
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a sustainable diet for anyone. and, so, for folks who want to cut s.n.a.p. even more, you know, in my opinion, this is just not acceptable. >> now, there are some things that he bought and this is whole wheat bread and milk. but the majority of it makes america fat. the majority of it is subsidized. >> empty calories. >> and it's the priority of it all is not good. would you agree? >> absolutely agree. it's what you call empty calories. calories, but there's not much nutrition contained in those calories. and, so, you end up being not very healthy if you stay on that diet. that's why cutting food stamps is something we couldn't stand for, not in the nation, that is the richest nation in the world and makes enough food for people to eat in a nutritious, well balanced healthy way. >> this is a principaled vote on the farm bill by the democrats. this to me is historic.
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the farm bill has always been hotly negotiated, but never a problem getting past. everybody knows that, you know, you know, urban legislatures are going to come along with rural senators and see how important it is to keep producers on the land and to keep a food supply in america. it's -- but for us not to be able to get a farm bill, i think, speaks volumes about how broken washington is. what's going to happen now and a principled vote by the democrats to stand your ground on making sure food stamps don't get cut. where will we go from here? >> we'll go back to the drawing board and come up with a sensible alternative. if they hadn't had the cuts, we may have been able to get closer to what makes some sense, but they did have them. they insisted upon them and the heritage institute actually was whipping against it, as well. they lost about 60 republicans on the bill. but they really lost the bulk of the dems. i think they have to come more our way if they want to get a farm bill. we do need a farm bill.
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i come from an ag state. minnesota anning a rutural state and i'd like to see a farm bill, but i'm not going to tolerate a bill with these s.n.a.p. cuts together with nothing really on renewable energy. and, so, the bill really was noted aicanot ed adequate. >> what we're seeing in the farm bill is that the republicans are protecting the wealthiest and protecting the conglomerates and protecting the corporations and going after the poor. that's what they're doing. they're going after the poor. oh, my, food stamp, that's why we're having auch a financial issue in this country. great to have you here. keith ellison from minnesota. coming up, the mta is putting money ahead of safety to fix one of new york's biggest, busiest bridges. on what chinese steel means to american drivers. but, next, i'm taking your
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questions live. ask ed live just ahead here on "ed show." stay with us. [ indistinct conversations ] [ male announcer ] when you wear dentures you may not know it, but your mouth is under attack. food particles infiltrate and bacteria proliferate. ♪ protect your mouth, with fixodent. the adhesive helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath.
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♪ fixodent, and forget it. with the innovating and the transforming and the revolutionizing. it's enough to make you forget that you're flying five hundred miles an hour on a chair that just became a bed. you see, we're doing some changing of our own. ah, we can talk about it later. we're putting the wonder back into air travel, one innovation at a time. the new american is arriving. to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin dedicated to your eyes, from bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite is uniquely formulated to help protect your eye health. now that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite.
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help protect your eye health. and now there's ocuvite eye + multi. an eye vitamin and multivitamin in one. welcome back to "the ed show." we love hearing from our viewers. tonight, our first question comes from josh swanson. let's see, swanee wants to know, will the house get a farm bill done this summer or anything else for that matter? two-part question, huh? no. and no. i think that the republican s right now in the house are in such a disruptive mode, they do not want to see president obama sign anything and they're willing to go back home and blame him for all the financial problems. so, no. and when you say, or anything else for that matter. i don't think they're going to get immigration done either. they're going to get it done in the senate. good for them. in the house, isn't going to
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happen. you mean to tell me the tea partiers are going to pass in the house something that barack obama is going to be able to sign, which would be revolutionary on immigration reform? it isn't going to happen. our next question comes from steve wallace. what advice would you give democrats for 2014 midterms? number one, send money. number two, vote. number three, before the vote, get socially active and involved. here's what i think the democrats really need to do. as i said in the first segment, focus locally and go after the gubernatorial seats and make sure that you are active on a local level. what has caught liberals off guard over the last four years is just how active and how organized the conservative movement has been on a state legislative level and how radical they have been. stay focused, stay after it and don't give up. stick around, the rapid response panel is next. all business purchases.
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thanks for watching "the ed show" on this saturday afternoon, evening, wherever you are. bishop e.w. jackson. the gop nominee for lieutenant governor of the state of louisiana has a history of making inflammatory anti-gay, anti-obama and anti-choice statements. for instance, comparing planned parenthood to the k, but this one might take the cake. >> i am a direct descendant of slaves. my grandfather was born there to a father and a mother who had
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been slaves. and, by the way, their family was more in tact than the black family is today. and i'm telling you that slavery did not destroy the black family, even though it certainly was an attack on the black family. it made it difficult. but i'll tell you that the programs that began in the '60s, the programs that began to tell women you don't need a man in the home, the government will take care of you. that began to tell men, you don't need to be in the home. the government will take care of this woman and take care of these children. that's when the black family began to deteriorate. in 1960, most black children were raised in two-parent monogamous families. by now, by this time, we have only 20% of black children being raised in two-parent monogamous family as with a married man and woman raising those children. it was a slavery that did that. it was government that did that.
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tried to solve problems that only god can solve. and that only we as human beings can solve. >> a sociological charge. joining me michael eric dyson, virginia state delset shar nel hearing and james peterson. great to have all of you with us tonight. sharnel, let me ask you first. what did you make of what he just said? seems to cross all political lines. interesting appeal. your thoughts on what he said. >> well, what he said is simply outrageous, ed. to compare programs of the '60s. you know, we're talking about medicare and medicaid. head start, the voting rights act. he is comparing that and suggesting that that is somehow more detrimental to the black family than slavery. he seems to have forgotten what slavery did to the black family. stripped children from their mothers and fathers. there is no shame and we as human beings wanting to help our children. if they are in a difficult time,
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it's no shame for us to make sure that that child has food on the table and to suggest that this is somehow a detriment to the black family is way off the mark and dead wrong. >> dr. dyson, this is red meat for the conservatives, isn't it? >> no doubt, even if you're on a diet, you can't resist that piece. the reality is it's interesting that e.w., what does that stand for? that jackson would argue that slavery was not as bad for the family as 1960s programs. well, first of all, he's absolutely historically famished and need to be fed a diet of insight. the family a was not even allowed to exist in slavery. black people could not legally be married. there were no families that were acknowledged by the state, number one. number two, black people were so desirous of confwruigation and joining together in kinship that they formed informal bonds and formal bonds according to their own internal rituals. thirdly, the '60s enabled the proliferation of opportunities and possibilities. head start programs, which had
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been denied to african-american kids so they could get a leg up in terms of going to school and not only the voting rights and civil rights bill and all the infrastructure made possible. jackson needs a history lesson and so sad that for inidia logical points to be -- >> comparing medicare and medicaid to slavery and comparing planned parenthood to the kkk, dr. peterson, your thoughts on this. >> complete absence of facts, ed. number one. trying to draw a distinction between the u.s. government and slavery. the u.s. government was the slavocracy. that distinction doesn't make any sense. he's drawing this information from a report by the urban institute that came out that said black family as are worse off in 2010, than they were in 1960. he wants to blame the social safety net. what we really have to look at here, ed, the prison industrial complex. we have to look at one in six
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black men running through the prison system as compared to one out of 33 for black men by 2010. largest increase in, which is young, black women. when you look at those numbers. that's the data impacting directly the black -- when you add to that the numbers, we see where we are. >> what is this gentleman's view of public education and public funding and equal opportunity? does he think that's getting in the way, too? >> his rhetoric for what we heard so far from him would suggest that maybe he is against that. i mean, he is so off the mark on so many respects and i have to tell you here in virginia, we just hear hateful rhetoric from him from summing th-- it is har where he is in on issues. it's unfortunate he's running for lieutenant governor because the voters have nothing to draw from.
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>> will it motivate the democrats or moltivate the conservatives? >> let me tell you something, it is motivating. it is motivating people to get out and vote. i will say this. what i have seen that actually republicans are concerned in virginia and some republicans are actually supporting the democratic ticket because of this extremism that we've seen. it's been building in virginia, but now it's just hit the high mark with this republican ticket that we're facing. >> topic number two. food network star paula deen found herself in hot water when a leaked deposition uncovered her use of slurs. she was expected to address allegations of racism on "today" show but instead released two video statements friday afternoon. let's look at them. >> i want to apologize to everybody for the wrong that i've done. i want to learn and grow from this inappropriate, hurtful
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language is totally, totally unacceptable. i've made plenty of mistakes along the way. but i beg you, my children, my team, my fans, my partners. i beg for your forgiveness. please, forgive me. for themous takes that i've made. >> last night it was announced deen's contract with the food network would not be renewed. did the network have a choice here? did they have to do it, dr. dyson? what are your thoughts on this? >> well, i'm a baptist preacher, i forgive her. that has nothing to do with justice and nothing to do with the fact that you should be off of television and your language was inappropriate and hurtful. not bias expressed against populations, but the structural realities to which dr. peterson appointed about the like.
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we make believe as long as i say i'm sorry, what i did was wrong as opposed to dealing with the fact that paula deen is not the scapegoat for this. white blonde and southern and speaks with an accent and i think we have to deal with deeper issues. >> james, what about it? >> i'd like to see her more than give us this empty apology. she has a platform. listen, she should address the concerns about health and the kind of food that she's promoted over time. that's the real reason why the food network let her go. when you think about race and racism, what we need is spokespeople to turn the tide against the demographic that associates themselves with the kind of retic that paula deen has been spewing. at the end of the day, i would love to see her use this platform to do something more proactive. >> she wanted a traditional southern wedding with all
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butlers in tuxedos. >> you know, that's a fantasy -- >> great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. >> thank you. tonight in our survey, i asked you will an attack on the middle class cost americans their job. coming up, my favorite story tonight. sean hannity exposes himself in playboy magazine. we'll take this pretender to task. you hurt my feelings, todd.
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insinuating president obama was a muslim. shocked by the question, hannity went on defense saying, i never fueled the myth. how do you come up with this stuff? he went to a muslim school in indonesia or wherever it was, kenya, i forgot. here's how hannity's work not fueled that myth. >> he did study the koran and one of the most beautiful moments in life prayer at sunset. >> no, he didn't feel anything. if sean hannity wants us to believe that he's just too much, has too much journalistic integrity for fear mongring, he can just keep on pretending. every day we're working to be an even better company -
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confirms what i've been saying all along. over 66,000 bridges in the united states are considered structurally deficient, more than 1 in 9 bridges. last month we witnessed the bridge collapse in washington. here in new york since 2011, the state has seen an increase in the number of structurally deficient bridges. the nta is doing it on the cheap. this american bridge will be fixed by using chinese steel. that's right. outsourced inferior product chinese steel. the san francisco oakland bay bridge was repaired with the similar chinese steel in 2009, a steel beam and two rods collapsed. taxpayers deserve to have the best quality and the safest
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environment made by americans on american soil. we're looking to face similar closures and problems if the nta goes through with their plan to use chinese steel on this bridge. i think it's a shame, and unnecessary. i'm broadcasting here from 30 rockefeller plaza, a place that symbolizes american workers and american steel. and the foundation of this great city. you know, you just have to ask the question, why didn't they use chinese steel back then? because back then, we believed in american workers. back then, we believed in manufacturing. we thought that it was important for the country. now it's all about the profit. and it's all about some maybe elected official thinking we've got to do it on the cheap because i have to look good in the budget. in the meantime, those people in the future who are going to be crossing that bridge just think,
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you're crossing cheap steel coming in from china to save a buck. i think it's morally wrong. for more on this, i'm joined by leo gerard. we saw this in california. now it's happening in new york. what's the problem here? what's wrong with this picture? >> well, i think you hit it right on the head, ed. i want to back up, though. when we talk about the bay bridge, there's a couple of facts. the bay bridge is now $6 billion over budget, ten years behind schedule, and the most important
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comments in the last two weeks are the people that have paid the tolls to go across that bridge, the overwhelming majority have been polled and said they don't trust the bridge and not sure they want to use it. that takes us now to this bridge in new york. i don't know that the general public knows this. this bridge, the engineering for that, the design for that was done at lehigh university in pennsylvania. there is no reason why this bridge couldn't have been fabricated in the united states, and in fact, i'll again report a fact. we checked with pennsylvania fabricators. two of them said they could have done this bridge, no problem. but they weren't given an opportunity because china was the place that the metropolitan transit authority decided to go.
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>> they're saying it cost a lot more money. what do you say to that? >> i say take a ride to san francisco and see what happens at the bay bridge. that's just mularkey, that the reality is we speak -- we have spoken to pennsylvania fabricators who say they could have done it. the american steel industry is working at 75% capacity. turkey exports 2/3 of its steel that it produces. china has about 30% of the steel it produces is being exported. neither are doing it at business terms. the fact is, the company that the metropolitan transit authority used in china is a state owned enterprise. so the metropolitan transit authority, through that company, is subsidizing the chinese is subsidizing the chinese milita
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so you can spend less time doing paperwork. and more time doing paperwork. ink from chase. so you can. a dangerous chase. >> i hit him and he came back and started firing at me. >> a daring maneuver. >> i saw the wheel coming at my face. >> a crash not to be believed. >> he was bent in half. >> the dog was charged with this message, go find help. >> as you see, he's playing. he's not being aggressive. >> this suspect seems to take a bite out of the evidence. >> he swallowed it.
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