tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 23, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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whether you're the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn't think you're special anymore, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. good evening, americans. republicans want to go to the moon. i think we should help them and senator lindsay graham claims the gang of 8 will be able to pass the immigration reform. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. ♪ ♪ >> we've got these problems that need resolved and i'm committed to getting them resolved.
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>> amnesty could cost something more than just money. >> it could cost a nation -- >> don't come in to be a taker. >> this will be bad for wages. it'll be bad for unemployment. >> it is a bunch of malarkey. that's a spanish word. >> do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? >> speaker boehner is not running republican conferences, he is one step ahead of the mob. >> this is a very difficult issue. >> some of these republicans got together right away and said, okay, here is our strategy. no to everything. >> no way, jose. >> i don't sebringing an immigration bill to the floor that doesn't have the major support of republicans. >> it'll be dangerous. you go first. >> if it fails and we are blamed for its failure, our party is in trouble. >> republican party has a lot to
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lose here. >> hello. hello. anybody home. >> tell them that the time for excuses is over. >> . >> maybe. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. take a very good look, close look at this man. you know who he is, speaker boehner. what about the resume? this is man who did everything in his power to stop healthcarery form. this man promised to repeal healthcare and take coverage away from 30 to 40 million americans. this man killed legislation which would have created millions of jobs in america. he couldn't even get a farm bill passed this past week. a farm bill? we can't even do that? america?
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so here is my question. do you really trust this man to get comprehensive immigration reform done in america under obama? >> we know that border security is absolutely essential. that if we're going to give people confidence to do the rest of what is being suggested, and i frankly think the senate bill is weak, on border security, i think the internal enforcement mechanisms are weak and triggers are almost laughable. and so, if they are serious about getting an immigration bill finished, i think that the president sent democrats reach out to democrat republican colleagues, to build broad bipartisan support for the bill. >> in other words, we're not going to pass it. the real story isn't about border security. that's the red herring. they will never be happy about border security. it is what the senator says on the floor and how passionate he
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or she gets. >> you know what is lost in this conversation? the very people that this lelgs la legislation is going to affect. the undocumented workers and their families. anybody else ask them what the heck is going on? no one is talking about their lives, their circumstances or their concerns. basically, they are being treated like furniture, moved around. political poker chips. being negotiated with at the point of this debate, this is really what we have to talk about. what about them? what about the people it's going to affect? let's see what a member of the gang of eight thinks. senator lindsay graham, you have the floor. >> let's look at it this way. give the republicans all of the border security you want and all of the legal immigration you want and trust republicans to deal fairly with 11 million. that's not going to sell to a democrat. and i sure as held am not going to accept an i greemt where they get legalization on a pathway to
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citizenship then they give me border security, then give me legal immigration reform. you have to do it together. >> graham also went to say the gang of 8 is on the verge of getting 70 votes. that may be true. but i don't think it'll have an affect on how the house operates. i don't disagree with lindsay graham but all of this controversy handing out to halliburton and contractors, what is it? overkill. the keyword here is trust. do you trust the tea partiers, republicans, who have tried in the past to reverse things that have been passed already by the american people via representative government? yes, i think there is a real parallel between trusting them on healthcare and trusting them on immigration. now put yourself in the position of an undocumented worker who has a family. do you really think that they are sitting there watching the news and paying attention to this debate and this country?
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feeling real confidence about washington? feeling real confident that what they pass is never going to be reversed. that all you have to have is the republicans say, hey, let's pass a bill. come on out wherever you are. identify yourself. we'll take care of you. do you trust that? i don't think undocumented workers do. i think we are totally mission the point. we're not talking to the people who it is going to affect. we're not into the lives of the of the families that will be torn apart if by some chance they were to raise their hand and say, i'm an undocumented worker and i want to be an american and rely on the republicans to never reverse the legislation. do you want to put your family at risk? do you want to put your family on the line? do you trust the republicans? can you trust the republicans on taxes? can you trust the republicans on workers rights? can you trust the republicans on public education?
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can you trust them on healthcare? hell no. so why in the world would undocumented workers say, dog gone it, i like those republicans, they are going to do exactly what i want them to do when it comes to me and my family. now i realize the conservatives and i've add lot of calls on lefty talk radio about this too. hey, they are criminals and they broke the law. we are part of this problem. we have allowed undocumented workers to come into the country. we didn't do what we are supposed to do. you can't fault someone for trying to better themselves or their family. many of them are workers. many of them are pay taxpayers. most of them, in their heart, want to be americans. but we don't recognize that. i want republicans, okay get your border security. i want the republicans to stand up and say, we guarantee that if you raise your hand we will never turn on you and we will never deport you. i want to hear that from the republicans in the senate. nobody is saying it. nobody in the senate is saying,
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we want you to be americans. we want you to step out. we want you to be a part of us. be a part of our country. we want you to have security in your heart that we won't do obama. care. >> he used in his weekly address to try to settle reform. >> it is a compromise. nobody will get everything they want. not democrats, not republicans, not me. but it is consistent with the principles that i and others have laid out for common sense reform. that's why republicans and democrats, ceos and labor leaders, are saying that now is the time it pass this bill. >> common sense reform. that doesn't mean anything to anybody in the tea party. here is the other problem. >> the tea party is not going to allow that man, president obama to put his signature on anything as big as immigration reform.
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this is also about president obama's legacy. it is the same reason republicans have been trying to get rid of obama care. i mean, if you think the tea party is going to hand president obama landmark, a landmark piece of legislation, that will be a huge part of his legacy, ain't going to happen. and if you don't believe me, let me remind you about what outgoing tea party congresswoman michele bachmann said last week. >> we're going to have amnesty, perpetual amnesty for illegal legislation and the whole system will change. why? this is president obama's number one political agenda item. because he knows, we will never again have a republican president. ever if amnesty goes into effect. well perpetually have a progressive liberal president, probably democrat, and we will probably see the house of representatives go into democrat hands and the senate will stay in democrat hands. so you will have a permanent liberal progressive democrat
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class and you will never again be able to see our country return to its constitutional foundations. that's what's at risk right now. >> see, with the republicans, they think it is all about politics. it is not about families. not about human beings. not about people who want to be americans. all about politics. i want to know what you think about tonight's question. do republicans care about the personal struggles of undocumented immigrants? text a for yes. next b for no. follow me on twitter and on "the ed show." snrs /* sns. great to have all of you with us tonight. annette, i want to rekindle a conversation that you and i had before the election in miami when we were talking about trust. we were talking about folks who
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weren't ready to raise their hand. because romney was talking about deportation. are we still there? do undocumented workers in this country really believe that the republicans are honest about this? >> i don't think they are there at this point. i know that they are trying and in the senate, senator rubio is trying with some interesting amendments. but nonetheless, i think that people are still scared and they are looking forward to this passing. they are hopeful. but i know that they need it desperately. and i can tell you that senator rubio has been getting ads on spanish tv and radio. against him. because he is supporting this. and remember, he was elected by the tea party. >> ej, deion, what guarantees do you think the republicans should come forward with saying if we pass this and you raise your hand, we're never going to reverse this. we're never going to put a
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target on your back that you can always be on the pathway to citizenship in america. based on what they've done, why would we thinked this change? >> i think they can do that because after the 86 act, but that was before the tea party, they didn't renege. that's why i think it is actually important that the 70 votes happen in the senate. if you get a very big margin, that includes a lot of republicans, it does send at least some signal. but what is really remarkable, i think that michele bachmann clip you played, is the notion that there were republicans who were saying, we will never ever, ever get a substantial share of the latino vote. and they have completely forgotten that george w. bush got 40%. they think he is so great that they will never reach that point again. it is remarkable pessimism on their part about latinos. >> don, are these lawmakers considering undocumented workers here or are they just trying to
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pass something to be passing something? i know in the house they work pretty diligently on it. but the stubbornness of the tea party, do you think it would ever pass in the house? would boehner come forward? is he using border security as real whipping post here? >> you are focused on speaker boehner. i don't want to take a virginia centric view but majority leader cantor is the key on this. he is the one who torpedos several measures, including the farm bill and the fiscal cliff at the end of the year. the question is whether the republican leadership jointly is going to support this through. but i think we have lost site of the undocumented workers. i think across the political speck sprum, they had to spend one week in the life of the undocumented worker, it is a transforming experience as nuns on the border also tried to raise that. so we should remember the moral and family consequences of this. i think it is important for republican leaders and particularly m
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particularly mr. cantor to say, this is important for the deficit, important for economic growth and key to the american dream. >> how do republicans get a win on this? how do they get a victory? how do they overcome the tea party in the house? >> it is very difficult. they are putting difficult for amendments that are so negative. they have an amendment in the house of represent testifies to charge a tax to the farmworkers and people who actually earn very little but somehow they don't charge that tax to all of the visas that they give for engineers, for microsoft, for those kind of jobs. so it is like a two system, two level system. it is totally unacceptable. and they don't -- that tax that they want to charge, it is a money that they keep until they go back to their countries. so that kind of behavior towards them, shows you that they don't understand the need for immigrants in our country. >> ej, the tea party isn't
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allowing obama to sign something that is part of a legacy. they hate this man. they tried to take his healthcare down. they won't let him signature something like this. isn't that what it is about? >> that means that the republican party, majority of it, is going to have to stair down the tea party and say, we don't -- on this one, we don't care what you think. i think that there are two forces operating for immigration reform that are important to republicans. tom mentioned nuns on the border. and both catholic and evangelical groups are fighting hard for this. i think some republican congress people better pay attention to them instead of the tea party. the other side is the business community. if they want to say yes to the tea party, they have to say no to religious conservatives and no to the business community. i think a lot of republicans aren't real happy about doing that. >> stay with us. we have a lot more coming up. ren to answer tonight's question at the bottom of your screen.
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we always want to know what you think. when we come back, can the democrats hold the white house of 2016? campaigning has already begun. james carville makes his case for the favorite ahead. but first, the story that will really get your blood boiling. >> what is the price that you want from these working men and women? what cost? >> new numbers out tonight on the real price of poverty and what a living wage is actually worth these days. not yesteryears. stay with us. we're right back. [ phil ] when you have joint pain and stiffness...
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when does the greed stop? what is the price that the workers have to pay no get an increase? what is it about working men and women? that you find so offensive? >> welcome back to the ed show. for decades, the line of the senate ted kennedy made an impassioned plea for raising minimum wage almost seven years ago. stakes are higher for working families in america. about 30 millions rely on minimum wage jobs. new research shows raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour could lift almost 6 million americans out of poverty by 2015. minimum wage just doesn't cut it for working familyets any more because it hasn't changed with inflation. back in the 60s a minimum wage job could keep family of four above the poverty line.
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by 1980 a minimum wage job could not support, could not support, a family of two. now you can barely support yourself working 40 hours a week on minimum wage. ted kennedy's plea for living wage is gaining momentum from lowest paid to top democrats. >> family with two kids that earns minimum wage still lives below the poverty line. that's wrong. >> don't dare let us raise minimum wage. >> we are here to say we can't survive -- >> -- on 7.25. >> i wonder what working people ever did to the republicans that they have it out for them. >> imagine immigration reform adding millions more workers, trying to support their newly american families on low wage jobs. i'm joined again by ej, deon and mary. do these two subjects of
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immigration reform and minimum wage parallel one another? having a bunch of cheap workers come in may only drag the economy. i'm being fair about this. fair on the conversation. i'm all for immigration reform. but from an economic standpoint, don't we have to make changes? >> i think this is a basic shift from the idea that economic growth trickles down from the top or does it actually grow from the working and middle class out? what henry ford and other entrepreneurs a century ago understood is the purchasing power of the working middle class drove economic growth. we have tried policies for some years now that are based on trickle down. they failed to produce growth for the working and middle class. both of these cases, the question is, do we want to start focussing o again on people who want to work hard, play by the rules and make it out of poverty in this country? i think what we find is everybody benefits in the economy when we have that middle approach and raise minimum wage so that someone who works 40 hours a week is not below the
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poverty line. seems like a core part of that promise to the american dream. as does common sense immigration reform. >> ej, how do you see this? low wage roworkers -- it is a lg time play but how do you see it? >> i think you are right to link to immigration reform. if you look at where americans stand on this, some americans are worried and you can understand why, with their wages stagnating, that a large number of immigrants in the country legal liesing them would be put downward pressure on wages. i think it wouldn't because legalizing people would allow them to demand their rights. but middle wage says this policy is not about pushing wages down. it is about building our country building our economy. and i think this middle out idea that tom referred to is so
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important because it's time to sort of point supply side and trickle down in its place. it has never worked. we grew far more as a country when we grew on the basis of giving purchasing power to people to buy stuff. >> annette, does this help undocumented workers raise their hand, knowing if they do, they might get paid more? >> absolutely. and we have done this in miami, of all places, where we have over 70% hispanics. we passed living wage ordinance. our state and governor is trying to take it away. but nonetheless, everybody from the chamber of commerce and others said oh, no, no, this is terrible for business, terrible for visitor industry. somehow it didn't happen. the sky didn't fall down. so it is proof that this actually helps people get out of poverty. lift up. put their kids through school. and this is all that they want. the american dream and i think that it is important to look at
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other cities that have done this as well. >> i just can't see any tea partier out there in the house who would ever advocate for a vote for raising the minimum wage. we could be in for a long hall of wages being depressed. tom, your thoughts. >> well, you know, there are two gaps the republicans were were road about in the last election. latino gap and gender gap. they should remember that 62% of people making minimum wage are women. this issue affectsome families and particularly so many women who are becoming primary bread winners at the low end of the economic scale. as they appeal it a broader tent, they may need to look at a secretary look at how supportive they will be above minimum wage. >> great to have you on "the ed show" this sunday evening. thanks so much. coming up, mitt romney proving he add sweet tooth for cord rate campaign money. now one of america's favorite ice cream makers explains how
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you can fight back against citizens united. later, one small step for the republican party. find out why their latest budget plan is really out of this world. up next, i'm taking your questions. ask ed live is just ahead. stay with us. have a good night. here you go. you, too. i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. using night-vision goggles to keep an eye on my spicy buffalo wheat thins. who's gonna take your wheat thins? i don't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot. could you get the light? [ loud crash ] what is going on?! honey, i was close! it's a yeti!
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programs. this is just ed. this is not the liberal standing up. this is what i think. i think this kid's a punk. i think he's a coward. and i don't view him as a patriot at all. sea coward because he won't come home and face the music. and if the united states of america is doing something so egregiously wrong in its surveillance program, how come he is the only one speaking up? you mean nobody else is willing to step up and say, we're doing really bad stuff here? look, the constitution, yes. abiding by it, very important. we've been down this road. but basically as i see this, this is a white bronco chase today is what this is. we are now balancing the credibility of this guy and the president of the united states. or this guy and our safety. i'm going to error on the side of the president. i'm go to be error on the side of the safety of the country.
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i don't believe we have done things so terribly wrong to keep the country safe that we need to prop this guy up, who won't come home and face the music. i understand there's a lot of people in america who are willing to support him. he should be empowered by that, not going to china. not going to russia. and certainly not seeking asylum. this isn't about you, dude. this is about the security of the the country. the security of all of us. and based on what i saw in washington, d.c. on september 11th, 2001, i'll never forget the smoke coming out of the pentagon as it just barrelled across the sit city and people screaming and sirens and people scared. i don't know, i just don't want it go through that again. so i don't trust this guy. i don't trust him. have we made miss takes? yes. are we perfect? no. i don't like getting felt up in airports. do you? but sometimes what we have to do is realize that maybe our laws don't keep up with technology.
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maybe it is not a perfect world out there. but i do think the united states in september 11th has done a pretty good job of getting it right. i'll go with president obama as his administration and the nsa over this guy. until of course i get more evidence. maybe some of his coworkers. maybe a whole department will come out and say, you know, snowden's right. don't count on it. stick around. well talk real panel next. 14 clubs. that's what they tell us a legal golf bag can hold. and while that leaves a little room for balls and tees, it doesn't leave room for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day,
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and campaign's already beginning. one of president obama's earliest supporters endorsed former secretary of state hillary clinton for 2016. >> it doesn't seem complicated to me. she is by far the most strongest, capable, qualified candidate for president of the united states. >> well, clinton campaign is under way on line. clinton supporters are offering free bumper stickers at ready for hillary pack is taking donations from frightened conservatives. hillary clinton is not running yet but she did drop hints thursday night during speech in toronto. >> let me say this, hypothetically speaking, i really do hope we have a woman president in my lifetime. and -- [ cheers and applause ] >> and whether it is next time
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or the next time after that. it really depends on women stepping up and subjecting themselves to the political process, which is very difficult. >> canadian crowd of 5,000, they really liked it when clinton promised to vote for the president woman for prose. as i said, we've got only 1,234 days to go. joining me now for some real talk on this, about this race is democratic strategist and long time clinton campaigner. i have this man working on sunday afternoon. i appreciate that. >> thank you. >> good to have you with us. >> you bet. >> is hillary the one to watch right now. looking at 2016, the way the structure campaigns are and contemporary time, is she the one that democrats are looking at? >> she is sure the one we are watching. and going around the country, if it is any indication, with the democrats i run into at airports or gathering or events, it is
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almost unanimous that people really want her to run for president. that is not much after secret there. she is the focus right now. >> is there anybody else out there, who is promising? >> well, i'm not very, i don't think so. i may not be the best person to ask. but what i can say without fear of hesitation, eekwifcation, with almost every democrat i run into, hope she runs but be even thus ya enthusiastic about her running. >> you know, any time bush came out or cheney came out or hillary clinton came out, conservatives always raised the big days of raising money. in age of citizens united -- >> right. >> would the clinton campaign and liberals in this country be
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able to keep up? it would seem to me that there would be a lot of folks who would not want hillary clinton as president. it would be a free-for-all financially. >> would she be a boom to right wing fund-raisers. would they be going nuts and different people going crazy? we saw that in the 90s. i would say that clintons have a pretty good record of beating these people back. i'll never forget they ride to run him out of office. >> do you think she want to do it, james? >> i don't know. honestly, i say that with certain certainly. i don't see any need for her to make a decision until after mid terms. and i suspect that's where her final mind is right now. >> latest polls show we could have another clinton bush match-up.
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attracting registered voters, and 40% and 7% say they are unsure or they would support someone else. wouldn't this be the -- this would be the mother race, wouldn't it? the blockbuster. this would be it. >> one of the things we talk about is1,200 days out. and things are kind of boring right now. so you, me, every political junky, one things with the our appetite and that's a presidential year. we tend to look pretty far into the future these days. who knows. i think that the governor bush would have a very difficult time getting republican nominations. i think a lot of people are great with that. >> who do you think would give her the toughest test? how would she stack up against chris christie, you think? >> if chris christie were to get pr republican nominations, he would be the equivalent of superman.
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you have to understand who votes in the iowa caucuses and south carolina primaries and stuff. this is a northeast media fantasy that they will nominate chris christie. they are not even doing no such thing. >> bill clinton a plus for hillary. he loves the campaign trail. look at this, you've got hillary, a juggernaut. people love her. you have bill clinton, who could ever argue with his power and also with the way he sways people, and so convincing politically. and then president obama. how could the republicans beat that, james? >> you know, look, i have seen the prospect, i wrote a book called "40 more years" which is saying that the combination of the younger people being democratic in a demographics of country bode well. i think it would bode well for any democratic in 2016, particularly hillary clinton.
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what i like about her race is you and i know she has the message ready for her. and that is the country is ready for somebody that is going to try to promote the middle class. if president obama had to save the economy, deal with financial crisis, a number of things. the issue of our time, and from 2016 on, is going to be who is going to rebuild america's great middle class. i don't think anybody has the smarts or tenacity or background to do that better than hillary clinton does. i think if she runs, that is the corner stone of her campaign. i hope it is. if i were asked for advice, that's what i would say. i think that's where her heart is. she is there right new. and i think she understands that the real heart break that america's middle class is going through and if it comes and the value of homes and cost of education and you know, you got
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pay for tax on medicare. >> issues won't change. i think they will be very similar to 2012 and the conversation will be very much the same. >> i their it is going to be even more. because 2012 we were still coming out of recession. we still had the industry and president obama add lot of things on his plate. i think that 2016 conversation is going to be even more middle class centric, than the 2012 conversation. >> bell, we're not going anywhere. james, good to have you with us. tonight our survey, i asked you, do republicans care about the personal struggles of undocumented workers in this country? th 90% of y 9% of you say yes, 91% say no. plus, getting the american dough out of politics.
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the pretenders tonight. the republicans. do you know in their upcoming budget 2014, they have proposed a plan to slash millions of dollars from fundamental programs? so unlike them, isn't it? transportation, including amtrak funds would be cut by a third. the home investment program that create affordable housing, would also be cut by a third. renewable energy and water programs would be cut in half.
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now con conveniently, the money used for the dodd-frank oversight laws sees a drastic reduction. but there's one thing that's kind of the untouchable in all of this. the sacred cow. they took a page right out of their former speaker's play book. >> by the end of my second term -- we will have the first permanent base on the moon and it'll be american. >> well, we can't get it on this planet but maybe we can get it on another planet where it says american-made. now the moon colony dream lives on. but this time, boehner's bunch has mars on the mind. new legislation includes funds for sustained human presence on
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the moon and surface for mars. if republicans are proposing we send them up to mars, i got no problem with it. but you know, putting -- how about putting money right here on -- instead of life on mars, does that sound like a pretty good idea? and life on mars isn't really where we are, instead of taking care of americans on this planet. with that whole plan, i think they can just keep on pretending. my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business.
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my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. from capital one... boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, please? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris' small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back the chicken's testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase every day. told you i'd get half. what's in your wallet?
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corporations are people, my friend. we can raise taxes that of course they are, and everything that corporations earn ultimately goes to the people. so -- where do you think it goes? is. >> it goes in your pocket. >> whose pockets? whose pockets? people's pockets. >> oh, they got all day. and welcome to the "ed show" and this is a story for the folks who take a shower after work. now, this is of course the sound bite that ended mitt romney's campaign before it got started the idea of corporations being
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people is clearly not popular with americans, but unfortunately, it is one of the reasons that the supreme court ruled in favor of citizens united giving the corporations a right to spend unlimited amount s of money on the political campaigns. the ruling prompted unlimited spending from super pacs in the election and a total of 226 super pacs spent $40 million in last year's presidential race and it is going to be worse. a total of $546 million was spent, $290 million spent against president obama and $241 billion against mitt romney. and now the stamp mobile. it is a custom-built truck meant to draw awareness to the
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citizens united and you put a dollar into the machine, and then this happens. >> you load a dollar bill into the plastic piece, and it slides upon a track and at the top it releases it and goes down a track bumping into the strike plates that trigger a couple of signs. one says that corporations are not people. it hits another striker that opens what we call mr. money mouth. the platen swings around a curve and hits a stamping mechanism and then it ejects it from the stamping mechanism and the person who put the bill in can then get their newly stamped bill back out. >> and joining me now is ben cohen, the co-founder of ben and jerry's ice cream, and the head stamper for the stampede program. great to have you with us, ben. tell us about the stamp stampede, and what are you trying the do here? >> well, we're trying to build the movement to amend the constitution to get money out of
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politics. the stampede is one small part of that movement. already 15 states have passed resolutions in favor of that amendment to get money out. 150 members of congress have voted in favor of it. and the role of the stampede is to get tens of thousands of americans to be stamping the dollar bills. i have got some stamps right here, and that is what i do. i stamp the dollar bills, and here's one that stays stamp money out of politics burk the one i like the best is this one right here. not to be used for bribing politicians. >> is this legal stamping the money like that? >> it is absolutely legal. we have a high class first amendment lawyer in new york city who assures us that it is legal, and you know, we have read the regulations, and they say that, you know, as long as you are not altering the
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denomination or making it so that it is no longer obviously currency, or advertising your business, it is okay. >> what kind of reaction you getting around the country on this, ben? >> well, you know, people love it. because, you know, 80% of republicans and democrats want to get money out of politics. and -- >> they just don't know how to do it. >> they love the idea that this is something that anybody can do. you can stamp your money anywhere any time. we sell them on the website. stamp at our cost. you know, it is a lot of fun. actually, i carry around the executive model switchblade of rubber stamps. the executive model pocket stamp. it pops right out, and, you know, if you are walk down the alley and somebody is coming at you, you go, ugh! and isn't that cool? >> it is cool. i have to get one of those. >> amazing. i think that i can arrange that. >> and i think that this
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machine, illustrates really when a dollar goes into the political system just what it goes to. i mean, this is more than clever. tell us about it. >> well, you know, it trip assign that pops up, and says corporations are not people. >> yes. >> and then it passes by this picture of this gentleman with a tall top hat, a businessman, and you know, when it goes by, his head and the hat flip to one side and it exposes a corporate office tower. >> you designed this? >> i did along with a whole bunch of other people. there was a guy named allen rory, yep. >> and so democratic senators -- and i want to bring this in democratic senators jon tester and chris murphy proposed a constitutional amendment this week that established that corporations are not people, and i want to play you mitch
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mcconnell's reaction to it. >> they are uncomfortable with free speech and only uncomfortable with it when the supreme court said why a carve out for a corporation who owns a media outlet and no one else. it is an absurd proposal and it won't go anywhere. >> what is your reaction to that? >> what he is saying is counter to what the people in his party want. i talk to republicans on the street, and the poll republicans will all say they want money out of politics, and they don't believe that corporations are people. >> by the way, i had some seven-layer bar today, and it is pretty darn good, and you have a great product. of course, i'm easy, but a i like to eat. okay. the final question, how do people get involved in this? >> you go the, and you can buy a stamp there at
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our cost, and i will tell you what, coming up and i haven't announced this to anybody before -- >> okay. >> coming up for the entire month of july, in honor of the birthday of our country, it is pay what you can month at the stamp stampede. so you can go to the website -- >> okay. thank you. this is the "ed show" and i'm ed schulz and we are back here next sunday at 5:00 p.m. eastern. [ u want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ using night-vision goggles to keep an eye on my spicy buffalo wheat thins. who's gonna take your wheat thins? i don't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot. could you get the light? [ loud crash ] what is going on?! honey, i was close! it's a yeti!
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