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tv   The Last Word  MSNBC  June 24, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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doing. to the point where they don't even understand why they're failing when they're failing. someone should talk to them about the math guy. that does it for us tonight. we will see you again tomorrow night. now it's time for "the last word with lawrence o'donnell." have a great night. ed snowden did not fly to cuba today, as he had planned. and whenever he does get back to the united states, ed snowden is going to need a lawyer better than the one who decided to begin his defense of george zimmerman today with a knock-knock joke. >> my name's ed snowden. ed snowden. ed snowden. >> charged by the u.s. government with espionage -- >> single-handedly deciding to expose programs -- >> snow snowden is on the move. >> he was on the flight. some flight. >> from russia with no love. >> how did this guy get away? >> putin always seems almost eager to put a finger in the eye of the united states. >> he was not on board.
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>> he may head to cuba later today. >> at least we don't believe he was on board. >> his final destination could still be ecuador, where he has requested asylum. >> from one tyrannical government to another. >> i think we should focus on what edward snowden has given to the world. >> a lot of folks were calling him a hero. >> if he really believes he did something good he should get on a plane, come back, and face the consequences. >> he might actually be trading intelligence with some of these countries. >> i want to get him caught and brought back for trial. >> until then snowden remains at large. >> how did this guy get away? >> in a kind of fugitive purgatory. >> floor five. subway muggers, aggressive panhandlers, and book critics. >> have you seen not edward snowden, but have you seen this guy? that's a red panda. the national zoo in washington is missing a red panda. >> his name is rusty. >> inspector clouseau look for him? >> and now he's back on his way to the zoo. >> lowest level. everybody off.
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aeroflot's nonstop today from moscow to havana left with these two seats empty. 17a and b. nbc confirmed yesterday that ed snowden had purchased a seat on that flight. the other empty seat presumably belonging to his new travel companion sarah harrison who is a wikileaks legal defense team member. the founder of wikileaks, julian assange, had this to say today from his asylum in the ecuadorian embassy in london -- >> edward snowden left hong kong on the 23rd of june bound for ecuador via a safe path through russia and other states. mr. snowden has submitted an asylum application to ecuador and possibly to other countries.
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we are aware of where mr. snowden is. he is in a safe place, and his spirits are high. we cannot reveal what country he is in at this time. in relation to hong kong, mr. snowden was supplied with a refugee document of passage by the ecuadorian government. >> today secretary of state john kerry told nbc news this. >> i'm not going to get into the details of what is going on except to say that we continue to hope that the russians will do the right thing. i hope it's a good sign he isn't on that flight and that something else may take place. >> today the "south china morning post" reports this -- "edward snowden secured a job
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with a u.s. government contractor for one reason alone -- to obtain evidence of washington's cyber spying networks. the south china morning post can reveal for the first time snowden has admitted he sought a position at booz allen hamilton so he could collect proof about the u.s. national security agency's secret surveillance programs ahead of planned leaks to the media." my position with booz allen hamilton granted me access to lists of machines all over the world the nsa hacked, he told the post on june 12th. "that is why i accepted that position about three months ago." today a reporter asked president obama if he had spoken to russian president vladimir putin. >> we're following all the appropriate legal channels and working with various other countries to make sure that rule of law is observed. and beyond that i'll refer to the justice department that has
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been actively involved in the case. >> so joy reid, do you take that as a yes or a no? he left room for a yes there, that he has picked up the phone and spoken to vladimir about this. >> i'm guessing that there have been conversations had. because this is a mess. i mean, we've essentially had china, where we supposedly had an extradition treaty with hong kong, say sorry, we're not sending him back, we're sending him to russia. and then you have the russians saying sorry, we're sending him to havana maybe. and then we have ecuador saying, well, we're going to let him stay. essentially, the united states, you know, has asked that basically just duly ratified treaties of extradition be observed, and these countries are saying no, we're not going to do it. and then they just happen to also be the beneficiaries of some of these leaks. it's all unpleasant. >> richard wolffe, you've written a book of the way things work inside obama world. what's your bet on what president obama does in this situation in terms of just picking up the phone and talking to putin about this?
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>> so presidents don't pick up the phone if they're not going to get the answer they want. it's a bit like a lawyer asking a question he doesn't know the answer to. however, his national security adviser, his ambassador, all the way up and down the chain, they're going to be pressing the russians and knowing they're going to get no for an answer. honestly, this is about storing up chits for the next dispute, the next time the russians want several people, russians handed over to them, which is actually what they just asked for and got from the americans. part of the problem here is whether these countries think there's going to be retribution. and if the reports are right, from the chinese side chinese officials did not believe having gone through that nice sort of happy clappy little summit they had, the chinese leader did not fear that the relationship would be jeopardized by handing snowden on to another country because they thought everything was hunky-dory. >> but they also are reports from china saying, joy, the officials there felt a certain political pressure -- >> right. >> -- because snowden's position
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had gained some kind of popular following in hong kong and china. >> correct. >> but putin's never been one to be -- to feel that kind of pressure, any kind of, you know, political electoral pressure. he's just going to do what he thinks is right for him under the circumstances. and why would it not be right for him and a good deal for him to transact some business here which ends up delivering snowden to the u.s.? >> well, there's a whole sort of tangled web we have here. on the chinese point the united states has accused china of various forms of hacking including corporate espionage. they now have sort of a moral victory saying ha ha, there's evidence you've done it too. on putin's side it's a little more complicated. actually a lot more complicated. we're trying to negotiate with him about syria. we're trying to gain his cooperation to get more intelligence regarding the boston bombings. there's this whole slew of issues upon which we're trying to work with someone who is basically a frenemy. there is not a position of trust. the question for putin is what is best for putin.
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would it be best for him to hand snowden over but what would he get in return? >> what incentive does he have to help snowden? >> putin? >> yeah. >> well, he's got four laptops. so what the chinese have already extracted just from the interviews that -- >> but wait, wait. you cannot make a deal with putin. you can sit there and say to him, okay, you will give me asylum if i will give you the laptops. okay, great. you hand him the laptops. he doesn't have to do what he just said he was going to do. >> he's just going to take the laptops, right? >> as far as we can tell, the chinese have got plenty of intelligence out of snowden already just based on his press interviews by saying, hey, here are the ip addresses of these institutions the nsa has been hacking. snowden presumably is going to be doing the same. if he doesn't already, the russians will seize whatever goods he's got. no, there's no basis for negotiation for snowden. there's all the basis that putin wants to get exactly what he wants, which is everything the nsa knows about russian sources.
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>> joy, what do you make of this new development in the chinese press saying that this was an infiltration, this was i have decided to go in to get this job so that i can violate the secrecy pledges that i will make on my way in to doing the job? >> correct. well, first of all, it's fraud. it seems on its face to be fraud. this answers one of the questions that i had when glenn greenwald tweeted that he began working with snowden in february but snowden only had the job for three months, meaning he would have gotten the job let's say in may. so the question was, well, when he got the job, did the journalist laura poitras and glenn greenwald know he was going to booz allen with the intention of getting information and was he honest with them, did he tell them in february i've got information that he didn't yet have and then take the job in order to obtain it? there's all sorts of questions here that haven't been answered including by the journalists, by the way, who their whole point is transparency, but we've had this information sort of drip out now. we didn't get it from those journalists in the first place saying no, maybe he didn't
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actually have this stuff when we talked to him in february. and then i have this other question about they're saying that -- or at least glenn greenwald is saying he didn't even know who the guy was, didn't know his name until they flew to hong kong and transacted the leak. well, my question is would you fly to hong kong and go through all of that trouble for someone you had no idea who they were and no verification of their identity? there are still so many questions about that that it has literally taken all the steam out of arguing about the actual contents of what was disclosed. >> but richard, does that revelation, about, you know, in effect i infiltrated this position deliberately, just meaning i deliberately went in ahead of time with this in mind, what does that do in terms of the legal charges we're seeing against him? does it make those legal charges fit a little better? >> well, there are so many legal charges against him. i mean, look, assuming -- >> well, the espionage piece of it, which is the controversial -- the most controversial piece of it. >> i think it complicates any defense that he could possibly mount, were he to be in a situation where he'd have to mount a defense.
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but let's just be clear. this is a guy, according to his own lawyer in china, who only took up his flight into russia and wherever he's going from there because he realized that in prison he would not have access to a computer. so we're talking about someone of fairly limited intelligence -- >> when did that occur? >> -- even working in the intelligence system. >> yeah. we have such limited material from him. you know, we have just that video that we've seen. it's about 12 minutes long. and then we have, you know, the hong kong paper every once in a while dribbling out something that they got. and so on this tiny body of information there is to me a surprising amount of naivete. for someone who is this sharp -- because look, he's been really sharp about a lot of stuff, including getting into this job in the first place and then pulling off what he's pulled off. he's been really, you know, great at that part of what he was trying to do, the expose part. but his anticipation of what would occur or how much things could change because of it, his
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actual notion of what the nsa was doing and its power -- i mean, he actually believed, according to his words, that the nsa can determine every decision i have ever made -- >> correct. >> -- by looking at my phone records, not the content of my calls. that's impossible. that's an exaggerated techno version of how the world works. so it makes you wonder if he knew, you know, then everything he now knows would he have done this? >> yeah, and the question did he believe that the nsa program which swept in domestic numbers in the process of looking at foreign data of who called who, the fact that he leaked a court order, did he believe that it was nonetheless illegal what the nsa was doing? and then there's the sort of hyperbole, well, the government is going to kill me. no, the government wants to prosecute you. like they prosecuted previous alleged leakers. with a total of 50 months in prison resulting. so the idea, sort of the hyperbole about himself, about his power and ability to wiretap
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the president, all of it is a very odd picture. >> he's now presenting himself to ecuador as a constitutional scholar, saying that you know, the nsa, this program violates the fourth amendment, even though the supreme court -- >> there's been a supreme court ruling on it. >> it doesn't violate it. he's holding himself to -- listen, i disagree with the supreme court on a bunch of stuff, too. but i wouldn't make that my claim for asylum. and so he as a character in this thing has various depths. he's very good at the i.t. stuff, not so good at the constitutional and legal defense stuff. >> so he's found the perfect partner in julian assange. that's prone to hyperbole, questionable sort of real world understanding, but actually extremely effective in sparking a debate about secrecy, about the power of the united states government. let's just be clear. whatever his motives are, whatever his motives are, this debate is now engaged, it's very real, and it should have ben gauged a long time ago by
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congress and the courts. so his motives, extremely questionable. his intelligence i think is also extremely questionable. but these are real issues. and we should be discussing them. >> there's a problem with the debate, which is we just ran out of time and didn't get to have it, because we're busy on the chase story, which we're covering the chase story. the funny thing is that his chase story, which is dramatic and interesting to cover, takes up really the space that would be the debate he wanted. we were doing more of that debate before this chase got so crazy. so he's kind of -- he's stuck in this position where his own actions counter what he's -- >> it's hard to speak for openness when you're hiding behind tyrannical governments. >> right. and hopscotching through each tyrannical regime to the next. >> richard wolffe, thanks for your guidance on this tonight. joy, you can't leave. we're going to do trayvon martin and george zimmerman coming up. i need you for that. so you can -- >> hang out. >> -- take a break, but you're coming back.
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and later tonight, it is texas. versus women. as another republican says something breathtaking about rape. this time it was a woman. cecile richards will join me later. it's coming up. "i'm part of an american success story," "that starts with one of the world's most advanced distribution systems," "and one of the most efficient trucking networks," "with safe, experienced drivers." "we work directly with manufacturers," "eliminating costly markups," "and buy directly from local farmers in every region of the country." "when you see our low prices, remember the wheels turning behind the scenes, delivering for millions of americans, everyday. "dedication: that's the real walmart"
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in a 7-1 decision announced by the supreme court today the affirmative action program at the university of texas at austin will be allowed to continue, but the court held that universities must demonstrate that "available workable race-neutral alternatives do not suffice" before taking account of race in admissions decisions. while chief justice john roberts was a student at harvard college, he may well have seen a play written by paris barkley, who was also at harvard then,
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where paris barkley wrote 16 plays and musicals as an undergraduate. no one who was at harvard then was surprised to see paris barkley go on to a successful career as a writer and director. but no one would have predicted that paris barkley would become the first black president of the directors guild of america because we would have all expected that that liberal hollywood union would have elected a black president long before the united states of america did. on friday the directors guild announced that their new president is the emmy-winning director paris barkley, whose work you have seen on such shows as "the west wing," "e.r.," "glee," "the good wife," and "lost" and many others. president barkley said this to the "l.a. times" -- it's not surprising that more and more of our members are of different colors and different genders. the more important question is
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why aren't the studios and the networks doing a better job as far as hiring talented women and minorities?" up next, which republican is trying the hardest to stop immigration reform? you say men are superior drivers? yeah? then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands? summer event is here. now get the unmistakable thrill and the incredible rush of the mercedes-benz you've always wanted. ♪
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[ tires screech ] but you better get here fast. [ girl ] hey, daddy's here. here you go, honey. thank you. [ male announcer ] because a good thing like this won't last forever. mmm. [ male announcer ] see your authorized dealer for an incredible offer on the exhilarating c250 sport sedan. but hurry. offers end soon. today the senate voted 67-27 to end debate and move forward on an immigration reform bill including a new border security amendment designed to get more republicans on board. that amendment adds more than $32 billion in security measures, nearly double the number of border agents and adding more drones, radar,
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sensors, and planes to patrol the border. along with the completion of 700 miles of border fence. many senators did not vote today because of travel delays getting to washington due to thunderstorms on the east coast. 15 republicans joined every voting democrat to push the legislation forward. and while the senate still has more work to do on the bill, majority leader harry reid is already putting pressure on house republicans, especially speaker john boehner. >> the immigration bill before the senate is another example of bipartisan legislation. the immigration bill will pass this chamber with democratic and republican votes. and when the immigration bill passes, the speaker should bring it up for a vote in the house of representatives quickly. do the right thing, seek votes from democrats and republicans. america deserves a common sense approach. >> ari melber, this thing as i read says it is going to pass the senate and it's going to
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pass the senate with this new amendment that strengthens the border provisions. what do you make of that new piece? >> i think that's what they've got to do to get it done. they've obviously said, the democrats, that they want 60-plus, they want the super super majority. but i think that's probably good politics here given that speaker boehner needs a lot of cover to do his job, he will not do his job alone. he needs democrats to help him get republicans on the senate side for cover. and look, this is a lot farther than we were last time. you've got to remember of course the republicans had filibuster at a point of about 50 strong in 2007. so we've seen this issue move a lot already. >> what does mitch mcconnell want here? does he want this thing to pass without having his fingerprints on it, basically? >> yeah. i think mitch mcconnell is comfortable getting this thing off his desk. and i think he's got a tension obviously where the donor class and the sort of cosmopolitan establishment wing of the republican party sees the interest in this. and he's got some senate -- you know, senate candidates and
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senators who want to be candidates for the higher office who'd like to get something through like marco rubio, obviously, that is tough enough but allows them to look basically progressive on immigration. >> the ted cruz side, the republicans, jeff sessions, those guys who are standing in the way, they know it's just going to run right over them. right? >> i think they know that. and i think people -- like we can look to history and go back to '07 because it's instructive. you had senator cornyn make a lot of noise back then. they put concessions in the bill for him and then he ultimately voted against it when it was up for the cloture. so we know there's a class of senator here who is in the republican party, wants to look tough, make noise, and then not even support the thing. >> now, john boehner has said he wants this done, he wants immigration reform done. it's coming his way now. he's got problems there trying to get anything from the house, as we saw with this agriculture bill. >> right. and the agriculture bill of course we had the huge split where they said look, we have to care a lot more about long-term deficits than $5 per person per
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day in food stamp benefits. >> but i mean also politically the big thing was he had to mix democrat and republican votes. and that's a really tough thing for him to do. he's going to have to do that on immigration. >> absolutely. and i think ultimately what he said was don't put me in a position where i have to again break the so-called hastert rule and go with a majority of the representatives but not a majority of my party, which every time they say that, hastert rule basically is washington speak for i care more about my narrow political interests than the country and than democracy. literally. because democracy would be let it down to a floor vote. so i think he would like to have at least a bare majority of republicans. that's very important to speaker boehner. >> and the one thing i just need to say to america, the hastert rule is not a rule. >> no. >> it's just a practice, a way i'd like to do things. a political formula. >> as they used to say on "saturday night live," it's neither hastert nor rule because denny hastert is long gone and continuities a rule and it's not
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written down anywhere. it's a really ridiculous, you know, super majoritian thing which says we need to have a super majority in the senate, now up to 70 as i've been complaining about, and then we have to have a majority of a majority of one party in the house. it's not very democratic. i do think there are signs to be hopeful here, though. >> ari melber, thank you very much for joining me tonight. >> thanks. coming up, day one of the murder trifle george zimmerman. joy reid will be back for that one. [ agent smith ] i've found software that intrigues me. it appears it's an agent of good. ♪ [ agent smith ] ge software connects patients to nurses to the right machines while dramatically reducing waiting time. [ telephone ringing ] now a waiting room is just a room. [ static warbles ] to fly home for the big family reunion.
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in the spotlight tonight the state of florida versus george zimmerman. but first, something our lawyers would like you to know. george zimmerman has sued nbc universal, the parent company of this network, for defamation. the company has strongly denied his allegations. the prosecution began its case against george zimmerman using zimmerman's own words. >> [ bleep ] punks. these [ bleep ]. they always get away. those were the words in that grown man's mouth as he followed in the dark a 17-year-old boy who he didn't know. [ bleep ] punks. these [ bleep ]. they always get away.
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those were the words in that defendant's head just moments before he pressed that pistol into trayvon martin's chest and pulled the trigger. >> and here is how the defense began today. >> knock knock. who's there? george zimmerman. george zimmerman who? all right. good. you're on the jury. nothing? that's funny. after what you folks have been through the last two or three weeks. let's get on to, however, the serious business of why we're here. >> joy reid, george zimmerman and any defendant in america deserves better than a knock-knock joke to begin his opening statement. >> yeah. i was really shocked.
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>> amazing. >> and don west is not a bad lawyer. he's done a pretty good job up till now in terms of the voir dire, et cetera. it was so off base. because you have to remember that the 30 minutes before that had been a really riveting presentation by the prosecution that had caused the parents of trayvon martin to weep in court. they were drying their eyes as he went through and really reset that sort of meek pudgy guy sitting across the room as a predator. they reset george zimmerman in the harshest terms. that f bomb was dropped at the outset and then three more times. hardcore. and then you go from that really dramatic 30 minutes of really riveting presentation by the prosecutor to this sort of bumbling fumbling joke where he had to sort of pre-explain it and then he kind of apologized. it was so awkward that i really do think it was a disservice to the defense. >> but the larger part of the opening, this 2 1/2-hour opening versus the half hour opening. half hour openings make sense to me. that's what i've always seen in
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these kinds of cases. >> yeah. >> very rarely more than that. it's just the opening. you're just giving them a guideline. this 2 1/2 hour thing was a mistake because there were shots of george zimmerman having trouble looking like he could stay awake. i'm not saying that in a negative way. it was hard to sit through a lot of it. what he was trying to do obviously was de-emotionalize this whole thing, but what you don't want to do is turn it into a boring, not even possible to pay attention to all the way through. >> yeah, never be boring. i think that's pretty much the mantra. and the other thing is the only purpose for the opening, right? is to set up this, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is what i'm promising you. i'm making you these series of promises. you need to make them succinct. you need to make them memorable. and what people are going to remember i think from this opening is the f bombs that were dropped and that sort of jarring scene it set and that joke. >> and the quotes that the prosecutor had from zimmerman came from the 911 call. they each made statements about
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the 911 call during their openings. let's listen to what the prosecution said the jury is going to hear on the 911 call. >> listen carefully, please, to that call. and listen carefully when the screaming stops. it's right when the gunshot goes off. trayvon martin was silenced immediately when the bullet that the defendant fired passed through his heart. and when that gunshot rings out on that 911 call, the screaming stops. >> okay. and then here is the defense's presentation on that same point. >> because of what the fear and the panic and the life-threatening situation does to you, it changes everything. there's nothing predictable.
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a 50-year-old man can sound like a 14-year-old girl. there are family and friends of george zimmerman, co-workers, who listened to the recording, either on -- when it was played in the media or elsewhere, who said that's george zimmerman screaming for help. >> that's one of the big things that's going to come down to. who do you think that is on the tape? >> yeah. it's going to be -- >> because the expert testimony's been -- >> it's almost a wash because you're going to have zimmerman's side putting on witnesses saying that sounds like his voice and you're going to have the martin side. i think that is almost a wash at this point. i think more important is the narrative and which seems more plausible to be the person screaming. i don't think it's going to come down to voice recognition. it's going to be which side can set a scenario that means that it seems more plausible that that party was the one that was screaming. >> the prosecutor's point about exactly when the screaming stops may end up being the controlling point for the jury because
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people, you know, demean circumstantial evidence. they don't really understand, circumstantial evidence is always accurate. you might not know what it means, but we know exactly when the screaming stopped with very precise accuracy. >> yeah. and the prosecution i thought made a lot of really detailed sort of presentations about the gun being pressed to trayvon martin's chest, about trayvon martin winding up face down. they said they had a witness that took a picture of trayvon martin with his arms under his body whereas zimmerman's testimony to sereno, to the officer who was investigating, said he spread trayvon martin's arms out. so there are really specific things the prosecution promised whereas because i think don west took so long it's hard to remember a lot of the promises that he made. and i think when they go back and actually put witnesses on the stand the defense is going to have to get a lot more specific and hone it down and make it simpler to remember. >> what don west may have succeeded in today is giving the jury the impression that this is a really complicated case. it's not a simple case.
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and the defense needs you to think it's a complicated case. >> yeah. it kind of in a sense reminded me of the rodney king trial when they took that video which seemed so damning when looked at in total and they said we'll break it down second by second. don west was almost saying take this second by second. and it was almost excruciating because he was trying to make it more complex and bring the temperature of the whole presentation down. remember, they have to preserve this image that zimmerman is the fearful party of the two when the prosecution has made him seem to be the aggressor. >> joy reid, thank you very much for joining us again. >> thank you. >> coming up, the irs non-scandal. we have a new report on what really happened at the irs. that's coming up. it starts with little things. tiny changes in the brain.
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love michael j. fox were it not for gary david goldberg, who created "family ties" and introduced michael to a tv audience much bigger than any show on television could possibly hope for today. gary died on saturday at his home in california. he leaves behind much more than his emmys and a couple hundred episodes of great television. his generosity was limitless and often anonymous. his wife, diana meehan, and an educator with particular expertise in girls' education. in her book "learning like a girl" diana tells this story about her struggle to establish a new girls' school in los angeles. with the in panic and near hysteria i confide my fears to gary. the school needs a loan to cover our costs, i tell him, but the bank won't do it without some outside collateral. we can do it, he says quietly. we'll mortgage the house." mortgage the house.
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he was that kind of guy. since then the archer school for girls has been sending its graduates down the road to ucla and off to harvard and everywhere in between. gary was as proud of every archer graduate as he was of his work in television. every archer girl will always owe gary and diana a debt of gratitude. gary and diana were a great hollywood love story, probably because their love began long before gary even considered working in hollywood. gary reveled in his household of women, his wife and their two daughters, shawna and kalin. in an interview six years ago for the archive of american television gary was asked how he wanted to be remembered. >> how would you like to be remembered? >> wow. you know, i don't know. actually, i'd like to live forever and not be remembered.
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i was a guy who showed up for work. it was -- it was work. and i showed up and took the chance. i think the thing i did, which i would credit myself, is i took the chance of finding out whether i could do it or not. i think it's important to do that. a lot of people say i could be a writer, i don't have the time. you know, it's very funny at parties. yeah. well, you have to -- you have to show up and put your ass on the table and see whether you can do it. but i think that -- i want to believe that i made my success not at the expense of anyone else. i want to be remembered as shawna -- this is how i will be remembered, as shawna and kalin's father, because both these girls will surpass me by a mile. and that's how i'll be remembered. yeah, they had the father who was also in the business. that should be -- that'll be how i will be remembered. yeah, he also did something. >> tomorrow would have been gary
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david goldberg's 69th birthday. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine.
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call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ so what we have here in this horrifying scandal are irs agents doing their jobs, doing exactly what they're supposed to do. >> that was a very lonely view of the irs so-called scandal. until today. when the irs itself under its new obama-appointed temporary director issued its own report, a report that had to be very disappointing to john boehner. >> my question isn't about who's going to resign. my question is who's going to jail over this scandal? >> and the irs's official answer to that today is no one. the report found that no one committed any crimes. the report says "we have not
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found evidence of intentional wrongdoing by irs personnel." and there was nothing in the new report to encourage darrell issa's wild imaginings. >> this was a targeting of the president's political enemies, effectively, and lies about it during the election year so that it wasn't discovered till afterwards. >> the report also could not find "involvement in these matters" by anyone outside of the irs. sorry, darrell. the irs reports that progressive, yes, the word "progressive" was used as a search term to identify applications for tax-exempt status also. so so much for the targeting of the president's political enemies theory. the irs did devote some attention to the problem i identified on the first day of this so-called scandal, which is of course the conflict between the law as written and the irs
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regulation that interprets that law. the law says 501c4 organizations must be exclusively for the promotion of social welfare in the irs regulation written in 1959 says that they must be primarily for social welfare. the irs was of course wrong to change exclusively to primarily in the regulation. the report found no reason to justify why the irs made that change in 1959. in the interview transcript of the irs manager in cincinnati who managed this program, you know, the transcript that darrell issa wanted to suppress and was released last week by congressman elijah cummings. the manager who is a self-described conservative republican told issa's staff during a six-hour interview, "my agents, you must understand, are veteran people that do understand we do have some tax law background that tells us okay, that when we do look at this type of case that the
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political activity, you cannot be primary, and if anybody wants to define that for me, go ahead." well, of course, none, exactly none of the committee staff attempted to define what "primarily" means in the 501c4 regulation because of course it's impossible to define, which is why the people who wrote the law, congress, used the word "exclusively," which is very easy to explain and understand. the solution to this problem is now a petition at calling on president obama to issue an executive order nullifying the irs regulation regarding 501c4s and mandating the original statute be enforced. so you can go now to, do it right now, please, pull up this petition. and then click -- let's see. right here. there.
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and there we go. i'm seven. i am the seventh signature. 99,993 of you now need to go there during this commercial break and click on that so that we get this up over 100,000. and once you do that, the white house has to actually respond to that petition. and so if you 99,993 of you will do that during the next commercial break, you will be moving america one small step closer to sanity on 501c3 law. l. it's the most powerful thing on the planet. love holds us in the beginning. comforts us as we grow old. love is the reason you care. for all the things in your life... that make life worth living.
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[ male announcer ] home insurance that saves you money for not having a claim? that's allstate home insurance with claim free rewards. talk to an allstate agent... [ doorbell rings ] and let the good life in. as some of you might have noticed, i wasn't here last week. i was in malawi working on the kids in need of desks program. there's a new factory building some of our desks now. it's one of four factories in the country that are providing jobs to the workers who build and deliver these desks. i always tell the crews on the truck that they won't have to carry the desks into the classrooms, the kids will do that. and of course the kids did that this week, last week, with real glee. those smiles you're seeing are from kids who have never before in their lives seen desks. and suddenly they get to sit at those desks. thanks to you and your contributions to the k.i.n.d. fund. i love this picture of her looking straight at you because
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she's looking at the people who sent her that desk. i told her and the rest of the kids through a translator that we were able to deliver these desks to them because you paid for them. there's much more to do. these kids need desks. but first they need a classroom. they're at one of the overcrowded schools that has no room for them in the classrooms. but still they come. most of them walking miles, barefoot, to get to school. the k.i.n.d. fund just wants them to have a place to sit after that long walk. please help k.i.n.d. in any way you can. coming up, exclusive interview with cecile richards on the latest anti-choice legislation in texas. he land than probably anyone else. we've had this farm for 30 years. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land
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passed a bill that bans abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy, requires doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, limits abortions to surgical centers and requires doctors string abortion-inducing drugs to do so in person. a republican sponsor of the bill explained why she believes a rape exception is not necessary. >> you have hospital emergency rooms. we have funded what's called rape kits that will help the woman -- basically clean her out and again, hopefully that will alleviate that. >> joining me now from austin, texas is planned parenthood president cecile richards. cecile, you're down there in texas fighting this thing. you hear a woman say something like this about the possible consequences of rape and the magic of rape kits.
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you're from texas. were you as shocked by that as the rest of us? >> well, of course, it was shocking. and it sort of exploded. but honestly, this is, lawrence, just one more evidence -- good piece of evidence of why politicians make terrible doctors and they shouldn't be making medical decisions for women. and i think that what we're seeing down here, it's great to be back in austin, where literally hundreds of people have flooded the capitol and are testifying about the dangers of this legislation. this has really lit a fire in the state of texas. >> what happens next? >> well, of course, we start again tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. and there will be this -- tomorrow night is the end of the session. so the question is whether or not we can continue on, whether through filibuster or other means, to make sure that this bill does not pass. but the thing that's been
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extraordinary, lawrence, is i feel like we've seen in texas a whole series of political actions against women. you know, first rick perry cut off women off of birth control and cancer screening. the end of the women's health program. then we saw of course he vetoed a bill that would have allowed women to fight for equal pay. this is really -- this has been i think finally the straw that broke the camel's back. and it's been amazing and encouraging to see the men and women who have poured out in opposition to these bills. and it's really become the people's filibuster here in texas. >> if you could isolate the worst provision in this bill from your perspective, what would that be? >> well, i mean, the worst provision of course is the -- are the pieces that would essentially shut down health care centers because they don't have either admitting privileges at local hospitals for their doctors and provisions that would make them go to such extremes as to essentially become hospitals.
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it's not necessary. in fact, lieutenant governor dewhurst has said the purpose of this bill has nothing to do with women's health, it really has to do with shutting down women's health care centers. and i think the important thing is, lawrence, it's not only ending women's access to safe and legal abortion but a lot of these centers and certainly the planned parenthood centers provide a whole other range of health care as well. and that's what i think we're seeing, is people beginning to connect the dots here, even if the politicians are not, and they're saying they're just tired of the political attacks on women's access to health care in texas. >> cecile, you know, i had the honor of seeing holland taylor play your mother yesterday at the show she's doing here in new york, about ann richards, governor of texas. and i can't help thinking when i see this story tonight that this really is not ann richards' texas that's working on this. if she was in the governorship, there would be nothing to worry about on this kind of thing. >> well, but you know, it's interesting. you know, more than 20 years ago mom was elected governor, and her message was she wanted to open up and i think the
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important thing, lawrence, it's not only ending women's safe access to legal abortion, a lot of these planned parenthood centers provide a whole other centers provide a whole other range of health care as well. and that's what we're beginning to see, people are beginning to connect the dots here, even if where's waldo? let's play "hardball." >> good evening. i'm chris matthews up in boston. anyway, we're up here at quincy market to mark tomorrow's special election for the united states senate. in just a few minutes, we're going to be joined by the democratic candidate, massachusetts congressman edward markey up here.