tv Lockup MSNBC July 13, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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after more than 16 hours of deliberations, the jury reaches a verdict. >> in seminole county florida, the state of florida versus george zimmerman, verdict, we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty. so say we all, foreperson. >> does either side want to poll the jury? >> we would, your honor. >> ladies and gentlemen, ladies, i'm sorry. as your juror number is being called, please answer whether
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this is your verdict. >> juror 125. is this your verdict? >> yes. >> juror b-76. this injure verdict? yes. >> juror b-37, is this your verdict? yes. >> juror b-51, is this your verdict? >> yes. >> juror e-6, is this your verdict? >> yes. >> juror e-40, is this your verdict? >> yes. >> not guilty. with that judge nelson told george zimmerman he is free to go. you're watching continuing coverage of the george zimmerman trying here on msnbc. tonight, we got that verdict. the state attorney's office reaction, disappointment. >> what was convincing to us is that the scream stops the moment the shot is fired. that's the kind of common sense evidence that prosecutors rely on every day. that scream stops when the shot is fired. so we always believed after hearing that tape, that it was trayvon martin. >> and we saw that the defense
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attorneys were happy after a year and a half. that they were able to persuade the jury that george zimmerman acted in self-defense. >> he has to be protective of his safety because there is still a fringe element who have said in tweets and everything else that they want revenge. that they will not listen to a verdict of not guilty although i think everyone in this room would agree this was a very fair trial. more fair to the state, maybe, on occasion than to the defense, but certainly a fair enough trial in that the state got to present everything they could. in that sense, those people who have their anger, they're going to have it because they're angry people. not because it is based in fact. we cannot help that. we do need to worry about it. >> outside the courthouse, a mix of reactions of those gathered. more appear to be asking for justice for trayvon. some applauded the verdict. and attorney for trayvon martin's family insist he will not be forgotten.
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>> to everybody who put their hoodies up, his family expressed their heart felt gratitude for helping them these past 17 months. >> and we're now seeing this. this is a picture from san francisco. there are people right now, marching through the streets of san francisco in what appears to be reaction to this verdict. we are in continuing coverage on msnbc of the george zimmerman trial, as well as the verdict of not guilty. we want to bring in msnbc's craig melvin who is outside the courthouse in sanford, florida, and give us a recap of what that. >> no justice, no peace. that was the chant that could be heard coming from the demonstrators who were in front of the courthouse throughout the
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evening. also the system failed us. that was the chant that we heard from folks shortly after the verdict was read. while that verdict was being read, we listened very closely. they're just a few feet away from us. pretty quiet. shortly there after, the chants started again biffle and large, the crowd has dispersed. there is no crowd here at this hour. the news helicopters that have been hovering are gone. so is law enforcement. the law enforcement presence that was so heavy throughout. of the day and yesterday as well as the jury was deliberating here at the courthouse. those officers are also gone for the evening. as for civil unrest, pleased to report, proud to report there have been no reports of that here in sanford. we heard from the police chief of sanford a short time ago. he said on our air that by and large, things had remain fairly calm. things remained fairly peaceful.
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same was said for the county. so again, so far so good here. the lights have gone down behind me, as you can see. the jurors have gone home. the courtroom, we are told, empty. >> thank you very much. craig melvin who has been tireless in reporting this from the very beginning. thank you. we have a panel here tonight to analyze what this means going forward. as well as reaction to this verdict. melissa harris perry is with us along with joy ann reid. both of them, frequent visitors to msnbc. of course work shows on msnbc. lisa bloom is here. and lisa has been according this for us throughout this trial. let's start with the legal question if we can. we don't know. the jurors haven't spoken. what does your gut tell you here? >> based on the indication that went into these jurors, this was
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really the only conclusion they could draw. so i was asked a few days ago on this network about what i thought they were going to do. and i said i thought it would have to be a defense verdict. i was disappointed that the evidence did not connect with what the prosecution was doing in this case. and i've raised a lot of questions throughout. taken some heat for that. there was a lot of very strong evidence for the prosecution that did not get argued to the jury. a the love cross-examination questions that were not asked by this prosecution. for those who aren't used to watching murder trials as i am, i've been doing for 12, 14 years. it may not jump out at them the way it jumped out at me. the prosecution usually connects all the dots. makes very strong declare i have the statements in closing. talking about the their yift case and how it happened and why he's guilty. taking a look at the re-enactment video where he clearly indicates the gun the s
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hole sti holstered. i would expect them to demonstrate on the dummy or the prosecutor's own body how laying down with a gun behind you, a person on top, cannot see the gun. and that seeing the gun and reaching for the gun is the essence of the story. if you negate that, you negate self-defense and you get a conviction. the idea that george zimmerman's head was being pounded. yet the body of trayvon martin far from the concrete. would you expect them to argue that in closing arguments. the hoodie that became such a symbol. we heard about the hoodies tonight from benjamin crump. one of the key defense arguments was that the hoodie was separated two to four inches from the body. therefore trayvon martin had to have been leaning over george zimmerman, threatening him. so zimmerman would have had to shoot. these were gathered at the bottom. they bagged out. did not necessarily mean he was leaning over. we never heard that argument.
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did the prosecutors not look at the evidence? did they not review it over and over and over again? as a lawyer would do in the course of a trial? did their staff not review it over and over again? did he not work on a closing argument that pulled together a cohesive theory? i may sound extremely critical of the prosecution. i have to be honest. i've been flabbergasted. especially through the second half of the trial. i look at the evidence over and over again. i look at what was going on in the courtroom and i had to shake my head and wonder what was going on in there. i don't have an explanation for it. i wish somebody would ask the prosecutors. >> just as a lay person watching the trial, there were times when you sort of wanted to jump up and say why are not they asking a rebuttal question? they would put up witnesses like john good but never question his story more. if he says i saw trayvon martin on to have whaling on him ground and pound style. did you see him bashing his head on the ground? that was a central part of george zimmerman's story.
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they never seemed to come back at witnesses even when they put them on. they didn't have much of a follow yum. the first time you saw a passion about the case was at the end. when john guy came out and gave that passion. it hnlt been followed, had not been predated by a passionate defense of the evidence. one of the things. we talked about the t. how did they get from here to there? that was never brought up in the trial. there were so many times you wondered, are they really trying that hard? you only saw a big and emotional effort at the end. >> there was a moment earlier tonight. they came in with the message that they wanted further clarification from the judge about the instruction for manslaughter. so the question that we had,
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that we didn't know the answer to, were they considering manslaughter as opposed to second-degree murder? or manslaughter as opposed to not guilty? and obviously we know now, what the outcome of that was. they never came back and they never gave a clarification of why they wanted to hear more. but the tension was almost unbearable. you can imagine what it was like there and what it was for the family there. and the silence outside after the verdict. >> you know, i have to say it feels to me like lisa and joy are both really zeroing in on an important point here. i think it is extremely easy for to us take these six citizens who are nonlegal specialists, who are called to do their civic duty. they made the decision they made and to make them the bad guys here. i think that is the easiest thing to do. i think what lisa is really asking us to do, to say wait a
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minute. what they were presented with. the actual case from the prosecution. i think i had like joy did watching the case, these moments of thinking, it feels like there is something missing here. i didn't honestly, the first time that i felt something feels amiss here was tonight. when the state attorney came out after this verdict. a verdict of not guilty. a verdict where whatever her own beliefs were, clearly she lost this case. in a mood that was odd. it was almost gleeful. there was a lot of thanking all around. it was almost victorious in its position. and i have to say that i was taken aback by the sense from the state attorney who did not herself try this case even though there were six women on this jury. she did not as the woman lead attorney, did not take this case on herself despite the fact she had taken on others like melissa alexander's. i have to say, i was stunned by
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her disposition that didn't seem to have a sense of stress, anxiety, sadness, any of that, about the fact that this child's death that no one will be held accountable for it. >> you and i looked at each other. she said this was not about race. although he was profiled. >> yeah. and again, what could he possibly have been profiled on? i assume that she must have meant somehow that he was profiled because he was young and outside in the evening? clearly this was about race. if i'm being my most giving in my analysis around race for her.
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we don't have evidence. george zimmerman is himself an active rabid racist. someone who uses racial terminology or who says that he hates black people or believes that black people are unequal. that that is what kobs institutes a race question rather than recognizing that race is at play in this sense that a young black man walking, minding his own business, unarmed. not committing any crime. that he does not have a right to simply walk home. that he somehow owed george zimmerman an explanation for what he was doing in this public space by the way, the whole case resting on if this child turned around and was being followed by an armed stranger. an armed stranger who we know had the willingness to use deadly force against him. we know this because he did in
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fact use deadly force against him. that this young man did not have the right to stand his ground. that once he fought back in a reasonable circumstance, the first time that the defense, that the prosecution said that was in the closing arguments. it feels to me from the beginning, they should have been making an argument that trayvon martin had a right to be afraid. he had a right to fight back against a stranger who was armed and prepared to use deadly force against him. >> and race came into this case. let's be clear about that. i watched the entire case. it was brought in by the defense over and over again in the most pernicious way. the defense' argument was that there was a white woman in the neighborhood who had been burglarized by an african-american burglar and therefore, it was appropriate for george zimmerman to look out the window of his suv at a young african-american male and conclude that he was probably a criminal. that was the defense position. straightforwardly. and is it not the most veer len
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form of racism to say in this deed done by one member of a race is attributable to everybody in a race? what spels? >> not only that but mark o'mara made a lot of announcements that people who are raining about this are angry people and trying to did i have orosz race from his own presentation. for george zimmerman's story to be correct, those jurors had to think that they, too, would have been afraid. and to get that across, mark o'mara did a lot of interesting things. he tried to get in this grainy 7-eleven photo of trayvon martin. he constantly argued that these pictures of a young trayvon martin who looked adorable and sweet, that's not the real person. he saw this person. and then showed two pictures. one was the grainy photo of the 7-eleven. the other was the completely irrelevant picture with trayvon shirtless. what other message was this supposed to send? meanwhile the most recent picture of the trayvon martin,
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the one taken within ten days of his death was trayvon martin riding a horse. if he had shown the most recent up to date picture of the person george zimmerman was swout the graininess of the 7-eleven photo, it was of him in a pink shirt hugging his mom on her birthday and riding a horse. those were the most recent pictures. he never showed those photos and neither did the prosecution. >> no other explanation for george zimmerman looking out the window and concluding he was an a-hole and f-'ing punk. what at the say? he was walking in the rain. really? really? you're calling the police because someone is walking slowly in the rain? does that have any credibility? could anyone possibly believe that. >> he said he looked like he is on drugs. he was on his cell phone and he said cop things. he looks like he has something in his pockets. >> he is reaching for his waist band. he is looking at me. he is checking me out. >> and he clearly thought he was a criminal based on race.
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this is the theme the defense went with at trial. we don't have to extrapolate. we don't have to imagine. that was their theory have to case and it was not challenged by the prosecution who said in closing, this is not about race. >> what does this mean in this national discussion going forward? we know the reverend al sharp tsharpton right now with civil rights leaders about how they move this forward. we'll take a break and continue our discussion of the george zimmerman verdict found not guilty. >> in the sort court of the 18th judicial district for seminole county, florida. the state of florida versus george zimmerman. verdict. we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty.
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we're looking at the city of san francisco. protesters quietly walking. reportedly carrying signs that say, the whole system is racist. and the people say, guilty. there is a heavy police presence but as you see, a peaceful protest so far you're watching the continuing coverage of the george zimmerman trial. back with me, the prosecutor, paul henderson. i want to have a chance to play and give folks a chance to listen to what some of the prosecutor and defense team had to say after the verdict was read. both sides by the way, did have
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a press conference. we're getting that ready. we also just want to remind you that they did go into the jury room. they asked the jurors if they wanted to either make a stale or answer questions. they said no. right now there is an order not even to reveal their identities so we will not hear from them. >> what was convincing to us when we listened to the tape, is that the scream stops the moment the shot is fired. that's the kind of common sense evidence that prosecutors rely on every day. that scream stops when the shot is fired. and so we always believed after hearing that tape, that it was trayvon martin. >> apparently we don't have the defense side yet. i thought that was a very telling moment. we've been talking, john and paul, about some of the thing that did not seem to get emphasized in this case. let me get your reaction
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starting with you. what happened here? >> i never thought that the prosecution had a clear theory on this case. the opening statement they gave was over the top. it was highly emotional but there were no facts at the time, all the witnesses turn out to be good for the defense. it was pretty clear they want to win this on a negative way. trying to suggest that mr. zimmerman was lying. and they had this narrative that he was a highly sophisticated wannabe cop. that evidence never did come through. i thought jurors would have a hard time believing this is a highly sophisticated guy who planned all the movements in a situation that appeared to be situational. i did think they had a real chance of a manslaughter. as i said, the manslaughter instructions were so confusing that ier in thought they could figure that out. it turns out, they only could figure it out enough to say we think it was self-defense.
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the defense attorneys did a great job. this was filmed on the side of his head. the defense lawyers were out proving their innocence, the prosecution was playing defense against, in the case being presented by the defendant. ier in thought they were in it. i never thought they had a clear sense of how to do it. >> one of the things that struck me as we've been watching this unfold, typically, especially in high profile cases like this. even when i was in local news and they were just doing post verdict news conferences for the local media. there is a certain graciousness that comes out of both sides. you fought the good fight. you've disagreed. obviously you're going to, as the prosecutor, you want to get the conviction as the defense attorney. you want to protect your client. i was a little surprised that when the defense came out, there was not an acknowledgement of the pain of trayvon martin's
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family. and in fact, far from saying a lot of nice things about the prosecution, they made some pretty tough accusations against them. >> you know, and you've pointed out the exact thing that has angered me. i was disappointed and frustrated with the comments about the prosecution being a disgrace, the fact that it took place. to me, that reflects, it is bitter pill to swallow with the verdict and the facts that i think a lot of people are feeling right now. and i for one feel very strongly about the criminal justice system, even when there is a tough loss. every loss is tough. it is marchly tough when you have a victim that is not going to return. and when you've worked so closely with a family. but from my perspective as an african-american. and as a prosecutor, i absolutely believe in the
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criminal justice system even with its flaws. part of why i believe so strongly in that criminal justice system is because i believe that it can be inclusive rather than exclusive. and in tonight's verdict, and in the precedings that we've seen over the past weeks, i feel the challenges have been associated with the exclusional elements associated with race. and race has been a coko xoent. and my perspective on what i've viewed and seen, the defense attorneys and putting together their case have made race a component even from the very beginning with their motions and they've portrayed trayvon martin in a way that was negative. and i feel like that was very unhelpful in evaluating the evidence. even from the very beginning when they were talking about the fights with the homeless and the
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texts, which were not only prejudicial but inaccurate. drug the pictures they tried to show, that they did show to the jury that were supposed to be menacing. every introduction about this case, about trayvon martin, because of race, i feel, was both negative and detrimental to the prosecution's case. and it is exactly that reason why i feel like the prosecution should have been and could have been, could have done more with race to introduce and it not have danced around. i'll give you an example. when they brought in that neighbor to say someone had broken into her house and it was a black person. i was screaming at the television. well, what does that mean? it was not trayvon martin that broke into your home. then when they brought in the neighbor, the form he neighbor of zimmerman that was black. i was thinking to myself as i'm sure a lot of people were.
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trayvon martin's aware was there and his brother was there and the former neighbor was black. there were black people in this neighborhood. why would seeing a black person trigger something in you, zimmerman, to make you reaction so strongly and to profile him and to follow him and to confront him that caused this entire situation. and i wanted to hear more of that conversation. and i feel like this is why, for these reasons, that so many people feel disenfranchised from the criminal justice system. that so many people feel frustrated by the lack of that conversation in the presentation and throughout the trial. it is exactly why we all need to consider the criminal justice system. something that has to be more inclusive. and everyone needs to be at the table, having these discussions. so that we can have more outcome that are inclusive of all communities. >> and clearly, frustration. surely one of the motivating factors for the people that we
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see, growing crowds of people on the streets of san francisco. peacefully marching. but marching to protest this not guilty verdict. we will take a break and be back with more coverage on msnbc. in the circuit court of the 18th judicial circuit, state of florida versus george zimmerman. verdict, we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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so we have to have very responsible conversations about how we get better as a country and move forward from this tragedy and learn from it. >> you are watching msnbc's continuing coverage of the george zimmerman trial. after a jury in sanford, florida, returned that verdict of not guilty. i'm kris jansing. we are back with lisa bloom, melissa harris perry. we did not see the martin family in the courtroom there. the legal team advised them not to.
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i don't think any of us can put ourselves in a position of what it must have felt like all those days, sitting in that room. seeing pictures of their sun who had been murdered. having to hear the things that they had to listen to. they did release a number of statements and we did hear from benjamin crump and the team of lawyers. i want to play a little more of that. >> this morning, martin luther king's daughter, dr. bernice king, tweeted me a message. that read, today is a defining moment for the status of my father's dream. whatever the zimmerman verdict is, she tweeted, in the words of my father, we must conduct ourselves on the higher plane of dignity and discipline.
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trayvon martin will forever remain in the annals of history, next to mega evers and emmitt till as symbols for the fight for equal justice for all. >> again, that dignity and discipline we're seeing tonight. there were no incidents at all outside the courthouse, although people had been waiting very many hours for this verdict. we are certainly seeing a peaceful march in san francisco. melissa harris perry. when we first came to you after the verdict was read. you had a very personal reaction. and it stayed with me and will stay with me for a long time about how african-american parents will have to hole their children closer tonight. it raises questions. and i suppose that of mabig
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questions. there are broad questions about going forward. what does a parent say to a child tonight? >> i think part of the reason i was having that reaction was because my 11-year-old is apparently, she is home with her father and she was watching. and texted me that she felt like there was no justice in america. and my big sister told me that her 12-year-old son had gotten in bed with them tonight. as i was listening to, as i'm listening to this. here are your choices as an african-american parent. you can live, we live in such a racially segregated country. trying to do the best thing for your kids. you think we'll go live in the black neighborhood. we'll live in a predominantly african-american community. one of the things we know is that those communities are often plagued with crime that takes the lives of african-american children. it is the reality that most young black men, 17, 18 who die in this country from gunshot
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wounds, from violence, die at the hands of other african-american men. so here you want to live in this community. maybe i can't. so then maybe you move to a communicate like the one where trayvon martin's father was living. where you have the gated community. you feel safe to let your son walk at 7:00 to the 7-eleven and pick up some candy during the game. the idea that that community, too, is not safe because they can be profiled and victimized by violence, by those who will see them as not belonging there. i don't know that i can express but i want to try, that it begins to feel like there is no place that you can be. no choice that you can make, no home that you can buy, no place where you can put your kid in school where it is safe. and i think this is what newtown families felt when their little beautiful children sitting in their own elementary school were gunned down.
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and they said, what is happening in the country where you can't be safe in an elementary school? i think that is a feeling that is so familiar and brought home by this case for so many of us. that there is no safe place to be. >> as i'm listening to what you're saying. and there is this obvious fear and the question about safety and kids shouldn't have to worry about their safety. i went into the neighborhood after the boston bombing to the friends of the little boy who was killed. and none of them could sleep at night. but joy-ann, there is an insidiousness and a great loss if you think that fear keeps -- i was remembering when i met your daughter. you had her in the newsroom. she was awesome. >> yep. >> does that fear inhibit the awesomeness? >> right. and it is funny. and melissa and i talk about this. i do have two teenage boys. i have a 13-year-old and a 16-year-old.
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i have an older daughter. one of the thing about moving from florida to new york baltimore they ganld more freedom. we lived in a gated community in florida, much like that in sanford. and we did buy it because it was supposed to be somewhere where they could be safe. they could walk around. you didn't have to always constantly worry about them. then here in new york, the idea of them being able to really get out of your eyesight. get on the subway. go to school. really go far from you. and where we live, my sons doing to the store. they do walk around in a hoodie. and my kids, me being 90 pounds soaking wet. even my 16-year-old is such a bean pole. who could find him threatening? even he said to me the other night when i was coming in to talk about the trial, he asked me, what should i do if someone follows me? should i run? if they have a gun, that's not going to work. or should i fight? i didn't know what to say. with the verdict in, what do you tell your child?
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if you run from someone with a gun, that inherently puts knew danger of being shot. if you fight someone with a gun and they shoot you, you can be put on trial for your own murder. and suddenly your little bean pole boy is a menacing murderer who tried to kill someone with a slab of concrete. and you don't recognize this boy. and now anything they've ever tweeted. if they listen to hip hop lyrics, all of a sudden those lyrics were something they thought of. they weren't lyrics that every kid, white, black, hispanic, now they have remade your boy into something else. i just think about sybrina fulton. i did a walk and talk interview with her. and i started off by asking her, tell me her memories of her son as a child shelf got about four feet and will to stop. we had to stop. to her this was a baby. this was a boy. and then to have this boy remade in court as this would be killer that had to be shot dead in order to survive. and then she wasn't sequestered.
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they saw the people tweeting, tray gone and he had to be put down like an rabid dog. so me as a mom, i am completely flabbergasted what to tell my kids. i don't know what i'll say to them when i get home. i can't answer the question where is it that you can go that people will think you belong and you can be there. now it is not just police that follow you. you have to worry about how you respond to them. don't make any sudden movements. we tell our boys that. civilians, too? i don't know where to go with this, honestly. >> one of the places, we were talking to reverend al earlier, maybe two of the places within the legal system. we can start with that. there is a civil suit. so that's one legal recourse. the second would be, they're going to call for the justice department to reopen the civil rights case, to look into whether the civil rights of trayvon martin were violated
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here. talk a little about the legal recourses. >> well, first of all, george zimmerman now has the right to carry a loaded gun around in his holster. behind his pants with one in the chamber without a safety. just like he did that night. he has the right to do that in florida. he can walk around. unencumbered by any legal problems. with regard to possible legal challenges, reverent al is absolutely right. the fbi did begin a civil rights investigation. that has not concluded. it was put on hold in this case. to the stenlt those claim are different than the claims that were brought. the rate of double jeopardy is in place. george zimmerman can never be trade again for the same crimes. even if new evidence is discovered. even if he stood up in front of a video camera and said actually i'm guilty. ha ha ha. nothing that could happen. he is acquitted. his right against double
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jeopardy attaches. he can never be retried for these exact crimes. different crimes, civil rights violations, that's possible. and the civil case brought by the family that has been brought can go forward. now because he was acquittedering no longer is in fear of criminal prosecution. that mean he can be forced to testify. he didn't in this case. he could not be forced to testify in the criminal case. now that this is resolved, he can be forced to testify in a civil case. and a good lawyer may ask him tough questions. may ask him, for example, to physically demonstrate how it would be possible for trayvon martin to see ghaa gun through body. the o.j. simpson case is the one that come to mind. he was acquitted by a criminal jury and later found civilly responsible by a civil jury after towed answer questions. so reverend al has indicated, and benjamin crump has indicated, there are a lot more
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legal proceedings. >> whatever your opinion about this case. whether or not you think the prosecution proved its case. i think there is one thing undeniable. the result of this case, there are 12-year-olds had a are crawling into bed with their parents tonight out of fearful and while there may be some more legal recourses, more legal issues that will be dealt with in the courts. there are other things going on right now. including a phone call among civil rights leaders about where do we go next. we'll talk about that when we come back. >> that put their hoodies up. and to everybody had a said, i am trayvon. his family expressed their heartfelt gratitude. ♪ that's me... i made you something. ♪
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you're watching msnbc's continuing coverage of the george zimmerman trial after a jury in sanford, florida, returned a verdict of not guilty. we are back with lisa bloom, joe-ann reid and melissa harris perry. we've been showing you these pictures from san francisco. this peaceful march that has been growing. people holding signs in support of trayvon martin. now we're hearing spontaneous demonstrations, peaceful, quiet, also in philadelphia, in milwaukee, in atlanta, in chicago. and tweets we got tonight from trayvon martin's father, tracy martin. one of them reads, thanks to everyone who are with us and who will be with us so we together can make sure this doesn't happen again. and to that goal, and to the point of trayvon martin's parents, melissa, who wants to make his death stand for something and make a difference in something. what do you make of the
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demonstrations? what do you make of people spontaneously, and it is 12:47. it is late at night wherever you are. even if you are in san francisco, it is late at night. that people just feel they have to come out. >> here's the good and the bad. the problem, as we were talking about crime. when we feel that the system doesn't work. when any group of citizens feels that the system doesn't work themselves don't want to engage that system. they don't want to call the police when something is happening in your neighborhood if you feel like calling the police and entering into that criminal justice system is not going to get you justice. so part of what happens when that sense of trust is broken between a community and everything from the police department to the prosecutors and the judges and justice, is a sense that it becomes more dangerous in part because people aren't invested in it. on the other hand, that sense that people spontaneously need
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to be outside, to be with each other, to take in the right to be in a public space, to say we will be heard and marchly to do it in a way that is clearly and obviously peaceful. there is hope there in that there is a sense that people are not just retreating here but willing to engage. >> we're going to take a break. we are going to come back with some final thoughts from our panel. again, we are watching a developing situation in cities all across america. people reacting to this verdict. with my friends, we'll do almost anything.
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continuing coverage of the george zimmerman trial after a jury in sanford, florida, returned a verdict of not guilty. lisa bloom, joy-at-bat reid and melissa harris perry back with us. i'll sure we'll get a lot of analysis. jonathan capehart, a friend to all of us and frequently seen on msnbc turned something out very quickly. he said before all this happened, we have to remember that it was a fight to get charges against george zimmerman. that he said benjamin crump said to him, we can live with a jury verdict. this is what he wrote tonight. tonight we have to live with that verdict. that's our justice system. we don't have to like the jury's decision but we must respect it. and we are seeing the people out in the streets peacefully protesting. respecting that decision. but your final thoughts, lisa bloom, after covering this for so many hours? >> well, he's right. that's a good positive spin to put on it. let's be honest. this is not a good night for civil rights in america.
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this is not been a good month for civil rights in america. first the voting rights act was gutted. what i say to my children on days like this, our work is not done. we need you. we need more sick civic engagem. please help us. please join us in solving these problems that still remain. >> i suppose that is one of the messages to the young people. we need your help toorgs. >> i think it is great to see people not giving into despair. seeing people expressing their opinions. it gives me hopeful i think the other pieces that we have really seen the power of two thing. the gun lobby and stereo typing. when you combine those two things, it is absolutely deadly for our children no matter what neighborhood they're in. >> have we had enough -- how do we turn the conversation about racial profiling? because it did open up that conversation. >> it used to be a conversation about police racial profiling.
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i don't even know what to do with the fact we're about civilians racially profiling and civilians, as long as it expands to where you can carry and then expand the laws to not only carry but discharge a fire article and then not to go jail. you're going to encourage more carrying, morning use of the gun. encourage less restraint. you know that at least in states with strong powerful gun laws, you really have to way out if you discharge a fair article. all you have to do is make sure there is no one who witnessed it other than you. >> melissa harris perry, this conversation going on among civil rights leaders. reverend al sharpton, what do we do with this, how do we move forward. your closing thoughts will. >> lisa bloom made me smile. you may have heard me say my father who was in the civil rights movement, always signed my birthday cards, the struggle
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continues even when i was a little kid. i basically heard lisa bloom who could not be more different from my father in physical features than anyone i can imagine basically say what we need to say to our children is what my father always said to me. i appreciate that. we pick up the struggle continues. we're not done. the work isn't over. >> remarkably, that's pretty much what we heard from the family tonight. the family who in their grief, melissa, and again, we've said it so many times. you cannot even imagine what they must be feeling right now. want this and need this to go forward in a peaceful and productive 88. >> i'm sorry. i think that's right. i think the point is that these losses are part of the moving forward. and we can expect to lose more even as we move toward a bigger win eventually. >> my thanks to melissa harris
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perry, to joe-at-bat reid. melissa will be back at 10:00 tomorrow morning with the melissa harris-perry show. and stay tuned for more. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter... because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. [ male announcer ] some question physics. some question gravity. and some... even have the audacity to question improbability. with best-in-class towing
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