tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 17, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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saying, quote, the opinions of juror b-37 expressed on the "anderson cooper" show were her own and in no way representative of the jurors listed below. in florida's capitol, dozens are demonstrators are calling for a change. the governor rick scott said that would not happen. he says, quote, the task force recommended that the law should not be overturned and governor scott agrees. during a speech at the naacp's annual convention in orlando, attorney general eric holder blasted the laws saying they undermine the public safety. >> we must stand our ground to ensure that our laws reduce violence and take a hard look at
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laws that contribute to more violence than they prevent. >> former secretary of state hillary clinton brought up the verdict while speaking to an african-american sorority group yesterday acknowledging this week has brought deep, painful heartache to many across the country. >> no mother, no father should ever have to fear for their child walking down a street in the united states of america. >> and just moments ago on jansing and co, democratic congressman luis gutierrez says he wants a congressional investigation. >> joining me now is jamill buoy
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and paul. thank you both for being here this morning. >> thanks for having us. >> paul, i want to start with you. the stand your ground law began in florida in 2005 and dozens of states have some form of that. in her interview with cnn, that juror b-37 seemed to invoke stand your ground saying zimmerman had a right to defend himself even though stand your ground was not the defense used by zimmerman's legal team. how much do you think that concept played into the jurors' decisions? >> it sounded like it played a lot in her decision. the fact she used it as a reference point for outlining how she made her decisions and how the rest of the jurors made their decision, to me, is an indication she found it to be valuable and a justification for the behavior in that case and the reality of it is, i think, a lot of people, you know, there is an investigation going on right now with the stand your ground laws that the federal
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government is initiating an investigation. so i think it's going to be in the news for the next few months at the very least as we continue to examine what the effects are in different communities and how it works in all of these different states. i believe it's in 27 states right now. >> now, jamill, the juror we heard from said she thought trayvon martin was the aggressor. when it comes to the issue of self-defense, why didn't the prosecution make a defense about trayvon martin's case to defend hims? >> it was a hard case to make. the prosecution had to do two things. they had to throw a lot of doubt or even disprove zimmerman's account of what happened and -- >> i'm sorry, jamill. sorry to cut you off. but we have some developing news right now. president obama is speaking from the state room about the appointment, the confirmation yesterday of director cordray to the consumer protection bureau. let's listen in. >> for decades, the middle class
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in this country, was the engine that powered the economy and that allowed us to all grow together. hard work paid off. responsibility was rewarded. it was that basic bargain that made this country great, that no matter who are you, where you came from, you could make it if you put in enough blood, sweat, and tiers. but over time, a winner take all philosophy began to take hold and it delivered huge rewards to those at the very top, but left everybody else working harder and harder just to stay afloat. a lot of families took on her debt just to keep up. mortgages were sold that people really didn't understand and, in some cases, couldn't afford. financial sector was able to make huge bets with other people's money, and that strain of irresponsibility eventually came crashing down on all of us.
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now, i ran for president to restore that basic bargain. i ran because i believe our economy works best not from the top down, but from the middle out and from the bottom up where you've got a rising, thriving middle class and ladders of opportunity for everybody. so four years ago, even as we were working on restoring the economy and dealing with the immediate crisis, we also wanted to figure out how do we set new rules for the road to make sure that a few bad apples in the financial sector couldn't break the law or cheat consumers, or put the entire economy at risk? and i was fortunate, even when i was running for president, to have some friends like elizabeth warren who had already done a lot of academic work on this and, you know, had a whole series of ideas about how we might start making sure that consumers were treated better and, as a consequence, take some of the risk out of the system,
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and because of those conversations and that work, and because of some terrific efforts by other members in congress, we were able, for the first time in history, to get a consumer watchdog on the job to look out for the interests of everyday americans. and i am very proud to say that last night, rich cordray was finally confirmed by the united states senate to keep serving as america's consumer watchdog and as the director of a consumer financial protection bureau. so i'm very pleased. i first nominated rich for this position two years ago this week. he was eminently qualified.
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he had the support of democrats and republicans from across the country. a majority of state attorneys general from both parties. ri rich's former colleagues called on him to be confirmed. and for two years, republicans in the senate refused to give rich a simple yes or no vote. not because they didn't think he was the right person for the job, but because they didn't like the law that set up the consumer watchdog in the first place. but without a director in place, the cfpb would have been severely hampered and the cfpb wasn't able to give consumers the information they needed to make good and informed decisions. folks in the financial system who were doing the right thing didn't have much certainty or clear rules of the road. the fppb didn't have all of the tools it needed to protect consumers against mortgage
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brokers or credit reporting agencies or debt collectors who were taking advantage of ordinary americans. as a consequence last year, i took steps on my own to temporarily appoint richard so he could get to work on their behalf, and americans everywhere are better off because he did. and thanks to not only rich, but his terrific team. i know many are represented here. we have made real strides even despite the fact that the agency was hampered by the confirmation process and i would argue that part of the reason we were able to finally get rich confirmed today is because he has shown through his leadership and because of the very hard work that everybody at the cfpb has already done, that this is making a difference in the lives of the people. a positive difference. >> we are watching president
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obama speaking from the white house on the senate confirmation of richard cordray as director of the consumer financial protection bureau. at this time i'd like to turn back to our panel and our discussion on the george zimmerman acquittal. joining me is jamill buoy and paul henderson. jamill, you got cut off by the president's remarks. i want to go back. we saw the president talking about cordray's confirmation and heard him talk about immigration remt but one thing he has not spoken about publicly is the zimmerman verdict. it would be unusual for a president to comment on a specific case. he did issue a statement but do you think he needs to stay hors -- more on a case that has captured the nation's attention? >> i would like him to say more. i think he has the opportunity to say something unique and maybe voice the concern of many african-american parents in this country. owe the other end, he has done things like this. the summit in 2009 after the
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events at har harvard. his comments last year after the martin shooting where he said if i had a son, he would look like trayvon. the result of both of those things was were to politicized things that were necessarily partisan. accordingly he saw his standing with a segment of the public go down. so he didn't issue, you know, a statement that was as -- i guess as personal as the one he issued last year. but i understand why he didn't do that. he is trying to do a lot right now and inflaming partisan sentiment not intentionally just by being himself is not -- not something he wants to do and i get that. >> paul -- >> i also feel like he is talking through the administration through like the speech that we heard yesterday with eric holder. >> hold your thought. i want to get to that. we have a sound bite to holder i want to turn to. you got a little bit ahead of me. he did talk about stand your ground yesterday.
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he tied it to his own experience with his son so let's take a listen to what he had to say. >> yeah. >> trayvon's death last spring caused me to sit down to have a conversation with my own 15-year-old son. like my dad did with me. this was a father/son tradition i hoped would not need to be handed down. it is my responsibility, not to burden him with the baggage of eras long gone, but to make him aware of the world that he must still confront. >> paul, do you think that the administration has kind of dispatched holder to be the messenger in this case to conconvey some of their thoughts on what is taking place in the country? >> ill really do. i think it's difficult for a sitting president to make a comment on a case like this, because what is he going to say specifically about the ruling as it took place? the jury has spoken. we are a rule of law and he issued a statement talking about the process. and i think from his perspective, he believes in the system, as do i, and from time
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to time, when we have rulings like this, that people have visceral reactions about. it's almost inappropriate for him so that i he does not believe that jury or he does not think that should have been the outcome because that is the legal process. that is what the jury said. that decision is over. but i think it's perfectly appropriate for his administration to look at the bigger picture and examine issues like gun control laws, to examine issues like stand your ground laws and then to see how does that challenge the legal sms that we have in the united states and i believe that that is exactly what is going on. that is why eric holder made such an impassioned speech and talked about the changes that need to come and talked about the investigation that was going on as it relates to this case and that is the direction i think this case is going to go in. >> legal analyst paul henderson and jamill buoy with the american prospect. thanks for your time. four days after the verdict, trayvon martin's mother is
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making a statement on guns in america. her attorney benjamin crump tweeted this message. share a message from trayvon's marietta. we will define our son's legacy. we have a long way to go to make sure this happens to nobody else's child. joining me now is shannon watts, thanks for being here this morning. >> thank you. >> shannon, the front page of your website says we are all trayvon martin's mom. what information to you for sybrina fulton this morning? >> i can't imagine the grief she is going to but we have to imagine that in order to create action. we all support sybrina and support efforts to roll back the lax and lenient draws like stand your ground that are resulting the deaths of our children. in this country, one child or teen is killed every three hours and 15 minutes. and it's unacceptable.
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if anything else was killing our children at that rate, we would act. but because it's america and because it's guns, we are not acting and moms demand action for gun sense in america is going to change that. we have a hundred thousand members in this country in seven months and we have chapters across 40 states and we will be a force to be reckoned with. >> shannon watts, thank you for your time and respect your position on this issue. the future of the land mark voting rights act, congress takes it up for the first time since supreme court defeat. does the partisan divide in congress mean it's in real jeopardy? i'll pose that question and more to senator patrick leahy coming up next. also ahead, "rolling stone" getting heat for giving the surviving boston shooting suspect the attention on their cover. the question is did "rolling stone" go too far? head to thomas roberts facebook and twitter pages to weigh in.
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. for the first time since the supreme court struck down a key part of the voting rights act, congress will begin talks to address the impact of that controversial ruling. later today, the senate judiciary committee will hold a hearing, the first in a series of debates since the supreme court charged congress to determine a new preclearance formula. that hearing comes as the latest court battle in pennsylvania over its voter i.d. law is under way this week. joining me now is senator patrick leahy. thank you for being here this morning. >> good to be with you. thank you. >> senator, we have seen how partisan politics have played out in the last few years leading up to supreme court's ruling. since the ruling last month, five republican-led states
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covered under preclearance wasted no time moving forward with restrictive voter i.d. laws. do you think that today's climate signals the obstacles you'll face in watching come up with a new preclearance formula and what is your plan to work with republicans to get this done? >> i think what we saw what the states did is almost like the supreme court gave them a signal go ahead and restrict, discriminate, whatever you want. i mean, texas acted within two hours of supreme court's decision to make their voting far more restrictive. what i'm trying to do is form the same bipartisan coalition. we passed a voting rights act. we passed it with an overwhelming vote and democrats and republicans coming together and it was signed into law by a republican president. my witnesses this afternoon about have congressman john lewis and congressman jim sensen
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bruner. one a republican and one a diagram. what they are going to say, i believe this should not be a partisan issue. this is an issue where all americans, whether black, white, or whatever, should have the right to vote. it's not an issue in my state of vermont. we have huge voting turnout but with you do know it's an issue in a lot of states where, suddenly, voting places a change at the last minute and even elections have been canceled. that is not america and everybody should have right to vote. >> you mentioned senator sensenbruener and senator lewis are testifying. that sd that give you confidence something can get done and in a reasonable period of time? >> i think something can be done. we did this in the senate on immigration. we did it with violence against women act.
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we have a number of issues that republicans and democrats have come together. i hope we can do it again. we did it the last time. i think a lot of people said, look, it may or may not effect a voter turnout in my district or may state but the question is how do we get the people in the united states to vote. we are a diagram crassy we want to make sure everybody wants to vote can come and vote. >> all right. senator patrick leahy of vermont, thank you. i should note that congressman will be speaking today. >> they are both good friends of mine and i am looking forward to their testimony.
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>> we will watch that testimony closely. thank you for your time. still ahead the rock star treatment. boston bombing suspect tsarnaev on the cover of "rolling stone." did the magazine does ftoo far sf. liz cheney is challenging the incumbent challenge for senate in wyoming and fellow republicans aren't exactly lining up to support her.
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. "rolling stone," the iconic pop culture magazine that is putting rock stars oon famed celebrities on its decade is battle ago firestorm of controversy today and about this cover featuring accused boston bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev as looking like a rock star of a photo he previously posted him online. joining us to talk about this is
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toure. thanks for being here. >> a person who worked at "rolling stone" a long time. i know those people and i think i can imagine what they were thinking about. >> i want together backlash first. here are some of the comments on rolling stone's facebook page. >> i think it's wrong to make celebrities out of these people. i am ending my subscription. who is next? george zimmerman? now some are calling for a boycott of "rolling stone". as someone who used to work there, help us understand the logic a little bit. why put him on the cover? >> i don't mind this idea of being a jeff bowman on the cover and putting light on the victims. the people who you want to continue to think about, the victims. i think the journalistic move of let's explore the roots of evil and let's explore the person who is still alive whose life went so horribly wrong and try to understand why that happened and perhaps that is why we have this younger picture of like this
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person grew into the person who committed this atrocious act or allegedly committed this atrocious act. that is sort of the intellectual journey you're talking about that guy could have done this? >> let's talk about the photo they used. it's not he is just on the cover but a lot of people are taking issue of the photo. i want to show another magazine cover that people are comparing it to when jim morrison was on the cover. you can see similarities there. the point is that this guy is young. he's a good looking kid. it's kind of a sultry photo. so why use that particular photo? is that a problem? >> no. i mean, it does look a lot like the jim morrison cover. he looks like one of the old school rock stars here. but i think we are trying to get at there was an innocence to this person. they weren't always this sort of evil, right? this sort of wayne laprosecutor concept that people are good or
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bad is cockamamy. this guy had friends and he got along in america and was not pure evil. so the concept of the cover is like here is the beginning of the road. now how did we get -- the writer will take you how did we get to the end of the road. >> not to be cynical but does this sell magazines? a photo like this on the cover of the magazine? >> i don't know. i don't think people are looking at him and saying he is so pretty. that is a question for you. we were talking about before about aaron hernandez and people finding him attractive even after he is in chains. i don't know. i wonder. i'd be curious to see the numbers on this. are people still interested in the boston bomber to where they want to buy a magazine and read about his roots? or is this just ultimately a really good journalistic move that they got janet wrightman to dig in and figure out who he was and where he came from and let's talk about it. >> we will keep an eye on it. thank you for being here, toure. >> you don't want miss toure's
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unique perspective on the topics of today. that is coming up on weekdays on msnbc "the cycle" at 3:00 p.m. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. (girl) w(guy) dive shop.y? (girl) diving lessons. (guy) we should totally do that. (girl ) yeah, right. (guy) i wannna catch a falcon! (girl) we should do that. (guy) i caught a falcon. (guy) you could eat a bug. let's do that. (guy) you know you're eating a bug. (girl) because of the legs. (guy vo) we got a subaru to take us new places. (girl) yeah, it's a hot spring. (guy) we should do that. (guy vo) it did. (man) how's that feel? (guy) fine.
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mix and match your protection with the whole radiant collection. martin who was the last person to speak to him is giving more insight what she was feeling on the two days on the witness stand. she talked to the reverend al sharpton of msnbc about what she thought the defense's intent was when cross-examining her. >> to try to get me angry. to just show the jury, look at her, she is angry. she a friend. if she angry, you should imagine how trayvon is. >> you can see much more of this interview tonight on "politics nation" here on msnbc at 6:00 p.m. eastern. the zimmerman case, in talking about race, is president obama feeling the heat and the elephant in the room? why did some members of the
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hispanic media not ask him about the topic? victoria is a professor at the university of texas and msnbc contributor, corey dade is a contributing editor for "the root." and also with me is the editor of political wire. thank you for being here. i appreciate it. corey, let's start with you. in the wake of the zimmerman verdict, president obama issued a statement which really could be described as a consolation and call for calm. he didn't address the issue of race. as the nation's first black president, should he speak more to the racial divisions caused by this case? >> well, the president is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. that has been the issue with the president and race since he got into office. i think, you know, his response to the verdict isn't going to do anything to complicate his role in sort of the american sort of
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racial political debate because he is already in a catch 22 no matter what he does. i think he is really going to be judged, more than anything else, based on what the justice department decide to do regarding whether to file civil rights charges against zimmerman for shooting death of trayvon martin. >> uni vision and telemundo had interviews with the president yesterday and shockingly did not ask the president about this. why did they leave that out? does that say anything about the latino's views in this case? >> i'm not surprised they left it out. when we talk about them, we are talking about an immigrant population, mainly spanish dominant. so immigration is the biggest issue for this population, especially because about 50% to 60% of these immigrant folks are most likely undocumented. even though in the mainstream media immigration is a back seat
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it is front and center for nems. people. on a larger issue the issue of race in america is complex to comprehend as those who have been born and raised here but for folks who are immigrant and who don't have the historical context and background of rodney king and jim crow and slavery, it's very difficult to navigate and you add in the zimmerman being hispanic into the mix and it just makes it incredibly complex issue to touch and i think that is why we saw uni vision and telemundo step away from it for those two reasons. >> obama has played much less on a public role in grim yags immi this term than his first. why has he not been more visible? >> nch is a difference what happened in 2008 during the campaign. when he rescued his campaign from really political near death after the reverend jeremiah
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wright became an issue, he gave a fantastic and inspiring speech in philadelphia where he did talk about race and he talked directly about it. now, though, as president, five years later, he finds sometimes that when he talks, the opposition galvanizes it's right now it's about his agenda and his agenda is important to him. issues like immigration and health care the types of things he needs to deal with, when he comments on these issues, sometimes it galvanizesed opposition against him and sometimes while being active in the white house, he needs to stay hidden from the controversy. >> victoria, let's turn to liz cheney, former vice president's dick cheney's daughter, says she is challenging michael enzi in w the primary in wyoming next year. what do you think about this? >> to me it brings back the pink elephant movement where we saw
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republican with h republican women come to the forefront p.m. i'm accuser to see -- i'm curious to see if she is able to galvanize the pink elephants and she is not new to this. we saw in 2004 and in 2000 with her father's campaign, she headed up the "w" stands for women movement within the bush campaign. i'm very curious to see what she did going forward and what republican and conservative women do going forward with her election. >> corey, let's listen to what senator enzi had to say about this new development when asked about it by reporters. >> west she sashe said if i ran going to run so ouble that isn't correct. >> what is your relationship with her? >> i thought we were friend. >> i thought we were friends. how personal could this get, corey? >> it could get very personal. i think the senator is a little
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bit surprised. he talked to liz cheney and liz told him she was considering a run. when she moved back to wyoming last fall it sent off a buzz off the republican establishment in that state. enzi may be vulnerable. he is popular but he is having problems raising money and, of course, we have seen these situations in previous election cycles where moderate coalition they get primary so that could happen here. >> we have seen a lit of a generation gop split in congress. is this shaping up to be a generational fight between a republican who represents the old guard and a new, fresh face? >> i think what is what liz cheney hopes it will be. in the end the only reason for liz cheney getting into this race is she wants to be a u.s. senator. this is really not an id
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ideological fight. this is about she wanting to be a u.s. senator and the the easiest way she thinks she can get remain. >> you have the last word on that. thank you all for being with us. >> thank you. a judge brings a temporary halt to a sweeping abortion law in wisconsin and we will talk about that coming up next. don't forget to weigh in on today's big question. boston bombing suspect cover photo. did "rolling stone" go too far? go to thomas roberts' facebook and twitter pages to share your thoughts. beverage company, we can play an important role. that includes continually providing more options. giving people easy ways to help make informed choices. and offering portion controlled versions of our most popular drinks. it also means working with our industry
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♪ [ male announcer ] some things are designed to draw crowds. ♪ ♪ others are designed to leave them behind. ♪ the all-new 2014 lexus is. it's your move. another day. another battle between state legislators and advocates for women's health care in wisconsin today. the judge will consider fast track legislation signed by scott walker, the republican governor, in early june. it provides abortion providers have admitting privileges at
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nearby hospitals. the bill was enacted in 24 34 d. it temporary restraining order was issued last week. the judge found a drubltroublink of justification and today's -- joining me now is tonya atkinson executive director of planned parenthood advocates of wisconsin. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> under sb 206 two abortion clinics shut down completely and remaining reduced to 50% capacity. in his opinion the judge comment on the difficulty of traveling northern wisconsin's roads. how severely will this impact women in wisconsin? >> this will have a huge impact to women in wisconsin and as the judge commented, we have women who are traveling, you know, upwards of six to ten hours to receive access to care and to
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shut down two of the four remaining centers and greatly reduce the capacity at the other two will really have indelible impact. it's a time sensitive procedure so these barriers and delays pose a risk to women's health and lives. >> wisconsin had already some of the most stringent laws in wisconsin when the governor came into office. what effects do these measures have on access to health care beyond abortion? >> right. i think that is a really important point to make is that since governor walker has taken office, we have seen reduction in access to health care. we were defunded which caused us to close four of our family planning centers, but it's not just about planned parenthood. the most recent state budget, about a hundred thousand people will lose access to our medicaid program which we call badger
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care. when you look at everything in its entirety, it's a really, really tough place to be, you know, a woman right now, because we are seeing more and more restrictions to even the most bas basic birth control. the health centers we closed provided these services. so really basic health care is at risk in wisconsin. >> all right. tonya atkinson, executive director of planned parenthood advocates in wisconsin, thank you for joining me this morning. >> thank you. >> it's hot outside. but not as hot as the seat samantha power is sitting in. it's time for a sidebar. a hearing is under way in the senate to power president obama's foreign policy adviser. marco rubio didn't hold back on his grilling over powers
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controversial over involvement in rwanda. >> which ones did the united states commit or sponsor thaw were referring to? >> i think this is the greatest country on earth, sir. we have nothing to apologize for. >> okay. so you don't have any in mind now that we have committed or sponsored? >> i will stand proudly if confirmed behind the u.s. placard. >> i understand. but do you believe the united states is committed or sponsored crimes? >> i believe the united states is the greatest country on earth, i really do. >> there you go. some former military leaders, national security officials, and skirveive political groups have been pushing senators to reject her nomination. also today on capitol hill, the house will vote today to delay for one year. both the individual and employer health care mandates that were a part of the affordable care act. the bills come after the obama administration decided to delay the employer mandate by a year,
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citing issues with implementation. a new quinnipiac poll shows the scandal hitting bob mcdonald has taken a blow. per the poll the embattled governor's approval is down to 46% after topping 50% earlier this year and only 16% of virginia voters believe mcdonald should resign. eric snowden in rub sha senator lindsey graham is suggesting a drastic step. >> i love the olympics but i hate what the russian government is doing throughout the world. i don't know if putting the olympics on the table is the right answer, but i do know this, what we are doing is not working.
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rock star inappropriate and offensive. ryan holmes weighed in, this is sick. all those poor victims. freedom is speech is great. canceling my subscription is better. keep the comments coming on twitter or facebook. across the pond same-sex marriage is now legal in britain. queen elizabeth ii officially gave her royal approval. her approval was the final step after a bill passed parliament yesterday. on this side of the atlantic, a battle is being fought in the states. after they ruled to strike down the defense of marriage act and allow same-sex marriages to resume in california, new lawsuits are being filed against states with bans, including one in pennsylvania where the aclu is suing on behalf of 23 plaintiffs. pennsylvania's attorney general kathleen cane, a democrat, said she won't defend the ban which she calls wholly
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unconstitutional. joining me is james essex. he filed the challenge in pennsylvania. thank you for being here. >> great to be here. >> what is the pennsylvania's attorney general position on same-sex marriage telling you about the impact this could have on your lawsuit? >> well, to make one thing clear, so she's said she's not going to defend the constitution at on pennsylvania's ban on marriage for gay people. she is enforcing the law. until the court has the final word, same-sex couples won't be able to hamarry. eric holder didn't defend the defense of marriage act for many reasons. the attorney general in california did the same thing and in illinois did the same thing. the list goes on. what we're seeing is not just increasing support by the people for the freedom to marry but also increasing recognition by
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the attorneys general of the states that these laws can't being defended. >> you mentioned increasing support from the public. the aclu is moving forward in lawsuits in states like north carolina and virginia with more on the way from new jersey to hawaii. how much is this about momentum? >> it is definitely a cents of momentum. just last november we were at six states plus the district of columbia that allowed same-sex couples the freedom to marry. now we're at 13 states. those changes happened at the ballot box last november where we got three more states. in state legislatures this spring where we got three more states and then in the court a couple weeks ago when the supreme court allowed the provente decision to stand for same-sex couples in california. as we're getting more states we're seeing an increase in public opinion. 58% of the united states
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supports that. >> on the other side, there are far more states that have a restriction on same-sex marriage. how do you plan to counter that side of things? >> part of the plan is litigation. the bigger part of the plan is we're going to state legislatures around the country. the targets are new jersey, illinois, hawaii where we think we have very good chances of freedom to marry bills in the state legislatures. then there are a bunch of state constitutions to exclude them and we'll go to voters in oregon and hopefully nevada as twoel ask them to amend the constitution. >> the voters and some states have taken it. which do you think in terms of your fight and your goals, which do you think is the most effective strategy to take? >> i think we need all the strategies. the legislatures have a role. the people have a role. we have to go and change the constitutions. the courts have a role there.
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the courts are there to enforce the constitution. the constitution is there. it's a promise to our self to the country about what equality meanings. the constitution is there to live up to the principles that we've agreed to. so we definitely need to work in the legislatures and ballot campaigns. >> james essex, thank you for your time, sir. >> thanks a lot. well, that wraps things up for me. craig melvin will be here tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern. "now" with alex wagner is coming up next. >> hey, mara. we are live in washington with a look at the state of immigration or more specifically the state of president obama's second term agenda. we'll talk pathways and potential thoughts. you heard that correctly. potential thaws with michael steel, e.j. dionne, a.j. lowrie and michael cher ra. plus, the guardian's glenn greenwald joins me to discuss the snowden effect and the next port of call, and behind every
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dark cable antihero is another complicated and powerful man. we'll ask gq's brett mernon. all of that when "now" starts right after this. r choice for h, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. [ all ] who's new in the fridge! i help support bones... [ ding! ] ...the immune system... [ ding! ] ...heart health... [ ding! ] ...and muscles. [ ding! ] that can only be ensure complete! [ female announcer ] the four-in-one nutrition of ensure complete. a simple choice to help you eat right. [ major nutrition ] nutrition in charge. what makes a sleep number store different?
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and some superheroes need complete and balanced meals with 23 vitamins and minerals. purina dog chow. help keep him strong. dog chow strong. immigration reform is dead. long live immigration reform. it's wednesday, july 17th and this is is now live in washington. after months of mostly keeping quiet president obama is now jumping into the debate of over immigration reform. in an interview with telemundo he spoke about it. >> there's a tendency to put up a hard start until the end and
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if you have eaten your desert before you've eaten your meal, at least with my children, sometimes they don't end up eating their vegetables so we need to, i think, do this with a complete package. >> as the president presses his case for a balanced meal, the senate is also launching its own version of a vegetable offensive. the huffington post reports that the senate gang of 8 is targeting 121 house republicans and speaking to business, agriculture, faith and conservative groups to dial up the pressure. this morning speaker john boehner seemed to welcome those efforts saying that younger members of his caucus seemed to be educated on immigration issues? >> when you look at this, 2/3 of the house members, at least 2/3 of the members have never dealt with this issue. the more information that we have for our members, the better we're going to be able to facilitate dealing with a very thorny issue. >> one of the names on the
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